    "about": "About",
    "appsettings": "App settings",
    "appversion": "App version",
    "cannotsyncloggedout": "This site cannot be synchronised because you've logged out. Please try again when you're logged in the site again.",
    "cannotsyncoffline": "Cannot synchronise offline.",
    "cannotsyncwithoutwifi": "Cannot synchronise because the current settings only allow to synchronise when connected to Wi-Fi. Please connect to a Wi-Fi network.",
    "colorscheme": "Color Scheme",
    "colorscheme-system": "System default",
    "colorscheme-system-notice": "System default mode will depend on your device support.",
    "colorscheme-dark": "Dark",
    "colorscheme-light": "Light",
    "compilationinfo": "Compilation info",
    "copyinfo": "Copy device info on the clipboard",
    "cordovadevicemodel": "Cordova device model",
    "cordovadeviceosversion": "Cordova device OS version",
    "cordovadeviceplatform": "Cordova device platform",
    "cordovadeviceuuid": "Cordova device UUID",
    "cordovaversion": "Cordova version",
    "currentlanguage": "Current language",
    "debugdisplay": "Display debug messages",
    "debugdisplaydescription": "If enabled, error modals will display more data about the error if possible.",
    "deletesitefiles": "Are you sure that you want to delete the downloaded files and cached data from the site '{{sitename}}'? You won't be able to use the app in offline mode.",
    "deletesitefilestitle": "Delete site files",
    "deviceinfo": "Device info",
    "deviceos": "Device OS",
    "disableall": "Disable notifications",
    "disabled": "Disabled",
    "displayformat": "Display format",
    "enabledownloadsection": "Enable download sections",
    "enablefirebaseanalytics": "Enable Firebase analytics",
    "enablefirebaseanalyticsdescription": "If enabled, the app will collect anonymous data usage.",
    "enablerichtexteditor": "Enable text editor",
    "enablerichtexteditordescription": "If enabled, a text editor will be available when entering content.",
    "enablesyncwifi": "Allow sync only when on Wi-Fi",
    "entriesincache": "{{$a}} entries in cache",
    "errordeletesitefiles": "Error deleting site files.",
    "errorsyncsite": "Error synchronising site data. Please check your Internet connection and try again.",
    "estimatedfreespace": "Estimated free space",
    "filesystemroot": "File system root",
    "fontsize": "Text size",
    "fontsizecharacter": "A",
    "forcedsetting": "This setting has been forced by your site configuration.",
    "general": "General",
    "helpusimprove": "Help us improve this app",
    "ioscookies": "Cross-Website Tracking",
    "ioscookiesdescription": "Embedded content from the site might require cross-site cookies to work. To enable it, please go to the app's iOS settings and enable 'Allow Cross-Website Tracking'.",
    "language": "Language",
    "license": "Licence",
    "localnotifavailable": "Local notifications available",
    "locationhref": "Web view URL",
    "locked": "Locked",
    "loggedin": "Online",
    "loggedoff": "Offline",
    "navigatorlanguage": "Navigator language",
    "navigatoruseragent": "Navigator userAgent",
    "networkstatus": "Internet connection status",
    "opensourcelicenses": "Open Source Licences",
    "preferences": "Preferences",
    "privacypolicy": "Privacy policy",
    "publisher": "Publisher",
    "pushid": "Push notifications ID",
    "reportinbackground": "Report errors automatically",
    "screen": "Screen information",
    "settings": "Settings",
    "showdownloadoptions": "Show download options",
    "siteinfo": "Site info",
    "sites": "Sites",
    "spaceusage": "Space usage",
    "spaceusagehelp": "Deleting the stored information of the site will remove all the site offline data. This information allows you to use the app when offline. ",
    "synchronization": "Synchronisation",
    "synchronizenow": "Synchronise now",
    "synchronizenowhelp": "Synchronising a site will send pending changes and all offline activity stored in the device and will synchronise some data like messages and notifications.",
    "syncsettings": "Synchronisation settings",
    "total": "Total",
    "wificonnection": "Wi-Fi connection"