// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import moment, { LongDateFormatKey } from 'moment'; import { makeSingleton, Translate } from '@singletons'; import { CoreTime } from '@singletons/time'; /* * "Utils" service with helper functions for date and time. */ @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class CoreTimeUtilsProvider { protected static readonly FORMAT_REPLACEMENTS = { // To convert PHP strf format to Moment format. '%a': 'ddd', '%A': 'dddd', '%d': 'DD', '%e': 'D', // Not exactly the same. PHP adds a space instead of leading zero, Moment doesn't. '%j': 'DDDD', '%u': 'E', '%w': 'e', // It might not behave exactly like PHP, the first day could be calculated differently. '%U': 'ww', // It might not behave exactly like PHP, the first week could be calculated differently. '%V': 'WW', '%W': 'ww', // It might not behave exactly like PHP, the first week could be calculated differently. '%b': 'MMM', '%B': 'MMMM', '%h': 'MMM', '%m': 'MM', '%C' : '', // Not supported by Moment. '%g': 'GG', '%G': 'GGGG', '%y': 'YY', '%Y': 'YYYY', '%H': 'HH', '%k': 'H', // Not exactly the same. PHP adds a space instead of leading zero, Moment doesn't. '%I': 'hh', '%l': 'h', // Not exactly the same. PHP adds a space instead of leading zero, Moment doesn't. '%M': 'mm', '%p': 'A', '%P': 'a', '%r': 'hh:mm:ss A', '%R': 'HH:mm', '%S': 'ss', '%T': 'HH:mm:ss', '%X': 'LTS', '%z': 'ZZ', '%Z': 'ZZ', // Not supported by Moment, it was deprecated. Use the same as %z. '%c': 'LLLL', '%D': 'MM/DD/YY', '%F': 'YYYY-MM-DD', '%s': 'X', '%x': 'L', '%n': '\n', '%t': '\t', '%%': '%', }; /** * Initialize. */ initialize(): void { // Set relative time thresholds for humanize(), otherwise for example 47 minutes were converted to 'an hour'. moment.relativeTimeThreshold('s', 60); moment.relativeTimeThreshold('m', 60); moment.relativeTimeThreshold('h', 24); moment.relativeTimeThreshold('d', 31); moment.relativeTimeThreshold('M', 12); moment.relativeTimeThreshold('y', 365); moment.relativeTimeThreshold('ss', 0); // To display exact number of seconds instead of just "a few seconds". } /** * Convert a PHP format to a Moment format. * * @param format PHP format. * @return Converted format. */ convertPHPToMoment(format: string): string { if (typeof format != 'string') { // Not valid. return ''; } let converted = ''; let escaping = false; for (let i = 0; i < format.length; i++) { let char = format[i]; if (char == '%') { // It's a PHP format, try to convert it. i++; char += format[i] || ''; if (escaping) { // We were escaping some characters, stop doing it now. escaping = false; converted += ']'; } converted += CoreTimeUtilsProvider.FORMAT_REPLACEMENTS[char] !== undefined ? CoreTimeUtilsProvider.FORMAT_REPLACEMENTS[char] : char; } else { // Not a PHP format. We need to escape them, otherwise the letters could be confused with Moment formats. if (!escaping) { escaping = true; converted += '['; } converted += char; } } if (escaping) { // Finish escaping. converted += ']'; } return converted; } /** * Fix format to use in an ion-datetime. * * @param format Format to use. * @return Fixed format. */ fixFormatForDatetime(format: string): string { if (!format) { return ''; } // The component ion-datetime doesn't support escaping characters ([]), so we remove them. let fixed = format.replace(/[[\]]/g, ''); if (fixed.indexOf('A') != -1) { // Do not use am/pm format because there is a bug in ion-datetime. fixed = fixed.replace(/ ?A/g, ''); fixed = fixed.replace(/h/g, 'H'); } return fixed; } /** * Returns years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds in a human readable format. * * @param seconds A number of seconds * @param precision Number of elements to have in precision. * @return Seconds in a human readable format. * @deprecated since app 4.0. Use CoreTime.formatTime instead. */ formatTime(seconds: number, precision = 2): string { return CoreTime.formatTime(seconds, precision); } /** * Converts a number of seconds into a short human readable format: minutes and seconds, in fromat: 3' 27''. * * @param seconds Seconds * @return Short human readable text. * @deprecated since app 4.0. Use CoreTime.formatTimeShort instead. */ formatTimeShort(duration: number): string { return CoreTime.formatTimeShort(duration); } /** * Returns hours, minutes and seconds in a human readable format. * * @param duration Duration in seconds * @param precision Number of elements to have in precision. 0 or undefined to full precission. * @return Duration in a human readable format. * @deprecated since app 4.0. Use CoreTime.formatTime instead. */ formatDuration(duration: number, precision?: number): string { return CoreTime.formatTime(duration, precision); } /** * Returns duration in a short human readable format: minutes and seconds, in fromat: 3' 27''. * * @param duration Duration in seconds * @return Duration in a short human readable format. * @deprecated since app 4.0. Use CoreTime.formatTimeShort instead. */ formatDurationShort(duration: number): string { return CoreTime.formatTimeShort(duration); } /** * Return the current timestamp in a "readable" format: YYYYMMDDHHmmSS. * * @return The readable timestamp. */ readableTimestamp(): string { return moment(Date.now()).format('YYYYMMDDHHmmSS'); } /** * Return the current timestamp (UNIX format, seconds). * * @return The current timestamp in seconds. */ timestamp(): number { return Math.round(Date.now() / 1000); } /** * Convert a timestamp into a readable date. * * @param timestamp Timestamp in milliseconds. * @param format The format to use (lang key). Defaults to core.strftimedaydatetime. * @param convert If true (default), convert the format from PHP to Moment. Set it to false for Moment formats. * @param fixDay If true (default) then the leading zero from %d is removed. * @param fixHour If true (default) then the leading zero from %I is removed. * @return Readable date. */ userDate(timestamp: number, format?: string, convert: boolean = true, fixDay: boolean = true, fixHour: boolean = true): string { format = Translate.instant(format ? format : 'core.strftimedaydatetime') as string; if (fixDay) { format = format.replace(/%d/g, '%e'); } if (fixHour) { format = format.replace('%I', '%l'); } // Format could be in PHP format, convert it to moment. if (convert) { format = this.convertPHPToMoment(format); } return moment(timestamp).format(format); } /** * Convert a timestamp to the format to set to a datetime input. * * @param timestamp Timestamp to convert (in ms). If not provided, current time. * @return Formatted time. */ toDatetimeFormat(timestamp?: number): string { timestamp = timestamp || Date.now(); return this.userDate(timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS', false) + 'Z'; } /** * Convert a text into user timezone timestamp. * * @todo The `applyOffset` argument is only used as a workaround, it should be removed once * MOBILE-3784 is resolved. * * @param date To convert to timestamp. * @param applyOffset Whether to apply offset to date or not. * @return Converted timestamp. */ convertToTimestamp(date: string, applyOffset?: boolean): number { const timestamp = moment(date).unix(); if (applyOffset !== undefined) { return applyOffset ? timestamp - moment().utcOffset() * 60 : timestamp; } return typeof date == 'string' && date.slice(-1) == 'Z' ? timestamp - moment().utcOffset() * 60 : timestamp; } /** * Return the localized ISO format (i.e DDMMYY) from the localized moment format. Useful for translations. * DO NOT USE this function for ion-datetime format. Moment escapes characters with [], but ion-datetime doesn't support it. * * @param localizedFormat Format to use. * @return Localized ISO format */ getLocalizedDateFormat(localizedFormat: LongDateFormatKey): string { return moment.localeData().longDateFormat(localizedFormat); } /** * For a given timestamp get the midnight value in the user's timezone. * * The calculation is performed relative to the user's midnight timestamp * for today to ensure that timezones are preserved. * * @param timestamp The timestamp to calculate from. If not defined, return today's midnight. * @return The midnight value of the user's timestamp. */ getMidnightForTimestamp(timestamp?: number): number { if (timestamp) { return moment(timestamp * 1000).startOf('day').unix(); } else { return moment().startOf('day').unix(); } } /** * Get the default max year for datetime inputs. */ getDatetimeDefaultMax(): string { return String(moment().year() + 20); } /** * Get the default min year for datetime inputs. */ getDatetimeDefaultMin(): string { return String(moment().year() - 20); } } export const CoreTimeUtils = makeSingleton(CoreTimeUtilsProvider);