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// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';
import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
import { CoreDomUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/dom';
import { CoreTextUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/text';
import { CoreTimeUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/time';
import { AddonModLessonProvider } from './lesson';
* Helper service that provides some features for quiz.
export class AddonModLessonHelperProvider {
constructor(private domUtils: CoreDomUtilsProvider, private fb: FormBuilder, private translate: TranslateService,
private textUtils: CoreTextUtilsProvider, private timeUtils: CoreTimeUtilsProvider) { }
* Given the HTML of next activity link, format it to extract the href and the text.
* @param {string} activityLink HTML of the activity link.
* @return {{formatted: boolean, label: string, href: string}} Formatted data.
formatActivityLink(activityLink: string): {formatted: boolean, label: string, href: string} {
const element = this.domUtils.convertToElement(activityLink),
anchor = element.querySelector('a');
if (!anchor) {
// Anchor not found, return the original HTML.
return {
formatted: false,
label: activityLink,
href: ''
return {
formatted: true,
label: anchor.innerHTML,
href: anchor.href
* Given the HTML of an answer from a content page, extract the data to render the answer.
* @param {String} html Answer's HTML.
* @return {{buttonText: string, content: string}} Data to render the answer.
getContentPageAnswerDataFromHtml(html: string): {buttonText: string, content: string} {
const data = {
buttonText: '',
content: ''
element = this.domUtils.convertToElement(html);
// Search the input button.
const button = <HTMLInputElement> element.querySelector('input[type="button"]');
if (button) {
// Extract the button content and remove it from the HTML.
data.buttonText = button.value;
data.content = element.innerHTML.trim();
return data;
* Get the buttons to change pages.
* @param {string} html Page's HTML.
* @return {any[]} List of buttons.
getPageButtonsFromHtml(html: string): any[] {
const buttons = [],
element = this.domUtils.convertToElement(html);
// Get the container of the buttons if it exists.
let buttonsContainer = element.querySelector('.branchbuttoncontainer');
if (!buttonsContainer) {
// Button container not found, might be a legacy lesson (from 1.9).
if (!element.querySelector('form input[type="submit"]')) {
// No buttons found.
return buttons;
buttonsContainer = element;
const forms = Array.from(buttonsContainer.querySelectorAll('form'));
forms.forEach((form) => {
const buttonSelector = 'input[type="submit"], button[type="submit"]',
buttonEl = <HTMLInputElement | HTMLButtonElement> form.querySelector(buttonSelector),
inputs = Array.from(form.querySelectorAll('input'));
if (!buttonEl || !inputs || !inputs.length) {
// Button not found or no inputs, ignore it.
const button = {
id: buttonEl.id,
title: buttonEl.title || buttonEl.value,
content: buttonEl.tagName == 'INPUT' ? buttonEl.value : buttonEl.innerHTML.trim(),
data: {}
inputs.forEach((input) => {
if (input.type != 'submit') {
button.data[input.name] = input.value;
return buttons;
* Given a page data (result of getPageData), get the page contents.
* @param {any} data Page data.
* @return {string} Page contents.
getPageContentsFromPageData(data: any): string {
// Search the page contents inside the whole page HTML. Use data.pagecontent because it's filtered.
const element = this.domUtils.convertToElement(data.pagecontent),
contents = element.querySelector('.contents');
if (contents) {
return contents.innerHTML.trim();
// Cannot find contents element, return the page.contents (some elements like videos might not work).
return data.page.contents;
* Get a question and all the data required to render it from the page data (result of AddonModLessonProvider.getPageData).
* @param {FormGroup} questionForm The form group where to add the controls.
* @param {any} pageData Page data (result of $mmaModLesson#getPageData).
* @return {any} Question data.
getQuestionFromPageData(questionForm: FormGroup, pageData: any): any {
const question: any = {},
element = this.domUtils.convertToElement(pageData.pagecontent);
// Get the container of the question answers if it exists.
const fieldContainer = element.querySelector('.fcontainer');
// Get hidden inputs and add their data to the form group.
const hiddenInputs = <HTMLInputElement[]> Array.from(element.querySelectorAll('input[type="hidden"]'));
hiddenInputs.forEach((input) => {
questionForm.addControl(input.name, this.fb.control(input.value));
// Get the submit button and extract its value.
const submitButton = <HTMLInputElement> element.querySelector('input[type="submit"]');
question.submitLabel = submitButton ? submitButton.value : this.translate.instant('addon.mod_lesson.submit');
if (!fieldContainer) {
// Element not found, return.
return question;
let type;
switch (pageData.page.qtype) {
case AddonModLessonProvider.LESSON_PAGE_TRUEFALSE:
case AddonModLessonProvider.LESSON_PAGE_MULTICHOICE:
question.template = 'multichoice';
question.options = [];
// Get all the inputs. Search radio first.
let inputs = <HTMLInputElement[]> Array.from(fieldContainer.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]'));
if (!inputs || !inputs.length) {
// Radio buttons not found, it might be a multi answer. Search for checkbox.
question.multi = true;
inputs = <HTMLInputElement[]> Array.from(fieldContainer.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]'));
if (!inputs || !inputs.length) {
// No checkbox found either. Stop.
return question;
let controlAdded = false;
inputs.forEach((input) => {
const option: any = {
id: input.id,
name: input.name,
value: input.value,
checked: !!input.checked,
disabled: !!input.disabled
parent = input.parentElement;
if (option.checked || question.multi) {
// Add the control.
const value = question.multi ? {value: option.checked, disabled: option.disabled} : option.value;
questionForm.addControl(option.name, this.fb.control(value));
controlAdded = true;
// Remove the input and use the rest of the parent contents as the label.
option.text = parent.innerHTML.trim();
if (!question.multi) {
question.controlName = inputs[0].name; // All option have the same name in single choice.
if (!controlAdded) {
// No checked option for single choice, add the control with an empty value.
questionForm.addControl(question.controlName, this.fb.control(''));
case AddonModLessonProvider.LESSON_PAGE_NUMERICAL:
type = 'number';
case AddonModLessonProvider.LESSON_PAGE_SHORTANSWER:
question.template = 'shortanswer';
// Get the input.
const input = <HTMLInputElement> fieldContainer.querySelector('input[type="text"], input[type="number"]');
if (!input) {
return question;
question.input = {
id: input.id,
name: input.name,
maxlength: input.maxLength,
type: type || 'text'
// Init the control.
questionForm.addControl(input.name, this.fb.control({value: input.value, disabled: input.readOnly}));
case AddonModLessonProvider.LESSON_PAGE_ESSAY:
question.template = 'essay';
// Get the textarea.
const textarea = fieldContainer.querySelector('textarea');
if (!textarea) {
// Textarea not found, probably review mode.
const answerEl = fieldContainer.querySelector('.reviewessay');
if (!answerEl) {
// Answer not found, stop.
return question;
question.useranswer = answerEl.innerHTML;
} else {
question.textarea = {
id: textarea.id,
name: textarea.name || 'answer[text]'
// Init the control.
question.control = this.fb.control('');
questionForm.addControl(question.textarea.name, question.control);
case AddonModLessonProvider.LESSON_PAGE_MATCHING:
question.template = 'matching';
const rows = Array.from(fieldContainer.querySelectorAll('.answeroption'));
question.rows = [];
rows.forEach((row) => {
const label = row.querySelector('label'),
select = row.querySelector('select'),
options = Array.from(row.querySelectorAll('option')),
rowData: any = {};
if (!label || !select || !options || !options.length) {
// Get the row's text (label).
rowData.text = label.innerHTML.trim();
rowData.id = select.id;
rowData.name = select.name;
rowData.options = [];
// Treat each option.
let controlAdded = false;
options.forEach((option) => {
if (typeof option.value == 'undefined') {
// Option not valid, ignore it.
const opt = {
value: option.value,
label: option.innerHTML.trim(),
selected: option.selected
if (opt.selected) {
controlAdded = true;
questionForm.addControl(rowData.name, this.fb.control({value: opt.value, disabled: !!select.disabled}));
if (!controlAdded) {
// No selected option, add the control with an empty value.
questionForm.addControl(rowData.name, this.fb.control({value: '', disabled: !!select.disabled}));
// Nothing to do.
return question;
* Given the HTML of an answer from a question page, extract the data to render the answer.
* @param {string} html Answer's HTML.
* @return {any} Object with the data to render the answer. If the answer doesn't require any parsing, return a string with
* the HTML.
getQuestionPageAnswerDataFromHtml(html: string): any {
const data: any = {},
element = this.domUtils.convertToElement(html);
// Check if it has a checkbox.
let input = <HTMLInputElement> element.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"][name*="answer"]');
if (input) {
// Truefalse or multichoice.
data.isCheckbox = true;
data.checked = !!input.checked;
data.name = input.name;
data.highlight = !!element.querySelector('.highlight');
data.content = element.innerHTML.trim();
return data;
// Check if it has an input text or number.
input = <HTMLInputElement> element.querySelector('input[type="number"],input[type="text"]');
if (input) {
// Short answer or numeric.
data.isText = true;
data.value = input.value;
return data;
// Check if it has a select.
const select = <HTMLSelectElement> element.querySelector('select');
if (select && select.options) {
// Matching.
const selectedOption = select.options[select.selectedIndex];
data.isSelect = true;
data.id = select.id;
if (selectedOption) {
data.value = selectedOption.value;
} else {
data.value = '';
data.content = element.innerHTML.trim();
return data;
// The answer doesn't need any parsing, return the HTML as it is.
return html;
* Get a label to identify a retake (lesson attempt).
* @param {any} retake Retake object.
* @param {boolean} [includeDuration] Whether to include the duration of the retake.
* @return {string} Retake label.
getRetakeLabel(retake: any, includeDuration?: boolean): string {
const data = {
retake: retake.try + 1,
grade: '',
timestart: '',
duration: ''
hasGrade = retake.grade != null;
if (hasGrade || retake.end) {
// Retake finished with or without grade (if the lesson only has content pages, it has no grade).
if (hasGrade) {
data.grade = this.translate.instant('core.percentagenumber', {$a: retake.grade});
data.timestart = this.timeUtils.userDate(retake.timestart * 1000);
if (includeDuration) {
data.duration = this.timeUtils.formatTime(retake.timeend - retake.timestart);
} else {
// The user has not completed the retake.
data.grade = this.translate.instant('addon.mod_lesson.notcompleted');
if (retake.timestart) {
data.timestart = this.timeUtils.userDate(retake.timestart * 1000);
return this.translate.instant('addon.mod_lesson.retakelabel' + (includeDuration ? 'full' : 'short'), data);
* Prepare the question data to be sent to server.
* @param {any} question Question to prepare.
* @param {any} data Data to prepare.
* @return {any} Data to send.
prepareQuestionData(question: any, data: any): any {
if (question.template == 'essay' && question.textarea) {
// Add some HTML to the answer if needed.
data[question.textarea.name] = this.textUtils.formatHtmlLines(data[question.textarea.name]);
} else if (question.template == 'multichoice' && question.multi) {
// Only send the options with value set to true.
for (const name in data) {
if (name.match(/answer\[\d+\]/) && data[name] == false) {
delete data[name];
return data;
* Given the feedback of a process page in HTML, remove the question text.
* @param {string} html Feedback's HTML.
* @return {string} Feedback without the question text.
removeQuestionFromFeedback(html: string): string {
const element = this.domUtils.convertToElement(html);
// Remove the question text.
this.domUtils.removeElement(element, '.generalbox:not(.feedback):not(.correctanswer)');
return element.innerHTML.trim();