@ -4,24 +4,24 @@
"addnewattempt": "Add a new attempt",
"addnewattemptfromprevious": "Add a new attempt based on previous submission",
"addsubmission": "Add submission",
"allowsubmissionsanddescriptionfromdatesummary": "The assignment details and submission form will be available from <strong>{{$a}}</strong>",
"allowsubmissionsfromdate": "Allow submissions from",
"allowsubmissionsfromdatesummary": "This assignment will accept submissions from <strong>{{$a}}</strong>",
"allowsubmissionsanddescriptionfromdatesummary": "The assignment details and submission form will be available from <strong>{{$a}}</strong>",
"applytoteam": "Apply grades and feedback to entire group",
"assignmentisdue": "Assignment is due",
"attemptnumber": "Attempt number",
"attemptreopenmethod": "Attempts reopened",
"attemptreopenmethod": "Additional attempts",
"attemptreopenmethod_manual": "Manually",
"attemptreopenmethod_untilpass": "Automatically until pass",
"attemptsettings": "Attempt settings",
"cannotgradefromapp": "Certain grading methods are not yet supported by the app and cannot be modified.",
"cannoteditduetostatementsubmission": "You can't add or edit a submission in the app because the submission statement could not be retrieved from the site.",
"cannotgradefromapp": "Certain grading methods are not yet supported by the app and cannot be modified.",
"cannotsubmitduetostatementsubmission": "You can't make a submission in the app because the submission statement could not be retrieved from the site.",
"confirmsubmission": "Are you sure you want to submit your work for grading? You will not be able to make any more changes.",
"currentgrade": "Current grade in gradebook",
"cutoffdate": "Cut-off date",
"currentattempt": "This is attempt {{$a}}.",
"currentattemptof": "This is attempt {{$a.attemptnumber}} ( {{$a.maxattempts}} attempts allowed ).",
"currentgrade": "Current grade in gradebook",
"cutoffdate": "Cut-off date",
"defaultteam": "Default group",
"duedate": "Due date",
"duedateno": "No due date",
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@
"grade": "Grade",
"graded": "Graded",
"gradedby": "Graded by",
"gradedfollowupsubmit": "Graded - follow up submission received",
"gradenotsynced": "Grade not synced",
"gradedfollowupsubmit": "Graded - follow-up submission received",
"gradedon": "Graded on",
"gradelocked": "This grade is locked or overridden in the gradebook.",
"gradenotsynced": "Grade not synced",
"gradeoutof": "Grade out of {{$a}}",
"gradingstatus": "Grading status",
"groupsubmissionsettings": "Group submission settings",
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
"markingworkflowstateinmarking": "In marking",
"markingworkflowstateinreview": "In review",
"markingworkflowstatenotmarked": "Not marked",
"markingworkflowstatereadyforreview": "Marking completed",
"markingworkflowstatereadyforrelease": "Ready for release",
"markingworkflowstatereadyforreview": "Marking completed",
"markingworkflowstatereleased": "Released",
"modulenameplural": "Assignments",
"multipleteams": "Member of more than one group",
@ -67,31 +67,31 @@
"numberofdraftsubmissionscountdescription": "There are {{count}} drafts.",
"numberofparticipants": "Participants",
"numberofparticipantscountdescription": "There are {{count}} participants.",
"numberofsubmittedassignments": "Submitted",
"numberofsubmittedassignmentscountdescription": "There are {{count}} submitted assignments.",
"numberofsubmissionsneedgrading": "Needs grading",
"numberofsubmissionsneedgradingcountdescription": "There are {{count}} submissions that need grading.",
"numberofsubmittedassignments": "Submitted",
"numberofsubmittedassignmentscountdescription": "There are {{count}} submitted assignments.",
"numberofteams": "Groups",
"numberofteamscountdescription": "There are {{count}} teams.",
"numwords": "{{$a}} words",
"outof": "{{$a.current}} out of {{$}}",
"overdue": "<font color=\"red\">Assignment is overdue by: {{$a}}</font>",
"submission": "Submission",
"submissioneditable": "Student can edit this submission",
"submissionnoteditable": "Student cannot edit this submission",
"submissionnotsupported": "This submission is not supported by the app and may not contain all the information.",
"submission": "Submission",
"submissionslocked": "This assignment is not accepting submissions",
"submissionstatus": "Submission status",
"submissionstatus_": "No submission",
"submissionstatus_draft": "Draft (not submitted)",
"submissionstatusheading": "Submission status",
"submissionstatus_marked": "Graded",
"submissionstatus_new": "No submission",
"submissionstatus_reopened": "Reopened",
"submissionstatus_submitted": "Submitted for grading",
"submissionstatus_": "No submission",
"submissionstatus": "Submission status",
"submissionstatusheading": "Submission status",
"submissionteam": "Group",
"submitassignment_help": "Once this assignment is submitted you will not be able to make any more changes.",
"submitassignment": "Submit assignment",
"submitassignment_help": "Once this assignment is submitted you will not be able to make any more changes.",
"submittedearly": "Assignment was submitted {{$a}} early",
"submittedlate": "Assignment was submitted {{$a}} late",
"syncblockedusercomponent": "user grade",
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
"unlimitedattempts": "Unlimited",
"userswhoneedtosubmit": "Users who need to submit: {{$a}}",
"viewsubmission": "View submission",
"warningsubmissionmodified": "The user submission was modified on the site.",
"warningsubmissiongrademodified": "The submission grade was modified on the site.",
"warningsubmissionmodified": "The user submission was modified on the site.",
"wordlimit": "Word limit"
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ export abstract class CorePageItemsListManager<Item> {
this.updateSelectedItem(route?.snapshot ?? null);
// Select default item if none is selected on a non-mobile layout.
if (!CoreScreen.isMobile && this.selectedItem === null) {
if (!CoreScreen.isMobile && this.selectedItem === null && !splitView.isNested) {
const defaultItem = this.getDefaultItem();
if (defaultItem) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user