MOBILE-4270 lang: Update lang strings

This commit is contained in:
Pau Ferrer Ocaña 2023-05-10 12:11:30 +02:00
parent 013a55a5a4
commit 5c93475553
12 changed files with 30 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
"sr-cr": "Српски",
"sr-lt": "Srpski",
"sv": "Svenska",
"szl": "Ślōnski",
"tg": "Тоҷикӣ",
"tr": "Türkçe",
"uk": "Українська",

View File

@ -2268,7 +2268,7 @@
"core.reminders.atthetime": "local_moodlemobileapp",
"core.reminders.custom": "local_moodlemobileapp",
"core.reminders.customreminder": "local_moodlemobileapp",
"core.reminders.delete": "moodle",
"core.reminders.delete": "local_moodlemobileapp",
"core.reminders.reminderset": "local_moodlemobileapp",
"core.reminders.reminderunset": "local_moodlemobileapp",
"core.reminders.setareminder": "local_moodlemobileapp",

View File

@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
"view_groups_selection_warning": "There is a room for each group and you have access to more than one. Be sure to select the correct one.",
"view_message_conference_in_progress": "The session is in progress.",
"view_message_conference_room_ready": "This room is ready. You can join the session now.",
"view_message_moderator": "moderator",
"view_message_moderators": "moderators",
"view_message_moderator": "Moderator",
"view_message_moderators": "Moderators",
"view_message_norecordings": "There are no recordings available.",
"view_message_session_started_at": "This session started at",
"view_message_viewer": "viewer",
"view_message_viewers": "viewers",
"view_message_session_started_at": "Session started at",
"view_message_viewer": "Viewer",
"view_message_viewers": "Viewers",
"view_nojoin": "You do not have a role that is allowed to join this session.",
"view_section_title_recordings": "Recordings"

View File

@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ Feature: Test basic usage of BBB activity in app
Given I wait "10" seconds
Then I should find "The session is in progress." in the app
And I should find "1" near "viewer" in the app
And I should find "0" near "moderator" in the app
And I should find "1" near "Viewer" in the app
And I should find "0" near "Moderator" in the app
Scenario: Join meeting (moderator)
Given the following "activities" exist:
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ Feature: Test basic usage of BBB activity in app
Given I wait "10" seconds
Then I should find "The session is in progress." in the app
And I should find "1" near "moderator" in the app
And I should find "0" near "viewer" in the app
And I should find "1" near "Moderator" in the app
And I should find "0" near "Viewer" in the app
Scenario: Wait for moderator
Given the following "activities" exist:
@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ Feature: Test basic usage of BBB activity in app
And I press "Close" in the app
And I pull to refresh in the app
Then I should find "The session is in progress." in the app
And I should find "1" near "moderator" in the app
And I should find "0" near "viewer" in the app
And I should find "1" near "Moderator" in the app
And I should find "0" near "Viewer" in the app
And I should be able to press "Join session" in the app
When I close all opened windows

View File

@ -13,14 +13,14 @@
"disapprove": "Undo approval",
"edittagsnotsupported": "Sorry, editing tags is not supported by the app.",
"emptyaddform": "You did not fill out any fields!",
"entrieslefttoadd": "You must add {{$a.entriesleft}} more entry/entries in order to complete this activity",
"entrieslefttoadd": "You must add {{$a.entriesleft}} more entry/entries to complete this activity.",
"entrieslefttoaddtoview": "You must add {{$a.entrieslefttoview}} more entry/entries before you can view other participants' entries.",
"errorapproving": "Error approving or unapproving entry.",
"errordeleting": "Error deleting entry.",
"errormustsupplyvalue": "You must supply a value here.",
"expired": "Sorry, this activity closed on {{$a}} and is no longer available",
"fields": "Fields",
"foundrecords": "Found records: {{$a.num}}/{{$a.max}} (<a href=\"{{$a.reseturl}}\">Reset filters</a>)",
"foundrecords": "Found {{$a.num}} out of {{$a.max}} records. <a href=\"{{$a.reseturl}}\">Clear all</a>",
"gettinglocation": "Getting location",
"latlongboth": "Both latitude and longitude are required.",
"locationnotenabled": "Location is not enabled",

View File

@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
"pinupdated": "The pin option has been updated.",
"postaddedsuccess": "Your post was successfully added.",
"postingroup": "Posting in group \"{{groupname}}\".",
"postisprivatereply": "This is a private reply. It is only visible to you and anyone with the capability to view private replies, such as teachers or managers.",
"postisprivatereply": "This is a private reply. (Teachers and other users with the capability to view private replies can also see it.)",
"posttoforum": "Post to forum",
"posttomygroups": "Post a copy to all groups",
"privatereply": "Reply privately",
"qandanotify": "This is a question and answer forum. In order to see other responses to these questions, you must first post your answer",
"qandanotify": "This is a question and answer forum. To see other replies, you must first post your reply.",
"re": "Re:",
"refreshposts": "Refresh posts",
"removefromfavourites": "Unstar this discussion",

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"clearchoice": "Clear my choice",
"comment": "Comment",
"completedon": "Completed on",
"confirmclose": "Once you submit, you will no longer be able to change your answers for this attempt.",
"confirmclose": "Once you submit your answers, you wont be able to change them.",
"confirmcontinueoffline": "This attempt has not been synchronised since {{$a}}. If you have continued this attempt in another device since then, you may lose data.",
"confirmleavequizonerror": "An error occurred while saving the answers. Are you sure you want to leave the quiz?",
"confirmstart": "Your attempt will have a time limit of {{$a}}. When you start, the timer will begin to count down and cannot be paused. You must finish your attempt before it expires. Are you sure you wish to start now?",

View File

@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
"h5": "Heading (small)",
"hidetoolbar": "Hide toolbar",
"italic": "Italic",
"orderedlist": "Ordered list",
"orderedlist": "Ordered List",
"p": "Paragraph",
"strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
"textrecovered": "A draft version of this text was automatically restored.",
"toggle": "Toggle editor",
"underline": "Underline",
"unorderedlist": "Unordered list"
"unorderedlist": "Bulleted List"

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"credentialsdescription": "Please provide your username and password to log in.",
"credentialshelp": "If you have problems logging in, try again later or contact your school or learning provider.",
"credentialssupportsubject": "Need help logging in",
"emailconfirmsent": "<p>An email should have been sent to your address at <b>{{$a}}</b></p><p>It contains easy instructions to complete your registration.</p>",
"emailconfirmsent": "<p>An email should have been sent to your address at <b>{{$a}}</b></p>\n <p>It contains easy instructions to complete your registration.</p>\n <p>If you continue to have difficulty, contact the site administrator.</p>",
"emailconfirmsentnoemail": "<p>An email should have been sent to your address.</p><p>It contains easy instructions to complete your registration.</p>",
"emailconfirmsentsuccess": "Confirmation email sent successfully",
"emailnotmatch": "Emails do not match",
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
"loginsteps": "For full access to this site, you first need to create an account.",
"missingemail": "Missing email address",
"missingfirstname": "Missing given name",
"missinglastname": "Missing surname",
"missinglastname": "Missing last name",
"mobileservicesnotenabled": "Mobile services are not enabled on the site.",
"mustconfirm": "You need to confirm your account",
"newaccount": "New account",

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Feature: Test signup in app
And I should find "Password required" in the app
And I should find "Missing email address" in the app
And I should find "Missing given name" in the app
And I should find "Missing surname" in the app
And I should find "Missing last name" in the app
When I set the following fields to these values in the app:
| Username | u1 |
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Feature: Test signup in app
| Email address | |
| Email (again) | |
| First name | User |
| Surname | Test |
| Last name | Test |
| City/town | Barcelona |
| Country | Spain |
Then I should find "Emails do not match" in the app
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Feature: Test signup in app
| Email address | |
| Email (again) | |
| First name | User |
| Surname | Test |
| Last name | Test |
| City/town | Barcelona |
| Country | Spain |
And I press "Create my new account" in the app
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ Feature: Test signup in app
| Email address | |
| Email (again) | |
| First name | User |
| Surname | Test |
| Last name | Test |
| City/town | Barcelona |
| Country | Spain |
And I press "Create my new account" in the app

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
"address": "Address",
"useraccount": "User account",
"city": "City/town",
"completeprofile": "Complete profile",
"completeprofilehelp": "If you have problems completing your profile, try again later or contact your school or learning provider.",
@ -20,7 +19,7 @@
"firstname": "First name",
"interests": "Interests",
"lastcourseaccess": "Last access to course",
"lastname": "Surname",
"lastname": "Last name",
"manager": "Manager",
"newpicture": "New picture",
"noparticipants": "No participants found for this course",
@ -35,6 +34,7 @@
"supportmessagesent": "Your message has been sent.",
"supportsubject": "[App] {{subject}}",
"teacher": "Non-editing teacher",
"useraccount": "User account",
"userwithid": "User with ID {{id}}",
"webpage": "Web page"

View File

@ -174,8 +174,8 @@
"minutes": "minutes",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"mod_assign": "Assignment",
"mod_book": "Book",
"mod_bigbluebuttonbn": "BigBlueButton",
"mod_book": "Book",
"mod_chat": "Chat",
"mod_choice": "Choice",
"mod_data": "Database",
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
"mod_glossary": "Glossary",
"mod_h5pactivity": "H5P",
"mod_imscp": "IMS content package",
"mod_label": "Text and media",
"mod_label": "Text and media area",
"mod_lesson": "Lesson",
"mod_lti": "External tool",
"mod_page": "Page",