Whether the version of the moodle site is compatible should be checked automatically, however with the current implementation it's only checked once the app is launched. So in some scenarios, it may be necessary to explicitly tell behat to check the site.
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// NOTE: no MOODLE_INTERNAL test here, this file may be required by behat before including /config.php.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../../lib/behat/behat_base.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/behat_app_helper.php');
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode;
use Behat\Mink\Exception\DriverException;
use Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException;
* Moodle App steps definitions.
* @package core
* @category test
* @copyright 2018 The Open University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class behat_app extends behat_app_helper {
/** @var string URL for running Ionic server */
protected $ionicurl = '';
/** @var array Config overrides */
protected $appconfig = [
'disableUserTours' => true,
'toastDurations' => [ // Extend toast durations in Behat so they don't disappear too soon.
'short' => 7500,
'long' => 10000,
'sticky' => 0,
protected $windowsize = '360x720';
* Opens the Moodle App in the browser and optionally logs in.
* @When I enter the app
* @Given I entered the app as :username
* @param string $username Username
* @throws DriverException Issue with configuration or feature file
* @throws dml_exception Problem with Moodle setup
* @throws ExpectationException Problem with resizing window
public function i_enter_the_app(string $username = null) {
if (!is_null($username)) {
* Check whether the current page is the login form.
protected function is_in_login_page(): bool {
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$logininput = $page->find('xpath', '//page-core-login-site//input[@name="url"]');
return !is_null($logininput);
* Opens the Moodle App in the browser.
* @When I launch the app :runtime
* @When I launch the app
* @param string $runtime Runtime
* @throws DriverException Issue with configuration or feature file
* @throws dml_exception Problem with Moodle setup
* @throws ExpectationException Problem with resizing window
public function i_launch_the_app(string $runtime = '') {
// Go to page and prepare browser for app.
$this->prepare_browser(['skiponboarding' => empty($runtime)]);
* Restart the app.
* @When I restart the app
public function i_restart_the_app() {
* @Then I wait the app to restart
public function i_wait_the_app_to_restart() {
// Prepare testing runtime again.
* @Then I log out in the app
* @param bool $force If force logout or not.
public function i_log_out_in_app($force = true) {
$options = json_encode([
'forceLogout' => $force,
$result = $this->zone_js("sites.logout($options)");
if ($result !== 'OK') {
throw new DriverException('Error on log out - ' . $result);
* Finds elements in the app.
* @Then /^I should( not)? find (".+")( inside the .+)? in the app$/
* @param bool $not Whether assert that the element was not found
* @param string $locator Element locator
* @param string $container Container name
public function i_find_in_the_app(bool $not, string $locator, string $container = '') {
$locator = $this->parse_element_locator($locator);
if (!empty($container)) {
preg_match('/^ inside the (.+)$/', $container, $matches);
$container = $matches[1];
$options = json_encode(['containerName' => $container]);
$this->spin(function() use ($not, $locator, $options) {
$result = $this->runtime_js("find($locator, $options)");
if ($not && $result === 'OK') {
throw new DriverException('Error, found an element that should not be found');
if (!$not && $result !== 'OK') {
throw new DriverException('Error finding element - ' . $result);
return true;
* Scroll to an element in the app.
* @When /^I scroll to (".+") in the app$/
* @param string $locator Element locator
public function i_scroll_to_in_the_app(string $locator) {
$locator = $this->parse_element_locator($locator);
$this->spin(function() use ($locator) {
$result = $this->runtime_js("scrollTo($locator)");
if ($result !== 'OK') {
throw new DriverException('Error finding element - ' . $result);
return true;
// Wait scroll animation to finish.
* Load more items in a list with an infinite loader.
* @When /^I (should not be able to )?load more items in the app$/
* @param bool $not Whether assert that it is not possible to load more items
public function i_load_more_items_in_the_app(bool $not = false) {
$this->spin(function() use ($not) {
$result = $this->runtime_js('loadMoreItems()');
if ($not && $result !== 'ERROR: All items are already loaded.') {
throw new DriverException('It should not have been possible to load more items');
if (!$not && $result !== 'OK') {
throw new DriverException('Error loading more items - ' . $result);
return true;
* Trigger swipe gesture.
* @When /^I swipe to the (left|right) in the app$/
* @param string $direction Swipe direction
public function i_swipe_in_the_app(string $direction) {
$method = 'swipe' . ucwords($direction);
$this->zone_js("getAngularInstance('ion-content', 'CoreSwipeNavigationDirective').$method()");
// Wait swipe animation to finish.
* Check if elements are selected in the app.
* @Then /^(".+") should( not)? be selected in the app$/
* @param string $locator Element locator
* @param bool $not Whether to assert that the element is not selected
public function be_selected_in_the_app(string $locator, bool $not = false) {
$locator = $this->parse_element_locator($locator);
$this->spin(function() use ($locator, $not) {
$result = $this->runtime_js("isSelected($locator)");
switch ($result) {
case 'YES':
if ($not) {
throw new ExpectationException("Element was selected and shouldn't have", $this->getSession()->getDriver());
case 'NO':
if (!$not) {
throw new ExpectationException("Element wasn't selected and should have", $this->getSession()->getDriver());
throw new DriverException('Error finding element - ' . $result);
return true;
* Carries out the login steps for the app, assuming the user is on the app login page. Called
* from behat_auth.php.
* @param string $username Username (and password)
* @throws Exception Any error
public function login(string $username) {
$this->i_set_the_field_in_the_app('Username', $username);
$this->i_set_the_field_in_the_app('Password', $username);
// Note there are two 'Log in' texts visible (the title and the button) so we have to use
// a 'near' value here.
$this->i_press_in_the_app('"Log in" near "Forgotten"');
// Wait until the main page appears.
function($context) {
$initialpage = $context->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath', '//page-core-mainmenu') ??
$context->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath', '//page-core-login-change-password') ??
$context->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath', '//page-core-user-complete-profile');
if ($initialpage) {
return true;
throw new DriverException('Moodle App main page not loaded after login');
}, false, 30);
// Wait for JS to finish as well.
* Enter site.
protected function enter_site() {
if (!$this->is_in_login_page()) {
// Already in the site.
global $CFG;
$this->i_set_the_field_in_the_app('Your site', $CFG->wwwroot);
$this->i_press_in_the_app('"Connect to your site"');
* Shortcut to let the user enter a course in the app.
* @Given I entered the course :coursename as :username in the app
* @Given I entered the course :coursename in the app
* @param string $coursename Course name
* @param string $username Username
* @throws DriverException If the button push doesn't work
public function i_entered_the_course_in_the_app(string $coursename, ?string $username = null) {
$courseid = $this->get_course_id($coursename);
if (!$courseid) {
throw new DriverException("Course '$coursename' not found");
if ($username) {
$this->open_moodleapp_custom_login_url($username, "/course/view.php?id=$courseid", '//page-core-course-index');
} else {
$this->open_moodleapp_custom_url("/course/view.php?id=$courseid", '//page-core-course-index');
* User enters a course in the app.
* @Given I enter the course :coursename as :username in the app
* @Given I enter the course :coursename in the app
* @param string $coursename Course name
* @param string $username Username
* @throws DriverException If the button push doesn't work
public function i_enter_the_course_in_the_app(string $coursename, ?string $username = null) {
if (!is_null($username)) {
$mycoursesfound = $this->runtime_js("find({ text: 'My courses', selector: 'ion-tab-button'})");
if ($mycoursesfound !== 'OK') {
// My courses not present enter from Dashboard.
$this->i_press_in_the_app('"Home" "ion-tab-button"');
$this->i_press_in_the_app('"'.$coursename.'" near "Course overview"');
$this->i_press_in_the_app('"My courses" "ion-tab-button"');
* User enters an activity in a course in the app.
* @Given I entered the :activity activity :activityname on course :course as :username in the app
* @Given I entered the :activity activity :activityname on course :course in the app
* @param string $activity Activity
* @param string $activityname Activity name
* @param string $coursename Course name
* @param string $username Username
* @throws DriverException If the button push doesn't work
public function i_enter_the_activity_in_the_app(string $activity, string $activityname, string $coursename, ?string $username = null) {
$cm = $this->get_cm_by_activity_name_and_course($activity, $activityname, $coursename);
if (!$cm) {
throw new DriverException("'$activityname' activity '$activityname' not found");
$pageurl = "/mod/$activity/view.php?id={$cm->id}";
if ($username) {
$this->open_moodleapp_custom_login_url($username, $pageurl);
} else {
* Presses standard buttons in the app.
* @When /^I press the (back|more menu|page menu|user menu|main menu) button in the app$/
* @param string $button Button type
* @throws DriverException If the button push doesn't work
public function i_press_the_standard_button_in_the_app(string $button) {
$this->spin(function() use ($button) {
$result = $this->runtime_js("pressStandard('$button')");
if ($result !== 'OK') {
throw new DriverException('Error pressing standard button - ' . $result);
return true;
* Receives push notifications.
* @When /^I receive a push notification in the app for:$/
* @param TableNode $data Table data
public function i_receive_a_push_notification(TableNode $data) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$data = (object) $data->getColumnsHash()[0];
$module = $DB->get_record('course_modules', ['idnumber' => $data->module]);
$discussion = $DB->get_record('forum_discussions', ['name' => $data->discussion]);
$notification = json_encode([
'site' => md5($CFG->behat_wwwroot . $data->username),
'courseid' => $discussion->course,
'moodlecomponent' => 'mod_forum',
'name' => 'posts',
'contexturl' => '',
'notif' => 1,
'customdata' => [
'discussionid' => $discussion->id,
'cmid' => $module->id,
'instance' => $discussion->forum,
$this->zone_js("pushNotifications.notificationClicked($notification)", true);
* Replace arguments from the content in the given activity field.
* @Given /^I replace the arguments in "([^"]+)" "([^"]+)"$/
* @param string $idnumber Id number
* @param string $field Field
public function i_replace_arguments_in_the_activity(string $idnumber, string $field) {
global $DB;
$coursemodule = $DB->get_record('course_modules', compact('idnumber'));
$module = $DB->get_record('modules', ['id' => $coursemodule->module]);
$activity = $DB->get_record($module->name, ['id' => $coursemodule->instance]);
$DB->update_record($module->name, [
'id' => $coursemodule->instance,
$field => $this->replace_arguments($activity->{$field}),
* Opens a custom link.
* @Given /^I open a custom link in the app for:$/
* @param TableNode $data Table data
public function i_open_a_custom_link(TableNode $data) {
global $DB;
$data = $data->getColumnsHash()[0];
$title = array_keys($data)[0];
$data = (object) $data;
switch ($title) {
case 'discussion':
$discussion = $DB->get_record('forum_discussions', ['name' => $data->discussion]);
$pageurl = "/mod/forum/discuss.php?d={$discussion->id}";
case 'assign':
case 'bigbluebuttonbn':
case 'book':
case 'chat':
case 'choice':
case 'data':
case 'feedback':
case 'folder':
case 'forum':
case 'glossary':
case 'h5pactivity':
case 'imscp':
case 'label':
case 'lesson':
case 'lti':
case 'page':
case 'quiz':
case 'resource':
case 'scorm':
case 'survey':
case 'url':
case 'wiki':
case 'workshop':
$name = $data->$title;
$module = $DB->get_record($title, ['name' => $name]);
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($title, $module->id);
$pageurl = "/mod/$title/view.php?id={$cm->id}";
throw new DriverException('Invalid custom link title - ' . $title);
* Closes a popup by clicking on the 'backdrop' behind it.
* @When I close the popup in the app
* @throws DriverException If there isn't a popup to close
public function i_close_the_popup_in_the_app() {
$this->spin(function() {
$result = $this->runtime_js('closePopup()');
if ($result !== 'OK') {
throw new DriverException('Error closing popup - ' . $result);
return true;
* Override app config.
* @Given /^the app has the following config:$/
* @param TableNode $data Table data
public function the_app_has_the_following_config(TableNode $data) {
foreach ($data->getRows() as $configrow) {
$this->appconfig[$configrow[0]] = json_decode($configrow[1]);
* Check whether the moodle site is compatible with the current feature file
* and skip it otherwise. This will be checked looking at tags such as @lms_uptoXXX
* @Given the Moodle site is compatible with this feature
public function the_moodle_site_is_compatible_with_this_feature() {
* Clicks on / touches something that is visible in the app.
* Note it is difficult to use the standard 'click on' or 'press' steps because those do not
* distinguish visible elements and the app always has many non-visible elements in the DOM.
* @When /^I press (".+") in the app$/
* @param string $locator Element locator
* @throws DriverException If the press doesn't work
public function i_press_in_the_app(string $locator) {
$locator = $this->parse_element_locator($locator);
$this->spin(function() use ($locator) {
$result = $this->runtime_js("press($locator)");
if ($result !== 'OK') {
throw new DriverException('Error pressing item - ' . $result);
return true;
* Performs a pull to refresh gesture.
* @When I pull to refresh in the app
* @throws DriverException If the gesture is not available
public function i_pull_to_refresh_in_the_app() {
$this->spin(function() {
$result = $this->runtime_js('pullToRefresh()');
if ($result !== 'OK') {
throw new DriverException('Error pulling to refresh - ' . $result);
return true;
* Checks if elements can be pressed in the app.
* @Then /^I should( not)? be able to press (".+") in the app$/
* @param bool $not Whether to assert that the element cannot be pressed
* @param string $locator Element locator
public function i_should_be_able_to_press_in_the_app(bool $not, string $locator) {
$locator = $this->parse_element_locator($locator);
$this->spin(function() use ($not, $locator) {
$result = $this->runtime_js("find($locator, { onlyClickable: true })");
if ($not && $result === 'OK') {
throw new DriverException('Error, found a clickable element that should not be found');
if (!$not && $result !== 'OK') {
throw new DriverException('Error finding clickable element - ' . $result);
return true;
* Select an item from a list of options, such as a radio button.
* It may be necessary to use this step instead of "I press..." because radio buttons in Ionic are initialized
* with JavaScript, and clicks may not work until they are initialized properly which may cause flaky tests due
* to race conditions.
* @Then /^I (unselect|select) (".+") in the app$/
* @param string $selectedtext Text inidicating if the element should be selected or unselected
* @param string $locator Element locator
* @throws DriverException If the press doesn't work
public function i_select_in_the_app(string $selectedtext, string $locator) {
$selected = $selectedtext === 'select' ? 'YES' : 'NO';
$locator = $this->parse_element_locator($locator);
$this->spin(function() use ($selectedtext, $selected, $locator) {
// Don't do anything if the item is already in the expected state.
$result = $this->runtime_js("isSelected($locator)");
if ($result === $selected) {
return true;
// Press element.
$result = $this->runtime_js("press($locator)");
if ($result !== 'OK') {
throw new DriverException('Error pressing element - ' . $result);
// Check that it worked as expected.
$result = $this->runtime_js("isSelected($locator)");
switch ($result) {
case 'YES':
case 'NO':
if ($result !== $selected) {
throw new ExpectationException("Item wasn't $selectedtext after pressing it", $this->getSession()->getDriver());
return true;
throw new DriverException('Error finding item - ' . $result);
* Sets a field to the given text value in the app.
* Currently this only works for input fields which must be identified using a partial or
* exact match on the placeholder text.
* @Given /^I set the field "((?:[^"]|\\")+)" to "((?:[^"]|\\")*)" in the app$/
* @param string $field Text identifying field
* @param string $value Value for field
* @throws DriverException If the field set doesn't work
public function i_set_the_field_in_the_app(string $field, string $value) {
$field = addslashes_js($field);
$value = addslashes_js($value);
$this->spin(function() use ($field, $value) {
$result = $this->runtime_js("setField('$field', '$value')");
if ($result !== 'OK') {
throw new DriverException('Error setting field - ' . $result);
return true;
* Fills a form with field/value data.
* @Given /^I set the following fields to these values in the app:$/
* @param TableNode $data
public function i_set_the_following_fields_to_these_values_in_the_app(TableNode $data) {
$datahash = $data->getRowsHash();
// The action depends on the field type.
foreach ($datahash as $locator => $value) {
$this->i_set_the_field_in_the_app($locator, $value);
* Checks that the current header stripe in the app contains the expected text.
* This can be used to see if the app went to the expected page.
* @Then /^the header should be "((?:[^"]|\\")+)" in the app$/
* @param string $text Expected header text
* @throws DriverException If the header can't be retrieved
* @throws ExpectationException If the header text is different to the expected value
public function the_header_should_be_in_the_app(string $text) {
$this->spin(function() use ($text) {
$result = $this->runtime_js('getHeader()');
if (substr($result, 0, 3) !== 'OK:') {
throw new DriverException('Error getting header - ' . $result);
$header = substr($result, 3);
if (trim($header) !== trim($text)) {
throw new ExpectationException(
"The header text was not as expected: '$header'",
return true;
* Check that the app opened a new browser tab.
* @Then /^the app should( not)? have opened a browser tab(?: with url "(?P<pattern>[^"]+)")?$/
* @param bool $not Whether to check if the app did not open a new browser tab
* @param string $urlpattern Url pattern
public function the_app_should_have_opened_a_browser_tab(bool $not = false, ?string $urlpattern = null) {
$this->spin(function() use ($not, $urlpattern) {
$windowNames = $this->getSession()->getWindowNames();
$openedbrowsertab = count($windowNames) === 2;
if ((!$not && !$openedbrowsertab) || ($not && $openedbrowsertab && is_null($urlpattern))) {
throw new ExpectationException(
? 'Did not expect the app to have opened a browser tab'
: 'Expected the app to have opened a browser tab',
if (!is_null($urlpattern)) {
$windowurl = $this->getSession()->getCurrentUrl();
$windowhaspattern = (bool)preg_match("/$urlpattern/", $windowurl);
if ($not === $windowhaspattern) {
throw new ExpectationException(
? "Did not expect the app to have opened a browser tab with pattern '$urlpattern'"
: "Browser tab url does not match pattern '$urlpattern', it is '$windowurl'",
return true;
* Switches to a newly-opened browser tab.
* This assumes the app opened a new tab.
* @Given I switch to the browser tab opened by the app
* @throws DriverException If there aren't exactly 2 tabs open
public function i_switch_to_the_browser_tab_opened_by_the_app() {
$windowNames = $this->getSession()->getWindowNames();
if (count($windowNames) !== 2) {
throw new DriverException('Expected to see 2 tabs open, not ' . count($windowNames));
* Force cron tasks instead of waiting for the next scheduled execution.
* @When I run cron tasks in the app
public function i_run_cron_tasks_in_the_app() {
* Wait until loading has finished.
* @When I wait loading to finish in the app
public function i_wait_loading_to_finish_in_the_app() {
* Closes the current browser tab.
* This assumes it was opened by the app and you will now get back to the app.
* @Given I close the browser tab opened by the app
* @throws DriverException If there aren't exactly 2 tabs open
public function i_close_the_browser_tab_opened_by_the_app() {
$names = $this->getSession()->getWindowNames();
if (count($names) !== 2) {
throw new DriverException('Expected to see 2 tabs open, not ' . count($names));
// Make sure the browser tab is selected.
if ($this->getSession()->getWindowName() !== $names[1]) {
* Switch navigator online mode.
* @Given /^I switch offline mode to "(true|false)"$/
* @param string $offline New value for navigator online mode
* @throws DriverException If the navigator.online mode is not available
* @deprecated since 4.1 use i_switch_network_connection instead.
public function i_switch_offline_mode(string $offline) {
$this->i_switch_network_connection($offline == 'true' ? 'offline' : 'wifi');
* Switch network connection.
* @When /^I switch network connection to (wifi|cellular|offline)$/
* @param string $more New network mode.
* @throws DriverException If the navigator.online mode is not available
public function i_switch_network_connection(string $mode) {
switch ($mode) {
case 'wifi':
case 'cellular':
case 'offline':