
342 lines
13 KiB

@mod @mod_messages @app @javascript
Feature: Test basic usage of messages in app
In order to participate with messages while using the mobile app
As a student
I need basic message functionality to work
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| teacher1 | Teacher | teacher | teacher1@example.com |
| student1 | Student1 | student1 | student1@example.com |
| student2 | Student2 | student2 | student2@example.com |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| Course 1 | C1 | 0 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
| student1 | C1 | student |
| student2 | C1 | student |
@app @3.8.0 @mobile @OK
Scenario: View recent conversations and contacts (mobile)
When I enter the app
And I log in as "teacher1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "Contacts" in the app
Then I should see "No contacts"
And I press "addon.messages.search" in the app
And I set the field "Search" to "student" in the app
And I press "search" in the app
And I press "Student1 student1" in the app
And I set the field "New message" to "heeey student" in the app
And I press "Send" in the app
And I press "Conversation actions menu" in the app
And I press "Add to contacts" in the app
And I press "Add" in the app
When I enter the app
And I log in as "student1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "Contacts" in the app
And I press "Requests" in the app
And I press "Teacher teacher" in the app
And I press "Accept and add to contacts" in the app
And I press the back button in the app
And I press "Contacts" near "Requests" in the app
Then the header should be "Contacts" in the app
And I should see "Teacher teacher"
And I press the back button in the app
And I press "Teacher teacher" in the app
Then the header should be "Teacher teacher" in the app
And I should see "heeey student"
@app @3.8.0 @tablet @OK
Scenario: View recent conversations and contacts (tablet)
When I enter the app
And I change viewport size to "1280x1080"
And I log in as "teacher1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "Contacts" in the app
Then I should see "No contacts"
And I press "addon.messages.search" in the app
And I set the field "Search" to "student" in the app
And I press "search" in the app
And I press "Student1 student1" in the app
And I set the field "New message" to "heeey student" in the app
And I press "Send" in the app
And I press "Information" in the app
And I press "Add to contacts" in the app
And I press "Add" in the app
When I enter the app
And I change viewport size to "1280x1080"
And I log in as "student1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "Contacts" in the app
And I press "Requests" in the app
And I press "Teacher teacher" in the app
And I press "Accept and add to contacts" in the app
And I press "Contacts" near "Requests" in the app
Then the header should be "Contacts" in the app
And I should see "Teacher teacher"
And I press the back button in the app
And I press "Teacher teacher" in the app
And I should see "heeey student"
@app @3.8.0 @OK
Scenario: Search users
When I enter the app
And I log in as "student1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "addon.messages.search" in the app
And I set the field "Search" to "student2" in the app
And I press "search" in the app
Then I should see "Student2 student2"
And I set the field "Search" to "Teacher" in the app
And I press "search" in the app
Then I should see "Teacher teacher"
@app @3.8.0 @OK
Scenario: Send/receive messages in existing conversations
When I enter the app
And I log in as "teacher1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "Contacts" in the app
Then I should see "No contacts"
And I press "addon.messages.search" in the app
And I set the field "Search" to "student1" in the app
And I press "search" in the app
And I press "Student1 student1" in the app
And I set the field "New message" to "heeey student" in the app
And I press "Send" in the app
When I enter the app
And I log in as "student1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "Contacts" in the app
Then I should see "No contacts"
And I press "addon.messages.search" in the app
And I set the field "Search" to "teacher" in the app
And I press "search" in the app
And I press "Teacher teacher" in the app
Then I should see "heeey student"
And I set the field "New message" to "hi" in the app
And I press "Send" in the app
When I enter the app
And I log in as "teacher1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "Contacts" in the app
Then I should see "No contacts"
And I press "addon.messages.search" in the app
And I set the field "Search" to "student1" in the app
And I press "search" in the app
And I press "Student1 student1" in the app
Then I should see "heeey student"
And I should see "hi"
And I set the field "New message" to "byee" in the app
And I press "Send" in the app
Then I should see "heeey student"
And I should see "hi"
And I should see "byee"
@app @3.8.0 @mobile @OK
Scenario: User profile, send message, add/remove contact (mobile)
When I enter the app
And I log in as "teacher1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "Contacts" in the app
Then I should see "No contacts"
And I press "addon.messages.search" in the app
And I set the field "Search" to "student" in the app
And I press "search" in the app
And I press "Student1 student1" in the app
And I set the field "New message" to "heeey student" in the app
And I press "Send" in the app
And I press "Conversation actions menu" in the app
And I press "Add to contacts" in the app
And I press "Add" in the app
Then I should see "Contact request sent"
When I enter the app
And I log in as "student1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "Contacts" in the app
And I press "Requests" in the app
And I press "Teacher teacher" in the app
Then I should see "Teacher teacher would like to contact you"
And I press "Accept and add to contacts" in the app
And I should not see "Teacher teacher would like to contact you"
And I press "Teacher teacher" in the app
And I press "Message" in the app
And I set the field "New message" to "hi" in the app
And I press "Send" in the app
Then I should see "heeey student"
And I should see "hi"
And I press the back button in the app
And I press "Remove from contacts" in the app
And I press "Remove" in the app
Then I should see "Add to contacts"
And I press the back button in the app
And I press "Conversation actions menu" in the app
Then I should see "Add to contacts"
And I press "Delete conversation" in the app
And I press "Delete" in the app
And I should not see "heeey student"
And I should not see "hi"
@app @3.8.0 @tablet @OK
Scenario: User profile, send message, add/remove contact (tablet)
When I enter the app
And I change viewport size to "1280x1080"
And I log in as "teacher1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "Contacts" in the app
Then I should see "No contacts"
And I press "addon.messages.search" in the app
And I set the field "Search" to "student" in the app
And I press "search" in the app
And I press "Student1 student1" in the app
And I set the field "New message" to "heeey student" in the app
And I press "Send" in the app
And I press "Information" in the app
And I press "Add to contacts" in the app
And I press "Add" in the app
Then I should see "Contact request sent"
When I enter the app
And I change viewport size to "1280x1080"
And I log in as "student1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "Contacts" in the app
And I press "Requests" in the app
And I press "Teacher teacher" in the app
Then I should see "Teacher teacher would like to contact you"
And I press "Accept and add to contacts" in the app
And I should not see "Teacher teacher would like to contact you"
And I set the field "New message" to "hi" in the app
And I press "Send" in the app
Then I should see "heeey student"
And I should see "hi"
And I press "Information" in the app
And I press "Remove from contacts" in the app
And I press "Remove" in the app
And I press "Information" in the app
Then I should see "Add to contacts"
And I press "Delete conversation" in the app
And I press "Delete" in the app
And I should not see "heeey student"
And I should not see "hi"
@app @3.8.0 @mobile @OK
Scenario: Send message offline (mobile)
When I enter the app
And I log in as "teacher1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "Contacts" in the app
Then I should see "No contacts"
And I press "addon.messages.search" in the app
And I set the field "Search" to "student1" in the app
And I press "search" in the app
And I press "Student1 student1" in the app
And I switch offline mode to "true"
And I set the field "New message" to "heeey student" in the app
And I press "Send" in the app
And I set the field "New message" to "byee" in the app
And I press "Send" in the app
And I switch offline mode to "false"
And I press the back button in the app
And I press "Student1 student1" in the app
When I enter the app
And I log in as "student1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "Teacher teacher" in the app
Then I should see "heeey student"
And I should see "byee"
@app @3.8.0 @tablet @OK
Scenario: Send message offline (tablet)
When I enter the app
And I change viewport size to "1280x1080"
And I log in as "teacher1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "Contacts" in the app
Then I should see "No contacts"
And I press "addon.messages.search" in the app
And I set the field "Search" to "student1" in the app
And I press "search" in the app
And I press "Student1 student1" in the app
And I switch offline mode to "true"
And I set the field "New message" to "heeey student" in the app
And I press "Send" in the app
And I set the field "New message" to "byee" in the app
And I press "Send" in the app
And I switch offline mode to "false"
And I press "Student1 student1" in the app
When I enter the app
And I change viewport size to "1280x1080"
And I log in as "student1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "Teacher teacher" in the app
Then I should see "heeey student"
And I should see "byee"
@app @3.8.0 @OK
Scenario: Search for messages
When I enter the app
And I log in as "teacher1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "addon.messages.search" in the app
And I set the field "Search" to "student1" in the app
And I press "search" in the app
And I press "Student1 student1" in the app
And I set the field "New message" to "test message" in the app
And I press "Send" in the app
And I set the field "New message" to "search this message" in the app
And I press "Send" in the app
When I enter the app
And I log in as "student1"
Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Messages" in the app
And I press "addon.messages.search" in the app
And I set the field "Search" to "search this message" in the app
And I press "search" in the app
Then I should see "Messages"
And I should see "search this message"
And I press "search this message" near "Teacher teacher" in the app
Then I should see "test message"
And I should see "search this message"