// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. const gulp = require('gulp'); const inquirer = require('inquirer'); const DevConfig = require('./dev-config'); const Git = require('./git'); const Jira = require('./jira'); const Utils = require('./utils'); /** * Task to push a git branch and update tracker issue. */ class PushTask { /** * Push a patch to the tracker and remove the previous one. * * @param branch Branch name. * @param branchData Parsed branch data. * @param remote Remote used. * @return Promise resolved when done. */ async pushPatch(branch, branchData, remote) { const headCommit = await Git.getHeadCommit(branch, branchData); if (!headCommit) { throw new Error('Head commit not resolved, abort pushing patch.'); } // Create the patch file. const fileName = branch + '.patch'; const tmpPatchPath = `./tmp/${fileName}`; await Git.createPatch(`${headCommit}...${branch}`, tmpPatchPath); console.log('Git patch created'); // Check if there is an attachment with same name in the issue. const issue = await Jira.getIssue(branchData.issue, 'attachment'); let existingAttachmentId; const attachments = (issue.fields && issue.fields.attachment) || []; for (const i in attachments) { if (attachments[i].filename == fileName) { // Found an existing attachment with the same name, we keep track of it. existingAttachmentId = attachments[i].id; break } } // Push the patch to the tracker. console.log(`Uploading patch ${fileName} to the tracker...`); await Jira.upload(branchData.issue, tmpPatchPath); if (existingAttachmentId) { // On success, deleting file that was there before. try { console.log('Deleting older patch...') await Jira.deleteAttachment(existingAttachmentId); } catch (error) { console.log('Could not delete older attachment.'); } } } /** * Run the task. * * @param args Command line arguments. * @param done Function to call when done. */ async run(args, done) { try { const remote = args.remote || DevConfig.get('upstreamRemote', 'origin'); let branch = args.branch; const force = !!args.force; if (!branch) { branch = await Git.getCurrentBranch(); } if (!branch) { throw new Error('Cannot determine the current branch. Please make sure youu aren\'t in detached HEAD state'); } else if (branch == 'HEAD') { throw new Error('Cannot push HEAD branch'); } // Parse the branch to get the project and issue number. const branchData = Utils.parseBranch(branch); const keepRunning = await this.validateLastCommitMessage(branchData); if (!keepRunning) { // Last commit not valid, stop. console.log('Exiting...'); done(); return; } if (!args.patch) { // Check if it's a security issue to force patch mode. try { args.patch = await Jira.isSecurityIssue(branchData.issue); if (args.patch) { console.log(`${branchData.issue} appears to be a security issue, switching to patch mode...`); } } catch (error) { console.log(`Could not check if ${branchData.issue} is a security issue.`); } } if (args.patch) { // Create and upload a patch file. await this.pushPatch(branch, branchData, remote); } else { // Push the branch. console.log(`Pushing branch ${branch} to remote ${remote}...`); await Git.push(remote, branch, force); // Update tracker info. console.log(`Branch pushed, update tracker info...`); await this.updateTrackerGitInfo(branch, branchData, remote); } } catch (error) { console.error(error); } done(); } /** * Update git info in the tracker issue. * * @param branch Branch name. * @param branchData Parsed branch data. * @param remote Remote used. * @return Promise resolved when done. */ async updateTrackerGitInfo(branch, branchData, remote) { // Get the repository data for the project. let repositoryUrl = DevConfig.get(branchData.project + '.repositoryUrl'); let diffUrlTemplate = DevConfig.get(branchData.project + '.diffUrlTemplate', ''); let remoteUrl; if (!repositoryUrl) { // Calculate the repositoryUrl based on the remote URL. remoteUrl = await Git.getRemoteUrl(remote); repositoryUrl = remoteUrl.replace(/^https?:\/\//, 'git://'); if (!repositoryUrl.match(/\.git$/)) { repositoryUrl += '.git'; } } if (!diffUrlTemplate) { // Calculate the diffUrlTemplate based on the remote URL. if (!remoteUrl) { remoteUrl = await Git.getRemoteUrl(remoteUrl); } diffUrlTemplate = remoteUrl + '/compare/%headcommit%...%branch%'; } // Search HEAD commit to put in the diff URL. console.log ('Searching for head commit...'); let headCommit = await Git.getHeadCommit(branch, branchData); if (!headCommit) { throw new Error('Head commit not resolved, aborting update of tracker fields'); } headCommit = headCommit.substr(0, 10); console.log(`Head commit resolved to ${headCommit}`); // Calculate last properties needed. const diffUrl = diffUrlTemplate.replace('%branch%', branch).replace('%headcommit%', headCommit); const fieldRepositoryUrl = DevConfig.get('tracker.fieldnames.repositoryurl', 'Pull from Repository'); const fieldBranch = DevConfig.get('tracker.fieldnames.branch', 'Pull Master Branch'); const fieldDiffUrl = DevConfig.get('tracker.fieldnames.diffurl', 'Pull Master Diff URL'); // Update tracker fields. const updates = {}; updates[fieldRepositoryUrl] = repositoryUrl; updates[fieldBranch] = branch; updates[fieldDiffUrl] = diffUrl; console.log('Setting tracker fields...'); await Jira.setCustomFields(branchData.issue, updates); } /** * Validate last commit message comparing it with the branch name. * * @param branchData Parsed branch data. * @return True if value is ok or the user wants to continue anyway, false to stop. */ async validateLastCommitMessage(branchData) { const messages = await Git.messages(1); const message = messages[0]; const issue = Utils.getIssueFromCommitMessage(message); if (!issue || issue != branchData.issue) { if (!issue) { console.log('The issue number could not be found in the commit message.'); console.log(`Commit: ${message}`); } else if (issue != branchData.issue) { console.log('The issue number in the last commit does not match the branch being pushed to.'); console.log(`Branch: ${branchData.issue} vs. commit: ${issue}`); } const answer = await inquirer.prompt([ { type: 'input', name: 'confirm', message: 'Are you sure you want to continue?', default: 'n', }, ]); return answer.confirm == 'y'; } return true; } } module.exports = PushTask;