992 lines
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992 lines
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// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { CoreSites } from '@providers/sites';
import { CoreTextUtils } from '@providers/utils/text';
import { CoreUtils } from '@providers/utils/utils';
import { CoreH5P } from '../providers/h5p';
import { CoreH5PFileStorage } from './file-storage';
import { CoreH5PFramework } from './framework';
import { CoreH5PContentValidator } from './content-validator';
import { Md5 } from 'ts-md5/dist/md5';
import { Translate } from '@singletons/core.singletons';
* Equivalent to H5P's H5PCore class.
export class CoreH5PCore {
static STYLES = [
static SCRIPTS = [
static ADMIN_SCRIPTS = [
// Disable flags
static DISABLE_NONE = 0;
static DISABLE_FRAME = 1;
static DISABLE_EMBED = 4;
static DISABLE_ABOUT = 16;
static DISPLAY_OPTION_FRAME = 'frame';
static DISPLAY_OPTION_DOWNLOAD = 'export';
static DISPLAY_OPTION_EMBED = 'embed';
static DISPLAY_OPTION_COPYRIGHT = 'copyright';
static DISPLAY_OPTION_ABOUT = 'icon';
static DISPLAY_OPTION_COPY = 'copy';
// Map to slugify characters.
static SLUGIFY_MAP = {
æ: 'ae', ø: 'oe', ö: 'o', ó: 'o', ô: 'o', Ò: 'oe', Õ: 'o', Ý: 'o', ý: 'y', ÿ: 'y', ā: 'y', ă: 'a', ą: 'a', œ: 'a', å: 'a',
ä: 'a', á: 'a', à: 'a', â: 'a', ã: 'a', ç: 'c', ć: 'c', ĉ: 'c', ċ: 'c', č: 'c', é: 'e', è: 'e', ê: 'e', ë: 'e', í: 'i',
ì: 'i', î: 'i', ï: 'i', ú: 'u', ñ: 'n', ü: 'u', ù: 'u', û: 'u', ß: 'es', ď: 'd', đ: 'd', ē: 'e', ĕ: 'e', ė: 'e', ę: 'e',
ě: 'e', ĝ: 'g', ğ: 'g', ġ: 'g', ģ: 'g', ĥ: 'h', ħ: 'h', ĩ: 'i', ī: 'i', ĭ: 'i', į: 'i', ı: 'i', ij: 'ij', ĵ: 'j', ķ: 'k',
ĺ: 'l', ļ: 'l', ľ: 'l', ŀ: 'l', ł: 'l', ń: 'n', ņ: 'n', ň: 'n', ʼn: 'n', ō: 'o', ŏ: 'o', ő: 'o', ŕ: 'r', ŗ: 'r', ř: 'r',
ś: 's', ŝ: 's', ş: 's', š: 's', ţ: 't', ť: 't', ŧ: 't', ũ: 'u', ū: 'u', ŭ: 'u', ů: 'u', ű: 'u', ų: 'u', ŵ: 'w', ŷ: 'y',
ź: 'z', ż: 'z', ž: 'z', ſ: 's', ƒ: 'f', ơ: 'o', ư: 'u', ǎ: 'a', ǐ: 'i', ǒ: 'o', ǔ: 'u', ǖ: 'u', ǘ: 'u', ǚ: 'u', ǜ: 'u',
ǻ: 'a', ǽ: 'ae', ǿ: 'oe'
aggregateAssets = true;
h5pFS: CoreH5PFileStorage;
constructor(public h5pFramework: CoreH5PFramework) {
this.h5pFS = new CoreH5PFileStorage();
* Determine the correct embed type to use.
* @param Embed type of the content.
* @param Embed type of the main library.
* @return Either 'div' or 'iframe'.
static determineEmbedType(contentEmbedType: string, libraryEmbedTypes: string): string {
// Detect content embed type.
let embedType = contentEmbedType.toLowerCase().indexOf('div') != -1 ? 'div' : 'iframe';
if (libraryEmbedTypes) {
// Check that embed type is available for library
const embedTypes = libraryEmbedTypes.toLowerCase();
if (embedTypes.indexOf(embedType) == -1) {
// Not available, pick default.
embedType = embedTypes.indexOf('div') != -1 ? 'div' : 'iframe';
return embedType;
* Filter content run parameters and rebuild content dependency cache.
* @param content Content data.
* @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return Promise resolved with the filtered params, resolved with null if error.
async filterParameters(content: CoreH5PContentData, siteId?: string): Promise<string> {
siteId = siteId || CoreSites.instance.getCurrentSiteId();
if (content.filtered) {
return content.filtered;
if (typeof content.library == 'undefined' || typeof content.params == 'undefined') {
return null;
const params = {
library: CoreH5PCore.libraryToString(content.library),
params: CoreTextUtils.instance.parseJSON(content.params, false),
if (!params.params) {
return null;
try {
const validator = new CoreH5PContentValidator(siteId);
// Validate the main library and its dependencies.
await validator.validateLibrary(params, {options: [params.library]});
// Handle addons.
const addons = await this.h5pFramework.loadAddons(siteId);
// Validate addons.
for (const i in addons) {
const addon = addons[i];
const addTo = addon.addTo;
if (addTo && addTo.content && addTo.content.types && addTo.content.types.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < addTo.content.types.length; i++) {
const type = addTo.content.types[i];
if (type && type.text && type.text.regex && this.textAddonMatches(params.params, type.text.regex)) {
await validator.addon(addon);
// An addon shall only be added once.
// Update content dependencies.
content.dependencies = validator.getDependencies();
const paramsStr = JSON.stringify(params.params);
// Sometimes the parameters are filtered before content has been created
if (content.id) {
// Update library usage.
try {
await this.h5pFramework.deleteLibraryUsage(content.id, siteId);
} catch (error) {
// Ignore errors.
await this.h5pFramework.saveLibraryUsage(content.id, content.dependencies, siteId);
if (!content.slug) {
content.slug = this.generateContentSlug(content);
// Cache.
await this.h5pFramework.updateContentFields(content.id, {
filtered: paramsStr,
slug: content.slug,
}, siteId);
return paramsStr;
} catch (error) {
return null;
* Recursive. Goes through the dependency tree for the given library and
* adds all the dependencies to the given array in a flat format.
* @param dependencies Object where to save the dependencies.
* @param library The library to find all dependencies for.
* @param nextWeight An integer determining the order of the libraries when they are loaded.
* @param editor Used internally to force all preloaded sub dependencies of an editor dependency to be editor dependencies.
* @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return Promise resolved with the next weight.
async findLibraryDependencies(dependencies: {[key: string]: CoreH5PContentDepsTreeDependency},
library: CoreH5PLibraryData | CoreH5PLibraryAddonData, nextWeight: number = 1, editor: boolean = false,
siteId?: string): Promise<number> {
siteId = siteId || CoreSites.instance.getCurrentSiteId();
const types = ['dynamic', 'preloaded', 'editor'];
for (const i in types) {
let type = types[i];
const property = type + 'Dependencies';
if (!library[property]) {
continue; // Skip, no such dependencies.
if (type === 'preloaded' && editor) {
// All preloaded dependencies of an editor library is set to editor.
type = 'editor';
for (const j in library[property]) {
const dependency: CoreH5PLibraryBasicData = library[property][j];
const dependencyKey = type + '-' + dependency.machineName;
if (dependencies[dependencyKey]) {
continue; // Skip, already have this.
// Get the dependency library data and its subdependencies.
const dependencyLibrary = await this.loadLibrary(dependency.machineName, dependency.majorVersion,
dependency.minorVersion, siteId);
dependencies[dependencyKey] = {
library: dependencyLibrary,
type: type
// Get all its subdependencies.
const weight = await this.findLibraryDependencies(dependencies, dependencyLibrary, nextWeight, type === 'editor',
nextWeight = weight;
dependencies[dependencyKey].weight = nextWeight++;
return nextWeight;
* Validate and fix display options, updating them if needed.
* @param displayOptions The display options to validate.
* @param id Package ID.
fixDisplayOptions(displayOptions: CoreH5PDisplayOptions, id: number): CoreH5PDisplayOptions {
// Never allow downloading in the app.
displayOptions[CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_DOWNLOAD] = false;
// Embed - force setting it if always on or always off. In web, this is done when storing in DB.
const embed = this.h5pFramework.getOption(CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_EMBED, CoreH5PDisplayOptionBehaviour.ALWAYS_SHOW);
if (embed == CoreH5PDisplayOptionBehaviour.ALWAYS_SHOW || embed == CoreH5PDisplayOptionBehaviour.NEVER_SHOW) {
displayOptions[CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_EMBED] = (embed == CoreH5PDisplayOptionBehaviour.ALWAYS_SHOW);
if (!this.h5pFramework.getOption(CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_FRAME, true)) {
displayOptions[CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_FRAME] = false;
} else {
displayOptions[CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_EMBED] = this.setDisplayOptionOverrides(
CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_EMBED, CoreH5PPermission.EMBED_H5P, id,
if (this.h5pFramework.getOption(CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_COPYRIGHT, true) == false) {
displayOptions[CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_COPYRIGHT] = false;
displayOptions[CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_COPY] = this.h5pFramework.hasPermission(CoreH5PPermission.COPY_H5P, id);
return displayOptions;
* Parses library data from a string on the form {machineName} {majorVersion}.{minorVersion}.
* @param libraryString On the form {machineName} {majorVersion}.{minorVersion}
* @return Object with keys machineName, majorVersion and minorVersion. Null if string is not parsable.
generateContentSlug(content: CoreH5PContentData): string {
let slug = CoreH5PCore.slugify(content.title);
let available: boolean = null;
while (!available) {
if (available === false) {
// If not available, add number suffix.
const matches = slug.match(/(.+-)([0-9]+)$/);
if (matches) {
slug = matches[1] + (Number(matches[2]) + 1);
} else {
slug += '-2';
available = this.h5pFramework.isContentSlugAvailable(slug);
return slug;
* Combines path with version.
* @param assets List of assets to get their URLs.
* @param assetsFolderPath The path of the folder where the assets are.
* @return List of urls.
getAssetsUrls(assets: CoreH5PDependencyAsset[], assetsFolderPath: string = ''): string[] {
const urls = [];
assets.forEach((asset) => {
let url = asset.path;
// Add URL prefix if not external.
if (asset.path.indexOf('://') == -1 && assetsFolderPath) {
url = CoreTextUtils.instance.concatenatePaths(assetsFolderPath, url);
// Add version if set.
if (asset.version) {
url += asset.version;
return urls;
* Return file paths for all dependencies files.
* @param dependencies The dependencies to get the files.
* @param folderName Name of the folder of the content.
* @param prefix Make paths relative to another dir.
* @param siteId The site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return Promise resolved with the files.
async getDependenciesFiles(dependencies: {[machineName: string]: CoreH5PContentDependencyData}, folderName: string,
prefix: string = '', siteId?: string): Promise<CoreH5PDependenciesFiles> {
// Build files list for assets.
const files: CoreH5PDependenciesFiles = {
scripts: [],
styles: [],
// Avoid caching empty files.
if (!Object.keys(dependencies).length) {
return files;
let cachedAssetsHash: string;
let cachedAssets: {scripts?: CoreH5PDependencyAsset[], styles?: CoreH5PDependencyAsset[]};
if (this.aggregateAssets) {
// Get aggregated files for assets.
cachedAssetsHash = CoreH5PCore.getDependenciesHash(dependencies);
cachedAssets = await this.h5pFS.getCachedAssets(cachedAssetsHash);
if (cachedAssets) {
// Cached assets found, return them.
return Object.assign(files, cachedAssets);
// No cached assets, use content dependencies.
for (const key in dependencies) {
const dependency = dependencies[key];
if (!dependency.path) {
dependency.path = this.h5pFS.getDependencyPath(dependency);
dependency.preloadedJs = (<string> dependency.preloadedJs).split(',');
dependency.preloadedCss = (<string> dependency.preloadedCss).split(',');
dependency.version = '?ver=' + dependency.majorVersion + '.' + dependency.minorVersion + '.' + dependency.patchVersion;
this.getDependencyAssets(dependency, 'preloadedJs', files.scripts, prefix);
this.getDependencyAssets(dependency, 'preloadedCss', files.styles, prefix);
if (this.aggregateAssets) {
// Aggregate and store assets.
await this.h5pFS.cacheAssets(files, cachedAssetsHash, folderName, siteId);
// Keep track of which libraries have been cached in case they are updated.
await this.h5pFramework.saveCachedAssets(cachedAssetsHash, dependencies, folderName, siteId);
return files;
* Get the hash of a list of dependencies.
* @param dependencies Dependencies.
* @return Hash.
static getDependenciesHash(dependencies: {[machineName: string]: CoreH5PContentDependencyData}): string {
// Build hash of dependencies.
const toHash = [];
// Use unique identifier for each library version.
for (const name in dependencies) {
const dep = dependencies[name];
toHash.push(dep.machineName + '-' + dep.majorVersion + '.' + dep.minorVersion + '.' + dep.patchVersion);
// Sort in case the same dependencies comes in a different order.
toHash.sort((a, b) => {
return a.localeCompare(b);
// Calculate hash.
return <string> Md5.hashAsciiStr(toHash.join(''));
* Get the paths to the content dependencies.
* @param id The H5P content ID.
* @param siteId The site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return Promise resolved with an object containing the path of each content dependency.
async getDependencyRoots(id: number, siteId?: string): Promise<{[libString: string]: string}> {
siteId = siteId || CoreSites.instance.getCurrentSiteId();
const roots = {};
const dependencies = await this.h5pFramework.loadContentDependencies(id, undefined, siteId);
for (const machineName in dependencies) {
const dependency = dependencies[machineName];
const folderName = CoreH5PCore.libraryToString(dependency, true);
roots[folderName] = this.h5pFS.getLibraryFolderPath(dependency, siteId, folderName);
return roots;
* Get all dependency assets of the given type.
* @param dependency The dependency.
* @param type Type of assets to get.
* @param assets Array where to store the assets.
* @param prefix Make paths relative to another dir.
protected getDependencyAssets(dependency: CoreH5PContentDependencyData, type: string, assets: CoreH5PDependencyAsset[],
prefix: string = ''): void {
// Check if dependency has any files of this type
if (!dependency[type] || dependency[type][0] === '') {
// Check if we should skip CSS.
if (type === 'preloadedCss' && CoreUtils.instance.isTrueOrOne(dependency.dropCss)) {
for (const key in dependency[type]) {
const file = dependency[type][key];
path: prefix + '/' + dependency.path + '/' + (typeof file != 'string' ? file.path : file).trim(),
version: dependency.version
* Convert display options to an object.
* @param disable Display options as a number.
* @return Display options as object.
getDisplayOptionsAsObject(disable: number): CoreH5PDisplayOptions {
const displayOptions: CoreH5PDisplayOptions = {};
// tslint:disable: no-bitwise
displayOptions[CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_FRAME] = !(disable & CoreH5PCore.DISABLE_FRAME);
displayOptions[CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_DOWNLOAD] = !(disable & CoreH5PCore.DISABLE_DOWNLOAD);
displayOptions[CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_EMBED] = !(disable & CoreH5PCore.DISABLE_EMBED);
displayOptions[CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_COPYRIGHT] = !(disable & CoreH5PCore.DISABLE_COPYRIGHT);
displayOptions[CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_ABOUT] = !!this.h5pFramework.getOption(CoreH5PCore.DISPLAY_OPTION_ABOUT, true);
return displayOptions;
* Determine display option visibility when viewing H5P
* @param disable The display options as a number.
* @param id Package ID.
* @return Display options as object.
getDisplayOptionsForView(disable: number, id: number): CoreH5PDisplayOptions {
return this.fixDisplayOptions(this.getDisplayOptionsAsObject(disable), id);
* Provide localization for the Core JS.
* @return Object with the translations.
getLocalization(): {[name: string]: string} {
return {
fullscreen: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.fullscreen'),
disableFullscreen: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.disablefullscreen'),
download: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.download'),
copyrights: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.copyright'),
embed: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.embed'),
size: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.size'),
showAdvanced: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.showadvanced'),
hideAdvanced: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.hideadvanced'),
advancedHelp: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.resizescript'),
copyrightInformation: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.copyright'),
close: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.close'),
title: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.title'),
author: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.author'),
year: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.year'),
source: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.source'),
license: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.license'),
thumbnail: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.thumbnail'),
noCopyrights: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.nocopyright'),
reuse: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.reuse'),
reuseContent: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.reuseContent'),
reuseDescription: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.reuseDescription'),
downloadDescription: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.downloadtitle'),
copyrightsDescription: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.copyrighttitle'),
embedDescription: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.embedtitle'),
h5pDescription: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.h5ptitle'),
contentChanged: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.contentchanged'),
startingOver: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.startingover'),
by: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.by'),
showMore: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.showmore'),
showLess: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.showless'),
subLevel: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.sublevel'),
confirmDialogHeader: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.confirmdialogheader'),
confirmDialogBody: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.confirmdialogbody'),
cancelLabel: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.cancellabel'),
confirmLabel: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.confirmlabel'),
licenseU: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.undisclosed'),
licenseCCBY: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.ccattribution'),
licenseCCBYSA: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.ccattributionsa'),
licenseCCBYND: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.ccattributionnd'),
licenseCCBYNC: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.ccattributionnc'),
licenseCCBYNCSA: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.ccattributionncsa'),
licenseCCBYNCND: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.ccattributionncnd'),
licenseCC40: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.licenseCC40'),
licenseCC30: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.licenseCC30'),
licenseCC25: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.licenseCC25'),
licenseCC20: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.licenseCC20'),
licenseCC10: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.licenseCC10'),
licenseGPL: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.licenseGPL'),
licenseV3: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.licenseV3'),
licenseV2: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.licenseV2'),
licenseV1: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.licenseV1'),
licensePD: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.pd'),
licenseCC010: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.licenseCC010'),
licensePDM: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.pdm'),
licenseC: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.copyrightstring'),
contentType: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.contenttype'),
licenseExtras: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.licenseextras'),
changes: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.changelog'),
contentCopied: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.contentCopied'),
connectionLost: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.connectionLost'),
connectionReestablished: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.connectionReestablished'),
resubmitScores: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.resubmitScores'),
offlineDialogHeader: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.offlineDialogHeader'),
offlineDialogBody: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.offlineDialogBody'),
offlineDialogRetryMessage: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.offlineDialogRetryMessage'),
offlineDialogRetryButtonLabel: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.offlineDialogRetryButtonLabel'),
offlineSuccessfulSubmit: Translate.instance.instant('core.h5p.offlineSuccessfulSubmit'),
* Get core JavaScript files.
* @return array The array containg urls of the core JavaScript files:
static getScripts(): string[] {
const libUrl = CoreH5P.instance.h5pCore.h5pFS.getCoreH5PPath();
const urls = [];
CoreH5PCore.SCRIPTS.forEach((script) => {
urls.push(libUrl + script);
urls.push(CoreTextUtils.instance.concatenatePaths(libUrl, 'moodle/js/h5p_overrides.js'));
return urls;
* Parses library data from a string on the form {machineName} {majorVersion}.{minorVersion}.
* @param libraryString On the form {machineName} {majorVersion}.{minorVersion}
* @return Object with keys machineName, majorVersion and minorVersion. Null if string is not parsable.
static libraryFromString(libraryString: string): {machineName: string, majorVersion: number, minorVersion: number} {
const matches = libraryString.match(/^([\w0-9\-\.]{1,255})[\-\ ]([0-9]{1,5})\.([0-9]{1,5})$/i);
if (matches && matches.length >= 4) {
return {
machineName: matches[1],
majorVersion: Number(matches[2]),
minorVersion: Number(matches[3])
return null;
* Writes library data as string on the form {machineName} {majorVersion}.{minorVersion}.
* @param libraryData Library data.
* @param folderName Use hyphen instead of space in returned string.
* @return String on the form {machineName} {majorVersion}.{minorVersion}.
static libraryToString(libraryData: any, folderName?: boolean): string {
return (libraryData.machineName ? libraryData.machineName : libraryData.name) + (folderName ? '-' : ' ') +
libraryData.majorVersion + '.' + libraryData.minorVersion;
* Load content data from DB.
* @param id Content ID.
* @param fileUrl H5P file URL. Required if id is not provided.
* @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return Promise resolved with the content data.
async loadContent(id?: number, fileUrl?: string, siteId?: string): Promise<CoreH5PContentData> {
siteId = siteId || CoreSites.instance.getCurrentSiteId();
const content = await this.h5pFramework.loadContent(id, fileUrl, siteId);
// Validate metadata.
const validator = new CoreH5PContentValidator(siteId);
content.metadata = await validator.validateMetadata(content.metadata);
return {
id: content.id,
params: content.params,
embedType: content.embedType,
disable: content.disable,
folderName: content.folderName,
title: content.title,
slug: content.slug,
filtered: content.filtered,
libraryMajorVersion: content.libraryMajorVersion,
libraryMinorVersion: content.libraryMinorVersion,
metadata: content.metadata,
library: {
id: content.libraryId,
name: content.libraryName,
majorVersion: content.libraryMajorVersion,
minorVersion: content.libraryMinorVersion,
embedTypes: content.libraryEmbedTypes,
fullscreen: content.libraryFullscreen,
* Load dependencies for the given content of the given type.
* @param id Content ID.
* @param type The dependency type.
* @return Content dependencies, indexed by machine name.
loadContentDependencies(id: number, type?: string, siteId?: string)
: Promise<{[machineName: string]: CoreH5PContentDependencyData}> {
return this.h5pFramework.loadContentDependencies(id, type, siteId);
* Loads a library and its dependencies.
* @param machineName The library's machine name.
* @param majorVersion The library's major version.
* @param minorVersion The library's minor version.
* @param siteId The site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return Promise resolved with the library data.
loadLibrary(machineName: string, majorVersion: number, minorVersion: number, siteId?: string): Promise<CoreH5PLibraryData> {
return this.h5pFramework.loadLibrary(machineName, majorVersion, minorVersion, siteId);
* Check if the current user has permission to update and install new libraries.
* @return Whether has permissions.
mayUpdateLibraries(): boolean {
// In the app the installation only affects current user, so the user always has permissions.
return true;
* Save content data in DB and clear cache.
* @param content Content to save.
* @param folderName The name of the folder that contains the H5P.
* @param fileUrl The online URL of the package.
* @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return Promise resolved with content ID.
async saveContent(content: any, folderName: string, fileUrl: string, siteId?: string): Promise<number> {
content.id = await this.h5pFramework.updateContent(content, folderName, fileUrl, siteId);
// Some user data for content has to be reset when the content changes.
await this.h5pFramework.resetContentUserData(content.id, siteId);
return content.id;
* Helper function used to figure out embed and download behaviour.
* @param optionName The option name.
* @param permission The permission.
* @param id The package ID.
* @param value Default value.
* @return The value to use.
setDisplayOptionOverrides(optionName: string, permission: number, id: number, value: boolean): boolean {
const behaviour = this.h5pFramework.getOption(optionName, CoreH5PDisplayOptionBehaviour.ALWAYS_SHOW);
// If never show globally, force hide
if (behaviour == CoreH5PDisplayOptionBehaviour.NEVER_SHOW) {
value = false;
} else if (behaviour == CoreH5PDisplayOptionBehaviour.ALWAYS_SHOW) {
// If always show or permissions say so, force show
value = true;
} else if (behaviour == CoreH5PDisplayOptionBehaviour.CONTROLLED_BY_PERMISSIONS) {
value = this.h5pFramework.hasPermission(permission, id);
return value;
* Convert strings of text into simple kebab case slugs. Based on H5PCore::slugify.
* @param input The string to slugify.
* @return Slugified text.
static slugify(input: string): string {
input = input || '';
input = input.toLowerCase();
// Replace common chars.
let newInput = '';
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
const char = input[i];
newInput += CoreH5PCore.SLUGIFY_MAP[char] || char;
// Replace everything else.
newInput = newInput.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, '-');
// Prevent double hyphen
newInput = newInput.replace(/-{2,}/g, '-');
// Prevent hyphen in beginning or end.
newInput = newInput.replace(/(^-+|-+$)/g, '');
// Prevent too long slug.
if (newInput.length > 91) {
newInput = newInput.substr(0, 92);
// Prevent empty slug
if (newInput === '') {
newInput = 'interactive';
return newInput;
* Determine if params contain any match.
* @param params Parameters.
* @param pattern Regular expression to identify pattern.
* @return True if params matches pattern.
protected textAddonMatches(params: any, pattern: string): boolean {
if (typeof params == 'string') {
if (params.match(pattern)) {
return true;
} else if (typeof params == 'object') {
for (const key in params) {
const value = params[key];
if (this.textAddonMatches(value, pattern)) {
return true;
return false;
* Display options behaviour constants.
export class CoreH5PDisplayOptionBehaviour {
static NEVER_SHOW = 0;
static ALWAYS_SHOW = 3;
* Permission constants.
export class CoreH5PPermission {
static DOWNLOAD_H5P = 0;
static EMBED_H5P = 1;
static COPY_H5P = 4;
* Display options as object.
export type CoreH5PDisplayOptions = {
frame?: boolean;
export?: boolean;
embed?: boolean;
copyright?: boolean;
icon?: boolean;
copy?: boolean;
* Dependency asset.
export type CoreH5PDependencyAsset = {
path: string; // Path to the asset.
version: string; // Dependency version.
* Dependencies files.
export type CoreH5PDependenciesFiles = {
scripts: CoreH5PDependencyAsset[]; // JS scripts.
styles: CoreH5PDependencyAsset[]; // CSS files.
* Content data, including main library data.
export type CoreH5PContentData = {
id: number; // The id of the content.
params: string; // The content in json format.
embedType: string; // Embed type to use.
disable: number; // H5P Button display options.
folderName: string; // Name of the folder that contains the contents.
title: string; // Main library's title.
slug: string; // Lib title and ID slugified.
filtered: string; // Filtered version of json_content.
libraryMajorVersion: number; // Main library's major version.
libraryMinorVersion: number; // Main library's minor version.
metadata: any; // Content metadata.
library: { // Main library data.
id: number; // The id of the library.
name: string; // The library machine name.
majorVersion: number; // Major version.
minorVersion: number; // Minor version.
embedTypes: string; // List of supported embed types.
fullscreen: number; // Display fullscreen button.
dependencies?: {[key: string]: CoreH5PContentDepsTreeDependency}; // Dependencies. Calculated in filterParameters.
* Content dependency data.
export type CoreH5PContentDependencyData = {
libraryId: number; // The id of the library if it is an existing library.
machineName: string; // The library machineName.
majorVersion: number; // The The library's majorVersion.
minorVersion: number; // The The library's minorVersion.
patchVersion: number; // The The library's patchVersion.
preloadedJs?: string | string[]; // Comma separated string with js file paths. If already parsed, list of paths.
preloadedCss?: string | string[]; // Comma separated string with css file paths. If already parsed, list of paths.
dropCss?: string; // CSV of machine names.
dependencyType: string; // The dependency type.
path?: string; // Path to the dependency. Calculated in getDependenciesFiles.
version?: string; // Version of the dependency. Calculated in getDependenciesFiles.
* Data for each content dependency in the dependency tree.
export type CoreH5PContentDepsTreeDependency = {
library: CoreH5PLibraryData | CoreH5PLibraryAddonData; // Library data.
type: string; // Dependency type.
weight?: number; // An integer determining the order of the libraries when they are loaded.
* Library data.
export type CoreH5PLibraryData = {
libraryId: number; // The id of the library.
title: string; // The human readable name of this library.
machineName: string; // The library machine name.
majorVersion: number; // Major version.
minorVersion: number; // Minor version.
patchVersion: number; // Patch version.
runnable: number; // Can this library be started by the module? I.e. not a dependency.
fullscreen: number; // Display fullscreen button.
embedTypes: string; // List of supported embed types.
preloadedJs?: string; // Comma separated list of scripts to load.
preloadedCss?: string; // Comma separated list of stylesheets to load.
dropLibraryCss?: string; // List of libraries that should not have CSS included if this library is used. Comma separated list.
semantics?: any; // The semantics definition. If it's a string, it's in json format.
preloadedDependencies: CoreH5PLibraryBasicData[]; // Dependencies.
dynamicDependencies: CoreH5PLibraryBasicData[]; // Dependencies.
editorDependencies: CoreH5PLibraryBasicData[]; // Dependencies.
* Library basic data.
export type CoreH5PLibraryBasicData = {
machineName: string; // The library machine name.
majorVersion: number; // Major version.
minorVersion: number; // Minor version.
* "Addon" data (library).
export type CoreH5PLibraryAddonData = {
libraryId: number; // The id of the library.
machineName: string; // The library machine name.
majorVersion: number; // Major version.
minorVersion: number; // Minor version.
patchVersion: number; // Patch version.
preloadedJs?: string; // Comma separated list of scripts to load.
preloadedCss?: string; // Comma separated list of stylesheets to load.
addTo?: any; // Plugin configuration data.