MOBILE-3039 core: Fix reconnect screen shown again when it shouldn't

Dani Palou 2019-05-29 15:24:43 +02:00
parent a68b9a61b8
commit d0beca075a
2 changed files with 36 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -680,6 +680,8 @@ export class CoreSite {
(error.errorcode == 'accessexception' && error.message.indexOf('Invalid token - token expired') > -1)) {
if (initialToken !== this.token && !retrying) {
// Token has changed, retry with the new token.
preSets.getFromCache = false; // Don't check cache now. Also, it will skip ongoingRequests.
return this.request(method, data, preSets, true);
} else if (this.appProvider.isSSOAuthenticationOngoing()) {
// There's an SSO authentication ongoing, wait for it to finish and try again.

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@ -582,22 +582,48 @@ export class CoreSitesProvider {
// Create a "candidate" site to fetch the site info.
const candidateSite = this.sitesFactory.makeSite(undefined, siteUrl, token, undefined, privateToken);
let candidateSite = this.sitesFactory.makeSite(undefined, siteUrl, token, undefined, privateToken),
isNewSite = true;
return candidateSite.fetchSiteInfo().then((info) => {
const result = this.isValidMoodleVersion(info);
if (result == this.VALID_VERSION) {
// Set site ID and info.
const siteId = this.createSiteID(info.siteurl, info.username);
// Check if the site already exists.
return this.getSite(siteId).catch(() => {
// Not exists.
}).then((site) => {
if (site) {
// Site already exists, update its data and use it.
isNewSite = false;
candidateSite = site;
} else {
// New site, set site ID and info.
isNewSite = true;
// Create database tables before login and before any WS call.
return this.migrateSiteSchemas(candidateSite).then(() => {
return this.migrateSiteSchemas(candidateSite);
}).then(() => {
// Try to get the site config.
return this.getSiteConfig(candidateSite).then((config) => {
return this.getSiteConfig(candidateSite).catch((error) => {
// Ignore errors if it's not a new site, we'll use the config already stored.
if (isNewSite) {
return Promise.reject(error);
}).then((config) => {
if (typeof config != 'undefined') {
// Add site to sites list.
this.addSite(siteId, siteUrl, token, info, privateToken, config);