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// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { FormBuilder } from '@angular/forms';
import { DomSanitizer, SafeUrl } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
import { Geolocation } from '@ionic-native/geolocation';
import { AddonModDataFieldPluginComponent } from '../../../classes/field-plugin-component';
import { CoreApp, CoreAppProvider } from '@providers/app';
import { CoreDomUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/dom';
import { Diagnostic } from '@singletons/core.singletons';
import { CoreError } from '@classes/error';
class AccessLocationError extends CoreError {}
* Component to render data latlong field.
selector: 'addon-mod-data-field-latlong',
templateUrl: 'addon-mod-data-field-latlong.html'
export class AddonModDataFieldLatlongComponent extends AddonModDataFieldPluginComponent {
north: number;
east: number;
showGeolocation: boolean;
constructor(protected fb: FormBuilder,
protected platform: Platform,
protected geolocation: Geolocation,
protected domUtils: CoreDomUtilsProvider,
protected sanitizer: DomSanitizer,
appProvider: CoreAppProvider
) {
this.showGeolocation = !appProvider.isDesktop();
* Format latitude and longitude in a simple text.
* @param north Degrees north.
* @param east Degrees East.
* @return Readable Latitude and logitude.
formatLatLong(north: number, east: number): string {
if (north !== null || east !== null) {
const northFixed = north ? Math.abs(north).toFixed(4) : '0.0000',
eastFixed = east ? Math.abs(east).toFixed(4) : '0.0000';
return northFixed + (north < 0 ? '°S' : '°N') + ' ' + eastFixed + (east < 0 ? '°W' : '°E');
* Get link to maps from latitude and longitude.
* @param north Degrees north.
* @param east Degrees East.
* @return Link to maps depending on platform.
getLatLongLink(north: number, east: number): SafeUrl {
if (north !== null || east !== null) {
const northFixed = north ? north.toFixed(4) : '0.0000';
const eastFixed = east ? east.toFixed(4) : '0.0000';
let url;
if (CoreApp.instance.isIOS()) {
url = 'http://maps.apple.com/?ll=' + northFixed + ',' + eastFixed + '&near=' + northFixed + ',' + eastFixed;
} else {
url = 'geo:' + northFixed + ',' + eastFixed;
return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustUrl(url);
* Initialize field.
protected init(): void {
if (this.value) {
if (this.mode == 'edit') {
this.addControl('f_' + this.field.id + '_0', this.north);
this.addControl('f_' + this.field.id + '_1', this.east);
} else if (this.mode == 'search') {
this.addControl('f_' + this.field.id);
* Update value being shown.
* @param value New value to be set.
protected updateValue(value: any): void {
this.value = value;
this.north = (value && parseFloat(value.content)) || null;
this.east = (value && parseFloat(value.content1)) || null;
* Get user location.
* @param $event The event.
async getLocation(event: Event): Promise<void> {
const modal = this.domUtils.showModalLoading('addon.mod_data.gettinglocation', true);
try {
await this.updateLocation();
} catch (error) {
* Update component location.
protected async updateLocation(): Promise<void> {
await this.authorizeLocation();
await this.enableLocation();
const result = await this.geolocation.getCurrentPosition({
enableHighAccuracy: true,
timeout: 30000,
this.form.controls['f_' + this.field.id + '_0'].setValue(result.coords.latitude);
this.form.controls['f_' + this.field.id + '_1'].setValue(result.coords.longitude);
* Make sure that using device location has been authorize and ask for permission if it hasn't.
* @param failOnDeniedOnce Throw an exception if the permission has been denied once.
protected async authorizeLocation(failOnDeniedOnce: boolean = false): Promise<void> {
const authorizationStatus = await Diagnostic.instance.getLocationAuthorizationStatus();
switch (authorizationStatus) {
// This constant is hard-coded because it is not declared in @ionic-native/diagnostic v4.
if (failOnDeniedOnce) {
throw new AccessLocationError('addon.mod_data.locationpermissiondenied');
// Fall through.
case Diagnostic.instance.permissionStatus.NOT_REQUESTED:
await Diagnostic.instance.requestLocationAuthorization();
await CoreApp.instance.waitForResume(500);
await this.authorizeLocation(true);
case Diagnostic.instance.permissionStatus.GRANTED:
case Diagnostic.instance.permissionStatus.GRANTED_WHEN_IN_USE:
// Location is authorized.
case Diagnostic.instance.permissionStatus.DENIED:
throw new AccessLocationError('addon.mod_data.locationpermissiondenied');
* Make sure that location is enabled and switch to settings if it hasn't.
protected async enableLocation(): Promise<void> {
let locationEnabled = await Diagnostic.instance.isLocationEnabled();
if (locationEnabled) {
// Location is enabled.
if (!CoreApp.instance.isIOS()) {
await Diagnostic.instance.switchToLocationSettings();
await CoreApp.instance.waitForResume(30000);
locationEnabled = await Diagnostic.instance.isLocationEnabled();
if (!locationEnabled) {
throw new AccessLocationError('addon.mod_data.locationnotenabled');
* Check whether an error was caused by a PERMISSION_DENIED.
* @param error Error.
protected isPermissionDeniedError(error?: any): boolean {
return error && 'code' in error && 'PERMISSION_DENIED' in error && error.code === error.PERMISSION_DENIED;
* Show the appropriate error modal for the given error.
* @param error Error.
protected showErrorModal(error: any): void {
if (error instanceof AccessLocationError) {
this.domUtils.showErrorModal(error.message, true);
if (this.isPermissionDeniedError(error)) {
this.domUtils.showErrorModal('addon.mod_data.locationpermissiondenied', true);
this.domUtils.showErrorModalDefault(error, 'Error getting location');