
737 lines
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// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { CoreSites } from '@services/sites';
import {
} from './calendar';
import { CoreConfig } from '@services/config';
import { CoreUtils } from '@services/utils/utils';
import { CoreCourse } from '@features/course/services/course';
import { ContextLevel, CoreConstants } from '@/core/constants';
import moment from 'moment';
import { makeSingleton } from '@singletons';
import { AddonCalendarSyncInvalidateEvent } from './calendar-sync';
import { AddonCalendarOfflineEventDBRecord } from './database/calendar-offline';
import { CoreCategoryData } from '@features/courses/services/courses';
* Context levels enumeration.
export enum AddonCalendarEventIcons {
SITE = 'fas-globe',
CATEGORY = 'fas-cubes',
COURSE = 'fas-graduation-cap',
GROUP = 'fas-users',
USER = 'fas-user',
* Service that provides some features regarding lists of courses and categories.
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class AddonCalendarHelperProvider {
protected eventTypeIcons: string[] = [];
* Returns event icon based on event type.
* @param eventType Type of the event.
* @return Event icon.
getEventIcon(eventType: AddonCalendarEventType): string {
if (this.eventTypeIcons.length == 0) {
CoreUtils.enumKeys(AddonCalendarEventType).forEach((name) => {
const value = AddonCalendarEventType[name];
this.eventTypeIcons[value] = AddonCalendarEventIcons[name];
return this.eventTypeIcons[eventType] || '';
* Calculate some day data based on a list of events for that day.
* @param day Day.
* @param events Events.
calculateDayData(day: AddonCalendarWeekDay, events: AddonCalendarEventToDisplay[]): void {
day.hasevents = events.length > 0;
day.haslastdayofevent = false;
const types = {};
events.forEach((event) => {
types[event.formattedType || event.eventtype] = true;
if (event.islastday) {
day.haslastdayofevent = true;
day.calendareventtypes = Object.keys(types) as AddonCalendarEventType[];
* Check if current user can create/edit events.
* @param courseId Course ID. If not defined, site calendar.
* @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return Promise resolved with boolean: whether the user can create events.
async canEditEvents(courseId?: number, siteId?: string): Promise<boolean> {
try {
const canEdit = await AddonCalendar.canEditEvents(siteId);
if (!canEdit) {
return false;
const types = await AddonCalendar.getAllowedEventTypes(courseId, siteId);
return Object.keys(types).length > 0;
} catch {
return false;
* Classify events into their respective months and days. If an event duration covers more than one day,
* it will be included in all the days it lasts.
* @param events Events to classify.
* @return Object with the classified events.
offlineEvents: AddonCalendarOfflineEventDBRecord[],
): { [monthId: string]: { [day: number]: AddonCalendarEventToDisplay[] } } {
// Format data.
const events: AddonCalendarEventToDisplay[] = offlineEvents.map((event) =>
const result = {};
events.forEach((event) => {
const treatedDay = moment(new Date(event.timestart * 1000));
const endDay = moment(new Date((event.timestart + event.timeduration) * 1000));
// Add the event to all the days it lasts.
while (!treatedDay.isAfter(endDay, 'day')) {
const monthId = this.getMonthId(treatedDay.year(), treatedDay.month() + 1);
const day = treatedDay.date();
if (!result[monthId]) {
result[monthId] = {};
if (!result[monthId][day]) {
result[monthId][day] = [];
treatedDay.add(1, 'day'); // Treat next day.
return result;
* Convenience function to format some event data to be rendered.
* @param event Event to format.
formatEventData(event: AddonCalendarEvent | AddonCalendarEventBase | AddonCalendarGetEventsEvent): AddonCalendarEventToDisplay {
const eventFormatted: AddonCalendarEventToDisplay = {
id: event.id!,
name: event.name,
eventtype: event.eventtype,
categoryid: event.categoryid,
groupid: event.groupid,
description: event.description,
location: 'location' in event? event.location : undefined,
timestart: event.timestart,
timeduration: event.timeduration,
eventcount: 'eventcount' in event? event.eventcount || 0 : 0,
repeatid: event.repeatid || 0,
// repeateditall: event.repeateditall,
userid: event.userid,
timemodified: event.timemodified,
eventIcon: this.getEventIcon(event.eventtype),
formattedType: AddonCalendar.getEventType(event),
modulename: event.modulename,
format: 1,
visible: 1,
offline: false,
if (event.modulename) {
eventFormatted.eventIcon = CoreCourse.getModuleIconSrc(event.modulename);
eventFormatted.moduleIcon = eventFormatted.eventIcon;
eventFormatted.iconTitle = CoreCourse.translateModuleName(event.modulename);
eventFormatted.formattedType = AddonCalendar.getEventType(event);
// Calculate context.
if ('course' in event) {
eventFormatted.courseid = event.course?.id;
} else if ('courseid' in event) {
eventFormatted.courseid = event.courseid;
// Calculate context.
if ('category' in event) {
eventFormatted.categoryid = event.category?.id;
} else if ('categoryid' in event) {
eventFormatted.categoryid = event.categoryid;
if ('canedit' in event) {
eventFormatted.canedit = event.canedit;
if ('candelete' in event) {
eventFormatted.candelete = event.candelete;
this.formatEventContext(eventFormatted, eventFormatted.courseid, eventFormatted.categoryid);
return eventFormatted;
* Convenience function to format some event data to be rendered.
* @param e Event to format.
formatOfflineEventData(event: AddonCalendarOfflineEventDBRecord): AddonCalendarEventToDisplay {
const eventFormatted: AddonCalendarEventToDisplay = {
id: event.id!,
name: event.name,
timestart: event.timestart,
eventtype: event.eventtype,
categoryid: event.categoryid,
courseid: event.courseid || event.groupcourseid,
groupid: event.groupid,
description: event.description,
location: event.location,
duration: event.duration,
timedurationuntil: event.timedurationuntil,
timedurationminutes: event.timedurationminutes,
// repeat: event.repeat,
eventcount: event.repeats || 0,
repeatid: event.repeatid || 0,
// repeateditall: event.repeateditall,
userid: event.userid,
timemodified: event.timecreated || 0,
eventIcon: this.getEventIcon(event.eventtype),
formattedType: event.eventtype,
format: 1,
visible: 1,
offline: true,
timeduration: 0,
// Calculate context.
const categoryId = event.categoryid;
const courseId = event.courseid || event.groupcourseid;
this.formatEventContext(eventFormatted, courseId, categoryId);
if (eventFormatted.duration == 1) {
eventFormatted.timeduration = (event.timedurationuntil || 0) - event.timestart;
} else if (eventFormatted.duration == 2) {
eventFormatted.timeduration = (event.timedurationminutes || 0) * CoreConstants.SECONDS_MINUTE;
} else {
eventFormatted.timeduration = 0;
return eventFormatted;
* Modifies event data with the context information.
* @param eventFormatted Event formatted to be displayed.
* @param courseId Course Id if any.
* @param categoryId Category Id if any.
protected formatEventContext(eventFormatted: AddonCalendarEventToDisplay, courseId?: number, categoryId?: number): void {
if (categoryId && categoryId > 0) {
eventFormatted.contextLevel = ContextLevel.COURSECAT;
eventFormatted.contextInstanceId = categoryId;
} else if (courseId && courseId > 0) {
eventFormatted.contextLevel = ContextLevel.COURSE;
eventFormatted.contextInstanceId = courseId;
} else {
eventFormatted.contextLevel = ContextLevel.USER;
eventFormatted.contextInstanceId = eventFormatted.userid;
* Get options (name & value) for each allowed event type.
* @param eventTypes Result of getAllowedEventTypes.
* @return Options.
getEventTypeOptions(eventTypes: {[name: string]: boolean}): AddonCalendarEventTypeOption[] {
const options: AddonCalendarEventTypeOption[] = [];
if (eventTypes.user) {
options.push({ name: 'core.user', value: AddonCalendarEventType.USER });
if (eventTypes.group) {
options.push({ name: 'core.group', value: AddonCalendarEventType.GROUP });
if (eventTypes.course) {
options.push({ name: 'core.course', value: AddonCalendarEventType.COURSE });
if (eventTypes.category) {
options.push({ name: 'core.category', value: AddonCalendarEventType.CATEGORY });
if (eventTypes.site) {
options.push({ name: 'core.site', value: AddonCalendarEventType.SITE });
return options;
* Get the month "id" (year + month).
* @param year Year.
* @param month Month.
* @return The "id".
getMonthId(year: number, month: number): string {
return year + '#' + month;
* Get weeks of a month in offline (with no events).
* The result has the same structure than getMonthlyEvents, but it only contains fields that are actually used by the app.
* @param year Year to get.
* @param month Month to get.
* @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return Promise resolved with the response.
async getOfflineMonthWeeks(
year: number,
month: number,
siteId?: string,
): Promise<{ daynames: Partial<AddonCalendarDayName>[]; weeks: Partial<AddonCalendarWeek>[] }> {
const site = await CoreSites.getSite(siteId);
// Get starting week day user preference, fallback to site configuration.
let startWeekDayStr = site.getStoredConfig('calendar_startwday');
startWeekDayStr = await CoreConfig.get(AddonCalendarProvider.STARTING_WEEK_DAY, startWeekDayStr);
const startWeekDay = parseInt(startWeekDayStr, 10);
const today = moment();
const isCurrentMonth = today.year() == year && today.month() == month - 1;
const weeks: Partial<AddonCalendarWeek>[] = [];
let date = moment({ year, month: month - 1, date: 1 });
for (let mday = 1; mday <= date.daysInMonth(); mday++) {
date = moment({ year, month: month - 1, date: mday });
// Add new week and calculate prepadding.
if (!weeks.length || date.day() == startWeekDay) {
const prepaddingLength = (date.day() - startWeekDay + 7) % 7;
const prepadding: number[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < prepaddingLength; i++) {
weeks.push({ prepadding, postpadding: [], days: [] });
// Calculate postpadding of last week.
if (mday == date.daysInMonth()) {
const postpaddingLength = (startWeekDay - date.day() + 6) % 7;
const postpadding: number[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < postpaddingLength; i++) {
weeks[weeks.length - 1].postpadding = postpadding;
// Add day to current week.
weeks[weeks.length - 1].days!.push({
events: [],
hasevents: false,
mday: date.date(),
isweekend: date.day() == 0 || date.day() == 6,
istoday: isCurrentMonth && today.date() == date.date(),
calendareventtypes: [],
// Added to match the type. And possibly unused.
popovertitle: '',
ispast: today.date() > date.date(),
seconds: date.seconds(),
minutes: date.minutes(),
hours: date.hours(),
wday: date.weekday(),
year: year,
yday: date.dayOfYear(),
timestamp: date.date(),
haslastdayofevent: false,
neweventtimestamp: 0,
previousperiod: 0, // Previousperiod.
nextperiod: 0, // Nextperiod.
navigation: '', // Navigation.
return { weeks, daynames: [{ dayno: startWeekDay }] };
* Check if the data of an event has changed.
* @param data Current data.
* @param original Original data.
* @return True if data has changed, false otherwise.
hasEventDataChanged(data: AddonCalendarOfflineEventDBRecord, original?: AddonCalendarOfflineEventDBRecord): boolean {
if (!original) {
// There is no original data, assume it hasn't changed.
return false;
// Check the fields that don't depend on any other.
if (data.name != original.name || data.timestart != original.timestart || data.eventtype != original.eventtype ||
data.description != original.description || data.location != original.location ||
data.duration != original.duration || data.repeat != original.repeat) {
return true;
// Check data that depends on eventtype.
if ((data.eventtype == AddonCalendarEventType.CATEGORY && data.categoryid != original.categoryid) ||
(data.eventtype == AddonCalendarEventType.COURSE && data.courseid != original.courseid) ||
(data.eventtype == AddonCalendarEventType.GROUP && data.groupcourseid != original.groupcourseid &&
data.groupid != original.groupid)) {
return true;
// Check data that depends on duration.
if ((data.duration == 1 && data.timedurationuntil != original.timedurationuntil) ||
(data.duration == 2 && data.timedurationminutes != original.timedurationminutes)) {
return true;
if (data.repeat && data.repeats != original.repeats) {
return true;
return false;
* Filter events to be shown on the events list.
* @param events Events without filtering.
* @param filter Filter from popover.
* @param categories Categories indexed by ID.
* @return Filtered events.
events: AddonCalendarEventToDisplay[],
filter: AddonCalendarFilter,
categories: { [id: number]: CoreCategoryData },
): AddonCalendarEventToDisplay[] {
// Do not filter.
if (!filter.filtered) {
return events;
const courseId = filter.courseId ? Number(filter.courseId) : undefined;
if (!courseId || courseId < 0) {
// Filter only by type.
return events.filter((event) => filter[event.formattedType]);
const categoryId = filter.categoryId ? Number(filter.categoryId) : undefined;
return events.filter((event) => filter[event.formattedType] &&
this.shouldDisplayEvent(event, categories, courseId, categoryId));
* Check if an event should be displayed based on the filter.
* @param event Event object.
* @param courseId Course ID to filter.
* @param categoryId Category ID the course belongs to.
* @param categories Categories indexed by ID.
* @return Whether it should be displayed.
protected shouldDisplayEvent(
event: AddonCalendarEventToDisplay,
categories: { [id: number]: CoreCategoryData },
courseId: number,
categoryId?: number,
): boolean {
if (event.eventtype == 'user' || event.eventtype == 'site') {
// User or site event, display it.
return true;
if (event.eventtype == 'category' && categories) {
if (!event.categoryid || !Object.keys(categories).length) {
// We can't tell if the course belongs to the category, display them all.
return true;
if (event.categoryid == categoryId) {
// The event is in the same category as the course, display it.
return true;
// Check parent categories.
let category = categories[categoryId!];
while (category) {
if (!category.parent) {
// Category doesn't have parent, stop.
if (event.categoryid == category.parent) {
return true;
category = categories[category.parent];
return false;
const eventCourse = (event.course && event.course.id) || event.courseid;
// Show the event if it is from site home or if it matches the selected course.
return !!eventCourse && (eventCourse == CoreSites.getCurrentSiteHomeId() || eventCourse == courseId);
* Refresh the month & day for several created/edited/deleted events, and invalidate the months & days
* for their repeated events if needed.
* @param events Events that have been touched and number of times each event is repeated.
* @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return Resolved when done.
async refreshAfterChangeEvents(events: AddonCalendarSyncInvalidateEvent[], siteId?: string): Promise<void> {
const site = await CoreSites.getSite(siteId);
const fetchTimestarts: number[] = [];
const invalidateTimestarts: number[] = [];
let promises: Promise<unknown>[] = [];
// Always fetch upcoming events.
promises.push(AddonCalendar.getUpcomingEvents(undefined, undefined, true, site.id));
promises = promises.concat(events.map(async (eventData) => {
if (eventData.repeated <= 1) {
// Not repeated.
return AddonCalendar.invalidateEvent(eventData.id);
if (eventData.repeatid) {
// Being edited or deleted.
// We need to calculate the days to invalidate because the event date could have changed.
// We don't know if the repeated events are before or after this one, invalidate them all.
for (let i = 1; i < eventData.repeated; i++) {
invalidateTimestarts.push(eventData.timestart + CoreConstants.SECONDS_DAY * 7 * i);
invalidateTimestarts.push(eventData.timestart - CoreConstants.SECONDS_DAY * 7 * i);
// Get the repeated events to invalidate them.
const repeatedEvents =
await AddonCalendar.getLocalEventsByRepeatIdFromLocalDb(eventData.repeatid, site.id);
await CoreUtils.allPromises(repeatedEvents.map((event) =>
// Being added.
let time = eventData.timestart;
while (eventData.repeated > 1) {
time += CoreConstants.SECONDS_DAY * 7;
try {
await CoreUtils.allPromisesIgnoringErrors(promises);
} finally {
const treatedMonths = {};
const treatedDays = {};
const finalPromises: Promise<unknown>[] =[AddonCalendar.invalidateAllUpcomingEvents()];
// Fetch months and days.
fetchTimestarts.map((fetchTime) => {
const day = moment(new Date(fetchTime * 1000));
const monthId = this.getMonthId(day.year(), day.month() + 1);
if (!treatedMonths[monthId]) {
// Month not refetch or invalidated already, do it now.
treatedMonths[monthId] = true;
day.month() + 1,
const dayId = monthId + '#' + day.date();
if (!treatedDays[dayId]) {
// Dat not refetch or invalidated already, do it now.
treatedDays[dayId] = true;
day.month() + 1,
// Invalidate months and days.
invalidateTimestarts.map((fetchTime) => {
const day = moment(new Date(fetchTime * 1000));
const monthId = this.getMonthId(day.year(), day.month() + 1);
if (!treatedMonths[monthId]) {
// Month not refetch or invalidated already, do it now.
treatedMonths[monthId] = true;
finalPromises.push(AddonCalendar.invalidateMonthlyEvents(day.year(), day.month() + 1, site.id));
const dayId = monthId + '#' + day.date();
if (!treatedDays[dayId]) {
// Dat not refetch or invalidated already, do it now.
treatedDays[dayId] = true;
day.month() + 1,
await CoreUtils.allPromisesIgnoringErrors(finalPromises);
* Refresh the month & day for a created/edited/deleted event, and invalidate the months & days
* for their repeated events if needed.
* @param event Event that has been touched.
* @param repeated Number of times the event is repeated.
* @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return Resolved when done.
event: {
id?: number;
repeatid?: number;
timestart: number;
repeated: number,
siteId?: string,
): Promise<void> {
return this.refreshAfterChangeEvents(
id: event.id!,
repeatid: event.repeatid,
timestart: event.timestart,
repeated: repeated,
* Sort events by timestart.
* @param events List to sort.
sortEvents(events: (AddonCalendarEventToDisplay)[]): (AddonCalendarEventToDisplay)[] {
return events.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.timestart == b.timestart) {
return a.timeduration - b.timeduration;
return a.timestart - b.timestart;
export const AddonCalendarHelper = makeSingleton(AddonCalendarHelperProvider);
* Calculated data for Calendar filtering.
export type AddonCalendarFilter = {
filtered: boolean; // If filter enabled (some filters applied).
courseId: number | undefined; // Course Id to filter.
categoryId?: number; // Category Id to filter.
course: boolean; // Filter to show course events.
group: boolean; // Filter to show group events.
site: boolean; // Filter to show show site events.
user: boolean; // Filter to show user events.
category: boolean; // Filter to show category events.
export type AddonCalendarEventTypeOption = {
name: string;
value: AddonCalendarEventType;