// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { File, Entry, DirectoryEntry, FileEntry, FileError, IWriteOptions } from '@ionic-native/file'; import { CoreAppProvider } from '../../../providers/app'; import { CoreTextUtilsProvider } from '../../../providers/utils/text'; import { CoreConfigConstants } from '../../../configconstants'; /** * Emulates the Cordova File plugin in desktop apps and in browser. * Most of the code is extracted from the File class of Ionic Native. */ @Injectable() export class FileMock extends File { constructor(private appProvider: CoreAppProvider, private textUtils: CoreTextUtilsProvider) { super(); } /** * Check if a directory exists in a certain path, directory. * * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. * @param {string} dir Name of directory to check * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves to true if the directory exists or rejects with an error. */ checkDir(path: string, dir: string) : Promise { let fullPath = this.textUtils.concatenatePaths(path, dir); return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(fullPath).then(() => { return true; }); } /** * Check if a file exists in a certain path, directory. * * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. * @param {string} file Name of file to check. * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves with a boolean or rejects with an error. */ checkFile(path: string, file: string): Promise { return this.resolveLocalFilesystemUrl(this.textUtils.concatenatePaths(path, file)).then((fse) => { if (fse.isFile) { return true; } else { let err = new FileError(13); err.message = 'input is not a file'; return Promise.reject(err); } }); } /** * @hidden */ private copyMock(srce: Entry, destdir: DirectoryEntry, newName: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { srce.copyTo(destdir, newName, (deste) => { resolve(deste); }, (err) => { this.fillErrorMessageMock(err); reject(err); }); }); } /** * Copy a directory in various methods. If destination directory exists, will fail to copy. * * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. Please refer to the iOS and Android filesystems above. * @param {string} dirName Name of directory to copy. * @param {string} newPath Base FileSystem of new location. * @param {string} newDirName New name of directory to copy to (leave blank to remain the same). * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves to the new Entry object or rejects with an error. */ copyDir(path: string, dirName: string, newPath: string, newDirName: string): Promise { return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(path).then((fse) => { return this.getDirectory(fse, dirName, { create: false }); }).then((srcde) => { return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(newPath).then((deste) => { return this.copyMock(srcde, deste, newDirName); }); }); } /** * Copy a file in various methods. If file exists, will fail to copy. * * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. Please refer to the iOS and Android filesystems above * @param {string} fileName Name of file to copy * @param {string} newPath Base FileSystem of new location * @param {string} newFileName New name of file to copy to (leave blank to remain the same) * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves to an Entry or rejects with an error. */ copyFile(path: string, fileName: string, newPath: string, newFileName: string): Promise { newFileName = newFileName || fileName; return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(path).then((fse) => { return this.getFile(fse, fileName, { create: false }); }).then((srcfe) => { return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(newPath).then((deste) => { return this.copyMock(srcfe, deste, newFileName); }); }); } /** * Creates a new directory in the specific path. * The replace boolean value determines whether to replace an existing directory with the same name. * If an existing directory exists and the replace value is false, the promise will fail and return an error. * * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. * @param {string} dirName Name of directory to create * @param {boolean} replace If true, replaces file with same name. If false returns error * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves with a DirectoryEntry or rejects with an error. */ createDir(path: string, dirName: string, replace: boolean): Promise { let options: any = { create: true }; if (!replace) { options.exclusive = true; } return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(path).then((fse) => { return this.getDirectory(fse, dirName, options); }); } /** * Creates a new file in the specific path. * The replace boolean value determines whether to replace an existing file with the same name. * If an existing file exists and the replace value is false, the promise will fail and return an error. * * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. * @param {string} fileName Name of file to create. * @param {boolean} replace If true, replaces file with same name. If false returns error. * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves to a FileEntry or rejects with an error. */ createFile(path: string, fileName: string, replace: boolean): Promise { let options: any = { create: true }; if (!replace) { options.exclusive = true; } return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(path).then((fse) => { return this.getFile(fse, fileName, options); }); } /** * @hidden */ private createWriterMock(fe: FileEntry): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fe.createWriter((writer) => { resolve(writer); }, (err) => { this.fillErrorMessageMock(err); reject(err); }); }); } /** * @hidden */ private fillErrorMessageMock(err: any): void { try { err.message = this.cordovaFileError[err.code]; } catch (e) { } } /** * Get a directory. * * @param directoryEntry {DirectoryEntry} Directory entry, obtained by resolveDirectoryUrl method * @param directoryName {string} Directory name * @param flags {Flags} Options * @returns {Promise} */ getDirectory(directoryEntry: DirectoryEntry, directoryName: string, flags: Flags): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { directoryEntry.getDirectory(directoryName, flags, (de) => { resolve(de); }, (err) => { this.fillErrorMessageMock(err); reject(err); }); } catch (xc) { this.fillErrorMessageMock(xc); reject(xc); } }); } /** * Get a file * @param directoryEntry {DirectoryEntry} Directory entry, obtained by resolveDirectoryUrl method * @param fileName {string} File name * @param flags {Flags} Options * @returns {Promise} */ getFile(directoryEntry: DirectoryEntry, fileName: string, flags: Flags): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { directoryEntry.getFile(fileName, flags, resolve, (err) => { this.fillErrorMessageMock(err); reject(err); }); } catch (xc) { this.fillErrorMessageMock(xc); reject(xc); } }); } /** * Get free disk space. * * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the free space. */ getFreeDiskSpace() : Promise { // FRequest a file system instance with a minimum size until we get an error. if (window.requestFileSystem) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let iterations = 0, maxIterations = 50, calculateByRequest = (size: number, ratio: number) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, size, () => { iterations++; if (iterations > maxIterations) { resolve(size); return; } calculateByRequest(size * ratio, ratio).then(resolve); }, () => { resolve(size / ratio); }); }); }; // General calculation, base 1MB and increasing factor 1.3. calculateByRequest(1048576, 1.3).then((size: number) => { iterations = 0; maxIterations = 10; // More accurate. Factor is 1.1. calculateByRequest(size, 1.1).then((size: number) => { return size / 1024; // Return size in KB. }); }); }); } else { return Promise.reject(null); } } /** * List files and directory from a given path. * * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. Please refer to the iOS and Android filesystems above * @param {string} dirName Name of directory * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves to an array of Entry objects or rejects with an error. */ listDir(path: string, dirName: string): Promise { return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(path).then((fse) => { return this.getDirectory(fse, dirName, { create: false, exclusive: false }); }).then((de) => { let reader: any = de.createReader(); return this.readEntriesMock(reader); }); } /** * Loads an initialize the API for browser and desktop. * * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when loaded. */ load() : Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let basePath, win = window; // Convert to to be able to use non-standard properties. if (typeof win.requestFileSystem == 'undefined') { win.requestFileSystem = win.webkitRequestFileSystem; } if (typeof win.resolveLocalFileSystemURL == 'undefined') { win.resolveLocalFileSystemURL = win.webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL; } win.LocalFileSystem = { PERSISTENT: 1 }; if (this.appProvider.isDesktop()) { let fs = require('fs'), app = require('electron').remote.app; // emulateCordovaFileForDesktop(fs); // Initialize File System. Get the path to use. basePath = app.getPath('documents') || app.getPath('home'); if (!basePath) { reject('Cannot calculate base path for file system.'); return; } basePath = this.textUtils.concatenatePaths(basePath.replace(/\\/g, '/'), CoreConfigConstants.app_id) + '/'; // Create the folder if needed. fs.mkdir(basePath, (e) => { if (!e || (e && e.code === 'EEXIST')) { // Create successful or it already exists. Resolve. // this.fileProvider.setHTMLBasePath(basePath); resolve(basePath); } else { reject('Error creating base path.'); } }); } else { // It's browser, request a quota to use. Request 500MB. (navigator).webkitPersistentStorage.requestQuota(500 * 1024 * 1024, (granted) => { window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, granted, (entry) => { basePath = entry.root.toURL(); // this.fileProvider.setHTMLBasePath(basePath); resolve(basePath); }, reject); }, reject); } }); } /** * @hidden */ private moveMock(srce: Entry, destdir: DirectoryEntry, newName: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { srce.moveTo(destdir, newName, (deste) => { resolve(deste); }, (err) => { this.fillErrorMessageMock(err); reject(err); }); }); } /** * Move a directory to a given path. * * @param {string} path The source path to the directory. * @param {string} dirName The source directory name. * @param {string} newPath The destionation path to the directory. * @param {string} newDirName The destination directory name. * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves to the new DirectoryEntry object or rejects with an error. */ moveDir(path: string, dirName: string, newPath: string, newDirName: string): Promise { return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(path).then((fse) => { return this.getDirectory(fse, dirName, { create: false }); }).then((srcde) => { return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(newPath).then((deste) => { return this.moveMock(srcde, deste, newDirName); }); }); } /** * Move a file to a given path. * * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. Please refer to the iOS and Android filesystems above * @param {string} fileName Name of file to move * @param {string} newPath Base FileSystem of new location * @param {string} newFileName New name of file to move to (leave blank to remain the same) * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves to the new Entry or rejects with an error. */ moveFile(path: string, fileName: string, newPath: string, newFileName: string): Promise { newFileName = newFileName || fileName; return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(path).then((fse) => { return this.getFile(fse, fileName, { create: false }); }).then((srcfe) => { return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(newPath).then((deste) => { return this.moveMock(srcfe, deste, newFileName); }); }); } /** * Read file and return data as an ArrayBuffer. * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. * @param {string} file Name of file, relative to path. * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves with the contents of the file as ArrayBuffer or rejects with an error. */ readAsArrayBuffer(path: string, file: string): Promise { return this.readFileMock(path, file, 'ArrayBuffer'); } /** * Read file and return data as a binary data. * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. * @param {string} file Name of file, relative to path. * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves with the contents of the file as string rejects with an error. */ readAsBinaryString(path: string, file: string): Promise { return this.readFileMock(path, file, 'BinaryString'); } /** * Read file and return data as a base64 encoded data url. * A data url is of the form: * data: [][;base64], * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. * @param {string} file Name of file, relative to path. * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves with the contents of the file as data URL or rejects with an error. */ readAsDataURL(path: string, file: string): Promise { return this.readFileMock(path, file, 'DataURL'); } /** * Read the contents of a file as text. * * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. * @param {string} file Name of file, relative to path. * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves with the contents of the file as string or rejects with an error. */ readAsText(path: string, file: string): Promise { return this.readFileMock(path, file, 'Text'); } /** * @hidden */ private readEntriesMock(dr: DirectoryReader): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { dr.readEntries((entries: any) => { resolve(entries); }, (err) => { this.fillErrorMessageMock(err); reject(err); }); }); } /** * Read the contents of a file. * * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. * @param {string} file Name of file, relative to path. * @param {string} readAs Format to read as. * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves with the contents of the file or rejects with an error. */ private readFileMock(path: string, file: string, readAs: 'ArrayBuffer' | 'BinaryString' | 'DataURL' | 'Text'): Promise { return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(path).then((directoryEntry: DirectoryEntry) => { return this.getFile(directoryEntry, file, { create: false }); }).then((fileEntry: FileEntry) => { const reader = new FileReader(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reader.onloadend = () => { if (reader.result !== undefined || reader.result !== null) { resolve(reader.result); } else if (reader.error !== undefined || reader.error !== null) { reject(reader.error); } else { reject({ code: null, message: 'READER_ONLOADEND_ERR' }); } }; fileEntry.file(file => { reader[`readAs${readAs}`].call(reader, file); }, error => { reject(error); }); }); }); } /** * @hidden */ private removeMock(fe: Entry): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fe.remove(() => { resolve({ success: true, fileRemoved: fe }); }, (err) => { this.fillErrorMessageMock(err); reject(err); }); }); } /** * Remove a directory at a given path. * * @param {string} path The path to the directory. * @param {string} dirName The directory name. * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves to a RemoveResult or rejects with an error. */ removeDir(path: string, dirName: string): Promise { return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(path).then((fse) => { return this.getDirectory(fse, dirName, { create: false }); }).then((de) => { return this.removeMock(de); }); } /** * Removes a file from a desired location. * * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. * @param {string} fileName Name of file to remove. * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves to a RemoveResult or rejects with an error. */ removeFile(path: string, fileName: string): Promise { return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(path).then((fse) => { return this.getFile(fse, fileName, { create: false }); }).then((fe) => { return this.removeMock(fe); }); } /** * Removes all files and the directory from a desired location. * * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. Please refer to the iOS and Android filesystems above * @param {string} dirName Name of directory * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves with a RemoveResult or rejects with an error. */ removeRecursively(path: string, dirName: string): Promise { return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(path).then((fse) => { return this.getDirectory(fse, dirName, { create: false }); }).then((de) => { return this.rimrafMock(de); }); } /** * Resolves a local directory url * @param directoryUrl {string} directory system url * @returns {Promise} */ resolveDirectoryUrl(directoryUrl: string): Promise { return this.resolveLocalFilesystemUrl(directoryUrl).then((de) => { if (de.isDirectory) { return de; } else { const err = new FileError(13); err.message = 'input is not a directory'; return Promise.reject(err); } }); } /** * Resolves a local file system URL * @param fileUrl {string} file system url * @returns {Promise} */ resolveLocalFilesystemUrl(fileUrl: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(fileUrl, (entry: any) => { resolve(entry); }, (err) => { this.fillErrorMessageMock(err); reject(err); }); } catch (xc) { this.fillErrorMessageMock(xc); reject(xc); } }); } /** * @hidden */ private rimrafMock(de: DirectoryEntry): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { de.removeRecursively(() => { resolve({ success: true, fileRemoved: de }); }, (err) => { this.fillErrorMessageMock(err); reject(err); }); }); } /** * @hidden */ private writeMock(writer: FileWriter, gu: any): Promise { if (gu instanceof Blob) { return this.writeFileInChunksMock(writer, gu); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { writer.onwriteend = (evt) => { if (writer.error) { reject(writer.error); } else { resolve(evt); } }; writer.write(gu); }); } /** * Write to an existing file. * * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. * @param {string} fileName path relative to base path. * @param {string | Blob} text content or blob to write. * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves or rejects with an error. */ writeExistingFile(path: string, fileName: string, text: string | Blob): Promise { return this.writeFile(path, fileName, text, { replace: true }); } /** Write a new file to the desired location. * * @param {string} path Base FileSystem. Please refer to the iOS and Android filesystems above * @param {string} fileName path relative to base path * @param {string | Blob} text content or blob to write * @param {any} options replace file if set to true. See WriteOptions for more information. * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves to updated file entry or rejects with an error. */ writeFile(path: string, fileName: string, text: string | Blob | ArrayBuffer, options: IWriteOptions = {}): Promise { const getFileOpts: any = { create: !options.append, exclusive: !options.replace }; return this.resolveDirectoryUrl(path).then((directoryEntry: DirectoryEntry) => { return this.getFile(directoryEntry, fileName, getFileOpts); }).then((fileEntry: FileEntry) => { return this.writeFileEntryMock(fileEntry, text, options); }); } /** * Write content to FileEntry. * * @hidden * @param {FileEntry} fe File entry object. * @param {string | Blob} text Content or blob to write. * @param {IWriteOptions} options replace file if set to true. See WriteOptions for more information. * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves to updated file entry or rejects with an error. */ private writeFileEntryMock(fe: FileEntry, text: string | Blob | ArrayBuffer, options: IWriteOptions) { return this.createWriterMock(fe).then((writer) => { if (options.append) { writer.seek(writer.length); } if (options.truncate) { writer.truncate(options.truncate); } return this.writeMock(writer, text); }).then(() => fe); } /** * @hidden */ private writeFileInChunksMock(writer: FileWriter, file: Blob) { const BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; let writtenSize = 0; function writeNextChunk() { const size = Math.min(BLOCK_SIZE, file.size - writtenSize); const chunk = file.slice(writtenSize, writtenSize + size); writtenSize += size; writer.write(chunk); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { writer.onerror = reject; writer.onwrite = () => { if (writtenSize < file.size) { writeNextChunk(); } else { resolve(); } }; writeNextChunk(); }); } }