557 lines
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// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { CoreCanceledError } from '@classes/errors/cancelederror';
import { CoreError } from '@classes/errors/error';
import { CoreCourseActivityPrefetchHandlerBase } from '@features/course/classes/activity-prefetch-handler';
import { CoreCourse, CoreCourseCommonModWSOptions, CoreCourseAnyModuleData } from '@features/course/services/course';
import { CoreFilepool } from '@services/filepool';
import { CoreGroups } from '@services/groups';
import { CoreFileSizeSum, CorePluginFileDelegate } from '@services/plugin-file-delegate';
import { CoreSites, CoreSitesReadingStrategy } from '@services/sites';
import { CoreDomUtils } from '@services/utils/dom';
import { CoreUtils } from '@services/utils/utils';
import { CoreWSFile } from '@services/ws';
import { makeSingleton, Translate } from '@singletons';
import { AddonModLessonPasswordModalComponent } from '../../components/password-modal/password-modal';
import {
} from '../lesson';
import { AddonModLessonSync, AddonModLessonSyncResult } from '../lesson-sync';
* Handler to prefetch lessons.
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class AddonModLessonPrefetchHandlerService extends CoreCourseActivityPrefetchHandlerBase {
name = 'AddonModLesson';
modName = 'lesson';
component = AddonModLessonProvider.COMPONENT;
// Don't check timers to decrease positives. If a user performs some action it will be reflected in other items.
updatesNames = /^configuration$|^.*files$|^grades$|^gradeitems$|^pages$|^answers$|^questionattempts$|^pagesviewed$/;
* Ask password.
* @return Promise resolved with the password.
protected async askUserPassword(): Promise<string> {
// Create and show the modal.
const modalData = await CoreDomUtils.openModal<string>({
component: AddonModLessonPasswordModalComponent,
if (typeof modalData != 'string') {
throw new CoreCanceledError();
return modalData;
* Get the download size of a module.
* @param module Module.
* @param courseId Course ID the module belongs to.
* @param single True if we're downloading a single module, false if we're downloading a whole section.
* @return Promise resolved with the size.
async getDownloadSize(module: CoreCourseAnyModuleData, courseId: number, single?: boolean): Promise<CoreFileSizeSum> {
const siteId = CoreSites.getCurrentSiteId();
let lesson = await AddonModLesson.getLesson(courseId, module.id, { siteId });
// Get the lesson password if it's needed.
const passwordData = await this.getLessonPassword(lesson.id, {
readingStrategy: CoreSitesReadingStrategy.ONLY_NETWORK,
askPassword: single,
lesson = passwordData.lesson || lesson;
// Get intro files and media files.
let files: CoreWSFile[] = lesson.mediafiles || [];
files = files.concat(this.getIntroFilesFromInstance(module, lesson));
const result = await CorePluginFileDelegate.getFilesDownloadSize(files);
// Get the pages to calculate the size.
const pages = await AddonModLesson.getPages(lesson.id, {
cmId: module.id,
password: passwordData.password,
pages.forEach((page) => {
result.size += page.filessizetotal;
return result;
* Get the lesson password if needed. If not stored, it can ask the user to enter it.
* @param lessonId Lesson ID.
* @param options Other options.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
async getLessonPassword(
lessonId: number,
options: AddonModLessonGetPasswordOptions = {},
): Promise<AddonModLessonGetPasswordResult> {
options.siteId = options.siteId || CoreSites.getCurrentSiteId();
// Get access information to check if password is needed.
const accessInfo = await AddonModLesson.getAccessInformation(lessonId, options);
if (!accessInfo.preventaccessreasons.length) {
// Password not needed.
return { accessInfo };
const passwordNeeded = accessInfo.preventaccessreasons.length == 1 &&
if (!passwordNeeded) {
// Lesson cannot be played, reject.
throw new CoreError(accessInfo.preventaccessreasons[0].message);
// The lesson requires a password. Check if there is one in DB.
let password = await CoreUtils.ignoreErrors(AddonModLesson.getStoredPassword(lessonId));
if (password) {
try {
return await this.validatePassword(lessonId, accessInfo, password, options);
} catch {
// Error validating it.
// Ask for the password if allowed.
if (!options.askPassword) {
// Cannot ask for password, reject.
throw new CoreError(accessInfo.preventaccessreasons[0].message);
password = await this.askUserPassword();
return this.validatePassword(lessonId, accessInfo, password, options);
* Invalidate the prefetched content.
* @param moduleId The module ID.
* @param courseId The course ID the module belongs to.
* @return Promise resolved when the data is invalidated.
async invalidateContent(moduleId: number, courseId: number): Promise<void> {
// Only invalidate the data that doesn't ignore cache when prefetching.
await Promise.all([
* Invalidate WS calls needed to determine module status.
* @param module Module.
* @param courseId Course ID the module belongs to.
* @return Promise resolved when invalidated.
async invalidateModule(module: CoreCourseAnyModuleData, courseId: number): Promise<void> {
// Invalidate data to determine if module is downloadable.
const siteId = CoreSites.getCurrentSiteId();
const lesson = await AddonModLesson.getLesson(courseId, module.id, {
readingStrategy: CoreSitesReadingStrategy.PREFER_CACHE,
await Promise.all([
AddonModLesson.invalidateLessonData(courseId, siteId),
AddonModLesson.invalidateAccessInformation(lesson.id, siteId),
* Check if a module can be downloaded. If the function is not defined, we assume that all modules are downloadable.
* @param module Module.
* @param courseId Course ID the module belongs to.
* @return Whether the module can be downloaded. The promise should never be rejected.
async isDownloadable(module: CoreCourseAnyModuleData, courseId: number): Promise<boolean> {
const siteId = CoreSites.getCurrentSiteId();
const lesson = await AddonModLesson.getLesson(courseId, module.id, { siteId });
const accessInfo = await AddonModLesson.getAccessInformation(lesson.id, { cmId: module.id, siteId });
// If it's a student and lesson isn't offline, it isn't downloadable.
if (!accessInfo.canviewreports && !AddonModLesson.isLessonOffline(lesson)) {
return false;
// It's downloadable if there are no prevent access reasons or there is just 1 and it's password.
return !accessInfo.preventaccessreasons.length ||
(accessInfo.preventaccessreasons.length == 1 && AddonModLesson.isPasswordProtected(accessInfo));
* @inheritdoc
prefetch(module: CoreCourseAnyModuleData, courseId: number, single?: boolean): Promise<void> {
return this.prefetchPackage(module, courseId, this.prefetchLesson.bind(this, module, courseId, !!single));
* Prefetch a lesson.
* @param module Module.
* @param courseId Course ID the module belongs to.
* @param single True if we're downloading a single module, false if we're downloading a whole section.
* @param siteId Site ID.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected async prefetchLesson(
module: CoreCourseAnyModuleData,
courseId: number,
single: boolean,
siteId: string,
): Promise<void> {
const commonOptions = {
readingStrategy: CoreSitesReadingStrategy.ONLY_NETWORK,
const modOptions = {
cmId: module.id,
...commonOptions, // Include all common options.
let lesson = await AddonModLesson.getLesson(courseId, module.id, commonOptions);
// Get the lesson password if it's needed.
const passwordData = await this.getLessonPassword(lesson.id, {
readingStrategy: CoreSitesReadingStrategy.ONLY_NETWORK,
askPassword: single,
lesson = passwordData.lesson || lesson;
let accessInfo = passwordData.accessInfo;
const password = passwordData.password;
if (AddonModLesson.isLessonOffline(lesson) && !AddonModLesson.leftDuringTimed(accessInfo)) {
// The user didn't left during a timed session. Call launch retake to make sure there is a started retake.
accessInfo = await this.launchRetake(lesson.id, password, modOptions, siteId);
const promises: Promise<void>[] = [];
// Download intro files and media files.
let files: CoreWSFile[] = (lesson.mediafiles || []);
files = files.concat(this.getIntroFilesFromInstance(module, lesson));
promises.push(CoreFilepool.addFilesToQueue(siteId, files, this.component, module.id));
if (AddonModLesson.isLessonOffline(lesson)) {
promises.push(this.prefetchPlayData(lesson, password, accessInfo.attemptscount, modOptions));
if (accessInfo.canviewreports) {
promises.push(this.prefetchGroupInfo(module.id, lesson.id, modOptions));
promises.push(this.prefetchReportsData(module.id, lesson.id, modOptions));
await Promise.all(promises);
* Launch a retake and return the updated access information.
* @param lessonId Lesson ID.
* @param password Password (if needed).
* @param modOptions Options.
* @param siteId Site ID.
protected async launchRetake(
lessonId: number,
password: string | undefined,
modOptions: CoreCourseCommonModWSOptions,
siteId: string,
): Promise<AddonModLessonGetAccessInformationWSResponse> {
// The user didn't left during a timed session. Call launch retake to make sure there is a started retake.
await AddonModLesson.launchRetake(lessonId, password, undefined, false, siteId);
const results = await Promise.all([
CoreUtils.ignoreErrors(CoreFilepool.updatePackageDownloadTime(siteId, this.component, module.id)),
AddonModLesson.getAccessInformation(lessonId, modOptions),
return results[1];
* Prefetch data to play the lesson in offline.
* @param lesson Lesson.
* @param password Password (if needed).
* @param retake Retake to prefetch.
* @param modOptions Options.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected async prefetchPlayData(
lesson: AddonModLessonLessonWSData,
password: string | undefined,
retake: number,
modOptions: CoreCourseCommonModWSOptions,
): Promise<void> {
const passwordOptions = {
...modOptions, // Include all mod options.
await Promise.all([
this.prefetchPagesData(lesson, passwordOptions),
// Prefetch user timers to be able to calculate timemodified in offline.
CoreUtils.ignoreErrors(AddonModLesson.getTimers(lesson.id, modOptions)),
// Prefetch viewed pages in last retake to calculate progress.
AddonModLesson.getContentPagesViewedOnline(lesson.id, retake, modOptions),
// Prefetch question attempts in last retake for offline calculations.
AddonModLesson.getQuestionsAttemptsOnline(lesson.id, retake, modOptions),
* Prefetch data related to pages.
* @param lesson Lesson.
* @param options Options.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected async prefetchPagesData(
lesson: AddonModLessonLessonWSData,
options: AddonModLessonPasswordOptions,
): Promise<void> {
const pages = await AddonModLesson.getPages(lesson.id, options);
let hasRandomBranch = false;
// Get the data for each page.
const promises = pages.map(async (data) => {
// Check if any page has a RANDOMBRANCH jump.
if (!hasRandomBranch) {
hasRandomBranch = data.jumps.some((jump) => jump === AddonModLessonProvider.LESSON_RANDOMBRANCH);
// Get the page data. We don't pass accessInfo because we don't need to calculate the offline data.
const pageData = await AddonModLesson.getPageData(lesson, data.page.id, {
includeContents: true,
includeOfflineData: false,
...options, // Include all options.
// Download the page files.
let pageFiles = pageData.contentfiles || [];
pageData.answers.forEach((answer) => {
pageFiles = pageFiles.concat(answer.answerfiles);
pageFiles = pageFiles.concat(answer.responsefiles);
await CoreFilepool.addFilesToQueue(options.siteId!, pageFiles, this.component, module.id);
// Prefetch the list of possible jumps for offline navigation. Do it here because we know hasRandomBranch.
promises.push(this.prefetchPossibleJumps(lesson.id, hasRandomBranch, options));
await Promise.all(promises);
* Prefetch possible jumps.
* @param lessonId Lesson ID.
* @param hasRandomBranch Whether any page has a random branch jump.
* @param modOptions Options.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected async prefetchPossibleJumps(
lessonId: number,
hasRandomBranch: boolean,
modOptions: CoreCourseCommonModWSOptions,
): Promise<void> {
try {
await AddonModLesson.getPagesPossibleJumps(lessonId, modOptions);
} catch (error) {
if (hasRandomBranch) {
// The WebSevice probably failed because RANDOMBRANCH aren't supported if the user hasn't seen any page.
throw new CoreError(Translate.instant('addon.mod_lesson.errorprefetchrandombranch'));
throw error;
* Prefetch group info.
* @param moduleId Module ID.
* @param lessonId Lesson ID.
* @param modOptions Options.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected async prefetchGroupInfo(
moduleId: number,
lessonId: number,
modOptions: CoreCourseCommonModWSOptions,
): Promise<void> {
const groupInfo = await CoreGroups.getActivityGroupInfo(moduleId, false, undefined, modOptions.siteId, true);
await Promise.all(groupInfo.groups.map(async (group) => {
await AddonModLesson.getRetakesOverview(lessonId, {
groupId: group.id,
...modOptions, // Include all options.
}) || []);
* Prefetch reports data.
* @param moduleId Module ID.
* @param lessonId Lesson ID.
* @param modOptions Options.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected async prefetchReportsData(
moduleId: number,
lessonId: number,
modOptions: CoreCourseCommonModWSOptions,
): Promise<void> {
// Always get all participants, even if there are no groups.
const data = await AddonModLesson.getRetakesOverview(lessonId, modOptions);
if (!data || !data.students) {
// Prefetch the last retake for each user.
await Promise.all(data.students.map(async (student) => {
const lastRetake = student.attempts?.[student.attempts.length - 1];
if (!lastRetake) {
const attempt = await AddonModLesson.getUserRetake(lessonId, lastRetake.try, {
userId: student.id,
...modOptions, // Include all options.
if (!attempt?.answerpages) {
// Download embedded files in essays.
const files: CoreWSFile[] = [];
attempt.answerpages.forEach((answerPage) => {
if (!answerPage.page || answerPage.page.qtype != AddonModLessonProvider.LESSON_PAGE_ESSAY) {
answerPage.answerdata?.answers?.forEach((answer) => {
await CoreFilepool.addFilesToQueue(modOptions.siteId!, files, this.component, moduleId);
* Validate the password.
* @param lessonId Lesson ID.
* @param accessInfo Lesson access info.
* @param password Password to check.
* @param options Other options.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected async validatePassword(
lessonId: number,
accessInfo: AddonModLessonGetAccessInformationWSResponse,
password: string,
options: CoreCourseCommonModWSOptions = {},
): Promise<AddonModLessonGetPasswordResult> {
options.siteId = options.siteId || CoreSites.getCurrentSiteId();
const lesson = await AddonModLesson.getLessonWithPassword(lessonId, {
...options, // Include all options.
// Password is ok, store it and return the data.
await AddonModLesson.storePassword(lesson.id, password, options.siteId);
return {
* Sync a module.
* @param module Module.
* @param courseId Course ID the module belongs to
* @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
sync(module: CoreCourseAnyModuleData, courseId: number, siteId?: string): Promise<AddonModLessonSyncResult> {
return AddonModLessonSync.syncLesson(module.instance, false, false, siteId);
export const AddonModLessonPrefetchHandler = makeSingleton(AddonModLessonPrefetchHandlerService);
* Options to pass to get lesson password.
export type AddonModLessonGetPasswordOptions = CoreCourseCommonModWSOptions & {
askPassword?: boolean; // True if we should ask for password if needed, false otherwise.
* Result of getLessonPassword.
export type AddonModLessonGetPasswordResult = {
password?: string;
lesson?: AddonModLessonLessonWSData;
accessInfo: AddonModLessonGetAccessInformationWSResponse;