Noel De Martin 0474d694e7 MOBILE-3371 search: Remove search results count
Given some issues with the LMS webservices (they return inconsistent totalcount depending on the page), we've decided to remove this information from the UI to avoid confusion.
2023-10-05 17:48:12 +02:00

72 lines
3.9 KiB

"addanewdiscussion": "Add discussion topic",
"addanewquestion": "Add a new question",
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"cannotadddiscussion": "Adding discussions to this forum requires group membership.",
"cannotadddiscussionall": "You do not have permission to add a new discussion topic for all participants.",
"cannotcreatediscussion": "Could not create new discussion",
"couldnotadd": "Could not add your post due to an unknown error",
"couldnotupdate": "Could not update your post due to an unknown error",
"cutoffdatereached": "The cut-off date for posting to this forum is reached so you can no longer post to it.",
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"deletedpost": "The post has been deleted",
"deletesure": "Are you sure you want to delete this post?",
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"discussionlistsortbycreateddesc": "Sort by creation date in descending order",
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"discussionlistsortbylastpostdesc": "Sort by last post creation date in descending order",
"discussionlistsortbyrepliesasc": "Sort by number of replies in ascending order",
"discussionlistsortbyrepliesdesc": "Sort by number of replies in descending order",
"discussionlocked": "This discussion has been locked so you can no longer reply to it.",
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"errorloadingsortingorderdetails": "Try changing the sorting order or going online to view this forum.",
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"qandanotify": "This is a question and answer forum. To see other replies, you must first post your reply.",
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"thisforumisdue": "The due date for posting to this forum was {{$a}}.",
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"yourreply": "Your reply"