// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import { Injector, Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { AddonModDataFieldTextHandler } from '../../text/providers/handler'; import { AddonModDataFieldTextareaComponent } from '../component/textarea'; import { CoreDomUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/dom'; import { CoreTextUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/text'; /** * Handler for textarea data field plugin. */ @Injectable() export class AddonModDataFieldTextareaHandler extends AddonModDataFieldTextHandler { name = 'AddonModDataFieldTextareaHandler'; type = 'textarea'; constructor(protected translate: TranslateService, private textUtils: CoreTextUtilsProvider, private domUtils: CoreDomUtilsProvider) { super(translate); } /** * Return the Component to use to display the plugin data. * It's recommended to return the class of the component, but you can also return an instance of the component. * * @param {Injector} injector Injector. * @param {any} field The field object. * @return {any|Promise} The component (or promise resolved with component) to use, undefined if not found. */ getComponent(injector: Injector, plugin: any): any | Promise { return AddonModDataFieldTextareaComponent; } /** * Get field edit data in the input data. * * @param {any} field Defines the field to be rendered. * @param {any} inputData Data entered in the edit form. * @return {any} With name and value of the data to be sent. */ getFieldEditData(field: any, inputData: any, originalFieldData: any): any { const fieldName = 'f_' + field.id; if (inputData[fieldName]) { return this.domUtils.isRichTextEditorEnabled().then((enabled) => { const files = this.getFieldEditFiles(field, inputData, originalFieldData); let text = this.textUtils.restorePluginfileUrls(inputData[fieldName], files); if (!enabled) { // Rich text editor not enabled, add some HTML to the text if needed. text = this.textUtils.formatHtmlLines(text); } return [{ fieldid: field.id, value: text }, { fieldid: field.id, subfield: 'content1', value: 1 }, { fieldid: field.id, subfield: 'itemid', files: files } ]; }); } return false; } /** * Get field edit files in the input data. * * @param {any} field Defines the field.. * @param {any} inputData Data entered in the edit form. * @param {any} originalFieldData Original field entered data. * @return {any} With name and value of the data to be sent. */ getFieldEditFiles(field: any, inputData: any, originalFieldData: any): any { return (originalFieldData && originalFieldData.files) || []; } /** * Check and get field requeriments. * * @param {any} field Defines the field to be rendered. * @param {any} inputData Data entered in the edit form. * @return {string | false} String with the notification or false. */ getFieldsNotifications(field: any, inputData: any): string | false { if (field.required) { if (!inputData || !inputData.length) { return this.translate.instant('addon.mod_data.errormustsupplyvalue'); } const found = inputData.some((input) => { if (!input.subfield) { return !!input.value; } return false; }); if (!found) { return this.translate.instant('addon.mod_data.errormustsupplyvalue'); } } return false; } /** * Override field content data with offline submission. * * @param {any} originalContent Original data to be overriden. * @param {any} offlineContent Array with all the offline data to override. * @param {any} [offlineFiles] Array with all the offline files in the field. * @return {any} Data overriden */ overrideData(originalContent: any, offlineContent: any, offlineFiles?: any): any { originalContent.content = offlineContent[''] || ''; if (originalContent.content.length > 0 && originalContent.files && originalContent.files.length > 0) { // Take the original files since we cannot edit them on the app. originalContent.content = this.textUtils.replacePluginfileUrls(originalContent.content, originalContent.files); } return originalContent; } }