diff --git a/src/core/features/grades/tests/behat/navigation.feature b/src/core/features/grades/tests/behat/navigation.feature
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b47038164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/features/grades/tests/behat/navigation.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+@app @javascript
+Feature: Test grades navigation
+ Background:
+ Given the following "users" exist:
+ | username | firstname | lastname |
+ | student1 | Student | first |
+ | student2 | Student | second |
+ | teacher1 | Teacher | first |
+ And the following "courses" exist:
+ | fullname | shortname |
+ | Course 2 | C2 |
+ | Course 1 | C1 |
+ And the following "course enrolments" exist:
+ | user | course | role |
+ | student1 | C1 | student |
+ | student1 | C2 | student |
+ | student2 | C2 | student |
+ | teacher1 | C2 | editingteacher |
+ And the following "grade categories" exist:
+ | fullname | course |
+ | GC C1 | C1 |
+ | GC C2.1 | C2 |
+ | GC C2.2 | C2 |
+ And the following "grade items" exist:
+ | gradecategory | itemname | grademin | grademax | course |
+ | GC C1 | GI C1 | 20 | 40 | C1 |
+ | GC C2.1 | GI C2.1.1 | 60 | 80 | C2 |
+ | GC C2.1 | GI C2.1.2 | 10 | 90 | C2 |
+ | GC C2.2 | GI C2.2.1 | 0 | 100 | C2 |
+ And the following "grade grades" exist:
+ | gradeitem | user | grade |
+ | GI C1 | student1 | 30 |
+ | GI C2.1.1 | student1 | 70 |
+ | GI C2.1.2 | student1 | 20 |
+ | GI C2.2.1 | student1 | 40 |
+ Scenario: Mobile navigation (student)
+ Given I entered the course "Course 2" as "student1" in the app
+ # Course grades
+ When I press "Grades" in the app
+ Then I should find "GC C2.1" in the app
+ And I should find "70" within "GI C2.1.1" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "20" within "GI C2.1.2" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "90" within "GC C2.1 total" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "GC C2.2" in the app
+ And I should find "40" within "GI C2.2.1" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "40" within "GC C2.2 total" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "130" within "Course total" "tr" in the app
+ But I should not find "GC C1" in the app
+ And I should not find "GI C1" in the app
+ # Course grades details
+ When I press "GI C2.1.1" in the app
+ Then I should find "Weight" in the app
+ And I should find "70.00" within "Grade" "ion-item" in the app
+ And I should find "60–80" within "Range" "ion-item" in the app
+ And I should find "50.00 %" within "Percentage" "ion-item" in the app
+ And I should find "Contribution to course total" in the app
+ And I should find "GI C2.1.2" in the app
+ When I press "GI C2.1.1" in the app
+ Then I should not find "Weight" in the app
+ And I should not find "Range" in the app
+ And I should not find "Percentage" in the app
+ And I should not find "Contribution to course total" in the app
+ But I should find "GI C2.1.1" in the app
+ And I should find "GI C2.1.2" in the app
+ When I press "Course total" in the app
+ Then I should find "130" within "Grade" "ion-item" in the app
+ And I should find "0–270" within "Range" "ion-item" in the app
+ When I press "Course total" in the app
+ Then I should not find "Weight" in the app
+ And I should not find "Percentage" in the app
+ # Cannot see grades from others
+ When I press "Participants" in the app
+ And I press "Student first" in the app
+ Then I should find "Blog entries" in the app
+ And I should find "Grades" in the app
+ When I press the back button in the app
+ And I press "Student second" in the app
+ Then I should find "Blog entries" in the app
+ But I should not find "Grades" in the app
+ # User grades
+ When I press the back button in the app
+ And I press the back button in the app
+ And I press the user menu button in the app
+ And I press "Grades" in the app
+ Then the header should be "Grades" in the app
+ And I should find "Course 1" in the app
+ And I should find "130" within "Course 2" "ion-item" in the app
+ # User grades course
+ When I press "Course 2" in the app
+ Then the header should be "Course 2" in the app
+ And I should find "GC C2.1" in the app
+ And I should find "70" within "GI C2.1.1" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "20" within "GI C2.1.2" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "90" within "GC C2.1 total" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "GC C2.2" in the app
+ And I should find "40" within "GI C2.2.1" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "40" within "GC C2.2 total" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "130" within "Course total" "tr" in the app
+ But I should not find "Course 1" in the app
+ # User grades course details
+ When I press "GI C2.1.1" in the app
+ Then I should find "Weight" in the app
+ And I should find "70.00" within "Grade" "ion-item" in the app
+ And I should find "60–80" within "Range" "ion-item" in the app
+ And I should find "50.00 %" within "Percentage" "ion-item" in the app
+ And I should find "Contribution to course total" in the app
+ And I should find "GI C2.1.2" in the app
+ When I press "GI C2.1.1" in the app
+ Then I should not find "Weight" in the app
+ And I should not find "Range" in the app
+ And I should not find "Percentage" in the app
+ And I should not find "Contribution to course total" in the app
+ But I should find "GI C2.1.1" in the app
+ And I should find "GI C2.1.2" in the app
+ When I press "Course total" in the app
+ Then I should find "130" within "Grade" "ion-item" in the app
+ And I should find "0–270" within "Range" "ion-item" in the app
+ When I press "Course total" in the app
+ Then I should not find "Weight" in the app
+ And I should not find "Percentage" in the app
+ # User grades course details — swipe
+ When I swipe to the left in the app
+ Then I should find "Course 2" in the app
+ But I should not find "Course 1" in the app
+ When I swipe to the right in the app
+ Then I should find "Course 1" in the app
+ But I should not find "Course 2" in the app
+ When I swipe to the right in the app
+ Then I should find "Course 1" in the app
+ But I should not find "Course 2" in the app
+ When I press the back button in the app
+ Then I should find "Course 1" in the app
+ And I should find "Course 2" in the app
+ Scenario: Mobile navigation (teacher)
+ Given I entered the course "Course 2" as "teacher1" in the app
+ # Course grades
+ When I press "Participants" in the app
+ And I press "Student first" in the app
+ And I press "Grades" in the app
+ Then I should find "GC C2.1" in the app
+ And I should find "70" within "GI C2.1.1" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "20" within "GI C2.1.2" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "90" within "GC C2.1 total" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "GC C2.2" in the app
+ And I should find "40" within "GI C2.2.1" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "40" within "GC C2.2 total" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "130" within "Course total" "tr" in the app
+ But I should not find "GC C1" in the app
+ And I should not find "GI C1" in the app
+ # Course grades details
+ When I press "GI C2.1.1" in the app
+ Then I should find "Weight" in the app
+ And I should find "70.00" within "Grade" "ion-item" in the app
+ And I should find "60–80" within "Range" "ion-item" in the app
+ And I should find "50.00 %" within "Percentage" "ion-item" in the app
+ And I should find "Contribution to course total" in the app
+ And I should find "GI C2.1.2" in the app
+ When I press "GI C2.1.1" in the app
+ Then I should not find "Weight" in the app
+ And I should not find "Range" in the app
+ And I should not find "Percentage" in the app
+ And I should not find "Contribution to course total" in the app
+ But I should find "GI C2.1.1" in the app
+ And I should find "GI C2.1.2" in the app
+ When I press "Course total" in the app
+ Then I should find "130" within "Grade" "ion-item" in the app
+ And I should find "0–270" within "Range" "ion-item" in the app
+ When I press "Course total" in the app
+ Then I should not find "Weight" in the app
+ And I should not find "Percentage" in the app
+ Scenario: Tablet navigation (student)
+ Given I entered the course "Course 2" as "student1" in the app
+ And I change viewport size to "1200x640"
+ # Course grades
+ When I press "Grades" in the app
+ Then I should find "GC C2.1" in the app
+ And I should find "Weight" in the app
+ And I should find "Contribution to course total" in the app
+ And I should find "70.00" within "GI C2.1.1" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "60–80" within "GI C2.1.1" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "50.00 %" within "GI C2.1.1" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "20" within "GI C2.1.2" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "90" within "GC C2.1 total" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "GC C2.2" in the app
+ And I should find "40" within "GI C2.2.1" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "40" within "GC C2.2 total" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "130" within "Course total" "tr" in the app
+ # Cannot see grades from others
+ When I press "Participants" in the app
+ And I press "Student first" in the app
+ Then "Student first" should be selected in the app
+ And I should find "Grades" inside the split-view content in the app
+ When I press "Student second" in the app
+ Then "Student second" should be selected in the app
+ But I should not find "Grades" inside the split-view content in the app
+ # User grades
+ When I press the user menu button in the app
+ And I press "Grades" within "Student first" "core-main-menu-user-menu" in the app
+ Then the header should be "Grades" in the app
+ And I should find "Course 1" in the app
+ And I should find "130" within "Course 2" "ion-item" in the app
+ And I should find "GC C1" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "30" within "GI C1" "tr" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "30" within "GC C1 total" "tr" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "30" within "Course total" "tr" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And "Course 1" should be selected in the app
+ # User grades — split view
+ When I press "Course 2" in the app
+ Then "Course 2" should be selected in the app
+ And I should find "GC C2.1" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "70" within "GI C2.1.1" "tr" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "20" within "GI C2.1.2" "tr" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "90" within "GC C2.1 total" "tr" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "GC C2.2" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "40" within "GI C2.2.1" "tr" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "40" within "GC C2.2 total" "tr" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "130" within "Course total" "tr" inside the split-view content in the app
+ But I should not find "GC C1" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should not find "GI C1" inside the split-view content in the app
+ # User grades details
+ When I press "GI C2.1.1" in the app
+ Then I should find "Weight" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "70.00" within "Grade" "ion-item" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "60–80" within "Range" "ion-item" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "50.00 %" within "Percentage" "ion-item" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "Contribution to course total" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "GI C2.1.2" inside the split-view content in the app
+ When I press "GI C2.1.1" in the app
+ Then I should not find "Weight" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should not find "Range" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should not find "Percentage" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should not find "Contribution to course total" inside the split-view content in the app
+ But I should find "GI C2.1.1" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "GI C2.1.2" inside the split-view content in the app
+ When I press "Course total" in the app
+ Then I should find "130" within "Grade" "ion-item" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should find "0–270" within "Range" "ion-item" inside the split-view content in the app
+ When I press "Course total" in the app
+ Then I should not find "Weight" inside the split-view content in the app
+ And I should not find "Percentage" inside the split-view content in the app
+ Scenario: Tablet navigation (teacher)
+ Given I entered the course "Course 2" as "teacher1" in the app
+ And I change viewport size to "1200x640"
+ # Course grades
+ When I press "Participants" in the app
+ And I press "Student first" in the app
+ And I press "Grades" in the app
+ Then I should find "GC C2.1" in the app
+ And I should find "Weight" in the app
+ And I should find "Contribution to course total" in the app
+ And I should find "70.00" within "GI C2.1.1" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "60–80" within "GI C2.1.1" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "50.00 %" within "GI C2.1.1" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "20" within "GI C2.1.2" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "90" within "GC C2.1 total" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "GC C2.2" in the app
+ And I should find "40" within "GI C2.2.1" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "40" within "GC C2.2 total" "tr" in the app
+ And I should find "130" within "Course total" "tr" in the app
diff --git a/src/core/features/mainmenu/components/user-menu-button/user-menu-button.html b/src/core/features/mainmenu/components/user-menu-button/user-menu-button.html
index b4eb942c5..1282c55ab 100644
--- a/src/core/features/mainmenu/components/user-menu-button/user-menu-button.html
+++ b/src/core/features/mainmenu/components/user-menu-button/user-menu-button.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/src/core/features/mainmenu/components/user-menu-button/user-menu-button.ts b/src/core/features/mainmenu/components/user-menu-button/user-menu-button.ts
index bece772fe..ec172ee32 100644
--- a/src/core/features/mainmenu/components/user-menu-button/user-menu-button.ts
+++ b/src/core/features/mainmenu/components/user-menu-button/user-menu-button.ts
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
-import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
+import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { CoreSiteInfo } from '@classes/site';
import { CoreUserTourDirectiveOptions } from '@directives/user-tour';
import { CoreUserToursAlignment, CoreUserToursSide } from '@features/usertours/services/user-tours';
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import { CoreMainMenuUserMenuComponent } from '../user-menu/user-menu';
export class CoreMainMenuUserButtonComponent implements OnInit {
+ @Input() alwaysShow = false;
siteInfo?: CoreSiteInfo;
isMainScreen = false;
userTour: CoreUserTourDirectiveOptions = {
diff --git a/src/core/features/mainmenu/pages/menu/menu.html b/src/core/features/mainmenu/pages/menu/menu.html
index 6ad0b0289..6984fb599 100644
--- a/src/core/features/mainmenu/pages/menu/menu.html
+++ b/src/core/features/mainmenu/pages/menu/menu.html
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@