MOBILE-3222 iframe: Fix Embed youtube url
This commit is contained in:
@ -69,25 +69,16 @@ export class AddonFilterMediaPluginHandler extends CoreFilterDefaultHandler {
const data = this.textUtils.parseJSON(video.getAttribute('data-setup') || video.getAttribute('data-setup-lazy') || '{}'),
youtubeData = data.techOrder && data.techOrder[0] && data.techOrder[0] == 'youtube' &&
this.parseYoutubeUrl(data.sources && data.sources[0] && data.sources[0].src);
youtubeUrl = data.techOrder && data.techOrder[0] && data.techOrder[0] == 'youtube' &&
this.urlUtils.getYoutubeEmbedUrl(data.sources && data.sources[0] && data.sources[0].src);
if (!youtubeData || !youtubeData.videoId) {
if (!youtubeUrl) {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'),
params: any = {};
if (youtubeData.listId !== null) {
params.list = youtubeData.listId;
if (youtubeData.start !== null) {
params.start = youtubeData.start;
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
|||| =;
iframe.src = this.urlUtils.addParamsToUrl('' + youtubeData.videoId, params);
iframe.src = youtubeUrl;
iframe.setAttribute('frameborder', '0');
iframe.setAttribute('allowfullscreen', '1');
iframe.width = '100%';
@ -96,55 +87,4 @@ export class AddonFilterMediaPluginHandler extends CoreFilterDefaultHandler {
// Replace video tag by the iframe.
video.parentNode.replaceChild(iframe, video);
* Parse a YouTube URL.
* Based on Youtube.parseUrl from Moodle media/player/videojs/amd/src/Youtube-lazy.js
* @param url URL of the video.
* @return Data of the video.
protected parseYoutubeUrl(url: string): {videoId: string, listId?: string, start?: number} {
const result = {
videoId: null,
listId: null,
start: null
if (!url) {
return result;
url = this.textUtils.decodeHTML(url);
// Get the video ID.
let match = url.match(/^.*(\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/);
if (match && match[2].length === 11) {
result.videoId = match[2];
// Now get the playlist (if any).
match = url.match(/[?&]list=([^#\&\?]+)/);
if (match && match[1]) {
result.listId = match[1];
// Now get the start time (if any).
match = url.match(/[?&]start=(\d+)/);
if (match && match[1]) {
result.start = parseInt(match[1], 10);
} else {
// No start param, but it could have a time param.
match = url.match(/[?&]t=(\d+h)?(\d+m)?(\d+s)?/);
if (match) {
result.start = (match[1] ? parseInt(match[1], 10) * 3600 : 0) + (match[2] ? parseInt(match[2], 10) * 60 : 0) +
(match[3] ? parseInt(match[3], 10) : 0);
return result;
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import { DomSanitizer, SafeResourceUrl } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NavController } from 'ionic-angular';
import { CoreLoggerProvider } from '@providers/logger';
import { CoreDomUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/dom';
import { CoreUrlUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/url';
import { CoreIframeUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/iframe';
import { CoreSplitViewComponent } from '@components/split-view/split-view';
@ -39,9 +40,13 @@ export class CoreIframeComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
protected logger;
protected IFRAME_TIMEOUT = 15000;
constructor(logger: CoreLoggerProvider, private iframeUtils: CoreIframeUtilsProvider, private domUtils: CoreDomUtilsProvider,
private sanitizer: DomSanitizer, private navCtrl: NavController,
@Optional() private svComponent: CoreSplitViewComponent) {
constructor(logger: CoreLoggerProvider,
protected iframeUtils: CoreIframeUtilsProvider,
protected domUtils: CoreDomUtilsProvider,
protected sanitizer: DomSanitizer,
protected navCtrl: NavController,
protected urlUtils: CoreUrlUtilsProvider,
@Optional() protected svComponent: CoreSplitViewComponent) {
this.logger = logger.getInstance('CoreIframe');
this.loaded = new EventEmitter<HTMLIFrameElement>();
@ -84,7 +89,8 @@ export class CoreIframeComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
ngOnChanges(changes: {[name: string]: SimpleChange }): void {
if (changes.src) {
this.safeUrl = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(changes.src.currentValue);
const youtubeUrl = this.urlUtils.getYoutubeEmbedUrl(changes.src.currentValue);
this.safeUrl = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(youtubeUrl || changes.src.currentValue);
@ -233,6 +233,58 @@ export class CoreUrlUtilsProvider {
* Returns the Youtube Embed Video URL or null if not found.
* @param url URL
* @return Youtube Embed Video URL or null if not found.
getYoutubeEmbedUrl(url: string): string {
if (!url) {
let videoId;
const params: any = {};
url = this.textUtils.decodeHTML(url);
// Get the video ID.
let match = url.match(/^.*(\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/);
if (match && match[2].length === 11) {
videoId = match[2];
// No videoId, do not continue.
if (!videoId) {
// Now get the playlist (if any).
match = url.match(/[?&]list=([^#\&\?]+)/);
if (match && match[1]) {
params.list = match[1];
// Now get the start time (if any).
match = url.match(/[?&]start=(\d+)/);
if (match && match[1]) {
params.start = parseInt(match[1], 10);
} else {
// No start param, but it could have a time param.
match = url.match(/[?&]t=(\d+h)?(\d+m)?(\d+s)?/);
if (match) {
params.start = (match[1] ? parseInt(match[1], 10) * 3600 : 0) + (match[2] ? parseInt(match[2], 10) * 60 : 0) +
(match[3] ? parseInt(match[3], 10) : 0);
return this.addParamsToUrl('' + videoId, params);
* Given a URL, returns what's after the last '/' without params.
* Example:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user