781 lines
29 KiB
781 lines
29 KiB
// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, ViewChild, ChangeDetectorRef, ViewChildren, QueryList, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
import { IonContent } from '@ionic/angular';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { CoreIonLoadingElement } from '@classes/ion-loading';
import { CoreQuestionComponent } from '@features/question/components/question/question';
import { CoreQuestionQuestionParsed, CoreQuestionsAnswers } from '@features/question/services/question';
import { CoreQuestionBehaviourButton, CoreQuestionHelper } from '@features/question/services/question-helper';
import { CoreNavigator } from '@services/navigator';
import { CoreSites, CoreSitesReadingStrategy } from '@services/sites';
import { CoreSync } from '@services/sync';
import { CoreDomUtils } from '@services/utils/dom';
import { CoreTimeUtils } from '@services/utils/time';
import { CoreUtils } from '@services/utils/utils';
import { ModalController, Translate } from '@singletons';
import { CoreEvents } from '@singletons/events';
import { AddonModQuizAutoSave } from '../../classes/auto-save';
import {
} from '../../components/navigation-modal/navigation-modal';
import {
} from '../../services/quiz';
import { AddonModQuizAttempt, AddonModQuizHelper } from '../../services/quiz-helper';
import { AddonModQuizSync } from '../../services/quiz-sync';
import { CanLeave } from '@guards/can-leave';
import { CoreForms } from '@singletons/form';
* Page that allows attempting a quiz.
selector: 'page-addon-mod-quiz-player',
templateUrl: 'player.html',
styleUrls: ['player.scss'],
export class AddonModQuizPlayerPage implements OnInit, OnDestroy, CanLeave {
@ViewChild(IonContent) content?: IonContent;
@ViewChildren(CoreQuestionComponent) questionComponents?: QueryList<CoreQuestionComponent>;
@ViewChild('quizForm') formElement?: ElementRef;
quiz?: AddonModQuizQuizWSData; // The quiz the attempt belongs to.
attempt?: AddonModQuizAttempt; // The attempt being attempted.
moduleUrl?: string; // URL to the module in the site.
component = AddonModQuizProvider.COMPONENT; // Component to link the files to.
loaded = false; // Whether data has been loaded.
quizAborted = false; // Whether the quiz was aborted due to an error.
offline = false; // Whether the quiz is being attempted in offline mode.
navigation: AddonModQuizNavigationQuestion[] = []; // List of questions to navigate them.
questions: QuizQuestion[] = []; // Questions of the current page.
nextPage = -2; // Next page.
previousPage = -1; // Previous page.
showSummary = false; // Whether the attempt summary should be displayed.
summaryQuestions: CoreQuestionQuestionParsed[] = []; // The questions to display in the summary.
canReturn = false; // Whether the user can return to a page after seeing the summary.
preventSubmitMessages: string[] = []; // List of messages explaining why the quiz cannot be submitted.
endTime?: number; // The time when the attempt must be finished.
autoSaveError = false; // Whether there's been an error in auto-save.
isSequential = false; // Whether quiz navigation is sequential.
readableTimeLimit?: string; // Time limit in a readable format.
dueDateWarning?: string; // Warning about due date.
courseId!: number; // The course ID the quiz belongs to.
cmId!: number; // Course module ID.
protected preflightData: Record<string, string> = {}; // Preflight data to attempt the quiz.
protected quizAccessInfo?: AddonModQuizGetQuizAccessInformationWSResponse; // Quiz access information.
protected attemptAccessInfo?: AddonModQuizGetAttemptAccessInformationWSResponse; // Attempt access info.
protected lastAttempt?: AddonModQuizAttemptWSData; // Last user attempt before a new one is created (if needed).
protected newAttempt = false; // Whether the user is starting a new attempt.
protected quizDataLoaded = false; // Whether the quiz data has been loaded.
protected timeUpCalled = false; // Whether the time up function has been called.
protected autoSave!: AddonModQuizAutoSave; // Class to auto-save answers every certain time.
protected autoSaveErrorSubscription?: Subscription; // To be notified when an error happens in auto-save.
protected forceLeave = false; // If true, don't perform any check when leaving the view.
protected reloadNavigation = false; // Whether navigation needs to be reloaded because some data was sent to server.
protected changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef,
protected elementRef: ElementRef,
) {
* Component being initialized.
ngOnInit(): void {
this.cmId = CoreNavigator.getRouteNumberParam('cmId')!;
this.courseId = CoreNavigator.getRouteNumberParam('courseId')!;
this.moduleUrl = CoreNavigator.getRouteParam('moduleUrl');
// Create the auto save instance.
this.autoSave = new AddonModQuizAutoSave(
// Start the player when the page is loaded.
// Listen for errors on auto-save.
this.autoSaveErrorSubscription = this.autoSave.onError().subscribe((error) => {
this.autoSaveError = error;
* Component being destroyed.
ngOnDestroy(): void {
// Stop auto save.
if (this.quiz) {
// Unblock the quiz so it can be synced.
CoreSync.unblockOperation(AddonModQuizProvider.COMPONENT, this.quiz.id);
* Check if we can leave the page or not.
* @return Resolved if we can leave it, rejected if not.
async canLeave(): Promise<boolean> {
if (this.forceLeave || this.quizAborted || !this.questions.length || this.showSummary) {
return true;
// Save answers.
const modal = await CoreDomUtils.showModalLoading('core.sending', true);
try {
await this.processAttempt(false, false);
} catch (error) {
// Save attempt failed. Show confirmation.
await CoreDomUtils.showConfirm(Translate.instant('addon.mod_quiz.confirmleavequizonerror'));
CoreForms.triggerFormCancelledEvent(this.formElement, CoreSites.getCurrentSiteId());
} finally {
return true;
* Runs when the page is about to leave and no longer be the active page.
async ionViewWillLeave(): Promise<void> {
// Close any modal if present.
const modal = await ModalController.getTop();
* Abort the quiz.
abortQuiz(): void {
this.quizAborted = true;
* A behaviour button in a question was clicked (Check, Redo, ...).
* @param button Clicked button.
async behaviourButtonClicked(button: CoreQuestionBehaviourButton): Promise<void> {
let modal: CoreIonLoadingElement | undefined;
try {
// Confirm that the user really wants to do it.
await CoreDomUtils.showConfirm(Translate.instant('core.areyousure'));
modal = await CoreDomUtils.showModalLoading('core.sending', true);
// Get the answers.
const answers = await this.prepareAnswers();
// Add the clicked button data.
answers[button.name] = button.value;
// Behaviour checks are always in online.
await AddonModQuiz.processAttempt(this.quiz!, this.attempt!, answers, this.preflightData);
this.reloadNavigation = true; // Data sent to server, navigation should be reloaded.
// Reload the current page.
const scrollElement = await this.content?.getScrollElement();
const scrollTop = scrollElement?.scrollTop || -1;
const scrollLeft = scrollElement?.scrollLeft || -1;
this.loaded = false;
this.content?.scrollToTop(); // Scroll top so the spinner is seen.
try {
await this.loadPage(this.attempt!.currentpage!);
} finally {
this.loaded = true;
if (scrollTop != -1 && scrollLeft != -1) {
this.content?.scrollToPoint(scrollLeft, scrollTop);
} catch (error) {
CoreDomUtils.showErrorModalDefault(error, 'Error performing action.');
} finally {
* Change the current page. If slot is supplied, try to scroll to that question.
* @param page Page to load. -1 means summary.
* @param fromModal Whether the page was selected using the navigation modal.
* @param slot Slot of the question to scroll to.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
async changePage(page: number, fromModal?: boolean, slot?: number): Promise<void> {
if (!this.attempt) {
if (page != -1 && (this.attempt.state == AddonModQuizProvider.ATTEMPT_OVERDUE || this.attempt.finishedOffline)) {
// We can't load a page if overdue or the local attempt is finished.
} else if (page == this.attempt.currentpage && !this.showSummary && typeof slot != 'undefined') {
// Navigating to a question in the current page.
} else if ((page == this.attempt.currentpage && !this.showSummary) || (fromModal && this.isSequential && page != -1)) {
// If the user is navigating to the current page we do nothing.
// Also, in sequential quizzes we don't allow navigating using the modal except for finishing the quiz (summary).
} else if (page === -1 && this.showSummary) {
// Summary already shown.
// First try to save the attempt data. We only save it if we're not seeing the summary.
if (!this.showSummary) {
const modal = await CoreDomUtils.showModalLoading('core.sending', true);
try {
await this.processAttempt(false, false);
} catch (error) {
CoreDomUtils.showErrorModalDefault(error, 'addon.mod_quiz.errorsaveattempt', true);
this.reloadNavigation = true; // Data sent to server, navigation should be reloaded.
this.loaded = false;
try {
// Attempt data successfully saved, load the page or summary.
// Stop checking for changes during page change.
if (page === -1) {
await this.loadSummary();
} else {
await this.loadPage(page);
} catch (error) {
// If the user isn't seeing the summary, start the check again.
if (!this.showSummary) {
this.autoSave.startCheckChangesProcess(this.quiz!, this.attempt, this.preflightData, this.offline);
CoreDomUtils.showErrorModalDefault(error, 'addon.mod_quiz.errorgetquestions', true);
} finally {
this.loaded = true;
if (typeof slot != 'undefined') {
// Scroll to the question. Give some time to the questions to render.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
* Convenience function to get the quiz data.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected async fetchData(): Promise<void> {
try {
this.quiz = await AddonModQuiz.getQuiz(this.courseId, this.cmId);
// Block the quiz so it cannot be synced.
CoreSync.blockOperation(AddonModQuizProvider.COMPONENT, this.quiz.id);
// Wait for any ongoing sync to finish. We won't sync a quiz while it's being played.
await AddonModQuizSync.waitForSync(this.quiz.id);
this.isSequential = AddonModQuiz.isNavigationSequential(this.quiz);
if (AddonModQuiz.isQuizOffline(this.quiz)) {
// Quiz supports offline.
this.offline = true;
} else {
// Quiz doesn't support offline right now, but maybe it did and then the setting was changed.
// If we have an unfinished offline attempt then we'll use offline mode.
this.offline = await AddonModQuiz.isLastAttemptOfflineUnfinished(this.quiz);
if (this.quiz!.timelimit && this.quiz!.timelimit > 0) {
this.readableTimeLimit = CoreTimeUtils.formatTime(this.quiz.timelimit);
// Get access information for the quiz.
this.quizAccessInfo = await AddonModQuiz.getQuizAccessInformation(this.quiz.id, {
cmId: this.quiz.coursemodule,
readingStrategy: this.offline ? CoreSitesReadingStrategy.PreferCache : CoreSitesReadingStrategy.OnlyNetwork,
// Get user attempts to determine last attempt.
const attempts = await AddonModQuiz.getUserAttempts(this.quiz.id, {
cmId: this.quiz.coursemodule,
readingStrategy: this.offline ? CoreSitesReadingStrategy.PreferCache : CoreSitesReadingStrategy.OnlyNetwork,
if (!attempts.length) {
// There are no attempts, start a new one.
this.newAttempt = true;
// Get the last attempt. If it's finished, start a new one.
this.lastAttempt = await AddonModQuizHelper.setAttemptCalculatedData(
attempts[attempts.length - 1],
this.newAttempt = AddonModQuiz.isAttemptFinished(this.lastAttempt.state);
} catch (error) {
CoreDomUtils.showErrorModalDefault(error, 'addon.mod_quiz.errorgetquiz', true);
* Finish an attempt, either by timeup or because the user clicked to finish it.
* @param userFinish Whether the user clicked to finish the attempt.
* @param timeUp Whether the quiz time is up.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
async finishAttempt(userFinish?: boolean, timeUp?: boolean): Promise<void> {
let modal: CoreIonLoadingElement | undefined;
try {
// Show confirm if the user clicked the finish button and the quiz is in progress.
if (!timeUp && this.attempt!.state == AddonModQuizProvider.ATTEMPT_IN_PROGRESS) {
await CoreDomUtils.showConfirm(Translate.instant('addon.mod_quiz.confirmclose'));
modal = await CoreDomUtils.showModalLoading('core.sending', true);
await this.processAttempt(userFinish, timeUp);
// Trigger an event to notify the attempt was finished.
CoreEvents.trigger(AddonModQuizProvider.ATTEMPT_FINISHED_EVENT, {
quizId: this.quiz!.id,
attemptId: this.attempt!.id,
synced: !this.offline,
}, CoreSites.getCurrentSiteId());
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.ACTIVITY_DATA_SENT, { module: 'quiz' });
// Leave the player.
this.forceLeave = true;
} catch (error) {
CoreDomUtils.showErrorModalDefault(error, 'addon.mod_quiz.errorsaveattempt', true);
} finally {
* Fix sequence checks of current page.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected async fixSequenceChecks(): Promise<void> {
// Get current page data again to get the latest sequencechecks.
const data = await AddonModQuiz.getAttemptData(this.attempt!.id, this.attempt!.currentpage!, this.preflightData, {
cmId: this.quiz!.coursemodule,
readingStrategy: this.offline ? CoreSitesReadingStrategy.PreferCache : CoreSitesReadingStrategy.OnlyNetwork,
const newSequenceChecks: Record<number, { name: string; value: string }> = {};
data.questions.forEach((question) => {
const sequenceCheck = CoreQuestionHelper.getQuestionSequenceCheckFromHtml(question.html);
if (sequenceCheck) {
newSequenceChecks[question.slot] = sequenceCheck;
// Notify the new sequence checks to the components.
this.questionComponents?.forEach((component) => {
* Get the input answers.
* @return Object with the answers.
protected getAnswers(): CoreQuestionsAnswers {
return CoreQuestionHelper.getAnswersFromForm(document.forms['addon-mod_quiz-player-form']);
* Initializes the timer if enabled.
protected initTimer(): void {
if (!this.attemptAccessInfo?.endtime || this.attemptAccessInfo.endtime < 0) {
// Quiz has an end time. Check if time left should be shown.
const shouldShowTime = AddonModQuiz.shouldShowTimeLeft(
if (shouldShowTime) {
this.endTime = this.attemptAccessInfo.endtime;
} else {
delete this.endTime;
* Load a page questions.
* @param page The page to load.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected async loadPage(page: number): Promise<void> {
const data = await AddonModQuiz.getAttemptData(this.attempt!.id, page, this.preflightData, {
cmId: this.quiz!.coursemodule,
readingStrategy: this.offline ? CoreSitesReadingStrategy.PreferCache : CoreSitesReadingStrategy.OnlyNetwork,
// Update attempt, status could change during the execution.
this.attempt = data.attempt;
this.attempt.currentpage = page;
this.questions = data.questions;
this.nextPage = data.nextpage;
this.previousPage = this.isSequential ? -1 : page - 1;
this.showSummary = false;
this.questions.forEach((question) => {
// Get the readable mark for each question.
question.readableMark = AddonModQuizHelper.getQuestionMarkFromHtml(question.html);
// Extract the question info box.
CoreQuestionHelper.extractQuestionInfoBox(question, '.info');
// Check if the question is blocked. If it is, treat it as a description question.
if (AddonModQuiz.isQuestionBlocked(question)) {
question.type = 'description';
// Mark the page as viewed.
AddonModQuiz.logViewAttempt(this.attempt.id, page, this.preflightData, this.offline, this.quiz),
// Start looking for changes.
this.autoSave.startCheckChangesProcess(this.quiz!, this.attempt, this.preflightData, this.offline);
* Load attempt summary.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected async loadSummary(): Promise<void> {
this.summaryQuestions = [];
this.summaryQuestions = await AddonModQuiz.getAttemptSummary(this.attempt!.id, this.preflightData, {
cmId: this.quiz!.coursemodule,
loadLocal: this.offline,
readingStrategy: this.offline ? CoreSitesReadingStrategy.PreferCache : CoreSitesReadingStrategy.OnlyNetwork,
this.showSummary = true;
this.canReturn = this.attempt!.state == AddonModQuizProvider.ATTEMPT_IN_PROGRESS && !this.attempt!.finishedOffline;
this.preventSubmitMessages = AddonModQuiz.getPreventSubmitMessages(this.summaryQuestions);
this.dueDateWarning = AddonModQuiz.getAttemptDueDateWarning(this.quiz!, this.attempt!);
// Log summary as viewed.
AddonModQuiz.logViewAttemptSummary(this.attempt!.id, this.preflightData, this.quiz!.id, this.quiz!.name),
* Load data to navigate the questions using the navigation modal.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected async loadNavigation(): Promise<void> {
// We use the attempt summary to build the navigation because it contains all the questions.
this.navigation = await AddonModQuiz.getAttemptSummary(this.attempt!.id, this.preflightData, {
cmId: this.quiz!.coursemodule,
loadLocal: this.offline,
readingStrategy: this.offline ? CoreSitesReadingStrategy.PreferCache : CoreSitesReadingStrategy.OnlyNetwork,
this.navigation.forEach((question) => {
question.stateClass = CoreQuestionHelper.getQuestionStateClass(question.state || '');
* Open the navigation modal.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
async openNavigation(): Promise<void> {
if (this.reloadNavigation) {
// Some data has changed, reload the navigation.
const modal = await CoreDomUtils.showModalLoading();
await CoreUtils.ignoreErrors(this.loadNavigation());
this.reloadNavigation = false;
// Create the navigation modal.
const modalData = await CoreDomUtils.openSideModal<AddonModQuizNavigationModalReturn>({
component: AddonModQuizNavigationModalComponent,
componentProps: {
navigation: this.navigation,
summaryShown: this.showSummary,
currentPage: this.attempt?.currentpage,
isReview: false,
if (modalData && modalData.action == AddonModQuizNavigationModalComponent.CHANGE_PAGE) {
this.changePage(modalData.page!, true, modalData.slot);
* Prepare the answers to be sent for the attempt.
* @return Promise resolved with the answers.
protected prepareAnswers(): Promise<CoreQuestionsAnswers> {
return CoreQuestionHelper.prepareAnswers(
* Process attempt.
* @param userFinish Whether the user clicked to finish the attempt.
* @param timeUp Whether the quiz time is up.
* @param retrying Whether we're retrying the change.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected async processAttempt(userFinish?: boolean, timeUp?: boolean, retrying?: boolean): Promise<void> {
// Get the answers to send.
let answers: CoreQuestionsAnswers = {};
if (!this.showSummary) {
answers = await this.prepareAnswers();
try {
// Send the answers.
await AddonModQuiz.processAttempt(
} catch (error) {
if (!error || error.errorcode != 'submissionoutofsequencefriendlymessage') {
throw error;
try {
// There was an error with the sequence check. Try to ammend it.
await this.fixSequenceChecks();
} catch {
throw error;
if (retrying) {
// We're already retrying, don't send the data again because it could cause an infinite loop.
throw error;
// Sequence checks updated, try to send the data again.
return this.processAttempt(userFinish, timeUp, true);
// Answers saved, cancel auto save.
if (this.formElement) {
CoreForms.triggerFormSubmittedEvent(this.formElement, !this.offline, CoreSites.getCurrentSiteId());
return CoreQuestionHelper.clearTmpData(this.questions, this.component, this.quiz!.coursemodule);
* Scroll to a certain question.
* @param slot Slot of the question to scroll to.
protected scrollToQuestion(slot: number): void {
'#addon-mod_quiz-question-' + slot,
* Show connection error.
* @param ev Click event.
showConnectionError(ev: Event): void {
* Convenience function to start the player.
async start(): Promise<void> {
try {
this.loaded = false;
if (!this.quizDataLoaded) {
// Fetch data.
await this.fetchData();
this.quizDataLoaded = true;
// Quiz data has been loaded, try to start or continue.
await this.startOrContinueAttempt();
} finally {
this.loaded = true;
* Start or continue an attempt.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected async startOrContinueAttempt(): Promise<void> {
try {
let attempt = this.newAttempt ? undefined : this.lastAttempt;
// Get the preflight data and start attempt if needed.
attempt = await AddonModQuizHelper.getAndCheckPreflightData(
// Re-fetch attempt access information with the right attempt (might have changed because a new attempt was created).
this.attemptAccessInfo = await AddonModQuiz.getAttemptAccessInformation(this.quiz!.id, attempt.id, {
cmId: this.quiz!.coursemodule,
readingStrategy: this.offline ? CoreSitesReadingStrategy.PreferCache : CoreSitesReadingStrategy.OnlyNetwork,
this.attempt = attempt;
await this.loadNavigation();
if (this.attempt.state != AddonModQuizProvider.ATTEMPT_OVERDUE && !this.attempt.finishedOffline) {
// Attempt not overdue and not finished in offline, load page.
await this.loadPage(this.attempt.currentpage!);
} else {
// Attempt is overdue or finished in offline, we can only load the summary.
await this.loadSummary();
} catch (error) {
CoreDomUtils.showErrorModalDefault(error, 'addon.mod_quiz.errorgetquestions', true);
* Quiz time has finished.
timeUp(): void {
if (this.timeUpCalled) {
this.timeUpCalled = true;
this.finishAttempt(false, true);
* Question with some calculated data for the view.
type QuizQuestion = CoreQuestionQuestionParsed & {
readableMark?: string;