{ "answer": "Answer", "attempt": "Attempt: {{$a}}", "attemptheader": "Attempt", "attemptsremaining": "You have {{$a}} attempt(s) remaining", "averagescore": "Average score", "averagetime": "Average time", "branchtable": "Content", "cannotfindattempt": "Error: could not find attempt", "cannotfinduser": "Error: could not find users", "clusterjump": "Unseen question within a cluster", "completed": "Completed", "congratulations": "Congratulations - end of lesson reached", "continue": "Continue", "continuetonextpage": "Continue to next page.", "defaultessayresponse": "Your essay will be graded by your teacher.", "detailedstats": "Detailed statistics", "didnotanswerquestion": "Did not answer this question.", "displayofgrade": "Display of grade (for students only)", "displayscorewithessays": "
You earned {{$a.score}} out of {{$a.tempmaxgrade}} for the automatically graded questions.
Your {{$a.essayquestions}} essay question(s) will be graded and added into your final score at a later date.
Your current grade without the essay question(s) is {{$a.score}} out of {{$a.grade}}.
", "displayscorewithoutessays": "Your score is {{$a.score}} (out of {{$a.grade}}).", "emptypassword": "Password cannot be empty", "enterpassword": "Please enter the password:", "eolstudentoutoftimenoanswers": "You did not answer any questions. You have received a 0 for this lesson.", "errorprefetchrandombranch": "This lesson contains a jump to a random content page. It can't be attempted in the app until it has been started in a web browser.", "errorreviewretakenotlast": "This attempt can no longer be reviewed because another attempt has been finished.", "finish": "Finish", "finishretakeoffline": "This attempt was finished offline.", "firstwrong": "You have answered incorrectly. Would you like to attempt the question again? (If you now answer the question correctly, it will not count towards your final score.)", "gotoendoflesson": "Go to the end of the lesson", "grade": "Grade", "highscore": "High score", "hightime": "High time", "leftduringtimed": "You have left during a timed lesson.