MOBILE-3738 behat: Prepare 3.9.5 tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@mod @mod_assign @app @javascript
@mod @mod_assign @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Test basic usage of assignment activity in app
In order to participate in the assignment while using the mobile app
I need basic assignment functionality to work
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@mod @mod_chat @app @javascript
@mod @mod_chat @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Test basic usage of chat in app
As a student
I need basic chat functionality to work
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@mod @mod_choice @app @javascript
@mod @mod_choice @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Test basic usage of choice activity in app
In order to participate in the choice while using the mobile app
As a student
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@mod @mod_comments @app @javascript
@mod @mod_comments @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Test basic usage of comments in app
In order to participate in the comments while using the mobile app
As a student
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@mod @mod_course @app @javascript
@mod @mod_course @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Test basic usage of one course in app
In order to participate in one course while using the mobile app
As a student
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@core @core_course @app @javascript
@core @core_course @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Check course completion feature.
In order to track the progress of the course on mobile device
As a student
@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ Feature: Test course list shown on app start tab
Scenario: View courses (shortnames not displayed)
When I enter the app
And I log in as "student1"
Then I should see "Course 1"
But I should not see "Course 2"
But I should not see "C1"
But I should not see "C2"
Then I should find "Course 1" in the app
But I should not find "Course 2" in the app
But I should not find "C1" in the app
But I should not find "C2" in the app
When I enter the app
And I log in as "student2"
Then I should see "Course 1"
And I should see "Course 2"
But I should not see "C1"
But I should not see "C2"
Then I should find "Course 1" in the app
And I should find "Course 2" in the app
But I should not find "C1" in the app
But I should not find "C2" in the app
Scenario: Filter courses
Given the following config values are set as admin:
@ -78,26 +78,46 @@ Feature: Test course list shown on app start tab
| student2 | Z10 | student |
When I enter the app
And I log in as "student2"
Then I press "Display options" near "Course overview" in the app
Then I should see "C1"
And I should see "C2"
And I should see "C3"
And I should see "C4"
And I should see "C5"
And I should see "C6"
Then I press "Filter my courses" in the app
And I set the field "Filter my courses" to "fr" in the app
Then I should not see "C1"
And I should not see "C2"
And I should see "C3"
And I should see "C4"
And I should not see "C5"
And I should not see "C6"
And I press "Display options" near "Course overview" in the app
Then I should find "C1" in the app
And I should find "C2" in the app
And I should find "C3" in the app
And I should find "C4" in the app
And I should find "C5" in the app
And I should find "C6" in the app
And I should find "Course 1" in the app
And I should find "Course 2" in the app
And I should find "Frog 3" in the app
And I should find "Frog 4" in the app
And I should find "Course 5" in the app
And I should find "Toad 6" in the app
When I press "Display options" near "Course overview" in the app
And I press "Filter my courses" in the app
Then I should see "C1"
And I should see "C2"
And I should see "C3"
And I should see "C4"
And I should see "C5"
And I should see "C6"
And I set the field "Filter my courses" to "fr" in the app
Then I should find "C3" in the app
And I should find "C4" in the app
And I should find "Frog 3" in the app
And I should find "Frog 4" in the app
But I should not find "C1" in the app
And I should not find "C2" in the app
And I should not find "C5" in the app
And I should not find "C6" in the app
And I should not find "Course 1" in the app
And I should not find "Course 2" in the app
And I should not find "Course 5" in the app
And I should not find "Toad 6" in the app
When I press "Display options" near "Course overview" in the app
And I press "Filter my courses" in the app
Then I should find "C1" in the app
And I should find "C2" in the app
And I should find "C3" in the app
And I should find "C4" in the app
And I should find "C5" in the app
And I should find "C6" in the app
And I should find "Course 1" in the app
And I should find "Course 2" in the app
And I should find "Frog 3" in the app
And I should find "Frog 4" in the app
And I should find "Course 5" in the app
And I should find "Toad 6" in the app
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@mod @mod_courses @app @javascript
@mod @mod_courses @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Test basic usage of courses in app
In order to participate in the courses while using the mobile app
As a student
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@mod @mod_data @app @javascript
@mod @mod_data @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Users can manage entries in database activities
In order to populate databases
As a user
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@mod @mod_data @app @javascript
@mod @mod_data @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Users can store entries in database activities when offline and sync when online
In order to populate databases while offline
As a user
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@mod @mod_forum @app @javascript
@mod @mod_forum @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Test basic usage of forum activity in app
In order to participate in the forum while using the mobile app
As a student
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@mod @mod_glossary @app @javascript
@mod @mod_glossary @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Test basic usage of glossary in app
In order to participate in the glossaries while using the mobile app
As a student
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@mod @mod_login @app @javascript
@mod @mod_login @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Test basic usage of login in app
I need basic login functionality to work
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@mod @mod_messages @app @javascript
@mod @mod_messages @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Test basic usage of messages in app
In order to participate with messages while using the mobile app
As a student
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@mod @mod_quiz @app @javascript
@mod @mod_quiz @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Attempt a quiz in app
As a student
In order to demonstrate what I know
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@mod @mod_quiz @app @javascript
@mod @mod_quiz @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Attempt a quiz in app
As a student
In order to demonstrate what I know
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@mod @mod_survey @app @javascript
@mod @mod_survey @app @app_upto3.9.4 @javascript
Feature: Test basic usage of survey activity in app
In order to participate in surveys while using the mobile app
As a student
@ -174,6 +174,26 @@
var observer = new MutationObserver(mutationCallback);
observer.observe(document, {attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true});
* Check if an element is visible.
* @param {HTMLElement} element Element
* @param {HTMLElement} container Container
* @returns {boolean} Whether the element is visible or not
var isElementVisible = (element, container) => {
if (element.getAttribute('aria-hidden') === 'true' || getComputedStyle(element).display === 'none')
return false;
if (element.parentElement === container)
return true;
if (!element.parentElement)
return false;
return isElementVisible(element.parentElement, container);
* Generic shared function to find possible xpath matches within the document, that are visible,
* and then process them using a callback function.
@ -199,194 +219,107 @@
* Finds an element within a given container.
* @param {HTMLElement} container Parent element to search the element within
* @param {string} text Text to look for
* @return {HTMLElement} Found element
var findElementBasedOnTextWithin = (container, text) => {
const attributesSelector = `[aria-label*="${text}"], a[title*="${text}"], img[alt*="${text}"]`;
for (const foundByAttributes of container.querySelectorAll(attributesSelector)) {
if (isElementVisible(foundByAttributes, container))
return foundByAttributes;
const treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(
acceptNode: node => {
if (
node instanceof HTMLStyleElement ||
node instanceof HTMLLinkElement ||
node instanceof HTMLScriptElement
return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
if (
node instanceof HTMLElement && (
node.getAttribute('aria-hidden') === 'true' || getComputedStyle(node).display === 'none'
return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
let currentNode;
while (currentNode = treeWalker.nextNode()) {
if (currentNode instanceof Text) {
if (currentNode.textContent.includes(text)) {
return currentNode.parentElement;
const labelledBy = currentNode.getAttribute('aria-labelledby');
if (labelledBy && container.querySelector(`#${labelledBy}`)?.innerText?.includes(text))
return currentNode;
if (currentNode.shadowRoot) {
for (const childNode of currentNode.shadowRoot.childNodes) {
if (!childNode) {
if (childNode.matches(attributesSelector)) {
return childNode;
const foundByText = findElementBasedOnTextWithin(childNode, text);
if (foundByText) {
return foundByText;
* Function to find an element based on its text or Aria label.
* @param {string} text Text (full or partial)
* @param {string} [near] Optional 'near' text - if specified, must have a single match on page
* @return {HTMLElement} Found element
* @throws {string} Error message beginning 'ERROR:' if something went wrong
var findElementBasedOnText = function(text, near) {
// Find all the elements that contain this text (and don't have a child element that
// contains it - i.e. the most specific elements).
var escapedText = text.replace('"', '""');
var exactMatches = [];
var anyMatches = [];
findPossibleMatches('//*[contains(normalize-space(.), "' + escapedText +
'") and not(child::*[contains(normalize-space(.), "' + escapedText + '")])]',
function(match) {
// Get the text. Note that innerText returns capitalised values for Android buttons
// for some reason, so we'll have to do a case-insensitive match.
var matchText = match.innerText.trim().toLowerCase();
const topContainer = document.querySelector('ion-alert, ion-popover, ion-action-sheet,,, html');
let container = topContainer;
// Let's just check - is this actually a label for something else? If so we will click
// that other thing instead.
var labelId = document.evaluate('string(ancestor-or-self::ion-label[@id][1]/@id)', match).stringValue;
if (labelId) {
var target = document.querySelector('*[aria-labelledby=' + labelId + ']');
if (target) {
match = target;
if (topContainer && near) {
const nearElement = findElementBasedOnText(near);
// Add to array depending on if it's an exact or partial match.
if (matchText === text.toLowerCase()) {
} else {
// Find all the Aria labels that contain this text.
var exactLabelMatches = [];
var anyLabelMatches = [];
findPossibleMatches('//*[@aria-label and contains(@aria-label, "' + escapedText + '")]' +
'| //a[@title and contains(@title, "' + escapedText + '")]' +
'| //img[@alt and contains(@alt, "' + escapedText + '")]', function(match) {
// Add to array depending on if it's an exact or partial match.
var attributeData = match.getAttribute('aria-label') ||
match.getAttribute('title') ||
if (attributeData.trim() === text) {
} else {
// If the 'near' text is set, use it to filter results.
var nearAncestors = [];
if (near !== undefined) {
escapedText = near.replace('"', '""');
var exactNearMatches = [];
var anyNearMatches = [];
findPossibleMatches('//*[contains(normalize-space(.), "' + escapedText +
'") and not(child::*[contains(normalize-space(.), "' + escapedText +
'")])]', function(match) {
// Get the text.
var matchText = match.innerText.trim();
// Add to array depending on if it's an exact or partial match.
if (matchText === text) {
} else {
var nearFound = null;
// If there is an exact text match, use that (regardless of other matches).
if (exactNearMatches.length > 1) {
throw new Error('Too many exact matches for near text');
} else if (exactNearMatches.length) {
nearFound = exactNearMatches[0];
if (!nearElement) {
if (nearFound === null) {
// If there is one partial text match, use that.
if (anyNearMatches.length > 1) {
throw new Error('Too many partial matches for near text');
} else if (anyNearMatches.length) {
nearFound = anyNearMatches[0];
if (!nearFound) {
throw new Error('No matches for near text');
while (nearFound) {
nearFound = nearFound.parentNode;
* Checks the number of steps up the tree from a specified node before getting to an
* ancestor of the 'near' item
* @param {HTMLElement} node HTML node
* @returns {number} Number of steps up, or Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER if it never matched
var calculateNearDepth = function(node) {
var depth = 0;
while (node) {
var ancestorDepth = nearAncestors.indexOf(node);
if (ancestorDepth !== -1) {
return depth + ancestorDepth;
node = node.parentNode;
return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
* Reduces an array to include only the nearest in each category.
* @param {Array} arr Array to
* @return {Array} Array including only the items with minimum 'near' depth
var filterNonNearest = function(arr) {
var nearDepth = {
return calculateNearDepth(node);
var minDepth = Math.min.apply(null, nearDepth);
return arr.filter(function(element, index) {
return nearDepth[index] == minDepth;
// Filter all the category arrays.
exactMatches = filterNonNearest(exactMatches);
exactLabelMatches = filterNonNearest(exactLabelMatches);
anyMatches = filterNonNearest(anyMatches);
anyLabelMatches = filterNonNearest(anyLabelMatches);
container = nearElement.parentElement;
// Select the resulting match. Note this 'do' loop is not really a loop, it is just so we
// can easily break out of it as soon as we find a match.
var found = null;
do {
// If there is an exact text match, use that (regardless of other matches).
if (exactMatches.length > 1) {
throw new Error('Too many exact matches for text');
} else if (exactMatches.length) {
found = exactMatches[0];
const node = findElementBasedOnTextWithin(container, text);
if (node) {
return node;
// If there is an exact label match, use that.
if (exactLabelMatches.length > 1) {
throw new Error('Too many exact label matches for text');
} else if (exactLabelMatches.length) {
found = exactLabelMatches[0];
// If there is one partial text match, use that.
if (anyMatches.length > 1) {
throw new Error('Too many partial matches for text');
} else if (anyMatches.length) {
found = anyMatches[0];
// Finally if there is one partial label match, use that.
if (anyLabelMatches.length > 1) {
throw new Error('Too many partial label matches for text');
} else if (anyLabelMatches.length) {
found = anyLabelMatches[0];
} while (false);
if (!found) {
throw new Error('No matches for text');
return found;
} while ((container = container.parentElement) && container !== topContainer);
@ -476,6 +409,29 @@
return 'OK';
* Function to find an arbitrary item based on its text or aria label.
* @param {string} text Text (full or partial)
* @param {string} [near] Optional 'near' text
* @return {string} OK if successful, or ERROR: followed by message
var behatFind = function(text, near) {
log(`Action - Find ${text}`);
try {
const element = findElementBasedOnText(text, near);
if (!element) {
return 'ERROR: No matches for text';
return 'OK';
} catch (error) {
return 'ERROR: ' + error.message;
* Get main navigation controller.
@ -497,7 +453,7 @@
* Function to press arbitrary item based on its text or Aria label.
* @param {string} text Text (full or partial)
* @param {string} near Optional 'near' text - if specified, must have a single match on page
* @param {string} near Optional 'near' text
* @return {string} OK if successful, or ERROR: followed by message
var behatPress = function(text, near) {
@ -506,28 +462,37 @@
var found;
try {
found = findElementBasedOnText(text, near);
if (!found) {
return 'ERROR: No matches for text';
} catch (error) {
return 'ERROR: ' + error.message;
var mainContent = getNavCtrl().getActive().contentRef().nativeElement;
var rect = found.getBoundingClientRect();
if (window.BehatMoodleAppLegacy) {
var mainContent = getNavCtrl().getActive().contentRef().nativeElement;
var rect = found.getBoundingClientRect();
// Scroll the item into view.
mainContent.scrollTo(rect.x, rect.y);
// Scroll the item into view.
mainContent.scrollTo(rect.x, rect.y);
// Simulate a mouse click on the button.
var eventOptions = {clientX: rect.left + rect.width / 2, clientY: + rect.height / 2,
bubbles: true, view: window, cancelable: true};
setTimeout(function() {
found.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousedown', eventOptions));
}, 0);
setTimeout(function() {
found.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseup', eventOptions));
}, 0);
setTimeout(function() {
found.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', eventOptions));
}, 0);
// Simulate a mouse click on the button.
var eventOptions = {clientX: rect.left + rect.width / 2, clientY: + rect.height / 2,
bubbles: true, view: window, cancelable: true};
setTimeout(function() {
found.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousedown', eventOptions));
}, 0);
setTimeout(function() {
found.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseup', eventOptions));
}, 0);
setTimeout(function() {
found.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', eventOptions));
}, 0);
} else {
setTimeout(() =>, 300);
// Mark busy until the button click finishes processing.
@ -547,7 +512,10 @@
var resultCount = 0;
var titles = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('ion-header ion-title'));
titles.forEach(function(title) {
if (title.offsetParent) {
if (
(window.BehatMoodleAppLegacy && title.offsetParent) ||
(!window.BehatMoodleAppLegacy && isElementVisible(title, document.body))
) {
result = title.innerText.trim();
@ -670,6 +638,7 @@
window.behat = {
pressStandard : behatPressStandard,
closePopup : behatClosePopup,
find : behatFind,
press : behatPress,
setField : behatSetField,
getHeader : behatGetHeader,
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// NOTE: no MOODLE_INTERNAL test here, this file may be required by behat before including /config.php.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../behat/behat_base.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../../lib/behat/behat_base.php');
use Behat\Mink\Exception\DriverException;
use Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class behat_app extends behat_base {
$this->ionicurl = $this->start_or_reuse_ionic();
* Opens the Moodle app in the browser.
@ -93,6 +93,33 @@ class behat_app extends behat_base {
* Finds elements in the app.
* @Then /^I should(?P<not_boolean> not)? find "(?P<text_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"(?: near "(?P<near_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)")? in the app$/
* @param string $text
public function i_find_in_the_app($not, $text='', $near='') {
$not = !empty($not);
$text = addslashes_js($text);
$near = addslashes_js($near);
$this->spin(function() use ($not, $text, $near) {
$result = $this->evaluate_script("return window.behat.find(\"$text\", \"$near\");");
if ($not && $result === 'OK') {
throw new DriverException('Error, found an item that should not be found');
if (!$not && $result !== 'OK') {
throw new DriverException('Error finding item - ' . $result);
return true;
* Checks the Behat setup - tags and configuration.
@ -282,14 +309,23 @@ class behat_app extends behat_base {
protected function prepare_browser(string $url) {
global $CFG;
// Check whether the app is running a legacy version.
$json = @file_get_contents("$url/assets/env.json") ?: @file_get_contents("$url/config.json");
$data = json_decode($json);
$appversion = $data->build->version ?? str_replace('-dev', '', $data->versionname);
$islegacy = version_compare($appversion, '3.9.5', '<');
// Visit the Ionic URL and wait for it to load.
function($context, $args) {
function($context) use ($islegacy) {
$title = $context->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath', '//title');
if ($title) {
$text = $title->getHtml();
if ($text === 'Moodle Desktop') {
if (
($islegacy && $text === 'Moodle Desktop') ||
(!$islegacy && $text === 'Moodle App')
) {
return true;
@ -297,20 +333,25 @@ class behat_app extends behat_base {
}, false, 60);
// Run the scripts to install Moodle 'pending' checks.
$islegacyboolean = $islegacy ? 'true' : 'false';
$this->execute_script("window.BehatMoodleAppLegacy = $islegacyboolean;");
$this->execute_script(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/app_behat_runtime.js'));
// Wait until the site login field appears OR the main page.
$situation = $this->spin(
function($context, $args) {
function($context) use ($islegacy) {
$page = $context->getSession()->getPage();
$element = $page->find('xpath', '//page-core-login-site//input[@name="url"]');
if ($element) {
// Wait for the onboarding modal to open, if any.
$element = $page->find('xpath', '//page-core-login-site-onboarding');
$element = $islegacy
? $page->find('xpath', '//page-core-login-site-onboarding')
: $page->find('xpath', '//core-login-site-onboarding');
if ($element) {
return 'login';
@ -327,7 +368,7 @@ class behat_app extends behat_base {
// page. If it's the main page, we just leave it there.
if ($situation === 'login') {
$this->i_set_the_field_in_the_app('', $CFG->wwwroot);
$this->i_press_in_the_app($islegacy ? 'Connect!' : 'Connect to your site');
// Continue only after JS finishes.
@ -491,18 +532,23 @@ class behat_app extends behat_base {
* @throws ExpectationException If the header text is different to the expected value
public function the_header_should_be_in_the_app(string $text) {
$result = $this->spin(function($context, $args) {
$this->spin(function() use ($text) {
$result = $this->evaluate_script('return window.behat.getHeader();');
if (substr($result, 0, 3) !== 'OK:') {
throw new DriverException('Error getting header - ' . $result);
return $result;
$header = substr($result, 3);
if (trim($header) !== trim($text)) {
throw new ExpectationException(
"The header text was not as expected: '$header'",
return true;
$header = substr($result, 3);
if (trim($header) !== trim($text)) {
throw new ExpectationException('The header text was not as expected: \'' . $header . '\'',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user