754 lines
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754 lines
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// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Directive, ElementRef, Input, Output, EventEmitter, OnChanges, SimpleChange, Optional } from '@angular/core';
import { NavController, IonContent } from '@ionic/angular';
import { CoreEventLoadingChangedData, CoreEventObserver, CoreEvents } from '@singletons/events';
import { CoreSites } from '@services/sites';
import { CoreDomUtils } from '@services/utils/dom';
import { CoreIframeUtils, CoreIframeUtilsProvider } from '@services/utils/iframe';
import { CoreTextUtils } from '@services/utils/text';
import { CoreUtils } from '@services/utils/utils';
import { CoreSite } from '@classes/site';
import { Translate } from '@singletons/core.singletons';
import { CoreExternalContentDirective } from './external-content';
import { CoreLinkDirective } from './link';
* Directive to format text rendered. It renders the HTML and treats all links and media, using CoreLinkDirective
* and CoreExternalContentDirective. It also applies filters if needed.
* Please use this directive if your text needs to be filtered or it can contain links or media (images, audio, video).
* Example usage:
* <core-format-text [text]="myText" [component]="component" [componentId]="componentId"></core-format-text>
selector: 'core-format-text',
export class CoreFormatTextDirective implements OnChanges {
@Input() text?: string; // The text to format.
@Input() siteId?: string; // Site ID to use.
@Input() component?: string; // Component for CoreExternalContentDirective.
@Input() componentId?: string | number; // Component ID to use in conjunction with the component.
@Input() adaptImg?: boolean | string = true; // Whether to adapt images to screen width.
@Input() clean?: boolean | string; // Whether all the HTML tags should be removed.
@Input() singleLine?: boolean | string; // Whether new lines should be removed (all text in single line). Only if clean=true.
@Input() fullOnClick?: boolean | string; // Whether it should open a new page with the full contents on click.
@Input() fullTitle?: string; // Title to use in full view. Defaults to "Description".
@Input() highlight?: string; // Text to highlight.
@Input() filter?: boolean | string; // Whether to filter the text. If not defined, true if contextLevel and instanceId are set.
@Input() contextLevel?: string; // The context level of the text.
@Input() contextInstanceId?: number; // The instance ID related to the context.
@Input() courseId?: number; // Course ID the text belongs to. It can be used to improve performance with filters.
@Input() wsNotFiltered?: boolean | string; // If true it means the WS didn't filter the text for some reason.
* Max height in pixels to render the content box. It should be 50 at least to make sense.
* Using this parameter will force display: block to calculate height better.
* If you want to avoid this use class="inline" at the same time to use display: inline-block.
@Input() maxHeight?: number;
@Output() afterRender: EventEmitter<void>; // Called when the data is rendered.
protected element: HTMLElement;
protected showMoreDisplayed = false;
protected loadingChangedListener?: CoreEventObserver;
element: ElementRef,
@Optional() protected navCtrl: NavController,
@Optional() protected content: IonContent,
) {
this.element = element.nativeElement;
this.element.classList.add('opacity-hide'); // Hide contents until they're treated.
this.afterRender = new EventEmitter<void>();
this.element.addEventListener('click', this.elementClicked.bind(this));
* Detect changes on input properties.
ngOnChanges(changes: { [name: string]: SimpleChange }): void {
if (changes.text || changes.filter || changes.contextLevel || changes.contextInstanceId) {
* Apply CoreExternalContentDirective to a certain element.
* @param element Element to add the attributes to.
* @return External content instance.
protected addExternalContent(element: Element): CoreExternalContentDirective {
// Angular doesn't let adding directives dynamically. Create the CoreExternalContentDirective manually.
const extContent = new CoreExternalContentDirective(new ElementRef(element));
extContent.component = this.component;
extContent.componentId = this.componentId;
extContent.siteId = this.siteId;
extContent.src = element.getAttribute('src') || undefined;
extContent.href = element.getAttribute('href') || element.getAttribute('xlink:href') || undefined;
extContent.targetSrc = element.getAttribute('target-src') || undefined;
extContent.poster = element.getAttribute('poster') || undefined;
return extContent;
* Add class to adapt media to a certain element.
* @param element Element to add the class to.
protected addMediaAdaptClass(element: HTMLElement): void {
* Wrap an image with a container to adapt its width.
* @param img Image to adapt.
protected adaptImage(img: HTMLElement): void {
// Element to wrap the image.
const container = document.createElement('span');
const originalWidth = img.attributes.getNamedItem('width');
const forcedWidth = Number(originalWidth?.value);
if (!isNaN(forcedWidth)) {
if (originalWidth!.value.indexOf('%') < 0) {
img.style.width = forcedWidth + 'px';
} else {
img.style.width = forcedWidth + '%';
container.style.cssFloat = img.style.cssFloat; // Copy the float to correctly position the search icon.
if (img.classList.contains('atto_image_button_right')) {
} else if (img.classList.contains('atto_image_button_left')) {
} else if (img.classList.contains('atto_image_button_text-top')) {
} else if (img.classList.contains('atto_image_button_middle')) {
} else if (img.classList.contains('atto_image_button_text-bottom')) {
CoreDomUtils.instance.wrapElement(img, container);
* Add magnifying glass icons to view adapted images at full size.
addMagnifyingGlasses(): void {
const imgs = Array.from(this.element.querySelectorAll('.core-adapted-img-container > img'));
if (!imgs.length) {
// If cannot calculate element's width, use viewport width to avoid false adapt image icons appearing.
const elWidth = this.getElementWidth(this.element) || window.innerWidth;
imgs.forEach((img: HTMLImageElement) => {
// Skip image if it's inside a link.
if (img.closest('a')) {
let imgWidth = Number(img.getAttribute('width'));
if (!imgWidth) {
// No width attribute, use real size.
imgWidth = img.naturalWidth;
if (imgWidth <= elWidth) {
const imgSrc = CoreTextUtils.instance.escapeHTML(img.getAttribute('data-original-src') || img.getAttribute('src'));
const label = Translate.instance.instant('core.openfullimage');
const anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.setAttribute('aria-label', label);
// Add an ion-icon item to apply the right styles, but the ion-icon component won't be executed.
anchor.innerHTML = '<ion-icon name="search" class="icon icon-md ion-md-search"></ion-icon>';
anchor.addEventListener('click', (e: Event) => {
CoreDomUtils.instance.viewImage(imgSrc, img.getAttribute('alt'), this.component, this.componentId, true);
* Calculate the height and check if we need to display show more or not.
protected calculateHeight(): void {
// @todo: Work on calculate this height better.
if (!this.maxHeight) {
// Remove max-height (if any) to calculate the real height.
const initialMaxHeight = this.element.style.maxHeight;
this.element.style.maxHeight = '';
const height = this.getElementHeight(this.element);
// Restore the max height now.
this.element.style.maxHeight = initialMaxHeight;
// If cannot calculate height, shorten always.
if (!height || height > this.maxHeight) {
if (!this.showMoreDisplayed) {
} else if (this.showMoreDisplayed) {
* Display the "Show more" in the element.
protected displayShowMore(): void {
const expandInFullview = CoreUtils.instance.isTrueOrOne(this.fullOnClick) || false;
const showMoreDiv = document.createElement('div');
showMoreDiv.innerHTML = Translate.instance.instant('core.showmore');
if (expandInFullview) {
this.element.style.maxHeight = this.maxHeight + 'px';
this.showMoreDisplayed = true;
* Listener to call when the element is clicked.
* @param e Click event.
protected elementClicked(e: MouseEvent): void {
if (e.defaultPrevented) {
// Ignore it if the event was prevented by some other listener.
if (!this.text) {
const expandInFullview = CoreUtils.instance.isTrueOrOne(this.fullOnClick) || false;
if (!expandInFullview && !this.showMoreDisplayed) {
// Nothing to do on click, just stop.
if (!expandInFullview) {
// Change class.
} else {
// Open a new state with the contents.
const filter = typeof this.filter != 'undefined' ? CoreUtils.instance.isTrueOrOne(this.filter) : undefined;
this.fullTitle || Translate.instance.instant('core.description'),
component: this.component,
componentId: this.componentId,
filter: filter,
contextLevel: this.contextLevel,
instanceId: this.contextInstanceId,
courseId: this.courseId,
* Finish the rendering, displaying the element again and calling afterRender.
protected finishRender(): void {
// Show the element again.
// Emit the afterRender output.
* Format contents and render.
protected async formatAndRenderContents(): Promise<void> {
if (!this.text) {
this.element.innerHTML = ''; // Remove current contents.
// In AOT the inputs and ng-reflect aren't in the DOM sometimes. Add them so styles are applied.
if (this.maxHeight && !this.element.getAttribute('maxHeight')) {
this.element.setAttribute('maxHeight', String(this.maxHeight));
if (!this.element.getAttribute('singleLine')) {
this.element.setAttribute('singleLine', String(CoreUtils.instance.isTrueOrOne(this.singleLine)));
this.text = this.text ? this.text.trim() : '';
const result = await this.formatContents();
// Disable media adapt to correctly calculate the height.
this.element.innerHTML = ''; // Remove current contents.
if (this.maxHeight && result.div.innerHTML != '' &&
(this.fullOnClick || (window.innerWidth < 576 || window.innerHeight < 576))) { // Don't collapse in big screens.
// Move the children to the current element to be able to calculate the height.
CoreDomUtils.instance.moveChildren(result.div, this.element);
// Calculate the height now.
// Add magnifying glasses to images.
if (!this.loadingChangedListener) {
// Recalculate the height if a parent core-loading displays the content.
this.loadingChangedListener =
CoreEvents.on(CoreEvents.CORE_LOADING_CHANGED, (data: CoreEventLoadingChangedData) => {
if (data.loaded && CoreDomUtils.instance.closest(this.element.parentElement, '#' + data.uniqueId)) {
// The format-text is inside the loading, re-calculate the height.
} else {
CoreDomUtils.instance.moveChildren(result.div, this.element);
// Add magnifying glasses to images.
if (result.options.filter) {
// Let filters hnadle HTML. We do it here because we don't want them to block the render of the text.
// @todo
* Apply formatText and set sub-directives.
* @return Promise resolved with a div element containing the code.
protected async formatContents(): Promise<FormatContentsResult> {
// Retrieve the site since it might be needed later.
const site = await CoreUtils.instance.ignoreErrors(CoreSites.instance.getSite(this.siteId));
if (site && this.contextLevel == 'course' && this.contextInstanceId !== undefined && this.contextInstanceId <= 0) {
this.contextInstanceId = site.getSiteHomeId();
const filter = typeof this.filter == 'undefined' ?
!!(this.contextLevel && typeof this.contextInstanceId != 'undefined') : CoreUtils.instance.isTrueOrOne(this.filter);
const options = {
clean: CoreUtils.instance.isTrueOrOne(this.clean),
singleLine: CoreUtils.instance.isTrueOrOne(this.singleLine),
highlight: this.highlight,
courseId: this.courseId,
wsNotFiltered: CoreUtils.instance.isTrueOrOne(this.wsNotFiltered),
let formatted: string;
if (filter) {
// @todo
formatted = this.text!;
} else {
// @todo
formatted = this.text!;
formatted = this.treatWindowOpen(formatted);
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = formatted;
this.treatHTMLElements(div, site);
return {
filters: [],
siteId: site?.getId(),
* Treat HTML elements when formatting contents.
* @param div Div element.
* @param site Site instance.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected async treatHTMLElements(div: HTMLElement, site?: CoreSite): Promise<void> {
const canTreatVimeo = site?.isVersionGreaterEqualThan(['3.3.4', '3.4']) || false;
const navCtrl = this.navCtrl; // @todo this.svComponent ? this.svComponent.getMasterNav() : this.navCtrl;
const images = Array.from(div.querySelectorAll('img'));
const anchors = Array.from(div.querySelectorAll('a'));
const audios = Array.from(div.querySelectorAll('audio'));
const videos = Array.from(div.querySelectorAll('video'));
const iframes = Array.from(div.querySelectorAll('iframe'));
const buttons = Array.from(div.querySelectorAll('.button'));
const elementsWithInlineStyles = Array.from(div.querySelectorAll('*[style]'));
const stopClicksElements = Array.from(div.querySelectorAll('button,input,select,textarea'));
const frames = Array.from(div.querySelectorAll(CoreIframeUtilsProvider.FRAME_TAGS.join(',').replace(/iframe,?/, '')));
const svgImages = Array.from(div.querySelectorAll('image'));
// Walk through the content to find the links and add our directive to it.
// Important: We need to look for links first because in 'img' we add new links without core-link.
anchors.forEach((anchor) => {
// Angular 2 doesn't let adding directives dynamically. Create the CoreLinkDirective manually.
const linkDir = new CoreLinkDirective(new ElementRef(anchor), this.content);
linkDir.capture = true;
const externalImages: CoreExternalContentDirective[] = [];
if (images && images.length > 0) {
// Walk through the content to find images, and add our directive.
images.forEach((img: HTMLElement) => {
const externalImage = this.addExternalContent(img);
if (!externalImage.invalid) {
if (CoreUtils.instance.isTrueOrOne(this.adaptImg) && !img.classList.contains('icon')) {
audios.forEach((audio) => {
videos.forEach((video) => {
iframes.forEach((iframe) => {
this.treatIframe(iframe, site, canTreatVimeo, navCtrl);
svgImages.forEach((image) => {
// Handle buttons with inner links.
buttons.forEach((button: HTMLElement) => {
// Check if it has a link inside.
if (button.querySelector('a')) {
// Handle inline styles.
elementsWithInlineStyles.forEach((el: HTMLElement) => {
// Only add external content for tags that haven't been treated already.
if (el.tagName != 'A' && el.tagName != 'IMG' && el.tagName != 'AUDIO' && el.tagName != 'VIDEO'
&& el.tagName != 'SOURCE' && el.tagName != 'TRACK') {
// Stop propagating click events.
stopClicksElements.forEach((element: HTMLElement) => {
element.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
// Handle all kind of frames.
frames.forEach((frame: HTMLFrameElement | HTMLObjectElement | HTMLEmbedElement) => {
CoreIframeUtils.instance.treatFrame(frame, false, navCtrl);
if (externalImages.length) {
// Wait for images to load.
const promise = CoreUtils.instance.allPromises(externalImages.map((externalImage) => {
if (externalImage.loaded) {
// Image has already been loaded, no need to wait.
return Promise.resolve();
return new Promise((resolve): void => {
const subscription = externalImage.onLoad.subscribe(() => {
// Automatically reject the promise after 5 seconds to prevent blocking the user forever.
await CoreUtils.instance.ignoreErrors(CoreUtils.instance.timeoutPromise(promise, 5000));
* Returns the element width in pixels.
* @param element Element to get width from.
* @return The width of the element in pixels. When 0 is returned it means the element is not visible.
protected getElementWidth(element: HTMLElement): number {
let width = CoreDomUtils.instance.getElementWidth(element);
if (!width) {
// All elements inside are floating or inline. Change display mode to allow calculate the width.
const parentWidth = element.parentElement ?
CoreDomUtils.instance.getElementWidth(element.parentElement, true, false, false, true) : 0;
const previousDisplay = getComputedStyle(element, null).display;
element.style.display = 'inline-block';
width = CoreDomUtils.instance.getElementWidth(element);
// If width is incorrectly calculated use parent width instead.
if (parentWidth > 0 && (!width || width > parentWidth)) {
width = parentWidth;
element.style.display = previousDisplay;
return width;
* Returns the element height in pixels.
* @param elementAng Element to get height from.
* @return The height of the element in pixels. When 0 is returned it means the element is not visible.
protected getElementHeight(element: HTMLElement): number {
return CoreDomUtils.instance.getElementHeight(element) || 0;
* "Hide" the "Show more" in the element if it's shown.
protected hideShowMore(): void {
const showMoreDiv = this.element.querySelector('div.core-show-more');
if (showMoreDiv) {
this.element.style.maxHeight = '';
this.showMoreDisplayed = false;
* Add media adapt class and apply CoreExternalContentDirective to the media element and its sources and tracks.
* @param element Video or audio to treat.
protected treatMedia(element: HTMLElement): void {
const sources = Array.from(element.querySelectorAll('source'));
const tracks = Array.from(element.querySelectorAll('track'));
sources.forEach((source) => {
source.setAttribute('target-src', source.getAttribute('src') || '');
tracks.forEach((track) => {
// Stop propagating click events.
element.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
* Add media adapt class and treat the iframe source.
* @param iframe Iframe to treat.
* @param site Site instance.
* @param canTreatVimeo Whether Vimeo videos can be treated in the site.
* @param navCtrl NavController to use.
protected async treatIframe(
iframe: HTMLIFrameElement,
site: CoreSite | undefined,
canTreatVimeo: boolean,
navCtrl: NavController,
): Promise<void> {
const src = iframe.src;
const currentSite = CoreSites.instance.getCurrentSite();
if (currentSite?.containsUrl(src)) {
// URL points to current site, try to use auto-login.
const finalUrl = await currentSite.getAutoLoginUrl(src, false);
iframe.src = finalUrl;
CoreIframeUtils.instance.treatFrame(iframe, false, navCtrl);
if (site && src && canTreatVimeo) {
// Check if it's a Vimeo video. If it is, use the wsplayer script instead to make restricted videos work.
const matches = iframe.src.match(/https?:\/\/player\.vimeo\.com\/video\/([0-9]+)/);
if (matches && matches[1]) {
let newUrl = CoreTextUtils.instance.concatenatePaths(site.getURL(), '/media/player/vimeo/wsplayer.php?video=') +
matches[1] + '&token=' + site.getToken();
// Width and height are mandatory, we need to calculate them.
let width;
let height;
if (iframe.width) {
width = iframe.width;
} else {
width = this.getElementWidth(iframe);
if (!width) {
width = window.innerWidth;
if (iframe.height) {
height = iframe.height;
} else {
height = this.getElementHeight(iframe);
if (!height) {
height = width;
// Width and height parameters are required in 3.6 and older sites.
if (site && !site.isVersionGreaterEqualThan('3.7')) {
newUrl += '&width=' + width + '&height=' + height;
iframe.src = newUrl;
if (!iframe.width) {
iframe.width = width;
if (!iframe.height) {
iframe.height = height;
// Do the iframe responsive.
if (iframe.parentElement?.classList.contains('embed-responsive')) {
iframe.addEventListener('load', () => {
if (iframe.contentDocument) {
const css = document.createElement('style');
css.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
css.innerHTML = 'iframe {width: 100%;height: 100%;}';
CoreIframeUtils.instance.treatFrame(iframe, false, navCtrl);
* Convert window.open to window.openWindowSafely inside HTML tags.
* @param text Text to treat.
* @return Treated text.
protected treatWindowOpen(text: string): string {
// Get HTML tags that include window.open. Script tags aren't executed so there's no need to treat them.
const matches = text.match(/<[^>]+window\.open\([^)]*\)[^>]*>/g);
if (matches) {
matches.forEach((match) => {
// Replace all the window.open inside the tag.
const treated = match.replace(/window\.open\(/g, 'window.openWindowSafely(');
text = text.replace(match, treated);
return text;
type FormatContentsResult = {
div: HTMLElement;
filters: any[];
options: any;
siteId?: string;