MOBILE-4081 behat: Fix 3.9 tests

This commit is contained in:
Noel De Martin 2022-07-12 10:25:13 +02:00
parent aa8961f1cb
commit 41489ecc66
7 changed files with 157 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
@block @block_timeline @app @javascript @lms_upto3.10
Feature: Timeline block.
Given the following "users" exist:
| username |
| student1 |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname |
| Course 1 | C1 |
| Course 2 | C2 |
| Course 3 | C3 |
| Course 4 | C4 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| student1 | C1 | student |
| student1 | C2 | student |
| student1 | C3 | student |
| student1 | Acceptance test site | student |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | course | idnumber | name | duedate |
| assign | Acceptance test site | assign00 | Assignment 00 | ##tomorrow## |
| assign | C2 | assign01 | Assignment 01 | ##yesterday## |
| assign | C1 | assign02 | Assignment 02 | ##tomorrow## |
| assign | C1 | assign03 | Assignment 03 | ##tomorrow## |
| assign | C2 | assign04 | Assignment 04 | ##+2 days## |
| assign | C1 | assign05 | Assignment 05 | ##+5 days## |
| assign | C2 | assign06 | Assignment 06 | ##+1 month## |
| assign | C2 | assign07 | Assignment 07 | ##+1 month## |
| assign | C3 | assign08 | Assignment 08 | ##+1 month## |
| assign | C2 | assign09 | Assignment 09 | ##+1 month## |
| assign | C1 | assign10 | Assignment 10 | ##+1 month## |
| assign | C1 | assign11 | Assignment 11 | ##+6 months## |
| assign | C1 | assign12 | Assignment 12 | ##+6 months## |
| assign | C1 | assign13 | Assignment 13 | ##+6 months## |
| assign | C2 | assign14 | Assignment 14 | ##+6 months## |
| assign | C2 | assign15 | Assignment 15 | ##+6 months## |
| assign | C2 | assign16 | Assignment 16 | ##+6 months## |
| assign | C3 | assign17 | Assignment 17 | ##+6 months## |
| assign | C3 | assign18 | Assignment 18 | ##+6 months## |
| assign | C3 | assign19 | Assignment 19 | ##+6 months## |
| assign | C1 | assign20 | Assignment 20 | ##+1 year## |
| assign | C1 | assign21 | Assignment 21 | ##+1 year## |
| assign | C2 | assign22 | Assignment 22 | ##+1 year## |
| assign | C2 | assign23 | Assignment 23 | ##+1 year## |
| assign | C3 | assign24 | Assignment 24 | ##+1 year## |
| assign | C3 | assign25 | Assignment 25 | ##+1 year## |
Scenario: See courses inside block
Given I entered the app as "student1"
And I press "Open block drawer" in the app
Then I should find "Assignment 00" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should find "Assignment 02" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should find "Assignment 05" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should find "Course 1" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should find "Course 2" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
But I should not find "Assignment 01" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should not find "Course 3" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
When I press "Next 30 days" in the app
And I press "Overdue" in the app
Then I should find "Assignment 01" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should find "Course 2" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
But I should not find "Assignment 00" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should not find "Assignment 02" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should not find "Course 1" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should not find "Course 3" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
When I press "Overdue" in the app
And I press "All" in the app
Then I should find "Assignment 19" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should find "Course 3" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
But I should not find "Assignment 20" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
When I press "Load more" in the app
Then I should find "Assignment 21" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should find "Assignment 25" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
When I press "All" in the app
And I press "Next 7 days" in the app
And I press "Sort by" in the app
And I press "Sort by courses" in the app
Then I should find "Course 1" "h3" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should find "Course 2" "h3" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should find "Assignment 02" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should find "Assignment 04" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
But I should not find "Course 3" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
When the following "activities" exist:
| activity | course | idnumber | name | duedate |
| assign | C1 | newassign | New Assignment | ##tomorrow## |
And I pull to refresh in the app
Then I should find "New Assignment" in the app

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@app @javascript
@block @block_timeline @app @javascript
Feature: Timeline block.
@ -46,8 +46,10 @@ Feature: Timeline block.
| assign | C3 | assign24 | Assignment 24 | ##+1 year## |
| assign | C3 | assign25 | Assignment 25 | ##+1 year## |
Scenario: See courses inside block
Given I entered the app as "student1"
And I press "Open block drawer" in the app
Then I should find "Assignment 00" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should find "Assignment 02" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app
And I should find "Assignment 05" within "Timeline" "ion-card" in the app

View File

@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
<img *ngIf="completion && completion.tracking !== 1" [src]="completionImage" [alt]="completionDescription">
<img *ngIf="completion && completion.tracking !== 1" [src]="completionImage" [alt]="completionDescription$ | async">
*ngIf="completion && completion.tracking === 1"
<ion-button fill="clear" *ngIf="completion && completion.tracking === 1" (click)="completionClicked($event)"
[title]="completionDescription$ | async">
<img [src]="completionImage" role="presentation" alt="">

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import { Translate } from '@singletons';
import { CoreCourseModuleCompletionBaseComponent } from '@features/course/classes/module-completion';
import { CoreCourseHelper } from '@features/course/services/course-helper';
import { CoreEventObserver, CoreEvents } from '@singletons/events';
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';
* Component to handle activity completion in sites previous to 3.11.
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ export class CoreCourseModuleCompletionLegacyComponent extends CoreCourseModuleC
implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
completionImage?: string;
completionDescription?: string;
completionDescription$ = new BehaviorSubject('');
protected completionObserver?: CoreEventObserver;
@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ export class CoreCourseModuleCompletionLegacyComponent extends CoreCourseModuleC
this.completionDescription = Translate.instant(langKey, translateParams);
this.completionDescription$.next(Translate.instant(langKey, translateParams));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
@app @javascript @lms_upto3.9
Feature: It opens files properly.
Given the following "users" exist:
| username |
| student1 |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname |
| Course 1 | C1 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| student1 | C1 | student |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | name | intro | display | course | defaultfilename |
| resource | Test TXT | Test TXT description | 5 | C1 | A txt.txt |
| resource | Test RTF | Test RTF description | 5 | C1 | A rtf.rtf |
| resource | Test DOC | Test DOC description | 5 | C1 | A doc.doc |
Scenario: Open a file
Given I entered the resource activity "Test TXT" on course "Course 1" as "student1" in the app
When I press "Open" in the app
Then the app should have opened a browser tab with url "^blob:"
When I switch to the browser tab opened by the app
Then I should see "Test resource A txt.txt file"
When I close the browser tab opened by the app
And I press the back button in the app
And I press "Test RTF" in the app
And I press "Open" in the app
Then the app should have opened a browser tab with url "^blob:"
When I switch to the browser tab opened by the app
Then I should see "Test resource A rtf.rtf file"
When I close the browser tab opened by the app
And I press the back button in the app
And I press "Test DOC" in the app
And I press "Open" in the app
Then the app should have opened a browser tab with url "^blob:"
When I switch to the browser tab opened by the app
Then I should see "Test resource A doc.doc file"

View File

@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ Feature: It opens files properly.
And the following config values are set as admin:
| filetypeexclusionlist | rtf,doc | tool_mobile |
Scenario: Open a file
Given I entered the resource activity "Test TXT" on course "Course 1" as "student1" in the app
When I press "Open" near "Last modified" in the app
Then the app should have opened a browser tab with url "^blob:(first)?"
When I press "Open" in the app
Then the app should have opened a browser tab with url "^blob:"
When I switch to the browser tab opened by the app
Then I should see "Test resource A txt.txt file"
@ -30,26 +31,26 @@ Feature: It opens files properly.
When I close the browser tab opened by the app
And I press the back button in the app
And I press "Test RTF" in the app
And I press "Open" near "Last modified" in the app
And I press "Open" in the app
Then I should find "This file may not work as expected on this device" in the app
When I press "Open file" in the app
Then the app should have opened a browser tab with url "^blob:(second)?"
Then the app should have opened a browser tab with url "^blob:"
When I switch to the browser tab opened by the app
Then I should see "Test resource A rtf.rtf file"
When I close the browser tab opened by the app
And I press "Open" near "Last modified" in the app
And I press "Open" in the app
Then I should find "This file may not work as expected on this device" in the app
When I select "Don't show again." in the app
And I press "Open file" in the app
Then the app should have opened a browser tab with url "^blob:(third)?"
Then the app should have opened a browser tab with url "^blob:"
When I close the browser tab opened by the app
And I press "Open" near "Last modified" in the app
Then the app should have opened a browser tab with url "^blob:(fourth)?"
And I press "Open" in the app
Then the app should have opened a browser tab with url "^blob:"
When I close the browser tab opened by the app
And I press the back button in the app

View File

@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ Feature: It has a Behat runtime with testing helpers.
Scenario: Finds and presses elements
Given I entered the app as "student1"
And I press "Search courses" in the app
When I set the following fields to these values in the app:
| Search by activity type or name | Foo bar |
| Search | Foo bar |
Then I should find "Search" "button" in the app
And I should find "Clear search" in the app
And I should be able to press "Search" "button" in the app