MOBILE-4660 storagemanager: Manage subsections on storage manager

This commit is contained in:
Pau Ferrer Ocaña 2024-09-19 15:38:00 +02:00 committed by Dani Palou
parent a169d9301a
commit a2c6a5b578
4 changed files with 330 additions and 235 deletions

View File

@ -46,101 +46,109 @@
<ion-accordion-group [multiple]="true" (ionChange)="accordionGroupChange($event.detail)" #accordionGroup>
<ion-accordion-group [multiple]="true" (ionChange)="accordionGroupChange($event.detail)" [value]="accordionMultipleValue">
<ng-container *ngFor="let section of sections">
<ion-card class="section" *ngIf="section.modules.length > 0">
<ion-accordion [value]="" toggleIconSlot="start">
<ion-item [detail]="false" slot="header" class="card-header">
<p class="item-heading ion-text-wrap">
<core-format-text [text]="" contextLevel="course" [contextInstanceId]="section.course"
[adaptImg]="false" />
<ion-badge [color]="section.downloadStatus === statusDownloaded ? 'success' : 'light'"
*ngIf="!section.calculatingSize && section.totalSize > 0">
<ion-icon name="fam-cloud-done" *ngIf="section.downloadStatus === statusDownloaded"
[attr.aria-label]="'core.downloaded' | translate" />{{ section.totalSize | coreBytesToSize }}
<ion-badge color="light" *ngIf="section.calculatingSize">
{{ 'core.calculating' | translate }}
<!-- Download progress. -->
<p *ngIf="downloadEnabled && section.isDownloading">
<core-progress-bar [progress]=" === 0 ? -1 : (section.count / * 100" />
<div class="storage-buttons" slot="end"
*ngIf="(!section.calculatingSize && section.totalSize > 0) || downloadEnabled">
<div *ngIf="downloadEnabled" slot="end" class="core-button-spinner">
<core-download-refresh *ngIf="!section.isDownloading && section.downloadStatus !== statusDownloaded"
[status]="section.downloadStatus" [enabled]="true" (action)="prefecthSection(section)"
[loading]="section.isDownloading || section.isCalculating" [canTrustDownload]="true"
[statusesTranslatable]="{notdownloaded: 'addon.storagemanager.downloaddatafrom' }"
[statusSubject]="" />
<ion-badge class="core-course-download-section-progress"
*ngIf="section.isDownloading && section.count <" role="progressbar"
[attr.aria-valuemax]="" [attr.aria-valuenow]="section.count"
[attr.aria-valuetext]="'core.course.downloadsectionprogressdescription' | translate:section">
{{section.count}} / {{}}
<ion-button (click)="deleteForSection($event, section)"
*ngIf="!section.calculatingSize && section.totalSize > 0" color="danger" fill="clear">
<ion-icon name="fas-trash" slot="icon-only"
[attr.aria-label]="'addon.storagemanager.deletedatafrom' | translate: { name: }" />
<ion-card-content slot="content">
<ng-container *ngIf="section.expanded">
<ng-container *ngFor="let module of section.modules">
<ion-item class="core-course-storage-activity"
*ngIf="downloadEnabled || (!module.calculatingSize && module.totalSize > 0)">
<core-mod-icon slot="start" *ngIf="module.handlerData.icon" [modicon]="module.handlerData.icon"
[modname]="module.modname" [componentId]="module.instance"
[fallbackTranslation]="module.modplural" [isBranded]="module.branded" />
<ion-label class="ion-text-wrap">
<p class="item-heading {{module.handlerData!.class}} addon-storagemanager-module-size">
<core-format-text [text]="module.handlerData.title" [courseId]="module.course"
contextLevel="module" [contextInstanceId]="" [adaptImg]="false" />
<ion-badge [color]="module.downloadStatus === statusDownloaded ? 'success' : 'light'"
*ngIf="!module.calculatingSize && module.totalSize > 0">
<ion-icon name="fam-cloud-done" *ngIf="module.downloadStatus === statusDownloaded"
[attr.aria-label]="'core.downloaded' | translate" />{{ module.totalSize |
coreBytesToSize }}
<ion-badge color="light" *ngIf="module.calculatingSize ||
(section.isDownloading && module.downloadStatus === statusDownloaded)">
{{ 'core.calculating' | translate }}
<div class="storage-buttons" slot="end">
<core-download-refresh *ngIf="downloadEnabled && module.handlerData?.showDownloadButton &&
module.downloadStatus !== statusDownloaded" [status]="module.downloadStatus" [enabled]="true"
[canTrustDownload]="true" [loading]="module.spinner || module.handlerData.spinner"
[statusesTranslatable]="{notdownloaded: 'addon.storagemanager.downloaddatafrom' }"
[statusSubject]="" />
<ion-button fill="clear" (click)="deleteForModule($event, module, section)"
*ngIf="!module.calculatingSize && module.totalSize > 0" color="danger">
<ion-icon name="fas-trash" slot="icon-only" [attr.aria-label]="
'addon.storagemanager.deletedatafrom' | translate: { name: }" />
<p *ngIf="!downloadEnabled || !module.handlerData?.showDownloadButton" class="sr-only">
{{ 'core.notdownloadable' | translate }}
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="sectionCard; context: { section }" />
<ng-template #sectionCard let-section="section">
<ion-card class="section" *ngIf="section.modules.length > 0" [id]="'addons-course-storage-'">
<ion-accordion [value]="" toggleIconSlot="start">
<ion-item [detail]="false" slot="header" class="card-header">
<p class="item-heading ion-text-wrap">
<core-format-text [text]="" contextLevel="course" [contextInstanceId]="section.course"
[adaptImg]="false" />
<ion-badge [color]="section.downloadStatus === statusDownloaded ? 'success' : 'light'"
*ngIf="!section.calculatingSize && section.totalSize > 0">
<ion-icon name="fam-cloud-done" *ngIf="section.downloadStatus === statusDownloaded"
[attr.aria-label]="'core.downloaded' | translate" />{{ section.totalSize | coreBytesToSize }}
<ion-badge color="light" *ngIf="section.calculatingSize">
{{ 'core.calculating' | translate }}
<!-- Download progress. -->
<p *ngIf="downloadEnabled && section.isDownloading">
<core-progress-bar [progress]=" === 0 ? -1 : (section.count / * 100" />
<div class="storage-buttons" slot="end" *ngIf="(!section.calculatingSize && section.totalSize > 0) || downloadEnabled">
<div *ngIf="downloadEnabled" slot="end" class="core-button-spinner">
<core-download-refresh *ngIf="!section.isDownloading && section.downloadStatus !== statusDownloaded"
[status]="section.downloadStatus" [enabled]="true" (action)="prefecthSection(section)"
[loading]="section.isDownloading || section.isCalculating" [canTrustDownload]="true"
[statusesTranslatable]="{notdownloaded: 'addon.storagemanager.downloaddatafrom' }"
[statusSubject]="" />
<ion-badge class="core-course-download-section-progress"
*ngIf="section.isDownloading && section.count <" role="progressbar"
[attr.aria-valuemax]="" [attr.aria-valuenow]="section.count"
[attr.aria-valuetext]="'core.course.downloadsectionprogressdescription' | translate:section">
{{section.count}} / {{}}
<ion-button (click)="deleteForSection($event, section)" *ngIf="!section.calculatingSize && section.totalSize > 0"
color="danger" fill="clear">
<ion-icon name="fas-trash" slot="icon-only"
[attr.aria-label]="'addon.storagemanager.deletedatafrom' | translate: { name: }" />
<ion-card-content slot="content">
<ng-container *ngIf="section.expanded">
<ng-container *ngFor="let module of section.modules">
@if (module.subSection) {
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="sectionCard; context: { section: module.subSection }" />
} @else {
<ion-item class="core-course-storage-activity"
*ngIf="downloadEnabled || (!module.calculatingSize && module.totalSize > 0)">
<core-mod-icon slot="start" *ngIf="module.handlerData.icon" [modicon]="module.handlerData.icon"
[modname]="module.modname" [componentId]="module.instance" [fallbackTranslation]="module.modplural"
[isBranded]="module.branded" />
<ion-label class="ion-text-wrap">
<p class="item-heading {{module.handlerData!.class}} addon-storagemanager-module-size">
<core-format-text [text]="module.handlerData.title" [courseId]="module.course" contextLevel="module"
[contextInstanceId]="" [adaptImg]="false" />
<ion-badge [color]="module.downloadStatus === statusDownloaded ? 'success' : 'light'"
*ngIf="!module.calculatingSize && module.totalSize > 0">
<ion-icon name="fam-cloud-done" *ngIf="module.downloadStatus === statusDownloaded"
[attr.aria-label]="'core.downloaded' | translate" />{{ module.totalSize |
coreBytesToSize }}
<ion-badge color="light" *ngIf="module.calculatingSize ||
(section.isDownloading && module.downloadStatus === statusDownloaded)">
{{ 'core.calculating' | translate }}
<div class="storage-buttons" slot="end">
<core-download-refresh *ngIf="downloadEnabled && module.handlerData?.showDownloadButton &&
module.downloadStatus !== statusDownloaded" [status]="module.downloadStatus" [enabled]="true"
[canTrustDownload]="true" [loading]="module.spinner || module.handlerData.spinner"
[statusesTranslatable]="{notdownloaded: 'addon.storagemanager.downloaddatafrom' }"
[statusSubject]="" />
<ion-button fill="clear" (click)="deleteForModule($event, module)"
*ngIf="!module.calculatingSize && module.totalSize > 0" color="danger">
<ion-icon name="fas-trash" slot="icon-only" [attr.aria-label]="
'addon.storagemanager.deletedatafrom' | translate: { name: }" />
<p *ngIf="!downloadEnabled || !module.handlerData?.showDownloadButton" class="sr-only">
{{ 'core.notdownloadable' | translate }}

View File

@ -17,11 +17,6 @@
.accordion-expanded {
ion-item.card-header {
--border-width: 0 0 1px 0;
ion-card-content {
padding: 0;

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
// limitations under the License.
import { CoreConstants, DownloadStatus } from '@/core/constants';
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ElementRef, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ElementRef, OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { CoreCourse, CoreCourseProvider } from '@features/course/services/course';
import {
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import {
CoreCourseModulePrefetchHandler } from '@features/course/services/module-prefetch-delegate';
import { CoreCourseAnyCourseData, CoreCourses } from '@features/courses/services/courses';
import { AccordionGroupChangeEventDetail, IonAccordionGroup } from '@ionic/angular';
import { AccordionGroupChangeEventDetail } from '@ionic/angular';
import { CoreLoadings } from '@services/loadings';
import { CoreNavigator } from '@services/navigator';
import { CoreSites } from '@services/sites';
@ -47,14 +47,13 @@ import { CoreEventObserver, CoreEvents } from '@singletons/events';
export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
@ViewChild('accordionGroup', { static: true }) accordionGroup!: IonAccordionGroup;
courseId!: number;
title = '';
loaded = false;
sections: AddonStorageManagerCourseSection[] = [];
totalSize = 0;
calculatingSize = true;
accordionMultipleValue: string[] = [];
downloadEnabled = false;
downloadCourseEnabled = false;
@ -116,7 +115,8 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
const sections = (await CoreCourse.getSections(this.courseId, false, true))
.filter((section) => !CoreCourseHelper.isSectionStealth(section));
this.sections = (await CoreCourseHelper.addHandlerDataForModules(sections, this.courseId)).sections
const sectionsToRender = (await CoreCourseHelper.addHandlerDataForModules(sections, this.courseId)).sections
.map(section => ({
totalSize: 0,
@ -128,15 +128,29 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
const subSections = sectionsToRender.filter((section) => section.component === 'mod_subsection');
this.sections = sectionsToRender.filter((section) => section.component !== 'mod_subsection');
this.sections.forEach((section) => {
section.modules.forEach((module) => {
if (module.modname === 'subsection') {
module.subSection = subSections.find((section) =>
section.component === 'mod_subsection' && section.itemid === module.instance);
this.loaded = true;
this.accordionGroup.value = String(initialSectionId);
if (initialSectionId !== undefined) {
{ addYAxis: -10 },
{ addYAxis: -10 },
await Promise.all([
@ -158,7 +172,7 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
// Listen for changes in course status.
this.courseStatusObserver = CoreEvents.on(CoreEvents.COURSE_STATUS_CHANGED, (data) => {
if (data.courseId == this.courseId || data.courseId == CoreCourseProvider.ALL_COURSES_CLEARED) {
if (data.courseId === this.courseId || data.courseId === CoreCourseProvider.ALL_COURSES_CLEARED) {
}, CoreSites.getCurrentSiteId());
@ -213,17 +227,20 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
// Get the affected section.
const section = this.sections.find(section => == data.sectionId);
if (!section) {
const sectionFinder = CoreCourseHelper.findSectionWithSubsection(this.sections, data.sectionId);
if (!sectionFinder?.section) {
// Recalculate the status.
await CoreCourseHelper.calculateSectionStatus(section, this.courseId, false);
await CoreCourseHelper.calculateSectionStatus(sectionFinder.section, this.courseId, false);
if (sectionFinder.subSection) {
await CoreCourseHelper.calculateSectionStatus(sectionFinder.subSection, this.courseId, false);
if (section.isDownloading && !CoreCourseModulePrefetchDelegate.isBeingDownloaded(downloadId)) {
if (sectionFinder.section.isDownloading && !CoreCourseModulePrefetchDelegate.isBeingDownloaded(downloadId)) {
// All the modules are now downloading, set a download all promise.
@ -233,36 +250,46 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
CoreCourseHelper.calculateSectionsStatus(this.sections, this.courseId, false, false);
this.sections.forEach((section) => {
section.modules.forEach((module) => {
if (module.handlerData?.showDownloadButton) {
module.spinner = true;
// Listen for changes on this module status, even if download isn't enabled.
module.prefetchHandler = CoreCourseModulePrefetchDelegate.getPrefetchHandlerFor(module.modname);
this.moduleStatusObserver = CoreEvents.on(CoreEvents.PACKAGE_STATUS_CHANGED, (data) => {
let module: AddonStorageManagerModule | undefined;
let moduleFound: AddonStorageManagerModule | undefined;
this.sections.some((section) => {
module = section.modules.find((module) => == data.componentId && module.prefetchHandler && data.component == module.prefetchHandler?.component);
this.sections.some((section) =>
section.modules.some((module) => {
if (module.subSection) {
return module.subSection.modules.some((module) => {
if ( === data.componentId &&
module.prefetchHandler &&
data.component === module.prefetchHandler?.component) {
moduleFound = module;
return !!module;
return true;
} else {
if ( === data.componentId &&
module.prefetchHandler &&
data.component === module.prefetchHandler?.component) {
moduleFound = module;
if (!module) {
return true;
return false;
if (!moduleFound) {
// Call determineModuleStatus to get the right status to display.
const status = CoreCourseModulePrefetchDelegate.determineModuleStatus(module, data.status);
const status = CoreCourseModulePrefetchDelegate.determineModuleStatus(moduleFound, data.status);
// Update the status.
this.updateModuleStatus(module, status);
this.updateModuleStatus(moduleFound, status);
}, CoreSites.getCurrentSiteId());
@ -270,50 +297,24 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
* Init section, course and modules sizes.
protected async initSizes(): Promise<void> {
await Promise.all( (section) => {
await Promise.all( (module) => {
// Note: This function only gets the size for modules which are downloadable.
// For other modules it always returns 0, even if they have downloaded some files.
// However there is no 100% reliable way to actually track the files in this case.
// You can maybe guess it based on the component and componentid.
// But these aren't necessarily consistent, for example mod_frog vs mmaModFrog.
// There is nothing enforcing correct values.
// Most modules which have large files are downloadable, so I think this is sufficient.
const size = await CoreCourseModulePrefetchDelegate.getModuleStoredSize(module, this.courseId);
// There are some cases where the return from this is not a valid number.
if (!isNaN(size)) {
module.totalSize = Number(size);
section.totalSize += size;
this.totalSize += size;
module.calculatingSize = false;
section.calculatingSize = false;
const modules = this.getAllModulesList();
await Promise.all( (module) => {
await this.calculateModuleSize(module);
this.calculatingSize = false;
// Mark course as not downloaded if course size is 0.
if (this.totalSize == 0) {
await this.updateModulesSizes(modules);
* Update the sizes of some modules.
* @param modules Modules.
* @param section Section the modules belong to.
* @returns Promise resolved when done.
protected async updateModulesSizes(
modules: AddonStorageManagerModule[],
section?: AddonStorageManagerCourseSection,
): Promise<void> {
protected async updateModulesSizes(modules: AddonStorageManagerModule[]): Promise<void> {
this.calculatingSize = true;
let section: AddonStorageManagerCourseSection | undefined;
let subSection: AddonStorageManagerCourseSection | undefined;
await Promise.all( (module) => {
if (module.calculatingSize) {
@ -321,38 +322,59 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
module.calculatingSize = true;
const sectionFinder = CoreCourseHelper.findSectionWithSubsection(this.sections, module.section);
section = sectionFinder?.section;
if (section) {
section.calculatingSize = true;
subSection = sectionFinder?.subSection;
if (subSection) {
subSection.calculatingSize = true;
if (!section) {
section = this.sections.find((section) => section.modules.some((mod) => ===;
if (section) {
section.calculatingSize = true;
try {
const size = await CoreCourseModulePrefetchDelegate.getModuleStoredSize(module, this.courseId);
const diff = (isNaN(size) ? 0 : size) - (module.totalSize ?? 0);
module.totalSize = Number(size);
this.totalSize += diff;
if (section) {
section.totalSize += diff;
} catch {
// Ignore errors, it shouldn't happen.
} finally {
module.calculatingSize = false;
await this.calculateModuleSize(module);
this.calculatingSize = false;
if (section) {
// Update section and total sizes.
this.totalSize = 0;
this.sections.forEach((section) => {
section.totalSize = 0;
section.modules.forEach((module) => {
if (module.subSection) {
const subSection = module.subSection;
subSection.totalSize = 0;
subSection.modules.forEach((module) => {
if (module.totalSize && module.totalSize > 0) {
subSection.totalSize += module.totalSize;
subSection.calculatingSize = false;
section.totalSize += module.subSection.totalSize;
if (module.totalSize && module.totalSize > 0) {
section.totalSize += module.totalSize;
section.calculatingSize = false;
this.totalSize += section.totalSize;
this.calculatingSize = false;
// Mark course as not downloaded if course size is 0.
if (this.totalSize === 0) {
@ -380,16 +402,9 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
const modules: AddonStorageManagerModule[] = [];
this.sections.forEach((section) => {
section.modules.forEach((module) => {
if (module.totalSize && module.totalSize > 0) {
const modules = this.getAllModulesList().filter((module) => module.totalSize && module.totalSize > 0);
await this.deleteModules(modules);
@ -419,12 +434,22 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
const modules: AddonStorageManagerModule[] = [];
section.modules.forEach((module) => {
if (module.subSection) {
module.subSection.modules.forEach((module) => {
if (module.totalSize && module.totalSize > 0) {
if (module.totalSize && module.totalSize > 0) {
this.deleteModules(modules, section);
await this.deleteModules(modules);
@ -432,12 +457,10 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
* @param event Event object.
* @param module Module details
* @param section Section the module belongs to.
async deleteForModule(
event: Event,
module: AddonStorageManagerModule,
section: AddonStorageManagerCourseSection,
): Promise<void> {
@ -459,35 +482,23 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
this.deleteModules([module], section);
await this.deleteModules([module]);
* Deletes the specified modules, showing the loading overlay while it happens.
* @param modules Modules to delete
* @param section Section the modules belong to.
* @returns Promise<void> Once deleting has finished
protected async deleteModules(modules: AddonStorageManagerModule[], section?: AddonStorageManagerCourseSection): Promise<void> {
protected async deleteModules(modules: AddonStorageManagerModule[]): Promise<void> {
const modal = await'core.deleting', true);
const promises: Promise<void>[] = [];
modules.forEach((module) => {
const promises = (module) => {
// Remove the files.
const promise = CoreCourseHelper.removeModuleStoredData(module, this.courseId).then(() => {
const moduleSize = module.totalSize || 0;
// When the files and cache are removed, update the size.
if (section) {
section.totalSize -= moduleSize;
this.totalSize -= moduleSize;
module.totalSize = 0;
await CoreCourseHelper.removeModuleStoredData(module, this.courseId);
module.totalSize = 0;
try {
@ -497,13 +508,9 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
} finally {
await this.updateModulesSizes(modules, section);
await this.updateModulesSizes(modules);
CoreCourseHelper.calculateSectionsStatus(this.sections, this.courseId, false, false);
// For delete all, reset all section sizes so icons are updated.
if (this.totalSize === 0) { => section.totalSize = 0);
@ -551,8 +558,7 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
CoreDomUtils.showErrorModalDefault(error, 'core.course.errordownloadingsection', true);
} finally {
await this.updateModulesSizes(section.modules, section);
await this.updateModulesSizes(section.modules);
} catch (error) {
// User cancelled or there was an error calculating the size.
@ -602,7 +608,6 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
module.spinner = false;
await this.updateModulesSizes([module]);
@ -624,6 +629,24 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
* Calculate all modules status on a section.
* @param section Section to check.
protected async calculateModulesStatusOnSection(section: AddonStorageManagerCourseSection): Promise<void> {
await Promise.all( (module) => {
if (module.subSection) {
await this.calculateModulesStatusOnSection(module.subSection);
} else if (module.handlerData?.showDownloadButton) {
module.spinner = true;
// Listen for changes on this module status, even if download isn't enabled.
module.prefetchHandler = CoreCourseModulePrefetchDelegate.getPrefetchHandlerFor(module.modname);
await this.calculateModuleStatus(module);
* Calculate and show module status.
@ -664,6 +687,12 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
* Get the course object.
* @param courseId Course ID.
* @returns Promise resolved with the course object if found.
protected async getCourse(courseId: number): Promise<CoreCourseAnyCourseData | undefined> {
try {
// Check if user is enrolled. If enrolled, no guest access.
@ -709,8 +738,9 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
isGuest: this.isGuest,
await Promise.all( => this.updateModulesSizes(section.modules, section)));
const modules = this.getAllModulesList();
await this.updateModulesSizes(modules);
} catch (error) {
if (this.isDestroyed) {
@ -720,19 +750,76 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
* Get all modules list.
* @returns All modules list.
protected getAllModulesList(): AddonStorageManagerModule[] {
const modules: AddonStorageManagerModule[] = [];
this.sections.forEach((section) => {
section.modules.forEach((module) => {
if (module.subSection) {
module.subSection.modules.forEach((module) => {
return modules;
* Calculate the size of a module.
* @param module Module to calculate.
protected async calculateModuleSize(module: AddonStorageManagerModule): Promise<void> {
module.calculatingSize = true;
// Note: This function only gets the size for modules which are downloadable.
// For other modules it always returns 0, even if they have downloaded some files.
// However there is no 100% reliable way to actually track the files in this case.
// You can maybe guess it based on the component and componentid.
// But these aren't necessarily consistent, for example mod_frog vs mmaModFrog.
// There is nothing enforcing correct values.
// Most modules which have large files are downloadable, so I think this is sufficient.
const size = await CoreUtils.ignoreErrors(CoreCourseModulePrefetchDelegate.getModuleStoredSize(module, this.courseId));
if (size !== undefined) {
// There are some cases where the return from this is not a valid number.
module.totalSize = !isNaN(size) ? Number(size) : 0;
module.calculatingSize = false;
* Toggle expand status.
* @param event Event object.
accordionGroupChange(event: AccordionGroupChangeEventDetail): void {
const sectionIds = event.value as string[] | [];
this.sections.forEach((section) => {
section.expanded = false;
section.modules.forEach((section) => {
if (section.subSection) {
section.subSection.expanded = false;
event.value.forEach((sectionId) => {
const section = this.sections.find((section) => === Number(sectionId));
if (section) {
section.expanded = true;
sectionIds.forEach((sectionId) => {
const sectionToExpand = CoreCourseHelper.findSectionById(this.sections, Number(sectionId));
if (sectionToExpand) {
sectionToExpand.expanded = true;
@ -748,6 +835,10 @@ export class AddonStorageManagerCourseStoragePage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
this.sections.forEach((section) => {
section.modules.forEach((module) => {
module.subSection?.modules.forEach((module) => {
@ -769,4 +860,5 @@ type AddonStorageManagerModule = CoreCourseModuleData & {
prefetchHandler?: CoreCourseModulePrefetchHandler;
spinner?: boolean;
downloadStatus?: DownloadStatus;
subSection?: AddonStorageManagerCourseSection;

View File

@ -1600,7 +1600,7 @@ export class CoreCourseHelperProvider {
* @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @returns Promise resolved when the download finishes.
async prefetchCourse(
protected async prefetchCourse(
course: CoreCourseAnyCourseData,
sections: CoreCourseWSSection[],
courseHandlers: CoreCourseOptionsHandlerToDisplay[],