    "answer": "Answer",
    "attempt": "Attempt: {{$a}}",
    "attemptheader": "Attempt",
    "attemptsremaining": "You have {{$a}} attempt(s) remaining",
    "averagescore": "Average score",
    "averagetime": "Average time",
    "branchtable": "Content",
    "cannotfindattempt": "Error: could not find attempt",
    "cannotfinduser": "Error: could not find users",
    "clusterjump": "Unseen question within a cluster",
    "completed": "Completed",
    "congratulations": "Congratulations - end of lesson reached",
    "continue": "Continue",
    "continuetonextpage": "Continue to next page.",
    "defaultessayresponse": "Your essay will be graded by your teacher.",
    "detailedstats": "Detailed statistics",
    "didnotanswerquestion": "Did not answer this question.",
    "displayofgrade": "Display of grade (for students only)",
    "displayscorewithessays": "<p>You earned {{$a.score}} out of {{$a.tempmaxgrade}} for the automatically graded questions.</p>\n<p>Your {{$a.essayquestions}} essay question(s) will be graded and added into your final score at a later date.</p>\n<p>Your current grade without the essay question(s) is {{$a.score}} out of {{$a.grade}}.</p>",
    "displayscorewithoutessays": "Your score is {{$a.score}} (out of {{$a.grade}}).",
    "emptypassword": "Password cannot be empty",
    "enterpassword": "Please enter the password:",
    "eolstudentoutoftimenoanswers": "You did not answer any questions.  You have received a 0 for this lesson.",
    "errorprefetchrandombranch": "This lesson contains a jump to a random content page. It can't be attempted in the app until it has been started in a web browser.",
    "errorreviewretakenotlast": "This attempt can no longer be reviewed because another attempt has been finished.",
    "finish": "Finish",
    "finishretakeoffline": "This attempt was finished offline.",
    "firstwrong": "You have answered incorrectly. Would you like to attempt the question again? (If you now answer the question correctly, it will not count towards your final score.)",
    "gotoendoflesson": "Go to the end of the lesson",
    "grade": "Grade",
    "highscore": "High score",
    "hightime": "High time",
    "leftduringtimed": "You have left during a timed lesson.<br />Please click on Continue to restart the lesson.",
    "leftduringtimednoretake": "You have left during a timed lesson and you are<br />not allowed to retake or continue the lesson.",
    "lessonmenu": "Lesson menu",
    "lessonstats": "Lesson statistics",
    "linkedmedia": "Linked media",
    "loginfail": "Login failed, please try again...",
    "lowscore": "Low score",
    "lowtime": "Low time",
    "maximumnumberofattemptsreached": "Maximum number of attempts reached - Moving to next page",
    "modattemptsnoteacher": "Student review only works for students.",
    "modulenameplural": "Lessons",
    "noanswer": "One or more questions have no answer given.  Please go back and submit an answer.",
    "nolessonattempts": "No attempts have been made on this lesson.",
    "nolessonattemptsgroup": "No attempts have been made by {{$a}} group members on this lesson.",
    "notcompleted": "Not completed",
    "numberofcorrectanswers": "Number of correct answers: {{$a}}",
    "numberofpagesviewed": "Number of questions answered: {{$a}}",
    "numberofpagesviewednotice": "Number of questions answered: {{$a.nquestions}} (You should answer at least {{$a.minquestions}})",
    "ongoingcustom": "You have earned {{$a.score}} point(s) out of {{$a.currenthigh}} point(s) thus far.",
    "ongoingnormal": "You have answered {{$a.correct}} correctly out of {{$a.viewed}} attempts.",
    "or": "OR",
    "overview": "Overview",
    "preview": "Preview",
    "progressbarteacherwarning2": "You will not see the progress bar because you can edit this lesson",
    "progresscompleted": "You have completed {{$a}}% of the lesson",
    "question": "Question",
    "rawgrade": "Raw grade",
    "reports": "Reports",
    "response": "Response",
    "retakefinishedinsync": "An offline attempt was synchronised. Do you want to review it?",
    "retakelabelfull": "{{retake}}: {{grade}} {{timestart}} ({{duration}})",
    "retakelabelshort": "{{retake}}: {{grade}} {{timestart}}",
    "review": "Review",
    "reviewlesson": "Review lesson",
    "reviewquestionback": "Yes, I'd like to try again",
    "reviewquestioncontinue": "No, I just want to go on to the next question",
    "secondpluswrong": "Not quite.  Would you like to try again?",
    "submit": "Submit",
    "teacherjumpwarning": "A {{$a.cluster}} jump or an {{$a.unseen}} jump is being used in this lesson.  The next page jump will be used instead. Log in as a student to test these jumps.",
    "teacherongoingwarning": "The ongoing score is only displayed for the student. Log in as a student to test the ongoing score.",
    "teachertimerwarning": "Timer only works for students.  Test the timer by logging in as a student.",
    "thatsthecorrectanswer": "That's the correct answer",
    "thatsthewronganswer": "That's the wrong answer",
    "timeremaining": "Time remaining",
    "timetaken": "Time taken",
    "unseenpageinbranch": "Unseen question within a content page",
    "warningretakefinished": "The attempt was finished on the site.",
    "welldone": "Well done!",
    "youhaveseen": "You have seen more than one page of this lesson already.<br />Do you want to start at the last page you saw?",
    "youranswer": "Your answer",
    "yourcurrentgradeisoutof": "Your current grade is {{$a.grade}} out of {{$a.total}}",
    "youshouldview": "You should answer at least: {{$a}}"