// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import { Injectable, Type } from '@angular/core'; import { CoreDelegate, CoreDelegateHandler } from '@classes/delegate'; import { AddonModAssignDefaultSubmissionHandler } from './handlers/default-submission'; import { AddonModAssignAssign, AddonModAssignSubmission, AddonModAssignPlugin, AddonModAssignSavePluginData } from './assign'; import { makeSingleton } from '@singletons'; import { CoreWSExternalFile } from '@services/ws'; import { AddonModAssignSubmissionsDBRecordFormatted } from './assign-offline'; import { CoreFormFields } from '@singletons/form'; /** * Interface that all submission handlers must implement. */ export interface AddonModAssignSubmissionHandler extends CoreDelegateHandler { /** * Name of the type of submission the handler supports. E.g. 'file'. */ type: string; /** * Whether the plugin can be edited in offline for existing submissions. In general, this should return false if the * plugin uses Moodle filters. The reason is that the app only prefetches filtered data, and the user should edit * unfiltered data. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @return Boolean or promise resolved with boolean: whether it can be edited in offline. */ canEditOffline?( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, ): boolean | Promise; /** * Check if a plugin has no data. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @return Whether the plugin is empty. */ isEmpty?( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, ): boolean; /** * Should clear temporary data for a cancelled submission. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param inputData Data entered by the user for the submission. */ clearTmpData?( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, inputData: CoreFormFields, ): void; /** * This function will be called when the user wants to create a new submission based on the previous one. * It should add to pluginData the data to send to server based in the data in plugin (previous attempt). * * @param assign The assignment. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param pluginData Object where to store the data to send. * @param userId User ID. If not defined, site's current user. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return If the function is async, it should return a Promise resolved when done. */ copySubmissionData?( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, pluginData: AddonModAssignSavePluginData, userId?: number, siteId?: string, ): void | Promise; /** * Delete any stored data for the plugin and submission. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param offlineData Offline data stored. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return If the function is async, it should return a Promise resolved when done. */ deleteOfflineData?( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, offlineData: AddonModAssignSubmissionsDBRecordFormatted, siteId?: string, ): void | Promise; /** * Return the Component to use to display the plugin data, either in read or in edit mode. * It's recommended to return the class of the component, but you can also return an instance of the component. * * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param edit Whether the user is editing. * @return The component (or promise resolved with component) to use, undefined if not found. */ getComponent?( plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, edit?: boolean, ): Type | undefined | Promise | undefined>; /** * Get files used by this plugin. * The files returned by this function will be prefetched when the user prefetches the assign. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return The files (or promise resolved with the files). */ getPluginFiles?( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, siteId?: string, ): CoreWSExternalFile[] | Promise; /** * Get a readable name to use for the plugin. * * @param plugin The plugin object. * @return The plugin name. */ getPluginName?(plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin): string; /** * Get the size of data (in bytes) this plugin will send to copy a previous submission. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @return The size (or promise resolved with size). */ getSizeForCopy?( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, ): number | Promise; /** * Get the size of data (in bytes) this plugin will send to add or edit a submission. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param inputData Data entered by the user for the submission. * @return The size (or promise resolved with size). */ getSizeForEdit?( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, inputData: CoreFormFields, ): number | Promise; /** * Check if the submission data has changed for this plugin. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param inputData Data entered by the user for the submission. * @return Boolean (or promise resolved with boolean): whether the data has changed. */ hasDataChanged?( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, inputData: CoreFormFields, ): boolean | Promise; /** * Whether or not the handler is enabled for edit on a site level. * * @return Whether or not the handler is enabled for edit on a site level. */ isEnabledForEdit?(): boolean | Promise; /** * Prefetch any required data for the plugin. * This should NOT prefetch files. Files to be prefetched should be returned by the getPluginFiles function. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return Promise resolved when done. */ prefetch?( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, siteId?: string, ): Promise; /** * Prepare and add to pluginData the data to send to the server based on the input data. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param inputData Data entered by the user for the submission. * @param pluginData Object where to store the data to send. * @param offline Whether the user is editing in offline. * @param userId User ID. If not defined, site's current user. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return If the function is async, it should return a Promise resolved when done. */ prepareSubmissionData?( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, inputData: CoreFormFields, pluginData: AddonModAssignSavePluginData, offline?: boolean, userId?: number, siteId?: string, ): void | Promise; /** * Prepare and add to pluginData the data to send to the server based on the offline data stored. * This will be used when performing a synchronization. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param offlineData Offline data stored. * @param pluginData Object where to store the data to send. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return If the function is async, it should return a Promise resolved when done. */ prepareSyncData?( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, offlineData: AddonModAssignSubmissionsDBRecordFormatted, pluginData: AddonModAssignSavePluginData, siteId?: string, ): void | Promise; } /** * Delegate to register plugins for assign submission. */ @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class AddonModAssignSubmissionDelegateService extends CoreDelegate { protected handlerNameProperty = 'type'; constructor( protected defaultHandler: AddonModAssignDefaultSubmissionHandler, ) { super('AddonModAssignSubmissionDelegate', true); } /** * Whether the plugin can be edited in offline for existing submissions. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @return Promise resolved with boolean: whether it can be edited in offline. */ async canPluginEditOffline( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, ): Promise { return await this.executeFunctionOnEnabled(plugin.type, 'canEditOffline', [assign, submission, plugin]); } /** * Clear some temporary data for a certain plugin because a submission was cancelled. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param inputData Data entered by the user for the submission. */ clearTmpData( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, inputData: CoreFormFields, ): void { return this.executeFunctionOnEnabled(plugin.type, 'clearTmpData', [assign, submission, plugin, inputData]); } /** * Copy the data from last submitted attempt to the current submission for a certain plugin. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param pluginData Object where to store the data to send. * @param userId User ID. If not defined, site's current user. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return Promise resolved when the data has been copied. */ async copyPluginSubmissionData( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, pluginData: AddonModAssignSavePluginData, userId?: number, siteId?: string, ): Promise { return await this.executeFunctionOnEnabled( plugin.type, 'copySubmissionData', [assign, plugin, pluginData, userId, siteId], ); } /** * Delete offline data stored for a certain submission and plugin. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param offlineData Offline data stored. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return Promise resolved when done. */ async deletePluginOfflineData( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, offlineData: AddonModAssignSubmissionsDBRecordFormatted, siteId?: string, ): Promise { return await this.executeFunctionOnEnabled( plugin.type, 'deleteOfflineData', [assign, submission, plugin, offlineData, siteId], ); } /** * Get the component to use for a certain submission plugin. * * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param edit Whether the user is editing. * @return Promise resolved with the component to use, undefined if not found. */ async getComponentForPlugin(plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, edit?: boolean): Promise | undefined> { return await this.executeFunctionOnEnabled(plugin.type, 'getComponent', [plugin, edit]); } /** * Get files used by this plugin. * The files returned by this function will be prefetched when the user prefetches the assign. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return Promise resolved with the files. */ async getPluginFiles( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, siteId?: string, ): Promise { const files: CoreWSExternalFile[] | undefined = await this.executeFunctionOnEnabled(plugin.type, 'getPluginFiles', [assign, submission, plugin, siteId]); return files || []; } /** * Get a readable name to use for a certain submission plugin. * * @param plugin Plugin to get the name for. * @return Human readable name. */ getPluginName(plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin): string | undefined { return this.executeFunctionOnEnabled(plugin.type, 'getPluginName', [plugin]); } /** * Get the size of data (in bytes) this plugin will send to copy a previous submission. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @return Promise resolved with size. */ async getPluginSizeForCopy(assign: AddonModAssignAssign, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin): Promise { return await this.executeFunctionOnEnabled(plugin.type, 'getSizeForCopy', [assign, plugin]); } /** * Get the size of data (in bytes) this plugin will send to add or edit a submission. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param inputData Data entered by the user for the submission. * @return Promise resolved with size. */ async getPluginSizeForEdit( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, inputData: CoreFormFields, ): Promise { return await this.executeFunctionOnEnabled( plugin.type, 'getSizeForEdit', [assign, submission, plugin, inputData], ); } /** * Check if the submission data has changed for a certain plugin. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param inputData Data entered by the user for the submission. * @return Promise resolved with true if data has changed, resolved with false otherwise. */ async hasPluginDataChanged( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, inputData: CoreFormFields, ): Promise { return await this.executeFunctionOnEnabled( plugin.type, 'hasDataChanged', [assign, submission, plugin, inputData], ); } /** * Check if a submission plugin is supported. * * @param pluginType Type of the plugin. * @return Whether it's supported. */ isPluginSupported(pluginType: string): boolean { return this.hasHandler(pluginType, true); } /** * Check if a submission plugin is supported for edit. * * @param pluginType Type of the plugin. * @return Whether it's supported for edit. */ async isPluginSupportedForEdit(pluginType: string): Promise { return await this.executeFunctionOnEnabled(pluginType, 'isEnabledForEdit'); } /** * Check if a plugin has no data. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @return Whether the plugin is empty. */ isPluginEmpty(assign: AddonModAssignAssign, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin): boolean | undefined { return this.executeFunctionOnEnabled(plugin.type, 'isEmpty', [assign, plugin]); } /** * Prefetch any required data for a submission plugin. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return Promise resolved when done. */ async prefetch( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, siteId?: string, ): Promise { return await this.executeFunctionOnEnabled(plugin.type, 'prefetch', [assign, submission, plugin, siteId]); } /** * Prepare and add to pluginData the data to submit for a certain submission plugin. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param inputData Data entered by the user for the submission. * @param pluginData Object where to store the data to send. * @param offline Whether the user is editing in offline. * @param userId User ID. If not defined, site's current user. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return Promise resolved when data has been gathered. */ async preparePluginSubmissionData( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, inputData: CoreFormFields, pluginData: AddonModAssignSavePluginData, offline?: boolean, userId?: number, siteId?: string, ): Promise { return await this.executeFunctionOnEnabled( plugin.type, 'prepareSubmissionData', [assign, submission, plugin, inputData, pluginData, offline, userId, siteId], ); } /** * Prepare and add to pluginData the data to send to server to synchronize an offline submission. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param offlineData Offline data stored. * @param pluginData Object where to store the data to send. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return Promise resolved when data has been gathered. */ async preparePluginSyncData( assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, offlineData: AddonModAssignSubmissionsDBRecordFormatted, pluginData: AddonModAssignSavePluginData, siteId?: string, ): Promise { return this.executeFunctionOnEnabled( plugin.type, 'prepareSyncData', [assign, submission, plugin, offlineData, pluginData, siteId], ); } } export const AddonModAssignSubmissionDelegate = makeSingleton(AddonModAssignSubmissionDelegateService);