162 lines
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162 lines
5.2 KiB
* Imported ionic string functions for SCSS
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Extracted from
* https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-framework/blob/master/core/src/themes/ionic.functions.string.scss
// String Utility Functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// String Replace Function
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@function str-replace($string, $search, $replace: "") {
$index: str-index($string, $search);
@if $index {
@return str-slice($string, 1, $index - 1) + $replace + str-replace(str-slice($string, $index + str-length($search)), $search, $replace);
@return $string;
// String Split Function
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@function str-split($string, $separator) {
// empty array/list
$split-arr: ();
// first index of separator in string
$index: str-index($string, $separator);
// loop through string
@while $index != null {
// get the substring from the first character to the separator
$item: str-slice($string, 1, $index - 1);
// push item to array
$split-arr: append($split-arr, $item);
// remove item and separator from string
$string: str-slice($string, $index + 1);
// find new index of separator
$index: str-index($string, $separator);
// add the remaining string to list (the last item)
$split-arr: append($split-arr, $string);
@return $split-arr;
// String Extract Function
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@function str-extract($string, $start, $end) {
$start-index: str-index($string, $start);
@if $start-index {
$post: str-slice($string, $start-index + str-length($start));
$end-index: str-index($post, $end);
@if $end-index {
@return str-slice($post, 1, $end-index - 1);
@return null;
// String Contains Function
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@function str-contains($string, $needle) {
@if (type-of($string) == string) {
@return str-index($string, $needle) != null;
@return false;
// URL Encode Function
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@function url-encode($val) {
$spaces: str-replace($val, " ", "%20");
$encoded: str-replace($spaces, "#", "%23");
@return $encoded;
// Add Root Selector
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds a root selector using host-context based on the selector passed
// Examples
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @include add-root-selector("[dir=rtl]", ":host")
// --> :host-context([dir=rtl])
// @include add-root-selector("[dir=rtl]", ":host(.fixed)")
// --> :host-context([dir=rtl]):host(.fixed)
// --> :host-context([dir=rtl]).fixed
// @include add-root-selector("[dir=rtl]", ":host(.tab-layout-icon-hide) ::slotted(ion-badge)")
// --> :host-context([dir=rtl]).tab-layout-icon-hide ::slotted(ion-badge)
// @include add-root-selector("[dir=rtl]", ".shadow")
// --> [dir=rtl] .shadow
// --> :host-context([dir=rtl]) .shadow
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@function add-root-selector($root, $addHostSelector) {
$selectors: str-split($root, ",");
$list: ();
@each $selector in $selectors {
// If the selector contains :host( it means it is targeting a class on the host
// element so we need to change how we target it
@if str-contains($selector, ":host(") {
$shadow-element: str-replace($selector, ":host(", ":host-context(#{$addHostSelector}):host(");
$list: append($list, $shadow-element, comma);
$new-element: ();
$elements: str-split($selector, " ");
@each $element in $elements {
@if str-contains($element, ":host(") {
$scoped-element: $element;
@if str-contains($element, "))") {
$scoped-element: str-replace($scoped-element, "))", ")");
} @else {
$scoped-element: str-replace($scoped-element, ")", "");
$scoped-element: str-replace($scoped-element, ":host(", ":host-context(#{$addHostSelector})");
$new-element: append($new-element, $scoped-element, space);
} @else {
$new-element: append($new-element, $element, space);
$list: append($list, $new-element, comma);
// If the selector contains :host it means it is targeting just the host
// element so we can change it to look for host-context
} @else if str-contains($selector, ":host") {
$shadow-element: str-replace($selector, ":host", ":host-context(#{$addHostSelector})");
$list: append($list, $shadow-element, comma);
// If the selector does not contain host at all it is either a shadow
// or normal element so append both the dir check and host-context
} @else {
$list: append($list, "#{$addHostSelector} #{$selector}", comma);
$list: append($list, ":host-context(#{$addHostSelector}) #{$selector}", comma);
@return $list;