diff --git a/local_moodleappbehat/tests/behat/behat_app.php b/local_moodleappbehat/tests/behat/behat_app.php
index 47ff474bd..c5b4ccfa6 100644
--- a/local_moodleappbehat/tests/behat/behat_app.php
+++ b/local_moodleappbehat/tests/behat/behat_app.php
@@ -599,7 +599,10 @@ class behat_app extends behat_app_helper {
public function the_app_has_the_following_config(TableNode $data) {
foreach ($data->getRows() as $configrow) {
- $this->appconfig[$configrow[0]] = json_decode($configrow[1]);
+ $name = $configrow[0];
+ $value = $this->replace_wwwroot($configrow[1]);
+ $this->appconfig[$name] = json_decode($value);
diff --git a/local_moodleappbehat/tests/behat/behat_app_helper.php b/local_moodleappbehat/tests/behat/behat_app_helper.php
index 7270abc27..50a905623 100644
--- a/local_moodleappbehat/tests/behat/behat_app_helper.php
+++ b/local_moodleappbehat/tests/behat/behat_app_helper.php
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ class behat_app_helper extends behat_base {
// Assert initial page.
$this->spin(function($context) {
$page = $context->getSession()->getPage();
- $element = $page->find('xpath', '//page-core-login-site//input[@name="url"]');
+ $element = $page->find('xpath', '//page-core-login-site');
if ($element) {
// Login screen found.
diff --git a/src/core/features/courses/tests/behat/basic-usage-402.feature b/src/core/features/courses/tests/behat/basic-usage-402.feature
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..935d791bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/features/courses/tests/behat/basic-usage-402.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+@core_courses @app @javascript @lms_upto4.2
+Feature: Test basic usage of courses in app
+ In order to participate in the courses while using the mobile app
+ As a student
+ I need basic courses functionality to work
+ Background:
+ Given the Moodle site is compatible with this feature
+ And the following "users" exist:
+ | username | firstname | lastname | email |
+ | teacher1 | Teacher | teacher | teacher1@example.com |
+ | student1 | Student | student | student1@example.com |
+ And the following "courses" exist:
+ | fullname | shortname | category | visible |
+ | Course 1 | C1 | 0 | 1 |
+ | Course 2 | C2 | 0 | 1 |
+ | Course 3 | C3 | 0 | 1 |
+ | Course 4 | C4 | 0 | 1 |
+ | Hidden course | CH | 0 | 0 |
+ And the following "course enrolments" exist:
+ | user | course | role |
+ | teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
+ | teacher1 | C2 | editingteacher |
+ | teacher1 | C3 | editingteacher |
+ | teacher1 | C4 | editingteacher |
+ | teacher1 | CH | editingteacher |
+ | student1 | C1 | student |
+ | student1 | C2 | student |
+ | student1 | C3 | student |
+ | student1 | CH | student |
+ And the following "activities" exist:
+ | activity | name | intro | course | idnumber | option |
+ | choice | Choice course 1 | Test choice description | C1 | choice1 | Option 1, Option 2, Option 3 |
+ | choice | Choice course 2 | Test choice description | C2 | choice1 | Option 1, Option 2, Option 3 |
+ | choice | Choice course 3 | Test choice description | C3 | choice1 | Option 1, Option 2, Option 3 |
+ | choice | Choice course 4 | Test choice description | C4 | choice1 | Option 1, Option 2, Option 3 |
+ And the following "activities" exist:
+ | activity | course | idnumber | name | intro | assignsubmission_onlinetext_enabled | duedate | gradingduedate |
+ | assign | C1 | assign1 | assignment | Test assignment description | 1 | ##tomorrow## | ##tomorrow## |
+ @lms_from4.0
+ Scenario: See my courses
+ Given I entered the app as "student1"
+ When the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
+ And I press "My courses" in the app
+ And I should find "Course 1" in the app
+ And I should find "Course 2" in the app
+ And I should find "Course 3" in the app
+ When I press "Course 1" in the app
+ Then I should find "Choice course 1" in the app
+ And the header should be "Course 1" in the app
+ When I press "Choice course 1" in the app
+ Then I should find "Test choice description" in the app
+ And the header should be "Choice course 1" in the app
+ When I press the back button in the app
+ And I press the back button in the app
+ And I press "Course 2" in the app
+ Then I should find "Choice course 2" in the app
+ And the header should be "Course 2" in the app
+ When I press the back button in the app
+ And I press "Course 3" in the app
+ Then I should find "Choice course 3" in the app
+ And the header should be "Course 3" in the app
+ And the following events should have been logged for "student1" in the app:
+ | name |
+ | \core\event\mycourses_viewed |
diff --git a/src/core/features/courses/tests/behat/basic_usage.feature b/src/core/features/courses/tests/behat/basic_usage.feature
index 039cc2081..0cc50f205 100755
--- a/src/core/features/courses/tests/behat/basic_usage.feature
+++ b/src/core/features/courses/tests/behat/basic_usage.feature
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Feature: Test basic usage of courses in app
Then I should not find "Hidden course" in the app
And I should not find "Hidden from students" in the app
- @lms_from4.0
+ @lms_from4.3
Scenario: See my courses
Given I entered the app as "student1"
When the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
diff --git a/src/core/features/login/lang.json b/src/core/features/login/lang.json
index a3b4e91e8..2f14dfa99 100644
--- a/src/core/features/login/lang.json
+++ b/src/core/features/login/lang.json
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
"supplyinfo": "More details",
"toggleremove": "Edit accounts list",
"unsupportedsite": "Site not accessible through the app",
- "unsupportedsitemessage": "{{site}} can't be accessed through this app.\nYou can still access it using a web browser",
+ "unsupportedsitemessage": "{{site}} can't be accessed through this app.
You can still access it using a web browser.",
"username": "Username",
"usernamelowercase": "Only lowercase letters allowed",
"usernameoremail": "Enter either username or email address",
diff --git a/src/core/features/login/pages/site/site.html b/src/core/features/login/pages/site/site.html
index b6833401a..186bbc4ce 100644
--- a/src/core/features/login/pages/site/site.html
+++ b/src/core/features/login/pages/site/site.html
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
- {{site.noProtocolUrl}}
+ {{site.noProtocolUrl}}
diff --git a/src/core/features/login/tests/behat/basic_usage.feature b/src/core/features/login/tests/behat/basic_usage.feature
index b0eb396ad..b1f4c57d6 100755
--- a/src/core/features/login/tests/behat/basic_usage.feature
+++ b/src/core/features/login/tests/behat/basic_usage.feature
@@ -37,9 +37,8 @@ Feature: Test basic usage of login in app
| Username | student1 |
| Password | student1 |
And I press "Log in" near "Lost password?" in the app
- Then I should find "Acceptance test site" in the app
+ Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
And the UI should match the snapshot
- But I should not find "Log in" in the app
Scenario: Add a non existing account
When I launch the app
@@ -160,3 +159,21 @@ Feature: Test basic usage of login in app
When I press "OK" in the app
And I press "Lost password?" in the app
Then I should find "Contact support" in the app
+ Scenario: Shows sites list
+ Given the app has the following config:
+ | sites | [{"name":"Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters","alias":"XSGY","imageurl":"https://x-school.campus.edu/logo.png","city":"North Salem","countrycode":"US","url":"https://x-school.campus.edu"},{"name":"Hogwarts", "url":"https://hogwarts.campus.edu"},{"name":"Acceptance test site","url":"$WWWROOT"}] |
+ When I launch the app
+ Then I should find "Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters (XSGY)" in the app
+ When I replace "/.*/" within "ion-list ion-item:last-of-type ion-label p:last-of-type" with "campus.example.edu"
+ Then the UI should match the snapshot
+ When I press "Acceptance test site" in the app
+ Then I should find "Log in" in the app
+ When I set the following fields to these values in the app:
+ | Username | student1 |
+ | Password | student1 |
+ And I press "Log in" near "Lost password?" in the app
+ Then the header should be "Acceptance test site" in the app
diff --git a/src/core/features/login/tests/behat/snapshots/test-basic-usage-of-login-in-app-shows-sites-list_8.png b/src/core/features/login/tests/behat/snapshots/test-basic-usage-of-login-in-app-shows-sites-list_8.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..497c8c333
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/core/features/login/tests/behat/snapshots/test-basic-usage-of-login-in-app-shows-sites-list_8.png differ