MOBILE-3817 core: Split CoreSite.request into several functions

This commit is contained in:
Dani Palou 2022-06-16 15:08:17 +02:00
parent 2f02aaf149
commit a5fbe051da

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@ -536,7 +536,6 @@ export class CoreSite {
* @param method The WebService method to be called.
* @param data Arguments to pass to the method.
* @param preSets Extra options.
* @param retrying True if we're retrying the call for some reason. This is to prevent infinite loops.
* @return Promise resolved with the response, rejected with CoreWSError if it fails.
* @description
@ -547,7 +546,7 @@ export class CoreSite {
* data hasn't expired.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
async request<T = unknown>(method: string, data: any, preSets: CoreSiteWSPreSets, retrying?: boolean): Promise<T> {
async request<T = unknown>(method: string, data: any, preSets: CoreSiteWSPreSets): Promise<T> {
if (this.isLoggedOut() && !ALLOWED_LOGGEDOUT_WS.includes(method)) {
// Site is logged out, it cannot call WebServices.
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.SESSION_EXPIRED, {},;
@ -556,7 +555,6 @@ export class CoreSite {
throw new CoreSilentError(Translate.instant('core.lostconnection'));
const initialToken = this.token || '';
data = data || {};
if (!CoreNetwork.isOnline() && this.offlineDisabled) {
@ -616,152 +614,7 @@ export class CoreSite {
return CoreUtils.clone(response);
const promise = this.getFromCache<T>(method, data, preSets, false).catch(async () => {
if (preSets.forceOffline) {
// Don't call the WS, just fail.
throw new CoreError(
Translate.instant('core.cannotconnect', { $a: CoreSite.MINIMUM_MOODLE_VERSION }),
// Call the WS.
try {
if (method !== 'core_webservice_get_site_info') {
// Send the language to use. Do it after checking cache to prevent losing offline data when changing language.
// Don't send it to core_webservice_get_site_info, that WS is used to check if Moodle version is supported.
data.moodlewssettinglang = preSets.lang ?? await CoreLang.getCurrentLanguage();
// Moodle uses underscore instead of dash.
data.moodlewssettinglang = data.moodlewssettinglang.replace('-', '_');
const response = await this.callOrEnqueueRequest<T>(method, data, preSets, wsPreSets);
if (preSets.saveToCache) {
delete data.moodlewssettinglang;
this.saveToCache(method, data, response, preSets);
return response;
} catch (error) {
let useSilentError = false;
if (CoreUtils.isExpiredTokenError(error)) {
if (initialToken !== this.token && !retrying) {
// Token has changed, retry with the new token.
preSets.getFromCache = false; // Don't check cache now. Also, it will skip ongoingRequests.
return this.request<T>(method, data, preSets, true);
} else if (CoreApp.isSSOAuthenticationOngoing()) {
// There's an SSO authentication ongoing, wait for it to finish and try again.
await CoreApp.waitForSSOAuthentication();
return this.request<T>(method, data, preSets, true);
// Session expired, trigger event.
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.SESSION_EXPIRED, {},;
// Change error message. Try to get data from cache, the event will handle the error.
error.message = Translate.instant('core.lostconnection');
useSilentError = true; // Use a silent error, the SESSION_EXPIRED event will display a message if needed.
} else if (error.errorcode === 'userdeleted' || error.errorcode === 'wsaccessuserdeleted') {
// User deleted, trigger event.
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.USER_DELETED, { params: data },;
error.message = Translate.instant('core.userdeleted');
throw new CoreWSError(error);
} else if (error.errorcode === 'wsaccessusersuspended') {
// User suspended, trigger event.
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.USER_SUSPENDED, { params: data },;
error.message = Translate.instant('core.usersuspended');
throw new CoreWSError(error);
} else if (error.errorcode === 'wsaccessusernologin') {
// User suspended, trigger event.
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.USER_NO_LOGIN, { params: data },;
error.message = Translate.instant('core.usernologin');
throw new CoreWSError(error);
} else if (error.errorcode === 'forcepasswordchangenotice') {
// Password Change Forced, trigger event. Try to get data from cache, the event will handle the error.
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.PASSWORD_CHANGE_FORCED, {},;
error.message = Translate.instant('core.forcepasswordchangenotice');
useSilentError = true; // Use a silent error, the change password page already displays the appropiate info.
} else if (error.errorcode === 'usernotfullysetup') {
// User not fully setup, trigger event. Try to get data from cache, the event will handle the error.
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.USER_NOT_FULLY_SETUP, {},;
error.message = Translate.instant('core.usernotfullysetup');
useSilentError = true; // Use a silent error, the complete profile page already displays the appropiate info.
} else if (error.errorcode === 'sitepolicynotagreed') {
// Site policy not agreed, trigger event.
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.SITE_POLICY_NOT_AGREED, {},;
error.message = Translate.instant('core.login.sitepolicynotagreederror');
throw new CoreWSError(error);
} else if (error.errorcode === 'dmlwriteexception' && CoreTextUtils.hasUnicodeData(data)) {
if (!this.cleanUnicode) {
// Try again cleaning unicode.
this.cleanUnicode = true;
return this.request<T>(method, data, preSets);
// This should not happen.
error.message = Translate.instant('core.unicodenotsupported');
throw new CoreWSError(error);
} else if (error.exception === 'required_capability_exception' || error.errorcode === 'nopermission' ||
error.errorcode === 'notingroup') {
// Translate error messages with missing strings.
if (error.message === 'error/nopermission') {
error.message = Translate.instant('core.nopermissionerror');
} else if (error.message === 'error/notingroup') {
error.message = Translate.instant('core.notingroup');
// Save the error instead of deleting the cache entry so the same content is displayed in offline.
this.saveToCache(method, data, error, preSets);
throw new CoreWSError(error);
} else if (preSets.cacheErrors && preSets.cacheErrors.indexOf(error.errorcode) != -1) {
// Save the error instead of deleting the cache entry so the same content is displayed in offline.
this.saveToCache(method, data, error, preSets);
throw new CoreWSError(error);
} else if (preSets.emergencyCache !== undefined && !preSets.emergencyCache) {
this.logger.debug(`WS call '${method}' failed. Emergency cache is forbidden, rejecting.`);
throw new CoreWSError(error);
if (preSets.deleteCacheIfWSError && CoreUtils.isWebServiceError(error)) {
// Delete the cache entry and return the entry. Don't block the user with the delete.
CoreUtils.ignoreErrors(this.deleteFromCache(method, data, preSets));
throw new CoreWSError(error);
this.logger.debug(`WS call '${method}' failed. Trying to use the emergency cache.`);
preSets.omitExpires = true;
preSets.getFromCache = true;
try {
return await this.getFromCache<T>(method, data, preSets, true);
} catch {
if (useSilentError) {
throw new CoreSilentError(error.message);
throw new CoreWSError(error);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
}).then((response: any) => {
// Check if the response is an error, this happens if the error was stored in the cache.
if (response && (response.exception !== undefined || response.errorcode !== undefined)) {
throw new CoreWSError(response);
return response;
const promise = this.performRequest<T>(method, data, preSets, wsPreSets);
this.ongoingRequests[cacheId] = promise;
@ -779,6 +632,223 @@ export class CoreSite {
* Perform a request, getting the response either from cache or WebService.
* @param method The WebService method to be called.
* @param data Arguments to pass to the method.
* @param preSets Extra options related to the site.
* @param wsPreSets Extra options related to the WS call.
* @return Promise resolved with the response.
protected async performRequest<T = unknown>(
method: string,
data: unknown,
preSets: CoreSiteWSPreSets,
wsPreSets: CoreWSPreSets,
): Promise<T> {
let response: T | {exception?: string; errorcode?: string};
try {
response = await this.getFromCache<T>(method, data, preSets, false);
} catch {
// Not found or expired, call WS.
response = await this.getFromWSOrEmergencyCache<T>(method, data, preSets, wsPreSets);
if (('exception' in response && response.exception !== undefined) ||
('errorcode' in response && response.errorcode !== undefined)) {
throw new CoreWSError(response);
return <T> response;
* Get a request response from WS, if it fails it might try to get it from emergency cache.
* @param method The WebService method to be called.
* @param data Arguments to pass to the method.
* @param preSets Extra options related to the site.
* @param wsPreSets Extra options related to the WS call.
* @return Promise resolved with the response.
protected async getFromWSOrEmergencyCache<T = unknown>(
method: string,
data: any, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
preSets: CoreSiteWSPreSets,
wsPreSets: CoreWSPreSets,
): Promise<T> {
if (preSets.forceOffline) {
// Don't call the WS, just fail.
throw new CoreError(
Translate.instant('core.cannotconnect', { $a: CoreSite.MINIMUM_MOODLE_VERSION }),
try {
const response = await this.getFromWS<T>(method, data, preSets, wsPreSets);
if (preSets.saveToCache) {
this.saveToCache(method, data, response, preSets);
return response;
} catch (error) {
let useSilentError = false;
if (CoreUtils.isExpiredTokenError(error)) {
// Session expired, trigger event.
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.SESSION_EXPIRED, {},;
// Change error message. Try to get data from cache, the event will handle the error.
error.message = Translate.instant('core.lostconnection');
useSilentError = true; // Use a silent error, the SESSION_EXPIRED event will display a message if needed.
} else if (error.errorcode === 'userdeleted' || error.errorcode === 'wsaccessuserdeleted') {
// User deleted, trigger event.
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.USER_DELETED, { params: data },;
error.message = Translate.instant('core.userdeleted');
throw new CoreWSError(error);
} else if (error.errorcode === 'wsaccessusersuspended') {
// User suspended, trigger event.
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.USER_SUSPENDED, { params: data },;
error.message = Translate.instant('core.usersuspended');
throw new CoreWSError(error);
} else if (error.errorcode === 'wsaccessusernologin') {
// User suspended, trigger event.
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.USER_NO_LOGIN, { params: data },;
error.message = Translate.instant('core.usernologin');
throw new CoreWSError(error);
} else if (error.errorcode === 'forcepasswordchangenotice') {
// Password Change Forced, trigger event. Try to get data from cache, the event will handle the error.
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.PASSWORD_CHANGE_FORCED, {},;
error.message = Translate.instant('core.forcepasswordchangenotice');
useSilentError = true; // Use a silent error, the change password page already displays the appropiate info.
} else if (error.errorcode === 'usernotfullysetup') {
// User not fully setup, trigger event. Try to get data from cache, the event will handle the error.
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.USER_NOT_FULLY_SETUP, {},;
error.message = Translate.instant('core.usernotfullysetup');
useSilentError = true; // Use a silent error, the complete profile page already displays the appropiate info.
} else if (error.errorcode === 'sitepolicynotagreed') {
// Site policy not agreed, trigger event.
CoreEvents.trigger(CoreEvents.SITE_POLICY_NOT_AGREED, {},;
error.message = Translate.instant('core.login.sitepolicynotagreederror');
throw new CoreWSError(error);
} else if (error.errorcode === 'dmlwriteexception' && CoreTextUtils.hasUnicodeData(data)) {
if (!this.cleanUnicode) {
// Try again cleaning unicode.
this.cleanUnicode = true;
return this.request<T>(method, data, preSets);
// This should not happen.
error.message = Translate.instant('core.unicodenotsupported');
throw new CoreWSError(error);
} else if (error.exception === 'required_capability_exception' || error.errorcode === 'nopermission' ||
error.errorcode === 'notingroup') {
// Translate error messages with missing strings.
if (error.message === 'error/nopermission') {
error.message = Translate.instant('core.nopermissionerror');
} else if (error.message === 'error/notingroup') {
error.message = Translate.instant('core.notingroup');
if (preSets.saveToCache) {
// Save the error instead of deleting the cache entry so the same content is displayed in offline.
this.saveToCache(method, data, error, preSets);
throw new CoreWSError(error);
} else if (preSets.cacheErrors && preSets.cacheErrors.indexOf(error.errorcode) != -1) {
// Save the error instead of deleting the cache entry so the same content is displayed in offline.
this.saveToCache(method, data, error, preSets);
throw new CoreWSError(error);
} else if (preSets.emergencyCache !== undefined && !preSets.emergencyCache) {
this.logger.debug(`WS call '${method}' failed. Emergency cache is forbidden, rejecting.`);
throw new CoreWSError(error);
if (preSets.deleteCacheIfWSError && CoreUtils.isWebServiceError(error)) {
// Delete the cache entry and return the entry. Don't block the user with the delete.
CoreUtils.ignoreErrors(this.deleteFromCache(method, data, preSets));
throw new CoreWSError(error);
this.logger.debug(`WS call '${method}' failed. Trying to use the emergency cache.`);
preSets.omitExpires = true;
preSets.getFromCache = true;
try {
return await this.getFromCache<T>(method, data, preSets, true);
} catch {
if (useSilentError) {
throw new CoreSilentError(error.message);
throw new CoreWSError(error);
* Get a request response from WS.
* @param method The WebService method to be called.
* @param data Arguments to pass to the method.
* @param preSets Extra options related to the site.
* @param wsPreSets Extra options related to the WS call.
* @return Promise resolved with the response.
protected async getFromWS<T = unknown>(
method: string,
data: any, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
preSets: CoreSiteWSPreSets,
wsPreSets: CoreWSPreSets,
): Promise<T> {
// Call the WS.
const initialToken = this.token ?? '';
// Call the WS.
if (method !== 'core_webservice_get_site_info') {
// Send the language to use. Do it after checking cache to prevent losing offline data when changing language.
// Don't send it to core_webservice_get_site_info, that WS is used to check if Moodle version is supported.
data = {,
moodlewssettinglang: preSets.lang ?? await CoreLang.getCurrentLanguage(),
// Moodle uses underscore instead of dash.
data.moodlewssettinglang = data.moodlewssettinglang.replace('-', '_');
try {
return await this.callOrEnqueueRequest<T>(method, data, preSets, wsPreSets);
} catch (error) {
if (CoreUtils.isExpiredTokenError(error)) {
if (initialToken !== this.token) {
// Token has changed, retry with the new token.
wsPreSets.wsToken = this.token ?? '';
return await this.callOrEnqueueRequest<T>(method, data, preSets, wsPreSets);
} else if (CoreApp.isSSOAuthenticationOngoing()) {
// There's an SSO authentication ongoing, wait for it to finish and try again.
await CoreApp.waitForSSOAuthentication();
return await this.callOrEnqueueRequest<T>(method, data, preSets, wsPreSets);
throw error;
* Adds a request to the queue or calls it immediately when not using the queue.