diff --git a/scripts/langindex.json b/scripts/langindex.json
index 507d94e0b..c825692d1 100644
--- a/scripts/langindex.json
+++ b/scripts/langindex.json
@@ -930,6 +930,7 @@
"addon.mod_quiz.stateoverdue": "quiz",
"addon.mod_quiz.stateoverduedetails": "quiz",
"addon.mod_quiz.status": "quiz",
+ "addon.mod_quiz.submission_confirmation_unanswered": "quiz",
"addon.mod_quiz.submitallandfinish": "quiz",
"addon.mod_quiz.summaryofattempt": "quiz",
"addon.mod_quiz.summaryofattempts": "quiz",
diff --git a/src/addons/mod/quiz/lang.json b/src/addons/mod/quiz/lang.json
index d62d1d3c0..dc328c5e1 100644
--- a/src/addons/mod/quiz/lang.json
+++ b/src/addons/mod/quiz/lang.json
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
"stateoverdue": "Overdue",
"stateoverduedetails": "Must be submitted by {{$a}}",
"status": "Status",
+ "submission_confirmation_unanswered": "Questions without a response: {{$a}}",
"submitallandfinish": "Submit all and finish",
"summaryofattempt": "Summary of attempt",
"summaryofattempts": "Summary of your previous attempts",
diff --git a/src/addons/mod/quiz/pages/player/player.ts b/src/addons/mod/quiz/pages/player/player.ts
index 0ea6316c0..6d4aa1aa1 100644
--- a/src/addons/mod/quiz/pages/player/player.ts
+++ b/src/addons/mod/quiz/pages/player/player.ts
@@ -406,7 +406,34 @@ export class AddonModQuizPlayerPage implements OnInit, OnDestroy, CanLeave {
try {
// Show confirm if the user clicked the finish button and the quiz is in progress.
if (!timeUp && this.attempt.state == AddonModQuizProvider.ATTEMPT_IN_PROGRESS) {
- await CoreDomUtils.showConfirm(Translate.instant('addon.mod_quiz.confirmclose'));
+ let message = Translate.instant('addon.mod_quiz.confirmclose');
+ const unansweredCount = this.summaryQuestions
+ .filter(question => AddonModQuiz.isQuestionUnanswered(question))
+ .length;
+ if (unansweredCount > 0) {
+ const warning = Translate.instant(
+ 'addon.mod_quiz.submission_confirmation_unanswered',
+ { $a: unansweredCount },
+ );
+ message += `
+ ${ warning }
+ `;
+ }
+ await CoreDomUtils.showConfirm(
+ message,
+ Translate.instant('addon.mod_quiz.submitallandfinish'),
+ Translate.instant('core.submit'),
+ );
modal = await CoreDomUtils.showModalLoading('core.sending', true);
diff --git a/src/addons/mod/quiz/services/quiz.ts b/src/addons/mod/quiz/services/quiz.ts
index 487e6f388..a80da3b48 100644
--- a/src/addons/mod/quiz/services/quiz.ts
+++ b/src/addons/mod/quiz/services/quiz.ts
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import { AddonModQuizAttempt } from './quiz-helper';
import { AddonModQuizOffline, AddonModQuizQuestionsWithAnswers } from './quiz-offline';
import { AddonModQuizAutoSyncData, AddonModQuizSyncProvider } from './quiz-sync';
import { CoreSiteWSPreSets } from '@classes/sites/authenticated-site';
+import { QUESTION_INVALID_STATE_CLASSES, QUESTION_TODO_STATE_CLASSES } from '@features/question/constants';
const ROOT_CACHE_KEY = 'mmaModQuiz:';
@@ -1517,6 +1518,21 @@ export class AddonModQuizProvider {
return !!element.querySelector('.mod_quiz-blocked_question_warning');
+ /**
+ * Check if a question is unanswered.
+ *
+ * @param question Question.
+ * @returns Whether it's unanswered.
+ */
+ isQuestionUnanswered(question: CoreQuestionQuestionParsed): boolean {
+ if (!question.stateclass) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return QUESTION_TODO_STATE_CLASSES.some(stateClass => stateClass === question.stateclass)
+ || QUESTION_INVALID_STATE_CLASSES.some(stateClass => stateClass === question.stateclass);
+ }
* Check if a quiz is enabled to be used in offline.
diff --git a/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/basic-usage-403.feature b/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/basic-usage-403.feature
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65d70f103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/basic-usage-403.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+@addon_mod_quiz @app @javascript @lms_from4.0 @lms_upto4.3
+Feature: Attempt a quiz in app
+ As a student
+ In order to demonstrate what I know
+ I need to be able to attempt quizzes
+ # These scenarios are duplicated from main because the unanswered questions warning
+ # is not available before 4.4.
+ Background:
+ Given the Moodle site is compatible with this feature
+ And the following "courses" exist:
+ | fullname | shortname |
+ | Course 1 | C1 |
+ And the following "users" exist:
+ | username |
+ | student1 |
+ | teacher1 |
+ And the following "course enrolments" exist:
+ | user | course | role |
+ | student1 | C1 | student |
+ | teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
+ And the following "activities" exist:
+ | activity | name | intro | course | idnumber |
+ | quiz | Quiz 1 | Quiz 1 description | C1 | quiz1 |
+ And the following "question categories" exist:
+ | contextlevel | reference | name |
+ | Course | C1 | Test questions |
+ And the following "questions" exist:
+ | questioncategory | qtype | name | questiontext |
+ | Test questions | truefalse | TF1 | Text of the first question |
+ | Test questions | truefalse | TF2 | Text of the second question |
+ And quiz "Quiz 1" contains the following questions:
+ | question | page |
+ | TF1 | 1 |
+ | TF2 | 2 |
+ And the following "activities" exist:
+ | activity | name | intro | course | idnumber |
+ | quiz | Quiz 2 | Quiz 2 description | C1 | quiz2 |
+ And the following "question categories" exist:
+ | contextlevel | reference | name |
+ | Course | C1 | Test questions 2 |
+ And the following "questions" exist:
+ | questioncategory | qtype | name | questiontext |
+ | Test questions | multichoice | TF3 | Text of the first question |
+ | Test questions | shortanswer | TF4 | Text of the second question |
+ | Test questions | numerical | TF5 | Text of the third question |
+ | Test questions | essay | TF6 | Text of the fourth question |
+ | Test questions | ddwtos | TF7 | The [[1]] brown [[2]] jumped over the [[3]] dog. |
+ | Test questions | truefalse | TF8 | Text of the sixth question |
+ | Test questions | match | TF9 | Text of the seventh question |
+ | Test questions | description | TF10 | Text of the eighth question |
+ # TODO test calculated question type.
+ # The calculatedsimple type is implemented using the calculated type.
+ # The calculatedmulti type is implemented using the multichoice type.
+ # The randomsamatch type is implemented using the match type.
+ And the following "questions" exist:
+ | questioncategory | qtype | name | template |
+ | Test questions | gapselect | TF11 | missingchoiceno |
+ | Test questions | ddimageortext | TF12 | xsection |
+ | Test questions | ddmarker | TF13 | mkmap |
+ And quiz "Quiz 2" contains the following questions:
+ | question | page |
+ | TF3 | 1 |
+ | TF4 | 2 |
+ | TF5 | 3 |
+ | TF6 | 4 |
+ | TF7 | 5 |
+ | TF8 | 6 |
+ | TF9 | 7 |
+ | TF10 | 8 |
+ | TF11 | 9 |
+ | TF12 | 10 |
+ | TF13 | 11 |
+ # TODO rewrite using generators.
+ And I am on the "Course 1" "core_question > course question bank" page logged in as teacher1
+ And I add a "Embedded answers (Cloze)" question filling the form with:
+ | Question name | multianswer |
+ | Question text | {1:SHORTANSWER:=Berlin} is the capital of Germany. |
+ | General feedback | The capital of Germany is Berlin. |
+ And I am on the "quiz2" "Activity" page
+ And I click on "Questions" "link"
+ And I click on "Add" "link"
+ And I click on "from question bank" "link"
+ And I set the field with xpath "//tr[contains(normalize-space(.), 'multianswer')]//input[@type='checkbox']" to "1"
+ And I click on "Add selected questions to the quiz" "button"
+ And I log out
+ Scenario: View a quiz entry page (attempts, status, etc.)
+ Given I entered the quiz activity "Quiz 1" on course "Course 1" as "student1" in the app
+ When I press "Attempt quiz now" in the app
+ Then I should find "Text of the first question" in the app
+ But I should not find "Text of the second question" in the app
+ When I press "Next" in the app
+ Then I should find "Text of the second question" in the app
+ But I should not find "Text of the first question" in the app
+ When I press "Previous" in the app
+ Then I should find "Text of the first question" in the app
+ But I should not find "Text of the second question" in the app
+ When I press "Next" in the app
+ Then I should find "Text of the second question" in the app
+ But I should not find "Text of the first question" in the app
+ When I press "Previous" in the app
+ Then I should find "Text of the first question" in the app
+ But I should not find "Text of the second question" in the app
+ When I press "Next" in the app
+ And I press "Submit" in the app
+ Then I should find "Summary of attempt" in the app
+ When I press "Not yet answered" within "2" "ion-item" in the app
+ Then I should find "Text of the second question" in the app
+ But I should not find "Text of the first question" in the app
+ When I press "Submit" in the app
+ And I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
+ Then I should find "Once you submit" in the app
+ When I press "Cancel" near "Once you submit" in the app
+ Then I should find "Summary of attempt" in the app
+ When I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
+ And I press "Submit" near "Once you submit" in the app
+ Then I should find "Review" in the app
+ And I should find "Started on" in the app
+ And I should find "State" in the app
+ And I should find "Completed on" in the app
+ And I should find "Time taken" in the app
+ And I should find "Marks" in the app
+ And I should find "Grade" in the app
+ And I should find "Question 1" in the app
+ And I should find "Question 2" in the app
+ Scenario: Attempt a quiz (all question types)
+ Given I entered the quiz activity "Quiz 2" on course "Course 1" as "student1" in the app
+ When I press "Attempt quiz now" in the app
+ And I press "Four" in the app
+ And I press "Three" in the app
+ And I set the field "Answer" to "Berlin" in the app
+ And I press "Next" in the app
+ And I set the field "Answer" to "testing" in the app
+ And I press "Next" in the app
+ And I set the field "Answer" to "5" in the app
+ And I press "Next" in the app
+ And I set the field "Answer" to "Testing an essay" in the app
+ And I press "Next" "ion-button" in the app
+ And I press "quick" ".drag" in the app
+ And I click on ".place1.drop" "css"
+ And I press "fox" ".drag" in the app
+ And I click on ".place2.drop" "css"
+ And I press "lazy" ".drag" in the app
+ And I click on ".place3.drop" "css"
+ And I press "Next" in the app
+ And I press "True" in the app
+ And I press "Next" in the app
+ And I set the field "frog" to "amphibian" in the app
+ And I set the field "newt" to "insect" in the app
+ And I set the field "cat" to "mammal" in the app
+ And I press "Next" in the app
+ Then I should find "Text of the eighth question" in the app
+ When I press "Next" in the app
+ And I set the field "Blank 1" to "cat" in the app
+ And I set the field "Blank 2" to "mat" in the app
+ And I press "Next" in the app
+ And I press "abyssal" ".drag" in the app
+ And I click on ".place6.dropzone" "css"
+ And I press "trench" ".drag" in the app
+ And I click on ".place3.dropzone" "css"
+ And I press "Next" in the app
+ And I press "Railway station" ".marker" in the app
+ And I click on "img.dropbackground" "css"
+ And I press "Submit" in the app
+ Then I should find "Answer saved" in the app
+ And I should find "Incomplete answer" within "10" "ion-item" in the app
+ But I should not find "Not yet answered" in the app
+ When I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
+ And I press "Submit" in the app
+ Then I should find "Review" in the app
+ And I should find "Finished" in the app
+ And I should find "Not yet graded" in the app
+ When I press "Correct" within "Question 2" "ion-card" in the app
+ Then I should find "The correct answer is: Berlin" in the app
+ And I should find "Mark 1.00 out of 1.00" in the app
+ Scenario: Submit a quiz & Review a quiz attempt
+ Given I entered the quiz activity "Quiz 1" on course "Course 1" as "student1" in the app
+ When I press "Attempt quiz now" in the app
+ Then I should find "Text of the first question" in the app
+ And the UI should match the snapshot
+ When I press "True" in the app
+ And I press "Next" in the app
+ And I press "False" in the app
+ And I press "Submit" in the app
+ And I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
+ And I press "Submit" in the app
+ Then I should find "Review" in the app
+ When I replace "/.*/" within "page-addon-mod-quiz-review core-loading > ion-card ion-item:nth-child(1) p:nth-child(2)" with "[Started on date]"
+ And I replace "/.*/" within "page-addon-mod-quiz-review core-loading > ion-card ion-item:nth-child(3) p:nth-child(2)" with "[Completed on date]"
+ Then the UI should match the snapshot
+ Given I entered the quiz activity "Quiz 1" on course "Course 1" as "teacher1" in the app
+ When I press "Information" in the app
+ And I press "Open in browser" in the app
+ And I switch to the browser tab opened by the app
+ And I log in as "teacher1"
+ And I follow "Attempts: 1"
+ And I follow "Review attempt"
+ Then I should see "Finished"
+ And I should see "1.00/2.00"
diff --git a/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/basic_usage-311.feature b/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/basic_usage-311.feature
index 6b4ea8cd7..2c06b3ce1 100644
--- a/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/basic_usage-311.feature
+++ b/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/basic_usage-311.feature
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ Feature: Attempt a quiz in app
Then I should find "Summary of attempt" in the app
When I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
- And I press "OK" near "Once you submit" in the app
+ And I press "Submit" near "Once you submit" in the app
Then I should find "Review" in the app
And I should find "Started on" in the app
And I should find "State" in the app
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ Feature: Attempt a quiz in app
But I should not find "Not yet answered" in the app
When I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
- And I press "OK" in the app
+ And I press "Submit" in the app
Then I should find "Review" in the app
And I should find "Finished" in the app
And I should find "Not yet graded" in the app
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ Feature: Attempt a quiz in app
And I press "False" in the app
And I press "Submit" in the app
And I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
- And I press "OK" in the app
+ And I press "Submit" in the app
Then I should find "Review" in the app
When I replace "/.*/" within "page-addon-mod-quiz-review core-loading > ion-card ion-item:nth-child(1) p:nth-child(2)" with "[Started on date]"
diff --git a/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/basic_usage-39.feature b/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/basic_usage-39.feature
index 8559851ed..4004a74cd 100644
--- a/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/basic_usage-39.feature
+++ b/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/basic_usage-39.feature
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ Feature: Attempt a quiz in app
And I should find "Incomplete answer" within "9" "ion-item" in the app
When I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
- And I press "OK" in the app
+ And I press "Submit" in the app
Then I should find "Review" in the app
And I should find "Finished" in the app
And I should find "Not yet graded" in the app
diff --git a/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/basic_usage.feature b/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/basic_usage.feature
index d0d43ec9f..f946b71a1 100755
--- a/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/basic_usage.feature
+++ b/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/basic_usage.feature
@@ -117,12 +117,13 @@ Feature: Attempt a quiz in app
When I press "Submit" in the app
And I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
Then I should find "Once you submit" in the app
+ And I should find "Questions without a response: 2" in the app
When I press "Cancel" near "Once you submit" in the app
Then I should find "Summary of attempt" in the app
When I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
- And I press "OK" near "Once you submit" in the app
+ And I press "Submit" near "Once you submit" in the app
Then I should find "Review" in the app
And I should find "Started on" in the app
And I should find "State" in the app
@@ -178,7 +179,9 @@ Feature: Attempt a quiz in app
But I should not find "Not yet answered" in the app
When I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
- And I press "OK" in the app
+ Then I should find "Questions without a response: 1" in the app
+ When I press "Submit" in the app
Then I should find "Review" in the app
And I should find "Finished" in the app
And I should find "Not yet graded" in the app
@@ -198,7 +201,10 @@ Feature: Attempt a quiz in app
And I press "False" in the app
And I press "Submit" in the app
And I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
- And I press "OK" in the app
+ Then I should find "Once you submit" in the app
+ But I should not find "Questions without a response" in the app
+ When I press "Submit" in the app
Then I should find "Review" in the app
When I replace "/.*/" within "page-addon-mod-quiz-review core-loading > ion-card ion-item:nth-child(1) p:nth-child(2)" with "[Started on date]"
diff --git a/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/quiz_behaviour.feature b/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/quiz_behaviour.feature
index acdc19ccc..82282206c 100644
--- a/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/quiz_behaviour.feature
+++ b/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/quiz_behaviour.feature
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Feature: Use quizzes with different behaviours in the app
When I press "Submit" in the app
And I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
- And I press "OK" near "Once you submit" in the app
+ And I press "Submit" near "Once you submit" in the app
Then I should find "Mark 0.33 out of 1.00" in the app
Scenario: Immediate feedback behaviour
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Feature: Use quizzes with different behaviours in the app
When I press "Submit" in the app
And I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
- And I press "OK" near "Once you submit" in the app
+ And I press "Submit" near "Once you submit" in the app
Then I should find "Mark 1.00 out of 1.00" in the app
Scenario: Deferred feedback with CBM behaviour
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Feature: Use quizzes with different behaviours in the app
And I press "Quite sure" in the app
And I press "Submit" in the app
And I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
- And I press "OK" near "Once you submit" in the app
+ And I press "Submit" near "Once you submit" in the app
Then I should find "CBM mark 1.50" in the app
And I should find "Parts, but only parts, of your response are correct" in the app
@@ -147,5 +147,5 @@ Feature: Use quizzes with different behaviours in the app
When I press "Submit" in the app
And I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
- And I press "OK" near "Once you submit" in the app
+ And I press "Submit" near "Once you submit" in the app
Then I should find "Mark 0.33 out of 1.00" in the app
diff --git a/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/quiz_navigation.feature b/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/quiz_navigation.feature
index c1e8f24a2..8107f7176 100644
--- a/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/quiz_navigation.feature
+++ b/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/quiz_navigation.feature
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Feature: Navigate through a quiz in the app
Then I should find "Summary of attempt" in the app
When I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
- And I press "OK" near "Once you submit" in the app
+ And I press "Submit" near "Once you submit" in the app
Then I should find "Review" in the app
And I should find "Text of the first question" in the app
And I should find "Text of the second question" in the app
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Feature: Navigate through a quiz in the app
# # And I should find "Not yet answered" within "3" "ion-item" in the app
# When I press "Submit all and finish" in the app
-# And I press "OK" near "Once you submit" in the app
+# And I press "Submit" near "Once you submit" in the app
# Then I should find "Review" in the app
# # @todo MOBILE-4350: Uncomment these.
# # And I should find "Text of the first question" in the app
diff --git a/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/snapshots/attempt-a-quiz-in-app-submit-a-quiz--review-a-quiz-attempt_36.png b/src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/snapshots/attempt-a-quiz-in-app-submit-a-quiz--review-a-quiz-attempt_38.png
similarity index 100%
rename from src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/snapshots/attempt-a-quiz-in-app-submit-a-quiz--review-a-quiz-attempt_36.png
rename to src/addons/mod/quiz/tests/behat/snapshots/attempt-a-quiz-in-app-submit-a-quiz--review-a-quiz-attempt_38.png
diff --git a/src/core/features/question/constants.ts b/src/core/features/question/constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21b7e6768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/features/question/constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+export const QUESTION_TODO_STATE_CLASSES = ['notyetanswered'] as const;
+export const QUESTION_INVALID_STATE_CLASSES = ['invalidanswer'] as const;
+export const QUESTION_COMPLETE_STATE_CLASSES = ['answersaved'] as const;
+export const QUESTION_NEEDS_GRADING_STATE_CLASSES = ['requiresgrading', 'complete'] as const;
+export const QUESTION_FINISHED_STATE_CLASSES = ['complete'] as const;
+export const QUESTION_GAVE_UP_STATE_CLASSES = ['notanswered'] as const;
+export const QUESTION_GRADED_STATE_CLASSES = ['complete', 'incorrect', 'partiallycorrect', 'correct'] as const;
diff --git a/src/core/features/question/services/question.ts b/src/core/features/question/services/question.ts
index 5f1724d1f..0eb50b589 100644
--- a/src/core/features/question/services/question.ts
+++ b/src/core/features/question/services/question.ts
@@ -28,6 +28,15 @@ import {
} from './database/question';
+import {
+} from '@features/question/constants';
const QUESTION_PREFIX_REGEX = /q\d+:(\d+)_/;
const STATES: Record = {
@@ -598,6 +607,14 @@ export type CoreQuestionQuestionWSData = {
questionnumber?: string; // @since 4.2. Question ordering number in the quiz.
state?: string; // The state where the question is in. It won't be returned if the user cannot see it.
status?: string; // Current formatted state of the question.
+ stateclass?: // @since 4.4. A machine-readable class name for the state that this question attempt is in.
blockedbyprevious?: boolean; // Whether the question is blocked by the previous question.
mark?: string; // The mark awarded. It will be returned only if the user is allowed to see it.
maxmark?: number; // The maximum mark possible for this question attempt.
diff --git a/src/theme/theme.base.scss b/src/theme/theme.base.scss
index 9f229e7b7..c6eed8e06 100644
--- a/src/theme/theme.base.scss
+++ b/src/theme/theme.base.scss
@@ -514,6 +514,12 @@ ion-alert {
.alert-message {
user-select: text;
flex-shrink: 0;
+ ion-card {
+ margin: 0;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ }