MOBILE-2350 scorm: Implement SCORM provider and offline

This commit is contained in:
Dani Palou 2018-04-23 13:05:49 +02:00
parent 88c05ac157
commit 17ae2556e0
12 changed files with 2654 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
"asset": "Asset",
"assetlaunched": "Asset - Viewed",
"attempts": "Attempts",
"averageattempt": "Average attempts",
"browse": "Preview",
"browsed": "Browsed",
"browsemode": "Preview mode",
"cannotcalculategrade": "Grade couldn't be calculated.",
"completed": "Completed",
"contents": "Contents",
"dataattemptshown": "This data belongs to the attempt number {{number}}.",
"enter": "Enter",
"errorcreateofflineattempt": "An error occurred while creating a new offline attempt. Please try again.",
"errordownloadscorm": "Error downloading SCORM: \"{{name}}\".",
"errorgetscorm": "Error getting SCORM data.",
"errorinvalidversion": "Sorry, the application only supports SCORM 1.2.",
"errornotdownloadable": "The download of SCORM packages is disabled. Please contact your site administrator.",
"errornovalidsco": "This SCORM package doesn't have a visible SCO to load.",
"errorpackagefile": "Sorry, the application only supports ZIP packages.",
"errorsyncscorm": "An error occurred while synchronising. Please try again.",
"exceededmaxattempts": "You have reached the maximum number of attempts.",
"failed": "Failed",
"firstattempt": "First attempt",
"gradeaverage": "Average grade",
"gradeforattempt": "Grade for attempt",
"gradehighest": "Highest grade",
"grademethod": "Grading method",
"gradereported": "Grade reported",
"gradescoes": "Learning objects",
"gradesum": "Sum grade",
"highestattempt": "Highest attempt",
"incomplete": "Incomplete",
"lastattempt": "Last completed attempt",
"mode": "Mode",
"newattempt": "Start a new attempt",
"noattemptsallowed": "Number of attempts allowed",
"noattemptsmade": "Number of attempts you have made",
"normal": "Normal",
"notattempted": "Not attempted",
"offlineattemptnote": "This attempt has data that hasn't been synchronised.",
"offlineattemptovermax": "This attempt cannot be sent because you exceeded the maximum number of attempts.",
"organizations": "Organisations",
"passed": "Passed",
"reviewmode": "Review mode",
"scormstatusnotdownloaded": "This SCORM package is not downloaded. It will be automatically downloaded when you open it.",
"scormstatusoutdated": "This SCORM package has been modified since the last download. It will be automatically downloaded when you open it.",
"suspended": "Suspended",
"warningofflinedatadeleted": "Some offline data from attempt {{number}} has been discarded because it couldn't be counted as a new attempt.",
"warningsynconlineincomplete": "Some attempts couldn't be synchronised with the site because the last online attempt is not yet finished. Please finish the online attempt first."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,920 @@
// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { CoreLoggerProvider } from '@providers/logger';
import { CoreSitesProvider } from '@providers/sites';
import { CoreSyncProvider } from '@providers/sync';
import { CoreTextUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/text';
import { CoreTimeUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/time';
import { CoreUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/utils';
import { CoreUserProvider } from '@core/user/providers/user';
import { AddonModScormProvider } from './scorm';
import { SQLiteDB } from '@classes/sqlitedb';
* Service to handle offline SCORM.
export class AddonModScormOfflineProvider {
protected logger;
// Variables for database.
protected ATTEMPTS_TABLE = 'addon_mod_scorm_offline_attempts';
protected TRACKS_TABLE = 'addon_mod_scorm_offline_scos_tracks';
protected tablesSchema = [
name: this.ATTEMPTS_TABLE,
columns: [
name: 'scormId',
type: 'INTEGER',
notNull: true
name: 'attempt', // Attempt number.
type: 'INTEGER',
notNull: true
name: 'userId',
type: 'INTEGER',
notNull: true
name: 'courseId',
type: 'INTEGER'
name: 'timecreated',
type: 'INTEGER'
name: 'timemodified',
type: 'INTEGER'
name: 'snapshot',
type: 'TEXT'
primaryKeys: ['scormId', 'userId', 'attempt']
name: this.TRACKS_TABLE,
columns: [
name: 'scormId',
type: 'INTEGER',
notNull: true
name: 'attempt', // Attempt number.
type: 'INTEGER',
notNull: true
name: 'userId',
type: 'INTEGER',
notNull: true
name: 'scoId',
type: 'INTEGER',
notNull: true
name: 'element',
type: 'TEXT',
notNull: true
name: 'value',
type: 'TEXT'
name: 'timemodified',
type: 'INTEGER'
name: 'synced',
type: 'INTEGER'
primaryKeys: ['scormId', 'userId', 'attempt', 'scoId', 'element']
constructor(logger: CoreLoggerProvider, private sitesProvider: CoreSitesProvider, private timeUtils: CoreTimeUtilsProvider,
private syncProvider: CoreSyncProvider, private utils: CoreUtilsProvider, private textUtils: CoreTextUtilsProvider,
private userProvider: CoreUserProvider) {
this.logger = logger.getInstance('AddonModScormOfflineProvider');
* Changes an attempt number in the data stored in offline.
* This function is used to convert attempts into new attempts, so the stored snapshot will be removed and
* entries will be marked as not synced.
* @param {number} scormId SCORM ID.
* @param {number} attempt Number of the attempt to change.
* @param {number} newAttempt New attempt number.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined use site's current user.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved when the attempt number changes.
changeAttemptNumber(scormId: number, attempt: number, newAttempt: number, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
userId = userId || site.getUserId();
this.logger.debug('Change attempt number from ' + attempt + ' to ' + newAttempt + ' in SCORM ' + scormId);
// Update the attempt number.
const db = site.getDb();
let newData: any = {
attempt: newAttempt,
timemodified: this.timeUtils.timestamp()
// Block the SCORM so it can't be synced.
this.syncProvider.blockOperation(AddonModScormProvider.COMPONENT, scormId, 'changeAttemptNumber',;
return db.updateRecords(this.ATTEMPTS_TABLE, newData, {scormId, userId, attempt}).then(() => {
// Now update the attempt number of all the tracks and mark them as not synced.
newData = {
attempt: newAttempt,
synced: 0
return db.updateRecords(this.TRACKS_TABLE, newData, {scormId, userId, attempt}).catch((error) => {
// Failed to update the tracks, restore the old attempt number.
return db.updateRecords(this.ATTEMPTS_TABLE, { attempt }, {scormId, userId, attempt: newAttempt}).then(() => {
return Promise.reject(error);
}).finally(() => {
// Unblock the SCORM.
this.syncProvider.unblockOperation(AddonModScormProvider.COMPONENT, scormId, 'changeAttemptNumber',;
* Creates a new offline attempt. It can be created from scratch or as a copy of another attempt.
* @param {any} scorm SCORM.
* @param {number} attempt Number of the new attempt.
* @param {any} userData User data to store in the attempt.
* @param {any} [snapshot] Optional. Snapshot to store in the attempt.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined use site's current user.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved when the new attempt is created.
createNewAttempt(scorm: any, attempt: number, userData: any, snapshot?: any, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
userId = userId || site.getUserId();
this.logger.debug('Creating new offline attempt ' + attempt + ' in SCORM ' +;
// Block the SCORM so it can't be synced.
this.syncProvider.blockOperation(AddonModScormProvider.COMPONENT,, 'createNewAttempt',;
// Create attempt in DB.
const db = site.getDb(),
entry: any = {
userId: userId,
attempt: attempt,
courseId: scorm.course,
timecreated: this.timeUtils.timestamp(),
timemodified: this.timeUtils.timestamp(),
snapshot: null
if (snapshot) {
// Save a snapshot of the data we had when we created the attempt.
// Remove the default data, we don't want to store it.
entry.snapshot = JSON.stringify(this.removeDefaultData(snapshot));
return db.insertRecord(this.ATTEMPTS_TABLE, entry).then(() => {
// Store all the data in userData.
const promises = [];
for (const key in userData) {
const sco = userData[key],
tracks = [];
for (const element in sco.userdata) {
tracks.push({element: element, value: sco.userdata[element]});
promises.push(this.saveTracks(scorm, sco.scoid, attempt, tracks, userData,, userId));
return Promise.all(promises);
}).finally(() => {
// Unblock the SCORM.
this.syncProvider.unblockOperation(AddonModScormProvider.COMPONENT,, 'createNewAttempt',;
* Delete all the stored data from an attempt.
* @param {number} scormId SCORM ID.
* @param {number} attempt Attempt number.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined use site's current user.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved when all the data has been deleted.
deleteAttempt(scormId: number, attempt: number, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
userId = userId || site.getUserId();
this.logger.debug('Delete offline attempt ' + attempt + ' in SCORM ' + scormId);
const promises = [],
db = site.getDb();
// Delete the attempt.
promises.push(db.deleteRecords(this.ATTEMPTS_TABLE, {scormId, userId, attempt}));
// Delete all the tracks.
promises.push(db.deleteRecords(this.TRACKS_TABLE, {scormId, userId, attempt}));
return Promise.all(promises);
* Helper function to return a formatted list of interactions for reports.
* This function is based in Moodle's scorm_format_interactions.
* @param {any} scoUserData Userdata from a certain SCO.
* @return {any} Formatted userdata.
protected formatInteractions(scoUserData: any): any {
const formatted: any = {};
// Defined in order to unify scorm1.2 and scorm2004.
formatted.score_raw = '';
formatted.status = '';
formatted.total_time = '00:00:00';
formatted.session_time = '00:00:00';
for (const element in scoUserData) {
let value = scoUserData[element];
// Ignore elements that are calculated.
if (element == 'score_raw' || element == 'status' || element == 'total_time' || element == 'session_time') {
formatted[element] = value;
switch (element) {
case 'cmi.core.lesson_status':
case 'cmi.completion_status':
if (value == 'not attempted') {
value = 'notattempted';
formatted.status = value;
case 'cmi.core.score.raw':
case 'cmi.score.raw':
formatted.score_raw = this.textUtils.roundToDecimals(value, 2); // Round to 2 decimals max.
case 'cmi.core.session_time':
case 'cmi.session_time':
formatted.session_time = value;
case 'cmi.core.total_time':
case 'cmi.total_time':
formatted.total_time = value;
// Nothing to do.
return formatted;
* Get all the offline attempts in a certain site.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any[]>} Promise resolved when the offline attempts are retrieved.
getAllAttempts(siteId?: string): Promise<any[]> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSiteDb(siteId).then((db) => {
return db.getAllRecords(this.ATTEMPTS_TABLE);
}).then((attempts) => {
attempts.forEach((attempt) => {
attempt.snapshot = this.textUtils.parseJSON(attempt.snapshot);
return attempts;
* Get an offline attempt.
* @param {number} scormId SCORM ID.
* @param {number} attempt Attempt number.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined use site's current user.
* @return {Promise<number>} Promise resolved with the attempt.
getAttempt(scormId: number, attempt: number, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
userId = userId || site.getUserId();
return site.getDb().getRecord(this.ATTEMPTS_TABLE, {scormId, userId, attempt}).then((entry) => {
entry.snapshot = this.textUtils.parseJSON(entry.snapshot);
return entry;
* Get the creation time of an attempt.
* @param {number} scormId SCORM ID.
* @param {number} attempt Attempt number.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined use site's current user.
* @return {Promise<number>} Promise resolved with time the attempt was created.
getAttemptCreationTime(scormId: number, attempt: number, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise<number> {
return this.getAttempt(scormId, attempt, siteId, userId).catch(() => {
return {}; // Attempt not found.
}).then((entry) => {
return entry.timecreated;
* Get the offline attempts done by a user in the given SCORM.
* @param {number} scormId SCORM ID.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined use site's current user.
* @return {Promise<any[]>} Promise resolved when the offline attempts are retrieved.
getAttempts(scormId: number, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise<any[]> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
userId = userId || site.getUserId();
return site.getDb().getRecords(this.ATTEMPTS_TABLE, {scormId, userId});
}).then((attempts) => {
attempts.forEach((attempt) => {
attempt.snapshot = this.textUtils.parseJSON(attempt.snapshot);
return attempts;
* Get the snapshot of an attempt.
* @param {number} scormId SCORM ID.
* @param {number} attempt Attempt number.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined use site's current user.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved with the snapshot or undefined if no snapshot.
getAttemptSnapshot(scormId: number, attempt: number, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise<any> {
return this.getAttempt(scormId, attempt, siteId, userId).catch(() => {
return {}; // Attempt not found.
}).then((entry) => {
return entry.snapshot;
* Get launch URLs from a list of SCOs, indexing them by SCO ID.
* @param {any[]} scos List of SCOs. Each SCO needs to have 'id' and 'launch' properties.
* @return {{[scoId: number]: string}} Launch URLs indexed by SCO ID.
protected getLaunchUrlsFromScos(scos: any[]): {[scoId: number]: string} {
const response = {};
scos.forEach((sco) => {
response[] = sco.launch;
return response;
* Get data stored in local DB for a certain scorm and attempt.
* @param {number} scormId SCORM ID.
* @param {number} attempt Attempt number.
* @param {boolean} [excludeSynced] Whether it should only return not synced entries.
* @param {boolean} [excludeNotSynced] Whether it should only return synced entries.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined use site's current user.
* @return {Promise<any[]>} Promise resolved with the entries.
getScormStoredData(scormId: number, attempt: number, excludeSynced?: boolean, excludeNotSynced?: boolean, siteId?: string,
userId?: number): Promise<any[]> {
if (excludeSynced && excludeNotSynced) {
return Promise.resolve([]);
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
userId = userId || site.getUserId();
const conditions: any = {
scormId: scormId,
userId: userId,
attempt: attempt
if (excludeSynced) {
conditions.synced = 0;
} else if (excludeNotSynced) {
conditions.synced = 1;
return site.getDb().getRecords(this.TRACKS_TABLE, conditions);
}).then((tracks) => {
tracks.forEach((track) => {
track.value = this.textUtils.parseJSON(track.value);
return tracks;
* Get the user data for a certain SCORM and offline attempt.
* @param {number} scormId SCORM ID.
* @param {number} attempt Attempt number.
* @param {any[]} scos SCOs returned by AddonModScormProvider.getScos.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined use site's current user.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved when the user data is retrieved.
getScormUserData(scormId: number, attempt: number, scos: any[], siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise<any> {
let fullName = '',
userName = '';
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
userId = userId || site.getUserId();
// Get username and fullname.
if (userId == site.getUserId()) {
fullName = site.getInfo().fullname;
userName = site.getInfo().username;
} else {
return this.userProvider.getProfile(userId).then((profile) => {
fullName = profile.fullname;
userName = profile.username || '';
}).catch(() => {
// Ignore errors.
}).then(() => {
// Get user data. Ordering when using a compound index is complex, so we won't order by scoid.
return this.getScormStoredData(scormId, attempt, false, false, siteId, userId).then((entries) => {
const response = {},
launchUrls = this.getLaunchUrlsFromScos(scos);
// Gather user data retrieved from DB, grouping it by scoid.
entries.forEach((entry) => {
const scoId = entry.scoId;
if (!response[scoId]) {
// Initialize SCO.
response[scoId] = {
scoid: scoId,
userdata: {
userid: userId,
scoid: scoId,
timemodified: 0
response[scoId].userdata[entry.element] = entry.value;
if (entry.timemodified > response[scoId].userdata.timemodified) {
response[scoId].userdata.timemodified = entry.timemodified;
// Format each user data retrieved.
for (const scoId in response) {
const sco = response[scoId];
sco.userdata = this.formatInteractions(sco.userdata);
// Create empty entries for the SCOs without user data stored.
scos.forEach((sco) => {
if (!response[]) {
response[] = {
userdata: {
status: '',
score_raw: ''
// Calculate defaultdata.
for (const scoId in response) {
const sco = response[scoId];
sco.defaultdata = {};
sco.defaultdata['cmi.core.student_id'] = userName;
sco.defaultdata['cmi.core.student_name'] = fullName;
sco.defaultdata['cmi.core.lesson_mode'] = 'normal'; // Overridden in player.
sco.defaultdata[''] = 'credit'; // Overridden in player.
if (sco.userdata.status === '') {
sco.defaultdata['cmi.core.entry'] = 'ab-initio';
} else if (sco.userdata['cmi.core.exit'] === 'suspend') {
sco.defaultdata['cmi.core.entry'] = 'resume';
} else {
sco.defaultdata['cmi.core.entry'] = '';
sco.defaultdata['cmi.student_data.mastery_score'] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata, 'masteryscore');
sco.defaultdata['cmi.student_data.max_time_allowed'] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata, 'max_time_allowed');
sco.defaultdata['cmi.student_data.time_limit_action'] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata, 'time_limit_action');
sco.defaultdata['cmi.core.total_time'] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata, 'cmi.core.total_time', '00:00:00');
sco.defaultdata['cmi.launch_data'] = launchUrls[sco.scoid];
// Now handle standard userdata items.
sco.defaultdata['cmi.core.lesson_location'] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata, 'cmi.core.lesson_location');
sco.defaultdata['cmi.core.lesson_status'] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata, 'cmi.core.lesson_status');
sco.defaultdata['cmi.core.score.raw'] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata, 'cmi.core.score.raw');
sco.defaultdata['cmi.core.score.max'] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata, 'cmi.core.score.max');
sco.defaultdata['cmi.core.score.min'] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata, 'cmi.core.score.min');
sco.defaultdata['cmi.core.exit'] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata, 'cmi.core.exit');
sco.defaultdata['cmi.suspend_data'] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata, 'cmi.suspend_data');
sco.defaultdata['cmi.comments'] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata, 'cmi.comments');
sco.defaultdata['cmi.student_preference.language'] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata,
sco.defaultdata[''] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata,
'', '0');
sco.defaultdata['cmi.student_preference.speed'] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata,
'cmi.student_preference.speed', '0');
sco.defaultdata['cmi.student_preference.text'] = this.scormIsset(sco.userdata,
'cmi.student_preference.text', '0');
// Some data needs to be both in default data and user data.
sco.userdata.student_id = userName;
sco.userdata.student_name = fullName;
sco.userdata.mode = sco.defaultdata['cmi.core.lesson_mode']; = sco.defaultdata[''];
sco.userdata.entry = sco.defaultdata['cmi.core.entry'];
return response;
* Insert a track in the offline tracks store.
* This function is based on Moodle's scorm_insert_track.
* @param {number} scormId SCORM ID.
* @param {number} scoId SCO ID.
* @param {number} attempt Attempt number.
* @param {string} element Name of the element to insert.
* @param {any} value Value to insert.
* @param {boolean} [forceCompleted] True if SCORM forces completed.
* @param {any} [scoData] User data for the given SCO.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not set use site's current user.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved when the insert is done.
protected insertTrack(scormId: number, scoId: number, attempt: number, element: string, value: any, forceCompleted?: boolean,
scoData?: any, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
userId = userId || site.getUserId();
scoData = scoData || {};
const promises = [], // List of promises for actions previous to the real insert.
scoUserData = scoData.userdata || {},
db = site.getDb();
let lessonStatusInserted = false;
if (forceCompleted) {
if (element == 'cmi.core.lesson_status' && value == 'incomplete') {
if (scoUserData['cmi.core.score.raw']) {
value = 'completed';
if (element == 'cmi.core.score.raw') {
if (scoUserData['cmi.core.lesson_status'] == 'incomplete') {
lessonStatusInserted = true;
promises.push(this.insertTrackToDB(db, userId, scormId, scoId, attempt, 'cmi.core.lesson_status',
return Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
// Don't update x.start.time, keep the original value.
if (!scoUserData[element] || element != 'x.start.time') {
let promise = <Promise<any>> this.insertTrackToDB(db, userId, scormId, scoId, attempt, element, value);
return promise.catch((error) => {
if (lessonStatusInserted) {
// Rollback previous insert.
promise = <Promise<any>> this.insertTrackToDB(db, userId, scormId, scoId, attempt,
'cmi.core.lesson_status', 'incomplete');
return promise.then(() => {
return Promise.reject(error);
return Promise.reject(null);
* Insert a track in the DB.
* @param {SQLiteDB} db Site's DB.
* @param {number} userId User ID.
* @param {number} scormId SCORM ID.
* @param {number} scoId SCO ID.
* @param {number} attempt Attempt number.
* @param {string} element Name of the element to insert.
* @param {any} value Value of the element to insert.
* @param {boolean} synchronous True if insert should NOT return a promise. Please use it only if synchronous is a must.
* @return {boolean|Promise<any>} Returns a promise if synchronous=false, otherwise returns a boolean.
protected insertTrackToDB(db: SQLiteDB, userId: number, scormId: number, scoId: number, attempt: number, element: string,
value: any, synchronous?: boolean): boolean | Promise<any> {
const entry = {
userId: userId,
scormId: scormId,
scoId: scoId,
attempt: attempt,
element: element,
value: typeof value == 'undefined' ? null : JSON.stringify(value),
timemodified: this.timeUtils.timestamp(),
synced: 0
if (synchronous) {
// The insert operation is always asynchronous, always return true.
db.insertRecord(this.TRACKS_TABLE, entry);
return true;
} else {
return db.insertRecord(this.TRACKS_TABLE, entry);
* Insert a track in the offline tracks store, returning a synchronous value.
* Please use this function only if synchronous is a must. It's recommended to use insertTrack.
* This function is based on Moodle's scorm_insert_track.
* @param {number} scormId SCORM ID.
* @param {number} scoId SCO ID.
* @param {number} attempt Attempt number.
* @param {string} element Name of the element to insert.
* @param {any} value Value of the element to insert.
* @param {boolean} [forceCompleted] True if SCORM forces completed.
* @param {any} [scoData] User data for the given SCO.
* @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not set use current user.
* @return {boolean} Promise resolved when the insert is done.
protected insertTrackSync(scormId: number, scoId: number, attempt: number, element: string, value: any,
forceCompleted?: boolean, scoData?: any, userId?: number): boolean {
scoData = scoData || {};
userId = userId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteUserId();
if (!this.sitesProvider.isLoggedIn()) {
// Not logged in, we can't get the site DB. User logged out or session expired while an operation was ongoing.
return false;
const scoUserData = scoData.userdata || {},
db = this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite().getDb();
let lessonStatusInserted = false;
if (forceCompleted) {
if (element == 'cmi.core.lesson_status' && value == 'incomplete') {
if (scoUserData['cmi.core.score.raw']) {
value = 'completed';
if (element == 'cmi.core.score.raw') {
if (scoUserData['cmi.core.lesson_status'] == 'incomplete') {
lessonStatusInserted = true;
if (!this.insertTrackToDB(db, userId, scormId, scoId, attempt, 'cmi.core.lesson_status', 'completed', true)) {
return false;
// Don't update x.start.time, keep the original value.
if (!scoUserData[element] || element != 'x.start.time') {
if (!this.insertTrackToDB(db, userId, scormId, scoId, attempt, element, value, true)) {
// Insert failed.
if (lessonStatusInserted) {
// Rollback previous insert.
this.insertTrackToDB(db, userId, scormId, scoId, attempt, 'cmi.core.lesson_status', 'incomplete', true);
return false;
return true;
* Mark all the entries from a SCO and attempt as synced.
* @param {number} scormId SCORM ID.
* @param {number} attempt Attempt number.
* @param {number} scoId SCO ID.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined use site's current user.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved when marked.
markAsSynced(scormId: number, attempt: number, scoId: number, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
userId = userId || site.getUserId();
this.logger.debug('Mark SCO ' + scoId + ' as synced for attempt ' + attempt + ' in SCORM ' + scormId);
return site.getDb().updateRecords(this.TRACKS_TABLE, {synced: 1}, {
scormId: scormId,
userId: userId,
attempt: attempt,
scoId: scoId,
synced: 0
* Removes the default data form user data.
* @param {any} userData User data returned by AddonModScormProvider.getScormUserData.
* @return {any} User data without default data.
protected removeDefaultData(userData: any): any {
const result = this.utils.clone(userData);
for (const key in result) {
delete result[key].defaultdata;
return result;
* Saves a SCORM tracking record in offline.
* @param {any} scorm SCORM.
* @param {number} scoId Sco ID.
* @param {number} attempt Attempt number.
* @param {any[]} tracks Tracking data to store.
* @param {any} userData User data for this attempt and SCO.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined use site's current user.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved when data is saved.
saveTracks(scorm: any, scoId: number, attempt: number, tracks: any[], userData: any, siteId?: string, userId?: number)
: Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
userId = userId || site.getUserId();
// Block the SCORM so it can't be synced.
this.syncProvider.blockOperation(AddonModScormProvider.COMPONENT,, 'saveTracksOffline', siteId);
// Insert all the tracks.
const promises = [];
tracks.forEach((track) => {
promises.push(this.insertTrack(, scoId, attempt, track.element, track.value, scorm.forcecompleted,
userData[scoId], siteId, userId));
return Promise.all(promises).finally(() => {
// Unblock the SCORM operation.
this.syncProvider.unblockOperation(AddonModScormProvider.COMPONENT,, 'saveTracksOffline', siteId);
* Saves a SCORM tracking record in offline returning a synchronous value.
* Please use this function only if synchronous is a must. It's recommended to use saveTracks.
* @param {any} scorm SCORM.
* @param {number} scoId Sco ID.
* @param {number} attempt Attempt number.
* @param {Object[]} tracks Tracking data to store.
* @param {any} userData User data for this attempt and SCO.
* @return {boolean} True if data to insert is valid, false otherwise. Returning true doesn't mean that the data
* has been stored, this function can return true but the insertion can still fail somehow.
saveTracksSync(scorm: any, scoId: number, attempt: number, tracks: any[], userData: any, userId?: number): boolean {
userId = userId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteUserId();
let success = true;
tracks.forEach((track) => {
if (!this.insertTrackSync(, scoId, attempt, track.element, track.value, scorm.forcecompleted, userData[scoId],
userId)) {
success = false;
return success;
* Check for a parameter in userData and return it if it's set or return 'ifempty' if it's empty.
* Based on Moodle's scorm_isset function.
* @param {any} userData Contains user's data.
* @param {string} param Name of parameter that should be checked.
* @param {any} [ifEmpty] Value to be replaced with if param is not set.
* @return {any} Value from userData[param] if set, ifEmpty otherwise.
protected scormIsset(userData: any, param: string, ifEmpty: any = ''): any {
if (typeof userData[param] != 'undefined') {
return userData[param];
return ifEmpty;
* Set an attempt's snapshot.
* @param {number} scormId SCORM ID.
* @param {number} attempt Attempt number.
* @param {any} userData User data to store as snapshot.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined use site's current user.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved when snapshot has been stored.
setAttemptSnapshot(scormId: number, attempt: number, userData: any, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
userId = userId || site.getUserId();
this.logger.debug('Set snapshot for attempt ' + attempt + ' in SCORM ' + scormId);
const newData = {
timemodified: this.timeUtils.timestamp(),
snapshot: JSON.stringify(this.removeDefaultData(userData))
return site.getDb().updateRecords(this.ATTEMPTS_TABLE, newData, { scormId, userId, attempt });

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AddonModScormProvider } from './providers/scorm';
import { AddonModScormOfflineProvider } from './providers/scorm-offline';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [
export class AddonModScormModule { }

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