// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Network } from '@ionic-native/network'; import { CoreAppProvider } from './app'; import { CoreEventsProvider } from './events'; import { CoreFileProvider } from './file'; import { CoreInitDelegate } from './init'; import { CoreLoggerProvider } from './logger'; import { CorePluginFileDelegate } from './plugin-file-delegate'; import { CoreSitesProvider } from './sites'; import { CoreWSProvider } from './ws'; import { CoreDomUtilsProvider } from './utils/dom'; import { CoreMimetypeUtilsProvider } from './utils/mimetype'; import { CoreTextUtilsProvider } from './utils/text'; import { CoreTimeUtilsProvider } from './utils/time'; import { CoreUrlUtilsProvider } from './utils/url'; import { CoreUtilsProvider } from './utils/utils'; import { SQLiteDB } from '@classes/sqlitedb'; import { CoreConstants } from '@core/constants'; import { Md5 } from 'ts-md5/dist/md5'; /** * Entry from filepool. */ export interface CoreFilepoolFileEntry { /** * The fileId to identify the file. * @type {string} */ fileId?: string; /** * File's URL. * @type {string} */ url?: string; /** * File's revision. * @type {number} */ revision?: number; /** * File's timemodified. * @type {number} */ timemodified?: number; /** * 1 if file is stale (needs to be updated), 0 otherwise. * @type {number} */ stale?: number; /** * Timestamp when this file was downloaded. * @type {number} */ downloadTime?: number; /** * 1 if it's a external file (from an external repository), 0 otherwise. * @type {number} */ isexternalfile?: number; /** * Type of the repository this file belongs to. * @type {string} */ repositorytype?: string; /** * File's path. * @type {string} */ path?: string; /** * File's extension. * @type {string} */ extension?: string; } /** * Entry from the file's queue. */ export interface CoreFilepoolQueueEntry { /** * The site the file belongs to. * @type {string} */ siteId?: string; /** * The fileId to identify the file. * @type {string} */ fileId?: string; /** * Timestamp when the file was added to the queue. * @type {number} */ added?: number; /** * The priority of the file. * @type {number} */ priority?: number; /** * File's URL. * @type {string} */ url?: string; /** * File's revision. * @type {number} */ revision?: number; /** * File's timemodified. * @type {number} */ timemodified?: number; /** * 1 if it's a external file (from an external repository), 0 otherwise. * @type {number} */ isexternalfile?: number; /** * Type of the repository this file belongs to. * @type {string} */ repositorytype?: string; /** * File's path. * @type {string} */ path?: string; /** * File links (to link the file to components and componentIds). * @type {any[]} */ links?: any[]; } /** * Entry from packages table. */ export interface CoreFilepoolPackageEntry { /** * Package id. * @type {string} */ id?: string; /** * The component to link the files to. * @type {string} */ component?: string; /** * An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @type {string|number} */ componentId?: string | number; /** * Package status. * @type {string} */ status?: string; /** * Package previous status. * @type {string} */ previous?: string; /** * Timestamp when this package was updated. * @type {number} */ updated?: number; /** * Timestamp when this package was downloaded. * @type {number} */ downloadTime?: number; /** * Previous download time. * @type {number} */ previousDownloadTime?: number; /** * Extra data stored by the package. * @type {string} */ extra?: string; } /* * Factory for handling downloading files and retrieve downloaded files. * * @description * This factory is responsible for handling downloading files. * * The two main goals of this is to keep the content available offline, and improve the user experience by caching * the content locally. */ @Injectable() export class CoreFilepoolProvider { // Constants. protected QUEUE_PROCESS_INTERVAL = 0; protected FOLDER = 'filepool'; protected WIFI_DOWNLOAD_THRESHOLD = 20971520; // 20MB. protected DOWNLOAD_THRESHOLD = 2097152; // 2MB. protected QUEUE_RUNNING = 'CoreFilepool:QUEUE_RUNNING'; protected QUEUE_PAUSED = 'CoreFilepool:QUEUE_PAUSED'; protected ERR_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY = 'CoreFilepoolError:ERR_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY'; protected ERR_FS_OR_NETWORK_UNAVAILABLE = 'CoreFilepoolError:ERR_FS_OR_NETWORK_UNAVAILABLE'; protected ERR_QUEUE_ON_PAUSE = 'CoreFilepoolError:ERR_QUEUE_ON_PAUSE'; // Variables for database. protected QUEUE_TABLE = 'filepool_files_queue'; // Queue of files to download. protected FILES_TABLE = 'filepool_files'; // Downloaded files. protected LINKS_TABLE = 'filepool_files_links'; // Links between downloaded files and components. protected PACKAGES_TABLE = 'filepool_packages'; // Downloaded packages (sets of files). protected appTablesSchema = [ { name: this.QUEUE_TABLE, columns: [ { name: 'siteId', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'fileId', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'added', type: 'INTEGER' }, { name: 'priority', type: 'INTEGER' }, { name: 'url', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'revision', type: 'INTEGER' }, { name: 'timemodified', type: 'INTEGER' }, { name: 'isexternalfile', type: 'INTEGER' }, { name: 'repositorytype', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'path', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'links', type: 'TEXT' } ], primaryKeys: ['siteId', 'fileId'] } ]; protected sitesTablesSchema = [ { name: this.FILES_TABLE, columns: [ { name: 'fileId', type: 'TEXT', primaryKey: true }, { name: 'url', type: 'TEXT', notNull: true }, { name: 'revision', type: 'INTEGER' }, { name: 'timemodified', type: 'INTEGER' }, { name: 'stale', type: 'INTEGER' }, { name: 'downloadTime', type: 'INTEGER' }, { name: 'isexternalfile', type: 'INTEGER' }, { name: 'repositorytype', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'path', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'extension', type: 'TEXT' } ] }, { name: this.LINKS_TABLE, columns: [ { name: 'fileId', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'component', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'componentId', type: 'TEXT' } ], primaryKeys: ['fileId', 'component', 'componentId'] }, { name: this.PACKAGES_TABLE, columns: [ { name: 'id', type: 'TEXT', primaryKey: true }, { name: 'component', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'componentId', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'status', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'previous', type: 'TEXT' }, { name: 'updated', type: 'INTEGER' }, { name: 'downloadTime', type: 'INTEGER' }, { name: 'previousDownloadTime', type: 'INTEGER' }, { name: 'extra', type: 'TEXT' } ] }, ]; protected logger; protected appDB: SQLiteDB; protected tokenRegex = new RegExp('(\\?|&)token=([A-Za-z0-9]+)'); protected queueState: string; protected urlAttributes = [ this.tokenRegex, new RegExp('(\\?|&)forcedownload=[0-1]'), new RegExp('(\\?|&)preview=[A-Za-z0-9]+'), new RegExp('(\\?|&)offline=[0-1]', 'g') ]; protected queueDeferreds = {}; // To handle file downloads using the queue. protected sizeCache = {}; // A "cache" to store file sizes to prevent performing too many HEAD requests. // Variables to prevent downloading packages/files twice at the same time. protected packagesPromises = {}; protected filePromises: { [s: string]: { [s: string]: Promise } } = {}; constructor(logger: CoreLoggerProvider, private appProvider: CoreAppProvider, private fileProvider: CoreFileProvider, private sitesProvider: CoreSitesProvider, private wsProvider: CoreWSProvider, private textUtils: CoreTextUtilsProvider, private utils: CoreUtilsProvider, private mimeUtils: CoreMimetypeUtilsProvider, private urlUtils: CoreUrlUtilsProvider, private timeUtils: CoreTimeUtilsProvider, private eventsProvider: CoreEventsProvider, initDelegate: CoreInitDelegate, network: Network, private pluginFileDelegate: CorePluginFileDelegate, private domUtils: CoreDomUtilsProvider) { this.logger = logger.getInstance('CoreFilepoolProvider'); this.appDB = this.appProvider.getDB(); this.appDB.createTablesFromSchema(this.appTablesSchema); this.sitesProvider.createTablesFromSchema(this.sitesTablesSchema); initDelegate.ready().then(() => { // Waiting for the app to be ready to start processing the queue. this.checkQueueProcessing(); // Start queue when device goes online. network.onConnect().subscribe(() => { this.checkQueueProcessing(); }); }); } /** * Link a file with a component. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. * @param {string} component The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved on success. */ protected addFileLink(siteId: string, fileId: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number): Promise { if (!component) { return Promise.reject(null); } componentId = this.fixComponentId(componentId); return this.sitesProvider.getSiteDb(siteId).then((db) => { const newEntry = { fileId: fileId, component: component, componentId: componentId || '' }; return db.insertRecord(this.LINKS_TABLE, newEntry); }); } /** * Link a file with a component by URL. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The file Url. * @param {string} component The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved on success. * @description * Use this method to create a link between a URL and a component. You usually do not need to call this manually since * downloading a file automatically does this. Note that this method does not check if the file exists in the pool. */ addFileLinkByUrl(siteId: string, fileUrl: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number): Promise { return this.fixPluginfileURL(siteId, fileUrl).then((fileUrl) => { const fileId = this.getFileIdByUrl(fileUrl); return this.addFileLink(siteId, fileId, component, componentId); }); } /** * Link a file with several components. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. * @param {any[]} links Array of objects containing the component and optionally componentId. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved on success. */ protected addFileLinks(siteId: string, fileId: string, links: any[]): Promise { const promises = []; links.forEach((link) => { promises.push(this.addFileLink(siteId, fileId, link.component, link.componentId)); }); return Promise.all(promises); } /** * Add files to queue using a URL. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {any[]} files Array of files to add. * @param {string} [component] The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component (optional). * @return {Promise} Resolved on success. */ addFilesToQueue(siteId: string, files: any[], component?: string, componentId?: string | number): Promise { return this.downloadOrPrefetchFiles(siteId, files, true, false, component, componentId); } /** * Add a file to the pool. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. * @param {any} data Additional information to store about the file (timemodified, url, ...). See FILES_TABLE schema. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved on success. */ protected addFileToPool(siteId: string, fileId: string, data: any): Promise { const values = Object.assign({}, data); values.fileId = fileId; return this.sitesProvider.getSiteDb(siteId).then((db) => { return db.insertRecord(this.FILES_TABLE, values); }); } /** * Adds a hash to a filename if needed. * * @param {string} url The URL of the file, already treated (decoded, without revision, etc.). * @param {string} filename The filename. * @return {string} The filename with the hash. */ protected addHashToFilename(url: string, filename: string): string { // Check if the file already has a hash. If a file is downloaded and re-uploaded with the app it will have a hash already. const matches = filename.match(/_[a-f0-9]{32}/g); if (matches && matches.length) { // There is at least 1 match. Get the last one. const hash = matches[matches.length - 1], treatedUrl = url.replace(hash, ''); // Remove the hash from the URL. // Check that the hash is valid. if ('_' + Md5.hashAsciiStr('url:' + treatedUrl) == hash) { // The data found is a hash of the URL, don't need to add it again. return filename; } } return filename + '_' + Md5.hashAsciiStr('url:' + url); } /** * Add a file to the queue. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. * @param {string} url The absolute URL to the file. * @param {number} priority The priority this file should get in the queue (range 0-999). * @param {number} revision The revision of the file. * @param {number} timemodified The time this file was modified. Can be used to check file state. * @param {string} [filePath] Filepath to download the file to. If not defined, download to the filepool folder. * @param {any} options Extra options (isexternalfile, repositorytype). * @param {any} [link] The link to add for the file. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when the file is downloaded. */ protected addToQueue(siteId: string, fileId: string, url: string, priority: number, revision: number, timemodified: number, filePath: string, onProgress?: (event: any) => any, options: any = {}, link?: any): Promise { this.logger.debug(`Adding ${fileId} to the queue`); return this.appDB.insertRecord(this.QUEUE_TABLE, { siteId: siteId, fileId: fileId, url: url, priority: priority, revision: revision, timemodified: timemodified, path: filePath, isexternalfile: options.isexternalfile ? 1 : 0, repositorytype: options.repositorytype, links: JSON.stringify(link ? [link] : []), added: Date.now() }).then(() => { // Check if the queue is running. this.checkQueueProcessing(); this.notifyFileDownloading(siteId, fileId); return this.getQueuePromise(siteId, fileId, true, onProgress); }); } /** * Add an entry to queue using a URL. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The absolute URL to the file. * @param {string} [component] The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component (optional). * @param {number} [timemodified=0] The time this file was modified. Can be used to check file state. * @param {string} [filePath] Filepath to download the file to. If not defined, download to the filepool folder. * @param {Function} [onProgress] Function to call on progress. * @param {number} [priority=0] The priority this file should get in the queue (range 0-999). * @param {any} [options] Extra options (isexternalfile, repositorytype). * @param {number} [revision] File revision. If not defined, it will be calculated using the URL. * @return {Promise} Resolved on success. */ addToQueueByUrl(siteId: string, fileUrl: string, component?: string, componentId?: string | number, timemodified: number = 0, filePath?: string, onProgress?: (event: any) => any, priority: number = 0, options: any = {}, revision?: number) : Promise { let fileId, link, queueDeferred; if (!this.fileProvider.isAvailable()) { return Promise.reject(null); } return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { if (!site.canDownloadFiles()) { return Promise.reject(null); } return this.fixPluginfileURL(siteId, fileUrl).then((fileUrl) => { const primaryKey = { siteId: siteId, fileId: fileId }; revision = revision || this.getRevisionFromUrl(fileUrl); fileId = this.getFileIdByUrl(fileUrl); // Set up the component. if (typeof component != 'undefined') { link = { component: component, componentId: this.fixComponentId(componentId) }; } // Retrieve the queue deferred now if it exists. // This is to prevent errors if file is removed from queue while we're checking if the file is in queue. queueDeferred = this.getQueueDeferred(siteId, fileId, false, onProgress); return this.hasFileInQueue(siteId, fileId).then((entry: CoreFilepoolQueueEntry) => { const newData: any = {}; let foundLink = false; if (entry) { // We already have the file in queue, we update the priority and links. if (entry.priority < priority) { newData.priority = priority; } if (revision && entry.revision !== revision) { newData.revision = revision; } if (timemodified && entry.timemodified !== timemodified) { newData.timemodified = timemodified; } if (filePath && entry.path !== filePath) { newData.path = filePath; } if (entry.isexternalfile !== options.isexternalfile && (entry.isexternalfile || options.isexternalfile)) { newData.isexternalfile = options.isexternalfile; } if (entry.repositorytype !== options.repositorytype && (entry.repositorytype || options.repositorytype)) { newData.repositorytype = options.repositorytype; } if (link) { // We need to add the new link if it does not exist yet. if (entry.links && entry.links.length) { for (const i in entry.links) { const fileLink = entry.links[i]; if (fileLink.component == link.component && fileLink.componentId == link.componentId) { foundLink = true; break; } } } if (!foundLink) { newData.links = entry.links || []; newData.links.push(link); newData.links = JSON.stringify(entry.links); } } if (Object.keys(newData).length) { // Update only when required. this.logger.debug(`Updating file ${fileId} which is already in queue`); return this.appDB.updateRecords(this.QUEUE_TABLE, newData, primaryKey).then(() => { return this.getQueuePromise(siteId, fileId, true, onProgress); }); } this.logger.debug(`File ${fileId} already in queue and does not require update`); if (queueDeferred) { // If we were able to retrieve the queue deferred before, we use that one. return queueDeferred.promise; } else { // Create a new deferred and return its promise. return this.getQueuePromise(siteId, fileId, true, onProgress); } } else { return this.addToQueue( siteId, fileId, fileUrl, priority, revision, timemodified, filePath, onProgress, options, link); } }, () => { // Unsure why we could not get the record, let's add to the queue anyway. return this.addToQueue( siteId, fileId, fileUrl, priority, revision, timemodified, filePath, onProgress, options, link); }); }); }); } /** * Adds a file to the queue if the size is allowed to be downloaded. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The absolute URL to the file. * @param {string} component The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @param {number} [timemodified=0] The time this file was modified. * @param {boolean} [checkSize=true] True if we shouldn't download files if their size is big, false otherwise. * @param {boolean} [downloadUnknown] True to download file in WiFi if their size is unknown, false otherwise. * Ignored if checkSize=false. * @param {any} [options] Extra options (isexternalfile, repositorytype). * @param {number} [revision] File revision. If not defined, it will be calculated using the URL. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when the file is downloaded. */ protected addToQueueIfNeeded(siteId: string, fileUrl: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number, timemodified: number = 0, checkSize: boolean = true, downloadUnknown?: boolean, options: any = {}, revision?: number) : Promise { let promise; if (checkSize) { if (typeof this.sizeCache[fileUrl] != 'undefined') { promise = Promise.resolve(this.sizeCache[fileUrl]); } else { if (!this.appProvider.isOnline()) { // Cannot check size in offline, stop. return Promise.reject(null); } promise = this.wsProvider.getRemoteFileSize(fileUrl); } // Calculate the size of the file. return promise.then((size) => { const isWifi = !this.appProvider.isNetworkAccessLimited(), sizeUnknown = size <= 0; if (!sizeUnknown) { // Store the size in the cache. this.sizeCache[fileUrl] = size; } // Check if the file should be downloaded. if (sizeUnknown) { if (downloadUnknown && isWifi) { return this.addToQueueByUrl( siteId, fileUrl, component, componentId, timemodified, undefined, undefined, 0, options, revision); } } else if (size <= this.DOWNLOAD_THRESHOLD || (isWifi && size <= this.WIFI_DOWNLOAD_THRESHOLD)) { return this.addToQueueByUrl( siteId, fileUrl, component, componentId, timemodified, undefined, undefined, 0, options, revision); } }); } else { // No need to check size, just add it to the queue. return this.addToQueueByUrl(siteId, fileUrl, component, componentId, timemodified, undefined, undefined, 0, options, revision); } } /** * Check the queue processing. * * @description * In mose cases, this will enable the queue processing if it was paused. * Though, this will disable the queue if we are missing network or if the file system * is not accessible. Also, this will have no effect if the queue is already running. */ protected checkQueueProcessing(): void { if (!this.fileProvider.isAvailable() || !this.appProvider.isOnline()) { this.queueState = this.QUEUE_PAUSED; return; } else if (this.queueState === this.QUEUE_RUNNING) { return; } this.queueState = this.QUEUE_RUNNING; this.processQueue(); } /** * Clear all packages status in a site. * * @param {string} siteId Site ID. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when all status are cleared. */ clearAllPackagesStatus(siteId: string): Promise { this.logger.debug('Clear all packages status for site ' + siteId); return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { // Get all the packages to be able to "notify" the change in the status. return site.getDb().getAllRecords(this.PACKAGES_TABLE).then((entries) => { // Delete all the entries. return site.getDb().deleteRecords(this.PACKAGES_TABLE).then(() => { entries.forEach((entry) => { // Trigger module status changed, setting it as not downloaded. this.triggerPackageStatusChanged(siteId, CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADED, entry.component, entry.componentId); }); }); }); }); } /** * Clears the filepool. Use it only when all the files from a site are deleted. * * @param {string} siteId ID of the site to clear. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when the filepool is cleared. */ clearFilepool(siteId: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSiteDb(siteId).then((db) => { return db.deleteRecords(this.FILES_TABLE); }); } /** * Returns whether a component has files in the pool. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} component The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @return {Promise} Resolved means yes, rejected means no. */ componentHasFiles(siteId: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSiteDb(siteId).then((db) => { const conditions = { component: component, componentId: componentId || '' }; return db.countRecords(this.LINKS_TABLE, conditions).then((count) => { if (count <= 0) { return Promise.reject(null); } }); }); } /** * Given the current status of a list of packages and the status of one of the packages, * determine the new status for the list of packages. The status of a list of packages is: * - CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADABLE if there are no downloadable packages. * - CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADED if at least 1 package has status CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADED. * - CoreConstants.DOWNLOADED if ALL the downloadable packages have status CoreConstants.DOWNLOADED. * - CoreConstants.DOWNLOADING if ALL the downloadable packages have status CoreConstants.DOWNLOADING or * CoreConstants.DOWNLOADED, with at least 1 package with CoreConstants.DOWNLOADING. * - CoreConstants.OUTDATED if ALL the downloadable packages have status CoreConstants.OUTDATED or CoreConstants.DOWNLOADED * or CoreConstants.DOWNLOADING, with at least 1 package with CoreConstants.OUTDATED. * * @param {string} current Current status of the list of packages. * @param {string} packagestatus Status of one of the packages. * @return {string} New status for the list of packages; */ determinePackagesStatus(current: string, packageStatus: string): string { if (!current) { current = CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADABLE; } if (packageStatus === CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADED) { // If 1 package is not downloaded the status of the whole list will always be not downloaded. return CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADED; } else if (packageStatus === CoreConstants.DOWNLOADED && current === CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADABLE) { // If all packages are downloaded or not downloadable with at least 1 downloaded, status will be downloaded. return CoreConstants.DOWNLOADED; } else if (packageStatus === CoreConstants.DOWNLOADING && (current === CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADABLE || current === CoreConstants.DOWNLOADED)) { // If all packages are downloading/downloaded/notdownloadable with at least 1 downloading, status will be downloading. return CoreConstants.DOWNLOADING; } else if (packageStatus === CoreConstants.OUTDATED && current !== CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADED) { // If there are no packages notdownloaded and there is at least 1 outdated, status will be outdated. return CoreConstants.OUTDATED; } // Status remains the same. return current; } /** * Downloads a URL and update or add it to the pool. * * This uses the file system, you should always make sure that it is accessible before calling this method. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The file URL. * @param {any} [options] Extra options (revision, timemodified, isexternalfile, repositorytype). * @param {string} [filePath] Filepath to download the file to. If defined, no extension will be added. * @param {Function} [onProgress] Function to call on progress. * @param {CoreFilepoolFileEntry} [poolFileObject] When set, the object will be updated, a new entry will not be created. * @return {Promise} Resolved with internal URL on success, rejected otherwise. */ protected downloadForPoolByUrl(siteId: string, fileUrl: string, options: any = {}, filePath?: string, onProgress?: (event: any) => any, poolFileObject?: CoreFilepoolFileEntry): Promise { const fileId = this.getFileIdByUrl(fileUrl), extension = this.mimeUtils.guessExtensionFromUrl(fileUrl), addExtension = typeof filePath == 'undefined', pathPromise = filePath ? filePath : this.getFilePath(siteId, fileId, extension); return Promise.resolve(pathPromise).then((filePath) => { if (poolFileObject && poolFileObject.fileId !== fileId) { this.logger.error('Invalid object to update passed'); return Promise.reject(null); } const downloadId = this.getFileDownloadId(fileUrl, filePath); if (this.filePromises[siteId] && this.filePromises[siteId][downloadId]) { // There's already a download ongoing for this file in this location, return the promise. return this.filePromises[siteId][downloadId]; } else if (!this.filePromises[siteId]) { this.filePromises[siteId] = {}; } this.filePromises[siteId][downloadId] = this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { if (!site.canDownloadFiles()) { return Promise.reject(null); } return this.wsProvider.downloadFile(fileUrl, filePath, addExtension, onProgress).then((fileEntry) => { const data: CoreFilepoolFileEntry = poolFileObject || {}; data.downloadTime = Date.now(); data.stale = 0; data.url = fileUrl; data.revision = options.revision; data.timemodified = options.timemodified; data.isexternalfile = options.isexternalfile ? 1 : 0; data.repositorytype = options.repositorytype; data.path = fileEntry.path; data.extension = fileEntry.extension; return this.addFileToPool(siteId, fileId, data).then(() => { return fileEntry.toURL(); }); }); }).finally(() => { // Download finished, delete the promise. delete this.filePromises[siteId][downloadId]; }); return this.filePromises[siteId][downloadId]; }); } /** * Download or prefetch several files into the filepool folder. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {any[]} files Array of files to download. * @param {boolean} prefetch True if should prefetch the contents (queue), false if they should be downloaded right now. * @param {boolean} [ignoreStale] True if 'stale' should be ignored. Only if prefetch=false. * @param {string} [component] The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @param {string} [dirPath] Name of the directory where to store the files (inside filepool dir). If not defined, store * the files directly inside the filepool folder. * @return {Promise} Resolved on success. */ downloadOrPrefetchFiles(siteId: string, files: any[], prefetch: boolean, ignoreStale?: boolean, component?: string, componentId?: string | number, dirPath?: string): Promise { const promises = []; // Download files. files.forEach((file) => { const url = file.url || file.fileurl, timemodified = file.timemodified, options = { isexternalfile: file.isexternalfile, repositorytype: file.repositorytype }; let path; if (dirPath) { // Calculate the path to the file. path = file.filename; if (file.filepath !== '/') { path = file.filepath.substr(1) + path; } path = this.textUtils.concatenatePaths(dirPath, path); } if (prefetch) { promises.push(this.addToQueueByUrl( siteId, url, component, componentId, timemodified, path, undefined, 0, options)); } else { promises.push(this.downloadUrl( siteId, url, ignoreStale, component, componentId, timemodified, path, undefined, options)); } }); return this.utils.allPromises(promises); } /** * Downloads or prefetches a list of files as a "package". * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {any[]} fileList List of files to download. * @param {boolean} [prefetch] True if should prefetch the contents (queue), false if they should be downloaded right now. * @param {string} [component] The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @param {string} [extra] Extra data to store for the package. * @param {string} [dirPath] Name of the directory where to store the files (inside filepool dir). If not defined, store * the files directly inside the filepool folder. * @param {Function} [onProgress] Function to call on progress. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when the package is downloaded. */ protected downloadOrPrefetchPackage(siteId: string, fileList: any[], prefetch?: boolean, component?: string, componentId?: string | number, extra?: string, dirPath?: string, onProgress?: (event: any) => any): Promise { const packageId = this.getPackageId(component, componentId); let promise; if (this.packagesPromises[siteId] && this.packagesPromises[siteId][packageId]) { // There's already a download ongoing for this package, return the promise. return this.packagesPromises[siteId][packageId]; } else if (!this.packagesPromises[siteId]) { this.packagesPromises[siteId] = {}; } // Set package as downloading. promise = this.storePackageStatus(siteId, CoreConstants.DOWNLOADING, component, componentId).then(() => { const promises = []; let packageLoaded = 0; fileList.forEach((file) => { const fileUrl = file.url || file.fileurl, options = { isexternalfile: file.isexternalfile, repositorytype: file.repositorytype }; let path, promise, fileLoaded = 0, onFileProgress; if (onProgress) { // There's a onProgress event, create a function to receive file download progress events. onFileProgress = (progress: any): void => { if (progress && progress.loaded) { // Add the new size loaded to the package loaded. packageLoaded = packageLoaded + (progress.loaded - fileLoaded); fileLoaded = progress.loaded; onProgress({ packageDownload: true, loaded: packageLoaded, fileProgress: progress }); } }; } if (dirPath) { // Calculate the path to the file. path = file.filename; if (file.filepath !== '/') { path = file.filepath.substr(1) + path; } path = this.textUtils.concatenatePaths(dirPath, path); } if (prefetch) { promise = this.addToQueueByUrl( siteId, fileUrl, component, componentId, file.timemodified, path, undefined, 0, options); } else { promise = this.downloadUrl( siteId, fileUrl, false, component, componentId, file.timemodified, onFileProgress, path, options); } // Using undefined for success & fail will pass the success/failure to the parent promise. promises.push(promise); }); return Promise.all(promises).then(() => { // Success prefetching, store package as downloaded. return this.storePackageStatus(siteId, CoreConstants.DOWNLOADED, component, componentId, extra); }).catch(() => { // Error downloading, go back to previous status and reject the promise. return this.setPackagePreviousStatus(siteId, component, componentId).then(() => { return Promise.reject(null); }); }); }).finally(() => { // Download finished, delete the promise. delete this.packagesPromises[siteId][packageId]; }); this.packagesPromises[siteId][packageId] = promise; return promise; } /** * Downloads a list of files. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {any[]} fileList List of files to download. * @param {string} component The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to identify the download. * @param {string} [extra] Extra data to store for the package. * @param {string} [dirPath] Name of the directory where to store the files (inside filepool dir). If not defined, store * the files directly inside the filepool folder. * @param {Function} [onProgress] Function to call on progress. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when all files are downloaded. */ downloadPackage(siteId: string, fileList: any[], component: string, componentId?: string | number, extra?: string, dirPath?: string, onProgress?: (event: any) => any): Promise { return this.downloadOrPrefetchPackage(siteId, fileList, false, component, componentId, extra, dirPath, onProgress); } /** * Downloads a file on the spot. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The file URL. * @param {boolean} [ignoreStale] Whether 'stale' should be ignored. * @param {string} [component] The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @param {number} [timemodified=0] The time this file was modified. Can be used to check file state. * @param {string} [filePath] Filepath to download the file to. If not defined, download to the filepool folder. * @param {any} [options] Extra options (isexternalfile, repositorytype). * @param {number} [revision] File revision. If not defined, it will be calculated using the URL. * @return {Promise} Resolved with internal URL on success, rejected otherwise. * @description * Downloads a file on the spot. * * This will also take care of adding the file to the pool if it's missing. However, please note that this will * not force a file to be re-downloaded if it is already part of the pool. You should mark a file as stale using * invalidateFileByUrl to trigger a download. */ downloadUrl(siteId: string, fileUrl: string, ignoreStale?: boolean, component?: string, componentId?: string | number, timemodified: number = 0, onProgress?: (event: any) => any, filePath?: string, options: any = {}, revision?: number) : Promise { let fileId, promise; if (this.fileProvider.isAvailable()) { return this.fixPluginfileURL(siteId, fileUrl).then((fixedUrl) => { fileUrl = fixedUrl; options = Object.assign({}, options); // Create a copy to prevent modifying the original object. options.timemodified = timemodified || 0; options.revision = revision || this.getRevisionFromUrl(fileUrl); fileId = this.getFileIdByUrl(fileUrl); return this.hasFileInPool(siteId, fileId).then((fileObject) => { if (typeof fileObject === 'undefined') { // We do not have the file, download and add to pool. this.notifyFileDownloading(siteId, fileId); return this.downloadForPoolByUrl(siteId, fileUrl, options, filePath, onProgress); } else if (this.isFileOutdated(fileObject, options.revision, options.timemodified) && this.appProvider.isOnline() && !ignoreStale) { // The file is outdated, force the download and update it. this.notifyFileDownloading(siteId, fileId); return this.downloadForPoolByUrl(siteId, fileUrl, options, filePath, onProgress, fileObject); } // Everything is fine, return the file on disk. if (filePath) { promise = this.getInternalUrlByPath(filePath); } else { promise = this.getInternalUrlById(siteId, fileId); } return promise.then((response) => { return response; }, () => { // The file was not found in the pool, weird. this.notifyFileDownloading(siteId, fileId); return this.downloadForPoolByUrl(siteId, fileUrl, options, filePath, onProgress, fileObject); }); }, () => { // The file is not in the pool just yet. this.notifyFileDownloading(siteId, fileId); return this.downloadForPoolByUrl(siteId, fileUrl, options, filePath, onProgress); }).then((response) => { if (typeof component != 'undefined') { this.addFileLink(siteId, fileId, component, componentId).catch(() => { // Ignore errors. }); } this.notifyFileDownloaded(siteId, fileId); return response; }, (err) => { this.notifyFileDownloadError(siteId, fileId); return Promise.reject(err); }); }); } else { return Promise.reject(null); } } /** * Fill Missing Extension In the File Object if needed. * This is to migrate from old versions. * * @param {CoreFilepoolFileEntry} fileObject File object to be migrated. * @param {string} siteId SiteID to get migrated. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when done. */ protected fillExtensionInFile(entry: CoreFilepoolFileEntry, siteId: string): Promise { if (typeof entry.extension != 'undefined') { // Already filled. return Promise.resolve(); } return this.sitesProvider.getSiteDb(siteId).then((db) => { const extension = this.mimeUtils.getFileExtension(entry.path); if (!extension) { // Files does not have extension. Invalidate file (stale = true). // Minor problem: file will remain in the filesystem once downloaded again. this.logger.debug('Staled file with no extension ' + entry.fileId); return db.updateRecords(this.FILES_TABLE, { stale: 1 }, { fileId: entry.fileId }); } // File has extension. Save extension, and add extension to path. const fileId = entry.fileId; entry.fileId = this.mimeUtils.removeExtension(fileId); entry.extension = extension; return db.updateRecords(this.FILES_TABLE, entry, { fileId: fileId }).then(() => { if (entry.fileId == fileId) { // File ID hasn't changed, we're done. this.logger.debug('Removed extesion ' + extension + ' from file ' + entry.fileId); return; } // Now update the links. return db.updateRecords(this.LINKS_TABLE, { fileId: entry.fileId }, { fileId: fileId }); }); }); } /** * Fill Missing Extension In Files, used to migrate from previous file handling. * Reserved for core use, please do not call. * * @param {string} siteId SiteID to get migrated * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when done. */ fillMissingExtensionInFiles(siteId: string): Promise { this.logger.debug('Fill missing extensions in files of ' + siteId); return this.sitesProvider.getSiteDb(siteId).then((db) => { return db.getAllRecords(this.FILES_TABLE).then((entries) => { const promises = []; entries.forEach((entry) => { promises.push(this.fillExtensionInFile(entry, siteId)); }); return Promise.all(promises); }); }); } /** * Fix a component ID to always be a Number if possible. * * @param {string|number} componentId The component ID. * @return {string|number} The normalised component ID. -1 when undefined was passed. */ protected fixComponentId(componentId: string | number): string | number { if (typeof componentId == 'number') { return componentId; } // Try to convert it to a number. const id = parseInt(componentId, 10); if (isNaN(id)) { // Not a number. if (typeof componentId == 'undefined' || componentId === null) { return -1; } else { return componentId; } } return id; } /** * Add the wstoken url and points to the correct script. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The file URL. * @return {Promise} Resolved with fixed URL on success, rejected otherwise. */ protected fixPluginfileURL(siteId: string, fileUrl: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { return site.fixPluginfileURL(fileUrl); }); } /** * Convenience function to get component files. * * @param {SQLiteDB} db Site's DB. * @param {string} component The component to get. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the files. */ protected getComponentFiles(db: SQLiteDB, component: string, componentId?: string | number): Promise { const conditions = { component: component, componentId: componentId || '' }; return db.getRecords(this.LINKS_TABLE, conditions); } /** * Returns the local URL of a directory. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The file URL. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the URL. Rejected otherwise. */ getDirectoryUrlByUrl(siteId: string, fileUrl: string): Promise { if (this.fileProvider.isAvailable()) { return this.fixPluginfileURL(siteId, fileUrl).then((fileUrl) => { const fileId = this.getFileIdByUrl(fileUrl), filePath = this.getFilePath(siteId, fileId, ''); // No extension, the function will return a string. return this.fileProvider.getDir(filePath).then((dirEntry) => { return dirEntry.toURL(); }); }); } return Promise.reject(null); } /** * Get the ID of a file download. Used to keep track of filePromises. * * @param {string} fileUrl The file URL. * @param {string} filePath The file destination path. * @return {string} File download ID. */ protected getFileDownloadId(fileUrl: string, filePath: string): string { return Md5.hashAsciiStr(fileUrl + '###' + filePath); } /** * Get the name of the event used to notify download events (CoreEventsProvider). * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. * @return {string} Event name. */ protected getFileEventName(siteId: string, fileId: string): string { return 'CoreFilepoolFile:' + siteId + ':' + fileId; } /** * Get the name of the event used to notify download events (CoreEventsProvider). * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The absolute URL to the file. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with event name. */ getFileEventNameByUrl(siteId: string, fileUrl: string): Promise { return this.fixPluginfileURL(siteId, fileUrl).then((fileUrl) => { const fileId = this.getFileIdByUrl(fileUrl); return this.getFileEventName(siteId, fileId); }); } /** * Creates a unique ID based on a URL. * * This has a minimal handling of pluginfiles in order to generate a clean file ID which will not change if * pointing to the same pluginfile URL even if the token or extra attributes have changed. * * @param {string} fileUrl The absolute URL to the file. * @return {string} The file ID. */ protected getFileIdByUrl(fileUrl: string): string { let url = this.removeRevisionFromUrl(fileUrl), filename; // Decode URL. url = this.textUtils.decodeHTML(this.textUtils.decodeURIComponent(url)); if (url.indexOf('/webservice/pluginfile') !== -1) { // Remove attributes that do not matter. this.urlAttributes.forEach((regex) => { url = url.replace(regex, ''); }); } // Try to guess the filename the target file should have. // We want to keep the original file name so people can easily identify the files after the download. filename = this.guessFilenameFromUrl(url); return this.addHashToFilename(url, filename); } /** * Get the links of a file. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the links. */ protected getFileLinks(siteId: string, fileId: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSiteDb(siteId).then((db) => { return db.getRecords(this.LINKS_TABLE, { fileId: fileId }); }); } /** * Get the path to a file. This does not check if the file exists or not. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. * @param {string} [extension] Previously calculated extension. Empty to not add any. Undefined to calculate it. * @return {string|Promise} The path to the file relative to storage root. */ protected getFilePath(siteId: string, fileId: string, extension?: string): string | Promise { let path = this.getFilepoolFolderPath(siteId) + '/' + fileId; if (typeof extension == 'undefined') { // We need the extension to be able to open files properly. return this.hasFileInPool(siteId, fileId).then((entry) => { if (entry.extension) { path += '.' + entry.extension; } return path; }).catch(() => { // If file not found, use the path without extension. return path; }); } else { if (extension) { path += '.' + extension; } return path; } } /** * Get the path to a file from its URL. This does not check if the file exists or not. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The file URL. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the path to the file relative to storage root. */ getFilePathByUrl(siteId: string, fileUrl: string): Promise { return this.fixPluginfileURL(siteId, fileUrl).then((fileUrl) => { const fileId = this.getFileIdByUrl(fileUrl); return this.getFilePath(siteId, fileId); }); } /** * Get site Filepool Folder Path * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @return {string} The root path to the filepool of the site. */ getFilepoolFolderPath(siteId: string): string { return this.fileProvider.getSiteFolder(siteId) + '/' + this.FOLDER; } /** * Get all the matching files from a component. Returns objects containing properties like path, extension and url. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} component The component to get. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the files on success. */ getFilesByComponent(siteId: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSiteDb(siteId).then((db) => { return this.getComponentFiles(db, component, componentId).then((items) => { const promises = [], files = []; items.forEach((item) => { promises.push(db.getRecord(this.FILES_TABLE, { fileId: item.fileId }).then((fileEntry) => { if (!fileEntry) { return; } files.push({ url: fileEntry.url, path: fileEntry.path, extension: fileEntry.extension, revision: fileEntry.revision, timemodified: fileEntry.timemodified }); }).catch(() => { // File not found, ignore error. })); }); return Promise.all(promises).then(() => { return files; }); }); }); } /** * Get the size of all the files from a component. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} component The component to get. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the size on success. */ getFilesSizeByComponent(siteId: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number): Promise { return this.getFilesByComponent(siteId, component, componentId).then((files) => { const promises = []; let size = 0; files.forEach((file) => { promises.push(this.fileProvider.getFileSize(file.path).then((fs) => { size += fs; }).catch(() => { // Ignore failures, maybe some file was deleted. })); }); return Promise.all(promises).then(() => { return size; }); }); } /** * Returns the file state: mmCoreDownloaded, mmCoreDownloading, mmCoreNotDownloaded or mmCoreOutdated. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl File URL. * @param {number} [timemodified=0] The time this file was modified. * @param {string} [filePath] Filepath to download the file to. If defined, no extension will be added. * @param {number} [revision] File revision. If not defined, it will be calculated using the URL. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the file state. */ getFileStateByUrl(siteId: string, fileUrl: string, timemodified: number = 0, filePath?: string, revision?: number) : Promise { let fileId; return this.fixPluginfileURL(siteId, fileUrl).then((fixedUrl) => { fileUrl = fixedUrl; revision = revision || this.getRevisionFromUrl(fileUrl); fileId = this.getFileIdByUrl(fileUrl); // Check if the file is in queue (waiting to be downloaded). return this.hasFileInQueue(siteId, fileId).then(() => { return CoreConstants.DOWNLOADING; }).catch(() => { // Check if the file is being downloaded right now. const extension = this.mimeUtils.guessExtensionFromUrl(fileUrl), path = filePath ? filePath : this.getFilePath(siteId, fileId, extension); return Promise.resolve(path).then((filePath) => { const downloadId = this.getFileDownloadId(fileUrl, filePath); if (this.filePromises[siteId] && this.filePromises[siteId][downloadId]) { return CoreConstants.DOWNLOADING; } // File is not being downloaded. Check if it's downloaded and if it's outdated. return this.hasFileInPool(siteId, fileId).then((entry) => { if (this.isFileOutdated(entry, revision, timemodified)) { return CoreConstants.OUTDATED; } else { return CoreConstants.DOWNLOADED; } }).catch(() => { return CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADED; }); }); }); }); } /** * Returns an absolute URL to access the file URL. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The absolute URL to the file. * @param {string} [mode=url] The type of URL to return. Accepts 'url' or 'src'. * @param {string} component The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @param {number} [timemodified=0] The time this file was modified. * @param {boolean} [checkSize=true] True if we shouldn't download files if their size is big, false otherwise. * @param {boolean} [downloadUnknown] True to download file in WiFi if their size is unknown, false otherwise. * Ignored if checkSize=false. * @param {any} [options] Extra options (isexternalfile, repositorytype). * @param {number} [revision] File revision. If not defined, it will be calculated using the URL. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the URL to use. * @description * This will return a URL pointing to the content of the requested URL. * * This handles the queue and validity of the file. If there is a local file and it's valid, return the local URL. * If the file isn't downloaded or it's outdated, return the online URL and add it to the queue to be downloaded later. */ protected getFileUrlByUrl(siteId: string, fileUrl: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number, mode: string = 'url', timemodified: number = 0, checkSize: boolean = true, downloadUnknown?: boolean, options: any = {}, revision?: number): Promise { let fileId; const addToQueue = (fileUrl): void => { // Add the file to queue if needed and ignore errors. this.addToQueueIfNeeded(siteId, fileUrl, component, componentId, timemodified, checkSize, downloadUnknown, options, revision).catch(() => { // Ignore errors. }); }; return this.fixPluginfileURL(siteId, fileUrl).then((fixedUrl) => { fileUrl = fixedUrl; revision = revision || this.getRevisionFromUrl(fileUrl); fileId = this.getFileIdByUrl(fileUrl); return this.hasFileInPool(siteId, fileId).then((entry) => { let response; if (typeof entry === 'undefined') { // We do not have the file, add it to the queue, and return real URL. addToQueue(fileUrl); response = fileUrl; } else if (this.isFileOutdated(entry, revision, timemodified) && this.appProvider.isOnline()) { // The file is outdated, we add to the queue and return real URL. addToQueue(fileUrl); response = fileUrl; } else { // We found the file entry, now look for the file on disk. if (mode === 'src') { response = this.getInternalSrcById(siteId, fileId); } else { response = this.getInternalUrlById(siteId, fileId); } response = response.then((internalUrl) => { // The file is on disk. return internalUrl; }).catch(() => { // We could not retrieve the file, delete the entries associated with that ID. this.logger.debug('File ' + fileId + ' not found on disk'); this.removeFileById(siteId, fileId); addToQueue(fileUrl); if (this.appProvider.isOnline()) { // We still have a chance to serve the right content. return fileUrl; } return Promise.reject(null); }); } return response; }, () => { // We do not have the file in store yet. Add to queue and return the fixed URL. addToQueue(fileUrl); return fileUrl; }); }); } /** * Returns the internal SRC of a file. * * The returned URL from this method is typically used with IMG tags. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the internal URL. Rejected otherwise. */ protected getInternalSrcById(siteId: string, fileId: string): Promise { if (this.fileProvider.isAvailable()) { return Promise.resolve(this.getFilePath(siteId, fileId)).then((path) => { return this.fileProvider.getFile(path).then((fileEntry) => { // We use toInternalURL so images are loaded in iOS8 using img HTML tags. return this.fileProvider.getInternalURL(fileEntry); }); }); } return Promise.reject(null); } /** * Returns the local URL of a file. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the URL. Rejected otherwise. */ protected getInternalUrlById(siteId: string, fileId: string): Promise { if (this.fileProvider.isAvailable()) { return Promise.resolve(this.getFilePath(siteId, fileId)).then((path) => { return this.fileProvider.getFile(path).then((fileEntry) => { return fileEntry.toURL(); }); }); } return Promise.reject(null); } /** * Returns the local URL of a file. * * @param {string} filePath The file path. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the URL. */ protected getInternalUrlByPath(filePath: string): Promise { if (this.fileProvider.isAvailable()) { return this.fileProvider.getFile(filePath).then((fileEntry) => { return fileEntry.toURL(); }); } return Promise.reject(null); } /** * Returns the local URL of a file. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The file URL. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the URL. Rejected otherwise. */ getInternalUrlByUrl(siteId: string, fileUrl: string): Promise { if (this.fileProvider.isAvailable()) { return this.fixPluginfileURL(siteId, fileUrl).then((fileUrl) => { const fileId = this.getFileIdByUrl(fileUrl); return this.getInternalUrlById(siteId, fileId); }); } return Promise.reject(null); } /** * Get the data stored for a package. * * @param {string} siteId Site ID. * @param {string} component Package's component. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the data. */ getPackageData(siteId: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number): Promise { componentId = this.fixComponentId(componentId); return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const packageId = this.getPackageId(component, componentId); return site.getDb().getRecord(this.PACKAGES_TABLE, { id: packageId }); }); } /** * Creates the name for a package directory (hash). * * @param {string} url An URL to identify the package. * @return {string} The directory name. */ protected getPackageDirNameByUrl(url: string): string { let candidate, extension = ''; url = this.removeRevisionFromUrl(url); if (url.indexOf('/webservice/pluginfile') !== -1) { // Remove attributes that do not matter. this.urlAttributes.forEach((regex) => { url = url.replace(regex, ''); }); // Guess the extension of the URL. This is for backwards compatibility. candidate = this.mimeUtils.guessExtensionFromUrl(url); if (candidate && candidate !== 'php') { extension = '.' + candidate; } } return Md5.hashAsciiStr('url:' + url) + extension; } /** * Get the path to a directory to store a package files. This does not check if the file exists or not. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} url An URL to identify the package. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the path of the package. */ getPackageDirPathByUrl(siteId: string, url: string): Promise { return this.fixPluginfileURL(siteId, url).then((fixedUrl) => { const dirName = this.getPackageDirNameByUrl(fixedUrl); return this.getFilePath(siteId, dirName, ''); }); } /** * Returns the local URL of a package directory. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} url An URL to identify the package. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the URL. */ getPackageDirUrlByUrl(siteId: string, url: string): Promise { if (this.fileProvider.isAvailable()) { return this.fixPluginfileURL(siteId, url).then((fixedUrl) => { const dirName = this.getPackageDirNameByUrl(fixedUrl), dirPath = this.getFilePath(siteId, dirName, ''); // No extension, the function will return a string. return this.fileProvider.getDir(dirPath).then((dirEntry) => { return dirEntry.toURL(); }); }); } return Promise.reject(null); } /** * Get a download promise. If the promise is not set, return undefined. * * @param {string} siteId Site ID. * @param {string} component The component of the package. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @return {Promise} Download promise or undefined. */ getPackageDownloadPromise(siteId: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number): Promise { const packageId = this.getPackageId(component, componentId); if (this.packagesPromises[siteId] && this.packagesPromises[siteId][packageId]) { return this.packagesPromises[siteId][packageId]; } } /** * Get a package extra data. * * @param {string} siteId Site ID. * @param {string} component Package's component. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the extra data. */ getPackageExtra(siteId: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number): Promise { return this.getPackageData(siteId, component, componentId).then((entry) => { return entry.extra; }); } /** * Get the ID of a package. * * @param {string} component Package's component. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @return {string} Package ID. */ getPackageId(component: string, componentId?: string | number): string { return Md5.hashAsciiStr(component + '#' + this.fixComponentId(componentId)); } /** * Get a package previous status. * * @param {string} siteId Site ID. * @param {string} component Package's component. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the status. */ getPackagePreviousStatus(siteId: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number): Promise { return this.getPackageData(siteId, component, componentId).then((entry) => { return entry.previous || CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADED; }).catch(() => { return CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADED; }); } /** * Get a package status. * * @param {string} siteId Site ID. * @param {string} component Package's component. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the status. */ getPackageStatus(siteId: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number): Promise { return this.getPackageData(siteId, component, componentId).then((entry) => { return entry.status || CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADED; }).catch(() => { return CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADED; }); } /** * Return the array of arguments of the pluginfile url. * * @param {string} url URL to get the args. * @return {string[]} The args found, undefined if not a pluginfile. */ protected getPluginFileArgs(url: string): string[] { if (!this.urlUtils.isPluginFileUrl(url)) { // Not pluginfile, return. return; } const relativePath = url.substr(url.indexOf('/pluginfile.php') + 16), args = relativePath.split('/'); if (args.length < 3) { // To be a plugin file it should have at least contextId, Component and Filearea. return; } return args; } /** * Get the deferred object for a file in the queue. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. * @param {boolean} [create=true] True if it should create a new deferred if it doesn't exist. * @param {Function} [onProgress] Function to call on progress. * @return {any} Deferred. */ protected getQueueDeferred(siteId: string, fileId: string, create: boolean = true, onProgress?: (event: any) => any): any { if (!this.queueDeferreds[siteId]) { if (!create) { return; } this.queueDeferreds[siteId] = {}; } if (!this.queueDeferreds[siteId][fileId]) { if (!create) { return; } this.queueDeferreds[siteId][fileId] = this.utils.promiseDefer(); } if (onProgress) { this.queueDeferreds[siteId][fileId].onProgress = onProgress; } return this.queueDeferreds[siteId][fileId]; } /** * Get the on progress for a file in the queue. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. * @return {Function} On progress function, undefined if not found. */ protected getQueueOnProgress(siteId: string, fileId: string): (event: any) => any { const deferred = this.getQueueDeferred(siteId, fileId, false); if (deferred) { return deferred.onProgress; } } /** * Get the promise for a file in the queue. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. * @param {boolean} [create=true] True if it should create a new promise if it doesn't exist. * @param {Function} [onProgress] Function to call on progress. * @return {Promise} Promise. */ protected getQueuePromise(siteId: string, fileId: string, create: boolean = true, onProgress?: (event: any) => any) : Promise { return this.getQueueDeferred(siteId, fileId, create, onProgress).promise; } /** * Get a revision number from a list of files (highest revision). * * @param {any[]} files Package files. * @return {number} Highest revision. */ getRevisionFromFileList(files: any[]): number { let revision = 0; files.forEach((file) => { if (file.url || file.fileurl) { const r = this.getRevisionFromUrl(file.url || file.fileurl); if (r > revision) { revision = r; } } }); return revision; } /** * Get the revision number from a file URL. * * @param {string} url URL to get the revision number. * @return {number} Revision number. */ protected getRevisionFromUrl(url: string): number { const args = this.getPluginFileArgs(url); if (!args) { // Not a pluginfile, no revision will be found. return 0; } const revisionRegex = this.pluginFileDelegate.getComponentRevisionRegExp(args); if (!revisionRegex) { return 0; } const matches = url.match(revisionRegex); if (matches && typeof matches[1] != 'undefined') { return parseInt(matches[1], 10); } return 0; } /** * Returns an absolute URL to use in IMG tags. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The absolute URL to the file. * @param {string} [mode=url] The type of URL to return. Accepts 'url' or 'src'. * @param {string} component The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @param {number} [timemodified=0] The time this file was modified. * @param {boolean} [checkSize=true] True if we shouldn't download files if their size is big, false otherwise. * @param {boolean} [downloadUnknown] True to download file in WiFi if their size is unknown, false otherwise. * Ignored if checkSize=false. * @param {any} [options] Extra options (isexternalfile, repositorytype). * @param {number} [revision] File revision. If not defined, it will be calculated using the URL. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the URL to use. * @description * This will return a URL pointing to the content of the requested URL. * The URL returned is compatible to use with IMG tags. */ getSrcByUrl(siteId: string, fileUrl: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number, timemodified: number = 0, checkSize: boolean = true, downloadUnknown?: boolean, options: any = {}, revision?: number): Promise { return this.getFileUrlByUrl(siteId, fileUrl, component, componentId, 'src', timemodified, checkSize, downloadUnknown, options, revision); } /** * Get time modified from a list of files. * * @param {any[]} files List of files. * @return {number} Time modified. */ getTimemodifiedFromFileList(files: any[]): number { let timemodified = 0; files.forEach((file) => { if (file.timemodified > timemodified) { timemodified = file.timemodified; } }); return timemodified; } /** * Returns an absolute URL to access the file. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The absolute URL to the file. * @param {string} [mode=url] The type of URL to return. Accepts 'url' or 'src'. * @param {string} component The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @param {number} [timemodified=0] The time this file was modified. * @param {boolean} [checkSize=true] True if we shouldn't download files if their size is big, false otherwise. * @param {boolean} [downloadUnknown] True to download file in WiFi if their size is unknown, false otherwise. * Ignored if checkSize=false. * @param {any} [options] Extra options (isexternalfile, repositorytype). * @param {number} [revision] File revision. If not defined, it will be calculated using the URL. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the URL to use. * @description * This will return a URL pointing to the content of the requested URL. * The URL returned is compatible to use with a local browser. */ getUrlByUrl(siteId: string, fileUrl: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number, timemodified: number = 0, checkSize: boolean = true, downloadUnknown?: boolean, options: any = {}, revision?: number): Promise { return this.getFileUrlByUrl(siteId, fileUrl, component, componentId, 'url', timemodified, checkSize, downloadUnknown, options, revision); } /** * Guess the filename of a file from its URL. This is very weak and unreliable. * * @param {string} fileUrl The file URL. * @return {string} The filename treated so it doesn't have any special character. */ protected guessFilenameFromUrl(fileUrl: string): string { let filename = ''; if (fileUrl.indexOf('/webservice/pluginfile') !== -1) { // It's a pluginfile URL. Search for the 'file' param to extract the name. const params = this.urlUtils.extractUrlParams(fileUrl); if (params.file) { filename = params.file.substr(params.file.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } else { // 'file' param not found. Extract what's after the last '/' without params. filename = this.urlUtils.getLastFileWithoutParams(fileUrl); } } else if (this.urlUtils.isGravatarUrl(fileUrl)) { // Extract gravatar ID. filename = 'gravatar_' + this.urlUtils.getLastFileWithoutParams(fileUrl); } else if (this.urlUtils.isThemeImageUrl(fileUrl)) { // Extract user ID. const matches = fileUrl.match(/\/core\/([^\/]*)\//); if (matches && matches[1]) { filename = matches[1]; } // Attach a constant and the image type. filename = 'default_' + filename + '_' + this.urlUtils.getLastFileWithoutParams(fileUrl); } else { // Another URL. Just get what's after the last /. filename = this.urlUtils.getLastFileWithoutParams(fileUrl); } // Remove the extension from the filename. filename = this.mimeUtils.removeExtension(filename); return this.textUtils.removeSpecialCharactersForFiles(filename); } /** * Check if the file is already in the pool. This does not check if the file is on the disk. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The file URL. * @return {Promise} Resolved with file object from DB on success, rejected otherwise. */ protected hasFileInPool(siteId: string, fileId: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSiteDb(siteId).then((db) => { return db.getRecord(this.FILES_TABLE, { fileId: fileId }).then((entry) => { if (typeof entry === 'undefined') { return Promise.reject(null); } return entry; }); }); } /** * Check if the file is in the queue. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The file URL. * @return {Promise} Resolved with file object from DB on success, rejected otherwise. */ protected hasFileInQueue(siteId: string, fileId: string): Promise { return this.appDB.getRecord(this.QUEUE_TABLE, { siteId: siteId, fileId: fileId }).then((entry) => { if (typeof entry === 'undefined') { return Promise.reject(null); } // Convert the links to an object. entry.links = this.textUtils.parseJSON(entry.links, []); return entry; }); } /** * Invalidate all the files in a site. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {boolean} [onlyUnknown=true] True to only invalidate files from external repos or without revision/timemodified. * It is advised to set it to true to reduce the performance and data usage of the app. * @return {Promise} Resolved on success. */ invalidateAllFiles(siteId: string, onlyUnknown: boolean = true): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSiteDb(siteId).then((db) => { let where, whereParams; if (onlyUnknown) { where = 'isexternalfile = ? OR (revision < ? AND timemodified = ?)'; whereParams = [0, 1, 0]; } return db.updateRecordsWhere(this.FILES_TABLE, { stale: 1 }, where, whereParams); }); } /** * Invalidate a file by URL. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The file URL. * @return {Promise} Resolved on success. * @description * Invalidates a file by marking it stale. It will not be added to the queue automatically, but the next time this file * is requested it will be added to the queue. * You can manully call addToQueueByUrl to add this file to the queue immediately. * Please note that, if a file is stale, the user will be presented the stale file if there is no network access. */ invalidateFileByUrl(siteId: string, fileUrl: string): Promise { return this.fixPluginfileURL(siteId, fileUrl).then((fileUrl) => { const fileId = this.getFileIdByUrl(fileUrl); return this.sitesProvider.getSiteDb(siteId).then((db) => { return db.updateRecords(this.FILES_TABLE, { stale: 1 }, { fileId: fileId }); }); }); } /** * Invalidate all the matching files from a component. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} component The component to invalidate. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @param {boolean} [onlyUnknown=true] True to only invalidate files from external repos or without revision/timemodified. * It is advised to set it to true to reduce the performance and data usage of the app. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateFilesByComponent(siteId: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number, onlyUnknown: boolean = true) : Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSiteDb(siteId).then((db) => { return this.getComponentFiles(db, component, componentId).then((items) => { const fileIds = items.map((item) => { return item.fileId; }), whereAndParams = db.getInOrEqual(fileIds); whereAndParams[0] = 'fileId ' + whereAndParams[0]; if (onlyUnknown) { whereAndParams[0] += ' AND (isexternalfile = ? OR (revision < ? AND timemodified = ?))'; whereAndParams[1] = whereAndParams[1].concat([0, 1, 0]); } return db.updateRecordsWhere(this.FILES_TABLE, { stale: 1 }, whereAndParams[0], whereAndParams[1]); }); }); } /** * Check if a file is downloading. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl File URL. * @param {Promise} Promise resolved if file is downloading, rejected otherwise. */ isFileDownloadingByUrl(siteId: string, fileUrl: string): Promise { return this.fixPluginfileURL(siteId, fileUrl).then((fileUrl) => { const fileId = this.getFileIdByUrl(fileUrl); return this.hasFileInQueue(siteId, fileId); }); } /** * Check if a file is outdated. * * @param {CoreFilepoolFileEntry} entry Filepool entry. * @param {number} [revision] File revision number. * @param {number} [timemodified] The time this file was modified. * @param {boolean} Whether the file is outdated. */ protected isFileOutdated(entry: CoreFilepoolFileEntry, revision?: number, timemodified?: number): boolean { return !!entry.stale || revision > entry.revision || timemodified > entry.timemodified; } /** * Check if cannot determine if a file has been updated. * * @param {CoreFilepoolFileEntry} entry Filepool entry. * @return {boolean} Whether it cannot determine updates. */ protected isFileUpdateUnknown(entry: CoreFilepoolFileEntry): boolean { return !!entry.isexternalfile || (entry.revision < 1 && !entry.timemodified); } /** * Notify a file has been deleted. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. */ protected notifyFileDeleted(siteId: string, fileId: string): void { this.eventsProvider.trigger(this.getFileEventName(siteId, fileId), { action: 'deleted' }); } /** * Notify a file has been downloaded. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. */ protected notifyFileDownloaded(siteId: string, fileId: string): void { this.eventsProvider.trigger(this.getFileEventName(siteId, fileId), { action: 'download', success: true }); } /** * Notify error occurred while downloading a file. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. */ protected notifyFileDownloadError(siteId: string, fileId: string): void { this.eventsProvider.trigger(this.getFileEventName(siteId, fileId), { action: 'download', success: false }); } /** * Notify a file starts being downloaded or added to queue. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. */ protected notifyFileDownloading(siteId: string, fileId: string): void { this.eventsProvider.trigger(this.getFileEventName(siteId, fileId), { action: 'downloading' }); } /** * Notify a file has been outdated. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. */ protected notifyFileOutdated(siteId: string, fileId: string): void { this.eventsProvider.trigger(this.getFileEventName(siteId, fileId), { action: 'outdated' }); } /** * Prefetches a list of files. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {any[]} fileList List of files to download. * @param {string} component The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to identify the download. * @param {string} [extra] Extra data to store for the package. * @param {string} [dirPath] Name of the directory where to store the files (inside filepool dir). If not defined, store * the files directly inside the filepool folder. * @param {Function} [onProgress] Function to call on progress. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when all files are downloaded. */ prefetchPackage(siteId: string, fileList: any[], component: string, componentId?: string | number, extra?: string, dirPath?: string, onProgress?: (event: any) => any): Promise { return this.downloadOrPrefetchPackage(siteId, fileList, true, component, componentId, extra, dirPath, onProgress); } /** * Process the queue. * * @description * This loops over itself to keep on processing the queue in the background. * The queue process is site agnostic. */ protected processQueue(): void { let promise; if (this.queueState !== this.QUEUE_RUNNING) { // Silently ignore, the queue is on pause. promise = Promise.reject(this.ERR_QUEUE_ON_PAUSE); } else if (!this.fileProvider.isAvailable() || !this.appProvider.isOnline()) { promise = Promise.reject(this.ERR_FS_OR_NETWORK_UNAVAILABLE); } else { promise = this.processImportantQueueItem(); } promise.then(() => { // All good, we schedule next execution. setTimeout(() => { this.processQueue(); }, this.QUEUE_PROCESS_INTERVAL); }, (error) => { // We had an error, in which case we pause the processing. if (error === this.ERR_FS_OR_NETWORK_UNAVAILABLE) { this.logger.debug('Filesysem or network unavailable, pausing queue processing.'); } else if (error === this.ERR_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY) { this.logger.debug('Queue is empty, pausing queue processing.'); } this.queueState = this.QUEUE_PAUSED; }); } /** * Process the most important queue item. * * @return {Promise} Resolved on success. Rejected on failure. */ protected processImportantQueueItem(): Promise { return this.appDB.getRecords(this.QUEUE_TABLE, undefined, 'priority DESC, added ASC', undefined, 0, 1).then((items) => { const item = items.pop(); if (!item) { return Promise.reject(this.ERR_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY); } // Convert the links to an object. item.links = this.textUtils.parseJSON(item.links, []); return this.processQueueItem(item); }, () => { return Promise.reject(this.ERR_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY); }); } /** * Process a queue item. * * @param {CoreFilepoolQueueEntry} item The object from the queue store. * @return {Promise} Resolved on success. Rejected on failure. */ protected processQueueItem(item: CoreFilepoolQueueEntry): Promise { // Cast optional fields to undefined instead of null. const siteId = item.siteId, fileId = item.fileId, fileUrl = item.url, options = { revision: item.revision || undefined, timemodified: item.timemodified || undefined, isexternalfile: item.isexternalfile || undefined, repositorytype: item.repositorytype || undefined }, filePath = item.path || undefined, links = item.links || []; this.logger.debug('Processing queue item: ' + siteId + ', ' + fileId); // Check if the file is already in pool. return this.hasFileInPool(siteId, fileId).catch(() => { // File not in pool. }).then((entry: CoreFilepoolFileEntry) => { if (entry && !this.isFileOutdated(entry, options.revision, options.timemodified)) { // We have the file, it is not stale, we can update links and remove from queue. this.logger.debug('Queued file already in store, ignoring...'); this.addFileLinks(siteId, fileId, links).catch(() => { // Ignore errors. }); this.removeFromQueue(siteId, fileId).catch(() => { // Ignore errors. }).finally(() => { this.treatQueueDeferred(siteId, fileId, true); }); this.notifyFileDownloaded(siteId, fileId); return; } // The file does not exist, or is stale, ... download it. const onProgress = this.getQueueOnProgress(siteId, fileId); return this.downloadForPoolByUrl(siteId, fileUrl, options, filePath, onProgress, entry).then(() => { // Success, we add links and remove from queue. this.addFileLinks(siteId, fileId, links).catch(() => { // Ignore errors. }); this.treatQueueDeferred(siteId, fileId, true); this.notifyFileDownloaded(siteId, fileId); // Wait for the item to be removed from queue before resolving the promise. // If the item could not be removed from queue we still resolve the promise. return this.removeFromQueue(siteId, fileId).catch(() => { // Ignore errors. }); }, (errorObject) => { // Whoops, we have an error... let dropFromQueue = false; if (errorObject && errorObject.source === fileUrl) { // This is most likely a FileTransfer error. if (errorObject.code === 1) { // FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR. // The file was not found, most likely a 404, we remove from queue. dropFromQueue = true; } else if (errorObject.code === 2) { // INVALID_URL_ERR. // The URL is invalid, we drop the file from the queue. dropFromQueue = true; } else if (errorObject.code === 3) { // CONNECTION_ERR. // If there was an HTTP status, then let's remove from the queue. dropFromQueue = true; } else if (errorObject.code === 4) { // ABORTED_ERR. // The transfer was aborted, we will keep the file in queue. } else if (errorObject.code === 5) { // NOT_MODIFIED_ERR. // We have the latest version of the file, HTTP 304 status. dropFromQueue = true; } else { // Unknown error, let's remove the file from the queue to avoi locking down the queue. dropFromQueue = true; } } else { dropFromQueue = true; } if (dropFromQueue) { this.logger.debug('Item dropped from queue due to error: ' + fileUrl, errorObject); return this.removeFromQueue(siteId, fileId).catch(() => { // Consider this as a silent error, never reject the promise here. }).then(() => { this.treatQueueDeferred(siteId, fileId, false); this.notifyFileDownloadError(siteId, fileId); }); } else { // We considered the file as legit but did not get it, failure. this.treatQueueDeferred(siteId, fileId, false); this.notifyFileDownloadError(siteId, fileId); return Promise.reject(errorObject); } }); }); } /** * Remove a file from the queue. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. * @return {Promise} Resolved on success. Rejected on failure. It is advised to silently ignore failures. */ protected removeFromQueue(siteId: string, fileId: string): Promise { return this.appDB.deleteRecords(this.QUEUE_TABLE, { siteId: siteId, fileId: fileId }); } /** * Remove a file from the pool. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. * @return {Promise} Resolved on success. */ protected removeFileById(siteId: string, fileId: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSiteDb(siteId).then((db) => { // Get the path to the file first since it relies on the file object stored in the pool. return Promise.resolve(this.getFilePath(siteId, fileId)).then((path) => { const promises = []; // Remove entry from filepool store. promises.push(db.deleteRecords(this.FILES_TABLE, { fileId: fileId })); // Remove links. promises.push(db.deleteRecords(this.LINKS_TABLE, { fileId: fileId })); // Remove the file. if (this.fileProvider.isAvailable()) { promises.push(this.fileProvider.removeFile(path).catch((error) => { if (error && error.code == 1) { // Not found, ignore error since maybe it was deleted already. } else { return Promise.reject(error); } })); } return Promise.all(promises).then(() => { this.notifyFileDeleted(siteId, fileId); }); }); }); } /** * Delete all the matching files from a component. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} component The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @return {Promise} Resolved on success. */ removeFilesByComponent(siteId: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSiteDb(siteId).then((db) => { return this.getComponentFiles(db, component, componentId); }).then((items) => { return Promise.all(items.map((item) => { return this.removeFileById(siteId, item.fileId); })); }); } /** * Remove a file from the pool. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl The file URL. * @return {Promise} Resolved on success, rejected on failure. */ removeFileByUrl(siteId: string, fileUrl: string): Promise { return this.fixPluginfileURL(siteId, fileUrl).then((fileUrl) => { const fileId = this.getFileIdByUrl(fileUrl); return this.removeFileById(siteId, fileId); }); } /** * Removes the revision number from a file URL. * * @param {string} url URL to remove the revision number. * @return {string} URL without revision number. * @description * The revision is used to know if a file has changed. We remove it from the URL to prevent storing a file per revision. */ protected removeRevisionFromUrl(url: string): string { const args = this.getPluginFileArgs(url); if (!args) { // Not a pluginfile, no revision will be found. return url; } return this.pluginFileDelegate.removeRevisionFromUrl(url, args); } /** * Change the package status, setting it to the previous status. * * @param {string} siteId Site ID. * @param {string} component Package's component. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when the status is changed. Resolve param: new status. */ setPackagePreviousStatus(siteId: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number): Promise { componentId = this.fixComponentId(componentId); this.logger.debug(`Set previous status for package ${component} ${componentId}`); return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const packageId = this.getPackageId(component, componentId); // Get current stored data, we'll only update 'status' and 'updated' fields. return site.getDb().getRecord(this.PACKAGES_TABLE, { id: packageId }).then((entry: CoreFilepoolPackageEntry) => { const newData: CoreFilepoolPackageEntry = {}; if (entry.status == CoreConstants.DOWNLOADING) { // Going back from downloading to previous status, restore previous download time. newData.downloadTime = entry.previousDownloadTime; } newData.status = entry.previous || CoreConstants.NOT_DOWNLOADED; newData.updated = Date.now(); this.logger.debug(`Set previous status '${entry.status}' for package ${component} ${componentId}`); return site.getDb().updateRecords(this.PACKAGES_TABLE, newData, { id: packageId }).then(() => { // Success updating, trigger event. this.triggerPackageStatusChanged(site.id, newData.status, component, componentId); return newData.status; }); }); }); } /** * Convenience function to check if a file should be downloaded before opening it. * * @param {string} url File online URL. * @param {number} size File size. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved if should download before open, rejected otherwise. * @description * Convenience function to check if a file should be downloaded before opening it. * * The default behaviour in the app is to download first and then open the local file in the following cases: * - The file is small (less than DOWNLOAD_THRESHOLD). * - The file cannot be streamed. * If the file is big and can be streamed, the promise returned by this function will be rejected. */ shouldDownloadBeforeOpen(url: string, size: number): Promise { if (size >= 0 && size <= this.DOWNLOAD_THRESHOLD) { // The file is small, download it. return Promise.resolve(); } if (this.appProvider.isDesktop()) { // In desktop always download first. return Promise.resolve(); } return this.utils.getMimeTypeFromUrl(url).then((mimetype) => { // If the file is streaming (audio or video) we reject. if (mimetype.indexOf('video') != -1 || mimetype.indexOf('audio') != -1) { return Promise.reject(null); } }); } /** * Store package status. * * @param {string} siteId Site ID. * @param {string} status New package status. * @param {string} component Package's component. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @param {string} [extra] Extra data to store for the package. If you want to store more than 1 value, use JSON.stringify. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when status is stored. */ storePackageStatus(siteId: string, status: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number, extra?: string) : Promise { this.logger.debug(`Set status '${status}' for package ${component} ${componentId}`); componentId = this.fixComponentId(componentId); return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const packageId = this.getPackageId(component, componentId); let downloadTime, previousDownloadTime; if (status == CoreConstants.DOWNLOADING) { // Set download time if package is now downloading. downloadTime = this.timeUtils.timestamp(); } // Search current status to set it as previous status. return site.getDb().getRecord(this.PACKAGES_TABLE, { id: packageId }).then((entry: CoreFilepoolPackageEntry) => { if (typeof extra == 'undefined' || extra === null) { extra = entry.extra; } if (typeof downloadTime == 'undefined') { // Keep previous download time. downloadTime = entry.downloadTime; previousDownloadTime = entry.previousDownloadTime; } else { // The downloadTime will be updated, store current time as previous. previousDownloadTime = entry.downloadTime; } return entry.status; }).catch(() => { // No previous status. }).then((previousStatus: string) => { const packageEntry: CoreFilepoolPackageEntry = { id: packageId, component: component, componentId: componentId, status: status, previous: previousStatus, updated: Date.now(), downloadTime: downloadTime, previousDownloadTime: previousDownloadTime, extra: extra }; let promise; if (previousStatus === status) { // The package already has this status, no need to change it. promise = Promise.resolve(); } else { promise = site.getDb().insertRecord(this.PACKAGES_TABLE, packageEntry); } return promise.then(() => { // Success inserting, trigger event. this.triggerPackageStatusChanged(siteId, status, component, componentId); }); }); }); } /** * Search for files in a CSS code and try to download them. Once downloaded, replace their URLs * and store the result in the CSS file. * * @param {string} siteId Site ID. * @param {string} fileUrl CSS file URL. * @param {string} cssCode CSS code. * @param {string} [component] The component to link the file to. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @param {number} [revision] Revision to use in all files. If not defined, it will be calculated using the URL of each file. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the CSS code. */ treatCSSCode(siteId: string, fileUrl: string, cssCode: string, component?: string, componentId?: string | number, revision?: number): Promise { const urls = this.domUtils.extractUrlsFromCSS(cssCode), promises = []; let filePath, updated = false; // Get the path of the CSS file. promises.push(this.getFilePathByUrl(siteId, fileUrl).then((path) => { filePath = path; })); urls.forEach((url) => { // Download the file only if it's an online URL. if (url.indexOf('http') == 0) { promises.push(this.downloadUrl(siteId, url, false, component, componentId, 0, undefined, undefined, undefined, revision).then((fileUrl) => { if (fileUrl != url) { cssCode = cssCode.replace(new RegExp(this.textUtils.escapeForRegex(url), 'g'), fileUrl); updated = true; } }).catch((error) => { // It shouldn't happen. Ignore errors. this.logger.warn('Error treating file ', url, error); })); } }); return Promise.all(promises).then(() => { // All files downloaded. Store the result if it has changed. if (updated) { return this.fileProvider.writeFile(filePath, cssCode); } }).then(() => { return cssCode; }); } /** * Remove extension from fileId in queue, used to migrate from previous file handling. * * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when done. */ treatExtensionInQueue(): Promise { this.logger.debug('Treat extensions in queue'); return this.appDB.getAllRecords(this.QUEUE_TABLE).then((entries) => { const promises = []; entries.forEach((entry) => { // For files in the queue, we only need to remove the extension from the fileId. // After downloading, additional info will be added. const fileId = entry.fileId; entry.fileId = this.mimeUtils.removeExtension(fileId); if (fileId == entry.fileId) { return; } promises.push(this.appDB.updateRecords(this.QUEUE_TABLE, { fileId: entry.fileId }, { fileId: fileId })); }); return Promise.all(promises); }); } /** * Resolves or rejects a queue deferred and removes it from the list. * * @param {string} siteId The site ID. * @param {string} fileId The file ID. * @param {boolean} resolve True if promise should be resolved, false if it should be rejected. */ protected treatQueueDeferred(siteId: string, fileId: string, resolve: boolean): void { if (this.queueDeferreds[siteId] && this.queueDeferreds[siteId][fileId]) { if (resolve) { this.queueDeferreds[siteId][fileId].resolve(); } else { this.queueDeferreds[siteId][fileId].reject(); } delete this.queueDeferreds[siteId][fileId]; } } /** * Trigger mmCoreEventPackageStatusChanged with the right data. * * @param {string} siteId Site ID. * @param {string} status New package status. * @param {string} component Package's component. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. */ protected triggerPackageStatusChanged(siteId: string, status: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number): void { const data = { component: component, componentId: this.fixComponentId(componentId), status: status }; this.eventsProvider.trigger(CoreEventsProvider.PACKAGE_STATUS_CHANGED, data, siteId); } /** * Update the download time of a package. This doesn't modify the previous download time. * This function should be used if a package generates some new data during a download. Calling this function * right after generating the data in the download will prevent detecting this data as an update. * * @param {string} siteId Site ID. * @param {string} component Package's component. * @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when status is stored. */ updatePackageDownloadTime(siteId: string, component: string, componentId?: string | number): Promise { componentId = this.fixComponentId(componentId); return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const packageId = this.getPackageId(component, componentId); return site.getDb().updateRecords(this.PACKAGES_TABLE, { downloadTime: this.timeUtils.timestamp() }, { id: packageId }); }); } }