#!/bin/bash source "./.github/scripts/functions.sh" if [ -z $GIT_TOKEN ] || [ -z $BEHAT_PLUGIN_GITHUB_REPOSITORY ] || [ -z $BEHAT_PLUGIN_BRANCH ]; then print_error "Env vars not correctly defined" exit 1 fi if [[ $BEHAT_PLUGIN_BRANCH != $GITHUB_REF_NAME ]]; then echo "Script disabled for this branch" exit 0 fi # Clone plugin repository. print_title "Cloning Behat plugin repository..." git clone https://$GIT_TOKEN@github.com/$BEHAT_PLUGIN_GITHUB_REPOSITORY.git tmp/local_moodleappbehat -b integration pluginversion=$(cat tmp/local_moodleappbehat/version.php | grep "\$plugin->version" | grep -o -E "[0-9]+") # Auto-generate plugin. print_title "Building Behat plugin..." if [ -z $BEHAT_PLUGIN_EXCLUDE_FEATURES ]; then scripts/build-behat-plugin.js tmp/local_moodleappbehat else scripts/build-behat-plugin.js tmp/local_moodleappbehat --exclude-features fi notify_on_error_exit "Unsuccessful build, stopping..." # Check if there are any changes (ignoring plugin version). print_title "Checking changes..." newpluginversion=$(cat tmp/local_moodleappbehat/version.php | grep "\$plugin->version" | grep -o -E "[0-9]+") sed -i s/\$plugin-\>version\ =\ [0-9]\\+\;/\$plugin-\>version\ =\ $pluginversion\;/ tmp/local_moodleappbehat/version.php if [[ -z `git -C tmp/local_moodleappbehat/ status --short` ]]; then echo "There weren't any changes to apply!" exit fi if [[ $pluginversion -eq $newpluginversion ]]; then ((newpluginversion++)) fi sed -i s/\$plugin-\>version\ =\ [0-9]\\+\;/\$plugin-\>version\ =\ $newpluginversion\;/ tmp/local_moodleappbehat/version.php # Apply new changes print_title "Applying changes to repository..." cd tmp/local_moodleappbehat diff=`get_behat_plugin_changes_diff` # Set up Github Actions bot user # See https://github.community/t/github-actions-bot-email-address/17204/6 git config --local user.email "41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com" git config --local user.name "github-actions[bot]" git add . git commit -m "[auto-generated] Update plugin files Check out the commits that caused these changes: https://github.com/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/compare/$diff " notify_on_error_exit "Unsuccessful commit, stopping..." echo "Pushing changes..." git push notify_on_error_exit "Unsuccessful push, stopping..." echo "Behat plugin updated!"