// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { CoreLoggerProvider } from '@providers/logger'; import { CoreSitesProvider, CoreSitesReadingStrategy } from '@providers/sites'; import { CoreSyncBaseProvider } from '@classes/base-sync'; import { CoreAppProvider } from '@providers/app'; import { CoreUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/utils'; import { CoreTextUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/text'; import { CoreTimeUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/time'; import { AddonModDataOfflineProvider, AddonModDataOfflineAction } from './offline'; import { AddonModDataProvider } from './data'; import { AddonModDataHelperProvider } from './helper'; import { CoreEventsProvider } from '@providers/events'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { CoreCourseProvider } from '@core/course/providers/course'; import { CoreCourseLogHelperProvider } from '@core/course/providers/log-helper'; import { CoreSyncProvider } from '@providers/sync'; import { CoreRatingSyncProvider } from '@core/rating/providers/sync'; /** * Service to sync databases. */ @Injectable() export class AddonModDataSyncProvider extends CoreSyncBaseProvider { static AUTO_SYNCED = 'addon_mod_data_autom_synced'; protected componentTranslate: string; constructor(protected sitesProvider: CoreSitesProvider, protected loggerProvider: CoreLoggerProvider, protected appProvider: CoreAppProvider, private dataOffline: AddonModDataOfflineProvider, private eventsProvider: CoreEventsProvider, private dataProvider: AddonModDataProvider, protected translate: TranslateService, private utils: CoreUtilsProvider, courseProvider: CoreCourseProvider, syncProvider: CoreSyncProvider, protected textUtils: CoreTextUtilsProvider, timeUtils: CoreTimeUtilsProvider, private dataHelper: AddonModDataHelperProvider, private logHelper: CoreCourseLogHelperProvider, private ratingSync: CoreRatingSyncProvider) { super('AddonModDataSyncProvider', loggerProvider, sitesProvider, appProvider, syncProvider, textUtils, translate, timeUtils); this.componentTranslate = courseProvider.translateModuleName('data'); } /** * Check if a database has data to synchronize. * * @param dataId Database ID. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return Promise resolved with boolean: true if has data to sync, false otherwise. */ hasDataToSync(dataId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.dataOffline.hasOfflineData(dataId, siteId); } /** * Try to synchronize all the databases in a certain site or in all sites. * * @param siteId Site ID to sync. If not defined, sync all sites. * @param force Wether to force sync not depending on last execution. * @return Promise resolved if sync is successful, rejected if sync fails. */ syncAllDatabases(siteId?: string, force?: boolean): Promise { return this.syncOnSites('all databases', this.syncAllDatabasesFunc.bind(this), [force], siteId); } /** * Sync all pending databases on a site. * * @param siteId Site ID to sync. If not defined, sync all sites. * @param force Wether to force sync not depending on last execution. * @param Promise resolved if sync is successful, rejected if sync fails. */ protected syncAllDatabasesFunc(siteId?: string, force?: boolean): Promise { siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId(); const promises = []; // Get all data answers pending to be sent in the site. promises.push(this.dataOffline.getAllEntries(siteId).then((offlineActions) => { const promises = {}; // Do not sync same database twice. offlineActions.forEach((action) => { if (typeof promises[action.dataid] != 'undefined') { return; } promises[action.dataid] = force ? this.syncDatabase(action.dataid, siteId) : this.syncDatabaseIfNeeded(action.dataid, siteId); promises[action.dataid].then((result) => { if (result && result.updated) { // Sync done. Send event. this.eventsProvider.trigger(AddonModDataSyncProvider.AUTO_SYNCED, { dataId: action.dataid, warnings: result.warnings }, siteId); } }); }); // Promises will be an object so, convert to an array first; return Promise.all(this.utils.objectToArray(promises)); })); promises.push(this.syncRatings(undefined, force, siteId)); return Promise.all(promises); } /** * Sync a database only if a certain time has passed since the last time. * * @param dataId Database ID. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return Promise resolved when the data is synced or if it doesn't need to be synced. */ syncDatabaseIfNeeded(dataId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.isSyncNeeded(dataId, siteId).then((needed) => { if (needed) { return this.syncDatabase(dataId, siteId); } }); } /** * Synchronize a data. * * @param dataId Data ID. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return Promise resolved if sync is successful, rejected otherwise. */ syncDatabase(dataId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId(); if (this.isSyncing(dataId, siteId)) { // There's already a sync ongoing for this data and user, return the promise. return this.getOngoingSync(dataId, siteId); } // Verify that data isn't blocked. if (this.syncProvider.isBlocked(AddonModDataProvider.COMPONENT, dataId, siteId)) { this.logger.debug(`Cannot sync database '${dataId}' because it is blocked.`); return Promise.reject(this.translate.instant('core.errorsyncblocked', {$a: this.componentTranslate})); } this.logger.debug(`Try to sync data '${dataId}' in site ${siteId}'`); let courseId, data; const result = { warnings: [], updated: false }; // Sync offline logs. const syncPromise = this.logHelper.syncIfNeeded(AddonModDataProvider.COMPONENT, dataId, siteId).catch(() => { // Ignore errors. }).then(() => { // Get answers to be sent. return this.dataOffline.getDatabaseEntries(dataId, siteId).catch(() => { // No offline data found, return empty object. return []; }); }).then((offlineActions: AddonModDataOfflineAction[]) => { if (!offlineActions.length) { // Nothing to sync. return; } if (!this.appProvider.isOnline()) { // Cannot sync in offline. return Promise.reject(null); } courseId = offlineActions[0].courseid; // Send the answers. return this.dataProvider.getDatabaseById(courseId, dataId, {siteId}).then((database) => { data = database; const offlineEntries = {}; offlineActions.forEach((entry) => { if (typeof offlineEntries[entry.entryid] == 'undefined') { offlineEntries[entry.entryid] = []; } offlineEntries[entry.entryid].push(entry); }); const promises = this.utils.objectToArray(offlineEntries).map((entryActions) => { return this.syncEntry(data, entryActions, result, siteId); }); return Promise.all(promises); }).then(() => { if (result.updated) { // Data has been sent to server. Now invalidate the WS calls. return this.dataProvider.invalidateContent(data.cmid, courseId, siteId).catch(() => { // Ignore errors. }); } }); }).then(() => { // Sync finished, set sync time. return this.setSyncTime(dataId, siteId); }).then(() => { return result; }); return this.addOngoingSync(dataId, syncPromise, siteId); } /** * Synchronize an entry. * * @param data Database. * @param entryActions Entry actions. * @param result Object with the result of the sync. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return Promise resolved if success, rejected otherwise. */ protected syncEntry(data: any, entryActions: AddonModDataOfflineAction[], result: any, siteId?: string): Promise { let discardError; let timePromise; let entryId = entryActions[0].entryid; let offlineId; let deleted = false; const editAction = entryActions.find((action) => action.action == 'add' || action.action == 'edit'); const approveAction = entryActions.find((action) => action.action == 'approve' || action.action == 'disapprove'); const deleteAction = entryActions.find((action) => action.action == 'delete'); const options = { cmId: data.coursemodule, readingStrategy: CoreSitesReadingStrategy.OnlyNetwork, siteId, }; if (entryId > 0) { timePromise = this.dataProvider.getEntry(data.id, entryId, options).then((entry) => { return entry.entry.timemodified; }).catch((error) => { if (error && this.utils.isWebServiceError(error)) { // The WebService has thrown an error, this means the entry has been deleted. return Promise.resolve(-1); } return Promise.reject(error); }); } else if (editAction) { // New entry. offlineId = entryId; timePromise = Promise.resolve(0); } else { // New entry but the add action is missing, discard. timePromise = Promise.resolve(-1); } return timePromise.then((timemodified) => { if (timemodified < 0 || timemodified >= entryActions[0].timemodified) { // The entry was not found in Moodle or the entry has been modified, discard the action. result.updated = true; discardError = this.translate.instant('addon.mod_data.warningsubmissionmodified'); return this.dataOffline.deleteAllEntryActions(data.id, entryId, siteId); } if (deleteAction) { return this.dataProvider.deleteEntryOnline(entryId, siteId).then(() => { deleted = true; }).catch((error) => { if (error && this.utils.isWebServiceError(error)) { // The WebService has thrown an error, this means it cannot be performed. Discard. discardError = this.textUtils.getErrorMessageFromError(error); } else { // Couldn't connect to server, reject. return Promise.reject(error); } }).then(() => { // Delete the offline data. result.updated = true; return this.dataOffline.deleteAllEntryActions(deleteAction.dataid, deleteAction.entryid, siteId); }); } let editPromise; if (editAction) { editPromise = Promise.all(editAction.fields.map((field) => { // Upload Files if asked. const value = this.textUtils.parseJSON(field.value); if (value.online || value.offline) { let files = value.online || []; const fileProm = value.offline ? this.dataHelper.getStoredFiles(editAction.dataid, entryId, field.fieldid) : Promise.resolve([]); return fileProm.then((offlineFiles) => { files = files.concat(offlineFiles); return this.dataHelper.uploadOrStoreFiles(editAction.dataid, 0, entryId, field.fieldid, files, false, siteId).then((filesResult) => { field.value = JSON.stringify(filesResult); }); }); } })).then(() => { if (editAction.action == 'add') { return this.dataProvider.addEntryOnline(editAction.dataid, editAction.fields, editAction.groupid, siteId) .then((result) => { entryId = result.newentryid; }); } else { return this.dataProvider.editEntryOnline(entryId, editAction.fields, siteId); } }).catch((error) => { if (error && this.utils.isWebServiceError(error)) { // The WebService has thrown an error, this means it cannot be performed. Discard. discardError = this.textUtils.getErrorMessageFromError(error); } else { // Couldn't connect to server, reject. return Promise.reject(error); } }).then(() => { // Delete the offline data. result.updated = true; return this.dataOffline.deleteEntry(editAction.dataid, editAction.entryid, editAction.action, siteId); }); } else { editPromise = Promise.resolve(); } if (approveAction) { editPromise = editPromise.then(() => { return this.dataProvider.approveEntryOnline(entryId, approveAction.action == 'approve', siteId); }).catch((error) => { if (error && this.utils.isWebServiceError(error)) { // The WebService has thrown an error, this means it cannot be performed. Discard. discardError = this.textUtils.getErrorMessageFromError(error); } else { // Couldn't connect to server, reject. return Promise.reject(error); } }).then(() => { // Delete the offline data. result.updated = true; return this.dataOffline.deleteEntry(approveAction.dataid, approveAction.entryid, approveAction.action, siteId); }); } return editPromise; }).then(() => { if (discardError) { // Submission was discarded, add a warning. const message = this.translate.instant('core.warningofflinedatadeleted', { component: this.componentTranslate, name: data.name, error: discardError }); if (result.warnings.indexOf(message) == -1) { result.warnings.push(message); } } // Sync done. Send event. this.eventsProvider.trigger(AddonModDataSyncProvider.AUTO_SYNCED, { dataId: data.id, entryId: entryId, offlineEntryId: offlineId, warnings: result.warnings, deleted: deleted }, siteId); }); } /** * Synchronize offline ratings. * * @param cmId Course module to be synced. If not defined, sync all databases. * @param force Wether to force sync not depending on last execution. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return Promise resolved if sync is successful, rejected otherwise. */ syncRatings(cmId?: number, force?: boolean, siteId?: string): Promise { siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId(); return this.ratingSync.syncRatings('mod_data', 'entry', 'module', cmId, 0, force, siteId).then((results) => { let updated = false; const warnings = []; const promises = []; results.forEach((result) => { promises.push(this.dataProvider.getDatabase(result.itemSet.courseId, result.itemSet.instanceId, {siteId}) .then((data) => { const promises = []; if (result.updated.length) { updated = true; // Invalidate entry of updated ratings. result.updated.forEach((itemId) => { promises.push(this.dataProvider.invalidateEntryData(data.id, itemId, siteId)); }); } if (result.warnings.length) { result.warnings.forEach((warning) => { warnings.push(this.translate.instant('core.warningofflinedatadeleted', { component: this.componentTranslate, name: data.name, error: warning })); }); } return this.utils.allPromises(promises); })); }); return Promise.all(promises).then(() => { return { updated, warnings }; }); }); } }