// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { DomSanitizer, SafeUrl } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { ModalOptions } from '@ionic/core'; import { CoreApp } from '@services/app'; import { CoreLang } from '@services/lang'; import { CoreError } from '@classes/errors/error'; import { makeSingleton, ModalController, Translate } from '@singletons'; import { CoreWSExternalFile } from '@services/ws'; import { Locutus } from '@singletons/locutus'; import { CoreViewerTextComponent } from '@features/viewer/components/text/text'; /** * Different type of errors the app can treat. */ export type CoreTextErrorObject = { message?: string; error?: string; content?: string; body?: string; debuginfo?: string; backtrace?: string; }; /* * "Utils" service with helper functions for text. */ @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class CoreTextUtilsProvider { // List of regular expressions to convert the old nomenclature to new nomenclature for disabled features. protected readonly DISABLED_FEATURES_COMPAT_REGEXPS: { old: RegExp; new: string }[] = [ { old: /\$mmLoginEmailSignup/g, new: 'CoreLoginEmailSignup' }, { old: /\$mmSideMenuDelegate/g, new: 'CoreMainMenuDelegate' }, { old: /\$mmCoursesDelegate/g, new: 'CoreCourseOptionsDelegate' }, { old: /\$mmUserDelegate/g, new: 'CoreUserDelegate' }, { old: /\$mmCourseDelegate/g, new: 'CoreCourseModuleDelegate' }, { old: /_mmCourses/g, new: '_CoreCourses' }, { old: /_mmaFrontpage/g, new: '_CoreSiteHome' }, { old: /_mmaGrades/g, new: '_CoreGrades' }, { old: /_mmaCompetency/g, new: '_AddonCompetency' }, { old: /_mmaNotifications/g, new: '_AddonNotifications' }, { old: /_mmaMessages/g, new: '_AddonMessages' }, { old: /_mmaCalendar/g, new: '_AddonCalendar' }, { old: /_mmaFiles/g, new: '_AddonPrivateFiles' }, { old: /_mmaParticipants/g, new: '_CoreUserParticipants' }, { old: /_mmaCourseCompletion/g, new: '_AddonCourseCompletion' }, { old: /_mmaNotes/g, new: '_AddonNotes' }, { old: /_mmaBadges/g, new: '_AddonBadges' }, { old: /files_privatefiles/g, new: 'AddonPrivateFilesPrivateFiles' }, { old: /files_sitefiles/g, new: 'AddonPrivateFilesSiteFiles' }, { old: /files_upload/g, new: 'AddonPrivateFilesUpload' }, { old: /_mmaModAssign/g, new: '_AddonModAssign' }, { old: /_mmaModBook/g, new: '_AddonModBook' }, { old: /_mmaModChat/g, new: '_AddonModChat' }, { old: /_mmaModChoice/g, new: '_AddonModChoice' }, { old: /_mmaModData/g, new: '_AddonModData' }, { old: /_mmaModFeedback/g, new: '_AddonModFeedback' }, { old: /_mmaModFolder/g, new: '_AddonModFolder' }, { old: /_mmaModForum/g, new: '_AddonModForum' }, { old: /_mmaModGlossary/g, new: '_AddonModGlossary' }, { old: /_mmaModH5pactivity/g, new: '_AddonModH5PActivity' }, { old: /_mmaModImscp/g, new: '_AddonModImscp' }, { old: /_mmaModLabel/g, new: '_AddonModLabel' }, { old: /_mmaModLesson/g, new: '_AddonModLesson' }, { old: /_mmaModLti/g, new: '_AddonModLti' }, { old: /_mmaModPage/g, new: '_AddonModPage' }, { old: /_mmaModQuiz/g, new: '_AddonModQuiz' }, { old: /_mmaModResource/g, new: '_AddonModResource' }, { old: /_mmaModScorm/g, new: '_AddonModScorm' }, { old: /_mmaModSurvey/g, new: '_AddonModSurvey' }, { old: /_mmaModUrl/g, new: '_AddonModUrl' }, { old: /_mmaModWiki/g, new: '_AddonModWiki' }, { old: /_mmaModWorkshop/g, new: '_AddonModWorkshop' }, { old: /remoteAddOn_/g, new: 'sitePlugin_' }, ]; protected template: HTMLTemplateElement = document.createElement('template'); // A template element to convert HTML to element. constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) { } /** * Add ending slash from a path or URL. * * @param text Text to treat. * @return Treated text. */ addEndingSlash(text: string): string { if (!text) { return ''; } if (text.slice(-1) != '/') { return text + '/'; } return text; } /** * Add some text to an error message. * * @param error Error message or object. * @param text Text to add. * @return Modified error. */ addTextToError(error: string | CoreTextErrorObject, text: string): string | CoreTextErrorObject { if (typeof error == 'string') { return error + text; } if (error) { if (typeof error.message == 'string') { error.message += text; } else if (typeof error.error == 'string') { error.error += text; } else if (typeof error.content == 'string') { error.content += text; } else if (typeof error.body == 'string') { error.body += text; } } return error; } /** * Given an address as a string, return a URL to open the address in maps. * * @param address The address. * @return URL to view the address. */ buildAddressURL(address: string): SafeUrl { return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustUrl((CoreApp.isAndroid() ? 'geo:0,0?q=' : 'http://maps.google.com?q=') + encodeURIComponent(address)); } /** * Given a list of sentences, build a message with all of them wrapped in

. * * @param messages Messages to show. * @return Message with all the messages. */ buildMessage(messages: string[]): string { let result = ''; messages.forEach((message) => { if (message) { result += `


`; } }); return result; } /** * Build a message with several paragraphs. * * @param paragraphs List of paragraphs. * @return Built message. */ buildSeveralParagraphsMessage(paragraphs: (string | CoreTextErrorObject)[]): string { // Filter invalid messages, and convert them to messages in case they're errors. const messages: string[] = []; paragraphs.forEach(paragraph => { // If it's an error, get its message. const message = this.getErrorMessageFromError(paragraph); if (paragraph && message) { messages.push(message); } }); if (messages.length < 2) { return messages[0] || ''; } let builtMessage = messages[0]; for (let i = 1; i < messages.length; i++) { builtMessage = Translate.instant('core.twoparagraphs', { p1: builtMessage, p2: messages[i] }); } return builtMessage; } /** * Convert size in bytes into human readable format * * @param bytes Number of bytes to convert. * @param precision Number of digits after the decimal separator. * @return Size in human readable format. */ bytesToSize(bytes: number, precision: number = 2): string { if (typeof bytes == 'undefined' || bytes === null || bytes < 0) { return Translate.instant('core.notapplicable'); } if (precision < 0) { precision = 2; } const keys = ['core.sizeb', 'core.sizekb', 'core.sizemb', 'core.sizegb', 'core.sizetb']; const units = Translate.instant(keys); let pos = 0; if (bytes >= 1024) { while (bytes >= 1024) { pos++; bytes = bytes / 1024; } // Round to "precision" decimals if needed. bytes = Number(Math.round(parseFloat(bytes + 'e+' + precision)) + 'e-' + precision); } return Translate.instant('core.humanreadablesize', { size: bytes, unit: units[keys[pos]] }); } /** * Clean HTML tags. * * @param text The text to be cleaned. * @param singleLine True if new lines should be removed (all the text in a single line). * @return Clean text. */ cleanTags(text: string | undefined, singleLine?: boolean): string { if (!text) { return ''; } // First, we use a regexpr. text = text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ''); // Then, we rely on the browser. We need to wrap the text to be sure is HTML. text = this.convertToElement(text).textContent!; // Recover or remove new lines. text = this.replaceNewLines(text, singleLine ? ' ' : '
'); return text; } /** * Concatenate two paths, adding a slash between them if needed. * * @param leftPath Left path. * @param rightPath Right path. * @return Concatenated path. */ concatenatePaths(leftPath: string, rightPath: string): string { if (!leftPath) { return rightPath; } else if (!rightPath) { return leftPath; } const lastCharLeft = leftPath.slice(-1); const firstCharRight = rightPath.charAt(0); if (lastCharLeft === '/' && firstCharRight === '/') { return leftPath + rightPath.substr(1); } else if (lastCharLeft !== '/' && firstCharRight !== '/') { return leftPath + '/' + rightPath; } else { return leftPath + rightPath; } } /** * Convert some HTML as text into an HTMLElement. This HTML is put inside a div or a body. * This function is the same as in DomUtils, but we cannot use that one because of circular dependencies. * * @param html Text to convert. * @return Element. */ protected convertToElement(html: string): HTMLElement { // Add a div to hold the content, that's the element that will be returned. this.template.innerHTML = '
' + html + '
'; return this.template.content.children[0]; } /** * Count words in a text. * * @param text Text to count. * @return Number of words. */ countWords(text: string): number { if (!text || typeof text != 'string') { return 0; } const blockTags = ['address', 'article', 'aside', 'blockquote', 'br', ' details', 'dialog', 'dd', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'li', 'main', 'nav', 'ol', 'p', 'pre', 'section', 'table', 'ul']; // Clean HTML scripts and tags. text = text.replace(/]*>([\S\s]*?)<\/script>/gmi, ''); // Replace block tags by space to get word count aware of line break and remove inline tags. text = text.replace(/<(\/[ ]*)?([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[^>]*>/gi, (str, p1, match) => { if (blockTags.indexOf(match) >= 0) { return ' '; } return ''; }); // Decode HTML entities. text = this.decodeHTMLEntities(text); // Replace underscores (which are classed as word characters) with spaces. text = text.replace(/_/gi, ' '); // This RegEx will detect any word change including Unicode chars. Some languages without spaces won't be counted fine. return text.match(/\S+/gi)?.length || 0; } /** * Decode an escaped HTML text. This implementation is based on PHP's htmlspecialchars_decode. * * @param text Text to decode. * @return Decoded text. */ decodeHTML(text: string | number): string { if (typeof text == 'undefined' || text === null || (typeof text == 'number' && isNaN(text))) { return ''; } else if (typeof text != 'string') { return '' + text; } return text .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, '\'') .replace(/ /g, ' '); } /** * Decode HTML entities in a text. Equivalent to PHP html_entity_decode. * * @param text Text to decode. * @return Decoded text. */ decodeHTMLEntities(text: string): string { if (text) { text = this.convertToElement(text).textContent!; } return text; } /** * Same as Javascript's decodeURI, but if an exception is thrown it will return the original URI. * * @param uri URI to decode. * @return Decoded URI, or original URI if an exception is thrown. */ decodeURI(uri: string): string { try { return decodeURI(uri); } catch (ex) { // Error, use the original URI. } return uri; } /** * Same as Javascript's decodeURIComponent, but if an exception is thrown it will return the original URI. * * @param uri URI to decode. * @return Decoded URI, or original URI if an exception is thrown. */ decodeURIComponent(uri: string): string { try { return decodeURIComponent(uri); } catch (ex) { // Error, use the original URI. } return uri; } /** * Escapes some characters in a string to be used as a regular expression. * * @param text Text to escape. * @return Escaped text. */ escapeForRegex(text: string): string { if (!text || typeof text != 'string') { return ''; } return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&'); } /** * Escape an HTML text. This implementation is based on PHP's htmlspecialchars. * * @param text Text to escape. * @param doubleEncode If false, it will not convert existing html entities. Defaults to true. * @return Escaped text. */ escapeHTML(text?: string | number | null, doubleEncode: boolean = true): string { if (typeof text == 'undefined' || text === null || (typeof text == 'number' && isNaN(text))) { return ''; } else if (typeof text != 'string') { return '' + text; } if (doubleEncode) { text = text.replace(/&/g, '&'); } else { text = text.replace(/&(?!amp;)(?!lt;)(?!gt;)(?!quot;)(?!#039;)/g, '&'); } return text .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, '''); } /** * Shows a text on a new page. * * @param title Title of the new state. * @param text Content of the text to be expanded. * @param component Component to link the embedded files to. * @param componentId An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @param files List of files to display along with the text. * @param filter Whether the text should be filtered. * @param contextLevel The context level. * @param instanceId The instance ID related to the context. * @param courseId Course ID the text belongs to. It can be used to improve performance with filters. * @deprecated since 3.8.3. Please use viewText instead. */ expandText( title: string, text: string, component?: string, componentId?: string | number, files?: CoreWSExternalFile[], filter?: boolean, contextLevel?: string, instanceId?: number, courseId?: number, ): Promise { return this.viewText(title, text, { component, componentId, files, filter, contextLevel, instanceId, courseId, }); } /** * Formats a text, in HTML replacing new lines by correct html new lines. * * @param text Text to format. * @return Formatted text. */ formatHtmlLines(text: string): string { const hasHTMLTags = this.hasHTMLTags(text); if (text.indexOf('

') == -1) { // Wrap the text in

tags. text = '

' + text + '

'; } if (!hasHTMLTags) { // The text doesn't have HTML, replace new lines for
. return this.replaceNewLines(text, '
'); } return text; } /** * Formats a text, treating multilang tags and cleaning HTML if needed. * * @param text Text to format. * @param clean Whether HTML tags should be removed. * @param singleLine Whether new lines should be removed. Only valid if clean is true. * @param shortenLength Number of characters to shorten the text. * @param highlight Text to highlight. * @return Promise resolved with the formatted text. * @deprecated since 3.8.0. Please use CoreFilterProvider.formatText instead. */ formatText(text: string, clean?: boolean, singleLine?: boolean, shortenLength?: number, highlight?: string): Promise { return this.treatMultilangTags(text).then((formatted) => { if (clean) { formatted = this.cleanTags(formatted, singleLine); } if (shortenLength && shortenLength > 0) { formatted = this.shortenText(formatted, shortenLength); } if (highlight) { formatted = this.highlightText(formatted, highlight); } return formatted; }); } /** * Get the error message from an error object. * * @param error Error. * @return Error message, undefined if not found. */ getErrorMessageFromError(error?: string | CoreError | CoreTextErrorObject | null): string | undefined { if (typeof error == 'string') { return error; } if (error instanceof CoreError) { return error.message; } if (!error) { return undefined; } return error.message || error.error || error.content || error.body; } /** * Get the pluginfile URL to replace @@PLUGINFILE@@ wildcards. * * @param files Files to extract the URL from. They need to have the URL in a 'url' or 'fileurl' attribute. * @return Pluginfile URL, undefined if no files found. */ getTextPluginfileUrl(files: CoreWSExternalFile[]): string | undefined { if (files?.length) { const url = files[0].fileurl; // Remove text after last slash (encoded or not). return url?.substr(0, Math.max(url.lastIndexOf('/'), url.lastIndexOf('%2F'))); } return undefined; } /** * Check if a text contains HTML tags. * * @param text Text to check. * @return Whether it has HTML tags. */ hasHTMLTags(text: string): boolean { return /<[a-z][\s\S]*>/i.test(text); } /** * Highlight all occurrences of a certain text inside another text. It will add some HTML code to highlight it. * * @param text Full text. * @param searchText Text to search and highlight. * @return Highlighted text. */ highlightText(text: string, searchText: string): string { if (!text || typeof text != 'string') { return ''; } else if (!searchText) { return text; } const regex = new RegExp('(' + searchText + ')', 'gi'); return text.replace(regex, '$1'); } /** * Check if HTML content is blank. * * @param content HTML content. * @return True if the string does not contain actual content: text, images, etc. */ htmlIsBlank(content: string): boolean { if (!content) { return true; } this.template.innerHTML = content; return this.template.content.textContent == '' && this.template.content.querySelector('img, object, hr') === null; } /** * Check if a text contains Unicode long chars. * Using as threshold Hex value D800 * * @param text Text to check. * @return True if has Unicode chars, false otherwise. */ hasUnicode(text: string): boolean { for (let x = 0; x < text.length; x++) { if (text.charCodeAt(x) > 55295) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if an object has any long Unicode char. * * @param data Object to be checked. * @return If the data has any long Unicode char on it. */ hasUnicodeData(data: Record): boolean { for (const el in data) { if (typeof data[el] == 'object') { if (this.hasUnicodeData(data[el] as Record)) { return true; } continue; } if (typeof data[el] == 'string' && this.hasUnicode(data[el] as string)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check whether the given text matches a glob pattern. * * @param text Text to match against. * @param pattern Glob pattern. * @return Whether the pattern matches. */ matchesGlob(text: string, pattern: string): boolean { pattern = pattern .replace(/\*\*/g, '%RECURSIVE_MATCH%') .replace(/\*/g, '%LOCAL_MATCH%') .replace(/\?/g, '%CHARACTER_MATCH%'); pattern = this.escapeForRegex(pattern); pattern = pattern .replace(/%RECURSIVE_MATCH%/g, '.*') .replace(/%LOCAL_MATCH%/g, '[^/]*') .replace(/%CHARACTER_MATCH%/g, '[^/]'); return new RegExp(`^${pattern}$`).test(text); } /** * Same as Javascript's JSON.parse, but it will handle errors. * * @param json JSON text. * @param defaultValue Default value to return if the parse fails. Defaults to the original value. * @param logErrorFn An error to call with the exception to log the error. If not supplied, no error. * @return JSON parsed as object or what it gets. */ parseJSON(json: string, defaultValue?: T, logErrorFn?: (error?: Error) => void): T { try { return JSON.parse(json); } catch (error) { // Error, log the error if needed. if (logErrorFn) { logErrorFn(error); } } // Error parsing, return the default value or the original value. if (typeof defaultValue != 'undefined') { return defaultValue; } throw new CoreError('JSON cannot be parsed and not default value has been provided') ; } /** * Remove ending slash from a path or URL. * * @param text Text to treat. * @return Treated text. */ removeEndingSlash(text?: string): string { if (!text) { return ''; } if (text.slice(-1) == '/') { return text.substr(0, text.length - 1); } return text; } /** * Replace all characters that cause problems with files in Android and iOS. * * @param text Text to treat. * @return Treated text. */ removeSpecialCharactersForFiles(text: string): string { if (!text || typeof text != 'string') { return ''; } return text.replace(/[#:/?\\]+/g, '_'); } /** * Replace all the new lines on a certain text. * * @param text The text to be treated. * @param newValue Text to use instead of new lines. * @return Treated text. */ replaceNewLines(text: string, newValue: string): string { if (!text || typeof text != 'string') { return ''; } return text.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, newValue); } /** * Replace draftfile URLs with the equivalent pluginfile URL. * * @param siteUrl URL of the site. * @param text Text to treat, including draftfile URLs. * @param files List of files of the area, using pluginfile URLs. * @return Treated text and map with the replacements. */ replaceDraftfileUrls( siteUrl: string, text: string, files: CoreWSExternalFile[], ): { text: string; replaceMap?: {[url: string]: string} } { if (!text || !files || !files.length) { return { text }; } const draftfileUrl = this.concatenatePaths(siteUrl, 'draftfile.php'); const matches = text.match(new RegExp(this.escapeForRegex(draftfileUrl) + '[^\'" ]+', 'ig')); if (!matches || !matches.length) { return { text }; } // Index the pluginfile URLs by file name. const pluginfileMap: {[name: string]: string} = {}; files.forEach((file) => { pluginfileMap[file.filename!] = file.fileurl; }); // Replace each draftfile with the corresponding pluginfile URL. const replaceMap: {[url: string]: string} = {}; matches.forEach((url) => { if (replaceMap[url]) { // URL already treated, same file embedded more than once. return; } // Get the filename from the URL. let filename = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); if (filename.indexOf('?') != -1) { filename = filename.substr(0, filename.indexOf('?')); } if (pluginfileMap[filename]) { replaceMap[url] = pluginfileMap[filename]; text = text.replace(new RegExp(this.escapeForRegex(url), 'g'), pluginfileMap[filename]); } }); return { text, replaceMap, }; } /** * Replace @@PLUGINFILE@@ wildcards with the real URL in a text. * * @param Text to treat. * @param files Files to extract the pluginfile URL from. They need to have the URL in a url or fileurl attribute. * @return Treated text. */ replacePluginfileUrls(text: string, files: CoreWSExternalFile[]): string { if (text && typeof text == 'string') { const fileURL = this.getTextPluginfileUrl(files); if (fileURL) { return text.replace(/@@PLUGINFILE@@/g, fileURL); } } return text; } /** * Restore original draftfile URLs. * * @param text Text to treat, including pluginfile URLs. * @param replaceMap Map of the replacements that were done. * @return Treated text. */ restoreDraftfileUrls(siteUrl: string, treatedText: string, originalText: string, files: CoreWSExternalFile[]): string { if (!treatedText || !files || !files.length) { return treatedText; } const draftfileUrl = this.concatenatePaths(siteUrl, 'draftfile.php'); const draftfileUrlRegexPrefix = this.escapeForRegex(draftfileUrl) + '/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/'; files.forEach((file) => { // Search the draftfile URL in the original text. const matches = originalText.match( new RegExp(draftfileUrlRegexPrefix + this.escapeForRegex(file.filename!) + '[^\'" ]*', 'i'), ); if (!matches || !matches[0]) { return; // Original URL not found, skip. } treatedText = treatedText.replace(new RegExp(this.escapeForRegex(file.fileurl), 'g'), matches[0]); }); return treatedText; } /** * Replace pluginfile URLs with @@PLUGINFILE@@ wildcards. * * @param text Text to treat. * @param files Files to extract the pluginfile URL from. They need to have the URL in a url or fileurl attribute. * @return Treated text. */ restorePluginfileUrls(text: string, files: CoreWSExternalFile[]): string { if (text && typeof text == 'string') { const fileURL = this.getTextPluginfileUrl(files); if (fileURL) { return text.replace(new RegExp(this.escapeForRegex(fileURL), 'g'), '@@PLUGINFILE@@'); } } return text; } /** * Rounds a number to use a certain amout of decimals or less. * Difference between this function and float's toFixed: * 7.toFixed(2) -> 7.00 * roundToDecimals(7, 2) -> 7 * * @param num Number to round. * @param decimals Number of decimals. By default, 2. * @return Rounded number. */ roundToDecimals(num: number, decimals: number = 2): number { const multiplier = Math.pow(10, decimals); return Math.round(num * multiplier) / multiplier; } /** * Add quotes to HTML characters. * * Returns text with HTML characters (like "<", ">", etc.) properly quoted. * Based on Moodle's s() function. * * @param text Text to treat. * @return Treated text. */ s(text: string): string { if (!text) { return ''; } return this.escapeHTML(text).replace(/&#(\d+|x[0-9a-f]+);/i, '&#$1;'); } /** * Shortens a text to length and adds an ellipsis. * * @param text The text to be shortened. * @param length The desired length. * @return Shortened text. */ shortenText(text: string, length: number): string { if (text.length > length) { text = text.substr(0, length); // Now, truncate at the last word boundary (if exists). const lastWordPos = text.lastIndexOf(' '); if (lastWordPos > 0) { text = text.substr(0, lastWordPos); } text += '…'; } return text; } /** * Strip Unicode long char of a given text. * Using as threshold Hex value D800 * * @param text Text to check. * @return Without the Unicode chars. */ stripUnicode(text: string): string { let stripped = ''; for (let x = 0; x < text.length; x++) { if (text.charCodeAt(x) <= 55295) { stripped += text.charAt(x); } } return stripped; } /** * Replace text within a portion of a string. Equivalent to PHP's substr_replace. * * @param str The string to treat. * @param replace The value to put inside the string. * @param start The index where to start putting the new string. If negative, it will count from the end of the string. * @param length Length of the portion of string which is to be replaced. If negative, it represents the number of characters * from the end of string at which to stop replacing. If not provided, replace until the end of the string. * @return Treated string. */ substrReplace(str: string, replace: string, start: number, length?: number): string { return Locutus.substrReplace(str, replace, start, length); } /** * Treat the list of disabled features, replacing old nomenclature with the new one. * * @param features List of disabled features. * @return Treated list. */ treatDisabledFeatures(features: string): string { if (!features) { return ''; } for (let i = 0; i < this.DISABLED_FEATURES_COMPAT_REGEXPS.length; i++) { const entry = this.DISABLED_FEATURES_COMPAT_REGEXPS[i]; features = features.replace(entry.old, entry.new); } return features; } /** * Treat the multilang tags from a HTML code, leaving only the current language. * * @param text The text to be treated. * @return Promise resolved with the formatted text. * @deprecated since 3.8.0. Now this is handled by AddonFilterMultilangHandler. */ treatMultilangTags(text: string): Promise { if (!text || typeof text != 'string') { return Promise.resolve(''); } return CoreLang.getCurrentLanguage().then((language) => { // Match the current language. const anyLangRegEx = /<(?:lang|span)[^>]+lang="[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+"[^>]*>(.*?)<\/(?:lang|span)>/g; let currentLangRegEx = new RegExp('<(?:lang|span)[^>]+lang="' + language + '"[^>]*>(.*?)', 'g'); if (!text.match(currentLangRegEx)) { // Current lang not found. Try to find the first language. const matches = text.match(anyLangRegEx); if (matches && matches[0]) { language = matches[0].match(/lang="([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)"/)![1]; currentLangRegEx = new RegExp('<(?:lang|span)[^>]+lang="' + language + '"[^>]*>(.*?)', 'g'); } else { // No multi-lang tag found, stop. return text; } } // Extract contents of current language. text = text.replace(currentLangRegEx, '$1'); // Delete the rest of languages text = text.replace(anyLangRegEx, ''); return text; }); } /** * Remove all ocurrences of a certain character from the start and end of a string. * * @param text Text to treat. * @param character Character to remove. * @return Treated text. */ trimCharacter(text: string, character: string): string { const escaped = this.escapeForRegex(character); const regExp = new RegExp(`^${escaped}+|${escaped}+$`, 'g'); return text.replace(regExp, ''); } /** * If a number has only 1 digit, add a leading zero to it. * * @param num Number to convert. * @return Number with leading zeros. */ twoDigits(num: string | number): string { if (num < 10) { return '0' + num; } else { return '' + num; // Convert to string for coherence. } } /** * Make a string's first character uppercase. * * @param text Text to treat. * @return Treated text. */ ucFirst(text: string): string { return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1); } /** * Unserialize Array from PHP. * * @param data String to unserialize. * @return Unserialized data. */ unserialize(data: string): T { return Locutus.unserialize(data); } /** * Shows a text on a new page. * * @param title Title of the new state. * @param content Content of the text to be expanded. * @param component Component to link the embedded files to. * @param options Options. * @return Promise resolved when the modal is displayed. */ async viewText(title: string, content: string, options?: CoreTextUtilsViewTextOptions): Promise { if (!content.length) { return; } options = options || {}; const modalOptions: ModalOptions = Object.assign(options.modalOptions || {}, { component: CoreViewerTextComponent, }); delete options.modalOptions; modalOptions.componentProps = { title, content, ...options, }; const modal = await ModalController.create(modalOptions); await modal.present(); } } /** * Options for viewText. */ export type CoreTextUtilsViewTextOptions = { component?: string; // Component to link the embedded files to. componentId?: string | number; // An ID to use in conjunction with the component. files?: CoreWSExternalFile[]; // List of files to display along with the text. filter?: boolean; // Whether the text should be filtered. contextLevel?: string; // The context level. instanceId?: number; // The instance ID related to the context. courseId?: number; // Course ID the text belongs to. It can be used to improve performance with filters. displayCopyButton?: boolean; // Whether to display a button to copy the text. modalOptions?: Partial; // Modal options. }; export const CoreTextUtils = makeSingleton(CoreTextUtilsProvider);