name: Performance on: [push, pull_request] jobs: performance: runs-on: ubuntu-latest env: MOODLE_DOCKER_DB: pgsql MOODLE_DOCKER_BROWSER: chrome MOODLE_DOCKER_PHP_VERSION: 7.3 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - id: nvmrc uses: browniebroke/read-nvmrc-action@v1 - uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: '${{ steps.nvmrc.outputs.node_version }}' - name: Additional checkouts run: | git clone --branch master --depth 1 $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle git clone --branch master --depth 1 $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle-docker - name: Install npm packages run: | npm install -g npm@7 npm ci --no-audit - name: Generate Behat tests plugin run: | export MOODLE_DOCKER_WWWROOT=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle npx gulp behat - name: Configure & launch Moodle with Docker run: | export MOODLE_DOCKER_WWWROOT=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle cp $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle-docker/config.docker-template.php $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle/config.php sed -i "59i\ 'capabilities' => [" $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle/config.php sed -i "60i\ 'extra_capabilities' => [" $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle/config.php sed -i "61i\ 'goog:loggingPrefs' => ['performance' => 'ALL']," $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle/config.php sed -i "62i\ 'chromeOptions' => ['perfLoggingPrefs' => ['traceCategories' => 'devtools.timeline']]," $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle/config.php sed -i "63i\ ]," $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle/config.php sed -i "64i\ ]," $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle/config.php sed -i "76i\$CFG->behat_ionic_wwwroot = 'http://moodleapp';" $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle/config.php $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle-docker/bin/moodle-docker-compose pull $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle-docker/bin/moodle-docker-compose up -d $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle-docker/bin/moodle-docker-wait-for-db - name: Compile & launch production app with Docker run: | docker build -t moodlehq/moodleapp:performance . docker run -d --rm --name moodleapp moodlehq/moodleapp:performance docker network connect moodle-docker_default moodleapp --alias moodleapp - name: Init Behat run: | export MOODLE_DOCKER_WWWROOT=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle-docker/bin/moodle-docker-compose exec -T webserver sh -c "php admin/tool/behat/cli/init.php" - name: Run performance tests run: | export MOODLE_DOCKER_WWWROOT=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle for i in {0..2} do $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle-docker/bin/moodle-docker-compose exec -T webserver sh -c "php admin/tool/behat/cli/run.php --tags="@performance" --auto-rerun" done - name: Show performance results run: node ./scripts/print-performance-measures.js $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/moodle/behatperformancemeasures/