// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { LocalNotifications, ILocalNotification, ILocalNotificationAction } from '@ionic-native/local-notifications'; import { CoreAppProvider, CoreAppSchema } from '@providers/app'; import { CoreTextUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/text'; import { CoreUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/utils'; import { SQLiteDB } from '@classes/sqlitedb'; import { CoreConstants } from '@core/constants'; import { CoreConfigConstants } from '../../../configconstants'; import * as moment from 'moment'; import { Subject, Observable } from 'rxjs'; /** * Emulates the Local Notifications plugin in desktop apps and in browser. */ @Injectable() export class LocalNotificationsMock extends LocalNotifications { // Variables for Windows notifications. protected winNotif; // Library for Windows notifications. // Templates for Windows ToastNotifications and TileNotifications. protected toastTemplate = '%s' + '%s'; protected tileBindingTemplate = '%s' + '%s'; protected tileTemplate = '' + '' + this.tileBindingTemplate + '' + '' + this.tileBindingTemplate + '' + '' + this.tileBindingTemplate + '' + ''; // Variables for database. protected DESKTOP_NOTIFS_TABLE = 'desktop_local_notifications'; protected tableSchema: CoreAppSchema = { name: 'LocalNotificationsMock', version: 1, tables: [ { name: this.DESKTOP_NOTIFS_TABLE, columns: [ { name: 'id', type: 'INTEGER', primaryKey: true }, { name: 'title', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'text', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'at', type: 'INTEGER' }, { name: 'data', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'triggered', type: 'INTEGER' } ], }, ], }; protected appDB: SQLiteDB; protected scheduled: { [i: number]: any } = {}; protected triggered: { [i: number]: any } = {}; protected observers: {[event: string]: Subject}; protected dbReady: Promise; // Promise resolved when the app DB is initialized. protected defaults = { actions : [], attachments : [], autoClear : true, badge : null, channel : null, clock : true, color : null, data : null, defaults : 0, foreground : null, group : null, groupSummary : false, icon : null, id : 0, launch : true, led : true, lockscreen : true, mediaSession : null, number : 0, priority : 0, progressBar : false, silent : false, smallIcon : 'res://icon', sound : true, sticky : false, summary : null, text : '', timeoutAfter : false, title : '', trigger : { type : 'calendar' }, vibrate : false, wakeup : true }; constructor(private appProvider: CoreAppProvider, private utils: CoreUtilsProvider, private textUtils: CoreTextUtilsProvider) { super(); this.appDB = appProvider.getDB(); this.dbReady = appProvider.createTablesFromSchema(this.tableSchema).catch(() => { // Ignore errors. }); // Initialize observers. this.observers = { schedule: new Subject(), trigger: new Subject(), click: new Subject(), update: new Subject(), clear: new Subject(), clearall: new Subject(), cancel: new Subject(), cancelall: new Subject(), }; } /** * Adds a group of actions. * * @param groupId The id of the action group * @param actions The actions of this group */ addActions(groupId: any, actions: ILocalNotificationAction[]): Promise { return Promise.reject('Not supported in desktop apps.'); } /** * Cancels single or multiple notifications. * * @param notificationId A single notification id, or an array of notification ids. * @return Returns a promise when the notification is canceled */ cancel(notificationId: any): Promise { const promises = []; notificationId = Array.isArray(notificationId) ? notificationId : [notificationId]; notificationId = this.convertIds(notificationId); // Cancel the notifications. notificationId.forEach((id) => { if (this.scheduled[id]) { promises.push(this.cancelNotification(id, false, 'cancel')); } }); return Promise.all(promises); } /** * Cancels all notifications. * * @return Returns a promise when all notifications are canceled. */ cancelAll(): Promise { return this.cancel(Object.keys(this.scheduled)).then(() => { this.fireEvent('cancelall', { event: 'cancelall', foreground: true, queued: false }); }); } /** * Cancel a local notification. * * @param id Notification ID. * @param omitEvent If true, the clear/cancel event won't be triggered. * @param eventName Name of the event to trigger. */ protected cancelNotification(id: number, omitEvent: boolean, eventName: string): void { if (!this.scheduled[id]) { return; } const notification = this.scheduled[id].notification; clearTimeout(this.scheduled[id].timeout); clearInterval(this.scheduled[id].interval); delete this.scheduled[id]; delete this.triggered[id]; this.removeNotification(id); if (!omitEvent) { this.fireEvent(eventName, notification); } } /** * Clears single or multiple notifications. * * @param notificationId A single notification id, or an array of notification ids. * @return Returns a promise when the notification had been cleared. */ clear(notificationId: any): Promise { const promises = []; notificationId = Array.isArray(notificationId) ? notificationId : [notificationId]; notificationId = this.convertIds(notificationId); // Clear the notifications. notificationId.forEach((id) => { // Cancel only the notifications that aren't repeating. if (this.scheduled[id] && this.scheduled[id].notification && (!this.scheduled[id].notification.trigger || !this.scheduled[id].notification.trigger.every)) { promises.push(this.cancelNotification(id, false, 'clear')); } }); return Promise.all(promises); } /** * Clears all notifications. * * @return Returns a promise when all notifications have cleared */ clearAll(): Promise { return this.clear(Object.keys(this.scheduled)).then(() => { this.fireEvent('clearall', { event: 'clearall', foreground: true, queued: false }); }); } /** * Convert a list of IDs to numbers. * Code extracted from the Cordova plugin. * * @param ids List of IDs. * @return List of IDs as numbers. */ protected convertIds(ids: any[]): number[] { const convertedIds = []; for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { convertedIds.push(Number(ids[i])); } return convertedIds; } /** * Convert the notification options to their required type. * Code extracted from the Cordova plugin. * * @param notification Notification. * @return Converted notification. */ protected convertProperties(notification: ILocalNotification): ILocalNotification { if (notification.id) { notification.id = this.parseToInt('id', notification); } if (notification.title) { notification.title = notification.title.toString(); } if (notification.badge) { notification.badge = this.parseToInt('badge', notification); } if (notification.defaults) { notification.defaults = this.parseToInt('defaults', notification); } if (typeof notification.timeoutAfter === 'boolean') { notification.timeoutAfter = notification.timeoutAfter ? 3600000 : null; } if (notification.timeoutAfter) { notification.timeoutAfter = this.parseToInt('timeoutAfter', notification); } this.convertPriority(notification); this.convertTrigger(notification); this.convertActions(notification); this.convertProgressBar(notification); return notification; } /** * Parse a property to number, returning the default value if not valid. * Code extracted from the Cordova plugin. * * @param prop Name of property to convert. * @param notification Notification where to search the property. * @return Converted number or default value. */ protected parseToInt(prop: string, notification: any): number { if (isNaN(notification[prop])) { return this.defaults[prop]; } else { return Number(notification[prop]); } } /** * Convert the priority of a notification. * Code extracted from the Cordova plugin. * * @param notification Notification. * @return Notification. */ protected convertPriority(notification: any): any { let prio = notification.priority || notification.prio || 0; if (typeof prio === 'string') { prio = { min: -2, low: -1, high: 1, max: 2 }[prio] || 0; } if (notification.foreground === true) { prio = Math.max(prio, 1); } if (notification.foreground === false) { prio = Math.min(prio, 0); } notification.priority = prio; return notification; } /** * Convert the actions of a notification. * Code extracted from the Cordova plugin. * * @param notification Notification. * @return Notification. */ protected convertActions(notification: any): any { const actions = []; if (!notification.actions || typeof notification.actions === 'string') { return notification; } for (let i = 0, len = notification.actions.length; i < len; i++) { const action = notification.actions[i]; if (!action.id) { // Ignore action, it has no ID. continue; } action.id = action.id.toString(); actions.push(action); } notification.actions = actions; return notification; } /** * Convert the trigger of a notification. * Code extracted from the Cordova plugin. * * @param notification Notification. * @return Notification. */ protected convertTrigger(notification: any): any { const trigger = notification.trigger || {}; let date = this.getValueFor(trigger, 'at', 'firstAt', 'date'); const dateToNum = (date: any): number => { const num = typeof date == 'object' ? date.getTime() : date; return Math.round(num); }; if (!notification.trigger) { return notification; } if (!trigger.type) { trigger.type = trigger.center ? 'location' : 'calendar'; } const isCal = trigger.type == 'calendar'; if (isCal && !date) { date = this.getValueFor(notification, 'at', 'firstAt', 'date'); } if (isCal && !trigger.every && notification.every) { trigger.every = notification.every; } if (isCal && (trigger.in || trigger.every)) { date = null; } if (isCal && date) { trigger.at = dateToNum(date); } if (isCal && trigger.firstAt) { trigger.firstAt = dateToNum(trigger.firstAt); } if (isCal && trigger.before) { trigger.before = dateToNum(trigger.before); } if (isCal && trigger.after) { trigger.after = dateToNum(trigger.after); } if (!trigger.count) { trigger.count = trigger.every ? 5 : 1; } if (!isCal) { trigger.notifyOnEntry = !!trigger.notifyOnEntry; trigger.notifyOnExit = trigger.notifyOnExit === true; trigger.radius = trigger.radius || 5; trigger.single = !!trigger.single; } if (!isCal || trigger.at) { delete trigger.every; } delete notification.every; delete notification.at; delete notification.firstAt; delete notification.date; notification.trigger = trigger; return notification; } /** * Convert the progress bar of a notification. * Code extracted from the Cordova plugin. * * @param notification Notification. * @return Notification. */ protected convertProgressBar(notification: any): any { let cfg = notification.progressBar; if (cfg === undefined) { return notification; } if (typeof cfg === 'boolean') { cfg = notification.progressBar = { enabled: cfg }; } if (typeof cfg.enabled !== 'boolean') { cfg.enabled = !!(cfg.value || cfg.maxValue || cfg.indeterminate !== null); } cfg.value = cfg.value || 0; cfg.enabled = !!cfg.enabled; if (cfg.enabled && notification.clock === true) { notification.clock = 'chronometer'; } return notification; } /** * Not an official interface, however its possible to manually fire events. * * @param eventName The name of the event. Available events: schedule, trigger, click, update, clear, clearall, cancel, * cancelall. Custom event names are possible for actions * @param args Optional arguments */ fireEvent(eventName: string, args: any): void { if (this.observers[eventName]) { this.observers[eventName].next(args); } } /** * Fire queued events once the device is ready and all listeners are registered. */ fireQueuedEvents(): Promise { return Promise.resolve(); } /** * Get a notification object. * * @param notificationId The id of the notification to get. */ get(notificationId: any): Promise { return Promise.resolve(this.getNotifications([Number(notificationId)], true, true)[0]); } /** * Get all notification objects. */ getAll(): Promise> { return Promise.resolve(this.getNotifications(undefined, true, true)); } /** * Gets the (platform specific) default settings. * * @return An object with all default settings */ getDefaults(): Promise { return Promise.resolve(this.defaults); } /** * Get all the notification ids. */ getIds(): Promise> { let ids = this.utils.mergeArraysWithoutDuplicates(Object.keys(this.scheduled), Object.keys(this.triggered)); ids = ids.map((id) => { return Number(id); }); return Promise.resolve(ids); } /** * Get all the notification stored in local DB. * * @return Promise resolved with the notifications. */ protected async getAllNotifications(): Promise { await this.dbReady; const notifications = await this.appDB.getAllRecords(this.DESKTOP_NOTIFS_TABLE); notifications.forEach((notification) => { notification.trigger = { at: new Date(notification.at), }; notification.data = this.textUtils.parseJSON(notification.data); notification.triggered = !!notification.triggered; this.mergeWithDefaults(notification); }); return notifications; } /** * Get all scheduled notification objects. */ getScheduled(): Promise> { return Promise.resolve(this.getNotifications(undefined, true, false)); } /** * Get all triggered notification objects. */ getTriggered(): Promise> { return Promise.resolve(this.getNotifications(undefined, false, true)); } /** * Get a set of notifications. If ids isn't specified, return all the notifications. * * @param ids Ids of notifications to get. If not specified, get all notifications. * @param getScheduled Get scheduled notifications. * @param getTriggered Get triggered notifications. * @return List of notifications. */ protected getNotifications(ids?: number[], getScheduled?: boolean, getTriggered?: boolean): ILocalNotification[] { const notifications = []; if (getScheduled) { for (const id in this.scheduled) { if (!ids || ids.indexOf(Number(id)) != -1) { notifications.push(this.scheduled[id].notification); } } } if (getTriggered) { for (const id in this.triggered) { if ((!getScheduled || !this.scheduled[id]) && (!ids || ids.indexOf(Number(id)) != -1)) { notifications.push(this.triggered[id].notification); } } } return notifications; } /** * Get the trigger "at" in milliseconds. * * @param notification Notification to get the trigger from. * @return Trigger time. */ protected getNotificationTriggerAt(notification: ILocalNotification): number { const triggerAt = (notification.trigger && notification.trigger.at) || new Date(); if (typeof triggerAt != 'number') { return triggerAt.getTime(); } return triggerAt; } /** * Get the ids of scheduled notifications. * * @return Returns a promise */ getScheduledIds(): Promise> { const ids = Object.keys(this.scheduled).map((id) => { return Number(id); }); return Promise.resolve(ids); } /** * Get the ids of triggered notifications. */ getTriggeredIds(): Promise> { const ids = Object.keys(this.triggered).map((id) => { return Number(id); }); return Promise.resolve(ids); } /** * Get the type (triggered, scheduled) for the notification. * * @param id The ID of the notification. */ getType(id: number): Promise { if (this.scheduled[id]) { return Promise.resolve('scheduled'); } else if (this.triggered[id]) { return Promise.resolve('triggered'); } else { return Promise.resolve('unknown'); } } /** * Given an object of options and a list of properties, return the first property that exists. * Code extracted from the Cordova plugin. * * @param notification Notification. * @param ...args List of keys to check. * @return First value found. */ protected getValueFor(notification: ILocalNotification, ...args: any[]): any { for (const i in args) { const key = args[i]; if (notification.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return notification[key]; } } } /** * Checks if a group of actions is defined. * * @param groupId The id of the action group * @return Whether the group is defined. */ hasActions(groupId: any): Promise { return Promise.resolve(false); } /** * Informs if the app has the permission to show notifications. */ hasPermission(): Promise { return Promise.resolve(true); } /** * Check if a notification has a given type. * * @param id The ID of the notification. * @param type The type of the notification. * @return Promise resolved with boolean: whether it has the type. */ hasType(id: number, type: string): Promise { return this.getType(id).then((notifType) => { return type == notifType; }); } /** * Checks presence of a notification. * * @param notificationId Notification ID. */ isPresent(notificationId: number): Promise { return Promise.resolve(!!this.scheduled[notificationId] || !!this.triggered[notificationId]); } /** * Checks is a notification is scheduled. * * @param notificationId Notification ID. */ isScheduled(notificationId: number): Promise { return Promise.resolve(!!this.scheduled[notificationId]); } /** * Checks if a notification is triggered. * * @param notificationId Notification ID. */ isTriggered(notificationId: number): Promise { return Promise.resolve(!!this.triggered[notificationId]); } /** * Loads an initialize the API for desktop. * * @return Promise resolved when done. */ load(): Promise { if (!this.appProvider.isDesktop()) { return Promise.resolve(); } if (this.appProvider.isWindows()) { try { this.winNotif = require('electron-windows-notifications'); } catch (ex) { // Ignore errors. } } // App is being loaded, re-schedule all the notifications that were scheduled before. return this.getAllNotifications().catch(() => { return []; }).then((notifications) => { notifications.forEach((notification) => { if (notification.triggered) { // Notification was triggered already, store it in memory but don't schedule it again. delete notification.triggered; this.scheduled[notification.id] = { notification: notification }; this.triggered[notification.id] = notification; } else { // Schedule the notification again unless it should have been triggered more than an hour ago. delete notification.triggered; notification.at = notification.at * 1000; if (notification.at - Date.now() > - CoreConstants.SECONDS_HOUR * 1000) { this.schedule(notification); } } }); }); } /** * Merge notification options with default values. * Code extracted from the Cordova plugin. * * @param notification Notification. * @return Treated notification. */ protected mergeWithDefaults(notification: ILocalNotification): ILocalNotification { const values = this.getDefaults(); if (values.hasOwnProperty('sticky')) { notification.sticky = this.getValueFor(notification, 'sticky', 'ongoing'); } if (notification.sticky && notification.autoClear !== true) { notification.autoClear = false; } Object.assign(values, notification); for (const key in values) { if (values[key] !== null) { notification[key] = values[key]; } else { delete notification[key]; } } return notification; } /** * Function called when a notification is clicked. * * @param notification Clicked notification. */ protected notificationClicked(notification: ILocalNotification): void { this.fireEvent('click', notification); // Focus the app. require('electron').ipcRenderer.send('focusApp'); } /** * Sets a callback for a specific event. * * @param eventName The name of the event. Events: schedule, trigger, click, update, clear, clearall, cancel, * cancelall. Custom event names are possible for actions. * @return Observable */ on(eventName: string): Observable { return this.observers[eventName]; } /** * Parse a interval and convert it to a number of milliseconds (0 if not valid). * * @param every Interval to convert. * @return Number of milliseconds of the interval- */ protected parseInterval(every: string): number { let interval; every = String(every).toLowerCase(); if (!every || every == 'undefined') { interval = 0; } else if (every == 'second') { interval = 1000; } else if (every == 'minute') { interval = CoreConstants.SECONDS_MINUTE * 1000; } else if (every == 'hour') { interval = CoreConstants.SECONDS_HOUR * 1000; } else if (every == 'day') { interval = CoreConstants.SECONDS_DAY * 1000; } else if (every == 'week') { interval = CoreConstants.SECONDS_DAY * 7 * 1000; } else if (every == 'month') { interval = CoreConstants.SECONDS_DAY * 31 * 1000; } else if (every == 'quarter') { interval = CoreConstants.SECONDS_HOUR * 2190 * 1000; } else if (every == 'year') { interval = CoreConstants.SECONDS_YEAR * 1000; } else { interval = parseInt(every, 10); if (isNaN(interval)) { interval = 0; } else { interval *= 60000; } } return interval; } /** * Removes a group of actions. * * @param groupId The id of the action group */ removeActions(groupId: any): Promise { return Promise.reject('Not supported in desktop apps.'); } /** * Remove a notification from local DB. * * @param id ID of the notification. * @return Promise resolved when done. */ protected async removeNotification(id: number): Promise { await this.dbReady; return this.appDB.deleteRecords(this.DESKTOP_NOTIFS_TABLE, { id: id }); } /** * Request permission to show notifications if not already granted. */ requestPermission(): Promise { return Promise.resolve(true); } /** * Schedules a single or multiple notifications. * * @param options Notification or notifications. */ schedule(options?: ILocalNotification | Array): void { this.scheduleOrUpdate(options); } /** * Schedules or updates a single or multiple notifications. * We only support using the "at" property to trigger the notification. Other properties like "in" or "every" * aren't supported yet. * * @param options Notification or notifications. * @param eventName Name of the event: schedule or update. */ protected scheduleOrUpdate(options?: ILocalNotification | Array, eventName: string = 'schedule'): void { options = Array.isArray(options) ? options : [options]; options.forEach((notification) => { this.mergeWithDefaults(notification); this.convertProperties(notification); // Cancel current notification if exists. this.cancelNotification(notification.id, true, 'cancel'); // Store the notification in the scheduled list and in the DB. this.scheduled[notification.id] = { notification: notification }; this.storeNotification(notification, false); const triggerAt = this.getNotificationTriggerAt(notification); if (Math.abs(moment().diff(triggerAt, 'days')) > 15) { // Notification should trigger more than 15 days from now, don't schedule it. return; } // Schedule the notification. const toTriggerTime = triggerAt - Date.now(), trigger = (): void => { // Trigger the notification. this.triggerNotification(notification); // Store the notification as triggered. Don't remove it from scheduled, it's how the plugin works. this.triggered[notification.id] = notification; this.storeNotification(notification, true); // Launch the trigger event. this.fireEvent('trigger', notification); }; this.scheduled[notification.id].timeout = setTimeout(trigger, toTriggerTime); // Launch the scheduled/update event. this.fireEvent(eventName, notification); }); } /** * Overwrites the (platform specific) default settings. * * @param defaults The defaults to set. */ setDefaults(defaults: any): Promise { this.defaults = defaults; return Promise.resolve(); } /** * Store a notification in local DB. * * @param notification Notification to store. * @param triggered Whether the notification has been triggered. * @return Promise resolved when stored. */ protected async storeNotification(notification: ILocalNotification, triggered: boolean): Promise { await this.dbReady; // Only store some of the properties. const entry = { id : notification.id, title: notification.title, text: notification.text, at: this.getNotificationTriggerAt(notification), data: notification.data ? JSON.stringify(notification.data) : '{}', triggered: triggered ? 1 : 0 }; return this.appDB.insertRecord(this.DESKTOP_NOTIFS_TABLE, entry); } /** * Trigger a notification, using the best method depending on the OS. * * @param notification Notification to trigger. */ protected triggerNotification(notification: ILocalNotification): void { if (this.winNotif) { // Use Windows notifications. const notifInstance = new this.winNotif.ToastNotification({ appId: CoreConfigConstants.app_id, template: this.toastTemplate, strings: [notification.title, notification.text] }); // Listen for click events. notifInstance.on('activated', () => { this.notificationClicked(notification); }); notifInstance.show(); try { // Show it in Tile too. const tileNotif = new this.winNotif.TileNotification({ tag: notification.id + '', template: this.tileTemplate, strings: [notification.title, notification.text, notification.title, notification.text, notification.title, notification.text], expirationTime: new Date(Date.now() + CoreConstants.SECONDS_HOUR * 1000) // Expire in 1 hour. }); tileNotif.show(); } catch (ex) { // tslint:disable-next-line console.warn('Error showing TileNotification. Please notice they only work with the app installed.', ex); } } else { // Use Electron default notifications. const notifInstance = new Notification(notification.title, { body: notification.text }); // Listen for click events. notifInstance.onclick = (): void => { this.notificationClicked(notification); }; } } /** * Updates a previously scheduled notification. Must include the id in the options parameter. * * @param options Notification. */ update(options?: ILocalNotification): void { return this.scheduleOrUpdate(options, 'update'); } }