This is because Android seems to duplicate the request if the type of connection changes while the request is done. E.g. when leaving flight mode the device could connect to mobile data first and then to WiFi.
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// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { WKUserScriptWindow } from 'cordova-plugin-wkuserscript';
import { WKWebViewCookiesWindow } from 'cordova-plugin-wkwebview-cookies';
import { CoreNetwork } from '@services/network';
import { CoreFile } from '@services/file';
import { CoreFileHelper } from '@services/file-helper';
import { CoreSites } from '@services/sites';
import { CoreDomUtils } from '@services/utils/dom';
import { CoreUrlUtils } from '@services/utils/url';
import { CoreUtils } from '@services/utils/utils';
import { makeSingleton, NgZone, Translate, Diagnostic } from '@singletons';
import { CoreLogger } from '@singletons/logger';
import { CoreUrl } from '@singletons/url';
import { CoreWindow } from '@singletons/window';
import { CoreContentLinksHelper } from '@features/contentlinks/services/contentlinks-helper';
import { CorePath } from '@singletons/path';
import { CorePromisedValue } from '@classes/promised-value';
import { CorePlatform } from '@services/platform';
* Possible types of frame elements.
type CoreFrameElement = (HTMLIFrameElement | HTMLFrameElement | HTMLObjectElement | HTMLEmbedElement) & {
window?: Window;
getWindow?(): Window;
* "Utils" service with helper functions for iframes, embed and similar.
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class CoreIframeUtilsProvider {
static readonly FRAME_TAGS = ['iframe', 'frame', 'object', 'embed'];
protected logger: CoreLogger;
protected waitAutoLoginDefer?: CorePromisedValue<void>;
constructor() {
this.logger = CoreLogger.getInstance('CoreIframeUtilsProvider');
* Check if a frame uses an online URL but the app is offline. If it does, the iframe is hidden and a warning is shown.
* @param element The frame to check (iframe, embed, ...).
* @param isSubframe Whether it's a frame inside another frame.
* @returns True if frame is online and the app is offline, false otherwise.
checkOnlineFrameInOffline(element: CoreFrameElement, isSubframe?: boolean): boolean {
const src = 'src' in element ? element.src :;
if (src && src != 'about:blank' && !CoreUrlUtils.isLocalFileUrl(src) && !CoreNetwork.isOnline()) {
if (element.classList.contains('core-iframe-offline-disabled')) {
// Iframe already hidden, stop.
return true;
// The frame has an online URL but the app is offline. Show a warning, or a link if the URL can be opened in the app.
this.addOfflineWarning(element, src, isSubframe);
// If the network changes, check it again.
const subscription = CoreNetwork.onConnectShouldBeStable().subscribe(() => {
// Execute the callback in the Angular zone, so change detection doesn't stop working.
| => {
if (!this.checkOnlineFrameInOffline(element, isSubframe)) {
// Now the app is online, no need to check connection again.
return true;
} else if (element.classList.contains('core-iframe-offline-disabled') && element.parentElement) {
// Reload the frame.
if ('src' in element) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign
element.src = element.src;
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign
| =;
// Remove the warning and show the iframe
CoreDomUtils.removeElement(element.parentElement, 'div.core-iframe-offline-warning');
if (isSubframe) {
| = '';
return false;
* Add an offline warning message.
* @param element The frame to check (iframe, embed, ...).
* @param src Frame src.
* @param isSubframe Whether it's a frame inside another frame.
* @returns Promise resolved when done.
protected async addOfflineWarning(element: HTMLElement, src: string, isSubframe?: boolean): Promise<void> {
const site = CoreSites.getCurrentSite();
const username = site ? site.getInfo()?.username : undefined;
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.classList.add('core-iframe-offline-warning', 'ion-padding', 'ion-text-center');
// Add a class to specify that the iframe is hidden.
if (isSubframe) {
// We cannot apply CSS styles in subframes, just hide the iframe.
| = 'none';
const canHandleLink = await CoreContentLinksHelper.canHandleLink(src, undefined, username);
if (!canHandleLink) {
// @todo The not connected icon isn't seen due to the div's height. Also, it's quite big.
div.innerHTML = (isSubframe ? '' : '<div class="core-iframe-network-error"></div>') +
'<p>' + Translate.instant('core.networkerroriframemsg') + '</p>';
element.parentElement?.insertBefore(div, element);
let link: HTMLElement | undefined;
if (isSubframe) {
// Ionic styles are not available in subframes, adding some minimal inline styles.
link = document.createElement('a');
| = 'block';
| = '1em';
| = '500';
| = 'center';
| = 'uppercase';
| = 'pointer';
} else {
link = document.createElement('ion-button');
link.setAttribute('expand', 'block');
link.setAttribute('size', 'default');
link.innerHTML = Translate.instant('core.viewembeddedcontent');
link.onclick = (event: Event): void => {
CoreContentLinksHelper.handleLink(src, username);
element.parentElement?.insertBefore(div, element);
* Get auto-login URL for an iframe.
* @param iframe Iframe element.
* @param url Original URL.
* @returns Promise resolved with the URL.
async getAutoLoginUrlForIframe(iframe: HTMLIFrameElement, url: string): Promise<string> {
const currentSite = CoreSites.getCurrentSite();
if (!currentSite) {
return url;
if (this.waitAutoLoginDefer) {
// Another iframe is already using auto-login. Wait for it to finish.
await this.waitAutoLoginDefer;
// Return the original URL, we can't request a new auto-login.
return url;
// First iframe requesting auto-login.
this.waitAutoLoginDefer = new CorePromisedValue();
const finalUrl = await currentSite.getAutoLoginUrl(url, false);
// Resolve the promise once the iframe is loaded, or after a certain time.
const unblock = () => {
if (!this.waitAutoLoginDefer) {
// Not blocked.
delete this.waitAutoLoginDefer;
iframe.addEventListener('load', () => unblock());
setTimeout(() => unblock(), 15000);
return finalUrl;
* Given an element, return the content window and document.
* Please notice that the element should be an iframe, embed or similar.
* @param element Element to treat (iframe, embed, ...).
* @returns Window and Document.
getContentWindowAndDocument(element: CoreFrameElement): { window: Window | null; document: Document | null } {
const src = 'src' in element ? element.src :;
if (!CoreUrlUtils.isLocalFileUrl(src)) {
// No permissions to access the iframe.
return { window: null, document: null };
let contentWindow: Window | null = 'contentWindow' in element ? element.contentWindow : null;
let contentDocument: Document | null = null;
try {
contentDocument = 'contentDocument' in element && element.contentDocument
? element.contentDocument
: contentWindow && contentWindow.document;
} catch {
// Ignore errors.
if (!contentWindow && contentDocument) {
// It's probably an <object>. Try to get the window.
contentWindow = contentDocument.defaultView;
if (!contentWindow && 'getSVGDocument' in element) {
// It's probably an <embed>. Try to get the window and the document.
try {
contentDocument = element.getSVGDocument();
} catch {
// Ignore errors.
if (contentDocument && contentDocument.defaultView) {
contentWindow = contentDocument.defaultView;
} else if (element.window) {
contentWindow = element.window;
} else if (element.getWindow) {
contentWindow = element.getWindow();
return { window: contentWindow, document: contentDocument };
* Handle some iframe messages.
* @param event Message event.
handleIframeMessage(event: MessageEvent): void {
if (! || != 'moodleapp' || != 'iframe') {
switch ( {
case 'window_open':
case 'link_clicked':
* Redefine the open method in the contentWindow of an element and the sub frames.
* Please notice that the element should be an iframe, embed or similar.
* @param element Element to treat (iframe, embed, ...).
* @param contentWindow The window of the element contents.
* @param contentDocument The document of the element contents.
element: CoreFrameElement,
contentWindow: Window,
contentDocument: Document,
): void {
if (contentWindow) {
// Intercept
| = (url: string, name: string) => {
this.windowOpen(url, name, element);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
return null as any;
if (contentDocument.body) {
// Search sub frames.
CoreIframeUtilsProvider.FRAME_TAGS.forEach((tag) => {
const elements = Array.from(contentDocument.body.querySelectorAll(tag));
elements.forEach((subElement: CoreFrameElement) => {
this.treatFrame(subElement, true);
* Intercept in a frame and its subframes, shows an error modal instead.
* Search links (<a>) and open them in browser or InAppBrowser if needed.
* @param element Element to treat (iframe, embed, ...).
* @param isSubframe Whether it's a frame inside another frame.
treatFrame(element: CoreFrameElement, isSubframe?: boolean): void {
if (!element) {
const treatElement = (sendResizeEvent: boolean = false) => {
this.checkOnlineFrameInOffline(element, isSubframe);
const { window, document } = this.getContentWindowAndDocument(element);
// Redefine in this element and sub frames, it might have been loaded already.
if (window && document) {
this.redefineWindowOpen(element, window, document);
// Treat links.
if (document) {
this.treatFrameLinks(element, document);
// Iframe content has been loaded.
// Send a resize events to the iframe so it calculates the right size if needed.
if (window && sendResizeEvent) {
setTimeout(() => window.dispatchEvent && window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')), 1000);
// Element loaded, redefine and treat links again.
element.addEventListener('load', () => treatElement(true));
* Search links (<a>) in a frame and open them in browser or InAppBrowser if needed.
* Only links that haven't been treated by the frame's Javascript will be treated.
* @param element Element to treat (iframe, embed, ...).
* @param contentDocument The document of the element contents.
treatFrameLinks(element: CoreFrameElement, contentDocument: Document): void {
if (!contentDocument) {
contentDocument.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
if (event.defaultPrevented) {
// Event already prevented by some other code.
// Find the link being clicked.
let el: Element | null = as Element;
while (el && el.tagName !== 'A' && el.tagName !== 'a') {
el = el.parentElement;
const link = <CoreIframeHTMLAnchorElement> el;
if (!link || link.treated) {
// Add click listener to the link, this way if the iframe has added a listener to the link it will be executed first.
link.treated = true;
link.addEventListener('click', event => this.linkClicked(link, element, event));
}, {
capture: true, // Use capture to fix this listener not called if the element clicked is too deep in the DOM.
* Handle a called by a frame.
* @param url URL passed to
* @param name Name passed to
* @param element HTML element of the frame.
* @returns Promise resolved when done.
protected async windowOpen(url: string, name: string, element?: CoreFrameElement): Promise<void> {
const scheme = CoreUrlUtils.getUrlScheme(url);
if (!scheme) {
// It's a relative URL, use the frame src to create the full URL.
const src = element
? ('src' in element ? element.src :
: null;
if (src) {
const dirAndFile = CoreFile.getFileAndDirectoryFromPath(src);
if ( {
url = CorePath.concatenatePaths(, url);
} else {
this.logger.warn('Cannot get iframe dir path to open relative url', url, element);
} else {
this.logger.warn('Cannot get iframe src to open relative url', url, element);
if (name == '_self') {
// Link should be loaded in the same frame.
if (!element) {
this.logger.warn('Cannot load URL in iframe because the element was not supplied', url);
if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'object') {
element.setAttribute('data', url);
} else {
element.setAttribute('src', url);
} else {
try {
// It's an external link or a local file, check if it can be opened in the app.
await, name);
} catch (error) {
* A link inside a frame was clicked.
* @param link Link clicked, or data of the link clicked.
* @param element Frame element.
* @param event Click event.
* @returns Promise resolved when done.
protected async linkClicked(
link: CoreIframeHTMLAnchorElement | {href: string; target?: string; originalHref?: string},
element?: CoreFrameElement,
event?: Event,
): Promise<void> {
if (event && event.defaultPrevented) {
// Event already prevented by some other code.
const urlParts = CoreUrl.parse(link.href);
const originalHref = 'getAttribute' in link ? link.getAttribute('href') : link.originalHref;
if (!link.href || !originalHref || originalHref == '#' || !urlParts || urlParts.protocol == 'javascript') {
// Links with no URL and Javascript links are ignored.
if (urlParts.protocol && !CoreUrlUtils.isLocalFileUrlScheme(urlParts.protocol, urlParts.domain || '')) {
// Scheme suggests it's an external resource.
event && event.preventDefault();
const frameSrc = element && ((<HTMLFrameElement> element).src || (<HTMLObjectElement> element).data);
// If the frame is not local, check the target to identify how to treat the link.
if (
element &&
frameSrc &&
!CoreUrlUtils.isLocalFileUrl(frameSrc) &&
(! || == '_self')
) {
// Load the link inside the frame itself.
if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'object') {
element.setAttribute('data', link.href);
} else {
element.setAttribute('src', link.href);
// The frame is local or the link needs to be opened in a new window. Open in browser.
if (!CoreSites.isLoggedIn()) {
} else {
await CoreSites.getCurrentSite()?.openInBrowserWithAutoLogin(link.href);
} else if ( == '_parent' || == '_top' || == '_blank') {
// Opening links with _parent, _top or _blank can break the app. We'll open it in InAppBrowser.
event && event.preventDefault();
const filename = link.href.substring(link.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
if (!CoreFileHelper.isOpenableInApp({ filename })) {
try {
await CoreFileHelper.showConfirmOpenUnsupportedFile(false, { filename });
} catch (error) {
return; // Cancelled, stop.
try {
await CoreUtils.openFile(link.href);
} catch (error) {
} else if (CorePlatform.isIOS() && (! || == '_self') && element) {
// In cordova ios 4.1.0 links inside iframes stopped working. We'll manually treat them.
event && event.preventDefault();
if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'object') {
element.setAttribute('data', link.href);
} else {
element.setAttribute('src', link.href);
* Inject code to the iframes because we cannot access the online ones.
* @param userScriptWindow Window.
injectiOSScripts(userScriptWindow: WKUserScriptWindow): void {
const wwwPath = CoreFile.getWWWAbsolutePath();
const linksPath = CorePath.concatenatePaths(wwwPath, 'assets/js/iframe-treat-links.js');
userScriptWindow.WKUserScript?.addScript({ id: 'CoreIframeUtilsLinksScript', file: linksPath });
// Handle post messages received by iframes.
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => this.handleIframeMessage(event));
* Fix cookies for an iframe URL.
* @param url URL of the iframe.
* @returns Promise resolved when done.
async fixIframeCookies(url: string): Promise<void> {
if (!CorePlatform.isIOS() || !url || CoreUrlUtils.isLocalFileUrl(url)) {
// No need to fix cookies.
// Save a "fake" cookie for the iframe's domain to fix a bug in WKWebView.
try {
const win = <WKWebViewCookiesWindow> window;
const urlParts = CoreUrl.parse(url);
if (urlParts?.domain && win.WKWebViewCookies) {
await win.WKWebViewCookies.setCookie({
name: 'MoodleAppCookieForWKWebView',
value: '1',
domain: urlParts.domain,
} catch (err) {
// Ignore errors.
this.logger.error('Error setting cookie', err);
* Check whether the help should be displayed in current OS.
* @returns Boolean.
shouldDisplayHelp(): boolean {
return CorePlatform.isIOS() && CorePlatform.getPlatformMajorVersion() >= 14;
* Check whether the help should be displayed for a certain iframe.
* @param url Iframe URL.
* @returns Boolean.
shouldDisplayHelpForUrl(url: string): boolean {
return this.shouldDisplayHelp() && !CoreUrlUtils.isLocalFileUrl(url);
* Open help modal for iframes.
openIframeHelpModal(): void {
header: Translate.instant('core.settings.ioscookies'),
message: Translate.instant('core.ioscookieshelp'),
buttons: [
text: Translate.instant('core.cancel'),
role: 'cancel',
text: Translate.instant('core.opensettings'),
handler: (): void => {
export const CoreIframeUtils = makeSingleton(CoreIframeUtilsProvider);
* Subtype of HTMLAnchorElement, with some calculated data.
type CoreIframeHTMLAnchorElement = HTMLAnchorElement & {
treated?: boolean; // Whether the element has been treated already.