var gulp = require('gulp'), fs = require('fs'), through = require('through'), rename = require('gulp-rename'), path = require('path'), slash = require('gulp-slash'), clipEmptyFiles = require('gulp-clip-empty-files'), gutil = require('gulp-util'), File = gutil.File; // Get the names of the JSON files inside a directory. function getFilenames(dir) { if (fs.existsSync(dir)) { return fs.readdirSync(dir).filter(function(file) { return file.indexOf('.json') > -1; }); } else { return []; } } /** * Copy a property from one object to another, adding a prefix to the key if needed. * @param {Object} target Object to copy the properties to. * @param {Object} source Object to copy the properties from. * @param {String} prefix Prefix to add to the keys. */ function addProperties(target, source, prefix) { for (var property in source) { target[prefix + property] = source[property]; } } /** * Treats a file to merge JSONs. This function is based on gulp-jsoncombine module. * * @param {Object} file File treated. */ function treatFile(file, data) { if (file.isNull() || file.isStream()) { return; // ignore } try { var path = file.path.substr(file.path.lastIndexOf('/src/') + 5); data[path] = JSON.parse(file.contents.toString()); } catch (err) { console.log('Error parsing JSON: ' + err); } } /** * Treats the merged JSON data, adding prefixes depending on the component. Used in lang tasks. * * @param {Object} data Merged data. * @return {Buffer} Buffer with the treated data. */ function treatMergedData(data) { var merged = {}; var mergedOrdered = {}; for (var filepath in data) { if (filepath.indexOf('lang/') === 0 || filepath.indexOf('core/lang') === 0) { addProperties(merged, data[filepath], 'mm.core.'); } else if (filepath.indexOf('core/') === 0) { var componentName = filepath.replace('core/', ''); componentName = componentName.substr(0, componentName.indexOf('/')); addProperties(merged, data[filepath], 'mm.'+componentName+'.'); } else if (filepath.indexOf('addons') === 0) { var split = filepath.split('/'), pluginName = split[1], index = 2; // Check if it's a subplugin. If so, we'll use plugin_subfolder_subfolder2_... // E.g. 'mod_assign_feedback_comments'. while (split[index] && split[index] != 'lang') { pluginName = pluginName + '_' + split[index]; index++; } addProperties(merged, data[filepath], 'mma.'+pluginName+'.'); } else if (filepath.indexOf('core/assets/countries') === 0) { addProperties(merged, data[filepath], ''); } else if (filepath.indexOf('core/assets/mimetypes') === 0) { addProperties(merged, data[filepath], 'mm.core.mimetype-'); } } // Force ordering by string key. Object.keys(merged).sort().forEach(function(k){ mergedOrdered[k] = merged[k]; }); return new Buffer(JSON.stringify(mergedOrdered, null, 4)); } /** * Build lang files. * * @param {String[]} filenames Names of the language files. * @param {String[]} langPaths Paths to the possible language files. * @param {String} buildDest Path where to leave the built files. * @param {Function} done Function to call when done. * @return {Void} */ function buildLangs(filenames, langPaths, buildDest, done) { if (!filenames || !filenames.length) { // If no filenames supplied, stop. Maybe it's an empty lang folder. done(); return; } var count = 0; function taskFinished() { count++; if (count == filenames.length) { done(); } } // Now create the build files for each supported language. filenames.forEach(function(filename) { var language = filename.replace('.json', ''), data = {}, firstFile = null; var paths = { if (path.slice(-1) != '/') { path = path + '/'; } return path + language + '.json'; }); gulp.src(paths) .pipe(slash()) .pipe(clipEmptyFiles()) .pipe(through(function(file) { if (!firstFile) { firstFile = file; } return treatFile(file, data); }, function() { /* This implementation is based on gulp-jsoncombine module. * */ if (firstFile) { var joinedPath = path.join(firstFile.base, language+'.json'); var joinedFile = new File({ cwd: firstFile.cwd, base: firstFile.base, path: joinedPath, contents: treatMergedData(data) }); this.emit('data', joinedFile); } this.emit('end'); })) .pipe(gulp.dest(buildDest)) .on('end', taskFinished); }); } // List of app lang files. To be used only if cannot get it from filesystem. var appLangFiles = ['ar.json', 'bg.json', 'ca.json', 'cs.json', 'da.json', 'de.json', 'en.json', 'es-mx.json', 'es.json', 'eu.json', 'fa.json', 'fr.json', 'he.json', 'hu.json', 'it.json', 'ja.json', 'nl.json', 'pl.json', 'pt-br.json', 'pt.json', 'ro.json', 'ru.json', 'sv.json', 'tr.json', 'zh-cn.json', 'zh-tw.json'], paths = { src: './src', assets: './src/assets', lang: [ './src/lang/', './src/core/**/lang/', './src/addons/**/lang/' ], config: './src/config.json', }; gulp.task('default', ['lang', 'config']); gulp.task('watch', function() { var langsPaths = { return path + '*.json'; });, { interval: 500 }, ['lang']);, { interval: 500 }, ['config']); }); // Build the language files into a single file per language. gulp.task('lang', function(done) { // Get filenames to know which languages are available. var filenames = getFilenames(paths.lang[0]); buildLangs(filenames, paths.lang, path.join(paths.assets, 'lang'), done); }); // Convert config.json into a TypeScript class. gulp.task('config', function(done) { gulp.src(paths.config) .pipe(through(function(file) { // Convert the contents of the file into a TypeScript class. var config = JSON.parse(file.contents.toString()), contents = 'export class CoreConfigConstants {\n'; for (var key in config) { var value = config[key]; if (typeof value != 'number' && typeof value != 'boolean') { value = JSON.stringify(value); } contents += ' public static ' + key + ' = ' + value + ';\n'; } contents += '}\n'; file.contents = new Buffer(contents); this.emit('data', file); })) .pipe(rename('configconstants.ts')) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.src)) .on('end', done); });