{ "addentries": "Add entries", "advancedsearch": "Advanced search", "alttext": "Alternative text", "approve": "Approve", "approved": "Approved", "ascending": "Ascending", "authorfirstname": "Author first name", "authorlastname": "Author surname", "confirmdeleterecord": "Are you sure you want to delete this entry?", "descending": "Descending", "disapprove": "Undo approval", "edittagsnotsupported": "Sorry, editing tags is not supported by the app.", "emptyaddform": "You did not fill out any fields!", "entrieslefttoadd": "You must add {{$a.entriesleft}} more entry/entries in order to complete this activity", "entrieslefttoaddtoview": "You must add {{$a.entrieslefttoview}} more entry/entries before you can view other participants' entries.", "errorapproving": "Error approving or unapproving entry.", "errordeleting": "Error deleting entry.", "errormustsupplyvalue": "You must supply a value here.", "expired": "Sorry, this activity closed on {{$a}} and is no longer available", "fields": "Fields", "foundrecords": "Found records: {{$a.num}}/{{$a.max}} (Reset filters)", "gettinglocation": "Getting location", "latlongboth": "Both latitude and longitude are required.", "locationpermissiondenied": "Permission to access your location has been denied.", "locationnotenabled": "Location is not enabled", "menuchoose": "Choose...", "modulenameplural": "Databases", "more": "More", "mylocation": "My location", "noaccess": "You do not have access to this page", "nomatch": "No matching entries found!", "norecords": "No entries in database", "notapproved": "Entry is not approved yet.", "notopenyet": "Sorry, this activity is not available until {{$a}}", "numrecords": "{{$a}} entries", "other": "Other", "recordapproved": "Entry approved", "recorddeleted": "Entry deleted", "recorddisapproved": "Entry unapproved", "resetsettings": "Reset filters", "search": "Search", "searchbytagsnotsupported": "Sorry, searching by tags is not supported by the app.", "selectedrequired": "All selected required", "single": "View single", "tagarea_data_records": "Data records", "timeadded": "Time added", "timemodified": "Time modified", "usedate": "Include in search." }