MOBILE-3848 dashboard: Support guest courses in recently accessed
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, Input, OnChanges, SimpleChange } from '@a
import { CoreEventObserver, CoreEvents } from '@singletons/events';
import { CoreSites } from '@services/sites';
import { CoreCoursesProvider, CoreCoursesMyCoursesUpdatedEventData, CoreCourses } from '@features/courses/services/courses';
import { CoreCoursesHelper, CoreEnrolledCourseDataWithOptions } from '@features/courses/services/courses-helper';
import { CoreCourseSearchedDataWithExtraInfoAndOptions, CoreCoursesHelper } from '@features/courses/services/courses-helper';
import { CoreCourseHelper, CorePrefetchStatusInfo } from '@features/course/services/course-helper';
import { CoreCourseOptionsDelegate } from '@features/course/services/course-options-delegate';
import { AddonCourseCompletion } from '@/addons/coursecompletion/services/coursecompletion';
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export class AddonBlockRecentlyAccessedCoursesComponent extends CoreBlockBaseCom
@Input() downloadEnabled = false;
courses: CoreEnrolledCourseDataWithOptions [] = [];
courses: CoreCourseSearchedDataWithExtraInfoAndOptions[] = [];
prefetchCoursesData: CorePrefetchStatusInfo = {
icon: '',
statusTranslatable: 'core.loading',
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ export class AddonBlockRecentlyAccessedCoursesComponent extends CoreBlockBaseCom
protected async invalidateContent(): Promise<void> {
const promises: Promise<void>[] = [];
promises.push(CoreCourses.invalidateUserCourses().finally(() =>
promises.push(CoreCourses.invalidateRecentCourses().finally(() =>
// Invalidate course completion data.
CoreUtils.allPromises( =>
@ -136,7 +136,33 @@ export class AddonBlockRecentlyAccessedCoursesComponent extends CoreBlockBaseCom
const showCategories = this.block.configsRecord && this.block.configsRecord.displaycategories &&
this.block.configsRecord.displaycategories.value == '1';
|||| = await CoreCoursesHelper.getUserCoursesWithOptions('lastaccess', 10, undefined, showCategories);
const recentCourses = await CoreCourses.getRecentCourses();
const courseIds = =>;
// Get the courses using getCoursesByField to get more info about each course.
const courses: CoreCourseSearchedDataWithExtraInfoAndOptions[] = await CoreCourses.getCoursesByField(
// Sort them in the original order.
courses.sort((courseA, courseB) => courseIds.indexOf( - courseIds.indexOf(;
// Get course options and extra info.
const options = await CoreCourses.getCoursesAdminAndNavOptions(courseIds);
courses.forEach((course) => {
course.navOptions = options.navOptions[];
course.admOptions = options.admOptions[];
if (!showCategories) {
course.categoryname = '';
await CoreCoursesHelper.loadCoursesColorAndImage(courses);
|||| = courses;
@ -148,11 +174,7 @@ export class AddonBlockRecentlyAccessedCoursesComponent extends CoreBlockBaseCom
protected async refreshCourseList(): Promise<void> {
try {
await CoreCourses.invalidateUserCourses();
} catch (error) {
// Ignore errors.
await CoreUtils.ignoreErrors(CoreCourses.invalidateRecentCourses());
await this.loadContent(true);
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ import {
} from '@features/courses/services/courses';
import { CoreEnrolledCourseDataWithExtraInfoAndOptions } from '@features/courses/services/courses-helper';
import { CoreArray } from '@singletons/array';
import { CoreIonLoadingElement } from '@classes/ion-loading';
import { CoreCourseOffline } from './course-offline';
@ -424,7 +423,7 @@ export class CoreCourseHelperProvider {
* @return Resolved when downloaded, rejected if error or canceled.
async confirmAndPrefetchCourses(
courses: CoreEnrolledCourseDataWithExtraInfoAndOptions[],
courses: CoreCourseAnyCourseData[],
options: CoreCourseConfirmPrefetchCoursesOptions = {},
): Promise<void> {
const siteId = CoreSites.getCurrentSiteId();
@ -1302,7 +1301,7 @@ export class CoreCourseHelperProvider {
* @return Promise resolved when done.
async prefetchCourses(
courses: CoreEnrolledCourseDataWithExtraInfoAndOptions[],
courses: CoreCourseAnyCourseData[],
prefetch: CorePrefetchStatusInfo,
options: CoreCoursePrefetchCoursesOptions = {},
): Promise<void> {
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<ion-item button lines="none" (click)="openCourse()" [attr.aria-label]="course.displayname || course.fullname"
class="core-course-header" [class.item-disabled]="course.visible == 0"
[class.core-course-only-title]="!showAll || course.progress! < 0 && course.completionusertracked === false"
[class.core-course-only-title]="!showAll || progress < 0 && completionUserTracked === false"
class="ion-text-wrap core-course-title"
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
<p class="item-heading">
<ion-icon name="fas-star" *ngIf="course.isfavourite" [attr.aria-label]="'' | translate">
<ion-icon name="fas-star" *ngIf="isFavourite" [attr.aria-label]="'' | translate">
<span class="sr-only" *ngIf="course.isfavourite">{{ '' | translate }}</span>
<span class="sr-only" *ngIf="isFavourite">{{ '' | translate }}</span>
<span class="sr-only">{{ '' | translate }}</span>
<core-format-text [text]="course.fullname" contextLevel="course" [contextInstanceId]=""></core-format-text>
@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
<ion-item *ngIf="showAll && course.progress! >= 0 && course.completionusertracked !== false" lines="none"
<ion-item *ngIf="showAll && progress >= 0 && completionUserTracked !== false" lines="none"
<core-progress-bar [progress]="course.progress" a11yText=""></core-progress-bar>
<core-progress-bar [progress]="progress" a11yText=""></core-progress-bar>
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Component, Input, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { Component, Input, OnInit, OnDestroy, OnChanges } from '@angular/core';
import { CoreEventCourseStatusChanged, CoreEventObserver, CoreEvents } from '@singletons/events';
import { CoreSites } from '@services/sites';
import { CoreDomUtils } from '@services/utils/dom';
@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ import { CoreCourse, CoreCourseProvider } from '@features/course/services/course
import { CoreCourseHelper, CorePrefetchStatusInfo } from '@features/course/services/course-helper';
import { Translate } from '@singletons';
import { CoreConstants } from '@/core/constants';
import { CoreEnrolledCourseDataWithExtraInfoAndOptions } from '../../services/courses-helper';
import {
} from '../../services/courses-helper';
import { CoreCoursesCourseOptionsMenuComponent } from '../course-options-menu/course-options-menu';
import { CoreUser } from '@features/user/services/user';
@ -38,9 +41,10 @@ import { CoreUser } from '@features/user/services/user';
templateUrl: 'core-courses-course-progress.html',
styleUrls: ['course-progress.scss'],
export class CoreCoursesCourseProgressComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
export class CoreCoursesCourseProgressComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, OnChanges {
@Input() course!: CoreEnrolledCourseDataWithExtraInfoAndOptions; // The course to render.
// The course to render.
@Input() course!: CoreCourseAnyCourseDataWithExtraInfoAndOptions;
@Input() showAll = false; // If true, will show all actions, options, star and progress.
@Input() showDownload = true; // If true, will show download button. Only works if the options menu is not shown.
@ -56,13 +60,16 @@ export class CoreCoursesCourseProgressComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
showSpinner = false;
downloadCourseEnabled = false;
courseOptionMenuEnabled = false;
isFavourite = false;
progress = -1;
completionUserTracked: boolean | undefined = false;
protected isDestroyed = false;
protected courseStatusObserver?: CoreEventObserver;
protected siteUpdatedObserver?: CoreEventObserver;
* Component being initialized.
* @inheritdoc
ngOnInit(): void {
@ -73,7 +80,8 @@ export class CoreCoursesCourseProgressComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
// This field is only available from 3.6 onwards.
this.courseOptionMenuEnabled = this.showAll && typeof this.course.isfavourite != 'undefined';
this.courseOptionMenuEnabled = this.showAll && 'isfavourite' in this.course &&
typeof this.course.isfavourite != 'undefined';
// Refresh the enabled flag if site is updated.
this.siteUpdatedObserver = CoreEvents.on(CoreEvents.SITE_UPDATED, () => {
@ -88,6 +96,15 @@ export class CoreCoursesCourseProgressComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
}, CoreSites.getCurrentSiteId());
* @inheritdoc
ngOnChanges(): void {
this.isFavourite = 'isfavourite' in this.course && !!this.course.isfavourite;
this.progress = 'progress' in this.course ? this.course.progress || -1 : -1;
this.completionUserTracked = 'completionusertracked' in this.course && this.course.completionusertracked;
* Initialize prefetch course.
@ -255,7 +272,7 @@ export class CoreCoursesCourseProgressComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
hide ? '1' : undefined,
this.course.hidden = hide;
(<CoreEnrolledCourseDataWithExtraInfoAndOptions> this.course).hidden = hide;
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreCoursesProvider.EVENT_MY_COURSES_UPDATED, {
course: this.course,
@ -284,7 +301,8 @@ export class CoreCoursesCourseProgressComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
try {
await CoreCourses.setFavouriteCourse(, favourite);
this.course.isfavourite = favourite;
(<CoreEnrolledCourseDataWithExtraInfoAndOptions> this.course).isfavourite = favourite;
this.isFavourite = favourite;
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreCoursesProvider.EVENT_MY_COURSES_UPDATED, {
course: this.course,
@ -15,7 +15,13 @@
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { CoreUtils } from '@services/utils/utils';
import { CoreSites } from '@services/sites';
import { CoreCourses, CoreCourseSearchedData, CoreCourseUserAdminOrNavOptionIndexed, CoreEnrolledCourseData } from './courses';
import {
} from './courses';
import { makeSingleton, Translate } from '@singletons';
import { CoreWSExternalFile } from '@services/ws';
import { AddonCourseCompletion } from '@/addons/coursecompletion/services/coursecompletion';
@ -83,6 +89,31 @@ export class CoreCoursesHelperProvider {
this.loadCourseColorAndImage(course, colors);
* Given a list of courses returned by core_enrol_get_users_courses, load some extra data using the WebService
* core_course_get_courses_by_field if available.
* @param courses List of courses.
* @param loadCategoryNames Whether load category names or not.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
* Loads the color of courses or the thumb image.
* @param courses List of courses.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
async loadCoursesColorAndImage(courses: CoreCourseSearchedData[]): Promise<void> {
if (!courses.length) {
const colors = await this.loadCourseSiteColors();
courses.forEach((course) => {
this.loadCourseColorAndImage(course, colors);
* Given a list of courses returned by core_enrol_get_users_courses, load some extra data using the WebService
* core_course_get_courses_by_field if available.
@ -301,7 +332,27 @@ export type CoreEnrolledCourseDataWithOptions = CoreEnrolledCourseData & {
admOptions?: CoreCourseUserAdminOrNavOptionIndexed;
* Course summary data with admin and navigation option availability.
export type CoreCourseSearchedDataWithOptions = CoreCourseSearchedData & {
navOptions?: CoreCourseUserAdminOrNavOptionIndexed;
admOptions?: CoreCourseUserAdminOrNavOptionIndexed;
* Enrolled course data with admin and navigation option availability and extra rendering info.
export type CoreEnrolledCourseDataWithExtraInfoAndOptions = CoreEnrolledCourseDataWithExtraInfo & CoreEnrolledCourseDataWithOptions;
* Searched course data with admin and navigation option availability and extra rendering info.
export type CoreCourseSearchedDataWithExtraInfoAndOptions = CoreCourseWithImageAndColor & CoreCourseSearchedDataWithOptions;
* Any course data with admin and navigation option availability and extra rendering info.
export type CoreCourseAnyCourseDataWithExtraInfoAndOptions = CoreCourseWithImageAndColor & CoreCourseAnyCourseDataWithOptions & {
categoryname?: string; // Category name,
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { CoreLogger } from '@singletons/logger';
import { CoreSites, CoreSitesReadingStrategy } from '@services/sites';
import { CoreSites, CoreSitesCommonWSOptions, CoreSitesReadingStrategy } from '@services/sites';
import { CoreSite, CoreSiteWSPreSets } from '@classes/site';
import { makeSingleton } from '@singletons';
import { CoreStatusWithWarningsWSResponse, CoreWarningsWSResponse, CoreWSExternalFile, CoreWSExternalWarning } from '@services/ws';
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ declare module '@singletons/events' {
export class CoreCoursesProvider {
static readonly SEARCH_PER_PAGE = 20;
static readonly RECENT_PER_PAGE = 10;
static readonly ENROL_INVALID_KEY = 'CoreCoursesEnrolInvalidKey';
static readonly EVENT_MY_COURSES_CHANGED = 'courses_my_courses_changed'; // User course list changed while app is running.
// A course was hidden/favourite, or user enroled in a course.
@ -566,7 +567,7 @@ export class CoreCoursesProvider {
customFieldName: string,
customFieldValue: string,
siteId?: string,
): Promise<CoreCourseGetEnrolledCoursesByTimelineClassification[]> {
): Promise<CoreCourseSummaryData[]> {
const site = await CoreSites.getSite(siteId);
const params: CoreCourseGetEnrolledCoursesByTimelineClassificationWSParams = {
classification: 'customfield',
@ -648,6 +649,40 @@ export class CoreCoursesProvider {
return ({ navOptions: navOptions, admOptions: admOptions });
* Get cache key for get recent courses WS call.
* @param userId User ID.
* @return Cache key.
protected getRecentCoursesCacheKey(userId: number): string {
return `${ROOT_CACHE_KEY}:recentcourses:${userId}`;
* Get recent courses.
* @param options Options.
* @return Promise resolved with courses.
* @since 3.6
async getRecentCourses(options: CoreCourseGetRecentCoursesOptions = {}): Promise<CoreCourseSummaryData[]> {
const site = await CoreSites.getSite(options.siteId);
const userId = options.userId || site.getUserId();
const params: CoreCourseGetRecentCoursesWSParams = {
userid: userId,
offset: options.offset || 0,
limit: options.limit || CoreCoursesProvider.RECENT_PER_PAGE,
sort: options.sort,
const preSets: CoreSiteWSPreSets = {
cacheKey: this.getRecentCoursesCacheKey(userId),
return await<CoreCourseSummaryData[]>('core_course_get_recent_courses', params, preSets);
* Get the common part of the cache keys for user administration options WS calls.
@ -995,6 +1030,19 @@ export class CoreCoursesProvider {
return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCoursesByFieldCacheKey(field, value));
* Invalidates get recent courses WS call.
* @param userId User ID. If not defined, current user.
* @param siteId Site Id. If not defined, use current site.
* @return Promise resolved when the data is invalidated.
async invalidateRecentCourses(userId?: number, siteId?: string): Promise<void> {
const site = await CoreSites.getSite(siteId);
await site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getRecentCoursesCacheKey(userId || site.getUserId()));
* Invalidates all user administration options.
@ -1428,13 +1476,15 @@ type CoreCourseGetCoursesWSParams = {
export type CoreCourseGetCoursesWSResponse = CoreCourseGetCoursesData[];
* Course type exported in CoreCourseGetEnrolledCoursesByTimelineClassificationWSResponse;
* Course data exported by course_summary_exporter;
export type CoreCourseGetEnrolledCoursesByTimelineClassification = CoreCourseBasicData & { // Course.
export type CoreCourseSummaryData = CoreCourseBasicData & { // Course.
idnumber: string; // Idnumber.
startdate: number; // Startdate.
enddate: number; // Enddate.
visible: boolean; // Visible.
showactivitydates: boolean; // Showactivitydates.
showcompletionconditions: boolean; // Showcompletionconditions.
fullnamedisplay: string; // Fullnamedisplay.
viewurl: string; // Viewurl.
courseimage: string; // Courseimage.
@ -1463,7 +1513,7 @@ type CoreCourseGetEnrolledCoursesByTimelineClassificationWSParams = {
* Data returned by core_course_get_enrolled_courses_by_timeline_classification WS.
export type CoreCourseGetEnrolledCoursesByTimelineClassificationWSResponse = {
courses: CoreCourseGetEnrolledCoursesByTimelineClassification[];
courses: CoreCourseSummaryData[];
nextoffset: number; // Offset for the next request.
@ -1588,6 +1638,26 @@ export type EnrolGuestGetInstanceInfoWSResponse = {
warnings?: CoreWSExternalWarning[];
* Params of core_course_get_recent_courses WS.
export type CoreCourseGetRecentCoursesWSParams = {
userid?: number; // Id of the user, default to current user.
limit?: number; // Result set limit.
offset?: number; // Result set offset.
sort?: string; // Sort string.
* Options for getRecentCourses.
export type CoreCourseGetRecentCoursesOptions = CoreSitesCommonWSOptions & {
userId?: number; // Id of the user, default to current user.
limit?: number; // Result set limit.
offset?: number; // Result set offset.
sort?: string; // Sort string.
* Course guest enrolment method.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user