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Please, contact your site administrator.", "captureaudio": "Record audio", "capturedimage": "Taken picture.", "captureimage": "Take picture", "capturevideo": "Record video", "category": "Category", "choose": "Choose", "choosedots": "Choose...", "clearsearch": "Clear search", "clicktohideshow": "Click to expand or collapse", "clicktoseefull": "Click to see full contents.", "close": "Close", "comments": "Comments", "commentscount": "Comments ({{$a}})", "commentsnotworking": "Comments cannot be retrieved", "completion-alt-auto-fail": "Completed: {{$a}} (did not achieve pass grade)", "completion-alt-auto-n": "Not completed: {{$a}}", "completion-alt-auto-pass": "Completed: {{$a}} (achieved pass grade)", "completion-alt-auto-y": "Completed: {{$a}}", "completion-alt-manual-n": "Not completed: {{$a}}. Select to mark as complete.", "completion-alt-manual-y": "Completed: {{$a}}. Select to mark as not complete.", "confirmcanceledit": "Are you sure you want to leave this page? All changes will be lost.", "confirmdeletefile": "Are you sure you want to delete this file?", "confirmloss": "Are you sure? All changes will be lost.", "confirmopeninbrowser": "Do you want to open it in browser?", "content": "Content", "continue": "Continue", "contenteditingsynced": "The content you are editing has been synced.", "copiedtoclipboard": "Text copied to clipboard", "course": "Course", "coursedetails": "Course details", "currentdevice": "Current device", "datastoredoffline": "Data stored in the device because it couldn't be sent. It will automatically be sent later.", "date": "Date", "day": "day", "days": "days", "decsep": ".", "defaultvalue": "Default ({{$a}})", "delete": "Delete", "deletedoffline": "Deleted offline", "deleting": "Deleting", "description": "Description", "dffulldate": "dddd, D MMMM YYYY h[:]mm A", "dfdaymonthyear": "MM-DD-YYYY", "dfdayweekmonth": "ddd, D MMM", "dflastweekdate": "ddd", "dfmediumdate": "LLL", "dftimedate": "h[:]mm A", "discard": "Discard", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "done": "Done", "download": "Download", "downloading": "Downloading", "edit": "Edit", "emptysplit": "This page will appear blank if the left panel is empty or is loading.", "error": "Error", "errorchangecompletion": "An error occurred while changing the completion status. Please try again.", "errordeletefile": "Error deleting the file. Please try again.", "errordownloading": "Error downloading file.", "errordownloadingsomefiles": "Error downloading module files. Some files might be missing.", "errorfileexistssamename": "There's already a file with this name.", "errorinvalidform": "The form contains invalid data. Please make sure to fill all required fields and that the data is valid.", "errorinvalidresponse": "Invalid response received. Please contact your Moodle site administrator if the error persists.", "errorloadingcontent": "Error loading content.", "erroropenfilenoapp": "Error opening the file: no app found to open this kind of file.", "erroropenfilenoextension": "Error opening the file: the file doesn't have extension.", "erroropenpopup": "This activity is trying to open a popup. This is not supported in this app.", "errorrenamefile": "Error renaming the file. Please try again.", "errorsync": "An error occurred while synchronizing. Please try again.", "errorsyncblocked": "This {{$a}} cannot be synchronized right now because of an ongoing process. Please try again later. If the problem persists, try restarting the app.", "filename": "Filename", "filenameexist": "File name already exists: {{$a}}", "folder": "Folder", "forcepasswordchangenotice": "You must change your password to proceed.", "fulllistofcourses": "All courses", "fullnameandsitename": "{{fullname}} ({{sitename}})", "groupsseparate": "Separate groups", "groupsvisible": "Visible groups", "hasdatatosync": "This {{$a}} has offline data to be synchronized.", "help" : "Help", "hide": "Hide", "hour" : "hour", "hours" : "hours", "humanreadablesize": "{{size}} {{unit}}", "image": "Image", "imageviewer": "Image viewer", "info": "Info", "ios": "iOS", "labelsep": ": ", "lastdownloaded": "Last downloaded", "lastmodified": "Last modified", "lastsync": "Last synchronization", "listsep": ",", "loading": "Loading", "loadmore": "Load more", "lostconnection": "Your authentication token is invalid or has expired, you will have to reconnect to the site.", "maxsizeandattachments": "Maximum size for new files: {{$a.size}}, maximum attachments: {{$a.attachments}}", "min" : "min", "mins" : "mins", "moduleintro" : "Description", "mod_assign": "Assignment", "mod_assignment": "Assignment", "mod_book": "Book", "mod_chat": "Chat", "mod_choice": "Choice", "mod_data": "Database", "mod_database": "Database", "mod_external-tool": "External tool", "mod_feedback": "Feedback", "mod_file": "File", "mod_folder": "Folder", "mod_forum": "Forum", "mod_glossary": "Glossary", "mod_ims": "IMS content package", "mod_imscp": "IMS content package", "mod_label": "Label", "mod_lesson": "Lesson", "mod_lti": "External tool", "mod_page": "Page", "mod_quiz": "Quiz", "mod_resource": "Resource", "mod_scorm": "SCORM package", "mod_survey": "Survey", "mod_url": "URL", "mod_wiki": "Wiki", "mod_workshop": "Workshop", "mygroups": "My groups", "name": "Name", "nograde": "No grade", "networkerrormsg": "There was a problem connecting to the site. Please check your connection and try again.", "never": "Never", "next": "Next", "no": "No", "nocomments": "No comments", "none": "None", "nopasswordchangeforced": "You cannot proceed without changing your password.", "nopermissions": "Sorry, but you do not currently have permissions to do that ({{$a}})", "noresults": "No results", "notapplicable": "n/a", "notice": "Notice", "notsent": "Not sent", "now" : "now", "numwords": "{{$a}} words", "offline": "Offline", "online": "Online", "openfullimage": "Click here to display the image at full size", "openinbrowser": "Open in browser", "othergroups": "Other groups", "pagea": "Page {{$a}}", "paymentinstant": "Use the button below to pay and be enrolled within minutes!", "percentagenumber": "{{$a}}%", "phone": "Phone", "pictureof": "Picture of {{$a}}", "previous": "Previous", "pulltorefresh": "Pull to refresh", "quotausage": "You have currently used {{$a.used}} of your {{$a.total}} limit.", "redirectingtosite": "You will be redirected to site.", "refresh": "Refresh", "required": "Required", "requireduserdatamissing": "This user lacks some required profile data. Please, fill this data in your Moodle and try again.
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