2022-05-31 10:33:54 +02:00

878 lines
34 KiB

// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { ActionSheetButton } from '@ionic/core';
import { CameraOptions } from '@ionic-native/camera/ngx';
import { ChooserResult } from '@ionic-native/chooser/ngx';
import { FileEntry, IFile } from '@ionic-native/file/ngx';
import { MediaFile } from '@ionic-native/media-capture/ngx';
import { CoreApp } from '@services/app';
import { CoreFile, CoreFileProvider, CoreFileProgressEvent } from '@services/file';
import { CoreDomUtils } from '@services/utils/dom';
import { CoreMimetypeUtils } from '@services/utils/mimetype';
import { CoreTextUtils } from '@services/utils/text';
import { CoreUtils } from '@services/utils/utils';
import { makeSingleton, Translate, Camera, Chooser, Platform, ActionSheetController } from '@singletons';
import { CoreLogger } from '@singletons/logger';
import { CoreCanceledError } from '@classes/errors/cancelederror';
import { CoreError } from '@classes/errors/error';
import { CoreFileUploader, CoreFileUploaderProvider, CoreFileUploaderOptions } from './fileuploader';
import { CoreFileUploaderDelegate } from './fileuploader-delegate';
import { CoreCaptureError } from '@classes/errors/captureerror';
import { CoreIonLoadingElement } from '@classes/ion-loading';
import { CoreWSUploadFileResult } from '@services/ws';
import { CoreSites } from '@services/sites';
import { CoreText } from '@singletons/text';
import { CorePromisedValue } from '@classes/promised-value';
* Helper service to upload files.
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class CoreFileUploaderHelperProvider {
protected logger: CoreLogger;
protected filePickerDeferred?: CorePromisedValue<CoreWSUploadFileResult | FileEntry>;
protected actionSheet?: HTMLIonActionSheetElement;
constructor() {
this.logger = CoreLogger.getInstance('CoreFileUploaderHelperProvider');
* Choose any type of file and upload it.
* @param maxSize Max size of the upload. -1 for no max size.
* @param upload True if the file should be uploaded, false to return the picked file.
* @param mimetypes List of supported mimetypes. If undefined, all mimetypes supported.
* @param allowOffline True to allow uploading in offline.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
async chooseAndUploadFile(
maxSize?: number,
upload?: boolean,
allowOffline?: boolean,
mimetypes?: string[],
): Promise<CoreWSUploadFileResult | FileEntry> {
const modal = await CoreDomUtils.showModalLoading();
const result = await Chooser.getFileMetadata(mimetypes ? mimetypes.join(',') : undefined);
if (!result) {
// User canceled.
throw new CoreCanceledError();
if (result.name == 'File') {
// In some Android 4.4 devices the file name cannot be retrieved. Try to use the one from the URI.
result.name = this.getChosenFileNameFromPath(result) || result.name;
// Verify that the mimetype is supported.
const error = CoreFileUploader.isInvalidMimetype(mimetypes, result.name, result.mediaType);
if (error) {
throw new CoreError(error);
const options = CoreFileUploader.getFileUploadOptions(result.uri, result.name, result.mediaType, true);
if (upload) {
return this.uploadFile(result.uri, maxSize || -1, true, options);
} else {
return this.copyToTmpFolder(result.uri, false, maxSize, undefined, options);
* Show a confirmation modal to the user if the size of the file is bigger than the allowed threshold.
* @param size File size.
* @param alwaysConfirm True to show a confirm even if the size isn't high.
* @param allowOffline True to allow uploading in offline.
* @param wifiThreshold Threshold for WiFi connection. Default: CoreFileUploaderProvider.WIFI_SIZE_WARNING.
* @param limitedThreshold Threshold for limited connection. Default: CoreFileUploaderProvider.LIMITED_SIZE_WARNING.
* @return Promise resolved when the user confirms or if there's no need to show a modal.
async confirmUploadFile(
size: number,
alwaysConfirm?: boolean,
allowOffline?: boolean,
wifiThreshold?: number,
limitedThreshold?: number,
): Promise<void> {
if (size == 0) {
if (!allowOffline && !CoreApp.isOnline()) {
throw new CoreError(Translate.instant('core.fileuploader.errormustbeonlinetoupload'));
wifiThreshold = wifiThreshold === undefined ? CoreFileUploaderProvider.WIFI_SIZE_WARNING : wifiThreshold;
limitedThreshold = limitedThreshold === undefined ?
CoreFileUploaderProvider.LIMITED_SIZE_WARNING : limitedThreshold;
if (size < 0) {
return CoreDomUtils.showConfirm(Translate.instant('core.fileuploader.confirmuploadunknownsize'));
} else if (size >= wifiThreshold || (CoreApp.isNetworkAccessLimited() && size >= limitedThreshold)) {
const readableSize = CoreTextUtils.bytesToSize(size, 2);
return CoreDomUtils.showConfirm(
Translate.instant('core.fileuploader.confirmuploadfile', { size: readableSize }),
} else if (alwaysConfirm) {
return CoreDomUtils.showConfirm(Translate.instant('core.areyousure'));
* Create a temporary copy of a file and upload it.
* @param file File to copy and upload.
* @param upload True if the file should be uploaded, false to return the copy of the file.
* @param name Name to use when uploading the file. If not defined, use the file's name.
* @return Promise resolved when the file is uploaded.
async copyAndUploadFile(file: IFile | File, upload?: boolean, name?: string): Promise<CoreWSUploadFileResult | FileEntry> {
name = name || file.name;
const modal = await CoreDomUtils.showModalLoading('core.fileuploader.readingfile', true);
let fileEntry: FileEntry | undefined;
try {
// Get unique name for the copy.
const newName = await CoreFile.getUniqueNameInFolder(CoreFileProvider.TMPFOLDER, name);
const filePath = CoreText.concatenatePaths(CoreFileProvider.TMPFOLDER, newName);
// Write the data into the file.
fileEntry = await CoreFile.writeFileDataInFile(
(progress: CoreFileProgressEvent) => this.showProgressModal(modal, 'core.fileuploader.readingfileperc', progress),
} catch (error) {
this.logger.error('Error reading file to upload.', error);
throw error;
if (upload) {
// Pass true to delete the copy after the upload.
return this.uploadGenericFile(fileEntry.toURL(), name, file.type, true);
} else {
return fileEntry;
* Copy or move a file to the app temporary folder.
* @param path Path of the file.
* @param shouldDelete True if original file should be deleted (move), false otherwise (copy).
* @param maxSize Max size of the file. If not defined or -1, no max size.
* @param defaultExt Defaut extension to use if the file doesn't have any.
* @return Promise resolved with the copied file.
protected async copyToTmpFolder(
path: string,
shouldDelete: boolean,
maxSize?: number,
defaultExt?: string,
options?: CoreFileUploaderOptions,
): Promise<FileEntry> {
const fileName = options?.fileName || CoreFile.getFileAndDirectoryFromPath(path).name;
// Check that size isn't too large.
if (maxSize !== undefined && maxSize != -1) {
const fileEntry = await CoreFile.getExternalFile(path);
const fileData = await CoreFile.getFileObjectFromFileEntry(fileEntry);
if (fileData.size > maxSize) {
throw this.createMaxBytesError(maxSize, fileEntry.name);
// File isn't too large.
// Get a unique name in the folder to prevent overriding another file.
const newName = await CoreFile.getUniqueNameInFolder(CoreFileProvider.TMPFOLDER, fileName, defaultExt);
// Now move or copy the file.
const destPath = CoreText.concatenatePaths(CoreFileProvider.TMPFOLDER, newName);
if (shouldDelete) {
return CoreFile.moveExternalFile(path, destPath);
} else {
return CoreFile.copyExternalFile(path, destPath);
* Function called when trying to upload a file bigger than max size. Creates an error instance.
* @param maxSize Max size (bytes).
* @param fileName Name of the file.
* @return Message.
protected createMaxBytesError(maxSize: number, fileName: string): CoreError {
return new CoreError(Translate.instant('core.fileuploader.maxbytesfile', {
$a: {
file: fileName,
size: CoreTextUtils.bytesToSize(maxSize, 2),
* Function called when the file picker is closed.
filePickerClosed(): void {
if (this.filePickerDeferred) {
this.filePickerDeferred.reject(new CoreCanceledError());
this.filePickerDeferred = undefined;
* Function to call once a file is uploaded using the file picker.
* @param result Result of the upload process.
fileUploaded(result: CoreWSUploadFileResult | FileEntry): void {
if (this.filePickerDeferred) {
this.filePickerDeferred = undefined;
// Close the action sheet if it's opened.
* Given the result of choosing a file, try to get its file name from the path.
* @param result Chosen file data.
* @return File name, undefined if cannot get it.
protected getChosenFileNameFromPath(result: ChooserResult): string | undefined {
const nameAndDir = CoreFile.getFileAndDirectoryFromPath(result.uri);
if (!nameAndDir.name) {
let extension = CoreMimetypeUtils.getFileExtension(nameAndDir.name);
if (!extension) {
// The URI doesn't have an extension, add it now.
extension = CoreMimetypeUtils.getExtension(result.mediaType);
if (extension) {
nameAndDir.name += '.' + extension;
return decodeURIComponent(nameAndDir.name);
* Open the "file picker" to select and upload a file.
* @param maxSize Max size of the file to upload. If not defined or -1, no max size.
* @param title File picker title.
* @param mimetypes List of supported mimetypes. If undefined, all mimetypes supported.
* @return Promise resolved when a file is uploaded, rejected if file picker is closed without a file uploaded.
* The resolve value is the response of the upload request.
async selectAndUploadFile(maxSize?: number, title?: string, mimetypes?: string[]): Promise<CoreWSUploadFileResult> {
return <CoreWSUploadFileResult> await this.selectFileWithPicker(maxSize, false, title, mimetypes, true);
* Open the "file picker" to select a file without uploading it.
* @param maxSize Max size of the file. If not defined or -1, no max size.
* @param allowOffline True to allow selecting in offline, false to require connection.
* @param title File picker title.
* @param mimetypes List of supported mimetypes. If undefined, all mimetypes supported.
* @return Promise resolved when a file is selected, rejected if file picker is closed without selecting a file.
* The resolve value is the FileEntry of a copy of the picked file, so it can be deleted afterwards.
async selectFile(maxSize?: number, allowOffline?: boolean, title?: string, mimetypes?: string[]): Promise<FileEntry> {
return <FileEntry> await this.selectFileWithPicker(maxSize, allowOffline, title, mimetypes, false);
* Open the "file picker" to select a file and maybe uploading it.
* @param maxSize Max size of the file. If not defined or -1, no max size.
* @param allowOffline True to allow selecting in offline, false to require connection.
* @param title File picker title.
* @param mimetypes List of supported mimetypes. If undefined, all mimetypes supported.
* @param upload Whether the file should be uploaded.
* @return Promise resolved when a file is selected/uploaded, rejected if file picker is closed.
protected async selectFileWithPicker(
maxSize?: number,
allowOffline?: boolean,
title?: string,
mimetypes?: string[],
upload?: boolean,
): Promise<CoreWSUploadFileResult | FileEntry> {
// Create the cancel button and get the handlers to upload the file.
const buttons: ActionSheetButton[] = [{
text: Translate.instant('core.cancel'),
role: 'cancel',
handler: (): void => {
// User cancelled the action sheet.
const handlers = CoreFileUploaderDelegate.getHandlers(mimetypes);
this.filePickerDeferred = new CorePromisedValue();
// Create a button for each handler.
handlers.forEach((handler) => {
text: Translate.instant(handler.title),
icon: handler.icon,
cssClass: handler.class,
handler: async (): Promise<boolean> => {
if (!handler.action) {
// Nothing to do.
return false;
if (!allowOffline && !CoreApp.isOnline()) {
// Not allowed, show error.
CoreDomUtils.showErrorModal('core.fileuploader.errormustbeonlinetoupload', true);
return false;
try {
const data = await handler.action(maxSize, upload, allowOffline, handler.mimetypes);
let result: CoreWSUploadFileResult | FileEntry | undefined;
if (data.treated) {
// The handler already treated the file. Return the result.
result = data.result;
} else if (data.fileEntry) {
// The handler provided us a fileEntry, use it.
result = await this.uploadFileEntry(data.fileEntry, !!data.delete, maxSize, upload, allowOffline);
} else if (data.path) {
let fileEntry: FileEntry;
try {
// The handler provided a path. First treat it like it's a relative path.
fileEntry = await CoreFile.getFile(data.path);
} catch (error) {
// File not found, it's probably an absolute path.
fileEntry = await CoreFile.getExternalFile(data.path);
// File found, treat it.
result = await this.uploadFileEntry(fileEntry, !!data.delete, maxSize, upload, allowOffline);
if (!result) {
// Nothing received, fail.
throw new CoreError('No file received');
return true;
} catch (error) {
return false;
this.actionSheet = await ActionSheetController.create({
header: title ? title : Translate.instant('core.fileuploader.' + (upload ? 'uploadafile' : 'selectafile')),
buttons: buttons,
await this.actionSheet.present();
// Call afterRender for each button.
setTimeout(() => {
handlers.forEach((handler) => {
if (handler.afterRender) {
handler.afterRender(maxSize, upload, allowOffline, handler.mimetypes);
}, 500);
return this.filePickerDeferred;
* Convenience function to upload a file on a certain site, showing a confirm if needed.
* @param fileEntry FileEntry of the file to upload.
* @param deleteAfterUpload Whether the file should be deleted after upload.
* @param siteId Id of the site to upload the file to. If not defined, use current site.
* @return Promise resolved when the file is uploaded.
async showConfirmAndUploadInSite(fileEntry: FileEntry, deleteAfterUpload?: boolean, siteId?: string): Promise<void> {
try {
const file = await CoreFile.getFileObjectFromFileEntry(fileEntry);
await this.confirmUploadFile(file.size);
await this.uploadGenericFile(fileEntry.toURL(), file.name, file.type, deleteAfterUpload, siteId);
CoreDomUtils.showToast('core.fileuploader.fileuploaded', true, undefined, 'core-toast-success');
} catch (error) {
CoreDomUtils.showErrorModalDefault(error, 'core.fileuploader.errorreadingfile', true);
throw error;
* Treat a capture audio/video error.
* @param error Error returned by the Cordova plugin.
* @param defaultMessage Key of the default message to show.
* @return Rejected promise.
protected treatCaptureError(error: CoreCaptureError, defaultMessage: string): CoreError {
// Cancelled or error. If cancelled, error is an object with code = 3.
if (error) {
if (error.code != 3) {
// Error, not cancelled.
this.logger.error('Error while recording audio/video', error);
const message = this.isNoAppError(error) ? Translate.instant('core.fileuploader.errornoapp') :
(error.message || Translate.instant(defaultMessage));
throw new CoreError(message);
} else {
throw new CoreCanceledError();
throw new CoreError('Error capturing media');
* Check if a capture error is because there is no app to capture.
* @param error Error.
* @return Whether it's because there is no app.
protected isNoAppError(error: CoreCaptureError): boolean {
return error && error.code == 20;
* Treat a capture image or browse album error.
* @param error Error returned by the Cordova plugin.
* @param defaultMessage Key of the default message to show.
* @return Rejected promise. If it doesn't have an error message it means it was cancelled.
protected treatImageError(error: number | string | CoreError | CoreCaptureError, defaultMessage: string): CoreError {
// Cancelled or error.
if (!error || typeof error == 'number') {
return new CoreError(defaultMessage);
if (typeof error == 'string') {
if (error.toLowerCase().indexOf('no image selected') > -1) {
// User cancelled.
return new CoreCanceledError();
return new CoreError(error);
} else if ('code' in error && error.code == 3) {
throw new CoreCanceledError();
} else {
throw error;
* Convenient helper for the user to record and upload a video.
* @param isAudio True if uploading an audio, false if it's a video.
* @param maxSize Max size of the upload. -1 for no max size.
* @param upload True if the file should be uploaded, false to return the picked file.
* @param mimetypes List of supported mimetypes. If undefined, all mimetypes supported.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
async uploadAudioOrVideo(
isAudio: boolean,
maxSize?: number,
upload?: boolean,
mimetypes?: string[],
): Promise<CoreWSUploadFileResult | FileEntry> {
this.logger.debug('Trying to record a ' + (isAudio ? 'audio' : 'video') + ' file');
// The mimetypes param is only for browser, the Cordova plugin doesn't support it.
const captureOptions = { limit: 1, mimetypes: mimetypes };
let media: MediaFile;
try {
const medias = isAudio ? await CoreFileUploader.captureAudio(captureOptions) :
await CoreFileUploader.captureVideo(captureOptions);
media = medias[0]; // We used limit 1, we only want 1 media.
} catch (error) {
if (isAudio && this.isNoAppError(error) && CoreApp.isMobile()) {
// No app to record audio, fallback to capture it ourselves.
try {
media = await CoreFileUploader.captureAudioInApp();
} catch (error) {
throw this.treatCaptureError(error, 'core.fileuploader.errorcapturingaudio'); // Throw the right error.
} else {
const defaultError = isAudio ? 'core.fileuploader.errorcapturingaudio' : 'core.fileuploader.errorcapturingvideo';
throw this.treatCaptureError(error, defaultError); // Throw the right error.
let path = media.fullPath;
const error = CoreFileUploader.isInvalidMimetype(mimetypes, path); // Verify that the mimetype is supported.
if (error) {
throw new Error(error);
// Make sure the path has the protocol. In iOS it doesn't.
if (CoreApp.isMobile() && path.indexOf('file://') == -1) {
path = 'file://' + path;
const options = CoreFileUploader.getMediaUploadOptions(media);
if (upload) {
return this.uploadFile(path, maxSize || -1, true, options);
} else {
// Copy or move the file to our temporary folder.
return this.copyToTmpFolder(path, true, maxSize, undefined, options);
* Uploads a file of any type.
* This function will not check the size of the file, please check it before calling this function.
* @param uri File URI.
* @param name File name.
* @param type File type.
* @param deleteAfterUpload Whether the file should be deleted after upload.
* @param siteId Id of the site to upload the file to. If not defined, use current site.
* @return Promise resolved when the file is uploaded.
uri: string,
name: string,
type: string,
deleteAfterUpload?: boolean,
siteId?: string,
): Promise<CoreWSUploadFileResult> {
const options = CoreFileUploader.getFileUploadOptions(uri, name, type, deleteAfterUpload);
return this.uploadFile(uri, -1, false, options, siteId);
* Convenient helper for the user to upload an image, either from the album or taking it with the camera.
* @param fromAlbum True if the image should be selected from album, false if it should be taken with camera.
* @param maxSize Max size of the upload. -1 for no max size.
* @param upload True if the file should be uploaded, false to return the picked file.
* @param mimetypes List of supported mimetypes. If undefined, all mimetypes supported.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
async uploadImage(
fromAlbum: boolean,
maxSize?: number,
upload?: boolean,
mimetypes?: string[],
): Promise<CoreWSUploadFileResult | FileEntry> {
this.logger.debug('Trying to capture an image with camera');
const options: CameraOptions = {
quality: 50,
destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI,
correctOrientation: true,
if (fromAlbum) {
const imageSupported = !mimetypes || CoreUtils.indexOfRegexp(mimetypes, /^image\//) > -1;
const videoSupported = !mimetypes || CoreUtils.indexOfRegexp(mimetypes, /^video\//) > -1;
options.sourceType = Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY;
options.popoverOptions = {
x: 10,
y: 10,
width: Platform.width() - 200,
height: Platform.height() - 200,
arrowDir: Camera.PopoverArrowDirection.ARROW_ANY,
// Determine the mediaType based on the mimetypes.
if (imageSupported && !videoSupported) {
options.mediaType = Camera.MediaType.PICTURE;
} else if (!imageSupported && videoSupported) {
options.mediaType = Camera.MediaType.VIDEO;
} else if (CoreApp.isIOS()) {
// Only get all media in iOS because in Android using this option allows uploading any kind of file.
options.mediaType = Camera.MediaType.ALLMEDIA;
} else if (mimetypes) {
if (mimetypes.indexOf('image/jpeg') > -1) {
options.encodingType = Camera.EncodingType.JPEG;
} else if (mimetypes.indexOf('image/png') > -1) {
options.encodingType = Camera.EncodingType.PNG;
let path: string | undefined;
try {
path = await CoreFileUploader.getPicture(options);
} catch (error) {
const defaultError = fromAlbum ? 'core.fileuploader.errorgettingimagealbum' : 'core.fileuploader.errorcapturingimage';
throw this.treatImageError(error, Translate.instant(defaultError));
const error = CoreFileUploader.isInvalidMimetype(mimetypes, path); // Verify that the mimetype is supported.
if (error) {
throw new CoreError(error);
const uploadOptions = CoreFileUploader.getCameraUploadOptions(path, fromAlbum);
if (upload) {
return this.uploadFile(path, maxSize || -1, true, uploadOptions);
} else {
// Copy or move the file to our temporary folder.
return this.copyToTmpFolder(path, !fromAlbum, maxSize, 'jpg', uploadOptions);
* Upload a file given the file entry.
* @param fileEntry The file entry.
* @param deleteAfter True if the file should be deleted once treated.
* @param maxSize Max size of the file. If not defined or -1, no max size.
* @param upload True if the file should be uploaded, false to return the picked file.
* @param allowOffline True to allow selecting in offline, false to require connection.
* @param name Name to use when uploading the file. If not defined, use the file's name.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
async uploadFileEntry(
fileEntry: FileEntry,
deleteAfter: boolean,
maxSize?: number,
upload?: boolean,
allowOffline?: boolean,
name?: string,
): Promise<CoreWSUploadFileResult | FileEntry> {
const file = await CoreFile.getFileObjectFromFileEntry(fileEntry);
const result = await this.uploadFileObject(file, maxSize, upload, allowOffline, name);
if (deleteAfter) {
// We have uploaded and deleted a copy of the file. Now delete the original one.
return result;
* Upload a file given the file object.
* @param file The file object.
* @param maxSize Max size of the file. If not defined or -1, no max size.
* @param upload True if the file should be uploaded, false to return the picked file.
* @param allowOffline True to allow selecting in offline, false to require connection.
* @param name Name to use when uploading the file. If not defined, use the file's name.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
async uploadFileObject(
file: IFile | File,
maxSize?: number,
upload?: boolean,
allowOffline?: boolean,
name?: string,
): Promise<CoreWSUploadFileResult | FileEntry> {
if (maxSize === 0) {
const siteInfo = CoreSites.getCurrentSite()?.getInfo();
if (siteInfo && siteInfo.usermaxuploadfilesize) {
maxSize = siteInfo.usermaxuploadfilesize;
if (maxSize !== undefined && maxSize != -1 && file.size > maxSize) {
throw this.createMaxBytesError(maxSize, file.name);
if (upload) {
await this.confirmUploadFile(file.size, false, allowOffline);
// We have the data of the file to be uploaded, but not its URL (needed). Create a copy of the file to upload it.
return this.copyAndUploadFile(file, upload, name);
* Convenience function to upload a file, allowing to retry if it fails.
* @param path Absolute path of the file to upload.
* @param maxSize Max size of the upload. -1 for no max size.
* @param checkSize True to check size.
* @param Options.
* @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return Promise resolved if the file is uploaded, rejected otherwise.
async uploadFile(
path: string,
maxSize: number,
checkSize: boolean,
options: CoreFileUploaderOptions,
siteId?: string,
): Promise<CoreWSUploadFileResult> {
const errorStr = Translate.instant('core.error');
const retryStr = Translate.instant('core.retry');
const uploadingStr = Translate.instant('core.fileuploader.uploading');
const errorUploading = async (error): Promise<CoreWSUploadFileResult> => {
// Allow the user to retry.
try {
await CoreDomUtils.showConfirm(error, errorStr, retryStr);
} catch (error) {
// User cancelled. Delete the file if needed.
if (options.deleteAfterUpload) {
throw new CoreCanceledError();
// Try again.
return this.uploadFile(path, maxSize, checkSize, options, siteId);
if (!CoreApp.isOnline()) {
return errorUploading(Translate.instant('core.fileuploader.errormustbeonlinetoupload'));
let file: IFile | undefined;
let size = 0;
if (checkSize) {
try {
// Check that file size is the right one.
const fileEntry = await CoreFile.getExternalFile(path);
file = await CoreFile.getFileObjectFromFileEntry(fileEntry);
size = file.size;
} catch (error) {
// Ignore failures.
if (maxSize != -1 && size > maxSize) {
throw this.createMaxBytesError(maxSize, file!.name);
if (size > 0) {
await this.confirmUploadFile(size);
// File isn't too large and user confirmed, let's upload.
const modal = await CoreDomUtils.showModalLoading(uploadingStr);
try {
return await CoreFileUploader.uploadFile(
(progress: ProgressEvent) => {
this.showProgressModal(modal, 'core.fileuploader.uploadingperc', progress);
} catch (error) {
this.logger.error('Error uploading file.', error);
return errorUploading(error);
} finally {
* Show a progress modal.
* @param modal The modal where to show the progress.
* @param stringKey The key of the string to display.
* @param progress The progress event.
protected showProgressModal(
modal: CoreIonLoadingElement,
stringKey: string,
progress: ProgressEvent | CoreFileProgressEvent,
): void {
if (!progress || !progress.lengthComputable) {
// Calculate the progress percentage.
const perc = Math.min((progress.loaded! / progress.total!) * 100, 100);
if (isNaN(perc) || perc < 0) {
modal.updateText(Translate.instant(stringKey, { $a: perc.toFixed(1) }));
export const CoreFileUploaderHelper = makeSingleton(CoreFileUploaderHelperProvider);