// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import { Injectable, Injector } from '@angular/core'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { CoreSitesProvider } from '@providers/sites'; import { CoreWSProvider } from '@providers/ws'; import { CoreTextUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/text'; import { AddonModAssignProvider, AddonModAssignAssign, AddonModAssignSubmission, AddonModAssignPlugin } from '../../../providers/assign'; import { AddonModAssignOfflineProvider } from '../../../providers/assign-offline'; import { AddonModAssignHelperProvider } from '../../../providers/helper'; import { AddonModAssignSubmissionHandler } from '../../../providers/submission-delegate'; import { AddonModAssignSubmissionOnlineTextComponent } from '../component/onlinetext'; /** * Handler for online text submission plugin. */ @Injectable() export class AddonModAssignSubmissionOnlineTextHandler implements AddonModAssignSubmissionHandler { name = 'AddonModAssignSubmissionOnlineTextHandler'; type = 'onlinetext'; constructor(private translate: TranslateService, private sitesProvider: CoreSitesProvider, private wsProvider: CoreWSProvider, private textUtils: CoreTextUtilsProvider, private assignProvider: AddonModAssignProvider, private assignOfflineProvider: AddonModAssignOfflineProvider, private assignHelper: AddonModAssignHelperProvider) { } /** * Whether the plugin can be edited in offline for existing submissions. In general, this should return false if the * plugin uses Moodle filters. The reason is that the app only prefetches filtered data, and the user should edit * unfiltered data. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @return Boolean or promise resolved with boolean: whether it can be edited in offline. */ canEditOffline(assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin): boolean | Promise { // This plugin uses Moodle filters, it cannot be edited in offline. return false; } /** * Check if a plugin has no data. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @return Whether the plugin is empty. */ isEmpty(assign: AddonModAssignAssign, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin): boolean { const text = this.assignProvider.getSubmissionPluginText(plugin, true), files = this.assignProvider.getSubmissionPluginAttachments(plugin); return text.length === 0 && files.length === 0; } /** * This function will be called when the user wants to create a new submission based on the previous one. * It should add to pluginData the data to send to server based in the data in plugin (previous attempt). * * @param assign The assignment. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param pluginData Object where to store the data to send. * @param userId User ID. If not defined, site's current user. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return If the function is async, it should return a Promise resolved when done. */ copySubmissionData(assign: AddonModAssignAssign, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, pluginData: any, userId?: number, siteId?: string): void | Promise { const text = this.assignProvider.getSubmissionPluginText(plugin, true), files = this.assignProvider.getSubmissionPluginAttachments(plugin); let promise; if (!files.length) { // No files to copy, no item ID. promise = Promise.resolve(0); } else { // Re-upload the files. promise = this.assignHelper.uploadFiles(assign.id, files, siteId); } return promise.then((itemId) => { pluginData.onlinetext_editor = { text: text, format: 1, itemid: itemId }; }); } /** * Return the Component to use to display the plugin data, either in read or in edit mode. * It's recommended to return the class of the component, but you can also return an instance of the component. * * @param injector Injector. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param edit Whether the user is editing. * @return The component (or promise resolved with component) to use, undefined if not found. */ getComponent(injector: Injector, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, edit?: boolean): any | Promise { return AddonModAssignSubmissionOnlineTextComponent; } /** * Get files used by this plugin. * The files returned by this function will be prefetched when the user prefetches the assign. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return The files (or promise resolved with the files). */ getPluginFiles(assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, siteId?: string): any[] | Promise { return this.assignProvider.getSubmissionPluginAttachments(plugin); } /** * Get the size of data (in bytes) this plugin will send to copy a previous submission. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @return The size (or promise resolved with size). */ getSizeForCopy(assign: AddonModAssignAssign, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin): number | Promise { const text = this.assignProvider.getSubmissionPluginText(plugin, true), files = this.assignProvider.getSubmissionPluginAttachments(plugin), promises = []; let totalSize = text.length; if (!files.length) { return totalSize; } files.forEach((file) => { promises.push(this.wsProvider.getRemoteFileSize(file.fileurl).then((size) => { if (size == -1) { // Couldn't determine the size, reject. return Promise.reject(null); } totalSize += size; })); }); return Promise.all(promises).then(() => { return totalSize; }); } /** * Get the size of data (in bytes) this plugin will send to add or edit a submission. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param inputData Data entered by the user for the submission. * @return The size (or promise resolved with size). */ getSizeForEdit(assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, inputData: any): number | Promise { const text = this.assignProvider.getSubmissionPluginText(plugin, true); return text.length; } /** * Get the text to submit. * * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param inputData Data entered by the user for the submission. * @return Text to submit. */ protected getTextToSubmit(plugin: any, inputData: any): string { const text = inputData.onlinetext_editor_text, files = plugin.fileareas && plugin.fileareas[0] ? plugin.fileareas[0].files : []; return this.textUtils.restorePluginfileUrls(text, files); } /** * Check if the submission data has changed for this plugin. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param inputData Data entered by the user for the submission. * @return Boolean (or promise resolved with boolean): whether the data has changed. */ hasDataChanged(assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, inputData: any): boolean | Promise { // Get the original text from plugin or offline. return this.assignOfflineProvider.getSubmission(assign.id, submission.userid).catch(() => { // No offline data found. }).then((data) => { if (data && data.plugindata && data.plugindata.onlinetext_editor) { return data.plugindata.onlinetext_editor.text; } // No offline data found, get text from plugin. return plugin.editorfields && plugin.editorfields[0] ? plugin.editorfields[0].text : ''; }).then((initialText) => { // Check if text has changed. return initialText != this.getTextToSubmit(plugin, inputData); }); } /** * Whether or not the handler is enabled on a site level. * * @return True or promise resolved with true if enabled. */ isEnabled(): boolean | Promise { return true; } /** * Whether or not the handler is enabled for edit on a site level. * * @return Whether or not the handler is enabled for edit on a site level. */ isEnabledForEdit(): boolean | Promise { // There's a bug in Moodle 3.1.0 that doesn't allow submitting HTML, so we'll disable this plugin in that case. // Bug was fixed in 3.1.1 minor release and in 3.2. const currentSite = this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite(); return currentSite.isVersionGreaterEqualThan('3.1.1') || currentSite.checkIfAppUsesLocalMobile(); } /** * Prepare and add to pluginData the data to send to the server based on the input data. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param inputData Data entered by the user for the submission. * @param pluginData Object where to store the data to send. * @param offline Whether the user is editing in offline. * @param userId User ID. If not defined, site's current user. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return If the function is async, it should return a Promise resolved when done. */ prepareSubmissionData(assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, inputData: any, pluginData: any, offline?: boolean, userId?: number, siteId?: string): void | Promise { let text = this.getTextToSubmit(plugin, inputData); // Check word limit. const configs = this.assignHelper.getPluginConfig(assign, 'assignsubmission', plugin.type); if (parseInt(configs.wordlimitenabled, 10)) { const words = this.textUtils.countWords(text); const wordlimit = parseInt(configs.wordlimit, 10); if (words > wordlimit) { const params = {$a: {count: words, limit: wordlimit}}; const message = this.translate.instant('addon.mod_assign_submission_onlinetext.wordlimitexceeded', params); return Promise.reject(message); } } // Add some HTML to the text if needed. text = this.textUtils.formatHtmlLines(text); pluginData.onlinetext_editor = { text: text, format: 1, itemid: 0 // Can't add new files yet, so we use a fake itemid. }; } /** * Prepare and add to pluginData the data to send to the server based on the offline data stored. * This will be used when performing a synchronization. * * @param assign The assignment. * @param submission The submission. * @param plugin The plugin object. * @param offlineData Offline data stored. * @param pluginData Object where to store the data to send. * @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return If the function is async, it should return a Promise resolved when done. */ prepareSyncData(assign: AddonModAssignAssign, submission: AddonModAssignSubmission, plugin: AddonModAssignPlugin, offlineData: any, pluginData: any, siteId?: string): void | Promise { const textData = offlineData && offlineData.plugindata && offlineData.plugindata.onlinetext_editor; if (textData) { // Has some data to sync. pluginData.onlinetext_editor = textData; } } }