MOBILE-2261 utils: Implement several Utils providers
This commit is contained in:
@ -69,6 +69,11 @@
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-sDyriA3/xspu6RM8arEOlhOkSxvRwLDNdvbBoZ59i+Dn5i6bjoE4hMMEFvUlnzvOZKn5GusurrWPz5cmfA9aPw=="
"@ionic-native/in-app-browser": {
"version": "4.3.3",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-mvHelgEVvTwFBCzcWAM0uN2JMhhPjY/k6UGhJzpn8LHMQ7FG2C7ofgZ8v2dy6WHaxGNBfHL+OEQqh5Ds28tkBg=="
"@ionic-native/keyboard": {
"version": "4.3.2",
"resolved": "",
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
"@ionic-native/clipboard": "^4.3.2",
"@ionic-native/core": "4.3.0",
"@ionic-native/globalization": "^4.3.2",
"@ionic-native/in-app-browser": "^4.3.3",
"@ionic-native/keyboard": "^4.3.2",
"@ionic-native/network": "^4.3.2",
"@ionic-native/splash-screen": "4.3.0",
@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ import { CoreAppProvider } from '../providers/app';
import { CoreConfigProvider } from '../providers/config';
import { CoreEmulatorModule } from '../core/emulator/emulator.module';
import { CoreLangProvider } from '../providers/lang';
import { CoreTextUtilsProvider } from '../providers/utils/text';
import { CoreDomUtilsProvider } from '../providers/utils/dom';
import { CoreTimeUtilsProvider } from '../providers/utils/time';
import { CoreUrlUtilsProvider } from '../providers/utils/url';
import { CoreUtilsProvider } from '../providers/utils/utils';
import { CoreMimetypeUtilsProvider } from '../providers/utils/mimetype';
// For translate loader. AoT requires an exported function for factories.
export function createTranslateLoader(http: HttpClient) {
@ -54,7 +60,13 @@ export function createTranslateLoader(http: HttpClient) {
export class AppModule {}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
"AW": "آروبا",
"AZ": "أذربيجان",
"AM": "أرمينيا",
"ES": "أسبانيا",
"AU": "أستراليا",
"AF": "أفغانستان",
"AL": "ألبانيا",
"DE": "ألمانيا",
"AG": "أنتيجوا وبربودا",
"AO": "أنجولا",
"AI": "أنجويلا",
"AD": "أندورا",
"UY": "أورجواي",
"UZ": "أوزبكستان",
"UG": "أوغندا",
"UA": "أوكرانيا",
"IE": "أيرلندا",
"IS": "أيسلندا",
"ET": "اثيوبيا",
"ER": "اريتريا",
"EE": "استونيا",
"IL": "اسرائيل",
"AR": "الأرجنتين",
"JO": "الأردن",
"EC": "الاكوادور",
"AE": "الامارات العربية المتحدة",
"BS": "الباهاما",
"BH": "البحرين",
"BR": "البرازيل",
"PT": "البرتغال",
"BA": "البوسنة والهرسك",
"GA": "الجابون",
"ME": "الجبل الأسود",
"DZ": "الجزائر",
"DK": "الدانمرك",
"CV": "الرأس الأخضر",
"SV": "السلفادور",
"SN": "السنغال",
"SD": "السودان",
"SE": "السويد",
"EH": "الصحراء الغربية",
"SO": "الصومال",
"CN": "الصين",
"IQ": "العراق",
"VA": "الفاتيكان",
"PH": "الفيلبين",
"AQ": "القطب الجنوبي",
"CM": "الكاميرون",
"CG": "الكونغو - برازافيل",
"KW": "الكويت",
"HU": "المجر",
"IO": "المحيط الهندي البريطاني",
"MA": "المغرب",
"TF": "المقاطعات الجنوبية الفرنسية",
"MX": "المكسيك",
"SA": "المملكة العربية السعودية",
"GB": "المملكة المتحدة",
"NO": "النرويج",
"AT": "النمسا",
"NE": "النيجر",
"IN": "الهند",
"US": "الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية",
"JP": "اليابان",
"YE": "اليمن",
"GR": "اليونان",
"ID": "اندونيسيا",
"IR": "ايران",
"IT": "ايطاليا",
"PG": "بابوا غينيا الجديدة",
"PY": "باراجواي",
"PK": "باكستان",
"PW": "بالاو",
"BW": "بتسوانا",
"PN": "بتكايرن",
"BB": "بربادوس",
"BM": "برمودا",
"BN": "بروناي",
"BE": "بلجيكا",
"BG": "بلغاريا",
"BZ": "بليز",
"BD": "بنجلاديش",
"PA": "بنما",
"BJ": "بنين",
"BT": "بوتان",
"PR": "بورتوريكو",
"BF": "بوركينا فاسو",
"BI": "بوروندي",
"PL": "بولندا",
"BO": "بوليفيا",
"PF": "بولينيزيا الفرنسية",
"PE": "بيرو",
"TZ": "تانزانيا",
"TH": "تايلند",
"TW": "تايوان",
"TM": "تركمانستان",
"TR": "تركيا",
"TT": "ترينيداد وتوباغو",
"TD": "تشاد",
"TG": "توجو",
"TV": "توفالو",
"TK": "توكيلو",
"TO": "تونجا",
"TN": "تونس",
"TL": "تيمور الشرقية",
"JM": "جامايكا",
"GI": "جبل طارق",
"GD": "جرينادا",
"GL": "جرينلاند",
"AX": "جزر أولان",
"AN": "جزر الأنتيل الهولندية",
"TC": "جزر الترك وجايكوس",
"KM": "جزر القمر",
"KY": "جزر الكايمن",
"MH": "جزر المارشال",
"MV": "جزر الملديف",
"UM": "جزر الولايات المتحدة البعيدة الصغيرة",
"SB": "جزر سليمان",
"FO": "جزر فارو",
"VI": "جزر فرجين الأمريكية",
"VG": "جزر فرجين البريطانية",
"FK": "جزر فوكلاند",
"CK": "جزر كوك",
"CC": "جزر كوكوس",
"MP": "جزر ماريانا الشمالية",
"WF": "جزر والس وفوتونا",
"CX": "جزيرة الكريسماس",
"BV": "جزيرة بوفيه",
"IM": "جزيرة مان",
"NF": "جزيرة نورفوك",
"HM": "جزيرة هيرد وماكدونالد",
"CF": "جمهورية افريقيا الوسطى",
"CZ": "جمهورية التشيك",
"DO": "جمهورية الدومينيك",
"CD": "جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية",
"ZA": "جمهورية جنوب افريقيا",
"GT": "جواتيمالا",
"GP": "جوادلوب",
"GU": "جوام",
"GE": "جورجيا",
"GS": "جورجيا الجنوبية وجزر ساندويتش الجنوبية",
"DJ": "جيبوتي",
"JE": "جيرسي",
"DM": "دومينيكا",
"RW": "رواندا",
"RU": "روسيا",
"BY": "روسيا البيضاء",
"RO": "رومانيا",
"RE": "روينيون",
"ZM": "زامبيا",
"ZW": "زيمبابوي",
"CI": "ساحل العاج",
"WS": "ساموا",
"AS": "ساموا الأمريكية",
"SM": "سان مارينو",
"PM": "سانت بيير وميكولون",
"VC": "سانت فنسنت وغرنادين",
"KN": "سانت كيتس ونيفيس",
"LC": "سانت لوسيا",
"MF": "سانت مارتين",
"SH": "سانت هيلنا",
"ST": "ساو تومي وبرينسيبي",
"LK": "سريلانكا",
"SJ": "سفالبارد وجان مايان",
"SK": "سلوفاكيا",
"SI": "سلوفينيا",
"SG": "سنغافورة",
"SZ": "سوازيلاند",
"SY": "سوريا",
"SR": "سورينام",
"CH": "سويسرا",
"SL": "سيراليون",
"SC": "سيشل",
"CL": "شيلي",
"RS": "صربيا",
"CS": "صربيا والجبل الأسود",
"TJ": "طاجكستان",
"OM": "عمان",
"GM": "غامبيا",
"GH": "غانا",
"GF": "غويانا",
"GY": "غيانا",
"GN": "غينيا",
"GQ": "غينيا الاستوائية",
"GW": "غينيا بيساو",
"VU": "فانواتو",
"FR": "فرنسا",
"PS": "فلسطين",
"VE": "فنزويلا",
"FI": "فنلندا",
"VN": "فيتنام",
"FJ": "فيجي",
"CY": "قبرص",
"KG": "قرغيزستان",
"QA": "قطر",
"KZ": "كازاخستان",
"NC": "كاليدونيا الجديدة",
"HR": "كرواتيا",
"KH": "كمبوديا",
"CA": "كندا",
"CU": "كوبا",
"KR": "كوريا الجنوبية",
"KP": "كوريا الشمالية",
"CR": "كوستاريكا",
"CO": "كولومبيا",
"KI": "كيريباتي",
"KE": "كينيا",
"LV": "لاتفيا",
"LA": "لاوس",
"LB": "لبنان",
"LU": "لوكسمبورج",
"LY": "ليبيا",
"LR": "ليبيريا",
"LT": "ليتوانيا",
"LI": "ليختنشتاين",
"LS": "ليسوتو",
"MQ": "مارتينيك",
"MO": "ماكاو الصينية",
"MT": "مالطا",
"ML": "مالي",
"MY": "ماليزيا",
"YT": "مايوت",
"MG": "مدغشقر",
"EG": "مصر",
"MK": "مقدونيا",
"MW": "ملاوي",
"ZZ": "منطقة غير معرفة",
"MN": "منغوليا",
"MR": "موريتانيا",
"MU": "موريشيوس",
"MZ": "موزمبيق",
"MD": "مولدافيا",
"MC": "موناكو",
"MS": "مونتسرات",
"MM": "ميانمار",
"FM": "ميكرونيزيا",
"NA": "ناميبيا",
"NR": "نورو",
"NP": "نيبال",
"NG": "نيجيريا",
"NI": "نيكاراجوا",
"NZ": "نيوزيلاندا",
"NU": "نيوي",
"HT": "هايتي",
"HN": "هندوراس",
"NL": "هولندا",
"HK": "هونج كونج الصينية"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"AU": "Австралия",
"AT": "Австрия",
"AZ": "Азербайджан",
"AX": "Аландски о-ви",
"AL": "Албания",
"DZ": "Алжир",
"AS": "Американско Самоа",
"AO": "Ангола",
"AI": "Ангуила",
"AD": "Андора",
"AQ": "Антарктика",
"AG": "Антигуа и Барбуда",
"AR": "Аржентина",
"AM": "Армения",
"AW": "Аруба",
"AF": "Афганистан",
"BD": "Бангладеш",
"BB": "Барбадос",
"BS": "Бахами",
"BH": "Бахрейн",
"BY": "Беларус",
"BE": "Белгия",
"BZ": "Белиз",
"BJ": "Бенин",
"BM": "Бермуда",
"BO": "Боливия",
"BA": "Босна и Херцеговина",
"BW": "Ботсуана",
"BR": "Бразилия",
"VG": "Британски Вирджински острони",
"IO": "Британски територии в Индийския океан",
"BN": "Бруней Дарусалам",
"CI": "Бряг на слоновата кост",
"BF": "Буркина Фасо",
"BI": "Бурунди",
"BT": "Бутан",
"BG": "България",
"VU": "Вануату",
"VE": "Венецуела",
"VN": "Виетнам",
"GA": "Габон",
"GM": "Гамбия",
"GH": "Гана",
"GP": "Гваделупа",
"GT": "Гватемала",
"GY": "Гвиана",
"GN": "Гвинея",
"GW": "Гвинея-Бисау",
"DE": "Германия",
"GI": "Гибралтар",
"GD": "Гренада",
"GL": "Гренландия",
"GE": "Грузия",
"GU": "Гуам",
"GR": "Гърция",
"DK": "Дания",
"CD": "Демократична република Конго",
"DJ": "Джибути",
"DM": "Доминика",
"DO": "Доминиканска република",
"EG": "Египет",
"EC": "Еквадор",
"GQ": "Екваториална Гвинея",
"SV": "Ел Салвадор",
"ER": "Еритрея",
"EE": "Естония",
"ET": "Етиопия",
"ZM": "Замбия",
"EH": "Западна Сахара",
"ZW": "Зимбабве",
"IL": "Израел",
"TL": "Източен Тимор",
"IN": "Индия",
"ID": "Индонезия",
"IQ": "Ирак",
"IR": "Иран, Ислямска република",
"IE": "Ирландия",
"IS": "Исландия",
"ES": "Испания",
"IT": "Италия",
"YE": "Йемен",
"JO": "Йордания",
"CV": "Кабо Верде",
"KZ": "Казахстан",
"KY": "Кайманови острови",
"KH": "Камбоджа",
"CM": "Камерун",
"CA": "Канада",
"QA": "Катар",
"KE": "Кения",
"CY": "Кипър",
"KG": "Киргизстан",
"KI": "Кирибати",
"CN": "Китай",
"CC": "Кокосови (Кийлинг) острови",
"CO": "Колумбия",
"KM": "Комори",
"CG": "Конго",
"KP": "Корея, Северна",
"KR": "Корея, Южна",
"CR": "Коста Рика",
"CU": "Куба",
"KW": "Кувейт",
"LV": "Латвия",
"LS": "Лесото",
"LR": "Либерия",
"LY": "Либийска арабска джамахирия",
"LB": "Ливан",
"LT": "Литва",
"LI": "Лихтенщайн",
"LU": "Люксембург",
"MR": "Мавритания",
"MU": "Мавриций",
"MG": "Мадагаскар",
"MO": "Макао О.А.Р. на Китай",
"MK": "Македония, Република",
"MW": "Малави",
"MY": "Малайзия",
"MV": "Малдиви",
"ML": "Мали",
"MT": "Малта",
"MA": "Мароко",
"MQ": "Мартиника",
"MH": "Маршалови острови",
"YT": "Мейот",
"MX": "Мексико",
"MM": "Мианмар",
"FM": "Микронезия, Обединени Щати",
"MZ": "Мозамбик",
"MD": "Молдова, Република",
"MC": "Монако",
"MN": "Монголия",
"MS": "Монсерат",
"NA": "Намибия",
"LA": "Народна демократична република Лаос",
"NR": "Науру",
"NP": "Непал",
"ZZ": "Непозната или несъществуваща област",
"NE": "Нигер",
"NG": "Нигерия",
"NI": "Никарагуа",
"NU": "Ниуе",
"NZ": "Нова Зеландия",
"NC": "Нова Каледония",
"NO": "Норвегия",
"AE": "Обединени арабски емирства",
"GB": "Обединено кралство",
"OM": "Оман",
"BV": "Остров Буве",
"CX": "Остров Кристмас",
"NF": "Остров Норфолк",
"HM": "Остров Хърд и Острови Макдоналд",
"CK": "Острови Кук",
"IM": "Острови Ман",
"TC": "Острови Туркс и Кайкос",
"PK": "Пакистан",
"PW": "Палау",
"PS": "Палестински територии",
"PA": "Панама",
"PG": "Папуа Нова Гвинея",
"PY": "Парагвай",
"PE": "Перу",
"PN": "Питкайрн",
"PL": "Полша",
"PT": "Португалия",
"PR": "Пуерто Рико",
"RE": "Реюниън",
"RW": "Руанда",
"RO": "Румъния",
"RU": "Руска федерация",
"US": "САЩ",
"UM": "САЩ - външни острови",
"VI": "САЩ, Вирджински острови",
"WS": "Самоа",
"SM": "Сан Марино",
"ST": "Сао Томе и Принципе",
"SA": "Саудитска Арабия",
"SJ": "Свалбард и Ян Майен",
"SH": "Света Елена",
"VA": "Свещено море (Ватиканска държава)",
"MP": "Северни Мариански Острови",
"BL": "Сейнт Бартоломей",
"VC": "Сейнт Винсънт и Гренадини",
"KN": "Сейнт Китс и Невис",
"LC": "Сейнт Лусия",
"MF": "Сейнт Мартин",
"SC": "Сейшели",
"PM": "Сен Пиер и Мигелон",
"SN": "Сенегал",
"SL": "Сиера Леоне",
"SG": "Сингапур",
"SY": "Сирийска арабска република",
"SK": "Словакия",
"SI": "Словения",
"SB": "Соломонови острови",
"SO": "Сомалия",
"SZ": "Суазиленд",
"SD": "Судан",
"SR": "Суринам",
"RS": "Сърбия",
"CS": "Сърбия и Черна гора",
"TJ": "Таджикистан",
"TW": "Тайван",
"TH": "Тайланд",
"TZ": "Танзания",
"TG": "Того",
"TK": "Токелау",
"TO": "Тонга",
"TT": "Тринидад и Тобаго",
"TV": "Тувалу",
"TN": "Тунис",
"TM": "Туркменистан",
"TR": "Турция",
"UG": "Уганда",
"UZ": "Узбекистан",
"UA": "Украйна",
"HU": "Унгария",
"WF": "Уолис и Футуна",
"UY": "Уругвай",
"FO": "Фарьорски острови",
"FJ": "Фиджи",
"PH": "Филипини",
"FI": "Финландия",
"FK": "Фолклендски острови",
"FR": "Франция",
"GF": "Френска Гвиана",
"PF": "Френска Полинезия",
"TF": "Френски южни територии",
"HT": "Хаити",
"NL": "Холандия",
"AN": "Холандски Антили",
"HK": "Хонг-Конг О.А.Р. на Китай",
"HN": "Хондурас",
"HR": "Хърватска",
"CF": "Централноафриканска Република",
"TD": "Чад",
"ME": "Черна гора",
"CZ": "Чешка република",
"CL": "Чили",
"CH": "Швейцария",
"SE": "Швеция",
"LK": "Шри Ланка",
"ZA": "Южна Африка",
"GS": "Южна Джорджия и Южни Сандвичеви Острови",
"JM": "Ямайка",
"JP": "Япония",
"GG": "о. Гърнзи",
"JE": "о. Джързи"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"AF": "Afganistan",
"AL": "Albània",
"DE": "Alemanya",
"DZ": "Algèria",
"AD": "Andorra",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguilla",
"AG": "Antigua i Barbuda",
"AN": "Antilles Neerlandeses",
"AQ": "Antàrtida",
"AR": "Argentina",
"AM": "Armènia",
"AW": "Aruba",
"SA": "Aràbia Saudita",
"AU": "Austràlia",
"AZ": "Azerbaidjan",
"BS": "Bahames",
"BH": "Bahrain",
"BD": "Bangla Desh",
"BB": "Barbados",
"BZ": "Belize",
"BJ": "Benín",
"BM": "Bermudes",
"BT": "Bhutan",
"BY": "Bielorússia",
"BO": "Bolívia",
"BW": "Botswana",
"BR": "Brasil",
"BN": "Brunei",
"BG": "Bulgària",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"BE": "Bèlgica",
"BA": "Bòsnia i Hercegovina",
"KH": "Cambodja",
"CM": "Camerun",
"CA": "Canadà",
"CV": "Cap Verd",
"CO": "Colòmbia",
"KM": "Comores",
"CG": "Congo",
"KP": "Corea del Nord",
"KR": "Corea del Sud",
"CR": "Costa Rica",
"CI": "Costa d’Ivori",
"HR": "Croàcia",
"CU": "Cuba",
"DK": "Dinamarca",
"DJ": "Djibouti",
"DM": "Dominica",
"EG": "Egipte",
"SV": "El Salvador",
"EC": "Equador",
"ER": "Eritrea",
"SK": "Eslovàquia",
"SI": "Eslovènia",
"ES": "Espanya",
"US": "Estats Units",
"EE": "Estònia",
"ET": "Etiòpia",
"FJ": "Fiji",
"PH": "Filipines",
"FI": "Finlàndia",
"FR": "França",
"GA": "Gabon",
"GE": "Geòrgia",
"GH": "Ghana",
"GI": "Gibraltar",
"GD": "Grenada",
"GL": "Grenlàndia",
"GR": "Grècia",
"GP": "Guadeloupe",
"GF": "Guaiana Francesa",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GN": "Guinea",
"GW": "Guinea Bissau",
"GQ": "Guinea Equatorial",
"GY": "Guyana",
"GM": "Gàmbia",
"HT": "Haití",
"HN": "Hondures",
"HU": "Hongria",
"YE": "Iemen",
"BV": "Illa Bouvet",
"CX": "Illa Christmas",
"HM": "Illa Heard i Illes McDonald",
"NF": "Illa Norfolk",
"IM": "Illa de Man",
"RE": "Illa de la Reunió",
"KY": "Illes Caiman",
"CC": "Illes Cocos",
"CK": "Illes Cook",
"FO": "Illes Fèroe",
"GS": "Illes Geòrgia del Sud i Sandwich del Sud",
"FK": "Illes Malvines",
"MP": "Illes Mariannes del Nord",
"MH": "Illes Marshall",
"UM": "Illes Perifèriques Menors dels EUA",
"PN": "Illes Pitcairn",
"SB": "Illes Salomó",
"TC": "Illes Turks i Caicos",
"VG": "Illes Verges Britàniques",
"VI": "Illes Verges Nord-americanes",
"AX": "Illes Åland",
"ID": "Indonèsia",
"IR": "Iran",
"IQ": "Iraq",
"IE": "Irlanda",
"IS": "Islàndia",
"IL": "Israel",
"IT": "Itàlia",
"JM": "Jamaica",
"JP": "Japó",
"JE": "Jersey",
"JO": "Jordània",
"KZ": "Kazakhstan",
"KE": "Kenya",
"KG": "Kirguizistan",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"KW": "Kuwait",
"LA": "Laos",
"LS": "Lesotho",
"LV": "Letònia",
"LR": "Libèria",
"LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Lituània",
"LU": "Luxemburg",
"LB": "Líban",
"LY": "Líbia",
"MK": "Macedònia",
"MG": "Madagascar",
"MW": "Malawi",
"MV": "Maldives",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malta",
"MY": "Malàisia",
"MA": "Marroc",
"MQ": "Martinica",
"MU": "Maurici",
"MR": "Mauritània",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"FM": "Micronèsia",
"MD": "Moldàvia",
"MN": "Mongòlia",
"ME": "Montenegro",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MZ": "Moçambic",
"MM": "Myanmar",
"MX": "Mèxic",
"MC": "Mònaco",
"NA": "Namíbia",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NP": "Nepal",
"NI": "Nicaragua",
"NG": "Nigèria",
"NU": "Niue",
"NO": "Noruega",
"NC": "Nova Caledònia",
"NZ": "Nova Zelanda",
"NE": "Níger",
"OM": "Oman",
"PK": "Pakistan",
"PW": "Palau",
"PS": "Palestina",
"PA": "Panamà",
"PG": "Papua Nova Guinea",
"PY": "Paraguai",
"NL": "Països Baixos",
"PE": "Perú",
"PF": "Polinèsia Francesa",
"PL": "Polònia",
"PT": "Portugal",
"PR": "Puerto Rico",
"QA": "Qatar",
"HK": "Regió administrativa especial xinesa de Hong Kong",
"MO": "Regió administrativa especial xinesa de Macau",
"ZZ": "Regió desconeguda o no vàlida",
"GB": "Regne Unit",
"CF": "República Centreafricana",
"CD": "República Democràtica del Congo",
"DO": "República Dominicana",
"CZ": "República Txeca",
"ZA": "República de Sud-àfrica",
"RO": "Romania",
"RW": "Rwanda",
"RU": "Rússia",
"BL": "Saint Barthélemy",
"KN": "Saint Christopher i Nevis",
"SH": "Saint Helena",
"LC": "Saint Lucia",
"MF": "Saint Martin",
"PM": "Saint Pierre i Miquelon",
"VC": "Saint Vincent i les Grenadines",
"WS": "Samoa",
"AS": "Samoa Americana",
"SM": "San Marino",
"SN": "Senegal",
"SC": "Seychelles",
"SL": "Sierra Leone",
"SG": "Singapur",
"SO": "Somàlia",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"SD": "Sudan",
"SR": "Surinam",
"SE": "Suècia",
"CH": "Suïssa",
"SJ": "Svalbard i Jan Mayen",
"SZ": "Swazilàndia",
"EH": "Sàhara Occidental",
"ST": "São Tomé i Príncipe",
"RS": "Sèrbia",
"CS": "Sèrbia i Montenegro",
"SY": "Síria",
"TJ": "Tadjikistan",
"TH": "Tailàndia",
"TW": "Taiwan",
"TZ": "Tanzània",
"IO": "Territori Britànic de l'Oceà Índic",
"TF": "Territoris Francesos del Sud",
"TL": "Timor Oriental",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trinitat i Tobago",
"TN": "Tunísia",
"TM": "Turkmenistan",
"TR": "Turquia",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"TD": "Txad",
"UA": "Ucraïna",
"UG": "Uganda",
"AE": "Unió dels Emirats Àrabs",
"UY": "Uruguai",
"UZ": "Uzbekistan",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VA": "Vaticà",
"VE": "Veneçuela",
"VN": "Vietnam",
"WF": "Wallis i Futuna",
"CL": "Xile",
"CN": "Xina",
"CY": "Xipre",
"ZW": "Zimbabwe",
"ZM": "Zàmbia",
"AT": "Àustria",
"IN": "Índia"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"AF": "Afghánistán",
"AX": "Alandy",
"AL": "Albánie",
"DZ": "Alžírsko",
"AS": "Americká Samoa",
"VI": "Americké Panenské ostrovy",
"AD": "Andorra",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguila",
"AQ": "Antarktida",
"AG": "Antigua a Barbuda",
"AR": "Argentina",
"AM": "Arménie",
"AW": "Aruba",
"AU": "Austrálie",
"BS": "Bahamy",
"BH": "Bahrajn",
"BD": "Bangladéš",
"BB": "Barbados",
"BE": "Belgie",
"BZ": "Belize",
"BJ": "Benin",
"BM": "Bermudy",
"BT": "Bhútán",
"BO": "Bolívie",
"BA": "Bosna a Hercegovina",
"BW": "Botswana",
"BR": "Brazílie",
"VG": "Britské Panenské ostrovy",
"IO": "Britské území v Indickém oceánu",
"BN": "Brunej Darussalam",
"BG": "Bulharsko",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"BY": "Bělorusko",
"CL": "Chile",
"HR": "Chorvatsko",
"CK": "Cookovy ostrovy",
"CD": "Demokratická republika Kongo",
"DM": "Dominika",
"DO": "Dominikánská republika",
"DK": "Dánsko",
"DJ": "Džibuti",
"EG": "Egypt",
"EC": "Ekvádor",
"SV": "El Salvador",
"ER": "Eritrea",
"EE": "Estonsko",
"ET": "Etiopie",
"FO": "Faerské ostrovy",
"FK": "Falklandské ostrovy",
"FJ": "Fidži",
"PH": "Filipíny",
"FI": "Finsko",
"FR": "Francie",
"GF": "Francouzská Guyana",
"PF": "Francouzská Polynésie",
"TF": "Francouzská jižní teritoria",
"GA": "Gabon",
"GM": "Gambie",
"GH": "Ghana",
"GI": "Gibraltar",
"GD": "Grenada",
"GE": "Gruzie",
"GL": "Grónsko",
"GP": "Guadeloupe",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GN": "Guinea",
"GW": "Guinea-Bissau",
"GY": "Guyana",
"HT": "Haiti",
"HN": "Honduras",
"HK": "Hongkong, zvláštní administrativní oblast Číny",
"IN": "Indie",
"ID": "Indonésie",
"IE": "Irsko",
"IQ": "Irák",
"IS": "Island",
"IT": "Itálie",
"IL": "Izrael",
"JM": "Jamajka",
"JP": "Japonsko",
"YE": "Jemen",
"JE": "Jersey",
"ZA": "Jihoafrická republika",
"GS": "Jižní Georgie a Jižní Sandwichovy ostrovy",
"KR": "Jižní Korea",
"JO": "Jordánsko",
"KY": "Kajmanské ostrovy",
"KH": "Kambodža",
"CM": "Kamerun",
"CA": "Kanada",
"CV": "Kapverdy",
"QA": "Katar",
"KZ": "Kazachstán",
"KE": "Keňa",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"CC": "Kokosové ostrovy",
"CO": "Kolumbie",
"KM": "Komory",
"CG": "Kongo",
"CR": "Kostarika",
"CU": "Kuba",
"KW": "Kuvajt",
"CY": "Kypr",
"KG": "Kyrgyzstán",
"LS": "Lesotho",
"LB": "Libanon",
"LY": "Libye",
"LR": "Libérie",
"LI": "Lichtenštejnsko",
"LA": "Lidově demokratická republika Laos",
"LT": "Litva",
"LV": "Lotyšsko",
"LU": "Lucembursko",
"MK": "Macedonia",
"MG": "Madagaskar",
"MV": "Maladivy",
"MY": "Malajsie",
"MW": "Malawi",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malta",
"MA": "Maroko",
"MH": "Marshallovy ostrovy",
"MQ": "Martinik",
"MU": "Mauricius",
"MR": "Mauritánie",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"HU": "Maďarsko",
"UM": "Menší odlehlé ostrovy USA",
"MX": "Mexiko",
"FM": "Mikronézie",
"MD": "Moldavsko, republika",
"MC": "Monako",
"MN": "Mongolsko",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MZ": "Mosambik",
"MM": "Myanmar",
"NA": "Namibie",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NP": "Nepál",
"ZZ": "Neznámá nebo neplatná oblast",
"NE": "Niger",
"NG": "Nigérie",
"NI": "Nikaragua",
"NU": "Niue",
"NL": "Nizozemsko",
"AN": "Nizozemské Antily",
"NF": "Norfolk",
"NO": "Norsko",
"NC": "Nová Kaledonie",
"NZ": "Nový Zéland",
"DE": "Německo",
"OM": "Omán",
"BV": "Ostrov Bouvet",
"IM": "Ostrov Man",
"TC": "Ostrovy Caicos a Turks",
"HM": "Ostrovy Heard a McDonald",
"PW": "Palau",
"PS": "Palestinian Territory",
"PA": "Panama",
"PG": "Papua-Nová Guinea",
"PY": "Paraguay",
"PE": "Peru",
"PN": "Pitcairn",
"CI": "Pobřeží slonoviny",
"PL": "Polsko",
"PR": "Portoriko",
"PT": "Portugalsko",
"PK": "Pákistán",
"AT": "Rakousko",
"GQ": "Rovníková Guinea",
"RO": "Rumunsko",
"RU": "Rusko",
"RW": "Rwanda",
"RE": "Réunion",
"WS": "Samoa",
"SM": "San Marino",
"SA": "Saúdská Arábie",
"SN": "Senegal",
"KP": "Severní Korea",
"MP": "Severní Mariany",
"SC": "Seychely",
"SL": "Sierra Leone",
"SG": "Singapur",
"SK": "Slovensko",
"SI": "Slovinsko",
"SO": "Somálsko",
"AE": "Spojené arabské emiráty",
"US": "Spojené státy",
"RS": "Srbsko",
"CS": "Srbsko a Černá Hora",
"LK": "Srí Lanka",
"CF": "Středoafrická republika",
"SR": "Surinam",
"SJ": "Svalbard a Jan Mayen",
"SH": "Svatá Helena",
"LC": "Svatá Lucie",
"BL": "Svatý Bartoloměj",
"KN": "Svatý Kitts a Nevis",
"MF": "Svatý Martin",
"PM": "Svatý Pierre a Miquelon",
"ST": "Svatý Tomáš",
"VC": "Svatý Vincent a Grenadiny",
"VA": "Svatý stolec",
"SZ": "Svazijsko",
"SD": "Súdán",
"SY": "Sýrie",
"TZ": "Tanzanie",
"TW": "Tchaj-wan",
"TH": "Thajsko",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trinidad a Tobago",
"TN": "Tunisko",
"TR": "Turecko",
"TM": "Turkmenistán",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"TJ": "Tádžikistán",
"UG": "Uganda",
"UA": "Ukrajina",
"UY": "Uruguay",
"UZ": "Uzbekistán",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"GB": "Velká Británie",
"VE": "Venezuela",
"VN": "Vietnam",
"CX": "Vánoční ostrovy",
"TL": "Východní Timor",
"WF": "Wallis a Futuna",
"ZM": "Zambie",
"ZW": "Zimbabwe",
"MO": "Zvláštní administrativní oblast Číny Macao",
"EH": "Západní Sahara",
"AZ": "Ázerbájdžán",
"IR": "Írán",
"TD": "Čad",
"ME": "Černá Hora",
"CZ": "Česká republika",
"CN": "Čína",
"GR": "Řecko",
"SB": "Šalamounovy ostrovy",
"ES": "Španělsko",
"SE": "Švédsko",
"CH": "Švýcarsko"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"AF": "Afghanistan",
"AX": "Alandinseln",
"AL": "Albanien",
"DZ": "Algerien",
"UM": "Amerikanisch-Ozeanien",
"AS": "Amerikanisch-Samoa",
"VI": "Amerikanische Jungferninseln",
"AD": "Andorra",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguilla",
"AQ": "Antarktis",
"AG": "Antigua und Barbuda",
"AR": "Argentinien",
"AM": "Armenien",
"AW": "Aruba",
"AZ": "Aserbaidschan",
"AU": "Australien",
"BS": "Bahamas",
"BH": "Bahrain",
"BD": "Bangladesch",
"BB": "Barbados",
"BY": "Belarus",
"BE": "Belgien",
"BZ": "Belize",
"BJ": "Benin",
"BM": "Bermuda",
"BT": "Bhutan",
"BO": "Bolivien",
"BA": "Bosnien und Herzegowina",
"BW": "Botsuana",
"BV": "Bouvetinsel",
"BR": "Brasilien",
"VG": "Britische Jungferninseln",
"IO": "Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean",
"BN": "Brunei Darussalam",
"BG": "Bulgarien",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"CL": "Chile",
"CN": "China",
"CK": "Cookinseln",
"CR": "Costa Rica",
"CI": "Côte d’Ivoire",
"CD": "Demokratische Republik Kongo",
"KP": "Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea",
"DE": "Deutschland",
"DM": "Dominica",
"DO": "Dominikanische Republik",
"DJ": "Dschibuti",
"DK": "Dänemark",
"EC": "Ecuador",
"SV": "El Salvador",
"ER": "Eritrea",
"EE": "Estland",
"FK": "Falklandinseln",
"FJ": "Fidschi",
"FI": "Finnland",
"FR": "Frankreich",
"GF": "Französisch-Guayana",
"PF": "Französisch-Polynesien",
"TF": "Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete",
"FO": "Färöer",
"GA": "Gabun",
"GM": "Gambia",
"GE": "Georgien",
"GH": "Ghana",
"GI": "Gibraltar",
"GD": "Grenada",
"GR": "Griechenland",
"GL": "Grönland",
"GP": "Guadeloupe",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GN": "Guinea",
"GW": "Guinea-Bissau",
"GY": "Guyana",
"HT": "Haiti",
"HM": "Heard- und McDonald-Inseln",
"HN": "Honduras",
"IN": "Indien",
"ID": "Indonesien",
"IQ": "Irak",
"IR": "Iran",
"IE": "Irland",
"IS": "Island",
"IM": "Isle of Man",
"IL": "Israel",
"IT": "Italien",
"JM": "Jamaika",
"JP": "Japan",
"YE": "Jemen",
"JE": "Jersey",
"JO": "Jordanien",
"KY": "Kaimaninseln",
"KH": "Kambodscha",
"CM": "Kamerun",
"CA": "Kanada",
"CV": "Kap Verde",
"KZ": "Kasachstan",
"QA": "Katar",
"KE": "Kenia",
"KG": "Kirgisistan",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"CC": "Kokosinseln",
"CO": "Kolumbien",
"KM": "Komoren",
"CG": "Kongo",
"HR": "Kroatien",
"CU": "Kuba",
"KW": "Kuwait",
"LA": "Laos",
"LS": "Lesotho",
"LV": "Lettland",
"LB": "Libanon",
"LR": "Liberia",
"LY": "Libyen",
"LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Litauen",
"LU": "Luxemburg",
"MG": "Madagaskar",
"MW": "Malawi",
"MY": "Malaysia",
"MV": "Malediven",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malta",
"MA": "Marokko",
"MH": "Marshallinseln",
"MQ": "Martinique",
"MR": "Mauretanien",
"MU": "Mauritius",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"MK": "Mazedonien",
"MX": "Mexiko",
"FM": "Mikronesien",
"MC": "Monaco",
"MN": "Mongolei",
"ME": "Montenegro",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MZ": "Mosambik",
"MM": "Myanmar",
"NA": "Namibia",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NP": "Nepal",
"NC": "Neukaledonien",
"NZ": "Neuseeland",
"NI": "Nicaragua",
"NL": "Niederlande",
"AN": "Niederländische Antillen",
"NE": "Niger",
"NG": "Nigeria",
"NU": "Niue",
"NF": "Norfolkinsel",
"NO": "Norwegen",
"MP": "Nördliche Marianen",
"OM": "Oman",
"TL": "Osttimor",
"PK": "Pakistan",
"PW": "Palau",
"PS": "Palästinensische Gebiete",
"PA": "Panama",
"PG": "Papua-Neuguinea",
"PY": "Paraguay",
"PE": "Peru",
"PH": "Philippinen",
"PN": "Pitcairn",
"PL": "Polen",
"PT": "Portugal",
"PR": "Puerto Rico",
"KR": "Republik Korea",
"MD": "Republik Moldau",
"RW": "Ruanda",
"RO": "Rumänien",
"RU": "Russische Föderation",
"RE": "Réunion",
"SB": "Salomonen",
"ZM": "Sambia",
"WS": "Samoa",
"SM": "San Marino",
"SA": "Saudi-Arabien",
"SE": "Schweden",
"CH": "Schweiz",
"SN": "Senegal",
"RS": "Serbien",
"CS": "Serbien und Montenegro",
"SC": "Seychellen",
"SL": "Sierra Leone",
"ZW": "Simbabwe",
"SG": "Singapur",
"SK": "Slowakei",
"SI": "Slowenien",
"SO": "Somalia",
"HK": "Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong",
"MO": "Sonderverwaltungszone Macao",
"ES": "Spanien",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"BL": "St. Barthélemy",
"SH": "St. Helena",
"KN": "St. Kitts und Nevis",
"LC": "St. Lucia",
"MF": "St. Martin",
"PM": "St. Pierre und Miquelon",
"VC": "St. Vincent und die Grenadinen",
"SD": "Sudan",
"SR": "Suriname",
"SJ": "Svalbard und Jan Mayen",
"SZ": "Swasiland",
"SY": "Syrien",
"ST": "São Tomé und Príncipe",
"ZA": "Südafrika",
"GS": "Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln",
"TJ": "Tadschikistan",
"TW": "Taiwan",
"TZ": "Tansania",
"TH": "Thailand",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trinidad und Tobago",
"TD": "Tschad",
"CZ": "Tschechische Republik",
"TN": "Tunesien",
"TM": "Turkmenistan",
"TC": "Turks- und Caicosinseln",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"TR": "Türkei",
"UG": "Uganda",
"UA": "Ukraine",
"ZZ": "Unbekannte oder ungültige Region",
"HU": "Ungarn",
"UY": "Uruguay",
"UZ": "Usbekistan",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VA": "Vatikanstadt",
"VE": "Venezuela",
"AE": "Vereinigte Arabische Emirate",
"US": "Vereinigte Staaten",
"GB": "Vereinigtes Königreich",
"VN": "Vietnam",
"WF": "Wallis und Futuna",
"CX": "Weihnachtsinsel",
"EH": "Westsahara",
"CF": "Zentralafrikanische Republik",
"CY": "Zypern",
"EG": "Ägypten",
"GQ": "Äquatorialguinea",
"ET": "Äthiopien",
"AT": "Österreich"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
"AF": "Afghanistan",
"AX": "Åland Islands",
"AL": "Albania",
"DZ": "Algeria",
"AS": "American Samoa",
"AD": "Andorra",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguilla",
"AQ": "Antarctica",
"AG": "Antigua And Barbuda",
"AR": "Argentina",
"AM": "Armenia",
"AW": "Aruba",
"AU": "Australia",
"AT": "Austria",
"AZ": "Azerbaijan",
"BS": "Bahamas",
"BH": "Bahrain",
"BD": "Bangladesh",
"BB": "Barbados",
"BY": "Belarus",
"BE": "Belgium",
"BZ": "Belize",
"BJ": "Benin",
"BM": "Bermuda",
"BT": "Bhutan",
"BO": "Bolivia, Plurinational State Of",
"BQ": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius And Saba",
"BA": "Bosnia And Herzegovina",
"BW": "Botswana",
"BV": "Bouvet Island",
"BR": "Brazil",
"IO": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
"BN": "Brunei Darussalam",
"BG": "Bulgaria",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"CV": "Cabo Verde",
"KH": "Cambodia",
"CM": "Cameroon",
"CA": "Canada",
"KY": "Cayman Islands",
"CF": "Central African Republic",
"TD": "Chad",
"CL": "Chile",
"CN": "China",
"CX": "Christmas Island",
"CC": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"CO": "Colombia",
"KM": "Comoros",
"CG": "Congo",
"CD": "Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The",
"CK": "Cook Islands",
"CR": "Costa Rica",
"CI": "Côte d'Ivoire",
"HR": "Croatia",
"CU": "Cuba",
"CW": "Curaçao",
"CY": "Cyprus",
"CZ": "Czechia",
"DK": "Denmark",
"DJ": "Djibouti",
"DM": "Dominica",
"DO": "Dominican Republic",
"EC": "Ecuador",
"EG": "Egypt",
"SV": "El Salvador",
"GQ": "Equatorial Guinea",
"ER": "Eritrea",
"EE": "Estonia",
"ET": "Ethiopia",
"FK": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"FO": "Faroe Islands",
"FJ": "Fiji",
"FI": "Finland",
"FR": "France",
"GF": "French Guiana",
"PF": "French Polynesia",
"TF": "French Southern Territories",
"GA": "Gabon",
"GM": "Gambia",
"GE": "Georgia",
"DE": "Germany",
"GH": "Ghana",
"GI": "Gibraltar",
"GR": "Greece",
"GL": "Greenland",
"GD": "Grenada",
"GP": "Guadeloupe",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GN": "Guinea",
"GW": "Guinea-Bissau",
"GY": "Guyana",
"HT": "Haiti",
"HM": "Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands",
"VA": "Holy See (Vatican City State)",
"HN": "Honduras",
"HK": "Hong Kong",
"HU": "Hungary",
"IS": "Iceland",
"IN": "India",
"ID": "Indonesia",
"IR": "Iran, Islamic Republic Of",
"IQ": "Iraq",
"IE": "Ireland",
"IM": "Isle Of Man",
"IL": "Israel",
"IT": "Italy",
"JM": "Jamaica",
"JP": "Japan",
"JE": "Jersey",
"JO": "Jordan",
"KZ": "Kazakhstan",
"KE": "Kenya",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"KP": "Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of",
"KR": "Korea, Republic Of",
"KW": "Kuwait",
"KG": "Kyrgyzstan",
"LA": "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
"LV": "Latvia",
"LB": "Lebanon",
"LS": "Lesotho",
"LR": "Liberia",
"LY": "Libya",
"LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Lithuania",
"LU": "Luxembourg",
"MO": "Macao",
"MK": "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of",
"MG": "Madagascar",
"MW": "Malawi",
"MY": "Malaysia",
"MV": "Maldives",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malta",
"MH": "Marshall Islands",
"MQ": "Martinique",
"MR": "Mauritania",
"MU": "Mauritius",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"MX": "Mexico",
"FM": "Micronesia, Federated States Of",
"MD": "Moldova, Republic Of",
"MC": "Monaco",
"MN": "Mongolia",
"ME": "Montenegro",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MA": "Morocco",
"MZ": "Mozambique",
"MM": "Myanmar",
"NA": "Namibia",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NP": "Nepal",
"NL": "Netherlands",
"NC": "New Caledonia",
"NZ": "New Zealand",
"NI": "Nicaragua",
"NE": "Niger",
"NG": "Nigeria",
"NU": "Niue",
"NF": "Norfolk Island",
"MP": "Northern Mariana Islands",
"NO": "Norway",
"OM": "Oman",
"PK": "Pakistan",
"PW": "Palau",
"PS": "Palestine, State Of",
"PA": "Panama",
"PG": "Papua New Guinea",
"PY": "Paraguay",
"PE": "Peru",
"PH": "Philippines",
"PN": "Pitcairn",
"PL": "Poland",
"PT": "Portugal",
"PR": "Puerto Rico",
"QA": "Qatar",
"RE": "Réunion",
"RO": "Romania",
"RU": "Russian Federation",
"RW": "Rwanda",
"BL": "Saint Barthélemy",
"SH": "Saint Helena, Ascension And Tristan Da Cunha",
"KN": "Saint Kitts And Nevis",
"LC": "Saint Lucia",
"MF": "Saint Martin (French Part)",
"PM": "Saint Pierre And Miquelon",
"VC": "Saint Vincent And The Grenadines",
"WS": "Samoa",
"SM": "San Marino",
"ST": "Sao Tome And Principe",
"SA": "Saudi Arabia",
"SN": "Senegal",
"RS": "Serbia",
"SC": "Seychelles",
"SL": "Sierra Leone",
"SG": "Singapore",
"SX": "Sint Maarten (Dutch Part)",
"SK": "Slovakia",
"SI": "Slovenia",
"SB": "Solomon Islands",
"SO": "Somalia",
"ZA": "South Africa",
"GS": "South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands",
"SS": "South Sudan",
"ES": "Spain",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"SD": "Sudan",
"SR": "Suriname",
"SJ": "Svalbard And Jan Mayen",
"SZ": "Swaziland",
"SE": "Sweden",
"CH": "Switzerland",
"SY": "Syrian Arab Republic",
"TW": "Taiwan",
"TJ": "Tajikistan",
"TZ": "Tanzania, United Republic Of",
"TH": "Thailand",
"TL": "Timor-Leste",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trinidad And Tobago",
"TN": "Tunisia",
"TR": "Turkey",
"TM": "Turkmenistan",
"TC": "Turks And Caicos Islands",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"UG": "Uganda",
"UA": "Ukraine",
"AE": "United Arab Emirates",
"GB": "United Kingdom",
"US": "United States",
"UM": "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
"UY": "Uruguay",
"UZ": "Uzbekistan",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VE": "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of",
"VN": "Viet Nam",
"VG": "Virgin Islands, British",
"VI": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"WF": "Wallis And Futuna",
"EH": "Western Sahara",
"YE": "Yemen",
"ZM": "Zambia",
"ZW": "Zimbabwe"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"AF": "Afganistán",
"AL": "Albania",
"DE": "Alemania",
"AD": "Andorra",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguila",
"AG": "Antigua y Barbuda",
"AN": "Antillas Neerlandesas",
"AQ": "Antártida",
"SA": "Arabia Saudí",
"DZ": "Argelia",
"AR": "Argentina",
"AM": "Armenia",
"AW": "Aruba",
"AU": "Australia",
"AT": "Austria",
"AZ": "Azerbaiyán",
"BS": "Bahamas",
"BH": "Bahréin",
"BD": "Bangladesh",
"BB": "Barbados",
"BZ": "Belice",
"BJ": "Benín",
"BM": "Bermudas",
"BY": "Bielorrusia",
"BO": "Bolivia",
"BA": "Bosnia-Herzegovina",
"BW": "Botsuana",
"BR": "Brasil",
"BN": "Brunéi",
"BG": "Bulgaria",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"BT": "Bután",
"BE": "Bélgica",
"CV": "Cabo Verde",
"KH": "Camboya",
"CM": "Camerún",
"CA": "Canadá",
"TD": "Chad",
"CL": "Chile",
"CN": "China",
"CY": "Chipre",
"VA": "Ciudad del Vaticano",
"CO": "Colombia",
"KM": "Comoras",
"CG": "Congo",
"KP": "Corea del Norte",
"KR": "Corea del Sur",
"CR": "Costa Rica",
"CI": "Costa de Marfil",
"HR": "Croacia",
"CU": "Cuba",
"DK": "Dinamarca",
"DM": "Dominica",
"EC": "Ecuador",
"EG": "Egipto",
"SV": "El Salvador",
"AE": "Emiratos Árabes Unidos",
"ER": "Eritrea",
"SK": "Eslovaquia",
"SI": "Eslovenia",
"ES": "España",
"US": "Estados Unidos",
"EE": "Estonia",
"ET": "Etiopía",
"PH": "Filipinas",
"FI": "Finlandia",
"FJ": "Fiyi",
"FR": "Francia",
"GA": "Gabón",
"GM": "Gambia",
"GE": "Georgia",
"GH": "Ghana",
"GI": "Gibraltar",
"GD": "Granada",
"GR": "Grecia",
"GL": "Groenlandia",
"GP": "Guadalupe",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GF": "Guayana Francesa",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GN": "Guinea",
"GQ": "Guinea Ecuatorial",
"GW": "Guinea-Bissau",
"GY": "Guyana",
"HT": "Haití",
"HN": "Honduras",
"HU": "Hungría",
"IN": "India",
"ID": "Indonesia",
"IQ": "Iraq",
"IE": "Irlanda",
"IR": "Irán",
"BV": "Isla Bouvet",
"CX": "Isla Christmas",
"NU": "Isla Niue",
"NF": "Isla Norfolk",
"IM": "Isla de Man",
"IS": "Islandia",
"KY": "Islas Caimán",
"CC": "Islas Cocos",
"CK": "Islas Cook",
"FO": "Islas Feroe",
"GS": "Islas Georgia del Sur y Sandwich del Sur",
"HM": "Islas Heard y McDonald",
"FK": "Islas Malvinas",
"MP": "Islas Marianas del Norte",
"MH": "Islas Marshall",
"SB": "Islas Salomón",
"TC": "Islas Turcas y Caicos",
"VG": "Islas Vírgenes Británicas",
"VI": "Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos",
"UM": "Islas menores alejadas de los Estados Unidos",
"AX": "Islas Åland",
"IL": "Israel",
"IT": "Italia",
"JM": "Jamaica",
"JP": "Japón",
"JE": "Jersey",
"JO": "Jordania",
"KZ": "Kazajistán",
"KE": "Kenia",
"KG": "Kirguistán",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"KW": "Kuwait",
"LA": "Laos",
"LS": "Lesoto",
"LV": "Letonia",
"LR": "Liberia",
"LY": "Libia",
"LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Lituania",
"LU": "Luxemburgo",
"LB": "Líbano",
"MK": "Macedonia",
"MG": "Madagascar",
"MY": "Malasia",
"MW": "Malaui",
"MV": "Maldivas",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malta",
"MA": "Marruecos",
"MQ": "Martinica",
"MU": "Mauricio",
"MR": "Mauritania",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"FM": "Micronesia",
"MD": "Moldavia",
"MN": "Mongolia",
"ME": "Montenegro",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MZ": "Mozambique",
"MM": "Myanmar",
"MX": "México",
"MC": "Mónaco",
"NA": "Namibia",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NP": "Nepal",
"NI": "Nicaragua",
"NG": "Nigeria",
"NO": "Noruega",
"NC": "Nueva Caledonia",
"NZ": "Nueva Zelanda",
"NE": "Níger",
"OM": "Omán",
"PK": "Pakistán",
"PW": "Palau",
"PS": "Palestina",
"PA": "Panamá",
"PG": "Papúa Nueva Guinea",
"PY": "Paraguay",
"NL": "Países Bajos",
"PE": "Perú",
"PN": "Pitcairn",
"PF": "Polinesia Francesa",
"PL": "Polonia",
"PT": "Portugal",
"PR": "Puerto Rico",
"QA": "Qatar",
"HK": "Región Administrativa Especial de Hong Kong de la República Popular China",
"MO": "Región Administrativa Especial de Macao de la República Popular China",
"ZZ": "Región desconocida o no válida",
"GB": "Reino Unido",
"CF": "República Centroafricana",
"CZ": "República Checa",
"CD": "República Democrática del Congo",
"DO": "República Dominicana",
"RE": "Reunión",
"RW": "Ruanda",
"RO": "Rumanía",
"RU": "Rusia",
"WS": "Samoa",
"AS": "Samoa Americana",
"BL": "San Bartolomé",
"KN": "San Cristóbal y Nieves",
"SM": "San Marino",
"MF": "San Martín",
"PM": "San Pedro y Miquelón",
"VC": "San Vicente y las Granadinas",
"SH": "Santa Elena",
"LC": "Santa Lucía",
"ST": "Santo Tomé y Príncipe",
"SN": "Senegal",
"RS": "Serbia",
"CS": "Serbia y Montenegro",
"SC": "Seychelles",
"SL": "Sierra Leona",
"SG": "Singapur",
"SY": "Siria",
"SO": "Somalia",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"SZ": "Suazilandia",
"ZA": "Sudáfrica",
"SD": "Sudán",
"SE": "Suecia",
"CH": "Suiza",
"SR": "Surinam",
"SJ": "Svalbard y Jan Mayen",
"EH": "Sáhara Occidental",
"TH": "Tailandia",
"TW": "Taiwán",
"TZ": "Tanzania",
"TJ": "Tayikistán",
"IO": "Territorio Británico del Océano Índico",
"TF": "Territorios Australes Franceses",
"TL": "Timor Oriental",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trinidad y Tobago",
"TM": "Turkmenistán",
"TR": "Turquía",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"TN": "Túnez",
"UA": "Ucrania",
"UG": "Uganda",
"UY": "Uruguay",
"UZ": "Uzbekistán",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VE": "Venezuela",
"VN": "Vietnam",
"WF": "Wallis y Futuna",
"YE": "Yemen",
"DJ": "Yibuti",
"ZM": "Zambia",
"ZW": "Zimbabue"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"AF": "Afganistán",
"AL": "Albania",
"DE": "Alemania",
"AD": "Andorra",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguila",
"AG": "Antigua y Barbuda",
"AN": "Antillas Neerlandesas",
"AQ": "Antártida",
"SA": "Arabia Saudí",
"DZ": "Argelia",
"AR": "Argentina",
"AM": "Armenia",
"AW": "Aruba",
"AU": "Australia",
"AT": "Austria",
"AZ": "Azerbaiyán",
"BS": "Bahamas",
"BH": "Bahréin",
"BD": "Bangladesh",
"BB": "Barbados",
"BZ": "Belice",
"BJ": "Benín",
"BM": "Bermudas",
"BY": "Bielorrusia",
"BO": "Bolivia",
"BA": "Bosnia-Herzegovina",
"BW": "Botsuana",
"BR": "Brasil",
"BN": "Brunéi",
"BG": "Bulgaria",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"BT": "Bután",
"BE": "Bélgica",
"CV": "Cabo Verde",
"KH": "Camboya",
"CM": "Camerún",
"CA": "Canadá",
"TD": "Chad",
"CL": "Chile",
"CN": "China",
"CY": "Chipre",
"VA": "Ciudad del Vaticano",
"CO": "Colombia",
"KM": "Comoras",
"CG": "Congo",
"KP": "Corea del Norte",
"KR": "Corea del Sur",
"CR": "Costa Rica",
"CI": "Costa de Marfil",
"HR": "Croacia",
"CU": "Cuba",
"DK": "Dinamarca",
"DM": "Dominica",
"EC": "Ecuador",
"EG": "Egipto",
"SV": "El Salvador",
"AE": "Emiratos Árabes Unidos",
"ER": "Eritrea",
"SK": "Eslovaquia",
"SI": "Eslovenia",
"ES": "España",
"US": "Estados Unidos",
"EE": "Estonia",
"ET": "Etiopía",
"PH": "Filipinas",
"FI": "Finlandia",
"FJ": "Fiyi",
"FR": "Francia",
"GA": "Gabón",
"GM": "Gambia",
"GE": "Georgia",
"GH": "Ghana",
"GI": "Gibraltar",
"GD": "Granada",
"GR": "Grecia",
"GL": "Groenlandia",
"GP": "Guadalupe",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GF": "Guayana Francesa",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GN": "Guinea",
"GQ": "Guinea Ecuatorial",
"GW": "Guinea-Bissau",
"GY": "Guyana",
"HT": "Haití",
"HN": "Honduras",
"HU": "Hungría",
"IN": "India",
"ID": "Indonesia",
"IQ": "Iraq",
"IE": "Irlanda",
"IR": "Irán",
"BV": "Isla Bouvet",
"CX": "Isla Christmas",
"NU": "Isla Niue",
"NF": "Isla Norfolk",
"IM": "Isla de Man",
"IS": "Islandia",
"KY": "Islas Caimán",
"CC": "Islas Cocos",
"CK": "Islas Cook",
"FO": "Islas Feroe",
"GS": "Islas Georgia del Sur y Sandwich del Sur",
"HM": "Islas Heard y McDonald",
"FK": "Islas Malvinas",
"MP": "Islas Marianas del Norte",
"MH": "Islas Marshall",
"SB": "Islas Salomón",
"TC": "Islas Turcas y Caicos",
"VG": "Islas Vírgenes Británicas",
"VI": "Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos",
"UM": "Islas menores alejadas de los Estados Unidos",
"AX": "Islas Åland",
"IL": "Israel",
"IT": "Italia",
"JM": "Jamaica",
"JP": "Japón",
"JE": "Jersey",
"JO": "Jordania",
"KZ": "Kazajistán",
"KE": "Kenia",
"KG": "Kirguistán",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"KW": "Kuwait",
"LA": "Laos",
"LS": "Lesoto",
"LV": "Letonia",
"LR": "Liberia",
"LY": "Libia",
"LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Lituania",
"LU": "Luxemburgo",
"LB": "Líbano",
"MK": "Macedonia",
"MG": "Madagascar",
"MY": "Malasia",
"MW": "Malaui",
"MV": "Maldivas",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malta",
"MA": "Marruecos",
"MQ": "Martinica",
"MU": "Mauricio",
"MR": "Mauritania",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"FM": "Micronesia",
"MD": "Moldavia",
"MN": "Mongolia",
"ME": "Montenegro",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MZ": "Mozambique",
"MM": "Myanmar",
"MX": "México",
"MC": "Mónaco",
"NA": "Namibia",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NP": "Nepal",
"NI": "Nicaragua",
"NG": "Nigeria",
"NO": "Noruega",
"NC": "Nueva Caledonia",
"NZ": "Nueva Zelanda",
"NE": "Níger",
"OM": "Omán",
"PK": "Pakistán",
"PW": "Palau",
"PS": "Palestina",
"PA": "Panamá",
"PG": "Papúa Nueva Guinea",
"PY": "Paraguay",
"NL": "Países Bajos",
"PE": "Perú",
"PN": "Pitcairn",
"PF": "Polinesia Francesa",
"PL": "Polonia",
"PT": "Portugal",
"PR": "Puerto Rico",
"QA": "Qatar",
"HK": "Región Administrativa Especial de Hong Kong de la República Popular China",
"MO": "Región Administrativa Especial de Macao de la República Popular China",
"ZZ": "Región desconocida o no válida",
"GB": "Reino Unido",
"CF": "República Centroafricana",
"CZ": "República Checa",
"CD": "República Democrática del Congo",
"DO": "República Dominicana",
"RE": "Reunión",
"RW": "Ruanda",
"RO": "Rumanía",
"RU": "Rusia",
"WS": "Samoa",
"AS": "Samoa Americana",
"BL": "San Bartolomé",
"KN": "San Cristóbal y Nieves",
"SM": "San Marino",
"MF": "San Martín",
"PM": "San Pedro y Miquelón",
"VC": "San Vicente y las Granadinas",
"SH": "Santa Elena",
"LC": "Santa Lucía",
"ST": "Santo Tomé y Príncipe",
"SN": "Senegal",
"RS": "Serbia",
"CS": "Serbia y Montenegro",
"SC": "Seychelles",
"SL": "Sierra Leona",
"SG": "Singapur",
"SY": "Siria",
"SO": "Somalia",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"SZ": "Suazilandia",
"ZA": "Sudáfrica",
"SD": "Sudán",
"SE": "Suecia",
"CH": "Suiza",
"SR": "Surinam",
"SJ": "Svalbard y Jan Mayen",
"EH": "Sáhara Occidental",
"TH": "Tailandia",
"TW": "Taiwán",
"TZ": "Tanzania",
"TJ": "Tayikistán",
"IO": "Territorio Británico del Océano Índico",
"TF": "Territorios Australes Franceses",
"TL": "Timor Oriental",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trinidad y Tobago",
"TM": "Turkmenistán",
"TR": "Turquía",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"TN": "Túnez",
"UA": "Ucrania",
"UG": "Uganda",
"UY": "Uruguay",
"UZ": "Uzbekistán",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VE": "Venezuela",
"VN": "Vietnam",
"WF": "Wallis y Futuna",
"YE": "Yemen",
"DJ": "Yibuti",
"ZM": "Zambia",
"ZW": "Zimbabue"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
"AF": "Afganistan",
"CF": "Afrika Erdiko Errepublika",
"AX": "Aland Uharteak",
"AL": "Albania",
"DE": "Alemania",
"DZ": "Aljeria",
"AS": "Amerikar Samoa",
"US": "Ameriketako Estatu Batuak",
"AO": "Angola",
"AQ": "Antartika",
"AG": "Antigua eta Barbuda",
"AE": "Arabiar Emirrerri Batuak",
"AR": "Argentina",
"AM": "Armenia",
"AU": "Australia",
"AT": "Austria",
"AZ": "Azerbaijan",
"BS": "Bahamak",
"BD": "Bangladesh",
"BE": "Belgika",
"BJ": "Benin",
"BT": "Bhutan",
"BY": "Bielorrusia",
"VI": "Birjina uharte amerikarrak",
"VG": "Birjina uharte britainiarrak",
"MM": "Birmania",
"CI": "Boli Kosta",
"BO": "Bolibia",
"BA": "Bosnia-Herzegovina",
"BW": "Botswana",
"BV": "Bouvet Uhartea",
"BR": "Brasil",
"BG": "Bulgaria",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"CV": "Cabo Verde",
"CX": "Christmas uhartea",
"CC": "Cocos uharteak",
"CK": "Cook uharteak",
"DK": "Danimarka",
"DJ": "Djibuti",
"DM": "Dominika",
"DO": "Dominikar Errepublika",
"EG": "Egipto",
"TL": "Ekialdeko Timor",
"EC": "Ekuador",
"GQ": "Ekuatore Ginea",
"ER": "Eritrea",
"GB": "Erresuma Batua",
"RO": "Errumania",
"RU": "Errusia",
"SK": "Eslovakia",
"SI": "Eslovenia",
"ES": "Espainia",
"UM": "Estatu Batuetatik urruti dauden uharte txikiak",
"EE": "Estonia",
"ET": "Etiopia",
"FO": "Faroe Uharteak",
"PH": "Filipinak",
"FI": "Finlandia",
"FR": "Frantzia",
"TF": "Frantziaren Lurralde Australak",
"GA": "Gabon",
"GM": "Gambia",
"GE": "Georgia",
"GH": "Ghana",
"GN": "Ginea",
"GW": "Ginea-Bissau",
"GR": "Grezia",
"GL": "Groenlandia",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GF": "Guyana Frantsesa",
"HT": "Haiti",
"HM": "Heard eta McDonald Uharteak",
"KR": "Hego Korea",
"ZA": "Hegoafrika",
"GS": "Hegoaldeko Georgia eta Hegoaldeko Sandwich uharteak",
"NL": "Herbehereak",
"AN": "Holandarren Antillak",
"HN": "Honduras",
"HU": "Hungaria",
"IN": "India",
"IO": "Indiako Ozeanoko Britainiar Lurraldea",
"ID": "Indonesia",
"KP": "Ipar Korea",
"MP": "Iparraldeko Mariana uharteak",
"IQ": "Irak",
"IR": "Iran",
"IE": "Irlanda",
"IS": "Islandia",
"IL": "Israel",
"IT": "Italia",
"JM": "Jamaika",
"JP": "Japonia",
"JE": "Jersey",
"JO": "Jordania",
"KY": "Kaiman Uharteak",
"NC": "Kaledonia Berria",
"CM": "Kamerun",
"CA": "Kanada",
"KH": "Kanbodia",
"QA": "Katar",
"KZ": "Kazakhstan",
"KE": "Kenia",
"KG": "Kirgizistan",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"CO": "Kolonbia",
"KM": "Komoreak",
"CG": "Kongo",
"CD": "Kongoko Errepublika Demokratikoa",
"HR": "Kroazia",
"CU": "Kuba",
"LA": "Laos",
"LS": "Lesotho",
"LV": "Letonia",
"LB": "Libano",
"LR": "Liberia",
"LY": "Libia",
"LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Lituania",
"LU": "Luxenburgo",
"MG": "Madagaskar",
"MO": "Makau",
"MY": "Malasia",
"MW": "Malawi",
"MV": "Maldivak",
"ML": "Mali",
"FK": "Malvinak",
"IM": "Man uhartea",
"MA": "Maroko",
"MH": "Marshall uharteak",
"MR": "Mauritania",
"MU": "Maurizio",
"MK": "Mazedonia",
"EH": "Mendebaldeko Sahara",
"MX": "Mexiko",
"FM": "Mikronesia",
"MD": "Moldavia",
"MC": "Monako",
"MN": "Mongolia",
"ME": "Montenegro",
"MZ": "Mozambike",
"NA": "Namibia",
"NP": "Nepal",
"NE": "Niger",
"NG": "Nigeria",
"NI": "Nikaragua",
"NF": "Norfolk uhartea",
"NO": "Norvegia",
"OM": "Oman",
"PK": "Pakistan",
"PS": "Palestina",
"PG": "Papua Ginea Berria",
"PY": "Paraguai",
"PE": "Peru",
"PF": "Polinesia Frantsesa",
"PL": "Polonia",
"PT": "Portugal",
"RW": "Ruanda",
"SH": "Saint Helena",
"KN": "Saint Kitts eta Nevis",
"VC": "Saint Vincent eta Grenadinak",
"PM": "Saint-Pierre eta Mikelune",
"SB": "Salomon uharteak",
"WS": "Samoa",
"SM": "San Marino",
"LC": "Santa Luzia",
"ST": "Sao Tomé eta Principe",
"SA": "Saudi Arabia",
"SN": "Senegal",
"RS": "Serbia",
"CS": "Serbia eta Montenegro",
"SC": "Seychelleak",
"SL": "Sierra Leona",
"SG": "Singapur",
"SY": "Siria",
"SO": "Somalia",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"SD": "Sudan",
"SE": "Suedia",
"CH": "Suitza",
"SR": "Surinam",
"SJ": "Svalbard eta Jan Mayen uharteak",
"SZ": "Swazilandia",
"TJ": "Tadjikistan",
"TH": "Tailandia",
"TW": "Taiwan",
"TZ": "Tanzania",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trinidad eta Tobago",
"TN": "Tunisia",
"TC": "Turk eta Caico uharteak",
"TR": "Turkia",
"TM": "Turkmenistan",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"TD": "Txad",
"CZ": "Txekiar errepublika",
"CL": "Txile",
"CN": "Txina",
"UG": "Uganda",
"UA": "Ukraina",
"UY": "Uruguai",
"UZ": "Uzbekistan",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VA": "Vatikano",
"VE": "Venezuela",
"VN": "Vietnam",
"WF": "Wallis eta Futuna",
"YE": "Yemen",
"ZM": "Zambia",
"NZ": "Zeelanda Berria",
"ZW": "Zimbabwe",
"CY": "Zipre"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"AW": "آروبا",
"AR": "آرژانتین",
"AL": "آلبانی",
"DE": "آلمان",
"AN": "آنتیل هلند",
"AG": "آنتیگوا و باربودا",
"AD": "آندورا",
"AO": "آنگولا",
"AI": "آنگیل",
"AT": "اتریش",
"ET": "اتیوپی",
"JO": "اردن",
"AM": "ارمنستان",
"ER": "اریتره",
"UZ": "ازبکستان",
"AU": "استرالیا",
"EE": "استونی",
"IL": "اسرائیل",
"SK": "اسلواکی",
"SI": "اسلوونی",
"SJ": "اسوالبارد و جان ماین",
"ES": "اسپانیا",
"ZA": "افریقای جنوبی",
"AF": "افغانستان",
"DZ": "الجزایر",
"SV": "السالوادور",
"AE": "امارات متحدهٔ عربی",
"ID": "اندونزی",
"UY": "اوروگوئه",
"UA": "اوکراین",
"UG": "اوگاندا",
"EC": "اکوادر",
"US": "ایالات متحدهٔ امریکا",
"IT": "ایتالیا",
"IR": "ایران",
"IE": "ایرلند",
"IS": "ایسلند",
"BB": "باربادوس",
"BS": "باهاما",
"BH": "بحرین",
"BR": "برزیل",
"BM": "برمودا",
"BN": "برونئی",
"GB": "بریتانیا",
"BG": "بلغارستان",
"BE": "بلژیک",
"BZ": "بلیز",
"BD": "بنگلادش",
"BJ": "بنین",
"BT": "بوتان",
"BW": "بوتسوانا",
"BI": "بوروندی",
"BF": "بورکینافاسو",
"BA": "بوسنی و هرزگوین",
"BO": "بولیوی",
"BY": "بیلوروسی",
"TJ": "تاجیکستان",
"TZ": "تانزانیا",
"TH": "تایلند",
"TW": "تایوان",
"TM": "ترکمنستان",
"TR": "ترکیه",
"TT": "ترینیداد و توباگو",
"TN": "تونس",
"TO": "تونگا",
"TV": "تووالو",
"TK": "توکلائو",
"TG": "توگو",
"TL": "تیمور شرقی",
"JM": "جامائیکا",
"GI": "جبلالطارق",
"JE": "جرسی",
"AX": "جزایر آلاند",
"TC": "جزایر ترک و کایکوس",
"SB": "جزایر سلیمان",
"FO": "جزایر فارو",
"FK": "جزایر فالکلند",
"MH": "جزایر مارشال",
"MP": "جزایر ماریانای شمالی",
"VI": "جزایر ویرجین ایالات متحده",
"VG": "جزایر ویرجین بریتانیا",
"UM": "جزایر کوچک دورافتادهٔ ایالات متحده",
"CK": "جزایر کوک",
"CC": "جزایر کوکوس",
"KY": "جزایر کِیمن",
"BV": "جزیرهٔ بووت",
"IM": "جزیرهٔ مان",
"NF": "جزیرهٔ نورفولک",
"HM": "جزیرهٔ هرد و جزایر مکدونالد",
"CX": "جزیرهٔ کریسمس",
"AZ": "جمهوری آذربایجان",
"CF": "جمهوری افریقای مرکزی",
"DO": "جمهوری دومینیکن",
"CZ": "جمهوری چک",
"AQ": "جنوبگان",
"GS": "جورجیای جنوبی و جزایر ساندویچ جنوبی",
"DJ": "جیبوتی",
"DK": "دانمارک",
"DM": "دومینیک",
"RW": "رواندا",
"RU": "روسیه",
"RO": "رومانی",
"RE": "ریونیون",
"ZM": "زامبیا",
"NZ": "زلاند نو",
"ZW": "زیمبابوه",
"ST": "سائو تومه و پرینسیپه",
"CI": "ساحل عاج",
"WS": "ساموا",
"AS": "ساموای امریکا",
"SM": "سان مارینو",
"LK": "سریلانکا",
"BL": "سنت بارتلیمی",
"LC": "سنت لوسیا",
"MF": "سنت مارتین",
"SH": "سنت هلن",
"VC": "سنت وینسنت و گرنادین",
"PM": "سنت پیر و میکلون",
"KN": "سنت کیتس و نویس",
"SN": "سنگال",
"SG": "سنگاپور",
"SE": "سوئد",
"CH": "سوئیس",
"SZ": "سوازیلند",
"SD": "سودان",
"SR": "سورینام",
"SY": "سوریه",
"SO": "سومالی",
"SL": "سیرالئون",
"SC": "سیشل",
"CL": "شیلی",
"EH": "صحرای غربی",
"RS": "صربستان",
"CS": "صربستان و مونتهنگرو",
"IQ": "عراق",
"SA": "عربستان سعودی",
"OM": "عمان",
"GH": "غنا",
"FR": "فرانسه",
"PS": "فلسطین",
"FI": "فنلاند",
"FJ": "فیجی",
"PH": "فیلیپین",
"CY": "قبرس",
"KG": "قرقیزستان",
"KZ": "قزاقستان",
"QA": "قطر",
"LA": "لائوس",
"LB": "لبنان",
"LV": "لتونی",
"LS": "لسوتو",
"PL": "لهستان",
"LU": "لوکزامبورگ",
"LR": "لیبریا",
"LY": "لیبی",
"LT": "لیتوانی",
"LI": "لیختناشتاین",
"MG": "ماداگاسکار",
"MQ": "مارتینیک",
"MW": "مالاوی",
"MT": "مالت",
"MV": "مالدیو",
"MY": "مالزی",
"ML": "مالی",
"MO": "ماکائو، ناحیهٔ ویژهٔ حکومتی چین",
"YT": "مایوت",
"HU": "مجارستان",
"MA": "مراکش",
"IO": "مستعمرههای بریتانیا در اقیانوس هند",
"TF": "مستعمرههای جنوبی فرانسه",
"EG": "مصر",
"MN": "مغولستان",
"MK": "مقدونیه",
"MR": "موریتانی",
"MU": "موریس",
"MZ": "موزامبیک",
"MD": "مولداوی",
"MC": "موناکو",
"ME": "مونتهنگرو",
"MS": "مونتسرات",
"MX": "مکزیک",
"MM": "میانمار",
"FM": "میکرونزی",
"NR": "نائورو",
"ZZ": "ناحیهٔ نامشخص یا نامعتبر",
"NA": "نامیبیا",
"NO": "نروژ",
"NP": "نپال",
"NE": "نیجر",
"NG": "نیجریه",
"NU": "نیوئه",
"NI": "نیکاراگوئه",
"HT": "هاییتی",
"NL": "هلند",
"IN": "هند",
"HN": "هندوراس",
"HK": "هنگکنگ، ناحیهٔ ویژهٔ حکومتی چین",
"VA": "واتیکان",
"WF": "والیس و فیوتونا",
"VU": "وانواتو",
"VE": "ونزوئلا",
"VN": "ویتنام",
"PY": "پاراگوئه",
"PW": "پالائو",
"PA": "پاناما",
"PG": "پاپوا گینهٔ نو",
"PK": "پاکستان",
"PT": "پرتغال",
"PE": "پرو",
"PF": "پلینزی فرانسه",
"PR": "پورتو ریکو",
"PN": "پیتکایرن",
"TD": "چاد",
"CN": "چین",
"JP": "ژاپن",
"CR": "کاستاریکا",
"NC": "کالدونیای جدید",
"KH": "کامبوج",
"CM": "کامرون",
"CA": "کانادا",
"KR": "کرهٔ جنوبی",
"KP": "کرهٔ شمالی",
"HR": "کرواسی",
"CO": "کلمبیا",
"CG": "کنگو برازویل",
"CD": "کنگو کینشاسا",
"KE": "کنیا",
"CU": "کوبا",
"KM": "کومورو",
"KW": "کویت",
"KI": "کیریباتی",
"CV": "کیپ ورد",
"GA": "گابون",
"GM": "گامبیا",
"GD": "گرانادا",
"GE": "گرجستان",
"GG": "گرنزی",
"GL": "گروئنلند",
"GT": "گواتمالا",
"GP": "گوادلوپ",
"GU": "گوام",
"GY": "گویان",
"GF": "گویان فرانسه",
"GN": "گینه",
"GQ": "گینهٔ استوایی",
"GW": "گینهٔ بیسائو",
"YE": "یمن",
"GR": "یونان"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"AF": "Afghanistan",
"ZA": "Afrique du Sud",
"AL": "Albanie",
"DZ": "Algérie",
"DE": "Allemagne",
"AD": "Andorre",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguilla",
"AQ": "Antarctique",
"AG": "Antigua-et-Barbuda",
"AN": "Antilles néerlandaises",
"SA": "Arabie saoudite",
"AR": "Argentine",
"AM": "Arménie",
"AW": "Aruba",
"AU": "Australie",
"AT": "Autriche",
"AZ": "Azerbaïdjan",
"BS": "Bahamas",
"BH": "Bahreïn",
"BD": "Bangladesh",
"BB": "Barbade",
"BE": "Belgique",
"BZ": "Belize",
"BM": "Bermudes",
"BT": "Bhoutan",
"BO": "Bolivie",
"BA": "Bosnie-Herzégovine",
"BW": "Botswana",
"BN": "Brunéi Darussalam",
"BR": "Brésil",
"BG": "Bulgarie",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"BY": "Bélarus",
"BJ": "Bénin",
"KH": "Cambodge",
"CM": "Cameroun",
"CA": "Canada",
"CV": "Cap-Vert",
"CL": "Chili",
"CN": "Chine",
"CY": "Chypre",
"CO": "Colombie",
"KM": "Comores",
"CG": "Congo",
"KP": "Corée du Nord",
"KR": "Corée du Sud",
"CR": "Costa Rica",
"HR": "Croatie",
"CU": "Cuba",
"CI": "Côte d’Ivoire",
"DK": "Danemark",
"DJ": "Djibouti",
"DM": "Dominique",
"SV": "El Salvador",
"ES": "Espagne",
"EE": "Estonie",
"FJ": "Fidji",
"FI": "Finlande",
"FR": "France",
"GA": "Gabon",
"GM": "Gambie",
"GH": "Ghana",
"GI": "Gibraltar",
"GD": "Grenade",
"GL": "Groenland",
"GR": "Grèce",
"GP": "Guadeloupe",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GG": "Guernesey",
"GN": "Guinée",
"GQ": "Guinée équatoriale",
"GW": "Guinée-Bissau",
"GY": "Guyana",
"GF": "Guyane française",
"GE": "Géorgie",
"GS": "Géorgie du Sud et les îles Sandwich du Sud",
"HT": "Haïti",
"HN": "Honduras",
"HU": "Hongrie",
"IN": "Inde",
"ID": "Indonésie",
"IQ": "Irak",
"IR": "Iran",
"IE": "Irlande",
"IS": "Islande",
"IL": "Israël",
"IT": "Italie",
"JM": "Jamaïque",
"JP": "Japon",
"JE": "Jersey",
"JO": "Jordanie",
"KZ": "Kazakhstan",
"KE": "Kenya",
"KG": "Kirghizistan",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"KW": "Koweït",
"LA": "Laos",
"LS": "Lesotho",
"LV": "Lettonie",
"LB": "Liban",
"LY": "Libye",
"LR": "Libéria",
"LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Lituanie",
"LU": "Luxembourg",
"MK": "Macédoine",
"MG": "Madagascar",
"MY": "Malaisie",
"MW": "Malawi",
"MV": "Maldives",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malte",
"MA": "Maroc",
"MQ": "Martinique",
"MU": "Maurice",
"MR": "Mauritanie",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"MX": "Mexique",
"MD": "Moldavie",
"MC": "Monaco",
"MN": "Mongolie",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"ME": "Monténégro",
"MZ": "Mozambique",
"MM": "Myanmar",
"NA": "Namibie",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NI": "Nicaragua",
"NE": "Niger",
"NG": "Nigéria",
"NU": "Niue",
"NO": "Norvège",
"NC": "Nouvelle-Calédonie",
"NZ": "Nouvelle-Zélande",
"NP": "Népal",
"OM": "Oman",
"UG": "Ouganda",
"UZ": "Ouzbékistan",
"PK": "Pakistan",
"PW": "Palaos",
"PA": "Panama",
"PG": "Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée",
"PY": "Paraguay",
"NL": "Pays-Bas",
"PH": "Philippines",
"PN": "Pitcairn",
"PL": "Pologne",
"PF": "Polynésie française",
"PR": "Porto Rico",
"PT": "Portugal",
"PE": "Pérou",
"QA": "Qatar",
"HK": "R.A.S. chinoise de Hong Kong",
"MO": "R.A.S. chinoise de Macao",
"RO": "Roumanie",
"GB": "Royaume-Uni",
"RU": "Russie",
"RW": "Rwanda",
"CF": "République centrafricaine",
"DO": "République dominicaine",
"CD": "République démocratique du Congo",
"CZ": "République tchèque",
"RE": "Réunion",
"EH": "Sahara occidental",
"BL": "Saint-Barthélémy",
"KN": "Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis",
"SM": "Saint-Marin",
"MF": "Saint-Martin",
"PM": "Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon",
"VC": "Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines",
"SH": "Sainte-Hélène",
"LC": "Sainte-Lucie",
"WS": "Samoa",
"AS": "Samoa américaines",
"ST": "Sao Tomé-et-Principe",
"RS": "Serbie",
"CS": "Serbie-et-Monténégro",
"SC": "Seychelles",
"SL": "Sierra Leone",
"SG": "Singapour",
"SK": "Slovaquie",
"SI": "Slovénie",
"SO": "Somalie",
"SD": "Soudan",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"CH": "Suisse",
"SR": "Suriname",
"SE": "Suède",
"SJ": "Svalbard et Île Jan Mayen",
"SZ": "Swaziland",
"SY": "Syrie",
"SN": "Sénégal",
"TJ": "Tadjikistan",
"TZ": "Tanzanie",
"TW": "Taïwan",
"TD": "Tchad",
"TF": "Terres australes françaises",
"IO": "Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien",
"PS": "Territoire palestinien",
"TH": "Thaïlande",
"TL": "Timor oriental",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trinité-et-Tobago",
"TN": "Tunisie",
"TM": "Turkménistan",
"TR": "Turquie",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"UA": "Ukraine",
"UY": "Uruguay",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VE": "Venezuela",
"VN": "Viêt Nam",
"WF": "Wallis-et-Futuna",
"YE": "Yémen",
"ZM": "Zambie",
"ZW": "Zimbabwe",
"ZZ": "région indéterminée",
"EG": "Égypte",
"AE": "Émirats arabes unis",
"EC": "Équateur",
"ER": "Érythrée",
"VA": "État de la Cité du Vatican",
"FM": "États fédérés de Micronésie",
"US": "États-Unis",
"ET": "Éthiopie",
"BV": "Île Bouvet",
"CX": "Île Christmas",
"NF": "Île Norfolk",
"IM": "Île de Man",
"KY": "Îles Caïmans",
"CC": "Îles Cocos - Keeling",
"CK": "Îles Cook",
"FO": "Îles Féroé",
"HM": "Îles Heard et MacDonald",
"FK": "Îles Malouines",
"MP": "Îles Mariannes du Nord",
"MH": "Îles Marshall",
"UM": "Îles Mineures Éloignées des États-Unis",
"SB": "Îles Salomon",
"TC": "Îles Turks et Caïques",
"VG": "Îles Vierges britanniques",
"VI": "Îles Vierges des États-Unis",
"AX": "Îles Åland"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"UG": "אוגנדה",
"UZ": "אוזבקיסטן",
"AT": "אוסטריה",
"AU": "אוסטרליה",
"UA": "אוקראינה",
"UY": "אורוגוואי",
"ZZ": "אזור לא ידוע או לא תקין",
"AZ": "אזרביג'ן",
"AE": "איחוד האמירויות הערביות",
"IT": "איטליה",
"AX": "איי אלנד",
"BS": "איי בהאמה",
"BV": "איי בובה",
"VI": "איי הבתולה האמריקניים",
"VG": "איי הבתולה הבריטיים",
"HM": "איי הרד ואיי מקדונלנד",
"WF": "איי ווליס ופוטונה",
"TC": "איי טורקס וקאיקוס",
"CX": "איי כריסטמס",
"MP": "איי מריאנה הצפוניים",
"MH": "איי מרשל",
"NF": "איי נורפוק",
"SC": "איי סיישל",
"FO": "איי פארו",
"FK": "איי פוקלנד",
"CK": "איי קוק",
"CC": "איי קוקוס",
"KY": "איי קיימן",
"SB": "איי שלמה",
"UM": "איים קטנים שלחוף ארצות הברית",
"ID": "אינדונזיה",
"IS": "איסלנד",
"IR": "איראן",
"IE": "אירלנד",
"SV": "אל סלבדור",
"AL": "אלבניה",
"DZ": "אלג׳יריה",
"AO": "אנגולה",
"AI": "אנגילה",
"AD": "אנדורה",
"AQ": "אנטארקטיקה",
"AG": "אנטיגואה וברבודה",
"AN": "אנטילים הולנדיים",
"EE": "אסטוניה",
"AF": "אפגניסטן",
"EC": "אקוודור",
"AR": "ארגנטינה",
"AW": "ארובה",
"ER": "אריתראה",
"AM": "ארמניה",
"US": "ארצות הברית",
"ET": "אתיופיה",
"BT": "בהוטן",
"BW": "בוטסוואנה",
"BG": "בולגריה",
"BO": "בוליביה",
"BA": "בוסניה והרצגובינה",
"BI": "בורונדי",
"BF": "בורקינה פאסו",
"BH": "בחריין",
"BY": "בלארוס",
"BE": "בלגיה",
"BZ": "בליז",
"BD": "בנגלדש",
"BJ": "בנין",
"BB": "ברבדוס",
"BN": "ברוניי",
"BR": "ברזיל",
"GB": "בריטניה",
"BM": "ברמודה",
"JE": "ג'רסי",
"GA": "גאבון",
"GE": "גאורגיה",
"GH": "גאנה",
"GT": "גואטמלה",
"GU": "גואם",
"GP": "גוואדלופ",
"GY": "גיאנה",
"GF": "גיאנה הצרפתית",
"GI": "גיברלטר",
"GN": "גיניאה",
"GQ": "גיניאה המשוונית",
"GW": "גיניאה-ביסאו",
"GM": "גמביה",
"GL": "גרינלנד",
"DE": "גרמניה",
"GD": "גרנדה",
"GG": "גרנסי",
"GS": "ג׳ורג׳יה הדרומית ואיי סנדוויץ׳ הדרומיים",
"DJ": "ג׳יבוטי",
"JM": "ג׳מייקה",
"DM": "דומיניקה",
"DK": "דנמרק",
"ZA": "דרום אפריקה",
"KR": "דרום קוריאה",
"IM": "האי מאן",
"HT": "האיטי",
"IN": "הודו",
"VA": "הוותיקן",
"NL": "הולנד",
"HK": "הונג קונג (מחוז מנהלי מיוחד של סין)",
"HU": "הונגריה",
"HN": "הונדורס",
"DO": "הרפובליקה הדומיניקנית",
"CF": "הרפובליקה של מרכז אפריקה",
"PS": "הרשות הפלסטינית",
"VN": "וייטנאם",
"VU": "ונואטו",
"VE": "ונצואלה",
"ZW": "זימבאבווה",
"ZM": "זמביה",
"CI": "חוף השנהב",
"TJ": "טג׳יקיסטן",
"TV": "טובלו",
"TG": "טוגו",
"TO": "טונגה",
"TK": "טוקלאו",
"TR": "טורקיה",
"TM": "טורקמניסטן",
"TW": "טייוואן",
"TZ": "טנזניה",
"IO": "טריטוריה בריטית באוקיאנוס ההודי",
"TF": "טריטוריות דרומיות של צרפת",
"TT": "טרינידד וטובגו",
"GR": "יוון",
"JP": "יפן",
"JO": "ירדן",
"IL": "ישראל",
"KW": "כווית",
"CV": "כף ורדה",
"LA": "לאוס",
"LB": "לבנון",
"LY": "לוב",
"LU": "לוקסמבורג",
"LV": "לטביה",
"LR": "ליבריה",
"LT": "ליטא",
"LI": "ליכטנשטיין",
"LS": "לסוטו",
"MR": "מאוריטניה",
"MU": "מאוריציוס",
"YT": "מאיוט",
"ML": "מאלי",
"MG": "מדגסקר",
"MZ": "מוזמביק",
"MD": "מולדובה",
"MN": "מונגוליה",
"ME": "מונטנגרו",
"MS": "מונסראט",
"MC": "מונקו",
"TL": "מזרח טימור",
"MM": "מייאנמאר",
"FM": "מיקרונזיה",
"MW": "מלאווי",
"MV": "מלדיבים",
"MY": "מלזיה",
"MT": "מלטה",
"EG": "מצרים",
"MO": "מקאו (מחוז מנהלי מיוחד של סין)",
"MK": "מקדוניה",
"MX": "מקסיקו",
"MA": "מרוקו",
"MQ": "מרטיניק",
"NR": "נאורו",
"NO": "נורווגיה",
"NG": "ניגריה",
"NZ": "ניו זילנד",
"NU": "ניווה",
"NE": "ניז׳ר",
"NI": "ניקרגואה",
"NA": "נמיביה",
"NP": "נפאל",
"ST": "סאו טומה ופרינסיפה",
"EH": "סהרה המערבית",
"SD": "סודן",
"SZ": "סווזילנד",
"SJ": "סוולבארד וז׳אן מאיין",
"SO": "סומליה",
"SY": "סוריה",
"SR": "סורינם",
"SL": "סיירה לאונה",
"CN": "סין",
"SG": "סינגפור",
"SI": "סלובניה",
"SK": "סלובקיה",
"WS": "סמואה",
"AS": "סמואה האמריקנית",
"SM": "סן מרינו",
"SN": "סנגל",
"BL": "סנט ברתולומיאו",
"SH": "סנט הלנה",
"VC": "סנט וינסנט והגרנדינים",
"LC": "סנט לוסיה",
"MF": "סנט מרטין",
"PM": "סנט פייר ומיקלון",
"KN": "סנט קיטס ונוויס",
"ES": "ספרד",
"RS": "סרביה",
"CS": "סרביה ומונטנגרו",
"LK": "סרי לנקה",
"OM": "עומאן",
"IQ": "עיראק",
"SA": "ערב הסעודית",
"PW": "פאלאו",
"PL": "פולין",
"PF": "פולינזיה הצרפתית",
"PR": "פורטו ריקו",
"PT": "פורטוגל",
"FJ": "פיג׳י",
"PN": "פיטקרן",
"PH": "פיליפינים",
"FI": "פינלנד",
"PA": "פנמה",
"PG": "פפואה גיניאה החדשה",
"PK": "פקיסטן",
"PY": "פרגוואי",
"PE": "פרו",
"KP": "צפון קוריאה",
"FR": "צרפת",
"TD": "צ׳אד",
"CL": "צ׳ילה",
"CZ": "צ׳כיה",
"CU": "קובה",
"CO": "קולומביה",
"KM": "קומורוס",
"CG": "קונגו - ברזאויל",
"CD": "קונגו - קינשאסה",
"CR": "קוסטה ריקה",
"KZ": "קזחסטן",
"QA": "קטאר",
"KG": "קירגיזסטן",
"KI": "קיריבאטי",
"NC": "קלדוניה החדשה",
"KH": "קמבודיה",
"CM": "קמרון",
"CA": "קנדה",
"KE": "קניה",
"CY": "קפריסין",
"HR": "קרואטיה",
"RE": "ראוניון",
"RW": "רואנדה",
"RO": "רומניה",
"RU": "רוסיה",
"SE": "שוודיה",
"CH": "שווייץ",
"TH": "תאילנד",
"TN": "תוניסיה",
"YE": "תימן"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"AF": "Afganisztán",
"AX": "Aland-szigetek",
"AL": "Albánia",
"DZ": "Algéria",
"UM": "Amerikai Csendes-óceáni Szigetek",
"AS": "Amerikai Szamoa",
"VI": "Amerikai Virgin-szigetek",
"AD": "Andorra",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguilla",
"AQ": "Antarktisz",
"AG": "Antigua és Barbuda",
"AR": "Argentína",
"AW": "Aruba",
"AT": "Ausztria",
"AU": "Ausztrália",
"AZ": "Azerbajdzsán",
"BS": "Bahamák",
"BH": "Bahrein",
"BD": "Banglades",
"BB": "Barbados",
"BE": "Belgium",
"BZ": "Belize",
"BJ": "Benin",
"BM": "Bermuda",
"BT": "Bhután",
"BO": "Bolívia",
"BA": "Bosznia-Hercegovina",
"BW": "Botswana",
"BV": "Bouvet-sziget",
"BR": "Brazília",
"IO": "Brit Indiai Oceán",
"VG": "Brit Virgin-szigetek",
"BN": "Brunei",
"BG": "Bulgária",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"CL": "Chile",
"CY": "Ciprus",
"KM": "Comore-szigetek",
"CK": "Cook-szigetek",
"CR": "Costa Rica",
"CZ": "Csehország",
"TD": "Csád",
"DM": "Dominika",
"DO": "Dominikai Köztársaság",
"DJ": "Dzsibuti",
"DK": "Dánia",
"GS": "Dél Grúzia és a Déli Szendvics-szigetek",
"ZA": "Dél-Afrika",
"KR": "Dél-Korea",
"EC": "Ecuador",
"GQ": "Egyenlítői-Guinea",
"AE": "Egyesült Arab Emirátus",
"GB": "Egyesült Királyság",
"US": "Egyesült Államok",
"EG": "Egyiptom",
"CI": "Elefántcsontpart",
"ER": "Eritrea",
"ET": "Etiópia",
"FK": "Falkland-szigetek",
"BY": "Fehéroroszország",
"FO": "Feröer-szigetek",
"FJ": "Fidzsi",
"FI": "Finnország",
"TF": "Francia Déli Területek",
"GF": "Francia Guyana",
"PF": "Francia Polinézia",
"FR": "Franciaország",
"PH": "Fülöp-szigetek",
"GA": "Gabon",
"GM": "Gambia",
"GH": "Ghána",
"GI": "Gibraltár",
"GD": "Grenada",
"GL": "Grönland",
"GE": "Grúzia",
"GP": "Guadeloupe",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GN": "Guinea",
"GW": "Guinea-Bissau",
"GY": "Guyana",
"GR": "Görögország",
"HT": "Haiti",
"HM": "Heard és McDonald Szigetek",
"AN": "Holland Antillák",
"NL": "Hollandia",
"HN": "Honduras",
"HK": "Hongkong S.A.R, Kína",
"HR": "Horvátország",
"IN": "India",
"ID": "Indonézia",
"IQ": "Irak",
"IR": "Irán",
"ZZ": "Ismeretlen vagy érvénytelen körzet",
"IS": "Izland",
"IL": "Izrael",
"JM": "Jamaica",
"JP": "Japán",
"YE": "Jemen",
"JE": "Jersey",
"JO": "Jordánia",
"KY": "Kajmán-szigetek",
"KH": "Kambodzsa",
"CM": "Kamerun",
"CA": "Kanada",
"CX": "Karácsony-szigetek",
"QA": "Katar",
"KZ": "Kazahsztán",
"TL": "Kelet-Timor",
"KE": "Kenya",
"KG": "Kirgizisztán",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"CO": "Kolumbia",
"CG": "Kongó",
"CD": "Kongó - Kinshasa",
"CU": "Kuba",
"KW": "Kuvait",
"CN": "Kína",
"CC": "Kókusz-szigetek",
"CF": "Közép-afrikai Köztársaság",
"LA": "Laosz",
"PL": "Lengyelország",
"LS": "Lesotho",
"LV": "Lettország",
"LB": "Libanon",
"LR": "Libéria",
"LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Litvánia",
"LU": "Luxemburg",
"LY": "Líbia",
"MK": "Macedónia",
"MG": "Madagaszkár",
"HU": "Magyarország",
"MO": "Makaó SAR Kína",
"MY": "Malajzia",
"MW": "Malawi",
"MV": "Maldív-szigetek",
"ML": "Mali",
"IM": "Man-sziget",
"MA": "Marokkó",
"MH": "Marshall-szigetek",
"MQ": "Martinique",
"MU": "Mauritius",
"MR": "Mauritánia",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"MX": "Mexikó",
"MM": "Mianmar",
"FM": "Mikronézia",
"MD": "Moldova",
"MC": "Monaco",
"MN": "Mongólia",
"ME": "Montenegró",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MZ": "Mozambik",
"MT": "Málta",
"NA": "Namíbia",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NP": "Nepál",
"NI": "Nicaragua",
"NE": "Niger",
"NG": "Nigéria",
"NU": "Niue",
"NF": "Norfolk-sziget",
"NO": "Norvégia",
"EH": "Nyugat-Szahara",
"DE": "Németország",
"IT": "Olaszország",
"OM": "Omán",
"RU": "Oroszország",
"PK": "Pakisztán",
"PW": "Palau",
"PS": "Palesztin Terület",
"PA": "Panama",
"PY": "Paraguay",
"PE": "Peru",
"PN": "Pitcairn-sziget",
"PT": "Portugália",
"PR": "Puerto Rico",
"PG": "Pápua Új-Guinea",
"RE": "Reunion",
"RO": "Románia",
"RW": "Ruanda",
"BL": "Saint Barthélemy",
"KN": "Saint Kitts és Nevis",
"MF": "Saint Martin",
"PM": "Saint Pierre és Miquelon",
"VC": "Saint Vincent és Grenadines",
"SB": "Salamon-szigetek",
"SV": "Salvador",
"SM": "San Marino",
"LC": "Santa Lucia",
"ST": "Sao Tomé és Príncipe",
"SC": "Seychelle-szigetek",
"SL": "Sierra Leone",
"ES": "Spanyolország",
"LK": "Srí Lanka",
"SR": "Suriname",
"SJ": "Svalbard és Jan Mayen",
"CH": "Svájc",
"SE": "Svédország",
"WS": "Szamoa",
"SA": "Szaúd-Arábia",
"SN": "Szenegál",
"SH": "Szent Helena",
"RS": "Szerbia",
"CS": "Szerbia és Montenegró",
"SG": "Szingapúr",
"SK": "Szlovákia",
"SI": "Szlovénia",
"SO": "Szomália",
"SD": "Szudán",
"SZ": "Szváziföld",
"SY": "Szíria",
"TJ": "Tadzsikisztán",
"TW": "Tajvan",
"TZ": "Tanzánia",
"TH": "Thaiföld",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trinidad és Tobago",
"TN": "Tunézia",
"TC": "Turks- és Caicos-szigetek",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"TR": "Törökország",
"TM": "Türkmenisztán",
"UG": "Uganda",
"UA": "Ukrajna",
"UY": "Uruguay",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VA": "Vatikán",
"VE": "Venezuela",
"VN": "Vietnam",
"WF": "Wallis és Futuna",
"ZM": "Zambia",
"ZW": "Zimbabwe",
"CV": "Zöld-foki Köztársaság",
"KP": "Észak-Korea",
"MP": "Északi Mariana-szigetek",
"EE": "Észtország",
"IE": "Írország",
"AM": "Örményország",
"NC": "Új-Kaledónia",
"NZ": "Új-Zéland",
"UZ": "Üzbegisztán"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
"AF": "Afghanistan",
"AL": "Albania",
"DZ": "Algeria",
"AD": "Andorra",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguilla",
"AQ": "Antartide",
"AG": "Antigua e Barbuda",
"AN": "Antille Olandesi",
"SA": "Arabia Saudita",
"AR": "Argentina",
"AM": "Armenia",
"AW": "Aruba",
"AU": "Australia",
"AT": "Austria",
"AZ": "Azerbaigian",
"BS": "Bahamas",
"BH": "Bahrein",
"BD": "Bangladesh",
"BB": "Barbados",
"BE": "Belgio",
"BZ": "Belize",
"BJ": "Benin",
"BM": "Bermuda",
"BT": "Bhutan",
"BY": "Bielorussia",
"BO": "Bolivia",
"BA": "Bosnia Erzegovina",
"BW": "Botswana",
"BR": "Brasile",
"BN": "Brunei",
"BG": "Bulgaria",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"KH": "Cambogia",
"CM": "Camerun",
"CA": "Canada",
"CV": "Capo Verde",
"TD": "Ciad",
"CL": "Cile",
"CN": "Cina",
"CY": "Cipro",
"CO": "Colombia",
"KM": "Comore",
"CG": "Congo",
"KP": "Corea del Nord",
"KR": "Corea del Sud",
"CR": "Costa Rica",
"CI": "Costa d’Avorio",
"HR": "Croazia",
"CU": "Cuba",
"DK": "Danimarca",
"DM": "Dominica",
"EC": "Ecuador",
"EG": "Egitto",
"SV": "El Salvador",
"AE": "Emirati Arabi Uniti",
"ER": "Eritrea",
"EE": "Estonia",
"ET": "Etiopia",
"RU": "Federazione Russa",
"FJ": "Figi",
"PH": "Filippine",
"FI": "Finlandia",
"FR": "Francia",
"GA": "Gabon",
"GM": "Gambia",
"GE": "Georgia",
"GS": "Georgia del Sud e Isole Sandwich del Sud",
"DE": "Germania",
"GH": "Ghana",
"JM": "Giamaica",
"JP": "Giappone",
"GI": "Gibilterra",
"DJ": "Gibuti",
"JO": "Giordania",
"GR": "Grecia",
"GD": "Grenada",
"GL": "Groenlandia",
"GP": "Guadalupa",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GF": "Guiana Francese",
"GN": "Guinea",
"GQ": "Guinea Equatoriale",
"GW": "Guinea-Bissau",
"GY": "Guyana",
"HT": "Haiti",
"HN": "Honduras",
"IN": "India",
"ID": "Indonesia",
"IR": "Iran",
"IQ": "Iraq",
"IE": "Irlanda",
"IS": "Islanda",
"BV": "Isola Bouvet",
"NF": "Isola Norfolk",
"CX": "Isola di Christmas",
"IM": "Isola di Man",
"AX": "Isole Aland",
"KY": "Isole Cayman",
"CC": "Isole Cocos",
"CK": "Isole Cook",
"FK": "Isole Falkland",
"FO": "Isole Faroe",
"HM": "Isole Heard ed Isole McDonald",
"MP": "Isole Marianne Settentrionali",
"MH": "Isole Marshall",
"UM": "Isole Minori lontane dagli Stati Uniti",
"SB": "Isole Solomon",
"TC": "Isole Turks e Caicos",
"VI": "Isole Vergini Americane",
"VG": "Isole Vergini Britanniche",
"IL": "Israele",
"IT": "Italia",
"JE": "Jersey",
"KZ": "Kazakistan",
"KE": "Kenya",
"KG": "Kirghizistan",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"KW": "Kuwait",
"LA": "Laos",
"LS": "Lesotho",
"LV": "Lettonia",
"LB": "Libano",
"LR": "Liberia",
"LY": "Libia",
"LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Lituania",
"LU": "Lussemburgo",
"MG": "Madagascar",
"MW": "Malawi",
"MV": "Maldive",
"MY": "Malesia",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malta",
"MA": "Marocco",
"MQ": "Martinica",
"MR": "Mauritania",
"MU": "Mauritius",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"MX": "Messico",
"FM": "Micronesia",
"MD": "Moldavia",
"MC": "Monaco",
"MN": "Mongolia",
"ME": "Montenegro",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MZ": "Mozambico",
"MM": "Myanmar",
"NA": "Namibia",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NP": "Nepal",
"NI": "Nicaragua",
"NE": "Niger",
"NG": "Nigeria",
"NU": "Niue",
"NO": "Norvegia",
"NC": "Nuova Caledonia",
"NZ": "Nuova Zelanda",
"OM": "Oman",
"NL": "Paesi Bassi",
"PK": "Pakistan",
"PW": "Palau",
"PS": "Palestina",
"PA": "Panama",
"PG": "Papua Nuova Guinea",
"PY": "Paraguay",
"PE": "Perù",
"PN": "Pitcairn",
"PF": "Polinesia Francese",
"PL": "Polonia",
"PT": "Portogallo",
"PR": "Portorico",
"QA": "Qatar",
"HK": "Regione Amministrativa Speciale di Hong Kong della Repubblica Popolare Cinese",
"MO": "Regione Amministrativa Speciale di Macao della Repubblica Popolare Cinese",
"GB": "Regno Unito",
"CZ": "Repubblica Ceca",
"CF": "Repubblica Centrafricana",
"CD": "Repubblica Democratica del Congo",
"DO": "Repubblica Dominicana",
"MK": "Repubblica di Macedonia",
"RO": "Romania",
"RW": "Ruanda",
"RE": "Réunion",
"EH": "Sahara Occidentale",
"KN": "Saint Kitts e Nevis",
"LC": "Saint Lucia",
"PM": "Saint Pierre e Miquelon",
"VC": "Saint Vincent e Grenadines",
"WS": "Samoa",
"AS": "Samoa Americane",
"BL": "San Bartolomeo",
"SM": "San Marino",
"SH": "Sant’Elena",
"ST": "Sao Tomé e Príncipe",
"SN": "Senegal",
"RS": "Serbia",
"CS": "Serbia e Montenegro",
"SC": "Seychelles",
"SL": "Sierra Leone",
"SG": "Singapore",
"SY": "Siria",
"SK": "Slovacchia",
"SI": "Slovenia",
"SO": "Somalia",
"ES": "Spagna",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"US": "Stati Uniti",
"ZA": "Sudafrica",
"SD": "Sudan",
"SR": "Suriname",
"SJ": "Svalbard e Jan Mayen",
"SE": "Svezia",
"CH": "Svizzera",
"SZ": "Swaziland",
"TJ": "Tagikistan",
"TH": "Tailandia",
"TW": "Taiwan",
"TZ": "Tanzania",
"TF": "Territori australi francesi",
"IO": "Territorio Britannico dell’Oceano Indiano",
"TL": "Timor Est",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trinidad e Tobago",
"TN": "Tunisia",
"TR": "Turchia",
"TM": "Turkmenistan",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"UA": "Ucraina",
"UG": "Uganda",
"HU": "Ungheria",
"UY": "Uruguay",
"UZ": "Uzbekistan",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VA": "Vaticano",
"VE": "Venezuela",
"VN": "Vietnam",
"WF": "Wallis e Futuna",
"YE": "Yemen",
"ZM": "Zambia",
"ZW": "Zimbabwe",
"ZZ": "regione non valida o sconosciuta"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"IS": "アイスランド",
"IE": "アイルランド",
"AZ": "アゼルバイジャン",
"AF": "アフガニスタン",
"US": "アメリカ合衆国",
"VI": "アメリカ領ヴァージン諸島",
"AE": "アラブ首長国連邦",
"DZ": "アルジェリア",
"AR": "アルゼンチン",
"AL": "アルバニア",
"AW": "アルバ島",
"AM": "アルメニア",
"AI": "アンギラ",
"AO": "アンゴラ",
"AG": "アンティグア・バーブーダ",
"AD": "アンドラ",
"YE": "イエメン",
"GB": "イギリス",
"VG": "イギリス領ヴァージン諸島",
"IL": "イスラエル",
"IT": "イタリア",
"IQ": "イラク",
"IR": "イラン",
"IN": "インド",
"ID": "インドネシア",
"WF": "ウォリス・フツナ",
"UG": "ウガンダ",
"UA": "ウクライナ",
"UZ": "ウズベキスタン",
"UY": "ウルグアイ",
"EC": "エクアドル",
"EG": "エジプト",
"EE": "エストニア",
"ET": "エチオピア",
"ER": "エリトリア",
"SV": "エルサルバドル",
"OM": "オマーン",
"NL": "オランダ",
"AN": "オランダ領アンティル諸島",
"AU": "オーストラリア",
"AT": "オーストリア",
"AX": "オーランド諸島",
"KZ": "カザフスタン",
"QA": "カタール",
"CA": "カナダ",
"CM": "カメルーン",
"KH": "カンボジア",
"CV": "カーボベルデ",
"GY": "ガイアナ",
"GA": "ガボン",
"GM": "ガンビア",
"GH": "ガーナ",
"GG": "ガーンジー",
"CY": "キプロス",
"CU": "キューバ",
"KI": "キリバス",
"KG": "キルギスタン",
"GN": "ギニア",
"GW": "ギニアビサウ",
"GR": "ギリシャ",
"KW": "クウェート",
"CK": "クック諸島",
"CX": "クリスマス島",
"HR": "クロアチア",
"GT": "グアテマラ",
"GP": "グアドループ",
"GU": "グアム",
"GL": "グリーンランド",
"GE": "グルジア",
"GD": "グレナダ",
"KY": "ケイマン諸島",
"KE": "ケニア",
"CC": "ココス (キーリング) 諸島",
"CR": "コスタリカ",
"KM": "コモロ",
"CO": "コロンビア",
"CG": "コンゴ共和国 (ブラザビル)",
"CD": "コンゴ民主共和国 (キンシャサ)",
"CI": "コートジボワール",
"SA": "サウジアラビア",
"WS": "サモア",
"ST": "サントメ・プリンシペ",
"PM": "サンピエール島・ミクロン島",
"SM": "サンマリノ",
"BL": "サン・バルテルミー",
"ZM": "ザンビア",
"SL": "シエラレオネ",
"SY": "シリア",
"SG": "シンガポール",
"DJ": "ジブチ",
"GI": "ジブラルタル",
"JM": "ジャマイカ",
"JE": "ジャージー",
"ZW": "ジンバブエ",
"CH": "スイス",
"SE": "スウェーデン",
"SJ": "スバールバル諸島・ヤンマイエン島",
"ES": "スペイン",
"SR": "スリナム",
"LK": "スリランカ",
"SK": "スロバキア",
"SI": "スロベニア",
"SZ": "スワジランド",
"SD": "スーダン",
"SN": "セネガル",
"RS": "セルビア",
"CS": "セルビア・モンテネグロ",
"KN": "セントクリストファー・ネイビス",
"VC": "セントビンセント・グレナディーン諸島",
"SH": "セントヘレナ",
"LC": "セントルシア",
"MF": "セント・マーチン",
"SC": "セーシェル",
"SO": "ソマリア",
"SB": "ソロモン諸島",
"TH": "タイ",
"TJ": "タジキスタン",
"TZ": "タンザニア",
"TC": "タークス諸島・カイコス諸島",
"CZ": "チェコ共和国",
"TD": "チャド",
"TN": "チュニジア",
"CL": "チリ",
"TV": "ツバル",
"DK": "デンマーク",
"TK": "トケラウ諸島",
"TT": "トリニダード・トバゴ",
"TM": "トルクメニスタン",
"TR": "トルコ",
"TO": "トンガ",
"TG": "トーゴ",
"DE": "ドイツ",
"DO": "ドミニカ共和国",
"DM": "ドミニカ国",
"NG": "ナイジェリア",
"NR": "ナウル",
"NA": "ナミビア",
"NU": "ニウエ島",
"NI": "ニカラグア",
"NE": "ニジェール",
"NC": "ニューカレドニア",
"NZ": "ニュージーランド",
"NP": "ネパール",
"NO": "ノルウェー",
"NF": "ノーフォーク島",
"HT": "ハイチ",
"HU": "ハンガリー",
"HM": "ハード島・マクドナルド諸島",
"VA": "バチカン市国",
"VU": "バヌアツ",
"BS": "バハマ",
"BM": "バミューダ",
"BB": "バルバドス",
"BD": "バングラデシュ",
"BH": "バーレーン",
"PK": "パキスタン",
"PA": "パナマ",
"PG": "パプアニューギニア",
"PW": "パラオ",
"PY": "パラグアイ",
"PS": "パレスチナ領土",
"PN": "ピトケアン島",
"FJ": "フィジー",
"PH": "フィリピン",
"FI": "フィンランド",
"FO": "フェロー諸島",
"FK": "フォークランド諸島",
"FR": "フランス",
"TF": "フランス領極南諸島",
"BR": "ブラジル",
"BG": "ブルガリア",
"BF": "ブルキナファソ",
"BN": "ブルネイ",
"BI": "ブルンジ",
"BT": "ブータン",
"BV": "ブーベ島",
"PR": "プエルトリコ",
"VN": "ベトナム",
"BJ": "ベニン",
"VE": "ベネズエラ",
"BY": "ベラルーシ",
"BZ": "ベリーズ",
"BE": "ベルギー",
"PE": "ペルー",
"HN": "ホンジュラス",
"BA": "ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ",
"BW": "ボツワナ",
"BO": "ボリビア",
"PT": "ポルトガル",
"PL": "ポーランド",
"MK": "マケドニア",
"MG": "マダガスカル",
"YT": "マヨット島",
"MW": "マラウィ",
"ML": "マリ",
"MT": "マルタ",
"MQ": "マルティニーク島",
"MY": "マレーシア",
"IM": "マン島",
"MH": "マーシャル諸島共和国",
"FM": "ミクロネシア",
"MM": "ミャンマー",
"MX": "メキシコ",
"MZ": "モザンビーク",
"MC": "モナコ",
"MV": "モルジブ",
"MD": "モルドバ",
"MA": "モロッコ",
"MN": "モンゴル",
"ME": "モンテネグロ",
"MS": "モントセラト島",
"MU": "モーリシャス",
"MR": "モーリタニア",
"JO": "ヨルダン",
"LA": "ラオス",
"LV": "ラトビア",
"LT": "リトアニア",
"LI": "リヒテンシュタイン",
"LY": "リビア",
"LR": "リベリア",
"LU": "ルクセンブルグ",
"RW": "ルワンダ",
"RO": "ルーマニア",
"LS": "レソト",
"LB": "レバノン",
"RE": "レユニオン島",
"RU": "ロシア",
"ZZ": "不明な地域",
"CN": "中国",
"CF": "中央アフリカ共和国",
"MO": "中華人民共和国マカオ特別行政区",
"HK": "中華人民共和国香港特別行政区",
"GF": "仏領ギアナ",
"PF": "仏領ポリネシア",
"MP": "北マリアナ諸島",
"ZA": "南アフリカ",
"GS": "南ジョージア島・南サンドイッチ諸島",
"AQ": "南極大陸",
"TW": "台湾",
"KR": "大韓民国",
"JP": "日本",
"KP": "朝鮮民主主義人民共和国",
"TL": "東ティモール",
"AS": "米領サモア",
"UM": "米領太平洋諸島",
"IO": "英領インド洋植民地",
"EH": "西サハラ",
"GQ": "赤道ギニア"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"AF": "Afghanistan",
"AX": "Alandeilanden",
"AL": "Albanië",
"DZ": "Algerije",
"AS": "Amerikaans Samoa",
"VI": "Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden",
"UM": "Amerikaanse kleinere afgelegen eilanden",
"AD": "Andorra",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguilla",
"AQ": "Antarctica",
"AG": "Antigua en Barbuda",
"AR": "Argentinië",
"AM": "Armenië",
"AW": "Aruba",
"AU": "Australië",
"AZ": "Azerbeidzjan",
"BS": "Bahama’s",
"BH": "Bahrein",
"BD": "Bangladesh",
"BB": "Barbados",
"BE": "België",
"BZ": "Belize",
"BJ": "Benin",
"BM": "Bermuda",
"BT": "Bhutan",
"BO": "Bolivia",
"BA": "Bosnië en Herzegovina",
"BW": "Botswana",
"BV": "Bouveteiland",
"BR": "Brazilië",
"IO": "Britse Gebieden in de Indische Oceaan",
"VG": "Britse Maagdeneilanden",
"BN": "Brunei",
"BG": "Bulgarije",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"KH": "Cambodja",
"CA": "Canada",
"KY": "Caymaneilanden",
"CF": "Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek",
"CL": "Chili",
"CN": "China",
"CX": "Christmaseiland",
"CC": "Cocoseilanden",
"CO": "Colombia",
"KM": "Comoren",
"CG": "Congo",
"CD": "Congo-Kinshasa",
"CK": "Cookeilanden",
"CR": "Costa Rica",
"CU": "Cuba",
"CY": "Cyprus",
"DK": "Denemarken",
"DJ": "Djibouti",
"DM": "Dominica",
"DO": "Dominicaanse Republiek",
"DE": "Duitsland",
"EC": "Ecuador",
"EG": "Egypte",
"SV": "El Salvador",
"GQ": "Equatoriaal-Guinea",
"ER": "Eritrea",
"EE": "Estland",
"ET": "Ethiopië",
"FO": "Faeröer",
"FK": "Falklandeilanden",
"FJ": "Fiji",
"PH": "Filipijnen",
"FI": "Finland",
"FR": "Frankrijk",
"GF": "Frans-Guyana",
"PF": "Frans-Polynesië",
"TF": "Franse Gebieden in de zuidelijke Indische Oceaan",
"GA": "Gabon",
"GM": "Gambia",
"GE": "Georgië",
"GH": "Ghana",
"GI": "Gibraltar",
"GD": "Grenada",
"GR": "Griekenland",
"GL": "Groenland",
"GP": "Guadeloupe",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GN": "Guinee",
"GW": "Guinee-Bissau",
"GY": "Guyana",
"HT": "Haïti",
"HM": "Heard- en McDonaldeilanden",
"HN": "Honduras",
"HU": "Hongarije",
"HK": "Hongkong SAR van China",
"IS": "IJsland",
"IE": "Ierland",
"IN": "India",
"ID": "Indonesië",
"IQ": "Irak",
"IR": "Iran",
"IM": "Isle of Man",
"IL": "Israël",
"IT": "Italië",
"CI": "Ivoorkust",
"JM": "Jamaica",
"JP": "Japan",
"YE": "Jemen",
"JE": "Jersey",
"JO": "Jordanië",
"CV": "Kaapverdië",
"CM": "Kameroen",
"KZ": "Kazachstan",
"KE": "Kenia",
"KG": "Kirgizië",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"KW": "Koeweit",
"HR": "Kroatië",
"LA": "Laos",
"LS": "Lesotho",
"LV": "Letland",
"LB": "Libanon",
"LR": "Liberia",
"LY": "Libië",
"LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Litouwen",
"LU": "Luxemburg",
"MO": "Macao SAR van China",
"MK": "Macedonië",
"MG": "Madagaskar",
"MW": "Malawi",
"MV": "Maldiven",
"MY": "Maleisië",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malta",
"MA": "Marokko",
"MH": "Marshalleilanden",
"MQ": "Martinique",
"MR": "Mauritanië",
"MU": "Mauritius",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"MX": "Mexico",
"FM": "Micronesië",
"MD": "Moldavië",
"MC": "Monaco",
"MN": "Mongolië",
"ME": "Montenegro",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MZ": "Mozambique",
"MM": "Myanmar",
"NA": "Namibië",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NL": "Nederland",
"AN": "Nederlandse Antillen",
"NP": "Nepal",
"NI": "Nicaragua",
"NC": "Nieuw-Caledonië",
"NZ": "Nieuw-Zeeland",
"NE": "Niger",
"NG": "Nigeria",
"NU": "Niue",
"KP": "Noord-Korea",
"MP": "Noordelijke Marianeneilanden",
"NO": "Noorwegen",
"NF": "Norfolkeiland",
"UG": "Oeganda",
"UA": "Oekraïne",
"UZ": "Oezbekistan",
"OM": "Oman",
"ZZ": "Onbekend of onjuist gebied",
"TL": "Oost-Timor",
"AT": "Oostenrijk",
"PK": "Pakistan",
"PW": "Palau",
"PS": "Palestijns Gebied",
"PA": "Panama",
"PG": "Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea",
"PY": "Paraguay",
"PE": "Peru",
"PN": "Pitcairn",
"PL": "Polen",
"PT": "Portugal",
"PR": "Puerto Rico",
"QA": "Qatar",
"RO": "Roemenië",
"RU": "Rusland",
"RW": "Rwanda",
"RE": "Réunion",
"BL": "Saint Barthélemy",
"KN": "Saint Kitts en Nevis",
"LC": "Saint Lucia",
"PM": "Saint Pierre en Miquelon",
"VC": "Saint Vincent en de Grenadines",
"SB": "Salomonseilanden",
"WS": "Samoa",
"SM": "San Marino",
"ST": "Sao Tomé en Principe",
"SA": "Saoedi-Arabië",
"SN": "Senegal",
"RS": "Servië",
"CS": "Servië en Montenegro",
"SC": "Seychellen",
"SL": "Sierra Leone",
"SG": "Singapore",
"SH": "Sint-Helena",
"MF": "Sint-Maarten",
"SI": "Slovenië",
"SK": "Slowakije",
"SD": "Soedan",
"SO": "Somalië",
"ES": "Spanje",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"SR": "Suriname",
"SJ": "Svalbard en Jan Mayen",
"SZ": "Swaziland",
"SY": "Syrië",
"TJ": "Tadzjikistan",
"TW": "Taiwan",
"TZ": "Tanzania",
"TH": "Thailand",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trinidad en Tobago",
"TD": "Tsjaad",
"CZ": "Tsjechië",
"TN": "Tunesië",
"TR": "Turkije",
"TM": "Turkmenistan",
"TC": "Turks- en Caicoseilanden",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"UY": "Uruguay",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VA": "Vaticaanstad",
"VE": "Venezuela",
"GB": "Verenigd Koninkrijk",
"AE": "Verenigde Arabische Emiraten",
"US": "Verenigde Staten",
"VN": "Vietnam",
"WF": "Wallis en Futuna",
"EH": "Westelijke Sahara",
"BY": "Wit-Rusland",
"ZM": "Zambia",
"ZW": "Zimbabwe",
"ZA": "Zuid-Afrika",
"GS": "Zuid-Georgië en Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden",
"KR": "Zuid-Korea",
"SE": "Zweden",
"CH": "Zwitserland"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"AF": "Afganistan",
"AL": "Albania",
"DZ": "Algieria",
"AD": "Andora",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguilla",
"AQ": "Antarktyka",
"AG": "Antigua i Barbuda",
"AN": "Antyle Holenderskie",
"SA": "Arabia Saudyjska",
"AR": "Argentyna",
"AM": "Armenia",
"AW": "Aruba",
"AU": "Australia",
"AT": "Austria",
"AZ": "Azerbejdżan",
"BS": "Bahamy",
"BH": "Bahrajn",
"BD": "Bangladesz",
"BB": "Barbados",
"BE": "Belgia",
"BZ": "Belize",
"BJ": "Benin",
"BM": "Bermudy",
"BT": "Bhutan",
"BY": "Białoruś",
"MM": "Birma",
"BO": "Boliwia",
"BW": "Botswana",
"BA": "Bośnia i Hercegowina",
"BR": "Brazylia",
"BN": "Brunei Darussalam",
"VG": "Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"BG": "Bułgaria",
"CL": "Chile",
"CN": "Chiny",
"HR": "Chorwacja",
"CY": "Cypr",
"TD": "Czad",
"ME": "Czarnogóra",
"CZ": "Czechy",
"UM": "Dalekie Wyspy Mniejsze Stanów Zjednoczonych",
"DK": "Dania",
"CD": "Demokratyczna Republika Konga",
"DM": "Dominika",
"DJ": "Dżibuti",
"EG": "Egipt",
"EC": "Ekwador",
"ER": "Erytrea",
"EE": "Estonia",
"ET": "Etiopia",
"FK": "Falklandy",
"FM": "Federalne Stany Mikronezji",
"FJ": "Fidżi",
"PH": "Filipiny",
"FI": "Finlandia",
"FR": "Francja",
"TF": "Francuskie Terytoria Południowe",
"GA": "Gabon",
"GM": "Gambia",
"GS": "Georgia Południowa i Sandwich Południowy",
"GH": "Ghana",
"GI": "Gibraltar",
"GR": "Grecja",
"GD": "Grenada",
"GL": "Grenlandia",
"GE": "Gruzja",
"GU": "Guam",
"GY": "Gujana",
"GF": "Gujana Francuska",
"GP": "Gwadelupa",
"GT": "Gwatemala",
"GN": "Gwinea",
"GW": "Gwinea Bissau",
"GQ": "Gwinea Równikowa",
"HT": "Haiti",
"ES": "Hiszpania",
"NL": "Holandia",
"HN": "Honduras",
"HK": "Hongkong, Specjalny Region Administracyjny Chin",
"IN": "Indie",
"ID": "Indonezja",
"IQ": "Irak",
"IR": "Iran",
"IE": "Irlandia",
"IS": "Islandia",
"IL": "Izrael",
"JM": "Jamajka",
"JP": "Japonia",
"YE": "Jemen",
"JO": "Jordania",
"KY": "Kajmany",
"KH": "Kambodża",
"CM": "Kamerun",
"CA": "Kanada",
"QA": "Katar",
"KZ": "Kazachstan",
"KE": "Kenia",
"KG": "Kirgistan",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"CO": "Kolumbia",
"KM": "Komory",
"CG": "Kongo",
"KR": "Korea Południowa",
"KP": "Korea Północna",
"CR": "Kostaryka",
"CU": "Kuba",
"KW": "Kuwejt",
"LA": "Laos",
"LS": "Lesotho",
"LB": "Liban",
"LR": "Liberia",
"LY": "Libia",
"LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Litwa",
"LU": "Luksemburg",
"MK": "Macedonia",
"MG": "Madagaskar",
"YT": "Majotta",
"MO": "Makau, Specjalny Region Administracyjny Chin",
"MW": "Malawi",
"MV": "Malediwy",
"MY": "Malezja",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malta",
"MP": "Mariany Północne",
"MA": "Maroko",
"MQ": "Martynika",
"MR": "Mauretania",
"MU": "Mauritius",
"MX": "Meksyk",
"MC": "Monako",
"MN": "Mongolia",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MZ": "Mozambik",
"MD": "Mołdawia",
"NA": "Namibia",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NP": "Nepal",
"DE": "Niemcy",
"ZZ": "Nieznany lub nieprawidłowy region",
"NE": "Niger",
"NG": "Nigeria",
"NI": "Nikaragua",
"NU": "Niue",
"NF": "Norfolk",
"NO": "Norwegia",
"NC": "Nowa Kaledonia",
"NZ": "Nowa Zelandia",
"OM": "Oman",
"PK": "Pakistan",
"PW": "Palau",
"PA": "Panama",
"PG": "Papua Nowa Gwinea",
"PY": "Paragwaj",
"PE": "Peru",
"PN": "Pitcairn",
"PF": "Polinezja Francuska",
"PL": "Polska",
"PR": "Portoryko",
"PT": "Portugalia",
"DO": "Republika Dominikańska",
"ZA": "Republika Południowej Afryki",
"CV": "Republika Zielonego Przylądka",
"CF": "Republika Środkowoafrykańska",
"RE": "Reunion",
"RU": "Rosja",
"RO": "Rumunia",
"RW": "Rwanda",
"EH": "Sahara Zachodnia",
"BL": "Saint Barthélemy",
"KN": "Saint Kitts i Nevis",
"LC": "Saint Lucia",
"VC": "Saint Vincent i Grenadyny",
"PM": "Saint-Pierre i Miquelon",
"SV": "Salwador",
"WS": "Samoa",
"AS": "Samoa Amerykańskie",
"SM": "San Marino",
"SN": "Senegal",
"RS": "Serbia",
"CS": "Serbia i Czarnogóra",
"SC": "Seszele",
"SL": "Sierra Leone",
"SG": "Singapur",
"MF": "Sint Maarten",
"SO": "Somalia",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"US": "Stany Zjednoczone",
"SZ": "Suazi",
"SD": "Sudan",
"SR": "Surinam",
"SJ": "Svalbard i Jan Mayen",
"SY": "Syria",
"CH": "Szwajcaria",
"SE": "Szwecja",
"SK": "Słowacja",
"SI": "Słowenia",
"TJ": "Tadżykistan",
"TH": "Tajlandia",
"TW": "Tajwan",
"TZ": "Tanzania",
"PS": "Terytoria Palestyńskie",
"IO": "Terytorium Brytyjskie Oceanu Indyjskiego",
"TL": "Timor Wschodni",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trynidad i Tobago",
"TN": "Tunezja",
"TR": "Turcja",
"TM": "Turkmenistan",
"TC": "Turks i Caicos",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"UG": "Uganda",
"UA": "Ukraina",
"UY": "Urugwaj",
"UZ": "Uzbekistan",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"WF": "Wallis i Futuna",
"VA": "Watykan",
"VE": "Wenezuela",
"GB": "Wielka Brytania",
"VN": "Wietnam",
"CI": "Wybrzeże Kości Słoniowej",
"BV": "Wyspa Bouveta",
"CX": "Wyspa Bożego Narodzenia",
"GG": "Wyspa Guernsey",
"JE": "Wyspa Jersey",
"IM": "Wyspa Man",
"SH": "Wyspa Świętej Heleny",
"AX": "Wyspy Alandzkie",
"CK": "Wyspy Cooka",
"VI": "Wyspy Dziewicze Stanów Zjednoczonych",
"HM": "Wyspy Heard i McDonalda",
"CC": "Wyspy Kokosowe",
"MH": "Wyspy Marshalla",
"FO": "Wyspy Owcze",
"SB": "Wyspy Salomona",
"ST": "Wyspy Świętego Tomasza i Książęca",
"HU": "Węgry",
"IT": "Włochy",
"ZM": "Zambia",
"ZW": "Zimbabwe",
"AE": "Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie",
"LV": "Łotwa"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"AF": "Afeganistão",
"AL": "Albânia",
"DE": "Alemanha",
"AD": "Andorra",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguilla",
"AN": "Antilhas Holandesas",
"AQ": "Antártida",
"AG": "Antígua e Barbuda",
"AR": "Argentina",
"DZ": "Argélia",
"AM": "Armênia",
"AW": "Aruba",
"SA": "Arábia Saudita",
"AU": "Austrália",
"AZ": "Azerbaijão",
"BS": "Bahamas",
"BH": "Bahrain",
"BD": "Bangladesh",
"BB": "Barbados",
"BY": "Belarus",
"BZ": "Belize",
"BJ": "Benin",
"BM": "Bermudas",
"BO": "Bolívia",
"BW": "Botsuana",
"BR": "Brasil",
"BN": "Brunei",
"BG": "Bulgária",
"BF": "Burquina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"BT": "Butão",
"BE": "Bélgica",
"BA": "Bósnia-Herzegovina",
"CV": "Cabo Verde",
"KH": "Camboja",
"CA": "Canadá",
"KZ": "Casaquistão",
"QA": "Catar",
"TD": "Chade",
"CL": "Chile",
"CN": "China",
"CY": "Chipre",
"SG": "Cingapura",
"CO": "Colômbia",
"KM": "Comores",
"CG": "Congo",
"CD": "Congo-Kinshasa",
"KP": "Coreia do Norte",
"KR": "Coreia do Sul",
"CR": "Costa Rica",
"CI": "Costa do Marfim",
"HR": "Croácia",
"CU": "Cuba",
"DK": "Dinamarca",
"DJ": "Djibuti",
"DM": "Dominica",
"EG": "Egito",
"SV": "El Salvador",
"AE": "Emirados Árabes Unidos",
"EC": "Equador",
"ER": "Eritreia",
"SK": "Eslováquia",
"SI": "Eslovênia",
"ES": "Espanha",
"US": "Estados Unidos",
"EE": "Estônia",
"ET": "Etiópia",
"FJ": "Fiji",
"PH": "Filipinas",
"FI": "Finlândia",
"FR": "França",
"GA": "Gabão",
"GH": "Gana",
"GE": "Geórgia",
"GS": "Geórgia do Sul e Ilhas Sandwich do Sul",
"GI": "Gibraltar",
"GD": "Granada",
"GL": "Groênlandia",
"GR": "Grécia",
"GP": "Guadalupe",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GY": "Guiana",
"GF": "Guiana Francesa",
"GN": "Guiné",
"GW": "Guiné Bissau",
"GQ": "Guiné Equatorial",
"GM": "Gâmbia",
"HT": "Haiti",
"NL": "Holanda",
"HN": "Honduras",
"HK": "Hong Kong, Região Admin. Especial da China",
"HU": "Hungria",
"BV": "Ilha Bouvet",
"HM": "Ilha Heard e Ilhas McDonald",
"NF": "Ilha Norfolk",
"IM": "Ilha de Man",
"AX": "Ilhas Aland",
"KY": "Ilhas Caiman",
"CC": "Ilhas Coco",
"CK": "Ilhas Cook",
"FO": "Ilhas Faroe",
"FK": "Ilhas Malvinas",
"MP": "Ilhas Marianas do Norte",
"MH": "Ilhas Marshall",
"UM": "Ilhas Menores Distantes dos Estados Unidos",
"CX": "Ilhas Natal",
"SB": "Ilhas Salomão",
"TC": "Ilhas Turks e Caicos",
"VG": "Ilhas Virgens Britânicas",
"VI": "Ilhas Virgens dos EUA",
"ID": "Indonésia",
"IQ": "Iraque",
"IE": "Irlanda",
"IR": "Irã",
"IS": "Islândia",
"IL": "Israel",
"IT": "Itália",
"YE": "Iêmen",
"JM": "Jamaica",
"JP": "Japão",
"JE": "Jersey",
"JO": "Jordânia",
"KW": "Kuwait",
"LS": "Lesoto",
"LV": "Letônia",
"LR": "Libéria",
"LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Lituânia",
"LU": "Luxemburgo",
"LB": "Líbano",
"LY": "Líbia",
"MO": "Macau, Região Admin. Especial da China",
"MK": "Macedônia",
"MG": "Madagascar",
"MW": "Malawi",
"MV": "Maldivas",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malta",
"MY": "Malásia",
"MA": "Marrocos",
"MQ": "Martinica",
"MR": "Mauritânia",
"MU": "Maurício",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"MM": "Mianmar",
"FM": "Micronésia",
"MD": "Moldávia",
"MN": "Mongólia",
"ME": "Montenegro",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MZ": "Moçambique",
"MX": "México",
"MC": "Mônaco",
"NA": "Namíbia",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NP": "Nepal",
"NI": "Nicarágua",
"NG": "Nigéria",
"NU": "Niue",
"NO": "Noruega",
"NC": "Nova Caledônia",
"NZ": "Nova Zelândia",
"NE": "Níger",
"OM": "Omã",
"PW": "Palau",
"PA": "Panamá",
"PG": "Papua-Nova Guiné",
"PK": "Paquistão",
"PY": "Paraguai",
"PE": "Peru",
"PN": "Pitcairn",
"PF": "Polinésia Francesa",
"PL": "Polônia",
"PR": "Porto Rico",
"PT": "Portugal",
"KG": "Quirguistão",
"KI": "Quiribati",
"KE": "Quênia",
"ZZ": "Região desconhecida ou inválida",
"GB": "Reino Unido",
"CF": "República Centro-Africana",
"DO": "República Dominicana",
"LA": "República Popular Democrática do Laos",
"CZ": "República Tcheca",
"CM": "República dos Camarões",
"RE": "Reunião",
"RO": "Romênia",
"RW": "Ruanda",
"RU": "Rússia",
"EH": "Saara Ocidental",
"PM": "Saint Pierre e Miquelon",
"WS": "Samoa",
"AS": "Samoa Americana",
"SM": "San Marino",
"SH": "Santa Helena",
"LC": "Santa Lúcia",
"SN": "Senegal",
"SL": "Serra Leoa",
"SC": "Seychelles",
"SO": "Somália",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"SZ": "Suazilândia",
"SD": "Sudão",
"SR": "Suriname",
"SE": "Suécia",
"CH": "Suíça",
"SJ": "Svalbard e Jan Mayen",
"BL": "São Bartolomeu",
"KN": "São Cristovão e Nevis",
"MF": "São Martinho",
"ST": "São Tomé e Príncipe",
"VC": "São Vicente e Granadinas",
"RS": "Sérvia",
"CS": "Sérvia e Montenegro",
"SY": "Síria",
"TJ": "Tadjiquistão",
"TH": "Tailândia",
"TW": "Taiwan",
"TZ": "Tanzânia",
"IO": "Território Britânico do Oceano Índico",
"PS": "Território da Palestina",
"TF": "Territórios Franceses do Sul",
"TL": "Timor Leste",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trinidad e Tobago",
"TN": "Tunísia",
"TM": "Turcomenistão",
"TR": "Turquia",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"UA": "Ucrânia",
"UG": "Uganda",
"UY": "Uruguai",
"UZ": "Uzbequistão",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VA": "Vaticano",
"VE": "Venezuela",
"VN": "Vietnã",
"WF": "Wallis e Futuna",
"ZW": "Zimbábue",
"ZM": "Zâmbia",
"ZA": "África do Sul",
"AT": "Áustria",
"IN": "Índia"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"AU": "Австралия",
"AT": "Австрия",
"AZ": "Азербайджан",
"AX": "Аландские острова",
"AL": "Албания",
"DZ": "Алжир",
"VI": "Американские Виргинские острова",
"AS": "Американское Самоа",
"AO": "Ангола",
"AI": "Ангуилла",
"AD": "Андорра",
"AQ": "Антарктика",
"AG": "Антигуа и Барбуда",
"AR": "Аргентина",
"AM": "Армения",
"AW": "Аруба",
"AF": "Афганистан",
"BS": "Багамские острова",
"BD": "Бангладеш",
"BB": "Барбадос",
"BH": "Бахрейн",
"BY": "Беларусь",
"BZ": "Белиз",
"BE": "Бельгия",
"BJ": "Бенин",
"BM": "Бермудские Острова",
"BG": "Болгария",
"BO": "Боливия",
"BA": "Босния и Герцеговина",
"BW": "Ботсвана",
"BR": "Бразилия",
"IO": "Британская территория в Индийском океане",
"VG": "Британские Виргинские Острова",
"BN": "Бруней Даруссалам",
"BF": "Буркина Фасо",
"BI": "Бурунди",
"BT": "Бутан",
"VU": "Вануату",
"VA": "Ватикан",
"GB": "Великобритания",
"HU": "Венгрия",
"VE": "Венесуэла",
"UM": "Внешние малые острова (США)",
"TL": "Восточный Тимор",
"VN": "Вьетнам",
"GA": "Габон",
"HT": "Гаити",
"GY": "Гайана",
"GM": "Гамбия",
"GH": "Гана",
"GP": "Гваделупа",
"GT": "Гватемала",
"GN": "Гвинея",
"GW": "Гвинея-Биссау",
"DE": "Германия",
"GG": "Гернси",
"GI": "Гибралтар",
"HN": "Гондурас",
"HK": "Гонконг, Особый Административный Район Китая",
"GD": "Гренада",
"GL": "Гренландия",
"GR": "Греция",
"GE": "Грузия",
"GU": "Гуам",
"DK": "Дания",
"CD": "Демократическая Республика Конго",
"JE": "Джерси",
"DJ": "Джибути",
"DO": "Доминиканская Республика",
"EG": "Египет",
"ZM": "Замбия",
"EH": "Западная Сахара",
"ZW": "Зимбабве",
"IL": "Израиль",
"IN": "Индия",
"ID": "Индонезия",
"JO": "Иордания",
"IQ": "Ирак",
"IR": "Иран",
"IE": "Ирландия",
"IS": "Исландия",
"ES": "Испания",
"IT": "Италия",
"YE": "Йемен",
"KZ": "Казахстан",
"KY": "Каймановы острова",
"KH": "Камбоджа",
"CM": "Камерун",
"CA": "Канада",
"QA": "Катар",
"KE": "Кения",
"CY": "Кипр",
"KI": "Кирибати",
"CN": "Китай",
"CC": "Кокосовые острова",
"CO": "Колумбия",
"KM": "Коморские Острова",
"CG": "Конго",
"KP": "Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика",
"CR": "Коста-Рика",
"CI": "Кот д’Ивуар",
"CU": "Куба",
"KW": "Кувейт",
"KG": "Кыргызстан",
"LA": "Лаос",
"LV": "Латвия",
"LS": "Лесото",
"LR": "Либерия",
"LB": "Ливан",
"LY": "Ливия",
"LT": "Литва",
"LI": "Лихтенштейн",
"LU": "Люксембург",
"MU": "Маврикий",
"MR": "Мавритания",
"MG": "Мадагаскар",
"YT": "Майотта",
"MO": "Макао (особый административный район КНР)",
"MK": "Македония",
"MW": "Малави",
"MY": "Малайзия",
"ML": "Мали",
"MV": "Мальдивы",
"MT": "Мальта",
"MA": "Марокко",
"MQ": "Мартиник",
"MH": "Маршалловы Острова",
"MX": "Мексика",
"MZ": "Мозамбик",
"MD": "Молдова",
"MC": "Монако",
"MN": "Монголия",
"MS": "Монсеррат",
"MM": "Мьянма",
"NA": "Намибия",
"NR": "Науру",
"ZZ": "Неизвестный или недействительный регион",
"NP": "Непал",
"NE": "Нигер",
"NG": "Нигерия",
"AN": "Нидерландские Антильские острова",
"NL": "Нидерланды",
"NI": "Никарагуа",
"NU": "Ниуе",
"NZ": "Новая Зеландия",
"NC": "Новая Каледония",
"NO": "Норвегия",
"AE": "Объединенные Арабские Эмираты",
"OM": "Оман",
"BV": "Остров Буве",
"DM": "Остров Доминика",
"IM": "Остров Мэн",
"NF": "Остров Норфолк",
"CX": "Остров Рождества",
"BL": "Остров Святого Бартоломея",
"MF": "Остров Святого Мартина",
"SH": "Остров Святой Елены",
"CV": "Острова Зеленого Мыса",
"CK": "Острова Кука",
"TC": "Острова Тёркс и Кайкос",
"HM": "Острова Херд и Макдональд",
"PK": "Пакистан",
"PW": "Палау",
"PS": "Палестинская автономия",
"PA": "Панама",
"PG": "Папуа-Новая Гвинея",
"PY": "Парагвай",
"PE": "Перу",
"PN": "Питкерн",
"PL": "Польша",
"PT": "Португалия",
"PR": "Пуэрто-Рико",
"KR": "Республика Корея",
"RE": "Реюньон",
"RU": "Россия",
"RW": "Руанда",
"RO": "Румыния",
"US": "США",
"SV": "Сальвадор",
"WS": "Самоа",
"SM": "Сан-Марино",
"ST": "Сан-Томе и Принсипи",
"SA": "Саудовская Аравия",
"SZ": "Свазиленд",
"SJ": "Свальбард и Ян-Майен",
"MP": "Северные Марианские Острова",
"SC": "Сейшельские Острова",
"PM": "Сен-Пьер и Микелон",
"SN": "Сенегал",
"VC": "Сент-Винсент и Гренадины",
"KN": "Сент-Киттс и Невис",
"LC": "Сент-Люсия",
"RS": "Сербия",
"CS": "Сербия и Черногория",
"SG": "Сингапур",
"SY": "Сирийская Арабская Республика",
"SK": "Словакия",
"SI": "Словения",
"SB": "Соломоновы Острова",
"SO": "Сомали",
"SD": "Судан",
"SR": "Суринам",
"SL": "Сьерра-Леоне",
"TJ": "Таджикистан",
"TH": "Таиланд",
"TW": "Тайвань",
"TZ": "Танзания",
"TG": "Того",
"TK": "Токелау",
"TO": "Тонга",
"TT": "Тринидад и Тобаго",
"TV": "Тувалу",
"TN": "Тунис",
"TM": "Туркменистан",
"TR": "Турция",
"UG": "Уганда",
"UZ": "Узбекистан",
"UA": "Украина",
"WF": "Уоллис и Футуна",
"UY": "Уругвай",
"FO": "Фарерские острова",
"FM": "Федеративные Штаты Микронезии",
"FJ": "Фиджи",
"PH": "Филиппины",
"FI": "Финляндия",
"FK": "Фолклендские острова",
"FR": "Франция",
"GF": "Французская Гвиана",
"PF": "Французская Полинезия",
"TF": "Французские Южные Территории",
"HR": "Хорватия",
"CF": "Центрально-Африканская Республика",
"TD": "Чад",
"ME": "Черногория",
"CZ": "Чешская республика",
"CL": "Чили",
"CH": "Швейцария",
"SE": "Швеция",
"LK": "Шри-Ланка",
"EC": "Эквадор",
"GQ": "Экваториальная Гвинея",
"ER": "Эритрея",
"EE": "Эстония",
"ET": "Эфиопия",
"ZA": "Южная Африка",
"GS": "Южная Джорджия и Южные Сандвичевы Острова",
"JM": "Ямайка",
"JP": "Япония"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"AF": "Afghanistan",
"AL": "Albanien",
"DZ": "Algeriet",
"VI": "Amerikanska Jungfruöarna",
"AS": "Amerikanska Samoa",
"AD": "Andorra",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguilla",
"AQ": "Antarktis",
"AG": "Antigua och Barbuda",
"AR": "Argentina",
"AM": "Armenien",
"AW": "Aruba",
"AU": "Australien",
"AZ": "Azerbajdzjan",
"BS": "Bahamas",
"BH": "Bahrain",
"BD": "Bangladesh",
"BB": "Barbados",
"BE": "Belgien",
"BZ": "Belize",
"BJ": "Benin",
"BM": "Bermuda",
"BT": "Bhutan",
"BO": "Bolivia",
"BA": "Bosnien och Hercegovina",
"BW": "Botswana",
"BV": "Bouvetön",
"BR": "Brasilien",
"IO": "Brittiska Indiska oceanöarna",
"VG": "Brittiska Jungfruöarna",
"BN": "Brunei",
"BG": "Bulgarien",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"KY": "Caymanöarna",
"CF": "Centralafrikanska republiken",
"CL": "Chile",
"CO": "Colombia",
"CK": "Cooköarna",
"CR": "Costa Rica",
"CY": "Cypern",
"DK": "Danmark",
"DJ": "Djibouti",
"DM": "Dominica",
"DO": "Dominikanska republiken",
"EC": "Ecuador",
"EG": "Egypten",
"GQ": "Ekvatorialguinea",
"SV": "El Salvador",
"CI": "Elfenbenskusten",
"ER": "Eritrea",
"EE": "Estland",
"ET": "Etiopien",
"FK": "Falklandsöarna",
"FJ": "Fiji",
"PH": "Filippinerna",
"FI": "Finland",
"FR": "Frankrike",
"GF": "Franska Guyana",
"PF": "Franska Polynesien",
"TF": "Franska Sydterritorierna",
"FO": "Färöarna",
"AE": "Förenade Arabemiraten",
"GA": "Gabon",
"GM": "Gambia",
"GE": "Georgien",
"GH": "Ghana",
"GI": "Gibraltar",
"GR": "Grekland",
"GD": "Grenada",
"GL": "Grönland",
"GP": "Guadeloupe",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GN": "Guinea",
"GW": "Guinea-Bissau",
"GY": "Guyana",
"HT": "Haiti",
"HM": "Heard- och McDonaldöarna",
"HN": "Honduras",
"HK": "Hongkong (S.A.R. Kina)",
"IN": "Indien",
"ID": "Indonesien",
"IQ": "Irak",
"IR": "Iran",
"IE": "Irland",
"IS": "Island",
"IM": "Isle of Man",
"IL": "Israel",
"IT": "Italien",
"JM": "Jamaica",
"JP": "Japan",
"YE": "Jemen",
"JE": "Jersey",
"JO": "Jordanien",
"CX": "Julön",
"KH": "Kambodja",
"CM": "Kamerun",
"CA": "Kanada",
"CV": "Kap Verde",
"KZ": "Kazakstan",
"KE": "Kenya",
"CN": "Kina",
"KG": "Kirgizistan",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"CC": "Kokosöarna",
"KM": "Komorerna",
"CG": "Kongo-Brazzaville",
"CD": "Kongo-Kinshasa",
"HR": "Kroatien",
"CU": "Kuba",
"KW": "Kuwait",
"LA": "Laos",
"LS": "Lesotho",
"LV": "Lettland",
"LB": "Libanon",
"LR": "Liberia",
"LY": "Libyen",
"LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Litauen",
"LU": "Luxemburg",
"MO": "Macao (S.A.R. Kina)",
"MG": "Madagaskar",
"MK": "Makedonien",
"MW": "Malawi",
"MY": "Malaysia",
"MV": "Maldiverna",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malta",
"MA": "Marocko",
"MH": "Marshallöarna",
"MQ": "Martinique",
"MR": "Mauretanien",
"MU": "Mauritius",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"MX": "Mexiko",
"FM": "Mikronesien",
"MD": "Moldavien",
"MC": "Monaco",
"MN": "Mongoliet",
"ME": "Montenegro",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MZ": "Moçambique",
"MM": "Myanmar",
"NA": "Namibia",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NL": "Nederländerna",
"AN": "Nederländska Antillerna",
"NP": "Nepal",
"NI": "Nicaragua",
"NE": "Niger",
"NG": "Nigeria",
"NU": "Niue",
"KP": "Nordkorea",
"MP": "Nordmarianerna",
"NF": "Norfolkön",
"NO": "Norge",
"NC": "Nya Kaledonien",
"NZ": "Nya Zeeland",
"OM": "Oman",
"PK": "Pakistan",
"PW": "Palau",
"PS": "Palestinska territoriet",
"PA": "Panama",
"PG": "Papua Nya Guinea",
"PY": "Paraguay",
"PE": "Peru",
"PN": "Pitcairn",
"PL": "Polen",
"PT": "Portugal",
"PR": "Puerto Rico",
"QA": "Qatar",
"RO": "Rumänien",
"RW": "Rwanda",
"RU": "Ryssland",
"RE": "Réunion",
"BL": "S:t Barthélemy",
"SH": "S:t Helena",
"KN": "S:t Kitts och Nevis",
"LC": "S:t Lucia",
"MF": "S:t Martin",
"PM": "S:t Pierre och Miquelon",
"VC": "S:t Vincent och Grenadinerna",
"SB": "Salomonöarna",
"WS": "Samoa",
"SM": "San Marino",
"SA": "Saudiarabien",
"CH": "Schweiz",
"SN": "Senegal",
"RS": "Serbien",
"CS": "Serbien och Montenegro",
"SC": "Seychellerna",
"SL": "Sierra Leone",
"SG": "Singapore",
"SK": "Slovakien",
"SI": "Slovenien",
"SO": "Somalia",
"ES": "Spanien",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"GB": "Storbritannien",
"SD": "Sudan",
"SR": "Surinam",
"SJ": "Svalbard och Jan Mayen",
"SE": "Sverige",
"SZ": "Swaziland",
"ZA": "Sydafrika",
"GS": "Sydgeorgien och Södra Sandwichöarna",
"KR": "Sydkorea",
"SY": "Syrien",
"ST": "São Tomé och Príncipe",
"TJ": "Tadzjikistan",
"TW": "Taiwan",
"TZ": "Tanzania",
"TD": "Tchad",
"TH": "Thailand",
"CZ": "Tjeckien",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trinidad och Tobago",
"TN": "Tunisien",
"TR": "Turkiet",
"TM": "Turkmenistan",
"TC": "Turks- och Caicosöarna",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"DE": "Tyskland",
"US": "USA",
"UM": "USA:s yttre öar",
"UG": "Uganda",
"UA": "Ukraina",
"HU": "Ungern",
"UY": "Uruguay",
"UZ": "Uzbekistan",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VA": "Vatikanstaten",
"VE": "Venezuela",
"VN": "Vietnam",
"BY": "Vitryssland",
"EH": "Västsahara",
"WF": "Wallis- och Futunaöarna",
"ZM": "Zambia",
"ZW": "Zimbabwe",
"ZZ": "okänd eller ogiltig regionkod",
"AX": "Åland",
"AT": "Österrike",
"TL": "Östtimor"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"VI": "ABD Virgin Adaları",
"AF": "Afganistan",
"AX": "Aland Adaları",
"DE": "Almanya",
"US": "Amerika Birleşik Devletleri",
"UM": "Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Küçük Dış Adaları",
"AS": "Amerikan Samoası",
"AD": "Andorra",
"AO": "Angola",
"AI": "Anguilla",
"AQ": "Antarktika",
"AG": "Antigua ve Barbuda",
"AR": "Arjantin",
"AL": "Arnavutluk",
"AW": "Aruba",
"AU": "Avustralya",
"AT": "Avusturya",
"AZ": "Azerbaycan",
"BS": "Bahamalar",
"BH": "Bahreyn",
"BD": "Bangladeş",
"BB": "Barbados",
"EH": "Batı Sahara",
"BZ": "Belize",
"BE": "Belçika",
"BJ": "Benin",
"BM": "Bermuda",
"BY": "Beyaz Rusya",
"BT": "Bhutan",
"ZZ": "Bilinmeyen veya Geçersiz Bölge",
"AE": "Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri",
"GB": "Birleşik Krallık",
"BO": "Bolivya",
"BA": "Bosna Hersek",
"BW": "Botsvana",
"BV": "Bouvet Adası",
"BR": "Brezilya",
"BN": "Brunei",
"BG": "Bulgaristan",
"BF": "Burkina Faso",
"BI": "Burundi",
"CV": "Cape Verde",
"KY": "Cayman Adaları",
"GI": "Cebelitarık",
"DZ": "Cezayir",
"CX": "Christmas Adası",
"DJ": "Cibuti",
"CC": "Cocos Adaları",
"CK": "Cook Adaları",
"DK": "Danimarka",
"DO": "Dominik Cumhuriyeti",
"DM": "Dominika",
"TL": "Doğu Timor",
"EC": "Ekvador",
"GQ": "Ekvator Ginesi",
"SV": "El Salvador",
"ID": "Endonezya",
"ER": "Eritre",
"AM": "Ermenistan",
"EE": "Estonya",
"ET": "Etiyopya",
"FK": "Falkland Adaları",
"FO": "Faroe Adaları",
"MA": "Fas",
"FJ": "Fiji",
"CI": "Fildişi Sahili",
"PH": "Filipinler",
"PS": "Filistin Bölgesi",
"FI": "Finlandiya",
"FR": "Fransa",
"GF": "Fransız Guyanası",
"TF": "Fransız Güney Bölgeleri",
"PF": "Fransız Polinezyası",
"GA": "Gabon",
"GM": "Gambiya",
"GH": "Gana",
"GN": "Gine",
"GW": "Gine-Bissau",
"GD": "Grenada",
"GL": "Grönland",
"GP": "Guadeloupe",
"GU": "Guam",
"GT": "Guatemala",
"GG": "Guernsey",
"GY": "Guyana",
"ZA": "Güney Afrika",
"GS": "Güney Georgia ve Güney Sandwich Adaları",
"KR": "Güney Kore",
"CY": "Güney Kıbrıs Rum Kesimi",
"GE": "Gürcistan",
"HT": "Haiti",
"HM": "Heard Adası ve McDonald Adaları",
"IN": "Hindistan",
"IO": "Hint Okyanusu İngiliz Bölgesi",
"NL": "Hollanda",
"AN": "Hollanda Antilleri",
"HN": "Honduras",
"HK": "Hong Kong SAR - Çin",
"HR": "Hırvatistan",
"IQ": "Irak",
"JM": "Jamaika",
"JP": "Japonya",
"JE": "Jersey",
"KH": "Kamboçya",
"CM": "Kamerun",
"CA": "Kanada",
"ME": "Karadağ",
"QA": "Katar",
"KZ": "Kazakistan",
"KE": "Kenya",
"KI": "Kiribati",
"CO": "Kolombiya",
"KM": "Komorlar",
"CG": "Kongo - Brazavil",
"CD": "Kongo - Kinşasa",
"CR": "Kosta Rika",
"KW": "Kuveyt",
"KP": "Kuzey Kore",
"MP": "Kuzey Mariana Adaları",
"CU": "Küba",
"KG": "Kırgızistan",
"LA": "Laos",
"LS": "Lesotho",
"LV": "Letonya",
"LR": "Liberya",
"LY": "Libya",
"LI": "Liechtenstein",
"LT": "Litvanya",
"LB": "Lübnan",
"LU": "Lüksemburg",
"HU": "Macaristan",
"MG": "Madagaskar",
"MO": "Makao S.A.R. Çin",
"MK": "Makedonya",
"MW": "Malavi",
"MV": "Maldivler",
"MY": "Malezya",
"ML": "Mali",
"MT": "Malta",
"IM": "Man Adası",
"MH": "Marshall Adaları",
"MQ": "Martinik",
"MU": "Mauritius",
"YT": "Mayotte",
"MX": "Meksika",
"FM": "Mikronezya Federal Eyaletleri",
"MD": "Moldova",
"MC": "Monako",
"MS": "Montserrat",
"MR": "Moritanya",
"MZ": "Mozambik",
"MN": "Moğolistan",
"MM": "Myanmar",
"EG": "Mısır",
"NA": "Namibya",
"NR": "Nauru",
"NP": "Nepal",
"NE": "Nijer",
"NG": "Nijerya",
"NI": "Nikaragua",
"NU": "Niue",
"NF": "Norfolk Adası",
"NO": "Norveç",
"CF": "Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti",
"PK": "Pakistan",
"PW": "Palau",
"PA": "Panama",
"PG": "Papua Yeni Gine",
"PY": "Paraguay",
"PE": "Peru",
"PN": "Pitcairn",
"PL": "Polonya",
"PT": "Portekiz",
"PR": "Porto Riko",
"RE": "Reunion",
"RO": "Romanya",
"RW": "Ruanda",
"RU": "Rusya Federasyonu",
"BL": "Saint Barthelemy",
"SH": "Saint Helena",
"KN": "Saint Kitts ve Nevis",
"LC": "Saint Lucia",
"MF": "Saint Martin",
"PM": "Saint Pierre ve Miquelon",
"VC": "Saint Vincent ve Grenadinler",
"WS": "Samoa",
"SM": "San Marino",
"ST": "Sao Tome ve Principe",
"SN": "Senegal",
"SC": "Seyşel Adaları",
"SL": "Sierra Leone",
"SG": "Singapur",
"SK": "Slovakya",
"SI": "Slovenya",
"SB": "Solomon Adaları",
"SO": "Somali",
"LK": "Sri Lanka",
"SD": "Sudan",
"SR": "Surinam",
"SY": "Suriye",
"SA": "Suudi Arabistan",
"SJ": "Svalbard ve Jan Mayen",
"SZ": "Svaziland",
"RS": "Sırbistan",
"CS": "Sırbistan-Karadağ",
"TJ": "Tacikistan",
"TZ": "Tanzanya",
"TH": "Tayland",
"TW": "Tayvan",
"TG": "Togo",
"TK": "Tokelau",
"TO": "Tonga",
"TT": "Trinidad ve Tobago",
"TN": "Tunus",
"TC": "Turks ve Caicos Adaları",
"TV": "Tuvalu",
"TR": "Türkiye",
"TM": "Türkmenistan",
"UG": "Uganda",
"UA": "Ukrayna",
"OM": "Umman",
"UY": "Uruguay",
"VU": "Vanuatu",
"VA": "Vatikan",
"VE": "Venezuela",
"VN": "Vietnam",
"WF": "Wallis ve Futuna",
"YE": "Yemen",
"NC": "Yeni Kaledonya",
"NZ": "Yeni Zelanda",
"GR": "Yunanistan",
"ZM": "Zambiya",
"ZW": "Zimbabve",
"TD": "Çad",
"CZ": "Çek Cumhuriyeti",
"CN": "Çin",
"UZ": "Özbekistan",
"JO": "Ürdün",
"VG": "İngiliz Virgin Adaları",
"IR": "İran",
"IE": "İrlanda",
"ES": "İspanya",
"IL": "İsrail",
"SE": "İsveç",
"CH": "İsviçre",
"IT": "İtalya",
"IS": "İzlanda",
"CL": "Şili"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"BT": "不丹",
"TL": "东帝汶",
"CN": "中国",
"MO": "中国澳门特别行政区",
"HK": "中国香港特别行政区",
"CF": "中非共和国",
"DK": "丹麦",
"UA": "乌克兰",
"UZ": "乌兹别克斯坦",
"UG": "乌干达",
"UY": "乌拉圭",
"TD": "乍得",
"YE": "也门",
"AM": "亚美尼亚",
"IL": "以色列",
"IQ": "伊拉克",
"IR": "伊朗",
"BZ": "伯利兹",
"CV": "佛得角",
"RU": "俄罗斯",
"BG": "保加利亚",
"HR": "克罗地亚",
"GU": "关岛",
"GM": "冈比亚",
"IS": "冰岛",
"GN": "几内亚",
"GW": "几内亚比绍",
"LI": "列支敦士登",
"CG": "刚果(布)",
"CD": "刚果(金)",
"LY": "利比亚",
"LR": "利比里亚",
"CA": "加拿大",
"GH": "加纳",
"GA": "加蓬",
"HU": "匈牙利",
"MP": "北马里亚纳群岛",
"GS": "南乔治亚岛和南桑威齐群岛",
"AQ": "南极洲",
"ZA": "南非",
"BW": "博茨瓦纳",
"QA": "卡塔尔",
"RW": "卢旺达",
"LU": "卢森堡",
"IN": "印度",
"ID": "印度尼西亚",
"GT": "危地马拉",
"EC": "厄瓜多尔",
"ER": "厄立特里亚",
"SY": "叙利亚",
"CU": "古巴",
"TW": "台湾",
"KG": "吉尔吉斯斯坦",
"DJ": "吉布提",
"KZ": "哈萨克斯坦",
"CO": "哥伦比亚",
"CR": "哥斯达黎加",
"CM": "喀麦隆",
"TV": "图瓦卢",
"TM": "土库曼斯坦",
"TR": "土耳其",
"LC": "圣卢西亚",
"KN": "圣基茨和尼维斯",
"ST": "圣多美和普林西比",
"BL": "圣巴泰勒米",
"VC": "圣文森特和格林纳丁斯",
"PM": "圣皮埃尔和密克隆",
"CX": "圣诞岛",
"SH": "圣赫勒拿",
"MF": "圣马丁",
"SM": "圣马力诺",
"GY": "圭亚那",
"TZ": "坦桑尼亚",
"EG": "埃及",
"ET": "埃塞俄比亚",
"KI": "基里巴斯",
"TJ": "塔吉克斯坦",
"SN": "塞内加尔",
"RS": "塞尔维亚",
"CS": "塞尔维亚和黑山",
"SL": "塞拉利昂",
"CY": "塞浦路斯",
"SC": "塞舌尔群岛",
"MX": "墨西哥",
"TG": "多哥",
"DM": "多米尼加",
"DO": "多米尼加共和国",
"AX": "奥兰群岛",
"AT": "奥地利",
"VE": "委内瑞拉",
"BD": "孟加拉国",
"AO": "安哥拉",
"AI": "安圭拉",
"AG": "安提瓜和巴布达",
"AD": "安道尔",
"FM": "密克罗尼西亚联邦",
"NI": "尼加拉瓜",
"NG": "尼日利亚",
"NE": "尼日尔",
"NP": "尼泊尔",
"PS": "巴勒斯坦领土",
"BS": "巴哈马",
"PK": "巴基斯坦",
"BB": "巴巴多斯",
"PG": "巴布亚新几内亚",
"PY": "巴拉圭",
"PA": "巴拿马",
"BH": "巴林",
"BR": "巴西",
"BF": "布基纳法索",
"BV": "布维特岛",
"BI": "布隆迪",
"GR": "希腊",
"PW": "帕劳",
"CK": "库克群岛",
"KY": "开曼群岛",
"DE": "德国",
"IT": "意大利",
"SB": "所罗门群岛",
"TK": "托克劳",
"LV": "拉脱维亚",
"NO": "挪威",
"CZ": "捷克共和国",
"MD": "摩尔多瓦",
"MA": "摩洛哥",
"MC": "摩纳哥",
"BN": "文莱",
"FJ": "斐济",
"SZ": "斯威士兰",
"SK": "斯洛伐克",
"SI": "斯洛文尼亚",
"SJ": "斯瓦尔巴特和扬马延",
"LK": "斯里兰卡",
"SG": "新加坡",
"NC": "新喀里多尼亚",
"NZ": "新西兰",
"JP": "日本",
"CL": "智利",
"IM": "曼岛",
"KP": "朝鲜",
"ZZ": "未知或无效地区",
"KH": "柬埔寨",
"GG": "格恩西岛",
"GD": "格林纳达",
"GL": "格陵兰",
"GE": "格鲁吉亚",
"VA": "梵蒂冈",
"BE": "比利时",
"MR": "毛里塔尼亚",
"MU": "毛里求斯",
"TO": "汤加",
"SA": "沙特阿拉伯",
"FR": "法国",
"TF": "法属南部领土",
"GF": "法属圭亚那",
"PF": "法属波利尼西亚",
"FO": "法罗群岛",
"PL": "波兰",
"PR": "波多黎各",
"BA": "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那",
"TH": "泰国",
"JE": "泽西岛",
"ZW": "津巴布韦",
"HN": "洪都拉斯",
"HT": "海地",
"AU": "澳大利亚",
"IE": "爱尔兰",
"EE": "爱沙尼亚",
"JM": "牙买加",
"TC": "特克斯和凯科斯群岛",
"TT": "特立尼达和多巴哥",
"BO": "玻利维亚",
"NR": "瑙鲁",
"SE": "瑞典",
"CH": "瑞士",
"GP": "瓜德罗普岛",
"WF": "瓦利斯和富图纳",
"VU": "瓦努阿图",
"RE": "留尼汪",
"BY": "白俄罗斯",
"BM": "百慕大",
"PN": "皮特凯恩",
"GI": "直布罗陀",
"FK": "福克兰群岛",
"KW": "科威特",
"KM": "科摩罗",
"CC": "科科斯群岛",
"PE": "秘鲁",
"TN": "突尼斯",
"LT": "立陶宛",
"SO": "索马里",
"JO": "约旦",
"NA": "纳米比亚",
"NU": "纽埃",
"MM": "缅甸",
"RO": "罗马尼亚",
"US": "美国",
"UM": "美国边远小岛",
"VI": "美属维京群岛",
"AS": "美属萨摩亚",
"LA": "老挝人民民主共和国",
"KE": "肯尼亚",
"FI": "芬兰",
"SD": "苏丹",
"SR": "苏里南",
"GB": "英国",
"IO": "英属印度洋领地",
"VG": "英属维京群岛",
"NL": "荷兰",
"AN": "荷属安的列斯群岛",
"MZ": "莫桑比克",
"LS": "莱索托",
"PH": "菲律宾",
"SV": "萨尔瓦多",
"WS": "萨摩亚",
"PT": "葡萄牙",
"MN": "蒙古",
"MS": "蒙塞拉特群岛",
"EH": "西撒哈拉",
"ES": "西班牙",
"NF": "诺福克岛",
"CI": "象牙海岸",
"BJ": "贝宁",
"ZM": "赞比亚",
"GQ": "赤道几内亚",
"HM": "赫德与麦克唐纳群岛",
"VN": "越南",
"AZ": "阿塞拜疆",
"AF": "阿富汗",
"DZ": "阿尔及利亚",
"AL": "阿尔巴尼亚",
"AE": "阿拉伯联合酋长国",
"OM": "阿曼",
"AR": "阿根廷",
"AW": "阿鲁巴",
"KR": "韩国",
"MK": "马其顿",
"MV": "马尔代夫",
"MW": "马拉维",
"MQ": "马提尼克群岛",
"MY": "马来西亚",
"YT": "马约特",
"MH": "马绍尔群岛",
"MT": "马耳他",
"MG": "马达加斯加",
"ML": "马里",
"LB": "黎巴嫩",
"ME": "黑山共和国"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
"BT": "不丹",
"CN": "中華人民共和國",
"MO": "中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區",
"HK": "中華人民共和國香港特別行政區",
"CF": "中非共和國",
"DK": "丹麥",
"AZ": "亞塞拜然",
"AM": "亞美尼亞",
"AX": "亞蘭群島",
"IL": "以色列",
"IQ": "伊拉克",
"IR": "伊朗",
"RU": "俄羅斯",
"BG": "保加利亞",
"HR": "克羅埃西亞",
"IS": "冰島",
"SJ": "冷岸及央麥恩群島",
"LI": "列支敦斯登",
"LY": "利比亞",
"CG": "剛果",
"CD": "剛果民主共和國",
"GA": "加彭",
"CA": "加拿大",
"HU": "匈牙利",
"KP": "北韓",
"MP": "北馬里亞納群島",
"TT": "千里達及托巴哥",
"GS": "南喬治亞與南三明治群島",
"AQ": "南極洲",
"ZA": "南非",
"KR": "南韓",
"QA": "卡達",
"ID": "印尼",
"IN": "印度",
"ER": "厄利垂亞",
"EC": "厄瓜多",
"CU": "古巴",
"CC": "可可斯群島",
"TW": "台灣",
"SZ": "史瓦濟蘭",
"DJ": "吉布地",
"KG": "吉爾吉斯",
"KI": "吉里巴斯",
"TV": "吐瓦魯",
"KZ": "哈薩克",
"CO": "哥倫比亞",
"GP": "哥德普洛",
"CR": "哥斯大黎加",
"CM": "喀麥隆",
"GE": "喬治亞共和國",
"TC": "土克斯及開科斯群島",
"TM": "土庫曼",
"TR": "土耳其",
"TZ": "坦尚尼亞",
"EG": "埃及",
"TJ": "塔吉克",
"SN": "塞內加爾",
"SC": "塞席爾",
"RS": "塞爾維亞",
"CS": "塞爾維亞和蒙特尼哥羅",
"MX": "墨西哥",
"TG": "多哥共和國",
"DM": "多明尼加",
"DO": "多明尼加共和國",
"NG": "奈及利亞",
"AT": "奧地利",
"VE": "委內瑞拉",
"BD": "孟加拉",
"AO": "安哥拉",
"AI": "安圭拉島",
"AG": "安地卡及巴布達",
"AD": "安道爾",
"HN": "宏都拉斯",
"FM": "密克羅尼西亞群島",
"LA": "寮國",
"ZM": "尚比亞",
"NI": "尼加拉瓜",
"NE": "尼日",
"NP": "尼泊爾",
"PS": "巴勒斯坦",
"BS": "巴哈馬",
"PK": "巴基斯坦",
"PG": "巴布亞紐幾內亞",
"PY": "巴拉圭",
"PA": "巴拿馬",
"BH": "巴林",
"BR": "巴西",
"BB": "巴貝多",
"BF": "布吉納法索",
"BV": "布威島",
"GR": "希臘",
"PW": "帛琉",
"GN": "幾內亞",
"GW": "幾內亞比索",
"CK": "庫克群島",
"DE": "德國",
"EE": "愛沙尼亞",
"IE": "愛爾蘭",
"TK": "托克勞群島",
"LV": "拉脫維亞",
"NO": "挪威",
"CZ": "捷克共和國",
"MA": "摩洛哥",
"MD": "摩爾多瓦",
"MC": "摩納哥",
"SY": "敘利亞",
"FJ": "斐濟",
"SK": "斯洛伐克",
"SI": "斯洛維尼亞",
"LK": "斯里蘭卡",
"SG": "新加坡",
"NC": "新喀里多尼亞群島",
"JP": "日本",
"CL": "智利",
"IM": "曼島",
"ZZ": "未確定的區域",
"TO": "東加",
"TL": "東帝汶",
"TD": "查德",
"KH": "柬埔寨",
"GG": "根西島",
"GD": "格瑞納達",
"GL": "格陵蘭",
"VA": "梵蒂岡",
"MU": "模里西斯",
"BE": "比利時",
"BN": "汶萊",
"SA": "沙烏地阿拉伯",
"FR": "法國",
"TF": "法屬南方屬地",
"GF": "法屬圭亞那",
"PF": "法屬玻里尼西亞",
"FO": "法羅群島",
"BA": "波士尼亞與赫塞格維納",
"PR": "波多黎各",
"BW": "波札那",
"PL": "波蘭",
"TH": "泰國",
"HT": "海地",
"JE": "澤西島",
"AU": "澳洲",
"UA": "烏克蘭",
"UG": "烏干達",
"UY": "烏拉圭",
"UZ": "烏茲別克",
"JM": "牙買加",
"SL": "獅子山",
"BO": "玻利維亞",
"SE": "瑞典",
"CH": "瑞士",
"GT": "瓜地馬拉",
"WF": "瓦利斯和福杜納群島",
"GM": "甘比亞",
"RE": "留尼旺",
"BY": "白俄羅斯",
"BM": "百慕達",
"PN": "皮特康",
"RW": "盧安達",
"LU": "盧森堡",
"GI": "直布羅陀",
"FK": "福克蘭群島",
"KW": "科威特",
"KM": "科摩羅群島",
"CI": "科特迪瓦",
"PE": "秘魯",
"TN": "突尼西亞",
"LT": "立陶宛",
"JO": "約旦",
"NA": "納米比亞",
"NU": "紐威島",
"NZ": "紐西蘭",
"SB": "索羅門群島",
"SO": "索馬利亞",
"CV": "維德角",
"MM": "緬甸",
"RO": "羅馬尼亞",
"US": "美國",
"VI": "美屬維京群島",
"AS": "美屬薩摩亞群島",
"UM": "美屬邊疆群島",
"IT": "義大利",
"KN": "聖克里斯多福及尼維斯",
"ST": "聖多美及普林西比",
"BL": "聖巴瑟米",
"PM": "聖彼德與密啟崙",
"VC": "聖文森及格瑞那丁",
"CX": "聖誕島",
"SH": "聖赫勒拿島",
"LC": "聖露西亞",
"MF": "聖馬丁",
"SM": "聖馬利諾",
"KE": "肯亞",
"FI": "芬蘭",
"GB": "英國",
"IO": "英屬印度洋領土",
"VG": "英屬維京群島",
"MR": "茅利塔尼亞",
"AN": "荷屬安地列斯",
"NL": "荷蘭",
"MZ": "莫三比克",
"PH": "菲律賓",
"VU": "萬那杜",
"YE": "葉門",
"PT": "葡萄牙",
"MN": "蒙古",
"ME": "蒙特內哥羅",
"MS": "蒙特色拉特島",
"BI": "蒲隆地",
"GY": "蓋亞納",
"WS": "薩摩亞群島",
"SV": "薩爾瓦多",
"SD": "蘇丹",
"SR": "蘇利南",
"ET": "衣索比亞",
"EH": "西撒哈拉",
"ES": "西班牙",
"NF": "諾福克島",
"NR": "諾魯",
"BJ": "貝南",
"BZ": "貝里斯",
"LR": "賴比瑞亞",
"LS": "賴索扥",
"CY": "賽普勒斯",
"GQ": "赤道幾內亞",
"HM": "赫德與麥克當諾群島",
"VN": "越南",
"ZW": "辛巴威",
"GH": "迦納",
"KY": "開曼群島",
"GU": "關島",
"AF": "阿富汗",
"AE": "阿拉伯聯合大公國",
"OM": "阿曼王國",
"AR": "阿根廷",
"DZ": "阿爾及利亞",
"AL": "阿爾巴尼亞",
"AW": "阿路巴",
"MQ": "馬丁尼克島",
"MY": "馬來西亞",
"MK": "馬其頓",
"ML": "馬利",
"MW": "馬拉威",
"MT": "馬爾他",
"MV": "馬爾地夫",
"YT": "馬約特",
"MH": "馬紹爾群島",
"MG": "馬達加斯加",
"LB": "黎巴嫩"
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
"application/epub_zip": "EPUB ebook",
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"application/pdf": "PDF document",
"application/vnd.moodle.backup": "Moodle backup",
"application/": "Excel spreadsheet",
"application/": "Excel 2007 macro-enabled workbook",
"application/": "Powerpoint presentation",
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet": "OpenDocument Spreadsheet",
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template": "OpenDocument Spreadsheet template",
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text": "OpenDocument Text document",
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template": "OpenDocument Text template",
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web": "OpenDocument Web page template",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation": "Powerpoint 2007 presentation",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow": "Powerpoint 2007 slideshow",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet": "Excel 2007 spreadsheet",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template": "Excel 2007 template",
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document": "Word 2007 document",
"application/x-iwork-keynote-sffkey": "iWork Keynote presentation",
"application/x-iwork-numbers-sffnumbers": "iWork Numbers spreadsheet",
"application/x-iwork-pages-sffpages": "iWork Pages document",
"application/x-javascript": "JavaScript source",
"application/x-mspublisher": "Publisher document",
"application/x-shockwave-flash": "Flash animation",
"application/xhtml_xml": "XHTML document",
"archive": "Archive ({{$a.EXT}})",
"audio": "Audio file ({{$a.EXT}})",
"default": "{{$a.mimetype}}",
"document/unknown": "File",
"group:archive": "Archive files",
"group:audio": "Audio files",
"group:document": "Document files",
"group:html_audio": "Audio files natively supported by browsers",
"group:html_track": "HTML track files",
"group:html_video": "Video files natively supported by browsers",
"group:image": "Image files",
"group:presentation": "Presentation files",
"group:sourcecode": "Source code",
"group:spreadsheet": "Spreadsheet files",
"group:video": "Video files",
"group:web_audio": "Audio files used on the web",
"group:web_file": "Web files",
"group:web_image": "Image files used on the web",
"group:web_video": "Video files used on the web",
"image": "Image ({{$a.MIMETYPE2}})",
"image/": "Windows icon",
"text/css": "Cascading Style-Sheet",
"text/csv": "Comma-separated values",
"text/html": "HTML document",
"text/plain": "Text file",
"text/rtf": "RTF document",
"text/vtt": "Web Video Text Track",
"video": "Video file ({{$a.EXT}})"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* Static class to contain all the core constants.
export class CoreConstants {
public static secondsYear = 31536000;
public static secondsDay = 86400;
public static secondsHour = 3600;
public static secondsMinute = 60;
public static wifiDownloadThreshold = 104857600; // 100MB.
public static downloadThreshold = 10485760; // 10MB.
public static dontShowError = 'CoreDontShowError';
public static settingsRichTextEditor = 'CoreSettingsRichTextEditor';
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import { Network } from '@ionic-native/network';
import { ClipboardMock } from './providers/clipboard';
import { GlobalizationMock } from './providers/globalization';
import { NetworkMock } from './providers/network';
import { InAppBrowser } from '@ionic-native/in-app-browser';
declarations: [
@ -52,7 +53,8 @@ import { NetworkMock } from './providers/network';
// Use platform instead of CoreAppProvider to prevent circular dependencies.
return'cordova') ? new Network() : new NetworkMock();
export class CoreEmulatorModule {
@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
"now" : "now",
"numwords": "{{$a}} words",
"offline": "Offline",
"ok": "OK",
"online": "Online",
"openfullimage": "Click here to display the image at full size",
"openinbrowser": "Open in browser",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { LoadingController, Loading, ToastController, Toast, AlertController, Alert, Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
import { CoreTextUtilsProvider } from './text';
import { CoreAppProvider } from '../app';
import { CoreConfigProvider } from '../config';
import { CoreUrlUtilsProvider } from './url';
import { CoreConstants } from '../../core/constants';
* "Utils" service with helper functions for UI, DOM elements and HTML code.
export class CoreDomUtilsProvider {
element = document.createElement('div'); // Fake element to use in some functions, to prevent re-creating it each time.
matchesFn: string; // Name of the "matches" function to use when simulating a closest call.
inputSupportKeyboard = ['date', 'datetime', 'datetime-local', 'email', 'month', 'number', 'password',
'search', 'tel', 'text', 'time', 'url', 'week'];
constructor(private translate: TranslateService, private loadingCtrl: LoadingController, private toastCtrl: ToastController,
private alertCtrl: AlertController, private textUtils: CoreTextUtilsProvider, private appProvider: CoreAppProvider,
private platform: Platform, private configProvider: CoreConfigProvider, private urlUtils: CoreUrlUtilsProvider) {}
* Wraps a message with mm-format-text if the message contains HTML tags.
* @param {string} message Message to wrap.
* @return {string} Result message.
private addFormatTextIfNeeded(message: string) : string {
if (this.textUtils.hasHTMLTags(message)) {
return '<mm-format-text watch="true">' + message + '</mm-format-text>';
return message;
* Equivalent to element.closest(). If the browser doesn't support element.closest, it will
* traverse the parents to achieve the same functionality.
* Returns the closest ancestor of the current element (or the current element itself) which matches the selector.
* @param {HTMLElement} element DOM Element.
* @param {string} selector Selector to search.
* @return {Element} Closest ancestor.
closest(element: HTMLElement, selector: string) : Element {
// Try to use closest if the browser supports it.
if (typeof element.closest == 'function') {
return element.closest(selector);
if (!this.matchesFn) {
// Find the matches function supported by the browser.
['matches','webkitMatchesSelector','mozMatchesSelector','msMatchesSelector','oMatchesSelector'].some((fn) => {
if (typeof document.body[fn] == 'function') {
this.matchesFn = fn;
return true;
return false;
if (!this.matchesFn) {
// Traverse parents.
while (element) {
if (element[this.matchesFn](selector)) {
return element;
element = element.parentElement;
* If the download size is higher than a certain threshold shows a confirm dialog.
* @param {any} size Object containing size to download and a boolean to indicate if its totally or partialy calculated.
* @param {string} [message] Code of the message to show. Default: 'mm.course.confirmdownload'.
* @param {string} [unknownMessage] ID of the message to show if size is unknown.
* @param {number} [wifiThreshold] Threshold to show confirm in WiFi connection. Default: CoreWifiDownloadThreshold.
* @param {number} [limitedThreshold] Threshold to show confirm in limited connection. Default: CoreDownloadThreshold.
* @return {Promise<void>} Promise resolved when the user confirms or if no confirm needed.
confirmDownloadSize(size: any, message?: string, unknownMessage?: string, wifiThreshold?: number, limitedThreshold?: number)
: Promise<void> {
wifiThreshold = typeof wifiThreshold == 'undefined' ? CoreConstants.wifiDownloadThreshold : wifiThreshold;
limitedThreshold = typeof limitedThreshold == 'undefined' ? CoreConstants.downloadThreshold : limitedThreshold;
if (size.size < 0 || (size.size == 0 && ! {
// Seems size was unable to be calculated. Show a warning.
unknownMessage = unknownMessage || 'mm.course.confirmdownloadunknownsize';
return this.showConfirm(this.translate.instant(unknownMessage));
} else if (! {
// Filesize is only partial.
let readableSize = this.textUtils.bytesToSize(size.size, 2);
return this.showConfirm(this.translate.instant('mm.course.confirmpartialdownloadsize', {size: readableSize}));
} else if (size.size >= wifiThreshold || (this.appProvider.isNetworkAccessLimited() && size.size >= limitedThreshold)) {
message = message || 'mm.course.confirmdownload';
let readableSize = this.textUtils.bytesToSize(size.size, 2);
return this.showConfirm(this.translate.instant(message, {size: readableSize}));
return Promise.resolve();
* Extract the downloadable URLs from an HTML code.
* @param {string} html HTML code.
* @return {string[]} List of file urls.
extractDownloadableFilesFromHtml(html: string) : string[] {
let elements,
urls = [];
this.element.innerHTML = html;
elements = this.element.querySelectorAll('a, img, audio, video, source, track');
for (let i in elements) {
let element = elements[i],
url = element.tagName === 'A' ? element.href : element.src;
if (url && this.urlUtils.isDownloadableUrl(url) && urls.indexOf(url) == -1) {
// Treat video poster.
if (element.tagName == 'VIDEO' && element.getAttribute('poster')) {
url = element.getAttribute('poster');
if (url && this.urlUtils.isDownloadableUrl(url) && urls.indexOf(url) == -1) {
return urls;
* Extract the downloadable URLs from an HTML code and returns them in fake file objects.
* @param {string} html HTML code.
* @return {any[]} List of fake file objects with file URLs.
extractDownloadableFilesFromHtmlAsFakeFileObjects(html: string) : any[] {
let urls = this.extractDownloadableFilesFromHtml(html);
// Convert them to fake file objects.
return => {
return {
fileurl: url
* Search all the URLs in a CSS file content.
* @param {string} code CSS code.
* @return {string[]} List of URLs.
extractUrlsFromCSS(code: string) : string[] {
// First of all, search all the url(...) occurrences that don't include "data:".
let urls = [],
matches = code.match(/url\(\s*["']?(?!data:)([^)]+)\)/igm);
// Extract the URL form each match.
matches.forEach((match) => {
let submatches = match.match(/url\(\s*['"]?([^'"]*)['"]?\s*\)/im);
if (submatches && submatches[1]) {
return urls;
* Focus an element and open keyboard.
* @param {HTMLElement} el HTML element to focus.
focusElement(el: HTMLElement) : void {
if (el && el.focus) {
if ('android') && this.supportsInputKeyboard(el)) {
// On some Android versions the keyboard doesn't open automatically.
* Formats a size to be used as width/height of an element.
* If the size is already valid (like '500px' or '50%') it won't be modified.
* Returned size will have a format like '500px'.
* @param {any} size Size to format.
* @return {string} Formatted size. If size is not valid, returns an empty string.
formatPixelsSize(size: any) : string {
if (typeof size == 'string' && (size.indexOf('px') > -1 || size.indexOf('%') > -1)) {
// It seems to be a valid size.
return size;
size = parseInt(size, 10);
if (!isNaN(size)) {
return size + 'px';
return '';
* Returns the contents of a certain selection in a DOM element.
* @param {HTMLElement} element DOM element to search in.
* @param {string} selector Selector to search.
* @return {string} Selection contents. Undefined if not found.
getContentsOfElement(element: HTMLElement, selector: string) : string {
if (element) {
let selected = element.querySelector(selector);
if (selected) {
return selected.innerHTML;
* Returns height of an element.
* @param {any} element DOM element to measure.
* @param {boolean} [usePadding] Whether to use padding to calculate the measure.
* @param {boolean} [useMargin] Whether to use margin to calculate the measure.
* @param {boolean} [useBorder] Whether to use borders to calculate the measure.
* @param {boolean} [innerMeasure] If inner measure is needed: padding, margin or borders will be substracted.
* @return {number} Height in pixels.
getElementHeight(element: any, usePadding?: boolean, useMargin?: boolean, useBorder?: boolean,
innerMeasure?: boolean) : number {
return this.getElementMeasure(element, false, usePadding, useMargin, useBorder, innerMeasure);
* Returns height or width of an element.
* @param {any} element DOM element to measure.
* @param {boolean} [isWidth] Whether to get width or height.
* @param {boolean} [usePadding] Whether to use padding to calculate the measure.
* @param {boolean} [useMargin] Whether to use margin to calculate the measure.
* @param {boolean} [useBorder] Whether to use borders to calculate the measure.
* @param {boolean} [innerMeasure] If inner measure is needed: padding, margin or borders will be substracted.
* @return {number} Measure in pixels.
getElementMeasure(element: any, getWidth?: boolean, usePadding?: boolean, useMargin?: boolean, useBorder?: boolean,
innerMeasure?: boolean) : number {
let offsetMeasure = getWidth ? 'offsetWidth' : 'offsetHeight',
measureName = getWidth ? 'width' : 'height',
clientMeasure = getWidth ? 'clientWidth' : 'clientHeight',
priorSide = getWidth ? 'Left' : 'Top',
afterSide = getWidth ? 'Right' : 'Bottom',
measure = element[offsetMeasure] || element[measureName] || element[clientMeasure] || 0;
// Measure not correctly taken.
if (measure <= 0) {
let style = getComputedStyle(element);
if (style && style.display == '') {
|||| = 'inline-block';
measure = element[offsetMeasure] || element[measureName] || element[clientMeasure] || 0;
|||| = '';
if (usePadding || useMargin || useBorder) {
let surround = 0,
computedStyle = getComputedStyle(element);
if (usePadding) {
surround += parseInt(computedStyle['padding' + priorSide], 10) + parseInt(computedStyle['padding' + afterSide], 10);
if (useMargin) {
surround += parseInt(computedStyle['margin' + priorSide], 10) + parseInt(computedStyle['margin' + afterSide], 10);
if (useBorder) {
surround += parseInt(computedStyle['border' + priorSide], 10) + parseInt(computedStyle['border' + afterSide], 10);
if (innerMeasure) {
measure = measure > surround ? measure - surround : 0;
} else {
measure += surround;
return measure;
* Returns width of an element.
* @param {any} element DOM element to measure.
* @param {boolean} [usePadding] Whether to use padding to calculate the measure.
* @param {boolean} [useMargin] Whether to use margin to calculate the measure.
* @param {boolean} [useBorder] Whether to use borders to calculate the measure.
* @param {boolean} [innerMeasure] If inner measure is needed: padding, margin or borders will be substracted.
* @return {number} Width in pixels.
getElementWidth(element: any, usePadding?: boolean, useMargin?: boolean, useBorder?: boolean,
innerMeasure?: boolean) : number {
return this.getElementMeasure(element, true, usePadding, useMargin, useBorder, innerMeasure);
* Retrieve the position of a element relative to another element.
* @param {HTMLElement} container Element to search in.
* @param {string} [selector] Selector to find the element to gets the position.
* @param {string} [positionParentClass] Parent Class where to stop calculating the position. Default scroll-content.
* @return {number[]} positionLeft, positionTop of the element relative to.
getElementXY(container: HTMLElement, selector?: string, positionParentClass?: string) : number[] {
let element: HTMLElement = <HTMLElement> (selector ? container.querySelector(selector) : container),
positionTop = 0,
positionLeft = 0;
if (!positionParentClass) {
positionParentClass = 'scroll-content';
if (!element) {
return null;
while (element) {
positionLeft += (element.offsetLeft - element.scrollLeft + element.clientLeft);
positionTop += (element.offsetTop - element.scrollTop + element.clientTop);
offsetElement = element.offsetParent;
element = element.parentElement;
// Every parent class has to be checked but the position has to be got form offsetParent.
while (offsetElement != element && element) {
// If positionParentClass element is reached, stop adding tops.
if (element.className.indexOf(positionParentClass) != -1) {
element = null;
} else {
element = element.parentElement;
// Finally, check again.
if (element.className.indexOf(positionParentClass) != -1) {
element = null;
return [positionLeft, positionTop];
* Given an error message, return a suitable error title.
* @param {string} message The error message.
* @return {string} Title.
private getErrorTitle(message: string) : string {
if (message == this.translate.instant('mm.core.networkerrormsg') ||
message == this.translate.instant('mm.fileuploader.errormustbeonlinetoupload')) {
return '<span class="mm-icon-with-badge"><i class="icon ion-wifi"></i>\
<i class="icon ion-alert-circled mm-icon-badge"></i></span>';
return this.textUtils.decodeHTML(this.translate.instant('mm.core.error'));
* Check if an element is outside of screen (viewport).
* @param {HTMLElement} scrollEl The element that must be scrolled.
* @param {HTMLElement} element DOM element to check.
* @return {boolean} Whether the element is outside of the viewport.
isElementOutsideOfScreen(scrollEl: HTMLElement, element: HTMLElement) : boolean {
let elementRect = element.getBoundingClientRect(),
scrollTopPos = 0;
if (!elementRect) {
return false;
elementMidPoint = Math.round((elementRect.bottom + / 2);
scrollElRect = scrollEl.getBoundingClientRect();
scrollTopPos = (scrollElRect && || 0;
return elementMidPoint > window.innerHeight || elementMidPoint < scrollTopPos;
* Check if rich text editor is enabled.
* @return {Promise<boolean>} Promise resolved with boolean: true if enabled, false otherwise.
isRichTextEditorEnabled() : Promise<boolean> {
if (this.isRichTextEditorSupported()) {
return this.configProvider.get(CoreConstants.settingsRichTextEditor, true);
return Promise.resolve(false);
* Check if rich text editor is supported in the platform.
* @return {boolean} Whether it's supported.
isRichTextEditorSupported() : boolean {
// Disabled just for iOS.
return !'ios');
* Search and remove a certain element from inside another element.
* @param {HTMLElement} element DOM element to search in.
* @param {string} selector Selector to search.
removeElement(element: HTMLElement, selector: string) : void {
if (element) {
let selected = element.querySelector(selector);
if (selected) {
* Search and remove a certain element from an HTML code.
* @param {string} html HTML code to change.
* @param {string} selector Selector to search.
* @param {boolean} [removeAll] True if it should remove all matches found, false if it should only remove the first one.
* @return {string} HTML without the element.
removeElementFromHtml(html: string, selector: string, removeAll?: boolean) : string {
let selected;
this.element.innerHTML = html;
if (removeAll) {
selected = this.element.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (let i in selected) {
} else {
selected = this.element.querySelector(selector);
if (selected) {
return this.element.innerHTML;
* Search for certain classes in an element contents and replace them with the specified new values.
* @param {HTMLElement} element DOM element.
* @param {any} map Mapping of the classes to replace. Keys must be the value to replace, values must be
* the new class name. Example: {'correct': 'mm-question-answer-correct'}.
replaceClassesInElement(element: HTMLElement, map: any) : void {
for (let key in map) {
let foundElements = element.querySelectorAll('.' + key);
for (let i in foundElements) {
let foundElement = foundElements[i];
foundElement.className = foundElement.className.replace(key, map[key]);
* Given an HTML, search all links and media and tries to restore original sources using the paths object.
* @param {string} html HTML code.
* @param {object} paths Object linking URLs in the html code with the real URLs to use.
* @param {Function} [anchorFn] Function to call with each anchor. Optional.
* @return {string} Treated HTML code.
restoreSourcesInHtml(html: string, paths: object, anchorFn?: Function) : string {
let media,
this.element.innerHTML = html;
// Treat elements with src (img, audio, video, ...).
media = this.element.querySelectorAll('img, video, audio, source, track');
for (let i in media) {
let el = media[i],
newSrc = paths[this.textUtils.decodeURIComponent(el.getAttribute('src'))];
if (typeof newSrc != 'undefined') {
el.setAttribute('src', newSrc);
// Treat video posters.
if (el.tagName == 'VIDEO' && el.getAttribute('poster')) {
newSrc = paths[this.textUtils.decodeURIComponent(el.getAttribute('poster'))];
if (typeof newSrc !== 'undefined') {
el.setAttribute('poster', newSrc);
// Now treat links.
anchors = this.element.querySelectorAll('a');
for (let i in anchors) {
let anchor = anchors[i],
href = this.textUtils.decodeURIComponent(anchor.getAttribute('href')),
newUrl = paths[href];
if (typeof newUrl != 'undefined') {
anchor.setAttribute('href', newUrl);
if (typeof anchorFn == 'function') {
anchorFn(anchor, href);
return this.element.innerHTML;
* Scroll to a certain element inside another element.
* @param {HTMLElement} scrollEl The element that must be scrolled.
* @param {HTMLElement} container Element to search in.
* @param {string} [selector] Selector to find the element to scroll to. If not defined, scroll to the container.
* @param {string} [scrollParentClass] Parent class where to stop calculating the position. Default scroll-content.
* @return {boolean} True if the element is found, false otherwise.
scrollToElement(scrollEl: HTMLElement, container: HTMLElement, selector?: string, scrollParentClass?: string) : boolean {
let position = this.getElementXY(container, selector, scrollParentClass);
if (!position) {
return false;
scrollEl.scrollTo(position[0], position[1]);
return true;
* Search for an input with error (mm-input-error directive) and scrolls to it if found.
* @param {HTMLElement} scrollEl The element that must be scrolled.
* @param {HTMLElement} container Element to search in.
* @param [scrollParentClass] Parent class where to stop calculating the position. Default scroll-content.
* @return {boolean} True if the element is found, false otherwise.
scrollToInputError(scrollEl: HTMLElement, container: HTMLElement, scrollParentClass?: string) : boolean {
// @todo
return true;
// Wait an instant to make sure errors are shown and scroll to the element.
// return $timeout(function() {
// if (!scrollDelegate) {
// scrollDelegate = $ionicScrollDelegate;
// }
// scrollDelegate.resize();
// return self.scrollToElement(container, '.mm-input-has-errors', scrollDelegate, scrollParentClass);
// }, 100);
* Show an alert modal with a button to close it.
* @param {string} title Title to show.
* @param {string} message Message to show.
* @param {string} [buttonText] Text of the button.
* @param {number} [autocloseTime] Number of milliseconds to wait to close the modal. If not defined, modal won't be closed.
* @return {Alert} The alert modal.
showAlert(title: string, message: string, buttonText?: string, autocloseTime?: number) : Alert {
let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
title: title,
message: this.addFormatTextIfNeeded(message), // Add format-text to handle links.
buttons: [buttonText || this.translate.instant('mm.core.ok')]
if (autocloseTime > 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, autocloseTime);
return alert;
* Show an alert modal with a button to close it, translating the values supplied.
* @param {string} title Title to show.
* @param {string} message Message to show.
* @param {string} [buttonText] Text of the button.
* @param {number} [autocloseTime] Number of milliseconds to wait to close the modal. If not defined, modal won't be closed.
* @return {Alert} The alert modal.
showAlertTranslated(title: string, message: string, buttonText?: string, autocloseTime?: number) : Alert {
title = title ? this.translate.instant(title) : title;
message = message ? this.translate.instant(message) : message;
buttonText = buttonText ? this.translate.instant(buttonText) : buttonText;
return this.showAlert(title, message, buttonText, autocloseTime);
* Show a confirm modal.
* @param {string} message Message to show in the modal body.
* @param {string} [title] Title of the modal.
* @param {string} [okText] Text of the OK button.
* @param {string} [cancelText] Text of the Cancel button.
* @param {any} [options] More options. See
* @return {Promise<void>} Promise resolved if the user confirms and rejected if he cancels.
showConfirm(message: string, title?: string, okText?: string, cancelText?: string, options?: any) : Promise<void> {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
options = options || {};
options.message = this.addFormatTextIfNeeded(message); // Add format-text to handle links.
options.title = title;
if (!title) {
options.cssClass = 'mm-nohead';
options.buttons = [
text: cancelText || this.translate.instant('mm.core.cancel'),
role: 'cancel',
handler: () => {
text: okText || this.translate.instant('mm.core.ok'),
handler: () => {
* Show an alert modal with an error message.
* @param {any} error Message to show.
* @param {boolean} [needsTranslate] Whether the error needs to be translated.
* @param {number} [autocloseTime] Number of milliseconds to wait to close the modal. If not defined, modal won't be closed.
* @return {Alert} The alert modal.
showErrorModal(error: any, needsTranslate?: boolean, autocloseTime?: number) : Alert {
if (typeof error == 'object') {
// We received an object instead of a string. Search for common properties.
if (typeof error.content != 'undefined') {
error = error.content;
} else if (typeof error.body != 'undefined') {
error = error.body;
} else if (typeof error.message != 'undefined') {
error = error.message;
} else if (typeof error.error != 'undefined') {
error = error.error;
} else {
// No common properties found, just stringify it.
error = JSON.stringify(error);
// Try to remove tokens from the contents.
let matches = error.match(/token"?[=|:]"?(\w*)/, '');
if (matches && matches[1]) {
error = error.replace(new RegExp(matches[1], 'g'), 'secret');
let message = this.textUtils.decodeHTML(needsTranslate ? this.translate.instant(error) : error);
return this.showAlert(this.getErrorTitle(message), message, null, autocloseTime);
* Show an alert modal with an error message. It uses a default message if error is not a string.
* @param {any} error Message to show.
* @param {any} [defaultError] Message to show if the error is not a string.
* @param {boolean} [needsTranslate] Whether the error needs to be translated.
* @param {number} [autocloseTime] Number of milliseconds to wait to close the modal. If not defined, modal won't be closed.
* @return {Alert} The alert modal.
showErrorModalDefault(error: any, defaultError: any, needsTranslate?: boolean, autocloseTime?: number) : Alert {
if (error != CoreConstants.dontShowError) {
error = typeof error == 'string' ? error : defaultError;
return this.showErrorModal(error, needsTranslate, autocloseTime);
* Displays a loading modal window.
* @param {string} [text] The text of the modal window. Default: mm.core.loading.
* @param {boolean} [needsTranslate] Whether the 'text' needs to be translated.
* @return {Loading} Loading modal instance.
* @description
* Usage:
* let modal = domUtils.showModalLoading(myText);
* ...
* modal.dismiss();
showModalLoading(text?: string, needsTranslate?: boolean) : Loading {
if (!text) {
text = this.translate.instant('mm.core.loading');
} else if (needsTranslate) {
text = this.translate.instant(text);
let loader = this.loadingCtrl.create({
content: text
return loader;
* Show a prompt modal to input some data.
* @param {string} message Modal message.
* @param {string} [title] Modal title.
* @param {string} [placeholder] Placeholder of the input element. By default, "Password".
* @param {string} [type] Type of the input element. By default, password.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved with the input data if the user clicks OK, rejected if cancels.
showPrompt(message: string, title?: string, placeholder?: string, type = 'password') : Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
message: this.addFormatTextIfNeeded(message), // Add format-text to handle links.
title: title,
inputs: [
name: 'promptinput',
placeholder: placeholder || this.translate.instant('mm.login.password'),
type: type
buttons: [
text: this.translate.instant('mm.core.cancel'),
role: 'cancel',
handler: () => {
text: this.translate.instant('mm.core.ok'),
handler: (data) => {
* Displays an autodimissable toast modal window.
* @param {string} text The text of the toast.
* @param {boolean} [needsTranslate] Whether the 'text' needs to be translated.
* @param {number} [duration=2000] Duration in ms of the dimissable toast.
* @return {Toast} Toast instance.
showToast(text: string, needsTranslate?: boolean, duration = 2000) : Toast {
if (needsTranslate) {
text = this.translate.instant(text);
let loader = this.toastCtrl.create({
message: text,
duration: duration,
position: 'bottom',
dismissOnPageChange: true
return loader;
* Check if an element supports input via keyboard.
* @param {any} el HTML element to check.
* @return {boolean} Whether it supports input using keyboard.
supportsInputKeyboard(el: any) : boolean {
return el && !el.disabled && (el.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea' ||
(el.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'input' && this.inputSupportKeyboard.indexOf(el.type) != -1));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { CoreLoggerProvider } from '../logger';
import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
import { CoreTextUtilsProvider } from './text';
* "Utils" service with helper functions for mimetypes and extensions.
export class CoreMimetypeUtilsProvider {
extToMime = {}; // Object to map extensions -> mimetypes.
mimeToExt = {}; // Object to map mimetypes -> extensions.
groupsMimeInfo = {}; // Object to hold extensions and mimetypes that belong to a certain "group" (audio, video, ...).
extensionRegex = /^[a-z0-9]+$/;
wsProvider: any = {}; // @todo
constructor(http: HttpClient, logger: CoreLoggerProvider, private translate: TranslateService,
private textUtils: CoreTextUtilsProvider) {
this.logger = logger.getInstance('CoreMimetypeUtilsProvider');
http.get('assets/exttomime.json').subscribe((result) => {
this.extToMime = result;
}, (err) => {
// Error, shouldn't happen.
http.get('assets/mimetoext.json').subscribe((result) => {
this.mimeToExt = result;
}, (err) => {
// Error, shouldn't happen.
* Check if a file extension can be embedded without using iframes.
* @param {string} extension Extension.
* @return {boolean} Whether it can be embedded.
canBeEmbedded(extension: string) : boolean {
return this.isExtensionInGroup(extension, ['web_image', 'web_video', 'web_audio']);
* Clean a extension, removing the dot, hash, extra params...
* @param {string} extension Extension to clean.
* @return {string} Clean extension.
cleanExtension(extension: string) : string {
if (!extension) {
return extension;
// If the extension has parameters, remove them.
let position = extension.indexOf('?');
if (position > -1) {
extension = extension.substr(0, position);
// Remove hash in extension if there's any (added by filepool).
extension = extension.replace(/_.{32}$/, '');
// Remove dot from the extension if found.
if (extension && extension[0] == '.') {
extension = extension.substr(1);
return extension;
* Fill the mimetypes and extensions info for a certain group.
* @param {string} group Group name.
protected fillGroupMimeInfo(group: string) : void {
let mimetypes = {}, // Use an object to prevent duplicates.
extensions = []; // Extensions are unique.
for (let extension in this.extToMime) {
let data = this.extToMime[extension];
if (data.type && data.groups && data.groups.indexOf(group) != -1) {
// This extension has the group, add it to the list.
mimetypes[data.type] = true;
this.groupsMimeInfo[group] = {
mimetypes: Object.keys(mimetypes),
extensions: extensions
* Get the extension of a mimetype. Returns undefined if not found.
* @param {string} mimetype Mimetype.
* @param {string} [url] URL of the file. It will be used if there's more than one possible extension.
* @return {string} Extension.
getExtension(mimetype: string, url?: string) : string {
mimetype = mimetype || '';
mimetype = mimetype.split(';')[0]; // Remove codecs from the mimetype if any.
if (mimetype == 'application/x-forcedownload' || mimetype == 'application/forcedownload') {
// Couldn't get the right mimetype, try to guess it.
return this.guessExtensionFromUrl(url);
let extensions = this.mimeToExt[mimetype];
if (extensions && extensions.length) {
if (extensions.length > 1 && url) {
// There's more than one possible extension. Check if the URL has extension.
let candidate = this.guessExtensionFromUrl(url);
if (extensions.indexOf(candidate) != -1) {
return candidate;
return extensions[0];
* Get the "type" (string) of an extension, something like "image", "video" or "audio".
* @param {string} extension Extension.
* @return {string} Type of the extension.
getExtensionType(extension: string) : string {
extension = this.cleanExtension(extension);
if (this.extToMime[extension] && this.extToMime[extension].string) {
return this.extToMime[extension].string;
* Get all the possible extensions of a mimetype. Returns empty array if not found.
* @param {string} mimetype Mimetype.
* @return {string[]} Extensions.
getExtensions(mimetype: string) : string[] {
mimetype = mimetype || '';
mimetype = mimetype.split(';')[0]; // Remove codecs from the mimetype if any.
return this.mimeToExt[mimetype] || [];
* Get a file icon URL based on its file name.
* @param {string} The name of the file.
* @return {string} The path to a file icon.
getFileIcon(filename: string) : string {
let ext = this.getFileExtension(filename),
icon = 'unknown';
if (ext && this.extToMime[ext]) {
if (this.extToMime[ext].icon) {
icon = this.extToMime[ext].icon;
} else {
let type = this.extToMime[ext].type.split('/')[0];
if (type == 'video' || type == 'text' || type == 'image' || type == 'document' || type == 'audio') {
icon = type;
return 'img/files/' + icon + '-64.png';
* Get the folder icon URL.
* @return {string} The path to a folder icon.
getFolderIcon() : string {
return 'img/files/folder-64.png';
* Get the mimetype of a file given its URL. It'll try to guess it using the URL, if that fails then it'll
* perform a HEAD request to get it. It's done in this order because pluginfile.php can return wrong mimetypes.
* @param {string} url The URL of the file.
* @return {Promise<string>} Promise resolved with the mimetype.
getMimeTypeFromUrl(url: string) : Promise<string> {
// First check if it can be guessed from the URL.
let extension = this.guessExtensionFromUrl(url),
mimetype = this.getMimeType(extension);
if (mimetype) {
return Promise.resolve(mimetype);
// Can't be guessed, get the remote mimetype.
return this.wsProvider.getRemoteFileMimeType(url).then((mimetype) => {
return mimetype || '';
* Guess the extension of a file from its URL.
* This is very weak and unreliable.
* @param {string} fileUrl The file URL.
* @return {string} The lowercased extension without the dot, or undefined.
guessExtensionFromUrl(fileUrl: string) : string {
let split = fileUrl.split('.'),
if (split.length > 1) {
candidate = split.pop().toLowerCase();
// Remove params if any.
position = candidate.indexOf('?');
if (position > -1) {
candidate = candidate.substr(0, position);
if (this.extensionRegex.test(candidate)) {
extension = candidate;
// Check extension corresponds to a mimetype to know if it's valid.
if (extension && typeof this.getMimeType(extension) == 'undefined') {
this.logger.warn('Guess file extension: Not valid extension ' + extension);
return extension;
* Returns the file extension of a file.
* When the file does not have an extension, it returns undefined.
* @param {string} filename The file name.
* @return {string} The lowercased extension, or undefined.
getFileExtension(filename: string) : string {
let dot = filename.lastIndexOf("."),
if (dot > -1) {
ext = filename.substr(dot + 1).toLowerCase();
ext = this.cleanExtension(ext);
// Check extension corresponds to a mimetype to know if it's valid.
if (typeof this.getMimeType(ext) == 'undefined') {
this.logger.warn('Get file extension: Not valid extension ' + ext);
return ext;
* Get the mimetype/extension info belonging to a certain group.
* @param {string} group Group name.
* @param {string} [field] The field to get. If not supplied, all the info will be returned.
* @return {any} Info for the group.
getGroupMimeInfo(group: string, field?: string) : any {
if (typeof this.groupsMimeInfo[group] == 'undefined') {
if (field) {
return this.groupsMimeInfo[group][field];
return this.groupsMimeInfo[group];
* Get the mimetype of an extension. Returns undefined if not found.
* @param {string} extension Extension.
* @return {string} Mimetype.
getMimeType(extension: string) : string {
extension = this.cleanExtension(extension);
if (this.extToMime[extension] && this.extToMime[extension].type) {
return this.extToMime[extension].type;
* Obtains descriptions for file types (e.g. 'Microsoft Word document') from the language file.
* Based on Moodle's get_mimetype_description.
* @param {any} obj Instance of FileEntry OR object with 'filename' and 'mimetype' OR string with mimetype.
* @param {boolean} [capitalise] If true, capitalises first character of result.
* @return {string} Type description.
getMimetypeDescription(obj: any, capitalise?: boolean) : string {
let filename = '',
mimetype = '',
extension = '',
langPrefix = 'mm.core.mimetype-';
if (typeof obj == 'object' && typeof obj.file == 'function') {
// It's a FileEntry. Don't use the file function because it's asynchronous and the type isn't reliable.
filename =;
} else if (typeof obj == 'object') {
filename = obj.filename || '';
mimetype = obj.mimetype || '';
} else {
mimetype = obj;
if (filename) {
extension = this.getFileExtension(filename);
if (!mimetype) {
// Try to calculate the mimetype using the extension.
mimetype = this.getMimeType(extension);
if (!mimetype) {
// Don't have the mimetype, stop.
return '';
if (!extension) {
extension = this.getExtension(mimetype);
let mimetypeStr = this.getMimetypeType(mimetype) || '',
chunks = mimetype.split('/'),
attr = {
mimetype: mimetype,
ext: extension || '',
mimetype1: chunks[0],
mimetype2: chunks[1] || '',
translateParams = {};
for (let key in attr) {
let value = attr[key];
translateParams[key] = value;
translateParams[key.toUpperCase()] = value.toUpperCase();
translateParams[this.textUtils.ucFirst(key)] = this.textUtils.ucFirst(value);
// MIME types may include + symbol but this is not permitted in string ids.
let safeMimetype = mimetype.replace(/\+/g, '_'),
safeMimetypeStr = mimetypeStr.replace(/\+/g, '_'),
safeMimetypeTrns = this.translate.instant(langPrefix + safeMimetype, {$a: translateParams}),
safeMimetypeStrTrns = this.translate.instant(langPrefix + safeMimetypeStr, {$a: translateParams}),
defaultTrns = this.translate.instant(langPrefix + 'default', {$a: translateParams}),
result = mimetype;
if (safeMimetypeTrns != langPrefix + safeMimetype) {
result = safeMimetypeTrns;
} else if (safeMimetypeStrTrns != langPrefix + safeMimetypeStr) {
result = safeMimetypeStrTrns;
} else if (defaultTrns != langPrefix + 'default') {
result = defaultTrns;
if (capitalise) {
result = this.textUtils.ucFirst(result);
return result;
* Get the "type" (string) of a mimetype, something like "image", "video" or "audio".
* @param {string} mimetype Mimetype.
* @return {string} Type of the mimetype.
getMimetypeType(mimetype: string) : string {
mimetype = mimetype.split(';')[0]; // Remove codecs from the mimetype if any.
let extensions = this.mimeToExt[mimetype];
if (!extensions) {
for (let i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
let extension = extensions[i];
if (this.extToMime[extension] && this.extToMime[extension].string) {
return this.extToMime[extension].string;
* Given a group name, return the translated name.
* @param {string} name Group name.
* @return {string} Translated name.
getTranslatedGroupName(name: string) : string {
let key = 'mm.core.mimetype-group:' + name,
translated = this.translate.instant(key);
return translated != key ? translated : name;
* Check if an extension belongs to at least one of the groups.
* Similar to Moodle's file_mimetype_in_typegroup, but using the extension instead of mimetype.
* @param {string} extension Extension.
* @param {string[]} groups List of groups to check.
* @return {boolean} Whether the extension belongs to any of the groups.
isExtensionInGroup(extension: string, groups: string[]) : boolean {
extension = this.cleanExtension(extension);
if (groups && groups.length && this.extToMime[extension] && this.extToMime[extension].groups) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.extToMime[extension].groups.length; i++) {
let group = this.extToMime[extension].groups[i];
if (groups.indexOf(group) != -1) {
return true;
return false;
* Remove the extension from a path (if any).
* @param {string} path Path.
* @return {string} Path without extension.
removeExtension(path: string) : string {
let extension,
position = path.lastIndexOf('.');
if (position > -1) {
// Check extension corresponds to a mimetype to know if it's valid.
extension = path.substr(position + 1);
if (typeof this.getMimeType(extension) != 'undefined') {
return path.substr(0, position); // Remove extension.
return path;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
import { CoreLangProvider } from '../lang';
* "Utils" service with helper functions for text.
export class CoreTextUtilsProvider {
element = document.createElement('div'); // Fake element to use in some functions, to prevent re-creating it each time.
constructor(private translate: TranslateService, private langProvider: CoreLangProvider) {}
* Add or remove 'www' from a URL. The url needs to have http or https protocol.
* @param {string} url URL to modify.
* @return {string} Modified URL.
addOrRemoveWWW(url: string) : string {
if (url) {
if (url.match(/http(s)?:\/\/www\./)) {
// Already has www. Remove it.
url = url.replace('www.', '');
} else {
url = url.replace('https://', 'https://www.');
url = url.replace('http://', 'http://www.');
return url;
* Given a list of sentences, build a message with all of them wrapped in <p>.
* @param {string[]} messages Messages to show.
* @return {string} Message with all the messages.
buildMessage(messages: string[]) : string {
let result = '';
messages.forEach((message) => {
if (message) {
result += `<p>${message}</p>`;
return result;
* Convert size in bytes into human readable format
* @param {number} bytes Number of bytes to convert.
* @param {number} [precision=2] Number of digits after the decimal separator.
* @return {string} Size in human readable format.
bytesToSize(bytes: number, precision = 2) : string {
if (typeof bytes == 'undefined' || bytes < 0) {
return this.translate.instant('mm.core.notapplicable');
if (precision < 0) {
precision = 2;
let keys = ['mm.core.sizeb', 'mm.core.sizekb', 'mm.core.sizemb', 'mm.core.sizegb', 'mm.core.sizetb'],
units = this.translate.instant(keys),
pos = 0;
if (bytes >= 1024) {
while (bytes >= 1024) {
bytes = bytes / 1024;
// Round to "precision" decimals if needed.
bytes = Number(Math.round(parseFloat(bytes + 'e+' + precision)) + 'e-' + precision);
return this.translate.instant('mm.core.humanreadablesize', {size: bytes, unit: units[keys[pos]]});
* Clean HTML tags.
* @param {string} text The text to be cleaned.
* @param {boolean} [singleLine] True if new lines should be removed (all the text in a single line).
* @return {string} Clean text.
cleanTags(text: string, singleLine?: boolean) : string {
if (!text) {
return '';
// First, we use a regexpr.
text = text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");
// Then, we rely on the browser. We need to wrap the text to be sure is HTML.
this.element.innerHTML = text;
text = this.element.textContent;
// Recover or remove new lines.
text = this.replaceNewLines(text, singleLine ? ' ' : '<br>');
return text;
* Concatenate two paths, adding a slash between them if needed.
* @param {string} leftPath Left path.
* @param {string} rightPath Right path.
* @return {string} Concatenated path.
concatenatePaths(leftPath: string, rightPath: string) : string {
if (!leftPath) {
return rightPath;
} else if (!rightPath) {
return leftPath;
let lastCharLeft = leftPath.slice(-1),
firstCharRight = rightPath.charAt(0);
if (lastCharLeft === '/' && firstCharRight === '/') {
return leftPath + rightPath.substr(1);
} else if(lastCharLeft !== '/' && firstCharRight !== '/') {
return leftPath + '/' + rightPath;
} else {
return leftPath + rightPath;
* Count words in a text.
* @param {string} text Text to count.
* @return {number} Number of words.
countWords(text: string) : number {
// Clean HTML scripts and tags.
text = text.replace(/<script[^>]*>([\S\s]*?)<\/script>/gmi, '');
text = text.replace(/<\/?(?!\!)[^>]*>/gi, '');
// Decode HTML entities.
text = this.decodeHTMLEntities(text);
// Replace underscores (which are classed as word characters) with spaces.
text = text.replace(/_/gi, " ");
// This RegEx will detect any word change including Unicode chars. Some languages without spaces won't be counted fine.
return text.match(/\S+/gi).length;
* Decode an escaped HTML text. This implementation is based on PHP's htmlspecialchars_decode.
* @param {string|number} text Text to decode.
* @return {string} Decoded text.
decodeHTML(text: string|number) : string {
if (typeof text == 'undefined' || text === null || (typeof text == 'number' && isNaN(text))) {
return '';
} else if (typeof text != 'string') {
return '' + text;
return text
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/'/g, "'")
.replace(/ /g, ' ');
* Decode HTML entities in a text. Equivalent to PHP html_entity_decode.
* @param {string} text Text to decode.
* @return {string} Decoded text.
decodeHTMLEntities(text: string) : string {
if (text) {
this.element.innerHTML = text;
text = this.element.textContent;
this.element.textContent = '';
return text;
* Same as Javascript's decodeURI, but if an exception is thrown it will return the original URI.
* @param {string} uri URI to decode.
* @return {string} Decoded URI, or original URI if an exception is thrown.
decodeURI(uri: string) : string {
try {
return decodeURI(uri);
} catch(ex) {
// Error, use the original URI.
return uri;
* Same as Javascript's decodeURIComponent, but if an exception is thrown it will return the original URI.
* @param {string} uri URI to decode.
* @return {string} Decoded URI, or original URI if an exception is thrown.
decodeURIComponent(uri: string) : string {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(uri);
} catch(ex) {
// Error, use the original URI.
return uri;
* Escapes some characters in a string to be used as a regular expression.
* @param {string} text Text to escape.
* @return {string} Escaped text.
escapeForRegex(text: string) : string {
if (!text) {
return '';
return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');
* Escape an HTML text. This implementation is based on PHP's htmlspecialchars.
* @param {string|number} text Text to escape.
* @return {string} Escaped text.
escapeHTML(text: string|number) : string {
if (typeof text == 'undefined' || text === null || (typeof text == 'number' && isNaN(text))) {
return '';
} else if (typeof text != 'string') {
return '' + text;
return text
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/'/g, ''');
* Shows a text on a new page.
* @param {string} title Title of the new state.
* @param {string} text Content of the text to be expanded.
* @param {boolean} [replaceLineBreaks] Whether to replace line breaks by <br> tag.
* @param {string} [component] Component to link the embedded files to.
* @param {string|number} [componentId] An ID to use in conjunction with the component.
expandText(title: string, text: string, replaceLineBreaks?: boolean, component?: string, componentId?: string|number) : void {
if (text.length > 0) {
// Open a new page with the interpolated contents.
// @todo
// $state.go('site.mm_textviewer', {
// title: title,
// content: text,
// replacelinebreaks: replaceLineBreaks,
// component: component,
// componentId: componentId
// });
* Formats a text, in HTML replacing new lines by correct html new lines.
* @param {string} text Text to format.
* @return {string} Formatted text.
formatHtmlLines(text: string) : string {
let hasHTMLTags = this.hasHTMLTags(text);
if (text.indexOf('<p>') == -1) {
// Wrap the text in <p> tags.
text = '<p>' + text + '</p>';
if (!hasHTMLTags) {
// The text doesn't have HTML, replace new lines for <br>.
return this.replaceNewLines(text, '<br>');
return text;
* Formats a text, treating multilang tags and cleaning HTML if needed.
* @param {string} text Text to format.
* @param {boolean} [clean] Whether HTML tags should be removed.
* @param {boolean} [singleLine] Whether new lines should be removed. Only valid if clean is true.
* @param {number} [shortenLength] Number of characters to shorten the text.
* @return {Promise<string>} Promise resolved with the formatted text.
formatText(text: string, clean?: boolean, singleLine?: boolean, shortenLength?: number) : Promise<string> {
return this.treatMultilangTags(text).then((formatted) => {
if (clean) {
formatted = this.cleanTags(formatted, singleLine);
if (shortenLength > 0) {
formatted = this.shortenText(formatted, shortenLength);
return formatted;
* Formats a URL, trim, lowercase, etc...
* @param {string} url The url to be formatted.
* @return {string} Fromatted url.
formatURL(url: string) : string {
url = url.trim();
// Check if the URL starts by http or https.
if (! /^http(s)?\:\/\/.*/i.test(url)) {
// Test first allways https.
url = 'https://' + url;
// http allways in lowercase.
url = url.replace(/^http/i, 'http');
url = url.replace(/^https/i, 'https');
// Replace last slash.
url = url.replace(/\/$/, "");
return url;
* Given a URL, returns what's after the last '/' without params.
* Example:
* -> course.html
* @param {string} url URL to treat.
* @return {string} Last file without params.
getLastFileWithoutParams(url: string) : string {
let filename = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
if (filename.indexOf('?') != -1) {
filename = filename.substr(0, filename.indexOf('?'));
return filename;
* Get the pluginfile URL to replace @@PLUGINFILE@@ wildcards.
* @param {any[]} files Files to extract the URL from. They need to have the URL in a 'url' or 'fileurl' attribute.
* @return {string} Pluginfile URL, undefined if no files found.
getTextPluginfileUrl(files: any[]) : string {
if (files && files.length) {
let fileURL = files[0].url || files[0].fileurl;
// Remove text after last slash (encoded or not).
return fileURL.substr(0, Math.max(fileURL.lastIndexOf('/'), fileURL.lastIndexOf('%2F')));
return undefined;
* Get the protocol from a URL.
* E.g. returns 'http'.
* @param {string} url URL to treat.
* @return {string} Protocol, undefined if no protocol found.
getUrlProtocol(url: string) : string {
if (!url) {
let matches = url.match(/^([^\/:\.\?]*):\/\//);
if (matches && matches[1]) {
return matches[1];
* Get the scheme from a URL. Please notice that, if a URL has protocol, it will return the protocol.
* E.g. javascript:doSomething() returns 'javascript'.
* @param {string} url URL to treat.
* @return {string} Scheme, undefined if no scheme found.
getUrlScheme(url: string) : string {
if (!url) {
let matches = url.match(/^([a-z][a-z0-9+\-.]*):/);
if (matches && matches[1]) {
return matches[1];
* Gets a username from a URL like:
* @param {string} url URL to treat.
* @return {string} Username. Undefined if no username found.
getUsernameFromUrl(url: string) : string {
if (url.indexOf('@') > -1) {
// Get URL without protocol.
let withoutProtocol = url.replace(/.*?:\/\//, ''),
matches = withoutProtocol.match(/[^@]*/);
// Make sure that @ is at the start of the URL, not in a param at the end.
if (matches && matches.length && !matches[0].match(/[\/|?]/)) {
return matches[0];
* Check if a text contains HTML tags.
* @param {string} text Text to check.
* @return {boolean} Whether it has HTML tags.
hasHTMLTags(text: string) : boolean {
return /<[a-z][\s\S]*>/i.test(text);
* Check if a text contains Unicode long chars.
* Using as threshold Hex value D800
* @param {string} text Text to check.
* @return {boolean} True if has Unicode chars, false otherwise.
hasUnicode(text: string) : boolean {
for (let x = 0; x < text.length; x++) {
if (text.charCodeAt(x) > 55295) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if an object has any long Unicode char.
* @param {object} data Object to be checked.
* @return {boolean} If the data has any long Unicode char on it.
hasUnicodeData(data: object) : boolean {
for (let el in data) {
if (typeof data[el] == 'object') {
if (this.hasUnicodeData(data[el])) {
return true;
} else if (typeof data[el] == 'string' && this.hasUnicode(data[el])) {
return true;
return false;
* Same as Javascript's JSON.parse, but if an exception is thrown it will return the original text.
* @param {string} json JSON text.
* @return {any} JSON parsed as object or what it gets.
parseJSON(json: string) : any {
try {
return JSON.parse(json);
} catch(ex) {
// Error, use the json text.
return json;
* Remove protocol and www from a URL.
* @param {string} url URL to treat.
* @return {string} Treated URL.
removeProtocolAndWWW(url: string) : string {
// Remove protocol.
url = url.replace(/.*?:\/\//g, '');
// Remove www.
url = url.replace(/^www./, '');
return url;
* Replace all characters that cause problems with files in Android and iOS.
* @param {string} text Text to treat.
* @return {string} Treated text.
removeSpecialCharactersForFiles(text: string) : string {
return text.replace(/[#:\/\?\\]+/g, '_');
* Replace all the new lines on a certain text.
* @param {string} text The text to be treated.
* @param {string} newValue Text to use instead of new lines.
* @return {string} Treated text.
replaceNewLines(text: string, newValue: string) : string {
return text.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, newValue);
* Replace @@PLUGINFILE@@ wildcards with the real URL in a text.
* @param {string} Text to treat.
* @param {any[]} files Files to extract the pluginfile URL from. They need to have the URL in a url or fileurl attribute.
* @return {string} Treated text.
replacePluginfileUrls(text: string, files: any[]) : string {
if (text) {
let fileURL = this.getTextPluginfileUrl(files);
if (fileURL) {
return text.replace(/@@PLUGINFILE@@/g, fileURL);
return text;
* Replace pluginfile URLs with @@PLUGINFILE@@ wildcards.
* @param {string} text Text to treat.
* @param {any[]} files Files to extract the pluginfile URL from. They need to have the URL in a url or fileurl attribute.
* @return {string} Treated text.
restorePluginfileUrls(text: string, files: any[]) : string {
if (text) {
let fileURL = this.getTextPluginfileUrl(files);
if (fileURL) {
return text.replace(new RegExp(this.escapeForRegex(fileURL), 'g'), '@@PLUGINFILE@@');
return text;
* Rounds a number to use a certain amout of decimals or less.
* Difference between this function and float's toFixed:
* 7.toFixed(2) -> 7.00
* roundToDecimals(7, 2) -> 7
* @param {number} number Number to round.
* @param {number} [decimals=2] Number of decimals. By default, 2.
* @return {number} Rounded number.
roundToDecimals(number: number, decimals = 2) : number {
let multiplier = Math.pow(10, decimals);
return Math.round(number * multiplier) / multiplier;
* Add quotes to HTML characters.
* Returns text with HTML characters (like "<", ">", etc.) properly quoted.
* Based on Moodle's s() function.
* @param {string} text Text to treat.
* @return {string} Treated text.
s(text: string) : string {
if (!text) {
return '';
return this.escapeHTML(text).replace(/&#(\d+|x[0-9a-f]+);/i, '&#$1;');
* Shortens a text to length and adds an ellipsis.
* @param {string} text The text to be shortened.
* @param {number} length The desired length.
* @return {string} Shortened text.
shortenText(text: string, length: number) : string {
if (text.length > length) {
text = text.substr(0, length);
// Now, truncate at the last word boundary (if exists).
let lastWordPos = text.lastIndexOf(' ');
if (lastWordPos > 0) {
text = text.substr(0, lastWordPos);
text += '…';
return text;
* Strip Unicode long char of a given text.
* Using as threshold Hex value D800
* @param {string} text Text to check.
* @return {string} Without the Unicode chars.
stripUnicode(text: string) : string {
let stripped = '';
for (let x = 0; x < text.length; x++) {
if (text.charCodeAt(x) <= 55295){
stripped += text.charAt(x);
return stripped;
* Treat the multilang tags from a HTML code, leaving only the current language.
* @param {string} text The text to be treated.
* @return {Promise<string>} Promise resolved with the formatted text.
treatMultilangTags(text: string) : Promise<string> {
if (!text) {
return Promise.resolve('');
return this.langProvider.getCurrentLanguage().then((language) => {
// Match the current language.
let currentLangRegEx = new RegExp('<(?:lang|span)[^>]+lang="' + language + '"[^>]*>(.*?)<\/(?:lang|span)>', 'g'),
anyLangRegEx = /<(?:lang|span)[^>]+lang="[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+"[^>]*>(.*?)<\/(?:lang|span)>/g;
if (!text.match(currentLangRegEx)) {
// Current lang not found. Try to find the first language.
let matches = text.match(anyLangRegEx);
if (matches && matches[0]) {
language = matches[0].match(/lang="([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)"/)[1];
currentLangRegEx = new RegExp('<(?:lang|span)[^>]+lang="' + language + '"[^>]*>(.*?)<\/(?:lang|span)>', 'g');
} else {
// No multi-lang tag found, stop.
return text;
// Extract contents of current language.
text = text.replace(currentLangRegEx, '$1');
// Delete the rest of languages
text = text.replace(anyLangRegEx, '');
return text;
* If a number has only 1 digit, add a leading zero to it.
* @param {string|number} num Number to convert.
* @return {string} Number with leading zeros.
twoDigits(num: string|number) : string {
if (num < 10) {
return '0' + num;
} else {
return '' + num; // Convert to string for coherence.
* Make a string's first character uppercase.
* @param {string} text Text to treat.
* @return {string} Treated text.
ucFirst(text: string) : string {
return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
import * as moment from 'moment';
import { CoreConstants } from '../../core/constants';
* "Utils" service with helper functions for date and time.
export class CoreTimeUtilsProvider {
constructor(private translate: TranslateService) {}
* Returns hours, minutes and seconds in a human readable format
* @param {number} seconds A number of seconds
* @return {string} Seconds in a human readable format.
formatTime(seconds: number) : string {
let totalSecs = Math.abs(seconds),
years = Math.floor(totalSecs / CoreConstants.secondsYear),
remainder = totalSecs - (years * CoreConstants.secondsYear),
days = Math.floor(remainder / CoreConstants.secondsDay);
remainder = totalSecs - (days * CoreConstants.secondsDay);
let hours = Math.floor(remainder / CoreConstants.secondsHour);
remainder = remainder - (hours * CoreConstants.secondsHour);
let mins = Math.floor(remainder / CoreConstants.secondsMinute),
secs = remainder - (mins * CoreConstants.secondsMinute),
ss = this.translate.instant('mm.core.' + (secs == 1 ? 'sec' : 'secs')),
sm = this.translate.instant('mm.core.' + (mins == 1 ? 'min' : 'mins')),
sh = this.translate.instant('mm.core.' + (hours == 1 ? 'hour' : 'hours')),
sd = this.translate.instant('mm.core.' + (days == 1 ? 'day' : 'days')),
sy = this.translate.instant('mm.core.' + (years == 1 ? 'year' : 'years')),
oyears = '',
odays = '',
ohours = '',
omins = '',
osecs = '';
if (years) {
oyears = years + ' ' + sy;
if (days) {
odays = days + ' ' + sd;
if (hours) {
ohours = hours + ' ' + sh;
if (mins) {
omins = mins + ' ' + sm;
if (secs) {
osecs = secs + ' ' + ss;
if (years) {
return oyears + ' ' + odays;
if (days) {
return odays + ' ' + ohours;
if (hours) {
return ohours + ' ' + omins;
if (mins) {
return omins + ' ' + osecs;
if (secs) {
return osecs;
return this.translate.instant('');
* Returns hours, minutes and seconds in a human readable format.
* @param {number} duration Duration in seconds
* @param {number} [precision] Number of elements to have in precission. 0 or undefined to full precission.
* @return {string} Duration in a human readable format.
formatDuration(duration: number, precision?: number) : string {
precision = precision || 5;
let eventDuration = moment.duration(duration, 'seconds'),
durationString = '';
if (precision && eventDuration.years() > 0) {
durationString += ' ' + moment.duration(eventDuration.years(), 'years').humanize();
if (precision && eventDuration.months() > 0) {
durationString += ' ' + moment.duration(eventDuration.months(), 'months').humanize();
if (precision && eventDuration.days() > 0) {
durationString += ' ' + moment.duration(eventDuration.days(), 'days').humanize();
if (precision && eventDuration.hours() > 0) {
durationString += ' ' + moment.duration(eventDuration.hours(), 'hours').humanize();
if (precision && eventDuration.minutes() > 0) {
durationString += ' ' + moment.duration(eventDuration.minutes(), 'minutes').humanize();
return durationString.trim();
* Return the current timestamp in a "readable" format: YYYYMMDDHHmmSS.
* @return {string} The readable timestamp.
readableTimestamp() : string {
return moment('YYYYMMDDHHmmSS');
* Return the current timestamp (UNIX format, seconds).
* @return {number} The current timestamp in seconds.
timestamp() : number {
return Math.round( / 1000);
Normal file
Normal file
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// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { CoreLangProvider } from '../lang';
* "Utils" service with helper functions for URLs.
export class CoreUrlUtilsProvider {
constructor(private langProvider: CoreLangProvider) {}
* Extracts the parameters from a URL and stores them in an object.
* @param {string} url URL to treat.
* @return {object} Object with the params.
extractUrlParams(url: string) : object {
let regex = /[?&]+([^=&]+)=?([^&]*)?/gi,
params = {};
url.replace(regex, (match: string, key: string, value: string) : string => {
params[key] = typeof value != 'undefined' ? value : '';
return match;
return params;
* Returns the URL to the documentation of the app, based on Moodle version and current language.
* @param {string} [release] Moodle release.
* @param {string} [page=Mobile_app] Docs page to go to.
* @return {Promise<string>} Promise resolved with the Moodle docs URL.
getDocsUrl(release?: string, page = 'Mobile_app') : Promise<string> {
let docsUrl = '' + page;
if (typeof release != 'undefined') {
let version = release.substr(0, 3).replace('.', '');
// Check is a valid number.
if (parseInt(version) >= 24) {
// Append release number.
docsUrl = docsUrl.replace('', '' + version + '/');
return this.langProvider.getCurrentLanguage().then((lang) => {
return docsUrl.replace('/en/', '/' + lang + '/');
}).catch(() => {
return docsUrl;
* Returns if a URL has any protocol (not a relative URL).
* @param {string} url The url to test against the pattern.
* @return {boolean} Whether the url is absolute.
isAbsoluteURL(url: string) : boolean {
return /^[^:]{2,}:\/\//i.test(url) || /^(tel:|mailto:|geo:)/.test(url);
* Returns if a URL is downloadable: plugin file OR theme/image.php OR gravatar.
* @param {string} url The URL to test.
* @return {boolean} Whether the URL is downloadable.
isDownloadableUrl(url: string) : boolean {
return this.isPluginFileUrl(url) || this.isThemeImageUrl(url) || this.isGravatarUrl(url);
* Returns if a URL is a gravatar URL.
* @param {string} url The URL to test.
* @return {boolean} Whether the URL is a gravatar URL.
isGravatarUrl(url: string) : boolean {
return url && url.indexOf('') !== -1;
* Check if a URL uses http or https protocol.
* @param {string} url The url to test.
* @return {boolean} Whether the url uses http or https protocol.
isHttpURL(url: string) : boolean {
return /^https?\:\/\/.+/i.test(url);
* Returns if a URL is a pluginfile URL.
* @param {string} url The URL to test.
* @return {boolean} Whether the URL is a pluginfile URL.
isPluginFileUrl(url: string) : boolean {
return url && url.indexOf('/pluginfile.php') !== -1;
* Returns if a URL is a theme image URL.
* @param {string} url The URL to test.
* @return {boolean} Whether the URL is a theme image URL.
isThemeImageUrl(url: string) : boolean {
return url && url.indexOf('/theme/image.php') !== -1;
* Generic function for adding the wstoken to Moodle urls and for pointing to the correct script.
* For download remote files from Moodle we need to use the special /webservice/pluginfile passing
* the ws token as a get parameter.
* @param {string} url The url to be fixed.
* @param {string} token Token to use.
* @return {string} Fixed URL.
fixPluginfileURL(url: string, token: string) : string {
if (!url || !token) {
return '';
// First check if we need to fix this url or is already fixed.
if (url.indexOf('token=') != -1) {
return url;
// Check if is a valid URL (contains the pluginfile endpoint).
if (!this.isPluginFileUrl(url)) {
return url;
// In which way the server is serving the files? Are we using slash parameters?
if (url.indexOf('?file=') != -1 || url.indexOf('?forcedownload=') != -1 || url.indexOf('?rev=') != -1) {
url += '&';
} else {
url += '?';
// Always send offline=1 (for external repositories). It shouldn't cause problems for local files or old Moodles.
url += 'token=' + token + '&offline=1';
// Some webservices returns directly the correct download url, others not.
if (url.indexOf('/webservice/pluginfile') == -1) {
url = url.replace('/pluginfile', '/webservice/pluginfile');
return url;
* Remove the parameters from a URL, returning the URL without them.
* @param {string} url URL to treat.
* @return {string} URL without params.
removeUrlParams(url: string) : string {
let matches = url.match(/^[^\?]+/);
return matches && matches[0];
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user