"acceptsubmissionstatement": "Please accept the submission statement.",
"addattempt": "Allow another attempt",
"addnewattempt": "Add a new attempt",
"addnewattemptfromprevious": "Add a new attempt based on previous submission",
"addsubmission": "Add submission",
"allowsubmissionsanddescriptionfromdatesummary": "The assignment details and submission form will be available from {{$a}}",
"allowsubmissionsfromdate": "Allow submissions from",
"allowsubmissionsfromdatesummary": "This assignment will accept submissions from {{$a}}",
"applytoteam": "Apply grades and feedback to entire group",
"assignmentisdue": "Assignment is due",
"assigntimeleft": "Time left",
"attemptnumber": "Attempt number",
"attemptreopenmethod": "Additional attempts",
"attemptreopenmethod_manual": "Manually",
"attemptreopenmethod_untilpass": "Automatically until pass",
"attemptsettings": "Attempt settings",
"beginassignment": "Begin assignment",
"caneditsubmission": "You can submit/edit submission after time limit passed, but it will be marked as late.",
"cannoteditduetostatementsubmission": "You can't add or edit a submission in the app because the submission statement could not be retrieved from the site.",
"cannotgradefromapp": "Certain grading methods are not yet supported by the app and cannot be modified.",
"cannotsubmitduetostatementsubmission": "You can't make a submission in the app because the submission statement could not be retrieved from the site.",
"confirmstart": "Your submission will have a time limit of {{$a}}. When you start, the timer will begin to count down and cannot be paused. You must finish your submission before it expires. Are you sure you wish to start now?",
"confirmsubmission": "Are you sure you want to submit your work for grading? You will not be able to make any more changes.",
"currentattempt": "This is attempt {{$a}}.",
"currentattemptof": "This is attempt {{$a.attemptnumber}} ( {{$a.maxattempts}} attempts allowed ).",
"currentgrade": "Current grade in gradebook",
"cutoffdate": "Cut-off date",
"defaultteam": "Default group",
"duedate": "Due date",
"duedateno": "No due date",
"duedatereached": "The due date for this assignment has now passed",
"editingstatus": "Editing status",
"editsubmission": "Edit submission",
"erroreditpluginsnotsupported": "You can't add or edit a submission in the app because certain plugins are not yet supported for editing.",
"errorshowinginformation": "Submission information cannot be displayed.",
"extensionduedate": "Extension due date",
"feedbacknotsupported": "This feedback is not supported by the app and may not contain all the information.",
"grade": "Grade",
"graded": "Graded",
"gradedby": "Graded by",
"gradedfollowupsubmit": "Graded - follow-up submission received",
"gradedon": "Graded on",
"gradelocked": "This grade is locked or overridden in the gradebook.",
"gradenotsynced": "Grade not synced",
"gradeoutof": "Grade out of {{$a}}",
"gradingstatus": "Grading status",
"groupsubmissionsettings": "Group submission settings",
"hiddenuser": "Participant",
"latesubmissions": "Late submissions",
"latesubmissionsaccepted": "Allowed until {{$a}}",
"markingworkflowstate": "Marking workflow state",
"markingworkflowstateinmarking": "In marking",
"markingworkflowstateinreview": "In review",
"markingworkflowstatenotmarked": "Not marked",
"markingworkflowstatereadyforrelease": "Ready for release",
"markingworkflowstatereadyforreview": "Marking completed",
"markingworkflowstatereleased": "Released",
"modulenameplural": "Assignments",
"multipleteams": "Member of more than one group",
"multipleteams_desc": "The assignment requires submission in groups. You are a member of more than one group. To be able to submit you must be a member of only one group. Please contact your teacher to change your group membership.",
"noattempt": "No attempt",
"nomoresubmissionsaccepted": "Only allowed for participants who have been granted an extension",
"noonlinesubmissions": "This assignment does not require you to submit anything online",
"nosubmission": "Nothing has been submitted for this assignment",
"notallparticipantsareshown": "Participants who have not made a submission are not shown.",
"noteam": "Not a member of any group",
"noteam_desc": "This assignment requires submission in groups. You are not a member of any group, so you cannot create a submission. Please contact your teacher to be added to a group.",
"notgraded": "Not graded",
"numberofdraftsubmissions": "Drafts",
"numberofdraftsubmissionscountdescription": "There are {{count}} drafts.",
"numberofparticipants": "Participants",
"numberofparticipantscountdescription": "There are {{count}} participants.",
"numberofsubmissionsneedgrading": "Needs grading",
"numberofsubmissionsneedgradingcountdescription": "There are {{count}} submissions that need grading.",
"numberofsubmittedassignments": "Submitted",
"numberofsubmittedassignmentscountdescription": "There are {{count}} submitted assignments.",
"numberofteams": "Groups",
"numberofteamscountdescription": "There are {{count}} teams.",
"numwords": "{{$a}} words",
"outof": "{{$a.current}} out of {{$a.total}}",
"overdue": "Assignment is overdue by: {{$a}}",
"submission": "Submission",
"submissioneditable": "Student can edit this submission",
"submissionnoteditable": "Student cannot edit this submission",
"submissionnotsupported": "This submission is not supported by the app and may not contain all the information.",
"submissionslocked": "This assignment is not accepting submissions",
"submissionstatus": "Submission status",
"submissionstatus_": "No submission",
"submissionstatus_draft": "Draft (not submitted)",
"submissionstatus_marked": "Graded",
"submissionstatus_new": "No submission",
"submissionstatus_reopened": "Reopened",
"submissionstatus_submitted": "Submitted for grading",
"submissionstatusheading": "Submission status",
"submissionteam": "Group",
"submitassignment": "Submit assignment",
"submitassignment_help": "Once this assignment is submitted you will not be able to make any more changes.",
"submittedearly": "Assignment was submitted {{$a}} early",
"submittedlate": "Assignment was submitted {{$a}} late",
"submittedovertime": "Assignment was submitted {{$a}} over the time limit",
"submittedundertime": "Assignment was submitted {{$a}} under the time limit",
"syncblockedusercomponent": "user grade",
"timelimit": "Time limit",
"timemodified": "Last modified",
"timeremaining": "Time remaining",
"ungroupedusers": "The setting 'Require group to make submission' is enabled and some users are either not a member of any group, or are a member of more than one group, so are unable to make submissions.",
"ungroupedusersoptional": "The setting 'Students submit in groups' is enabled and some users are either not a member of any group, or are a member of more than one group. Please be aware that these students will submit as members of the 'Default group'.",
"unlimitedattempts": "Unlimited",
"userswhoneedtosubmit": "Users who need to submit: {{$a}}",
"viewsubmission": "View submission",
"warningsubmissiongrademodified": "The submission grade was modified on the site.",
"warningsubmissionmodified": "The user submission was modified on the site.",
"wordlimit": "Word limit"