// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import { Inject, Injectable, InjectionToken, Optional } from '@angular/core'; import { Md5 } from 'ts-md5/dist/md5'; import { timeout } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { CoreApp, CoreStoreConfig } from '@services/app'; import { CoreEvents } from '@singletons/events'; import { CoreWS } from '@services/ws'; import { CoreDomUtils } from '@services/utils/dom'; import { CoreTextUtils } from '@services/utils/text'; import { CoreUrlUtils } from '@services/utils/url'; import { CoreUtils } from '@services/utils/utils'; import { CoreConstants } from '@/core/constants'; import { CoreSite, CoreSiteWSPreSets, LocalMobileResponse, CoreSiteInfo, CoreSiteConfig, CoreSitePublicConfigResponse, CoreSiteInfoResponse, } from '@classes/site'; import { SQLiteDB, SQLiteDBTableSchema } from '@classes/sqlitedb'; import { CoreError } from '@classes/errors/error'; import { CoreSiteError } from '@classes/errors/siteerror'; import { makeSingleton, Translate, Http } from '@singletons'; import { CoreLogger } from '@singletons/logger'; import { APP_SCHEMA, SCHEMA_VERSIONS_TABLE_SCHEMA, SITES_TABLE_NAME, CURRENT_SITE_TABLE_NAME, SCHEMA_VERSIONS_TABLE_NAME, SiteDBEntry, CurrentSiteDBEntry, SchemaVersionsDBEntry, } from '@services/database/sites'; import { CoreArray } from '../singletons/array'; import { CoreNetworkError } from '@classes/errors/network-error'; import { CoreNavigationOptions } from './navigator'; import { CoreSitesFactory } from './sites-factory'; import { CoreText } from '@singletons/text'; import { CoreLoginHelper } from '@features/login/services/login-helper'; import { CoreErrorWithTitle } from '@classes/errors/errorwithtitle'; export const CORE_SITE_SCHEMAS = new InjectionToken('CORE_SITE_SCHEMAS'); /* * Service to manage and interact with sites. * It allows creating tables in the databases of all sites. Each service or component should be responsible of creating * their own database tables calling the registerCoreSiteSchema method. */ @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class CoreSitesProvider { // Constants to validate a site version. protected static readonly WORKPLACE_APP = 3; protected static readonly MOODLE_APP = 2; protected static readonly VALID_VERSION = 1; protected static readonly INVALID_VERSION = -1; protected logger: CoreLogger; protected services = {}; protected sessionRestored = false; protected currentSite?: CoreSite; protected sites: { [s: string]: CoreSite } = {}; protected siteSchemasMigration: { [siteId: string]: Promise } = {}; protected siteSchemas: { [name: string]: CoreRegisteredSiteSchema } = {}; protected pluginsSiteSchemas: { [name: string]: CoreRegisteredSiteSchema } = {}; // Variables for DB. protected appDB: Promise; protected resolveAppDB!: (appDB: SQLiteDB) => void; constructor(@Optional() @Inject(CORE_SITE_SCHEMAS) siteSchemas: CoreSiteSchema[][] = []) { this.appDB = new Promise(resolve => this.resolveAppDB = resolve); this.logger = CoreLogger.getInstance('CoreSitesProvider'); this.siteSchemas = CoreArray.flatten(siteSchemas).reduce( (siteSchemas, schema) => { siteSchemas[schema.name] = schema; return siteSchemas; }, this.siteSchemas, ); } /** * Initialize database. */ async initializeDatabase(): Promise { try { await CoreApp.createTablesFromSchema(APP_SCHEMA); } catch (e) { // Ignore errors. } this.resolveAppDB(CoreApp.getDB()); } /** * Get the demo data for a certain "name" if it is a demo site. * * @param name Name of the site to check. * @return Site data if it's a demo site, undefined otherwise. */ getDemoSiteData(name: string): CoreSitesDemoSiteData | undefined { const demoSites = CoreConstants.CONFIG.demo_sites; name = name.toLowerCase(); if (typeof demoSites != 'undefined' && typeof demoSites[name] != 'undefined') { return demoSites[name]; } } /** * Check if a site is valid and if it has specifics settings for authentication (like force to log in using the browser). * It will test both protocols if the first one fails: http and https. * * @param siteUrl URL of the site to check. * @param protocol Protocol to use first. * @return A promise resolved when the site is checked. */ async checkSite(siteUrl: string, protocol: string = 'https://'): Promise { // The formatURL function adds the protocol if is missing. siteUrl = CoreUrlUtils.formatURL(siteUrl); if (!CoreUrlUtils.isHttpURL(siteUrl)) { throw new CoreError(Translate.instant('core.login.invalidsite')); } else if (!CoreApp.isOnline()) { throw new CoreNetworkError(); } try { return await this.checkSiteWithProtocol(siteUrl, protocol); } catch (error) { // Do not continue checking if a critical error happened. if (error.critical) { throw error; } // Retry with the other protocol. protocol = protocol == 'https://' ? 'http://' : 'https://'; try { return await this.checkSiteWithProtocol(siteUrl, protocol); } catch (secondError) { if (secondError.critical) { throw secondError; } // Site doesn't exist. Return the error message. if (CoreTextUtils.getErrorMessageFromError(error)) { throw error; } else if (CoreTextUtils.getErrorMessageFromError(secondError)) { throw secondError; } else { throw new CoreError(Translate.instant('core.cannotconnecttrouble')); } } } } /** * Helper function to check if a site is valid and if it has specifics settings for authentication. * * @param siteUrl URL of the site to check. * @param protocol Protocol to use. * @return A promise resolved when the site is checked. */ async checkSiteWithProtocol(siteUrl: string, protocol: string): Promise { let publicConfig: CoreSitePublicConfigResponse | undefined; // Now, replace the siteUrl with the protocol. siteUrl = siteUrl.replace(/^https?:\/\//i, protocol); try { await this.siteExists(siteUrl); } catch (error) { // Do not continue checking if WS are not enabled. if (error.errorcode == 'enablewsdescription') { error.critical = true; throw error; } // Site doesn't exist. Try to add or remove 'www'. const treatedUrl = CoreUrlUtils.addOrRemoveWWW(siteUrl); try { await this.siteExists(treatedUrl); // Success, use this new URL as site url. siteUrl = treatedUrl; } catch (secondError) { // Do not continue checking if WS are not enabled. if (secondError.errorcode == 'enablewsdescription') { secondError.critical = true; throw secondError; } // Return the error. if (CoreTextUtils.getErrorMessageFromError(error)) { throw error; } else { throw secondError; } } } // Site exists. Create a temporary site to check if local_mobile is installed. const temporarySite = CoreSitesFactory.makeSite(undefined, siteUrl); let data: LocalMobileResponse; try { data = await temporarySite.checkLocalMobilePlugin(); } catch (error) { // Local mobile check returned an error. This only happens if the plugin is installed and it returns an error. throw new CoreSiteError({ message: error.message, critical: true, }); } data.service = data.service || CoreConstants.CONFIG.wsservice; this.services[siteUrl] = data.service; // No need to store it in DB. if (data.coreSupported || (data.code != CoreConstants.LOGIN_SSO_CODE && data.code != CoreConstants.LOGIN_SSO_INAPP_CODE)) { // SSO using local_mobile not needed, try to get the site public config. try { const config = await temporarySite.getPublicConfig(); publicConfig = config; // Check that the user can authenticate. if (!config.enablewebservices) { throw new CoreSiteError({ message: Translate.instant('core.login.webservicesnotenabled'), }); } else if (!config.enablemobilewebservice) { throw new CoreSiteError({ message: Translate.instant('core.login.mobileservicesnotenabled'), }); } else if (config.maintenanceenabled) { let message = Translate.instant('core.sitemaintenance'); if (config.maintenancemessage) { message += config.maintenancemessage; } throw new CoreSiteError({ message, }); } // Everything ok. if (data.code === 0) { data.code = config.typeoflogin; } } catch (error) { // Error, check if not supported. if (error.available === 1) { // Service supported but an error happened. Return error. if (error.errorcode == 'codingerror') { // This could be caused by a redirect. Check if it's the case. const redirect = await CoreUtils.checkRedirect(siteUrl); if (redirect) { error.error = Translate.instant('core.login.sitehasredirect'); } else { // We can't be sure if there is a redirect or not. Display cannot connect error. error.error = Translate.instant('core.cannotconnecttrouble'); } } throw new CoreSiteError({ message: error.error, errorcode: error.errorcode, critical: true, }); } } } siteUrl = temporarySite.getURL(); return { siteUrl, code: data.code, warning: data.warning, service: data.service, config: publicConfig }; } /** * Check if a site exists. * * @param siteUrl URL of the site to check. * @return A promise to be resolved if the site exists. */ async siteExists(siteUrl: string): Promise { let data: CoreSitesLoginTokenResponse; // Use a valid path first. siteUrl = CoreUrlUtils.removeUrlParams(siteUrl); try { data = await Http.post(siteUrl + '/login/token.php', { appsitecheck: 1 }).pipe(timeout(CoreWS.getRequestTimeout())) .toPromise(); } catch (error) { // Default error messages are kinda bad, return our own message. throw new CoreSiteError({ message: Translate.instant('core.cannotconnecttrouble'), }); } if (data === null) { // Cannot connect. throw new CoreSiteError({ message: Translate.instant('core.cannotconnect', { $a: CoreSite.MINIMUM_MOODLE_VERSION }), }); } if (data.errorcode && (data.errorcode == 'enablewsdescription' || data.errorcode == 'requirecorrectaccess')) { throw new CoreSiteError({ errorcode: data.errorcode, message: data.error!, }); } if (data.error && data.error == 'Web services must be enabled in Advanced features.') { throw new CoreSiteError({ errorcode: 'enablewsdescription', message: data.error, }); } // Other errors are not being checked because invalid login will be always raised and we cannot differ them. } /** * Gets a user token from the server. * * @param siteUrl The site url. * @param username User name. * @param password Password. * @param service Service to use. If not defined, it will be searched in memory. * @param retry Whether we are retrying with a prefixed URL. * @return A promise resolved when the token is retrieved. */ async getUserToken( siteUrl: string, username: string, password: string, service?: string, retry?: boolean, ): Promise { if (!CoreApp.isOnline()) { throw new CoreNetworkError(); } if (!service) { service = this.determineService(siteUrl); } const params = { username, password, service, }; const loginUrl = siteUrl + '/login/token.php'; let data: CoreSitesLoginTokenResponse; try { data = await Http.post(loginUrl, params).pipe(timeout(CoreWS.getRequestTimeout())).toPromise(); } catch (error) { throw new CoreError(Translate.instant('core.cannotconnecttrouble')); } if (typeof data == 'undefined') { throw new CoreError(Translate.instant('core.cannotconnecttrouble')); } else { if (typeof data.token != 'undefined') { return { token: data.token, siteUrl, privateToken: data.privatetoken }; } else { if (typeof data.error != 'undefined') { // We only allow one retry (to avoid loops). if (!retry && data.errorcode == 'requirecorrectaccess') { siteUrl = CoreUrlUtils.addOrRemoveWWW(siteUrl); return this.getUserToken(siteUrl, username, password, service, true); } else if (data.errorcode == 'missingparam') { // It seems the server didn't receive all required params, it could be due to a redirect. const redirect = await CoreUtils.checkRedirect(loginUrl); if (redirect) { throw new CoreSiteError({ message: Translate.instant('core.login.sitehasredirect'), }); } } throw new CoreSiteError({ message: data.error, errorcode: data.errorcode, }); } throw new CoreError(Translate.instant('core.login.invalidaccount')); } } } /** * Add a new site to the site list and authenticate the user in this site. * * @param siteUrl The site url. * @param token User's token. * @param privateToken User's private token. * @param login Whether to login the user in the site. Defaults to true. * @param oauthId OAuth ID. Only if the authentication was using an OAuth method. * @return A promise resolved with siteId when the site is added and the user is authenticated. */ async newSite( siteUrl: string, token: string, privateToken: string = '', login: boolean = true, oauthId?: number, ): Promise { if (typeof login != 'boolean') { login = true; } // Create a "candidate" site to fetch the site info. let candidateSite = CoreSitesFactory.makeSite(undefined, siteUrl, token, undefined, privateToken, undefined, undefined); let isNewSite = true; try { const info = await candidateSite.fetchSiteInfo(); const result = this.isValidMoodleVersion(info); if (result != CoreSitesProvider.VALID_VERSION) { return this.treatInvalidAppVersion(result, siteUrl); } const siteId = this.createSiteID(info.siteurl, info.username); // Check if the site already exists. const site = await CoreUtils.ignoreErrors(this.getSite(siteId)); if (site) { // Site already exists, update its data and use it. isNewSite = false; candidateSite = site; candidateSite.setToken(token); candidateSite.setPrivateToken(privateToken); candidateSite.setInfo(info); candidateSite.setOAuthId(oauthId); candidateSite.setLoggedOut(false); } else { // New site, set site ID and info. isNewSite = true; candidateSite.setId(siteId); candidateSite.setInfo(info); candidateSite.setOAuthId(oauthId); // Create database tables before login and before any WS call. await this.migrateSiteSchemas(candidateSite); } // Try to get the site config. let config: CoreSiteConfig | undefined; try { config = await this.getSiteConfig(candidateSite); } catch (error) { // Ignore errors if it's not a new site, we'll use the config already stored. if (isNewSite) { throw error; } } if (typeof config != 'undefined') { candidateSite.setConfig(config); } // Add site to sites list. this.addSite(siteId, siteUrl, token, info, privateToken, config, oauthId); this.sites[siteId] = candidateSite; if (login) { // Turn candidate site into current site. this.currentSite = candidateSite; // Store session. this.login(siteId); } else if (this.currentSite && this.currentSite.getId() == siteId) { // Current site has just been updated, trigger the event. CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.SITE_UPDATED, info, siteId); } CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.SITE_ADDED, info, siteId); return siteId; } catch (error) { // Error invaliddevice is returned by Workplace server meaning the same as connecttoworkplaceapp. if (error && error.errorcode == 'invaliddevice') { return this.treatInvalidAppVersion(CoreSitesProvider.WORKPLACE_APP, siteUrl); } throw error; } } /** * Having the result of isValidMoodleVersion, it treats the error message to be shown. * * @param result Result returned by isValidMoodleVersion function. * @param siteUrl The site url. * @param siteId If site is already added, it will invalidate the token. * @return A promise rejected with the error info. */ protected async treatInvalidAppVersion(result: number, siteUrl: string, siteId?: string): Promise { let errorCode: string | undefined; let errorKey: string | undefined; let translateParams; switch (result) { case CoreSitesProvider.MOODLE_APP: errorKey = 'core.login.connecttomoodleapp'; errorCode = 'connecttomoodleapp'; break; case CoreSitesProvider.WORKPLACE_APP: errorKey = 'core.login.connecttoworkplaceapp'; errorCode = 'connecttoworkplaceapp'; break; default: errorCode = 'invalidmoodleversion'; errorKey = 'core.login.invalidmoodleversion'; translateParams = { $a: CoreSite.MINIMUM_MOODLE_VERSION }; } if (siteId) { await this.setSiteLoggedOut(siteId, true); } throw new CoreSiteError({ message: Translate.instant(errorKey, translateParams), errorcode: errorCode, loggedOut: true, }); } /** * Create a site ID based on site URL and username. * * @param siteUrl The site url. * @param username Username. * @return Site ID. */ createSiteID(siteUrl: string, username: string): string { return Md5.hashAsciiStr(siteUrl + username); } /** * Function for determine which service we should use (default or extended plugin). * * @param siteUrl The site URL. * @return The service shortname. */ determineService(siteUrl: string): string { // We need to try siteUrl in both https or http (due to loginhttps setting). // First http:// siteUrl = siteUrl.replace('https://', 'http://'); if (this.services[siteUrl]) { return this.services[siteUrl]; } // Now https:// siteUrl = siteUrl.replace('http://', 'https://'); if (this.services[siteUrl]) { return this.services[siteUrl]; } // Return default service. return CoreConstants.CONFIG.wsservice; } /** * Check for the minimum required version. * * @param info Site info. * @return Either VALID_VERSION, WORKPLACE_APP, MOODLE_APP or INVALID_VERSION. */ protected isValidMoodleVersion(info: CoreSiteInfoResponse): number { if (!info) { return CoreSitesProvider.INVALID_VERSION; } // Try to validate by version. if (info.version) { const version = parseInt(info.version, 10); if (!isNaN(version)) { if (version >= CoreSite.MOODLE_RELEASES[CoreSite.MINIMUM_MOODLE_VERSION]) { return this.validateWorkplaceVersion(info); } } } // We couldn't validate by version number. Let's try to validate by release number. const release = this.getReleaseNumber(info.release || ''); if (release) { if (release >= CoreSite.MINIMUM_MOODLE_VERSION) { return this.validateWorkplaceVersion(info); } } // Couldn't validate it. return CoreSitesProvider.INVALID_VERSION; } /** * Check if needs to be redirected to specific Workplace App or general Moodle App. * * @param info Site info. * @return Either VALID_VERSION, WORKPLACE_APP or MOODLE_APP. */ protected validateWorkplaceVersion(info: CoreSiteInfoResponse): number { const isWorkplace = !!info.functions && info.functions.some((func) => func.name == 'tool_program_get_user_programs'); const isWPEnabled = this.isWorkplaceEnabled(); if (!isWPEnabled && isWorkplace) { return CoreSitesProvider.WORKPLACE_APP; } if (isWPEnabled && !isWorkplace) { return CoreSitesProvider.MOODLE_APP; } return CoreSitesProvider.VALID_VERSION; } /** * Check if the app is workplace enabled. * * @return If the app is workplace enabled. */ protected isWorkplaceEnabled(): boolean { return false; } /** * Returns the release number from site release info. * * @param rawRelease Raw release info text. * @return Release number or empty. */ getReleaseNumber(rawRelease: string): string { const matches = rawRelease.match(/^\d+(\.\d+(\.\d+)?)?/); if (matches) { return matches[0]; } return ''; } /** * Returns the major release number from site release info. * * @param rawRelease Raw release info text. * @return Major release number or empty. */ getMajorReleaseNumber(rawRelease: string): string { const matches = rawRelease.match(/^\d+(\.\d+)?/); if (matches) { return matches[0]; } return ''; } /** * Saves a site in local DB. * * @param id Site ID. * @param siteUrl Site URL. * @param token User's token in the site. * @param info Site's info. * @param privateToken User's private token. * @param config Site config (from tool_mobile_get_config). * @param oauthId OAuth ID. Only if the authentication was using an OAuth method. * @return Promise resolved when done. */ async addSite( id: string, siteUrl: string, token: string, info: CoreSiteInfoResponse, privateToken: string = '', config?: CoreSiteConfig, oauthId?: number, ): Promise { const db = await this.appDB; const entry: SiteDBEntry = { id, siteUrl, token, info: info ? JSON.stringify(info) : undefined, privateToken, config: config ? JSON.stringify(config) : undefined, loggedOut: 0, oauthId, }; await db.insertRecord(SITES_TABLE_NAME, entry); } /** * Check the app for a site and show a download dialogs if necessary. * * @param config Config object of the site. */ async checkApplication(config?: CoreSitePublicConfigResponse): Promise { await this.checkRequiredMinimumVersion(config); } /** * Check the required minimum version of the app for a site and shows a download dialog. * * @param config Config object of the site. * @return Resolved with if meets the requirements, rejected otherwise. */ protected async checkRequiredMinimumVersion(config?: CoreSitePublicConfigResponse): Promise { if (!config || !config.tool_mobile_minimumversion) { return; } const requiredVersion = this.convertVersionName(config.tool_mobile_minimumversion); const appVersion = this.convertVersionName(CoreConstants.CONFIG.versionname); if (requiredVersion > appVersion) { const storesConfig: CoreStoreConfig = { android: config.tool_mobile_androidappid, ios: config.tool_mobile_iosappid, mobile: config.tool_mobile_setuplink || 'https://download.moodle.org/mobile/', default: config.tool_mobile_setuplink, }; const siteId = this.getCurrentSiteId(); const downloadUrl = CoreApp.getAppStoreUrl(storesConfig); if (downloadUrl != null) { // Do not block interface. CoreDomUtils.showConfirm( Translate.instant('core.updaterequireddesc', { $a: config.tool_mobile_minimumversion }), Translate.instant('core.updaterequired'), Translate.instant('core.download'), Translate.instant(siteId ? 'core.mainmenu.logout' : 'core.cancel'), ).then(() => CoreUtils.openInBrowser(downloadUrl)).catch(() => { // Do nothing. }); } else { CoreDomUtils.showAlert( Translate.instant('core.updaterequired'), Translate.instant('core.updaterequireddesc', { $a: config.tool_mobile_minimumversion }), ); } if (siteId) { // Logout the currentSite. await this.logout(); // Always expire the token. await this.setSiteLoggedOut(siteId, true); } throw new CoreError('Current app version is lower than required version.'); } } /** * Convert version name to numbers. * * @param name Version name (dot separated). * @return Version translated to a comparable number. */ protected convertVersionName(name: string): number { let version = 0; const parts = name.split('-')[0].split('.', 3); parts.forEach((num) => { version = (version * 100) + Number(num); }); if (parts.length < 3) { version = version * Math.pow(100, 3 - parts.length); } return version; } /** * Login a user to a site from the list of sites. * * @param siteId ID of the site to load. * @param pageName Name of the page to go once authenticated if logged out. If not defined, site initial page. * @param pageOptions Options of the navigation to pageName. * @return Promise resolved with true if site is loaded, resolved with false if cannot login. */ async loadSite(siteId: string, pageName?: string, pageOptions?: CoreNavigationOptions): Promise { this.logger.debug(`Load site ${siteId}`); const site = await this.getSite(siteId); const siteUrlAllowed = await CoreLoginHelper.isSiteUrlAllowed(site.getURL(), false); if (!siteUrlAllowed) { throw new CoreErrorWithTitle(Translate.instant('core.login.sitenotallowed')); } this.currentSite = site; if (site.isLoggedOut()) { // Logged out, trigger session expired event and stop. CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.SESSION_EXPIRED, { pageName, options: pageOptions, }, site.getId()); return false; } // Check if local_mobile was installed to Moodle. try { await site.checkIfLocalMobileInstalledAndNotUsed(); // Local mobile was added. Throw invalid session to force reconnect and create a new token. CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.SESSION_EXPIRED, { pageName, options: pageOptions, }, siteId); return false; } catch (error) { let config: CoreSitePublicConfigResponse | undefined; try { config = await site.getPublicConfig(); } catch (error) { // Error getting config, probably the site doesn't have the WS } try { await this.checkApplication(config); this.login(siteId); // Update site info. We don't block the UI. this.updateSiteInfo(siteId); return true; } catch (error) { return false; } } } /** * Get current site. * * @return Current site. */ getCurrentSite(): CoreSite | undefined { return this.currentSite; } /** * Get the site home ID of the current site. * * @return Current site home ID. */ getCurrentSiteHomeId(): number { if (this.currentSite) { return this.currentSite.getSiteHomeId(); } else { return 1; } } /** * Get current site ID. * * @return Current site ID. */ getCurrentSiteId(): string { if (this.currentSite) { return this.currentSite.getId(); } else { return ''; } } /** * Get current site User ID. * * @return Current site User ID. */ getCurrentSiteUserId(): number { return this.currentSite?.getUserId() || 0; } /** * Check if the user is logged in a site. * * @return Whether the user is logged in a site. */ isLoggedIn(): boolean { return typeof this.currentSite != 'undefined' && typeof this.currentSite.token != 'undefined' && this.currentSite.token != ''; } /** * Delete a site from the sites list. * * @param siteId ID of the site to delete. * @return Promise to be resolved when the site is deleted. */ async deleteSite(siteId: string): Promise { this.logger.debug(`Delete site ${siteId}`); if (typeof this.currentSite != 'undefined' && this.currentSite.id == siteId) { this.logout(); } const site = await this.getSite(siteId); await site.deleteDB(); // Site DB deleted, now delete the app from the list of sites. delete this.sites[siteId]; try { const db = await this.appDB; await db.deleteRecords(SITES_TABLE_NAME, { id: siteId }); } catch (err) { // DB remove shouldn't fail, but we'll go ahead even if it does. } // Site deleted from sites list, now delete the folder. await site.deleteFolder(); CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.SITE_DELETED, site, siteId); } /** * Check if there are sites stored. * * @return Promise resolved with true if there are sites and false if there aren't. */ async hasSites(): Promise { const db = await this.appDB; const count = await db.countRecords(SITES_TABLE_NAME); return count > 0; } /** * Returns a site object. * * @param siteId The site ID. If not defined, current site (if available). * @return Promise resolved with the site. */ async getSite(siteId?: string): Promise { if (!siteId) { if (this.currentSite) { return this.currentSite; } throw new CoreError('No current site found.'); } else if (this.currentSite && this.currentSite.getId() == siteId) { return this.currentSite; } else if (typeof this.sites[siteId] != 'undefined') { return this.sites[siteId]; } else { // Retrieve and create the site. const db = await this.appDB; const data = await db.getRecord(SITES_TABLE_NAME, { id: siteId }); return this.makeSiteFromSiteListEntry(data); } } /** * Finds a site with a certain URL. It will return the first site found. * * @param siteUrl The site URL. * @return Promise resolved with the site. */ async getSiteByUrl(siteUrl: string): Promise { const db = await this.appDB; const data = await db.getRecord(SITES_TABLE_NAME, { siteUrl }); if (typeof this.sites[data.id] != 'undefined') { return this.sites[data.id]; } return this.makeSiteFromSiteListEntry(data); } /** * Create a site from an entry of the sites list DB. The new site is added to the list of "cached" sites: this.sites. * * @param entry Site list entry. * @return Promised resolved with the created site. */ makeSiteFromSiteListEntry(entry: SiteDBEntry): Promise { // Parse info and config. const info = entry.info ? CoreTextUtils.parseJSON(entry.info) : undefined; const config = entry.config ? CoreTextUtils.parseJSON(entry.config) : undefined; const site = CoreSitesFactory.makeSite( entry.id, entry.siteUrl, entry.token, info, entry.privateToken, config, entry.loggedOut == 1, ); site.setOAuthId(entry.oauthId || undefined); return this.migrateSiteSchemas(site).then(() => { // Set site after migrating schemas, or a call to getSite could get the site while tables are being created. this.sites[entry.id] = site; return site; }); } /** * Returns if the site is the current one. * * @param site Site object or siteId to be compared. If not defined, use current site. * @return Whether site or siteId is the current one. */ isCurrentSite(site?: string | CoreSite): boolean { if (!site || !this.currentSite) { return !!this.currentSite; } const siteId = typeof site == 'object' ? site.getId() : site; return this.currentSite.getId() === siteId; } /** * Returns the database object of a site. * * @param siteId The site ID. If not defined, current site (if available). * @return Promise resolved with the database. */ async getSiteDb(siteId?: string): Promise { const site = await this.getSite(siteId); return site.getDb(); } /** * Returns the site home ID of a site. * * @param siteId The site ID. If not defined, current site (if available). * @return Promise resolved with site home ID. */ getSiteHomeId(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.getSite(siteId).then((site) => site.getSiteHomeId()); } /** * Get the list of sites stored. * * @param ids IDs of the sites to get. If not defined, return all sites. * @return Promise resolved when the sites are retrieved. */ async getSites(ids?: string[]): Promise { const db = await this.appDB; const sites = await db.getAllRecords(SITES_TABLE_NAME); const formattedSites: CoreSiteBasicInfo[] = []; sites.forEach((site) => { if (!ids || ids.indexOf(site.id) > -1) { // Parse info. const siteInfo = site.info ? CoreTextUtils.parseJSON(site.info) : undefined; const basicInfo: CoreSiteBasicInfo = { id: site.id, siteUrl: site.siteUrl, fullName: siteInfo?.fullname, siteName: CoreConstants.CONFIG.sitename == '' ? siteInfo?.sitename: CoreConstants.CONFIG.sitename, avatar: siteInfo?.userpictureurl, siteHomeId: siteInfo?.siteid || 1, }; formattedSites.push(basicInfo); } }); return formattedSites; } /** * Get the list of sites stored, sorted by URL and full name. * * @param ids IDs of the sites to get. If not defined, return all sites. * @return Promise resolved when the sites are retrieved. */ async getSortedSites(ids?: string[]): Promise { const sites = await this.getSites(ids); // Sort sites by url and ful lname. sites.sort((a, b) => { // First compare by site url without the protocol. const urlA = a.siteUrl.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '').toLowerCase(); const urlB = b.siteUrl.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '').toLowerCase(); const compare = urlA.localeCompare(urlB); if (compare !== 0) { return compare; } // If site url is the same, use fullname instead. const fullNameA = a.fullName?.toLowerCase().trim(); const fullNameB = b.fullName?.toLowerCase().trim(); if (!fullNameA || !fullNameB) { return 0; } return fullNameA.localeCompare(fullNameB); }); return sites; } /** * Get the list of IDs of sites stored and not logged out. * * @return Promise resolved when the sites IDs are retrieved. */ async getLoggedInSitesIds(): Promise { const db = await this.appDB; const sites = await db.getRecords(SITES_TABLE_NAME, { loggedOut : 0 }); return sites.map((site) => site.id); } /** * Get the list of IDs of sites stored. * * @return Promise resolved when the sites IDs are retrieved. */ async getSitesIds(): Promise { const db = await this.appDB; const sites = await db.getAllRecords(SITES_TABLE_NAME); return sites.map((site) => site.id); } /** * Login the user in a site. * * @param siteid ID of the site the user is accessing. * @return Promise resolved when current site is stored. */ async login(siteId: string): Promise { const db = await this.appDB; const entry = { id: 1, siteId, }; await db.insertRecord(CURRENT_SITE_TABLE_NAME, entry); CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.LOGIN, {}, siteId); } /** * Logout the user. * * @return Promise resolved when the user is logged out. */ async logout(): Promise { if (!this.currentSite) { return; } const promises: Promise[] = []; const siteConfig = this.currentSite.getStoredConfig(); const siteId = this.currentSite.getId(); this.currentSite = undefined; if (siteConfig && siteConfig.tool_mobile_forcelogout == '1') { promises.push(this.setSiteLoggedOut(siteId, true)); } promises.push(this.removeStoredCurrentSite()); await CoreUtils.ignoreErrors(Promise.all(promises)); CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.LOGOUT, {}, siteId); } /** * Restores the session to the previous one so the user doesn't has to login everytime the app is started. * * @return Promise resolved if a session is restored. */ async restoreSession(): Promise { if (this.sessionRestored) { return Promise.reject(new CoreError('Session already restored.')); } const db = await this.appDB; this.sessionRestored = true; try { const currentSite = await db.getRecord(CURRENT_SITE_TABLE_NAME, { id: 1 }); const siteId = currentSite.siteId; this.logger.debug(`Restore session in site ${siteId}`); await this.loadSite(siteId); } catch (err) { // No current session. } } /** * Mark or unmark a site as logged out so the user needs to authenticate again. * * @param siteId ID of the site. * @param loggedOut True to set the site as logged out, false otherwise. * @return Promise resolved when done. */ async setSiteLoggedOut(siteId: string, loggedOut: boolean): Promise { const db = await this.appDB; const site = await this.getSite(siteId); const newValues: Partial = { loggedOut: loggedOut ? 1 : 0, }; if (loggedOut) { // Erase the token for security. newValues.token = ''; site.token = ''; } site.setLoggedOut(loggedOut); await db.updateRecords(SITES_TABLE_NAME, newValues, { id: siteId }); } /** * Unset current site. */ unsetCurrentSite(): void { this.currentSite = undefined; } /** * Updates a site's token. * * @param siteUrl Site's URL. * @param username Username. * @param token User's new token. * @param privateToken User's private token. * @return A promise resolved when the site is updated. */ async updateSiteToken(siteUrl: string, username: string, token: string, privateToken: string = ''): Promise { const siteId = this.createSiteID(siteUrl, username); await this.updateSiteTokenBySiteId(siteId, token, privateToken); await this.login(siteId); } /** * Updates a site's token using siteId. * * @param siteId Site Id. * @param token User's new token. * @param privateToken User's private token. * @return A promise resolved when the site is updated. */ async updateSiteTokenBySiteId(siteId: string, token: string, privateToken: string = ''): Promise { const db = await this.appDB; const site = await this.getSite(siteId); const newValues: Partial = { token, privateToken, loggedOut: 0, }; site.token = token; site.privateToken = privateToken; site.setLoggedOut(false); // Token updated means the user authenticated again, not logged out anymore. await db.updateRecords(SITES_TABLE_NAME, newValues, { id: siteId }); } /** * Updates a site's info. * * @param siteid Site's ID. * @return A promise resolved when the site is updated. */ async updateSiteInfo(siteId?: string): Promise { const site = await this.getSite(siteId); try { const info = await site.fetchSiteInfo(); site.setInfo(info); const versionCheck = this.isValidMoodleVersion(info); if (versionCheck != CoreSitesProvider.VALID_VERSION) { // The Moodle version is not supported, reject. return this.treatInvalidAppVersion(versionCheck, site.getURL(), site.getId()); } // Try to get the site config. let config: CoreSiteConfig | undefined; try { config = await this.getSiteConfig(site); } catch (error) { // Error getting config, keep the current one. } const newValues: Partial = { info: JSON.stringify(info), loggedOut: site.isLoggedOut() ? 1 : 0, }; if (typeof config != 'undefined') { site.setConfig(config); newValues.config = JSON.stringify(config); } try { const db = await this.appDB; await db.updateRecords(SITES_TABLE_NAME, newValues, { id: siteId }); } finally { CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.SITE_UPDATED, info, siteId); } } catch (error) { // Ignore that we cannot fetch site info. Probably the auth token is invalid. } } /** * Updates a site's info. * * @param siteUrl Site's URL. * @param username Username. * @return A promise to be resolved when the site is updated. */ updateSiteInfoByUrl(siteUrl: string, username: string): Promise { const siteId = this.createSiteID(siteUrl, username); return this.updateSiteInfo(siteId); } /** * Get the site IDs a URL belongs to. * Someone can have more than one account in the same site, that's why this function returns an array of IDs. * * @param url URL to check. * @param prioritize True if it should prioritize current site. If the URL belongs to current site then it won't * check any other site, it will only return current site. * @param username If set, it will return only the sites where the current user has this username. * @return Promise resolved with the site IDs (array). */ async getSiteIdsFromUrl(url: string, prioritize?: boolean, username?: string): Promise { // If prioritize is true, check current site first. if (prioritize && this.currentSite && this.currentSite.containsUrl(url)) { if (!username || this.currentSite?.getInfo()?.username == username) { return [this.currentSite.getId()]; } } // Check if URL has http(s) protocol. if (!url.match(/^https?:\/\//i)) { // URL doesn't have http(s) protocol. Check if it has any protocol. if (CoreUrlUtils.isAbsoluteURL(url)) { // It has some protocol. Return empty array. return []; } else { // No protocol, probably a relative URL. Return current site. if (this.currentSite) { return [this.currentSite.getId()]; } else { return []; } } } try { const db = await this.appDB; const siteEntries = await db.getAllRecords(SITES_TABLE_NAME); const ids: string[] = []; const promises: Promise[] = []; siteEntries.forEach((site) => { if (!this.sites[site.id]) { promises.push(this.makeSiteFromSiteListEntry(site)); } if (this.sites[site.id].containsUrl(url)) { if (!username || this.sites[site.id].getInfo()?.username == username) { ids.push(site.id); } } }); await Promise.all(promises); return ids; } catch (error) { // Shouldn't happen. return []; } } /** * Get the site ID stored in DB as current site. * * @return Promise resolved with the site ID. */ async getStoredCurrentSiteId(): Promise { const db = await this.appDB; const currentSite = await db.getRecord(CURRENT_SITE_TABLE_NAME, { id: 1 }); return currentSite.siteId; } /** * Remove current site stored in DB. * * @return Promise resolved when done. */ async removeStoredCurrentSite(): Promise { const db = await this.appDB; await db.deleteRecords(CURRENT_SITE_TABLE_NAME, { id: 1 }); } /** * Get the public config of a certain site. * * @param siteUrl URL of the site. * @return Promise resolved with the public config. */ getSitePublicConfig(siteUrl: string): Promise { const temporarySite = CoreSitesFactory.makeSite(undefined, siteUrl); return temporarySite.getPublicConfig(); } /** * Get site config. * * @param site The site to get the config. * @return Promise resolved with config if available. */ protected async getSiteConfig(site: CoreSite): Promise { return await site.getConfig(undefined, true); } /** * Check if a certain feature is disabled in a site. * * @param name Name of the feature to check. * @param siteId The site ID. If not defined, current site (if available). * @return Promise resolved with true if disabled. */ isFeatureDisabled(name: string, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.getSite(siteId).then((site) => site.isFeatureDisabled(name)); } /** * Check if a WS is available in the current site, if any. * * @param method WS name. * @param checkPrefix When true also checks with the compatibility prefix. * @return Whether the WS is available. */ wsAvailableInCurrentSite(method: string, checkPrefix: boolean = true): boolean { const site = this.getCurrentSite(); return site ? site.wsAvailable(method, checkPrefix) : false; } /** * Register a site schema in current site. * This function is meant for site plugins to create DB tables in current site. Tables created from within the app * should use the registerCoreSiteSchema method instead. * * @param schema The schema to register. * @return Promise resolved when done. */ async registerSiteSchema(schema: CoreSiteSchema): Promise { if (!this.currentSite) { return; } try { // Site has already been created, apply the schema directly. const schemas: {[name: string]: CoreRegisteredSiteSchema} = {}; schemas[schema.name] = schema; // Apply it to the specified site only. (schema as CoreRegisteredSiteSchema).siteId = this.currentSite.getId(); await this.applySiteSchemas(this.currentSite, schemas); } finally { this.pluginsSiteSchemas[schema.name] = schema; } } /** * Install and upgrade all the registered schemas and tables. * * @param site Site. * @return Promise resolved when done. */ migrateSiteSchemas(site: CoreSite): Promise { if (!site.id) { return Promise.resolve(); } if (this.siteSchemasMigration[site.id]) { return this.siteSchemasMigration[site.id]; } this.logger.debug(`Migrating all schemas of ${site.id}`); // First create tables not registerd with name/version. const promise = site.getDb().createTableFromSchema(SCHEMA_VERSIONS_TABLE_SCHEMA) .then(() => this.applySiteSchemas(site, this.siteSchemas)); this.siteSchemasMigration[site.id] = promise; return promise.finally(() => { delete this.siteSchemasMigration[site.id!]; }); } /** * Install and upgrade the supplied schemas for a certain site. * * @param site Site. * @param schemas Schemas to migrate. * @return Promise resolved when done. */ protected async applySiteSchemas(site: CoreSite, schemas: {[name: string]: CoreRegisteredSiteSchema}): Promise { const db = site.getDb(); // Fetch installed versions of the schema. const records = await db.getAllRecords(SCHEMA_VERSIONS_TABLE_NAME); const versions: {[name: string]: number} = {}; records.forEach((record) => { versions[record.name] = record.version; }); const promises: Promise[] = []; for (const name in schemas) { const schema = schemas[name]; const oldVersion = versions[name] || 0; if (oldVersion >= schema.version || (schema.siteId && site.getId() != schema.siteId)) { // Version already applied or the schema shouldn't be registered to this site. continue; } this.logger.debug(`Migrating schema '${name}' of ${site.id} from version ${oldVersion} to ${schema.version}`); promises.push(this.applySiteSchema(site, schema, oldVersion)); } await Promise.all(promises); } /** * Install and upgrade the supplied schema for a certain site. * * @param site Site. * @param schema Schema to migrate. * @param oldVersion Old version of the schema. * @return Promise resolved when done. */ protected async applySiteSchema(site: CoreSite, schema: CoreRegisteredSiteSchema, oldVersion: number): Promise { if (!site.id) { return; } const db = site.getDb(); if (schema.tables) { await db.createTablesFromSchema(schema.tables); } if (schema.migrate && oldVersion > 0) { await schema.migrate(db, oldVersion, site.id); } // Set installed version. await db.insertRecord(SCHEMA_VERSIONS_TABLE_NAME, { name: schema.name, version: schema.version }); } /** * Check if a URL is the root URL of any of the stored sites. * * @param url URL to check. * @param username Username to check. * @return Promise resolved with site to use and the list of sites that have * the URL. Site will be undefined if it isn't the root URL of any stored site. */ async isStoredRootURL(url: string, username?: string): Promise<{site?: CoreSite; siteIds: string[]}> { // Check if the site is stored. const siteIds = await this.getSiteIdsFromUrl(url, true, username); const result: {site?: CoreSite; siteIds: string[]} = { siteIds, }; if (!siteIds.length) { return result; } // If more than one site is returned it usually means there are different users stored. Use any of them. const site = await this.getSite(siteIds[0]); const siteUrl = CoreText.removeEndingSlash( CoreUrlUtils.removeProtocolAndWWW(site.getURL()), ); const treatedUrl = CoreText.removeEndingSlash(CoreUrlUtils.removeProtocolAndWWW(url)); if (siteUrl == treatedUrl) { result.site = site; } return result; } /** * Returns the Site Schema names that can be cleared on space storage. * * @param site The site that will be cleared. * @return Name of the site schemas. */ getSiteTableSchemasToClear(site: CoreSite): string[] { let reset: string[] = []; const schemas = Object.values(this.siteSchemas).concat(Object.values(this.pluginsSiteSchemas)); schemas.forEach((schema) => { if (schema.canBeCleared && (!schema.siteId || site.getId() == schema.siteId)) { reset = reset.concat(schema.canBeCleared); } }); return reset; } /** * Returns presets for a given reading strategy. * * @param strategy Reading strategy. * @return PreSets options object. */ getReadingStrategyPreSets(strategy?: CoreSitesReadingStrategy): CoreSiteWSPreSets { switch (strategy) { case CoreSitesReadingStrategy.PREFER_CACHE: return { omitExpires: true, }; case CoreSitesReadingStrategy.ONLY_CACHE: return { omitExpires: true, forceOffline: true, }; case CoreSitesReadingStrategy.PREFER_NETWORK: return { getFromCache: false, }; case CoreSitesReadingStrategy.ONLY_NETWORK: return { getFromCache: false, emergencyCache: false, }; default: return {}; } } /** * Returns site info found on the backend. * * @param search Searched text. * @return Site info list. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars async findSites(search: string): Promise { return []; } } export const CoreSites = makeSingleton(CoreSitesProvider); /** * Response of checking if a site exists and its configuration. */ export type CoreSiteCheckResponse = { /** * Code to identify the authentication method to use. */ code: number; /** * Site url to use (might have changed during the process). */ siteUrl: string; /** * Service used. */ service: string; /** * Code of the warning message to show to the user. */ warning?: string; /** * Site public config (if available). */ config?: CoreSitePublicConfigResponse; }; /** * Response of getting user token. */ export type CoreSiteUserTokenResponse = { /** * User token. */ token: string; /** * Site URL to use. */ siteUrl: string; /** * User private token. */ privateToken?: string; }; /** * Site's basic info. */ export type CoreSiteBasicInfo = { /** * Site ID. */ id: string; /** * Site URL. */ siteUrl: string; /** * User's full name. */ fullName?: string; /** * Site's name. */ siteName?: string; /** * User's avatar. */ avatar?: string; /** * Badge to display in the site. */ badge?: number; /** * Site home ID. */ siteHomeId?: number; }; /** * Site schema and migration function. */ export type CoreSiteSchema = { /** * Name of the schema. */ name: string; /** * Latest version of the schema (integer greater than 0). */ version: number; /** * Names of the tables of the site schema that can be cleared. */ canBeCleared?: string[]; /** * Tables to create when installing or upgrading the schema. */ tables?: SQLiteDBTableSchema[]; /** * Migrates the schema in a site to the latest version. * * Called when installing and upgrading the schema, after creating the defined tables. * * @param db Site database. * @param oldVersion Old version of the schema or 0 if not installed. * @param siteId Site Id to migrate. * @return Promise resolved when done. */ migrate?(db: SQLiteDB, oldVersion: number, siteId: string): Promise | void; }; /** * Data about sites to be listed. */ export type CoreLoginSiteInfo = { /** * Site name. */ name: string; /** * Site alias. */ alias?: string; /** * URL of the site. */ url: string; /** * Image URL of the site. */ imageurl?: string; /** * City of the site. */ city?: string; /** * Countrycode of the site. */ countrycode?: string; }; /** * Registered site schema. */ export type CoreRegisteredSiteSchema = CoreSiteSchema & { /** * Site ID to apply the schema to. If not defined, all sites. */ siteId?: string; }; /** * Possible reading strategies (for cache). */ export const enum CoreSitesReadingStrategy { ONLY_CACHE, PREFER_CACHE, ONLY_NETWORK, PREFER_NETWORK, } /** * Common options used when calling a WS through CoreSite. */ export type CoreSitesCommonWSOptions = { readingStrategy?: CoreSitesReadingStrategy; // Reading strategy. siteId?: string; // Site ID. If not defined, current site. }; /** * Data about a certain demo site. */ export type CoreSitesDemoSiteData = { url: string; username: string; password: string; }; /** * Response of calls to login/token.php. */ export type CoreSitesLoginTokenResponse = { token?: string; privatetoken?: string; error?: string; errorcode?: string; stacktrace?: string; debuginfo?: string; reproductionlink?: string; };