- Use core accessibility and favourites - Keep in English the developer options - Remove the review of attempt one (redundant)
83 lines
5.0 KiB
83 lines
5.0 KiB
"answercolon": "Answer:",
"attemptfirst": "First attempt",
"attemptlast": "Last attempt",
"attemptnumber": "Attempt",
"attemptquiznow": "Attempt quiz now",
"attemptstate": "State",
"canattemptbutnotsubmit": "You can attempt this quiz in the app, but you will need to submit the attempt in browser for the following reasons:",
"cannotsubmitquizdueto": "This quiz attempt cannot be submitted for the following reasons:",
"clearchoice": "Clear my choice",
"comment": "Comment",
"completedon": "Completed on",
"confirmclose": "Once you submit, you will no longer be able to change your answers for this attempt.",
"confirmcontinueoffline": "This attempt has not been synchronised since {{$a}}. If you have continued this attempt in another device since then, you may lose data.",
"confirmleavequizonerror": "An error occurred while saving the answers. Are you sure you want to leave the quiz?",
"confirmstart": "Your attempt will have a time limit of {{$a}}. When you start, the timer will begin to count down and cannot be paused. You must finish your attempt before it expires. Are you sure you wish to start now?",
"confirmstartheader": "Time limit",
"connectionerror": "Network connection lost. (Autosave failed).\n\nMake a note of any responses entered on this page in the last few minutes, then try to re-connect.\n\nOnce connection has been re-established, your responses should be saved and this message will disappear.",
"continueattemptquiz": "Continue your attempt",
"continuepreview": "Continue the last preview",
"errorbehaviournotsupported": "This quiz can't be attempted in the app because the question behaviour is not supported by the app:",
"errordownloading": "Error downloading required data.",
"errorgetattempt": "Error getting attempt data.",
"errorgetquestions": "Error getting questions.",
"errorgetquiz": "Error getting quiz data.",
"errorparsequestions": "An error occurred while reading the questions. Please attempt this quiz in a web browser.",
"errorquestionsnotsupported": "This quiz can't be attempted in the app because it only contains questions not supported by the app:",
"errorrulesnotsupported": "This quiz can't be attempted in the app because it has access rules not supported by the app:",
"errorsaveattempt": "An error occurred while saving the attempt data.",
"feedback": "Feedback",
"finishattemptdots": "Finish attempt...",
"finishnotsynced": "Finished but not synchronised",
"grade": "Grade",
"gradeaverage": "Average grade",
"gradehighest": "Highest grade",
"grademethod": "Grading method",
"gradesofar": "{{$a.method}}: {{$a.mygrade}} / {{$a.quizgrade}}.",
"marks": "Marks",
"modulenameplural": "Quizzes",
"mustbesubmittedby": "This attempt must be submitted by {{$a}}.",
"noquestions": "No questions have been added yet",
"noreviewattempt": "You are not allowed to review this attempt.",
"notyetgraded": "Not yet graded",
"opentoc": "Open navigation popover",
"outof": "{{$a.grade}} out of {{$a.maxgrade}}",
"outofpercent": "{{$a.grade}} out of {{$a.maxgrade}} ({{$a.percent}}%)",
"outofshort": "{{$a.grade}}/{{$a.maxgrade}}",
"overallfeedback": "Overall feedback",
"overdue": "Overdue",
"overduemustbesubmittedby": "This attempt is now overdue. It should already have been submitted. If you would like this quiz to be graded, you must submit it by {{$a}}. If you do not submit it by then, no marks from this attempt will be counted.",
"preview": "Preview",
"previewquiznow": "Preview quiz now",
"question": "Question",
"quiznavigation": "Quiz navigation",
"quizpassword": "Quiz password",
"reattemptquiz": "Re-attempt quiz",
"requirepasswordmessage": "To attempt this quiz you need to know the quiz password",
"returnattempt": "Return to attempt",
"review": "Review",
"showall": "Show all questions on one page",
"showeachpage": "Show one page at a time",
"startattempt": "Start attempt",
"startedon": "Started on",
"stateabandoned": "Never submitted",
"statefinished": "Finished",
"statefinisheddetails": "Submitted {{$a}}",
"stateinprogress": "In progress",
"stateoverdue": "Overdue",
"stateoverduedetails": "Must be submitted by {{$a}}",
"status": "Status",
"submitallandfinish": "Submit all and finish",
"summaryofattempt": "Summary of attempt",
"summaryofattempts": "Summary of your previous attempts",
"timeleft": "Time left",
"timetaken": "Time taken",
"unit": "Unit",
"warningattemptfinished": "Offline attempt discarded as it was finished on the site or not found.",
"warningdatadiscarded": "Some offline answers were discarded because the questions were modified online.",
"warningdatadiscardedfromfinished": "Attempt unfinished because some offline answers were discarded. Please review your answers then resubmit the attempt.",
"warningquestionsnotsupported": "This quiz contains questions not supported by the app:",
"yourfinalgradeis": "Your final grade for this quiz is {{$a}}."