{ "activitydisabled": "Your organisation has disabled this activity in the mobile app.", "activitynotyetviewableremoteaddon": "Your organisation installed a plugin that is not yet supported.", "allsections": "All sections", "aria:sectionprogress": "Section progress:", "availablespace": " You currently have about {{available}} free space.", "cannotdeletewhiledownloading": "Files cannot be deleted while the activity is being downloaded. Please wait for the download to finish.", "completion_automatic:done": "Done:", "completion_automatic:failed": "Failed:", "completion_automatic:todo": "To do:", "completion_manual:aria:done": "{{$a}} is marked as done. Press to undo.", "completion_manual:aria:markdone": "Mark {{$a}} as done", "completion_manual:done": "Done", "completion_manual:markdone": "Mark as done", "completion_setby:auto:done": "Done: {{$a.condition}} (set by {{$a.setby}})", "completion_setby:auto:todo": "To do: {{$a.condition}} (set by {{$a.setby}})", "completion_setby:manual:done": "{{$a.activityname}} is marked by {{$a.setby}} as done. Press to undo.", "completion_setby:manual:markdone": "{{$a.activityname}} is marked by {{$a.setby}} as not done. Press to mark as done.", "completionrequirements": "Completion requirements for {{$a}}", "confirmdownload": "You are about to download {{size}}.{{availableSpace}} Are you sure you want to continue?", "confirmdownloadunknownsize": "It was not possible to calculate the size of the download.{{availableSpace}} Are you sure you want to continue?", "confirmdownloadzerosize": "You are about to start downloading.{{availableSpace}} Are you sure you want to continue?", "confirmlimiteddownload": "You are not currently connected to Wi-Fi. ", "confirmpartialdownloadsize": "You are about to download at least {{size}}.{{availableSpace}} Are you sure you want to continue?", "couldnotloadsectioncontent": "Could not load the section content. Please try again later.", "couldnotloadsections": "Could not load the sections. Please try again later.", "courseindex": "Course index", "coursesummary": "Course summary", "done": "Done", "downloadcourse": "Download course", "downloadcoursesprogressdescription": "Downloading courses: downloaded {{count}} out of {{total}}.", "downloadsectionprogressdescription": "Downloading section: downloaded {{count}} out of {{total}}.", "enddate": "Course end date", "errordownloadingcourse": "Error downloading course.", "errordownloadingsection": "Error downloading section.", "errorgetmodule": "Error getting activity data.", "failed": "Failed", "hiddenfromstudents": "Hidden from students", "hiddenoncoursepage": "Available but not shown on course page", "highlighted": "Highlighted", "insufficientavailablequota": "Your device could not allocate space to save this download. It may be reserving space for app and system updates. Please clear some storage space first.", "insufficientavailablespace": "You are trying to download {{size}}. This will leave your device with insufficient space to operate normally. Please clear some storage space first.", "lastaccessedactivity": "Last accessed activity", "manualcompletionnotsynced": "Manual completion not synchronised.", "modulenotfound": "Resource or activity not found, please make sure you're online and it's still available.", "nextactivity": "Next activity", "nextactivitynotfound": "Next activity not found. It's possible that it has been hidden or deleted.", "nocontentavailable": "No content available at the moment.", "overriddennotice": "Your final grade from this activity was manually adjusted.", "previousactivity": "Previous activity", "previousactivitynotfound": "Previous activity not found. It's possible that it has been hidden or deleted.", "refreshcourse": "Refresh course", "relativedatessubmissionduedateafter": "{{$a.datediffstr}} after course start", "relativedatessubmissionduedatebefore": "{{$a.datediffstr}} before course start", "section": "Section", "startdate": "Course start date", "thisweek": "This week", "todo": "To do", "tour_navigation_course_index_student_content": "Browse through activities and track your progress.", "tour_navigation_course_index_student_title": "Find your way around", "useactivityonbrowser": "You can still use it using your device's web browser.", "viewcourse": "View course", "warningmanualcompletionmodified": "The manual completion of an activity was modified on the site.", "warningofflinemanualcompletiondeleted": "Some offline manual completion of course '{{name}}' has been deleted. {{error}}" }