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"agreepolicies": "Please agree to the following policies",
"backtotop": "Back to top",
"consentpagetitle": "Consent",
"havereadandagreepolicy": "I have read and agree to the {{policyname}}",
"idontagree": "No thanks, I decline {{$a}}",
"mustagreetocontinue": "Before continuing you need to acknowledge all these policies.",
"policyacceptmandatory": "I understand and agree to the mandatory site policies",
"policyagree": "You must agree to this policy to continue using this site. Do you agree?",
"policyagreement": "Site policy agreement",
"policyagreementclick": "Link to site policy agreement",
"refertofullpolicytext": "Please refer to the full {{$a}} if you would like to review the text.",
"sitepolicynotagreederror": "Site policy not agreed.",
"steppolicies": "Policy {{$a.numpolicy}} out of {{$a.totalpolicies}}"